2 minute read
Section 6: Economic and Financial Situation of the Organization
a) Source of Economic Resources, public and private streams individuated
The organization’s revenues and income amount to €12,127,881 and are broken down as follows:
Public contributions referring to the 5x1000 are as shown below:
Amount allocated in 2021: €268,186
Contributions and income refer mainly to allocations from member associations of the World Family of Radio Maria Non-Profit, from private persons, and from (non-member) companies.
b) Specific Information on Fundraising Activities
The World Family of Radio Maria does not conduct fundraising activities. Contributions come from grants paid by members.
The World Family proposes developing the Radio Maria Project in certain countries to its members who – during the event known as the Mariathon – raise funds directly from their supporter to underwrite such projects. In this sense, fundraising is carried out directly by the World Family's associated members through specific campaigns directed toward their supporters.
The funds raised by members have the express purpose of supporting and developing the previously described work. The main tool for providing information to the public about the resources collected and their destination is the informational brochure used in the various meetings with the members and made available on the internet.
The main members who have raised funds for projects in 2022 are:
- Collection of donations from Radio Maria: Austria, Costa Rica, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Malta, Panama, Romania Erdely, Slovakia Slovensko, Spain, Switzerland Ticino.
- Specific purpose: mainly developing countries;
- Tools used to provide information to the public about the resources collected and their designated use: Financial reporting/project presentation brochures.
c) Critical Issue Reporting by Administrators
Pandemic-related restrictions, especially during the first part of the year, have caused delays in the shipment of materials and assembly of some installations of existing projects needed to ensure safe operation. Where possible, it was decided to acquire materials locally, in the project beneficiary countries, and to use local or foreign installers where destinations could guarantee safe conditions for the interventions carried out.
Section 7: Other Information
a) Information on Pending Litigation and/or Disputes b) Information of an Environmental Nature c) Other Non-Financial Information
The organization is not involved in any litigation.
The work that the organization carries out has no significant environmental impact.
The organization has established the following actions to ensure gender equality: All training activities and projects are planned to benefit both genders. In particular, in some countries where women need to be more highly valued, radio programs suited to that purpose have been established.
The tools adopted to combat corruption are as follows: The organization ensures that all projects have transparent administration and that administrative staff are trained to ensure maximum transparency.
With regard to respect for human rights, the organization has adopted the following measures aimed at preventing violations and discriminatory attitudes and actions.
Through the Radio Maria Project, the organization promotes projects and activities aimed at raising awareness of respect for human rights and the integral development of the person; this includes through countless initiatives and projects in the area of training and human and socio-cultural promotion as well as through communication and the radio that, still today in poor countries, is the most effective tool in the formation of the human person and global citizenship.
The other traditional areas of intervention are vocational training, health care and prevention measures, agriculture, and the environment.
d) Information on Institutional Meetings
During the year, the following board meetings were held:
2 February 2022
President Vi?orio Viccardi, Fr. Livio Fanzaga, Alicia del Cid, Fr. Jorge Antonio Luna Casillas, Carlo di Maggio, Peter Sonneborn, Josè Manuel Quintanilla, Julius Humphrey Kira, Fr. Roger Wawa, Milad Shajrawi and P Fr. Raymond Cruz.
1. Membership fee for the year 2022.
2. Con/nental mee/ngs.
3. Any other business.
All the points were approved.