9 CONTENTS.indd 2
4/10/12 12:12 PM
, / ,
34 In the shadow of war
COVER STORY After over two decades of civil war, six years of tentative peace, and a year since the independence of South Sudan, new refugees from Sudan’s embattled Nuba Mountains—including a large population of Christians—give evidence of an unfolding humanitarian crisis, ethnic cleansing, and forewarnings of a broader conflict
42 Setting captives free
Remembering the life and legacy of Watergate operative, ex-con, and Prison Fellowship founder Charles Colson
46 Ticket talking
A diverse group of Republican leaders are emerging as possible running mates for likely GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney
48 Give them shelter
Survivors of sex trafficking face a critical shortage of assistance, starting with a place to land and be safe
52 Campus divide
A new requirement that religious ministries affirm a nondiscrimination policy has Vanderbilt groups split over what’s at stake
DISPATCHES 5 News 14 Human Race 16 Quotables 18 Quick Takes REVIEWS 23 Movies & TV 26 Books 28 Q&A 30 Music
56 Show me the money
As Texas moves government health funding away from Planned Parenthood, the abortion behemoth goes to court to keep its place at the trough ON THE COVER: Children in a refugee camp in Yida, South Sudan: photo by Juergen Escher/Laif/Redux; Colson: courtesy of Colson Center
66 46 visit worldmag.com for breaking news, to sign up for weekly email updates, and more
NOTEBOOK 61 Lifestyle 63 Technology 64 Science 65 Houses of God 66 Sports 67 Money 68 Religion VOICES 3 Joel Belz 20 Janie B. Cheaney 32 Mindy Belz 58 Erin Davis 71 Mailbag 75 Andrée Seu 76 Marvin Olasky
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9 CONTENTS.indd 1
4/19/12 5:14 PM
“The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the world and those who dwell therein.” —psa l m 24:1
EDITORIAL Editor in Chief Marvin Olasky Editor Mindy Belz Managing Editor TiMOThy laMer News Editor JaMie dean Senior Writers Janie B. Cheaney / susan Olasky JOhn PiPer / edward e. PlOwMan / andrée seu Cal ThOMas / Gene edward veiTh / lynn vinCenT Reporters eMily Belz / edward lee PiTTs Correspondents MeGan BashaM / Mark BerGin anThOny Bradley / JOhn dawsOn / daniel JaMes devine Paul Glader / alisa harris / aMy henry MeGhan keane / MiChael leaser / anGela lu Jill nelsOn / arseniO OrTeza / Tiffany Owens Mailbag Editor les sillars Executive Assistant June McGraw Editorial Assistants krisTin ChaPMan / kaTrina GeTTMan
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9 JOEL.indd 2
4/17/12 2:03 PM
kRieg baRRie
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Joel Belz
Bossed around Expanding governmental dictates about hiring and firing no longer seem surprising
I , a decade or two ago, to get news that WORLD magazine had been sued by a disgruntled employee who felt she had not been promoted to a supervisory role because she had just made it known to her friends that she was a practicing lesbian. But today, in the bizarre climate we occupy, you’d probably just say: “Had to happen, sooner or later.” My hypothetical, note well, is only that. It hasn’t happened—yet. But the leaders of Christian organizations everywhere are no longer thought of as paranoid when they worry out loud over whole lists of regulations, policies, and standards that would have startled their counterparts not very long ago. I’ve told friends repeatedly in recent months how grateful I am that I have virtually nothing to do any longer with the hiring and firing process here at WORLD. Hiring and firing issues, of course, are not the only flashpoints facing Christian organizations in these perilous days. But they do offer some of the most acute heartburn for those in charge. That’s because, in one way or another, labor issues are related to so many of the big dollars that drive these organizations. Just imagine, for example (and it doesn’t take much imagination these days), that the Obama administration announced an executive order during the next few weeks to the end that no federal student aid (neither scholarships nor loans) would be available to any college that might discriminate in its hiring practices on the basis of sexual preference. A number of Roman Catholic welfare agencies have had to shut down in recent months because they wouldn’t kowtow to Obama administration dictates. What happens to the various Protestant relief groups when they refuse to knuckle under to new hiring regs? And more seriously, what happens to the people around the world they’re helping now in such generous fashion? Or suppose that WORLD magazine, because of the boundaries it observes in its hiring practices, loses its tax-exempt status and has to start paying both federal and state taxes on every subscription it sold to you readers. Would that extra strain on our budget mean we couldn’t afford to send a reporter to Afghanistan next year?
