WCE shipped to 59 schools in 16 developing countries: Bangladesh, Belize, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, India, Liberia, Mali, Mexico, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe.
WCE received 2,416 computers. Thanks to a support from Western Digital, we were able to upgrade to larger hard drives, allowing us to increase the amount of educational content loaded in each computer.
WCE hired Dr. Andrea Barrietos as the coordinator of WCE–Puerto Rico. WCE also provided more schools with computers and established a WCE Refurbishing Club workshop at Padre Rufo school in San Juan, funded by The Ciudadela Development and the 20/22 Act Foundation. Some of the new material for our Spanish content pack was created by University of Puerto Rico graduate students. WCE received a grant from Google for a project with the University of Puerto Rico to deliver professional development in computer science to 64 teachers. WCE recruited three additional schools interested in starting WCE Refurbishing Clubs.
WCE recruited four schools in four countries in Africa where WCE has Field Associates and they were paired with teachers from outside of Africa to work together on developing a resource that teachers could use to help them inspire girls to pursue careers in technology. One pair between a school in Illinois, USA and Rwanda resulted in WCE presented some Inspire Girls funding to a teacher in Rwanda piloting an after school inspire girls club.
CONTENT A team at WCE–Chicago doubled the amount of educational content that we loaded into computers by gathering rich varieties of content in English, French, and Spanish. This diverse digital library includes content in ten subjects such as health, agriculture, education, technology, and environment. All WCE Chapters preload this content in the appropriate language for our shipments abroad.
FRIENDS & FAMILY CAMPAIGN WCE raised $100,000 from 120 donors in December 2019 and January 2020.
SPONSORS WCE raised $100,000 from individuals, corporations, and foundations.