Magazine world is magnifique sept oct 2015 paper

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Magazine International real estate market - RealtyGoldWorld Limited registred 7311594 -

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All Brand are deposited and owned by announcer’s. Any reproduction or us of copies is prohibited. Worldismagnifique is authorized by Realty Gold World Ltd, Highland House, 165 The Broadway, Wimbledon, London, SW19 1NE, United Kingdom. Company number 7311594 Advertisement contact :

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Kridera Agency Bulgaria Select carribean properties agency Dominican Republic Dreamside Estates Limited Greece Sarm London United Kingdom Moneycorp London Realty Gold World Limited United Kingdom Graphics and Layout Real Estate World Investment London United Kingdom Investimenti Estero Italy Diffusion : worldwide agent—developer’s— Reopla Torino Italy embassy—private reader’s. Florida Immo Conseil USA Youblisher—Facebook-Slideshare-Issuu Booking Lanzarote Spain Downloadable on internet Club Teguisol Spain Harmony Suites Bulgaria Starling Hotel&Conference Center Geneva Switzerland The pubisher is not responsible for eventual mistakes of contents, pictures or any veracity regarding the offers inserted by the advertisers. Do not throw on public roads. Signed and Published articles reflect only the thought of their authors And do not commit the magazine. The contents are published under the total responsibility of the announcers, the publisher is relieved of any responsibility towards the readers. This magazine does not establish a contractual element towards thirds. RealtyGoldWorld Limited.

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United Kingdom, Why suitable place for companies ? A lot of contractors want

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Is it more easy opening a

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Accounting & Taxation Self-assesment tax return Booking Keeping, VAT

Audit & Assurance


Solicitors Accountants report

Chartered Certified Accountants

Consultancy Restructuring Budget

Open an English Company Conquers the World Consultancy : Skype : realtygoldworld

Page 4

Letter D

ear Reader, We thank you for your interest in our magazine. This year we tried to inform you about the worldwide real estate market. Indeed, our broadcasting is made only on the internet. The magazine is downloadable for free on our site as well as on several social networks. Our mail campaign to promote this magazine border 5000 monthly sending’s, targets are varied, embassies, professionals of the real estate, investors groups, consumer. We soon plan a first paper publication in a luxury version who, we hope for it, will become anual. This month, you will also find special Greek properties and Dominican Republic page, but also some beautiful properties from our announcers in different country. Find our announcers website following the link below:

Cher lecteur, Nous vous remercions pour votre intérêt envers notre magazine. Cette année, nous avons tenté de vous renseigner sur les évolutions du marché immobilier mondial. En effet, notre diffusion s’effectue uniquement sur internet. Le magazine est téléchargeable gratuitement sur notre site ainsi que sur divers réseaux sociaux. Nos envois mails pour promouvoir ce magazine avoisinent les 5000 envois mensuels, les cibles sont variées, ambassades, Professionnels de l’immobilier, groupes d’investissements, grand public. Nous prévoyons prochainement une première édition papier dans une version luxe qui nous l’espérons deviendra annuelle. Ce mois ci, vous trouverez également un dossier spécial Grèce et République Dominicaine, mais aussi quelques belles propriétés de nos annonceurs dans divers pays. Trouvez les sites internet de nos annonceurs :

Caro lettore, Vi ringraziamo per il vostro interesse nella nostra rivista. Quest’anno vogliamo provare ad informarvi sulle evoluzioni del mercato immobiliare mondiale. La nostra diffusione si effettua difatti, unicamente su internet. La rivista e scaricabile gratuitamente sul notro Sito come su diverse reti sociali. I nostri invii mail per promuovere questa rivista rasentano i 5000 invii mensili. I bersagli sono vari, ambasciate, Professionali dell’immobiliare, gruppi di investimenti, grade pubblico. Prevediamo prossimamente una prima edizione carta in una versione lusso che lo speriamo, diventerà annua. Questo mese, troverete anche un dossier speciale Grecia, e Republica Dominicana, ma anche alcune belle proprietà dei nostri inserzionisti in diversi paese. Ritrovate i siti internet dei nostri inserzionisti :

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All Brand are deposited and owned by announcer’s. Any reproduction or us of copies is prohibited. Worldismagnifique is authorized by Realty Gold World Ltd, Highland House, 165 The Broadway, Wimbledon, London, SW19 1NE, United Kingdom. Company number 7311594

Advertisement contact: Graphics and Layout: Diffusion: worldwide agent, developer’s, embassy, private reader’s. Issuu - Facebook Slideshare Downloadable on internet The pubisher is not responsible for even- tual mistakes of contents, pictures or any veracity regarding the offers inserted by the advertisers. Do not throw on public roads. Signed and Published articles reflect only the thought of their authors And do not commit the magazine. The contents are published under the total responsibility of the announcers, the publisher is relieved of any responsibility towards the readers. This magazine does not establish a contractual element towards thirds. RealtyGoldWorld Limited

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Contents Sommaire

Page 1 Cover Page 2 World is Magnifique details Page 3 Open Your company in UK with SARM Page 4 - 5 Letter—Contents—Sommaire Page 6 Real Estate a SURE VALUE Page 7 Golden Raimbow Page 8—9 Sweet Home Page 10 Select Caribbean properties Page 11 Interview Sabine A.MERTES Page 12—23 Dominican Republic Dossier Page 24 Dreamside Estates Ltd Agency Page 25 I Pollard Interview Page 26—31 Greece Dossier Page 32 Starling Hotel&Conference Center Geneva Page 33 Russian Support Page 34 Kridera Agency Page 35 Kristina Nenkova Interview Page 36 Bulgaria 2015 Page 37 Fascination of The Black Sea Page 38—39 Overseas Property Support Page 40—41 MLS International Page 42—43 Sunny Beach When the luxury meet you. Page 44Real Estate World Investment Page 45 Canarias Island Costa Teguise RESORT Page 46—47 World Is Magnifique Media Kit Page 48—49 Florida Investment Guide Interview Jeanine Huet Page 50—51 Booking Lanzarote, Canaris Island systems.

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L’immobilier reste une valeur sure ! Selon que l’on soit un investisseur Européen, Américain, Russe ou asiatique, ou bien des pays du golfe, les motivations de chacun peuvent être très différentes. Les difficultés rencontrées par les organismes bancaires ces dernières années ont semé le doute dans l’esprit des investisseurs. Bien que certaines banques réalisent des bénéfices, les décisions de certaines directions des banques ne donnent pas vraiment confiance. Les licenciements de personnel continuent, reventes de données personnelles de clients ou encore augmentation des frais de banques et des taxes par certains états sont autant d’éléments qui poussent les investisseurs vers d’autres types de produits. Dans ce contexte, vers quel produit investir ? L’immobilier : une valeur sure malgré la crise. La croissance démographique mondiale ainsi que l’augmentation des libertés individuelles à travers les pays de la planète de voyager ou investir dans d’autres pays contribuent à maintenir une demande globalement forte du logement. Mais tout le monde n’a pas le même but. Quel type d’investissement, et dans quel pays, en fonction de l’objectif recherché. Objectif Résidence secondaire, objectif logement expatrié, objectif investissement avec rente et faibles taxes, objectif transaction achat et revente avec profits, objectif prestige et luxe, les demandes des investisseurs sont nombreuses et variées, mais les projets sur le marché répondent à ces demandes ? De toute manière, L’état et votre banque ne pourront pas vous prendre l’argent que vous aurez converti en pierre, à conditions que vous soyez en pleine propriété. Un jour votre bien vaudra plus cher que ce que vous l’avez payé.