Email: jbelz@worldmag.com
9 JOEL.indd 3
But Washington, D.C., isn’t the only problem. Imagine that the church where you’re a member owns an adjoining lot or two, being held for eventual construction of a new sanctuary or classroom space. But the local tax appraisal office decides that it must follow a new county ordinance forbidding discrimination on the basis of sexual preference. Zap! Your church budget, already squeezed in these pinched times, finds itself owing a few thousand extra dollars just when it can afford it the least. And it’s a few thousand extra dollars you’ll owe every year from now on. Or suppose some governmental unit, at any level, decides to play with a few definitions you have always taken for granted. “You can still discriminate,” some bureaucrat tells you magnanimously, “when you’re hiring people for your ‘religious’ tasks. Our prohibitions will hold for any of your ‘secular’ employees. And we get to decide what is ‘religious’ and what is ‘secular.’” Some folks assume that discussions like this are meant mostly to set the table for a diatribe against the Obama administration and its arrogant ways. And I’ll agree that things of this sort have gotten steadily worse since early —and promise to get even more intolerable if our current president is reelected this coming November. But the fact is that we’ve been headed this way for a long time now—through the influence of liberal leaders, but even under so-called conservatives who should have known better. My main point here is that it’s become such a way of life that nobody is surprised, even a little bit, when one more example is added to the list. If folks aren’t even startled by the direction of their doomed culture, won’t it be a pretty tough assignment to rouse them to action? A M AY 5 , 2 0 1 2
4/17/12 8:32 AM
Men World 5.12.indd 1 9 D-OPENER.indd 4
4/5/12 2:03:48 PM 4/10/12 12:20 PM
Establishment choice >> NEWS: With Santorum out of the GOP race, do energized pro-life voters have a place to go?
Steven Senne/AP
by EmiLy bELz
When Rick Santorum won the Oklahoma presidential primary in March, he beat Mitt Romney 68 percent to 9 percent among voters who said abortion was the most important issue, according to exit polls. When Santorum won Tennessee, he beat Romney among that demographic 60 percent to 12 percent. Romney’s numbers with evangelicals weren’t a lot better. But Romney holds an almost insurmountable delegate lead in the GOP nomination race, and Santorum withdrew from the race April 10, marooning a base of evangelical and pro-life voters.
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9 D-OPENER.indd 5
Some pro-life groups worry that Romney, having come through the primaries without them, will now set sail in the general election campaign without them, too. Conservative evangelicals like Gary Bauer of American Values and Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council have advised the Romney campaign to make an effort to win that base, which they say will be key in the general election. But some pro-life groups quickly rallied around Romney as the clear contrast to President Obama. The National Right to Life Committee endorsed Romney two days after Santorum dropped out. The Susan B. Anthony List, one of the biggest PACs focused on M ay 5 , 2 0 1 2
4/17/12 4:27 PM
Dispatches > News
Syrian deadline
To comply with a timeline demanded by United Nations and Arab League envoy Kofi Annan, Syrian President Bashar Assad will have to conduct parliamentary elections by May . But in the fragile ceasefire, anything could happen. Political opponents of Assad and the ruling Ba’ath Party are likely too fractured and disorganized to mount much election day opposition.
Kentucky Derby Three horses
look to be favorites heading into the most popular of all horse races, the Kentucky Derby. According to oddsmakers, Union Rags, Hansen, and Gemologist are the horses most poised to win laurels at the May event based on strong races in April.
London mayoral election
For only the fourth time, Londoners will get their chance to choose their mayor. Incumbent Conservative Boris Johnson seems a likely favorite in the May election, despite the city’s leftward tilt. Residents voted for the creation of the mayor’s office in a referendum that devolved power from parliament and allowed the city’s citizens to elect local leaders.
Putin returns
Once and future Russian President Vladimir Putin officially takes back Russia’s presidency on May at the nation’s annual Victory Day parade. The parade should feature a military parade reminiscent of the Soviet era—apropos of Putin, whose KGB background causes many in the international community to suspect he yearns for an autocratic Russia.
pro-life candidates, endorsed Santorum but also got behind Romney immediately after Santorum dropped out. The group said it will spend to million to support Romney as well as candidates in various Senate races. “There’s no question that we and prolife voters are smart enough to see the sense in unifying behind Romney right now,” said Marjorie Dannenfelser, the president of the Susan B. Anthony List. “We have a contrast. … There’s a strong argument especially now for defeating Obama. Before [in ] it was all theory, what he might do. We lost a lot of evangelical and Catholic votes, frankly. Now he’s walked his walk. All the evidence is in.” Dannenfelser said Romney is now a “true believer” in the pro-life cause, even if he was formerly pro-abortion. “He has made commitments throughout that rival any other primary process—on paper and in debates,” Dannenfelser said. Mark DeMoss, an unpaid adviser to Romney and one of his most prominent evangelical supporters, said Romney has a cadre of evangelical counsel in his staff and among his friends. “I believe Gov. Romney wants evangelical support and will continue to work to earn it over the course of the next seven months,” DeMoss said in an email. “He seeks and receives input and advice well and I’m convinced he will hold firmly to the positions and policies he has laid out.” Concerned Women for America (CWA) didn’t endorse anyone in the Republican primary, but as a Christian pro-life group is almost certain to back Romney over Obama. But CWA president Penny Nance said of Romney, “The establishment got their choice,” and noted that it was Santorum who energized pro-life voters and talked about social issues “that people weren’t discussing.” She said even though the conventional wisdom is that Romney must move to the center in the general campaign, he needs to solidify support from the pro-life base to win. “It’s not just getting out the vote, it’s the volunteer base,” she said. “They’ll go canvassing door to door until they have blisters on their feet and do the hard work to win an election.” Of the Romney campaign’s outreach to pro-life groups like hers, Nance said, “I look forward to hearing from them.” A
Olympic display
Great Britain’s largest piece of public art will open for reporters on April ahead of its official opening to the public on July . The -foot ArcelorMittal Orbit, composed of red steel and shaped like a twisting, vertical roller coaster, is supposed to become an icon of the Summer Olympics in London.
W O R L D M AY 5 , 2 0 1 2
9 D-OPENER.indd 6
4/17/12 4:28 PM
wva world ads 2012.2_Layout 1 12/15/11 8:47 AM Page 4
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9 D-OPENER.indd 7
4/10/12 12:20 PM
Dispatches > News
No liftoff
Prize-winning scene Afghan photographer Massoud Hossaini won a Pulitzer Prize April , when the top journalism awards were announced, for capturing -year-old Tarana Akbari in Kabul shortly after a suicide bomber detonated a bomb near a Shiite shrine last December that killed over , among them seven in her own family. Deadly blasts hit Afghanistan again April , with coordinated attacks in the capital as well as three eastern provinces. This time civilian casualties remained low, as Afghan security forces fought Taliban fighters including near parliament and NATO headquarters, killing of the insurgents.
9 D8.indd 8
W O R L D M AY 5 , 2 0 1 2
While a Democratic president wants to raise taxes on the wealthy, and a Republican Congress wants to cut taxes on small businesses, few Americans noticed a tax milestone: As of April the United States stands alone with the world’s highest corporate tax rate, at . percent. Japan, which has held top billing, cut its rate to percent. “Even Russia, at percent, and China, at percent, have lower rates than America does. The difference in tax rates means American companies are trying to compete with one hand tied behind their backs,” said Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee.
The World Bank followed its traditional path, voting in as its next president on April Koreanborn American Jim Yong Kim, , a physician, development expert, and president of Dartmouth College. The bank’s -member board was divided in the decision—with experts criticizing President Barack Obama’s nominee as lacking credentials to lead the institution, and emerging nations seeking to break the hold the United States has on the position by supporting instead Nigerian finance minister Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala. The United States has held the presidency since the World Bank’s founding after World War II, while a European has always led the International Monetary Fund. With both European and U.S. economies growing at slower rates than BRIC nations, a growing number of board members argue it’s time for that to change.
U.S. Japan France Belgium Germany Australia Mexico Spain Luxembourg N. Zealand Norway Italy Portugal Sweden Canada Finland Austria Denmark Netherlands Korea U.K. Israel Switzerland Estonia Chile Greece Iceland Slovenia Turkey Czech Rep. Hungary Poland Slovak Rep. Ireland
The UN Security Council announced plans to tighten sanctions on North Korea after a failed long-range rocket launch April and threatened more action if the country conducts more tests. The United States, China, and Russia had previously asked North Korea to cancel the launch, which they believed was a test of the country’s long-range missile technology banned under UN resolutions. But North Korea went ahead, claiming it would send a satellite into orbit to mark the th birthday of its national founder, Kim Il Sung. Pyongyang held a week of events to celebrate Kim Il Sung’s April birthday—but the rocket fell to the sea moments after taking off. The secluded nation had hoped to demonstrate renewed military power with the launch, and the United States promised to suspend food aid to the country—dashing hope that the new leader Kim Jong Un would improve relations between North Korea and the rest of the world.
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4/17/12 6:22 PM
“God used Covenant to transform my way of thinking about my vocation, friendship, leadership, service, and being a husband and a father.“
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Seeing a need for quality, hands-on science courses in their local homeschool community, Eddy ’95 and Carlee Hilger ’95 founded Hilger Higher Learning in 1998. They have since expanded to offer challenging classes in a variety of disciplines as they serve over 230 homeschooling families. “I discovered at Covenant that I am an active learner, created in God’s image to learn,” says Carlee. “We try to instill that love of learning—and a solid biblical foundation—in our students.”
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“God used Covenant to transform my way of thinking about my vocation, friendship, leadership, service, and being a husband and a father,” adds Eddy. “Covenant prepared me for life, not just a specific career.” CREDIT
Call 888.451.2683 or visit covenant.edu. 9 D8.indd 9
4/11/12 4:00 PM
Dispatches > News
Alarm bell
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) plans to transfer half a billion dollars to the Internal Revenue Service this year so it can implement the healthcare law, according to The Hill newspaper. The revelation has angered congressional Republicans who tried to block funding to the IRS for the law’s implementation in recent appropriations. This million did not go through the normal appropriations process as IRS money, but such a transfer appears to be legal. The healthcare law set aside a billion fund for implementation, and The Hill reported that the HHS move would drain the fund by September. Under the healthcare law, the IRS has many regulatory responsibilities, such as enforcing the individual mandate and providing tax credits in certain cases. Top Republicans are now demanding more information on how the administration would pay for the law’s implementation, and what is the reach of the IRS under the law.
SUPPORT REINSTATED: U.S. Sen. Patty Murray commends reversal of Susan G. Komen Foundation’s decision.
E-book bind The Department of Justice sued Apple and five of the largest publishing companies April for allegedly inflating the price of e-books in an attempt to end Amazon’s reign in the market. The lawsuit claims that both Apple and the publishers were upset that Amazon lowered the price for all e-books to . because it wiped out the competition and hurt the publishing business. So they allegedly made a secret agreement to use a different revenue model that forced all e-book providers, including Amazon, to raise the price of e-books by to . As a result, Amazon dropped from a percent share of the e-book market to a percent share, and the DOJ said the price increase caused “consumers to pay tens of millions of dollars more for e-books than they otherwise would have paid.” Three publishers have already agreed to settlements.
W O R L D M AY 5 , 2 0 1 2
9 D10 and D11.indd 10
Keeping up the drumbeat on the contraceptive mandate, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ religious liberty committee issued a statement April calling for U.S. bishops to observe a “fortnight for freedom,” from June to July . The bishops will focus on teaching about religious freedom, taking “public action,” praying, and fasting. “As Catholic bishops and American citizens, we address an urgent summons to our fellow Catholics and fellow Americans to be on guard, for religious liberty is under attack, both at home and abroad,” the religious liberty committee wrote. “This is not a theological or legal dispute without real world consequences.” The bishops singled out domestic issues: the contraceptive mandate, the Alabama immigration law, universities barring Christian student organizations (see story, p. ) , the New York schools barring churches, and state and federal governments ending contracts with Catholic groups for foster care services and services to counteract human trafficking. Despite their alarm on domestic issues, the bishops noted that Christians abroad are in a “graver plight” than those in the United States.
The Susan G. Komen Foundation for the Cure has kept its support for Planned Parenthood steady this year after it reversed its decision to cut funding to the group in February, a debacle that prompted a top executive to resign. The breast cancer foundation announced its annual grants in April and said it approved funding to at least Planned Parenthood chapters for this year, the same number as . The grants are ostensibly for breast cancer screenings, though Planned Parenthood doesn’t do mammograms itself but refers patients. Registration for Komen’s fundraising races has been down in certain parts of the country since the Planned Parenthood controversy.
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4/17/12 8:35 AM
panic in the suites of evolution
U.S. ConferenCe of CatholiC BiShopS: Kevin lamarqUe/reUterS/newSCom • SUSan G. Komen foUndation: Stephen BraShear/Getty imaGeS • e-BooK: roBert miChael/afp/Getty imaGeS CREDIT
Doubting Darwin The sky is falling! Many interest groups and journalists raced to tell that to the public when a modest but important bill became law in Tennessee early in April. The law instructs teachers and administrators to “create an environment within public elementary and secondary schools that encourages students to explore scientific questions, learn about scientific evidence, develop critical thinking skills, and respond appropriately and respectfully to differences of opinion about controversial issues.” What’s not to like? The law, similar to one in Louisiana, also protects teachers who help students (I’m quoting from the official legislative summary) “understand, analyze, critique, and review in an objective manner the scientific strengths and scientific weaknesses of existing scientific theories covered in the course being taught. …” Oh, here’s the problem: Evolution is one of the theories that can now be analyzed and critiqued. The American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Civil Liberties Union of Tennessee, the American Institute of Biological Sciences, the National Association of Geoscience Teachers, and many others have gone ape over the inclusion of evolution. They revere critical thinking and the freedom to explore, but not when it might produce irreverence toward their idol. Those groups and many journalists brought up Tennessee’s 1925 law that made illegal the teaching of evolution in public schools and led to the Scopes “monkey trial.” They did not note that most public schools in the four score and seven years since then have gone to the other extreme by forbidding the teaching of anything but evolution. In states from Virginia to Washington true believers in evolution have harassed and driven away
By Marvin Olasky
teachers who dared to teach both sides of the Darwin debate. If macro-evolution were proven, the true believers would have a case, but more than 800 Ph.D.-bearing scientists have signed a statement expressing skepticism about contemporary evolutionary theory’s claims that random mutation and natural selection account for the complexity of life. These scientists say, “Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.” The 1925 law tried to close off debate, but the think tank that has proposed laws like Tennessee’s new one, the Discovery Institute, is working to increase the coverage of evolution in textbooks. It wants evolution, including its unresolved issues, to be fully presented to students: “Evolution should be taught as a scientific theory that is open to critical scrutiny, not as a sacred dogma that can’t be questioned.” That gets to the heart of the hysteria. The New York Times editorialized in 1925 for “faith, even of a grain of mustard seed, in the evolution of life.” The Times said evolution gives us hope for progress: “If man has evolved, it is inconceivable that the process should stop and leave him in his present imperfect state. Specific creation has no such promise for man.” Specific creation, of course, has the ultimate promise: God cares. Sadly, many look desperately for hope elsewhere, anywhere. Last month the New York Times editorial page editor, consistent with his predecessors, criticized critics of evolution who have “learned to manufacture doubt.” The Times, of course, daily manufactures doubt regarding God, but thunders, “Thou shalt not doubt” evolution. If other states follow Tennessee’s example, we’ll have a robust debate instead of more attempts to suppress it. A m ay 5 , 2 0 1 2
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4/17/12 4:32 PM
Dispatches > News
Who’s driving? A suicide bomber detonated explosives on April 8 in a busy street in Kaduna, the capital of northern Nigeria’s Kaduna state, killing 38 people in a massive blast apparently meant for nearby churches. The blast damaged All Nations Christian Assembly Church and the ECWA Good News Church as churchgoers attended an Easter service, but witnesses said the bomb-laden car had been turned away from the churches by a security guard and street barriers. Northern Nigeria’s Christians have been the target of multiple Sunday attacks this year, and the terrorist group Boko Haram has announced its intent to bomb churches and Western targets. But U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Africa Johnnie Carson in a speech April 9 said, “Religion is not driving extremist violence” and dismissed calls that the State Department designate Boko Haram a terrorist group.
Holding the reins Egypt’s election commission moves to check controversial candidates by jamie dean
crimes against order
Twelve Iranian Christians awaited a judge’s verdict after spending Easter Sunday on trial for “crimes against the order” of Iran. Though the specific allegations were unclear, authorities arrested the group in connection with their church meetings and practice of Christianity, according to Jason Demars of Present Truth ministries, an organization with evangelical contacts in Iran. ON TRIAL: Iranian Christians. When the group’s attorney, mohammad Ali Dadkhah, couldn’t reach the courtroom because of a delayed flight, the trial went forward without him, leaving the Christians to defend themselves. Dadkhah also represents youcef Nadarkhani, the pastor sentenced to death for apostasy. As of April 2, the American Center for law and Justice reported that Nadarkhani was still alive, and that authorities had allowed the pastor’s son to visit him on the boy’s birthday. A few days later, Nadarkhani turned 35—and marked two-and-a-half years in prison.
