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City Bike Tallinn

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The Blue Train

The Blue Train

City Bike Tallinn is a ten-year-old family business, and their mission is to show Estonia and Latvia life to everyone.

They want to introduce and promote a green way of life through sports and cycling. Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of riding a bike and this feeling of freedom while cycling in the countryside outweighs everything else.

Estonia and Northern Latvia are City Bike Tallinn’s region, they have cycled all the routes and know every turn and corner. They will give you a detailed description of the route, where to go and what to see. It will feel as if you are cycling with an Estonian friend.

Although some routes lead to popular tourist areas, these places are not crowded. There are few people living in Estonia, and there are lots of space! You can drive all day without meeting anyone and even on a hot summer day you can find a completely empty beach. They have good, low-traffic roads, short distances, varied terrain, empty sandy beaches, friendly people, lots of nature and, of course, free Wi-Fi.

All the Estonian and Latvian tours are self-guided. Take a tour or start almost anytime and cycle at your own pace. All routes can be changed as needed, you can have shorter or longer days, stay in one place with more nights, combine with other activities. They will prepare the route according to your wishes, book the accommodation and provide a very detailed description of the route.

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