Secondo che siano investitori da Europa, America, Russia, oppure Asia, le motivazioni di ognuno possono essere molto diverse. Le difficoltà incontrate da le banche in questi ultimi anni hanno creato dubbi nella mente degli investitori. Anche se certe banche realizzano profitti, certe delle loro decisione strategiche non permettono tanta fiducia. Impiegati licenziati, rivendita di dati personali dei clienti, ed aumento di spese bancari oppure tasse di stati sono tanti di elementi che spingono gli investitori verso altri tipi di prodotti. In questo contesto, in quale prodotto inestire ? L’immobiliare rimane un valore sicuro. La crescita demografica mondiale, e l’aumento delle libertà individuali di viaggiare contribuiscono a mantenere una richiesta forte di immobili. Ma tutti non hanno lo stesso obbiettivo. Quale tipo d’investimento scegliere, in quale paese, secondo gli obbiettivi cercati. Seconda casa, Casa espatrio, investimento con reddito e poco tasse, acquisti e rivendite con plusvalenze pocco tassate, lusso ? Le richieste degli investitori sono tante, ma i prodotti sul mercato rispondono bene a queste esigenze? In ogni modo, le condizioni delle vostre banche e gli stati non potranno prendervi più il denaro

The real estate remains a sure value ! As we are an European, American, Russian or Asian investor, either countries of the gulf, the motivations of each can be very different. The difficulties met by the banking bodies these last years sowed doubt in mind of the investors. Although some banks make a profit, the decisions of certain managements of banks do not really give trust. The dismissals of staff continue, personal data of customers are sometimes sold or still increase of the expenses of banks and taxes by certain states are so many reasons with push the investors towards other products types. In this context, towards what product to invest? The real estate remains a sure value in spite of the crisis. The world population growth as well the increase of the personal freedoms through the countries of the planet, to travel, or invest overseas contribute to maintain a globally strong request of housing. But everybody don’t have the same goal. Which type of investment, and in which country, according to the sought objective. Objective second residence, Objective exiled housing, objective investment with annual income and law taxes, objective transaction purchase and resale with profits, objective prestigious and luxury home, the request of the investors are numerous but the projects on the market answer these demand ? Anyway, The States and your bank can’t take your money when you convert it in stone. But purchase in full property. One day your home cost more than you pay it.

Golden Raimbow

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Sweet Home From 35 000 â‚Ź

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Select caribbean properties For nearly a decade, Select Caribbean Properties has specialized in luxury real estate offerings in the Dominican Republic. With links to other agencies spread throughout the Caribbean, Europe and North America, this small but dynamic firm lists fine homes and building lots in the better communities of the north coast as well as large development parcels, farms and high-end commercial properties.

local real estate law and years of experience living in the Dominican Repua strong relationship with blic, and as a result, knows the realities of life reputable local attorthere. Intimate knowledge neys. Sabine has a of real estate laws, strong considerable experience relationships with good renovating existing pro- real estate attorneys and considerable experience perties and constructing building, renovating and, new villas to a high inter- finally, selling real estate ensure the prospective national standard. In investor of a professional, summary, the prospecti- profitable relationship with ve investor will find that positive results that will stand the test of time. a relationship with Select Caribbean Properties will Sabine A. Mertes prove both professional

Select Caribbean Properties, represented by

and profitable.


Mobile: 1-809-885-2260 Though there are dozens of real estate agenreflects an experience of cies in the Dominican Republic, many have 11 years. The result is existed for only a year or an intimate knowledge of two. Select Caribbean Properties has many

principal Sabine Mertes

Their customers are more than customers, they become friends. Living in the Dominican Republic is not only a dream, it can be reality.

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INTERVIEW Sabine A.Mertes Select Caribbean Properties.

Wim : Good Morning Miss Mertes, and thank you for your time today. Can you please inform our readers about your property target and market in your country ? Select Caribbean Properties is targeting the north coast of the Dominican Republic specially the towns Sosua, Cabarete, Rio San Juan and Cabrera. Wim : What do you think about the worldwide real estate market at this time ? The real estate market has changed a lot. Affordable properties are in demand. Price range from US$ 200.00 to US$ 450.000

A new market has been created in a price range between US$ 250.000 and US$ 500.000 Wim : What the foreign buyer’s must do when invest in your country to be quiet ? Contact a reputable attorney and establish a Dominican holding company for the property. Wim : What support the realtors can provide to foreign investors ? Recommendations for attorneys, architects, builders and interior designers. Guidance through all real estate transactions. Wim : The law in your country give tax advantages for the foreign buyer’s ? Yes, in the case of development projects.

Wim : In your opinion Realtors have changed attitude in this last 5 years?

Wim : Where is the best city to live in your country ?

Realtors did not change attitude but the client did.

The best area to be on the north coast is between the town of Sosua, Cabarete and Cabrera depending on what the client is looking for.

Wim : How the foreign buyer’s move in your country and who they are ? The Dominican Republic has clients from the USA, Canada, Europe and in the last years many Russians. Wim : What is the interest of a foreign property buyer to invest in a property in your country today ? The foreign buyer is looking for affordable property. 2-3 bedroom houses under US$ 450.000 Wim : What are the financial advantage to invest in your country ? Access to inexpensive construction labor and domestic help. Wim : How the property price have changed in this last year’s in your country ?

Wim : How much cost the final contract to the notaries ? Usually it is 1% of the sales price. Wim : What the buyer have to pay to the government if he resell a property ? There is a transfer tax payable and the amount depends on weather or no the property is held in a Dominican Corporation. Wim :How much income and how much tax when a foreign buy and rent a property in your country ? The amount of tax to pay depends on the location and the size of the property. Many thanks for your time Miss Mertes.

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Dominican Republic : Beachfront Villa between Sosua and Cabarete

This villa captures the essence of downtime, making the quintessential beach vacation home a reality in today’s fast paced world. This four bedroom beach front villa will calm your senses and feed your soul. Located in a pretigious gated community on the north coast of the Dominican Republic.

double as a functional residence as Ref: 214 perfectly as villa Windsong. Staying in this villa is truly an exotic expeStatus: Available rience that you will carry with you wherever you are.All 4 bedrooms, Beds: 4 Baths: 4 the media room, and kitchen are air conditioned.You can enjoy surLiving: 850 m2 round sound music and movies in (9,149 sq ft) the media room with your 60 inch Sony Vega.Ample laundry facility, Lot area: 5,015 m2 two staff bedrooms and bathrooms and the only four car garage on (1.24 acres) Sea Horse with direct access to the kitchen. All cedar closets.

