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Introduction and methodological note


World Family of Radio Maria Onlus worked during 2015 looking for ways to respond to the need of our changing world. Communication is one of the sectors which is changing very fast. As we are an association aiming at serving people through communication we have to be prompt to align to the need of people wherever we are called. Social communication is getting more and more important not only in a business and commercial perspective but also in the no-profit sector. Technology is changing rapidly; therefore as World Family of Radio Maria Onlus we want to innovative and use technology to improve life of people.

In Africa This intention finds an we started application in a project which several aspects of our work. intends to assist First, the people forced traditional radio broadcasting, to flee their which is the countries communication means we were born for is changing. Digital radio broadcasting is now a reality that requests us to be innovative in some parts of the world. It is something which in 2015 did not interest yet most of the developing countries where we work, but we are working in order to be ready when the time in which our partners need support in that field comes. Secondly, the “digital continent” made of social networking and social media is involving more and more people in the developing countries. The usage of internet related technologies is increasing drastically especially due to a wide and capillary presence of mobile phone operators in Latina America and Africa, which recently filled the digital gap with the developed world. As also in developing countries more and more people are users of social media, we increased our efforts in providing formation, assistance and support to our partners in order for them to use those tools efficiently in helpung their own beneficiaries. In particular we implemented a training course in Rwanda for journalists and workshops in Tanzania to students of Mass Communications aimed at forming youths in the art of communicating peace both via traditional means and social medias. In this particular case the project

with Saint Augustine University in Tanzania of Christians in countries like Syria, Giordania was confirmed and strengthened: a pilot and Iraq. Its aim is to provide moral and course in Peace Journalism done in Songea spiritual assistance and human education during 2015 has been transformed in a proper and promotion to the millions of persecuted course which now in 2016 is compulsory Christians both resident in the Middle East and for students attending the Bachelor in Mass seeking refuge in European countries. Through Communication. the internet they can not only listen but also The year 2015 was very prolific in terms Mariam. of new stations coming to life. In fact we take active part to the programming of Radio contributed to start up 5 new radio stations, Refugees are in Europe but also in Africa. three in Africa: Central African Republic, The case of political conflict in Burundi was Madagascar and Republic of Guinee and three not in the first pages of the newspapers and in Europe: Ireland, Latvia and a web radio in magazines in western countries, although Arabic language with a studio in Rome. This it provoked more than two hundred fifty is a project that was requested by communities thousand refugees in the neighboring countries. Our local partners requested our support and cooperation in METHODOLOGICAL NOTE order to provide services in the refugee camps in Rwanda and Uganda and to sensitize the For this fifth edition of our Annual Report we used population about refugees’ life information taken from several World Family’s conditions. With associations departments and individuals: and Ngos in Tanzania, ▶ Administration Rwanda and Uganda we ▶ Communication managers started a project which intends ▶ Technical Services to assist people forced to flee ▶ Continental Managers their countries giving back a “normal life” contributing to The information contained herein comes from the their education and integration following sources: in the countries that welcomed ▶ Minutes of the meetings and of the Board them. ▶ Letters, e-mails and communications to and from the stakeholders 2015 was the year of the 6th ▶ The Association’s management documents World Conference of Radio ▶ Reports from partners and local offices Maria, which was held in Collevalenza at the Divine Love Sanctuary (PG) from The document was approved by the Board held on the 25th to 30th of October. 24th of May 2016 and will be distributed by means This meeting are held every of circulars, newsletters and through the World three years and they are Family’s institutional website. attended by representatives The Annual Report refers to the World Family of of all associations which are Radio Maria ONLUS, and also contains a few pieces members of WF and other of information concerning its main stakeholders, stakeholders involved in its which are mainly Associations from several projects. During this edition countries. we had the opportunity to meet His Holiness Pope

Francis in a private audience in the Clementine Hall in Vatican City on 29th of October. It was a moment of joy for the work done and encouragement of the challenges and activities to come. The Pope recognized the value of the work of our organization in the whole world and spurred us to continue to serve the poor and the vulnerable wherever they are bringing Out of His words World Family of Radio Maria Onlus will focus in the next future to strengthen those activities which widen the possibilities for the poor to have access to information and knowledge for better humans in a better world. 

I invite you to persevere in your commitment, which has become a true mission, with fidelity to the Gospel and to the Magisterium of the Church, and to listen to the society and to persons, especially the poorest and most marginalized, in order to be for all your listeners a point of reference and of support. In fact, by spreading the Gospel and devotion to Jesus’ Mother and promoting love of the Church and of prayer, you offer a valid “channel” to hear beautiful reflections, to learn to pray, to deepen reflection on the contents of the faith, which build and enlarge the horizons. In this way, the Radio becomes a means that does not just communicate an ensemble of news, ideas of music without a leading thread, which could only seek to distract and perhaps amuse, but becomes a means of the first order to transmit hope, that true hope that derives from the salvation brought by the Lord Christ, and to offer good company to so many persons in need of it... always keep present that you give something great and unique: Christian hope, which is much more than simple spiritual consolation, because it is founded on the power of the Resurrection, witnessed with faith and works of charity. (From Pope Francis’ speech to World Family of Radio Maria Onlus during private audience in Vatican City on 29th October 2015)

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