1 minute read
Our annual Mariathon has become the main artery of our worldwide mission. We’re seeing, not only how important it is for the mission of every Radio Maria station in its own country and for its listeners, but also how crucial it is for the expansion of Radio Maria in the world. As World Family, we have become like a large fishing net that the Mother is constantly throwing into the sea of this world to “collect fish of every kind” (Mt 13,47).
In 2023 we need once again a strong net to be able to land the fish that have been entrusted to us. This year is not just about starting new projects or expanding existing ones, it’s also about strengthening and renovating existing structures. To be able to do that, we ask each of our listeners, not only for donations, but also prayers and sacrifices, all with a spirit of gratitude and joy, because “God loves a cheerful giver”. (2 Cor 9,7). Then, our net will be ready for the numerous fish, and we will be able to say: “Even though there were so many, the net was not torn” (Jn 20,11).
Overall, the Mariathon is a time of grace and providence in which many things happen that leave a lasting mark and a blessing on our radio stations. For this reason, the logic of the Apostle Paul is decisive for us: “whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully” (2 Cor 9,6), which means, figuratively: he who asks abundantly, will receive abundantly.
Wishing everyone a good Mariathon!
May 2023
Joyful seekers of God