Asian influences can be seen in the raised wooden entrance and the outdoor walkways, as well as the palapa facing the sunsrise for yoga, reading, or meditation. Native Dominican coral floors containing gorgeous natural shell shaped fossils, the bathroom shower's perfectly round white stones from Barahona as well hand made hemp rope on the rafters are the natural materials that inspire you to relax and live in harmony with the sound of the ocean. A cooks kitchen does not begin to describe the artfulness and simplicity of this unique and well-designed kitchen ideally suited for entertaining. An added bonus just outside the dining area, is the herb garden & brick pizza oven for a cooks kitchen grand finale. Although renters love this villa, an owner will be interested in how this villa meets your needs. Every detail has been thought of for your aquatic sports equipment usage and storage. The line between outdoor and indoor disappears in this open air villa, creating an ambiance of nature and enjoyment rarely available in residences around the world. An enormous master bedroom is located at one extreme of the villa offering privacy and tranquility while the other master bedroom and en-suite nursery Villa de Luxe en RĂŠpublique Dominicaine or bonus room is located on the guest wing with two other bedrooms. All rooms are de- Se renseigner en suivant le lien ci contre corated in elegant yet understated furnisOu bien en nous contactant directement hings. Rarely does an exotic vacation villa

Price: US $3,600,000

Sabine A. Mertes Principal Mobile: 1-809-885-2260

More details :

http:// /properties/cabarete/ luxury-villas/beachfrontvilla-between-sosua-andcabarete/

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From Select Caribbean Properties Ref: 355 Status: Available Price: US $268,000 Beds: 2 Living: 153m2 Condominium (1,647 sq ft) Baths: 2 Located in

New condominium development situated in front of crystal clear waters and the beach, close to downtown Sosua where most restaurants, hoREPUBLIC tels, residential developments, drug stores, shops, banks and supermarkets are located. SOSUA Available as two and three bedrooms units in different price categories. Varies between US$ 268,000 and 452,000 depending on location and floor level. Financing is available !


Sabine A. Mertes Principal Mobile: 1-809-885-2260

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From Select Caribbean Properties Dominican Republic

Vacation Villa for rent and for sale between Sosua and Cabarete Ref: 39 Beds: 5 Baths: 5 Living: 1,010m2 (10,872 sq ft) Lot area: 9,952m2 (2.46 acres) Enter its gated driveway and view one of the most incredible homes in the project. Every detail has been thought of in this beautiful home. Incredible lush landscaping, Orchid Gardens, natural stone walkways‌ This is the home to entertain in, with a fantastic pool area with its own island bar and views from the sea to the mountains. It even has a Billiard Room! Featuring 2 master bedrooms and 3 junior suites, this elite property offers a gourmet kitchen with seating option for 12 guests. A wonderful home with tremendous rental opportunities. Located in one of the most prestigious international projects on the North Coast. Set in a rural atmosphere, 24-hour security, stables and tennis located on the property. This project has many Million $ homes already in place and other homes under construction. Haciendas El Choco is just 20 minutes from the international airport in Puerto Plata (POP). Price: US $1,650,000

Art deco-inspired tropical masterpiece in Cabarete Ref: 312 Beds: 5 Baths: 5 Living: 711m2 (7,653 sq ft) Lot area: 3,690m2 (0.91 acres) Only a few minutes away from the international airport Puerto Plata, schools, supermarkets, restaurants and hospitals. This 7100 square foot villa is magnificently set directly on the ocean in an exclusive gated resort community which offers a tennis club, horseback riding and a beach club and small private beaches on its premises. There are five spacious air-conditioned bedroom suites, 4 en-suite baths and one adjoining bath. Two of the bedrooms are oceanfront and three have views of tropical gardens. A dining room and fully-appointed open kitchen surround the great room, all with spectacular ocean views . Price: US $1,895,000 -deco-inspired-tropical-masterpiece-in-cabarete/

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Sabine A. Mertes Principal Mobile: 1-809-885-2260

From Select Caribbean Properties Dominican Republic

Unique villa with breathtaking views for sale Ref: 181 Beds: 4 Baths: 4 Living: 1,000m2 (10,764 sq ft) Lot area: 10,415m2 (2.57 acres)

La villa est située sur une colline au-dessus de Sosua, sur la côte nord de la République dominicaine, à seulement 20 minutes de l'aéroport international de Puerto Plata (POP). Les 39 projecteurs transforment le parc en une scène d'un conte de fées . Le hall d'entrée a une grande fontaine en pierres de corail et mène à la salle à manger mauresque avec une voûte en plein centre et 6 colonnes abritant l'escalier en acajou. The villa is located on a hill above Sosua, on the north coast of the Dominican Republic, in one of the most prestigious international projects, just 20 minutes from the international airport in Puerto Plata (POP). The 12,500 sq. meter lot is designed like a park with wonderful ocean views. The 39 spotlights transform the park into a scene of a fairytale at night.Each spot on the property and each room offer a breathtaking view of the emerald green ocean, the surrounding mountains, valleys and palm forests. The entrance hall has a large fountain made of coral rocks and leads to the Moorish living room with a canopy of round arches and 6 columns housing the direct illumination.The mahogany staircase leads to the gallery and from there to an open-air bar covered with a roof. Two masterbedrooms are on the first floor, each with a big walk-in closet and fantastic bathrooms.A staircase leads to the sensational tower room with a roof terrace that offers an incredible oceanview, from Cabarete to Puerto Plata.2 Masterbedrooms in the main building,1 office,4 bathrooms, 1 powder rooms,40 sq. meter beautiful mahagony kitchen,Pool with integrated Jacuzzi located on an elevated terrace.Guesthouse with 2 bedroms, 2 bathrooms and kitchen area.3 bedrooms are equipped with air-conditioning, all rooms have ceiling fans.Villa has its own power supply and the water is stored on the property in a huge cistern.Housekeeping is done in the service area that has a room for electric power supply, a hobby den, a storage room for garden implements, a laundry room, an ironing room, a bedroom with toilet and shower for the maid. Price: US $1,900,000

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Ref: 306 Villa in Sea Horse Ranch, Cabarete, Dominican Republic Cette magnifique Villa et située dans l'élégant quartier résidentiel Sea Horse Ranch, sur la côte nord de la République dominic a i n e . Sea Horse Ranch propose une variété d'équipements intéressants comme un club de tennis, un centre équestre, Les piscines et un restaurant face à l'océan. Votre famille va adorer. Windward Villa a été conçu par un architecte américain primée et construite en 2009, l’accès à la villa se fait par des jardins tropicaux, sur un pont en bois qui enjambe un étang contenant Tilapia, Koi et tortues exotiques. Au rez de chaussée: 4 chambres, chacune avec salle de bain individuelle, Viennent ensuite cave à vin, salle à manger et cuisine gastronomique avec grand gardemanger qui s'ouvre sur une vaste cuisine extérieure. Sont également présents à la cuisine de vastes zones de services dont une blanchisserie, appartement pour le personnel avec salle de bain, zone de stockage et les salles des machines et garage 2 voitures. Le deuxième étage est accessible depuis le hall d'entrée par un escalier courbe spectaculaire contenue dans une tour d'escalier octogonale. A l’étage, deux chambres avec salle de bains privative et placards. Bien entendu Air conditionnée , yoga et salle de gymnastique viennent compléter la propriété. un open-air-ciel terrasse est accessible depuis la salle de presse par un escalier. la propriété offre une combinaison piscine et spa chauffée fabuleux avec piscine reflétant, terrasses de Coralina et cascade. L'aéroport international de Puerto Plata, à 20 minutes, offre un service aérien régulier quotidien de nombreuses villes américaines et européennes.

