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Finance & Investing
You’ve said the “I do’s” or the big day is just around the corner. My greatest hope for you is that before you discussed what your epic wedding song was going to be for the first dance you’ve already talked in great depth on this subject: finances.
I get amazed at how many couples will overlook this incredibly important topic prior to getting married. Finances play a very large role in marriage, with investing shortly thereafter. As one of the leading topics of conflict in a couple, it’s crucial to have the conversations deep and early and honestly regarding finances and investments to avoid greater issues and disconnect down the line.
“Marriage has a major impact on your finances. If one partner is poor at managing expenses, doesn't communicate, puts the couple in debt, and isn't focused on the future, this can really drag down the other spouse and their financial situation,” shares Doug Raible, President of Sterling Heights Financial.
Combining finances as a married couple has incredible upside and opportunity as well. Raible continues, “If both spouses are adamant on saving, and investing for a common goal, then marriage can be extremely positive financially. Two people earning and investing will be much faster at building financial security than one individual on their own.”
Interviewing two leading experts in the financial and investing sector, here are five top tips for newlyweds to create financial and investing success early on: