Reach Out and Care Wheels provides support rehabilitation services for children with disabilities at the Seating and Positioning Clinic in Marrakech, Morocco.
Overview World Learning partners with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to streamline the grants process and make grant administration more efficient, affordable, and flexible. On behalf of USAID, World Learning Grants Solicitation and Management (GSM) programs can assume full responsibility for the complete grant process or aid with specific aspects. GSM can also provide technical and
capacity-building assistance to grantees as needed. These programs support sustainable change by helping individuals and communities harness and enhance their full potential.
Approach GSM provides grant management services to USAID’s Bureau of Global Health; Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance’s Office of Democracy and Governance; and USAID Missions around the world. This work includes soliciting proposals, awarding funds, managing programs, monitoring progress, and closing out projects. We also partner with interested USAID Missions to facilitate any aspect of the grant-making process. GSM manages grant processes in health sectors including family planning, HIV/AIDS, maternal and child health, and control of infectious diseases, as well as community-based service delivery, and training programs. continued
World Learning is a nonprofit organization that advances leadership through education, exchange, and development programs in more than 60 countries.
Upon request from USAID, World Learning also
“ Yezelalem Minch Children and Community
conducts capacity-building assessments and
Development improved our staffing through
provides customized, short- and long-term assis-
technical support by World Learning Ethiopia.
tance to grantees through trainings, workshops,
In implementing the USAID/PEPFAR grant
and direct technical assistance on grant man-
we improved our processes for recruitment,
agement, administration, financial management,
selection, orientation and placement, training
and performance monitoring plan design. World
and development, remuneration, and
Learning has significant experience implement-
performance evaluation.”
ing USAID-funded sub-grant programs, having
- Yezelalem Minch Children and Community
managed more than 150 USAID-funded grants for
Development, Ethiopia
international and local nongovernmental organizations and private US voluntary organizations worldwide. Based on this experience, GSM has developed extensive tools and procedures to effectively manage grants, including a grants man-
agement database. The unit has field staff based in Ethiopia, Jamaica, and Liberia, and has issued
“ ASDAP has highly appreciated the quality
awards implemented in more than 50 countries,
of the technical assistance of World Learning
including Haiti, Iraq, Malawi, Nepal, and Pakistan.
teams ... World Learning has regularly shared with and put at the disposal of ASDAP, a variety
Testimonials “The working systems and procedures were
of tools and best practices of other countries. [We appreciate] the technical assistance from World Learning for the establishment of proce-
updated through the capacity-building support of
dures and an internal audit system for the project
World Learning. This opened up opportunities for
staff capacity-building activities including training
- Association for the Support to the Development
and supportive supervision in the form of regular
of Population Activities (ASDAP), Mali
review meetings ... World Learning/USAID played a central role in training, particularly of project staff from both the finance and program departments. Each of the project staff has attended at least one training course based on their area of focus.”
- Education for Development Association, Ethiopia
1015 15th St, NW Seventh Floor Washington, DC 20005
It is the policy of World Learning to provide equal employment and educational opportunities for all persons regardless of age, ethnic origin, gender, nationality, physical or learning ability, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, protected veteran’s status, or any other legally protected status.
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