Plus d’infos Voir aussi Page 1 et Page 41

Sabine A. Mertes Principal Mobile: 1-809-885-2260

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http:// www.selectcari Page 18 properties/ cabarete/luxury

Ref: 25710 Caribbean Villa in Residential Resort for sale

-villas/ caribbean-dreamvilla-in-tropicalresort-for-sale/

Living: 1,450m2 (15,608 sq ft) Lot area: 2,658m2 (0.66 acres) Status: Available Beds: 7 Baths: 9 1/2 Price: US $3,600,000 Sabine A. Mertes Principal Mobile: 1-809-885-2260

The villa is located on one of the 3 largest and most beautiful resorts in the Dominican Republic, the 100 hectare large “Sea Horse Ranch”, situated between Cabarete and Sosua, 15 minutes away from the Puerto Plata airport. This extraordinary villa features striking design and excellent construction. The implantation and lighting of the gardens and lawns reflect a real understanding of tropical living and outdoor space while inviting owner and guest alike to reflect on their beauty. Upon entering through an exquisite German-made doorway of rare hardwood, one finds oneself in a foyer that hints dramatically at the luxury which awaits. The first floor offers three generous guest bedrooms, covered terrace with lounging area, dining, office, kitchen and the swimming pool area. The elegant staircase leads you to the two master suites and children rooms on the second floor. An approx. 150 m2 (1,614 sq.ft.) swimming pool with two chlori-

15 minutes away from the Puerto Plata International airport nators that transform salt into natural chlorine round out this magnificent villa’s features. All this is only 15 minutes away from the Puerto Plata International airport. The slightly elevated sea resort guaranties your security by means of a 24-hour, radio-connected patrol. At your disposal are tennis courts, an Equestrian Center, a pool and beach club featuring a restaurant by the sea, administration building to address homeowner’s needs, and a tight privacy policy which ensures that only desired visitors are allowed in. Built with distinctive and luxurious European quality, the villa is very discreetly and quietly located at the south side of the community, far from the main gate. The Chef’s kitchen offers gas and 110V /220 V power supply. The rest of the villa offers 110V and 220V power as well. Double garage and 4 outdoor parking spaces, laundry room with 2 washing machines, and staff bedroom with bathroom for 2 service personnel round out the total picture. Year of Construction: 2005

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Sabine A. Mertes Principal Ref: 306 Villa in Sea Horse Ranch, Cabarete, Dominican Republic Mobile: 1-809-885-2260 -horse-ranch-cabarete-dominican-republic-for-sale/

Windward Villa is a 6-bedroom Mediterranean-Style Villa and located in the elegant residential community Sea Horse Ranch on the north coast of the Dominican R









Sea Horse Ranch offers a variety of interesting amenities like a Tennis




Center, Ocean Front Pools and an Ocean Front Restaurant. Your family will love it. Windward Villa was designed by the award-winning American architect and built in 2009. One enters the villa through mature tropical gardens, across a wooden bridge that spans a fishpond containing Tilapia, Koi and exotic turtles. At ground level are 4 bedrooms each with en suite full bath. Next are wine

room, dining room and Gourmet kitchen with huge pantry that opens onto an extensive outdoor kitchen as well. Connected to the kitchen are extensive service areas including laundry, staff apartment with bath, storage and mechanical rooms and 2-car garage. The second floor is accessed from the foyer via a spectacular curving stair contained in an octagonal stair tower. From the 2nd floor landing, two bedrooms with en suite bathrooms and walk-in closets are reached. Another room, reached by a stairway off the landing, is currently used as a media space but with its two balconies and air-conditioned comfort, it could also be a wonderful exercise/yoga/gym space. Finally, an open-air skyterrace is accessed from the media room via a stairway and

door. Furthermore the property offers a fabulous heated pool & spa combination with reflecting pool, coralina terraces and waterfall. The villa is just a 2-minute stroll through palm groves to a series of spectacular beaches and sandy walking trails. The Puerto Plata International airport, 20 minutes away, provides daily scheduled air service from many US and European cities.

Ref: 306 Status: Available Price: US $2,350,000 Beds: 6 Baths: 6.5 Living: 1,000m2 (10,764 sq ft) Lot area: 3,500m2 (0.86 acres)

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From Select Caribbean Properties

Sabine A. Mertes Principal Mobile: 1-809-885-2260

Dominican Republic Ref 314

Modern Hacienda Style Home in Jamao Beds: 4 Baths: 4 Living: 800m2 (8,611 sq ft) Lot area: 14,161m2 (3.50 acres) An ultra modern solar Hacienda surrounded by 3 1/2 acre of land with panoramic views of mountain and the valley in Jamao al Norte, Dominican R e p u b l i c . 30-35 minutes away from the international airport Puerto Plata and 15 minutes the famous surf town Cabarete with its shopping facilities, banks, medical services, restaurants and exotic night life . More details :

Dominican Republic Ref 262

Commercial business for sale in Cabarete area Living: 1,000m2 (10,764 sq ft) Lot area: 3,000m2 (0.74 acres) Very motivated seller ~ Offers are welcome This is the business opportunity. Gas station available on the north coast of the Dominican Republic between Sosua and Cabarete and just a few minutes away from the international airport Puerto Plata. Highly profitable business opportunity including a gas station, super market, warehouse, administration offices, four commercial offices and a restaurant. The business produces a superb income from both residential and tourist traffic. 1. super market + warehouses + administration offices : 900m2 2. four commercial offices / shops : 20m2 + 20m2 + 20m2 + 40m2 = 100m23. Restaurant in cana : 60m2 with 24 seatsThe building is prepared for a second floor which is perfect for expansion of supermarket, additional rental offices or living More details : commercial-business-for-sale-in-cabarete-area/

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From Select Caribbean Properties

Sabine A. Mertes Principal Mobile: 1-809-885-2260

Dominican Republic Ref 392

Oceanview Penhouse in Sosua for sale Beds: 3 Baths: 2 Living: 250m2 (2,691 sq ft) Price: US $775,000 Amazing penthouse in Sosua with gorgeous sunsets every night, private beach access to the nicest beach of Sosua, panoramic pool directly over the ocean with whirlpool and a big sun-deck. This is one of the best properties in Sosua and a must see project. Stunning ocean views form Sosua to Puerto Plata with perfect sunsets every night, private beach access to the nicest beach of Sosua, panoramic pool directly over the ocean with whirlpool, big sun-deck, nice landscaping.The penthouse has aprox. 250m2 divided in 3 bedrooms (2 beds kingsize, 1 bed queensize) and offers sleeping accommodation for a total of 6 persons. The penthouse has 2 bathrooms (1 with whirlpool), a big kitchen with an island and breakfast-bar and a huge living-room with panoramic-views connected to the terrace. The place is Caribbean-styled furnished, A/C"s, cinema-TV's and decorated with nice artpaintings. It is a perfect location for living or renting in the finest condominium complex of Sosua. Everything you find in walking minutes: beach, supermarkets, restaurants, banks, medical care etc. 24 hours security and 2 privat covered parking spaces are available. More details : properties/sosua/condos/oceanviewpenhouse-in-sosua-for-sale/

Page 22

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Sabine A. Mertes LVING IN SEA SIDE Principal

From Select Caribbean Properties Dominican Republic

Mountain Villa for sale in Jamao Ref: 47 Beds: 4 Baths: 4.5 Living: 1,000m2 (10,764 sq ft) Lot area: 22,851m2 (5.65 acres)

This property is a magnificent, 10,000 sq. foot Mediterranean/Caribbean style Estate. Only 15 minutes away from Cabarete and 35 minutes to the International Airport in Puerto Plata The price for the existing villa plus 5.65 acres is US$ 595.000. If you wish to buy the whole land of 46 acres with the villa the selling price is US$ 895.000 This property is a magnificent, 10,000 sq. foot Mediterranean/Caribbean style Estate, only 15 minutes away from Cabarete and 35 minutes to the International Airport in Puerto Plata (POP). Set on the mountain with incredible panoramic views from every part of the property as well as the cool evening breezes. This Estate has been operating as a reservation only Gourmet restaurant and guesthouse. The possibilities are endless for this property. It can just be a great Caribbean Country Estate, Health Spa, Dude Ranch, B&B or a great ranching opportunity with cattle and horse breeding. From it's gourmet kitchen to it's large pool, the details will amaze you, but it needs to get finished. Seulement 15 minutes de Cabarete et à 35 minutes de l'aéroport international de Puerto Plata . Située sur la montagne avec une vue panoramique incroyable de toutes les parties de la propriété ainsi que les brises fraîches du soir. Ce domaine a été exploité comme une réserve ! Restaurant gastronomique et chambres d'hôtes. Les possibilités sont infinies pour cette propriété .

Page 24

With over 5,000 islands and thousands of miles of coastline, nobody can claim to know the whole of Greece. Hidden Greece. net is owned by a U.K company, Dreamside Estates Ltd. (Company No. 6508682) and specialize in real estate in those islands and parts of the mainland of Greece, which we have come to know over the past thirty years. In addition we have a network of real estate agents both on the mainland and in the Greek islands, with whom we co-operate. These are mainly those who have an international background in real estate and who are aware of the level of service which clients expect to receive. So if you do not find the property you are looking for, on our web site, we will be happy to try and find it for you, through our network of real estate agents. Roula Pollard Phone : +30 21 08 99 5006

Page 25

IAN POLLARD, CEO, HIDDENGREECE REAL ESTATE LTD—GREECE Wim : First, we would like to thank you for use your time to inform our readers about the useful real estate market information in your country. I Pollard : thank you very much too! Wim : Can you please inform our readers about your property target and market in your country ? I Pollard : We specialize in hotels of all types and Holiday Resorts; also in villas, 100.000 – 10.000.000 euro, Plots of land 500m2 to 1.200.000 m2. Interest in real estate in Greece has soared over the last year. The number of viewings has risen sharply and hits to our website have more than doubled from a year ago.

Wim : What do you think about the worldwide real estate market at this time ?

Wim : In your opinion Realtors have changed attitude in this last 5 years?

I Pollard : Is there is no such thing as a worldwide real estate market. China can not be said to be the same market as the USA or the UK. The questions shows a lack of understanding about real estate markets. Basically each country has its own market, based on its own circumstances and attractiveness.

I Pollard : Not very much. Most realtors in Greece are still 20 years out of date both in their attitude, their level of service and competence and in the use of technology. Realtors in other countries use new technology and modern marketing.

Wim : What is the interest of a foreign property buyer to invest in a property in your country toWim : How the foreign buyer’s day ? move in your country and who they are ? I Pollard : The interest is firstly from investors and secondly from I Pollard : At present Russian the over 40’s looking for a holiand Scandinavian investors buy day home or seeking to retire in large villas and plots of land. HoGreece. tel investors will show interest after the General elections in September.

Invest in Greece

What the foreign buyer’s must do when invest in your country ? It is not possible

Wim : What the foreign Wim : What are the financial

Wim : How much income

advantage to invest in your country ? I Pollard : Real estate prices are cheap. Tourism is booming both for hotels and for holiday villas which can produce a high rental income. Many hotels have Wim : How the property price halved in price so the capital have changed in this last outlay can be much lower than in many other countries. Large land year’s in your country ? plots are also comparatively I Pollard : They have fallen cheap by about 20% on average

and how much tax when a foreign buy and rent a property in your country ? I Pollard : A foreign owner should pay tax on his rental income from renting a Greek property around 10%. He should seek tax advice in the country where he lives, as to whether to pay tax there or in Greece. With some countries Greece has a double taxation treaty.

buyer’s must do when invest in your country ? I Pollard : It is not possible to buy real real estate in Greece without having first obtained a Greek tax number from the tax office

Greek property charms

to buy real real estate in Greece without having first obtained a Greek tax number From the tax office

Tax Procedure Wim : How the property Wim : What support the realprice have changed in this tors can provide to foreign last year’s in your coun- investors ? try ? I Pollard : To advise invesI Pollard : They have tors about; fallen by about 20% on 1. Different types of investments - tourism and leisure, average commercial property, hotels Wim : How much cost the and residential properties and final contract to the nota- holiday villas ries ? 2. Procedures in Greece, taxes, costs, legal requireI Pollard : The notary fee ments for the purchase monusually varies between ies and visa and residence 1% and 2% requirements.

Wim : What the buyer have to pay to the government if he resell a property ? I Pollard : Capital gains tax at the rate of 15% of any gain, calculated according to a sliding scale. Thank you for your informations Mister Pollard.



Page 26

Greece : Paros cyclades 5 bedrooms Luxury Villa


Paros, Cyclades, 5 bedroom luxury villa, stunning sea views, swimming pool, investment potential

Dreamside Estates

This luxury 190m2 villa, set on a plot of 1000m2, overlooking the bay of Paroikia and the neighboring islands of the Cyclades, is suitable for permanent residence, holiday home or as an investment property.

Agency in Greece

Ground Floor: Living room, dining room, three double bedrooms each with en suite facilities, a double bedroom, house bathroom, large fitted kitchen with eye level oven, gas, electric hobs and luxurious appliances. First Floor: Double bedroom with beamed ceiling.

Contact : Roula Pollard Mail :

From the international airport, there are three flights per day to Athens and in the summer regular charter flights from many western European countries. PRICE: 350.000 euro (reduced from 700.000 euro)

Page 27

Greece : Villa in Andros Island

From Dreamside Estates Agency in Greece

Contact : Roula Pollard Mail :

Andros, 300 years old island house, excellent sea view Apoikia, one of the prettiest villages in Andros, is 15΄ from the capital of the island Chora, noted for its Venetian buildings and marble paved streets. This 97m2 house is built on a plot of approx. 500m2 and has: Ground Floor: Hall, two double bedrooms, bathroom with shower. PRICE: 325.000 euro (reduced) This 97m2 house is built on a plot of approx. 500m2 and has: Ground Floor: Hall, two double bedrooms, bathroom with shower. First Floor: Living room, dining room, kitchen, one double bedroom, bathroom with bath. Solar panels on the roof. Garden with stone patios/terraces, pergola and flower beds. This is a house of warmth and character, enhanced by traditional features: beamed and pine boarded ceilings and one meter thick stonewalls. This house is believed to be 300 years old, originally a silk mill. It is 40m back from the road and enjoys excellent sea and mountain views. Transport from Rafina (Attica) to Andros is by ferry, 1hr 15΄.

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Greece : Panormos Eratini

From Dreamside Estates Agency in Greece Contact : Roula Pollard

Unique villa located in the beautiful bay of Panormos in the province of Fokida, Greece, 50΄ drive from the ancient site of Delphi, 60΄ drive from Parnassos ski resort, near Arahova. Many picturesque villages and historic destinations nearby: the towns of Nafpaktos, Galaxidi, Itea, Amfissa etc. Built on a 1.350 m2 plot on two main floors and a semi-ground floor. Total area: 600 m2 of high quality technical features PRICE: 1.100.000 euro, including furniture and fittings (reduced from 1.600.000 euro)

Mail : The high quality furniture and fittings of this villa, worth 120,000 €, are included in the price.

Page 29

Greece : Stone villa in Sitia Crete

From Dreamside Estates Agency in Greece Contact : Roula Pollard Mail :

Magnificent stone villa with swimming pool, excellent views, in Sitia, Crete This new 153m2 villa is built on a 2.800 m2 plot of land. Ground floor: Large living room, separate fully furnished kitchen, WC. 130 m2, veranda/balcony, 60m2 covered with pergola. Two marble dining tables for 12 people. Excellent view over 55m2 swimming pool, the garden and the Sitia bay. First floor: Two double bedrooms with their own bathrooms, balconies 90m2. Semi-ground floor: Apartment 47m2: Large living room, beautiful view to its own rose garden, double bedroom and bathroom with cabin shower. Three parking spaces. The famous palm forest beach of Vai, Kserokambos and Kouremenos beaches and the Minoan Palace of Zakros are nearby. PRICE: 585,000 â‚Ź including new high quality furniture and fittings

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Greece : Villa 5 bedrooms in Kalamos

From Dreamside Estates

Kalamos, 5 bedroom luxury villa with astonishing sea and mountain view This 320m2, three storey luxury villa, built in 2009 on a plot of 425m2, overlooks the Gulf and the mountains of Evia.

Agency in Greece

Roula Pollard

39km from Athens and 59km from the international airport, provides a full range of shopping facilities, a community clinic, pharmacy, bank, schools, as well as cafeterias and bars. Other facilities along the coast include a small marina, a large marina, a sailing school and an archaeological site. Kalamos is only a short distance from the small coastal resort of Agioi Apostoli.

Mail :

PRICE: 520.000 euro

Contact :

Page 31

Greece : Sitia Bay CRETE


This new 135m2 villa is built on a 2.550m2 plot of land.

Dreamside Estates

Ground floor: Large living room, fully furnished kitchen, one double bedroom with ensuite bathroom, WC. First floor: two double bedrooms, one with ensuite bathroom, one bathroom, WC.

Agency in Greece

On the ground floor 73m2 balconies/verandas/pergola, with marble table for 8 persons, beautiful garden and unique view over Sitia bay. Balconies on the first floor 33m2.

Contact : PRICE: 380,000 â‚Ź Roula Pollard Mail :

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Page 34

KRIDERA sea, mountain, SPA, luxury properties, apartments, houses, villas, offices, yachts, maisonettes, plots, storehouses, hotels, complexes, one bedroom apartments, two bedroom apartments, three bedroom apartments, multi bedroom apartments, parlors, lofts, garages.

Real estate agency “KRIDERA” offers a wide range of properties for sale and rent in Bulgaria and abroad in the following categories:

A wide range of properties in Bulgaria

Bulgaria is a country situated in southeastern Europe, Bulgaria features notable diversity with the landscape ranging from the Alpine snow-capped peaks in Rila, Pirin and the Balkan Mountains to the mild and sunny Black Sea coast; from the typically continental Danubian Plain (ancient Moesia) in the

New and favorable offers

Real Estate Agency " K R I D E R A " ! Give yourself the comfort, benefit and prestige! Wim : How the property price have changed in this last year’s in your country ? K Nenkova : In this last 5 years the prices shut down around 45% But now start again to go up.


n o r t h t o t h e strong Mediterranean climatic influence in the valleys of Macedonia and in the lowlands in the southernmost parts of Thrace. Considering its small area, Bulgaria has an unusually variable and complex climate. The country lies between t h e s t r o n g ly c o n t r a s ting continental and Mediterr

anean climatic zones. Temperatures are average -3 *C in January and 28*C in August.The Bulgarian lands are ancient crossroads. They were populated from remote antiquity and remember many ancient civilizations. The state of Bulgaria has 1300 years old history.

Wim : First, we would like to thank you for your time to inform our readers about the useful real estate market information in your country.

Finance - how much does it cost to buy a property in Black Sea ?

Tout d’abord, nous voudrions vous remercier pour votre temps et vos informations pour nos lecteurs à propos du marché immobilier en Bulgarie.

Page 35

Kristina NENKOVA one year, we starting to develop business relationships with European partners and clients. Especially in Italy, France, United Kingdom. Jusqu’à present nous avions beaucoup de clients Russes, la situation change et depuis un an nous avons des relations avec des partenaires et clients en Europe.

Wim : What is the interest of a foreign property buyer to invest in a property in your country today ? Quel intérêt d’investir dans votre pays aujourd’hui ?

Kridera Agency Bulgaria Wim : Can you please inform our readers about your property target and market in your country ? Pourriez vous indiquer votre cible de marché et propriétés dans votre pays ?

K Nenkova : Agency Kridera is a family company situated in Bulgaria, born in 1993. We are offering a different types of properties from vacation to business estates. Kridera est une enterprise familiale depuis 1993. Nous proposons divers types de biens immobilier touristiques et d’affaires.

Wim : What do you think about the worldwide real estate market at this time ? Que pensez vous du marché immobilier mondial actuel ?

K Nenkova : As we can see in the European Capital the price of the property are usually expensive. From 7000 €/ sqm. It’s not the same in Bulgaria, In Sofia it start from 700 € and on the black sea cost from 500 € in a residential building, and from 800 in a 5 star complex. Comme nous pouvons le constater dans les capitales Européennes les propriétés coûtent habituellement à partir de 7000 € le metre carré. Ce n’est pas le cas en Bulgarie, a Sofia cela démarre à 700 € le metre carré et au bord de la mer noire à partir de 500€ dans un immeuble residentiel et 800 € dans un complexe 5 étoiles.

Wim : In your opinion Realtors have changed attitude in this last 5 years? A votre avis, les agents immobilier ont changé d’attitude ces 5 dernières années ? K Nenkova : In Bulgaria, the real estate agencies today work a lot with foreign buyers and with internet tools. The Bulgarian agents propose a lot of services, like bank account opening, lawyers introduction... Aujourd’hui en Bulgarie, les agents immobiliers travaillent beaucoup avec des acquéreurs étrangers et les outils internet. Les agents proposent désormais beaucoup de services, comme ouverture de compte bancaires, introduction auprès d’avocats, et notaires.

Wim : How the foreign buyer’s move in your country and who they are ? Comment agissent les acquéreurs étrangers dans votre

K Nenkova : First, we have to consider that the price of the properties are still cheap, and give the possibility of a future profit. But you have to know, that its not only for this foreign buyers have to come, the price life, the economy, the weather, the tax are a lot of more reason of a suitable life. Black sea is a wonderful holiday place, calm, and so touristic in high season. Tout d’abord car les prix sont encore bas, et laissent présager de futurs profits. Mais vous devez savoir que le coût de la vie, le développement économique, le climat, le système fiscal sont autant de raisons de plus pour une belle vie. La mer noire est un endroit de vacances merveilleux, calme et très touristique en haute saison.

Wim : What the foreign buyer’s must do when invest in your country to be quiet ? Que doivent faire les acquéreurs étrangers pour être sereins ?

K Nenkova : It will be safe to contact a real estate agent, because the law are different and he will inform and advice you. But you know, to open a bank account it’s very easy, and the final contracts are all the time writed by solicitor. Il peut être sage d’entrer en contact avec une agence immobilière car les lois sont différentes et nous vous informons. Ceci dit, pour ouvrir un compte bancaire c’est très simple, et les contrats de vente sont rédigés par notaires.

Wim : What support the realtors can provide to foreign investors ? Quel support les agents immobilier peuvent proposer ?

K Nenkova : Introduce to suitable developers, architect, lawyer, bank, Introduction auprès de constructeurs sérieux, architectes, notaires, avocats, banques.

Wim : The law in your country give tax advantages for the foreign buyer’s ? La loi dans votre pays offre des avantages particuliers aux acquéreurs étrangers?

pays et qui sont ils ?

K Nenkova : Not really, the same for everyone. Pas vraiment les lois sont les mêmes pour tous.

K Nenkova : Till now, we usually working with Russian customers, The Situation change in this last years and from

Thanks for your time Miss Nenkova.

Page 36

Bulgaria 2015 Wim : Where is the best city to live in Bulgaria ? K Nenkova : It depends if the clients are retired people, investors or student‌ Sofia, Varna, Bourgas, Ruse and Plovdiv are nice for businees investors and for retired people, but for this last one, Sunny Beach offer a more comfortable life. Wim : How much cost the final contract to the notaries ? K Nenkova : Transfer taxes are from 0.1 up to 3. It depends of the price of the property and the location. Wim : What the buyer have to pay to the government if he resell a property ? K Nenkova : On the profit, the taxes are 10 percent. Wim : How much income and how much tax when a foreign buy and rent a property in your country ? K Nenkova : The income depends if the property is rented through a management company or not. Usually around 10 percent but the taxes on this income are 10 percent .

Page 37

Experience The fascination of the Black Sea Business Tour

Page 38

Realty Gold World Limited You plan to purchase a property abroad? Realty Gold World take care for your visa, fly, hosting, interpreter and driver during stay, foreign property view and law advise.


Realty Gold World non è un agenzia immobiliare, nostra compagnia e nata a londra nel 2010 dopo che abbiamo notato che tanti acquirenti stranieri non avendo conoscenze nei vari paesi dove acquisur company is not a real estate tavano case si trovarono confrontati a vari problemi.

Realty Gold World Ltd

You plan to purchase a property abroad ? Realty Gold WORLD TAKE CARE FOR Your Fly,

agency, we born in 2010 in London after L’obbietivo numero uno di nostra compagnia e we have noticed that many foreign buyer’s proporre vari servizi di accompagnamento nel meet problems when make overseas pro- progetto di acquisto di un immobile a l’estero. perties purchase, our goal : help them providing support services when they plan overseas purchase To help this buyer’s, we have a website visited by people from 147 countries, where we propose to foreign real estate professionals to post ads,

The magazine World Is Magnifique provided by internet and printed 2 time per La Rivista World Is Magnifique e proposta onliyear ne e stampata due volte l’anno. In the same time the buyer’s send request about the property, this give us the possibility to propose our support service.

Contemporaneamente gli acquirenti inviano richieste per gli immobili, scoprono i vantaggi dei nostri servizi di assistenza nel loro progetto.

.In collaboration with private jet company we can provide personal fly or aircraft, driver on site during stay and hosting. Of course property view in around 15 countries with law advise and bank, notarius introduction. In a business relationship with moneycorp in London we can help for money transfer, In collaboration with lawyers on site we can help for overseas company opening. . We thank you for your interest in our company and if you need more details, please send your request by mailto: Visit our website

In collaborazione con compagnie di jet privato possiamo proporre un volo personale oppure voli regolari, autista durante il soggiorno, alloggio ovviamente visite di immobili in circa 15 paesi, con consigli fiscali e legali, banca, notaio. Tramite accordi con moneycorp a Londra possiamo assistere voi per trasferimenti denaro, in collaborazione con notai ed avvocati nei vari paesi possiamo assistere voi per aperture di compagnie.

Hosting, Interpreter and Driver during stay, Foreign property view and advise

Foreign property purchase support The only one !

Per assistere questi acquirenti, ci appoggiamo su agenzie e costruttori che hanno immobili in vendita proponendo loro di publicare i loro annunci sul nostro sito visitato da persone di 147 paesi

Vi ringraziamo per vostro interesse nella nostra compagnia e se desiderate più informazioni rimaniamo a disposizione via mail a potete anche visitare nostro sito

Page 39

Realty Gold World n'est pas une agence immobilière, notre société est née à Londres en 2010 du constat que tant d'acquéreurs étrangers, n'ayant pas de connaissances précises du marché et de la fiscalité dans les pays dans lesquels ils étaient en train d'acquérir pouvaient se trouver confrontés à divers problèmes.

En collaboration avec une compagnie de jet privé nous pouvons organiser votre vol personnel ou en vol régulier, un chauffeur durant votre séjour, votre hébergement et bien entendu la visite de biens immobilier dans environ 15 pays avec tous les conseils fiscaux et légaux sur site, banque et notaires.

L'objectif numéro un de notre société est de leur proposer un ensemble de services d'accompagnement dans leur projet d'acquisition mais également de suivi.

Au travers d’accords avec moneycorp à Londres nous vous permettons les transferts de fonds, en collaboration avec avocats dans les divers pays, l’ouverture de sociétés. Nous vous remercions pour votre intérêt et restons à votre disposition par mail et sur le site

Pour assister ces acquéreurs, nous nous appuyons sur des agences et des promoteurs qui ont des propriétés à proposer en leur permettant de publier leurs annonces sur notre site visité par des internautes de 147 pays

Le magazine World Is Magnifique est publié en ligne et imprimé deux fois par an. Dans le même temps les acquéreurs envoient des requêtes d’informations sur les propriétés, ceci leur offre l’occasion de découvrir nos services d'accompagnement dans leur projet. WORLD IS MAGNIFIQUE SEPTEMBER 2015 / 10 Page 40

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Page 41

who is it for?

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Per Chi ? Agenzie Immobiliare e costruttori Condivisione di immobili e Ricchieste clienti. Pour qui est ce ? Promoteurs immobilier et agen‐ ces immobilières peuvent échan‐ ger biens immobilier et demandes d’acquéreurs.

When the Luxury meet you ! This offer you Harmony. Page 42 Apartment for sale from 35 000 â‚Ź


Page 43

Kridera—Realty Gold World

Page 44

Real Estate World Investments We are real estate consultants. That is our work begins with the first phone call and ends when the customer decide to resell the property. We build the package of real estate investments tailored to our clients according to their needs, their expectations and their budget. We provide specific and personalized advice. We follow the customer in its investment to 360°.

Real Estate World Investments e’ un’agenzia di consulenza per investimenti immobiliari nel mondo. Opera in piu’ di 10 destinazioni nel mondo. Offre investimenti da un minimo di 13.000 euro e solo piena proprieta’.

Page 45


From Investimenti Estero Contact :Mail :

Tourist complex of 260 apartments a few meters away from the famous beach of Las Cucharas to Costa Teguise Available services: 2 swimming pools, Play area for children, tennis courts Reception: Service tourist rents, playroom, Bar, excel tourist renting yield approximately 200/350 EURO the week. Apartments are sold completely renewed with bathroom, Kitchen and equipment. Available: from 49 square meters and duplex up to 98 square meters The tourist management is making by a professional agency of the sector. Canarias Island offer from 18 to 28° celsius all the year.

Page 46

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Page 48

LE GUIDE DE L’ACHAT EN FLORIDE Vous souhaitez et allez peut-être investir dans l’immobilier en Floride, mais vous ne connaissez pas les procédures et démarches liées à un achat ? French Investors in Florida.


L’achat d’un bien immobilier en nom propre vous expose à un risque sur votre patrimoine. Vous êtes donc vulnérable au niveau des poursuites et mésaventures dont vous pouvez faire face en tant que propriétaire. Votre patrimoine ne sera pas protégé et lors d’un investissement groupé cette option ne serait pas raisonnable.

Vous souhaitez et allez peutêtre investir dans l’immobilier en Floride, mais vous ne connaissez pas les procédures et démarches liées à L’acquisition par le biais d’une soun achat ? Vous vous interrogez sur le mode d’acquisition: acquérir en nom propre ? Ou acquérir par le biais d’une société ? Nous allons aborder ces différents points successivement dans ce guide.

L’offre d’achat Une fois les recherches terminées, vous avez trouvé votre “coup de coeur”, ou pour le moins l’appartement ou la maison qui vous satisfait, l’étape suivante est la rédaction de l’offre d’achat. L’offre d’achat, doit être rédigée sous forme de contrat et soumise au vendeur. Le contrat (Contract for Sale & Purchase) est un document standard utilisé dans toutes transactions immobilières en Floride et approuvé par le barreau des avocats de Floride. Dépôt de garantie Dès signature du contrat par le vendeur et l’acheteur (donc les deux parties), l’offre est accompagnée d’un dépôt de garantie équivalent en général à 10% du montant de l’achat. Cette somme devra être versée dans les 3 à 5 jours, après l’acceptation de l’offre par le vendeur, sur le compte séquestre de l’avocat immobilier qui vous représentera dans cette acquisition.

ciété offre le principal avantage de protéger votre patrimoine. La procédure de transmission en cas décès sera également simplifiée.

“Il est donc préférable d’investir en utilisant une société qui servira de rempart en cas de conflits ou de procédures”.

“Les frais d’enregistrement à payer à la condo association varient entre $100 à $200 selon la résidence.” “Cette approbation n’est pas requise dans le cadre d’achat de villa sauf si celle-ci se trouve à l’intérieur d’une communauté gérée par une association de propriétaires.”

Contrat de vente ou le Closing Signature définitive ou “le Closing” Une semaine avant la signature définitive (closing), nous vous transmettrons un arrêté final du décompte d’acquisition (HUD), incluant tous les frais annexes à l’achat, ce qui est convenu d’appeler en France “les frais de notaires”. Suite à réception du HUD, il faudra donc verser la balance des fonds sur le compte séquestre de votre avocat rédacteur de l’acte définitif.

Et le syndic ? En Floride, chaque condominium possède un syndic de copropriété (condo association) qui a pour fonction de faire appliquer, auprès de copropriétaires, le règlement de copropriété (condo docs) et de gérer les éventuels problèmes de travaux dans la copropriété ou de conflits de Le jour du closing, il est nécessaire, voisinage. de faire un état des lieux pour s’assurer de la condition du bien en En tant qu’acheteur vous serez donc conformité avec les clauses du obligé de vous faire approuver par contrat. Cet état des lieux incombe à cette condo association. Cette ap- l’agent immobilier, il fait partie de probation est obligatoire de par la son travail et est gratuit. loi et sans elle la vente ne pourra pas se réaliser. La signature des documents de vente Il faudra donc, pour ce faire, remplir et soumettre un formulaire détaillé avec copie de vos passeports, informations relatives à votre emploi et vos informations personnelles au management qui examinera votre dossier. Cette procédure peut prendre jusqu’à 15 jours ouvrés.

peut se faire électroniquement à distance et la remise des clefs se fait lors de la signature définitive par le vendeur. “Toute la procédure d’achat peut se faire à distance, à l’exception de l’ouverture de compte bancaire.”

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Vous souhaitez acquérir une propriété à l’étranger ? RealtyGoldWorld est de loin votre meilleur allié. Services de vols, Visas, Hébergement, Chauffeur, conseils fiscaux, comptes bancaires, société...

Félicitations ! Vous êtes propriétaire en Floride ! Pour encaisser vos loyers vous devez procéder à l’ouverture d’un compte bancaire, pour votre comptabilité et encaisser l’argent de vos revenus locatifs. L’ouverture d’un compte bancaire se fait très rapidement et sans rendez-vous. Il suffit de vous munir de votre passeport et de votre permis de conduire (ou carte d’identité) . “Nous recommandons les banques Citibank et Bank Of America dont les agences sont très nombreuses à Miami et aux Etats-Unis.” Si vous désirez louer votre bien, mes partenaires sur place sont là, bien sur.

Business Tour

FLORIDA – IMMO Investissement Immobilier en Floride Jeanine HUET

Que ce soit pour de la location long terme ou court terme, nous vous assisterons, vous accompagnerons, nous mettrons tous les outils de gestion en place pour rendre votre investissement facile à gérer. WORLD IS MAGNIFIQUE SEPTEMBER 2015 / 11

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Holiday in Canarias Island—Costa Teguise is born to promote the gastronomic culture of Lanzarote and increase the tourism on the island, by giving to the operators an effective instrument to obtain a bigger visibility in all the territory of Canary Islands and European at the very moderate prices. The guide claims, among numerous productive realities, to gather the offers restaurant owners who contribute to train the gastronomic diverse and rich heritage which always established one an appeal important for our island. Reveal: that is why besides culinary Canary Islands, control and art, realization of the typical product in the creation of the plate by means of the most modern media: internet Contact : website : Holiday Apartment for rent : naît afin de promouvoir la culture gastronomique de Lanzarote et d'augmenter le tourisme dans l'île, en donnant aux opérateurs un instrument efficace pour obtenir une plus grande visibilité dans tout le territoire des Îles Canaries et européen aux prix très mesurés. Le guide prétend, parmi de nombreuses réalités productives, réunir les offres restauratrices qui contribuent à former le patrimoine divers et riche gastronomique qui a toujours constitué une un recours important pour notre île. Divulguer : c'est pourquoi outre les Îles Canaries culinaires, la maîtrise et l'art, la réalisation du produit typique à la création de l'assiette au moyen d'un média le plus moderne : Internet. Contact : Louer un appart vacances :

Guest in Eleven Restaurant Puerto Calera

Page 51

Canarias Island To invest in Canarias Island you need to contact first the Spanish Embassy in your country to ask NIE. Foreign Identity number. Without NIE it’s not possible to purchase a property. But after this, everything very simple. Interesting because : COSTA TEGUISE

Sunny time Canarias island are sunny 11 months/year Suitable place in winter and in summer to enjoy nice weather

From Gaetano M.

Wonderful touristic place with profitable income when apartment is rented week by week.

ces considering the quality of the resort you can find in the island and usually professional organization from the management company’s who take care your property. High quality lifestyle and low price considering the price of life in eurozone. Only a few hours fly from Europe to join Lanzarote.

Still cheap property pri-

Safe place.

che faite, les choses sont assez simples.

le rapport qualité prix des complexes que vous pouvez trouver dans les iles. Habituellement les sociétés de gestion sur place sont très professionnelles.

Les Iles Canaries Pour investir aux Canariess vous avez tout d’abord besoin de contacter l’ambassade d’Espagne dans votre pays de résidence pour demander que l’on vous attribue un NIE numéro d’identification étranger. Sans ce numéro, vous ne pourrez acquérir un bien immobilier. Mais une fois cette démar-

Intéressant car : Endroit merveilleux pour le tourisme avec rendement locatif profitable lorsque vous louez votre bien immobilier à la semaine. Les propriétés se négocient avec des tarifs encore assez bas, considérant

La qualité de vie est d’un niveau assez élevé, le coût de la vie restant très abordable comparativement aux autres pays de la zone euro.

Le Canarie Per investire a le Canarie, prima di tutto dovete contattare l’ambasciata di Spagna nel vostro paese per chiedere che vi sia inviato il NIE numéro d’identificazione straniero. Senza questo numero non potete acquistare immobile. Ma una volta fatto, le cose sono abbastanza facile.

Interessante perché: Posto meraviglioso per il turismo con reddito interessante quando si affitta gli immobili a la settimana, I prezzi degli immobili sono finalmente bassi, considerato la qualità dei complessi travati nelle isole. Abitualmente le

società che gestiscono in locale sono serie e professionali, La qualita della vita si trova essere di un livello elevato e finalmente non troppo caro paragonando con altri paesi europei, Pocchi ore di volo per raggiungere Lanzarote, Un posto sicuro da scoprire veramente,

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