W O R L D M ay 5 , 2 0 1 2
9 D12.indd 12
Overthrowing Egypt’s decades-old regime took just 18 days for demonstrators packed into Cairo’s Tahrir Square last spring, but building a new government is proving a far lengthier—and thornier—proposition. The country’s newly appointed elections commission delivered a surprising blow to the three frontrunners in presidential elections slated to begin on May 23: They disqualified all three candidates from TIES THAT the ballot. BIND: The commissioners gave no immediate explanation, but Suleiman supporters the candidates vowed to appeal their exclusions from the protest in first presidential contests since former President Hosni Cairo. Mubarak’s ouster in 2011. All three are controversial: Muslim Brotherhood candidate Khairat al-Shater because the Islamist political party promised not to back a presidential candidate; former intelligence chief Omar Suleiman because of his ties to the old regime; and hard-line Islamist preacher Hazem Abu Ismail whose promotion of Sharia law could eclipse secular politicians. But each man has his supporters, and thousands poured into Tahrir Square to back their candidates and protest the commission’s actions. The escalating tension stoked fears of chaos and possible violence ahead of May elections, and fed doubts that the ruling military party will hand over power to a civilian government on June 30 as promised. But for now, the military council members remain in control of much of the process, including one key area: They appointed the election commission that’s calling the shots on presidential contests.
WORLDmag.com: Your online source for today’s news, Christian views
4/17/12 6:26 PM
The Wisdom of History Taught by Professor J. Rufus Fears university of oklahoma
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Master the Invaluable Lessons of History Do the lessons passed down to us by history—lessons whose origins may lie thousands of years in the past—still have value for us today? Professor J. Rufus Fears believes that not only can you learn from history, you must. In The Wisdom of History, he draws on decades of experience as a world-renowned scholar and classical historian to examine the patterns of history. Taking on the challenge of extracting history’s lessons in ways that speak to us today, Professor Fears reveals how ancient empires can teach us about the responsibilities of being a powerful nation. He also shows how learning about important figures like Caesar Augustus, George Washington, and Mahatma Gandhi can equip you to make responsible choices as a citizen and individual.
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4/19/12 5:06 PM
Dispatches > Human Race
Gov. Nikki Haley, R-S.C., went on the defensive in March after a liberal-leaning blogger posted a false report that she would soon face indictment on tax fraud charges. Minutes after Palmetto Public Record blog editor Logan Smith posted the rumor it went viral, as reporters picked up the story without checking the facts. Haley’s
A second psychiatric evaluation concluded that confessed Norwegian killer Anders Behring Breivik, , is sane and able to stand trial for the murder of people last July when he set off a car bomb in Oslo and went on a shooting spree at a youth camp. In an April courtroom appearance, Breivik described the deaths as “the most spectacular sophisticated political act in Europe since the Second World War” and said he would do it again. Judges presiding at the -week trial will make a final decision on his sanity.
The FBI recently updated its top most-wanted list, filling the spot Osama bin Laden occupied with a suspected child pornographer. Eric Justin Toth, , who once taught third grade at the elite Beauvoir-National Cathedral School in Washington, D.C., heads a list that includes violent criminals, a money launderer, and a hit man for a Mexican drug cartel—but currently no terrorists. Since creating the list in , the FBI has apprehended of the individuals listed.
Thomas Kinkade, the selfdescribed “Painter of Light,” died April at age . His idyllic paintings featuring gardens, cottages, landscapes, and religious imagery netted him an extensive fan base but also criticism from the art world. Over the last decade, Kinkade faced dark times, including allegations of business improprieties, a DUI charge, separation from his wife, financial troubles that led to his company filing for bankruptcy, and an alcoholic relapse that may have contributed to his death.
A female suicide bomber walked into Somalia’s newly reopened National Theater April and blew herself up as dignitaries met to celebrate the first anniversary of the nation’s TV station. The attack by al-Shabab terrorists killed at least people, including the president of the Somali Olympic Committee and the leader of Somalia’s soccer federation.
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Veteran broadcast correspondent Mike Wallace, whose career with CBS’ Minutes spanned seasons, died April at age .
After days in hiding, George Zimmerman, , turned himself in April to face charges of second-degree murder in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, . Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer in Sanford, Fla., has alleged he acted in self-defense when he shot Martin as the unarmed teenager walked home, and is pleading not guilty. Prosecutors say they believe Zimmerman profiled Martin, an AfricanAmerican, before confronting him.
office tried to stop the negative press but not before The State, South Carolina’s largest newspaper, issued a front-page story the next day. Haley extinguished the rumors by releasing an IRS letter proving there was no pending indictment.
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4/17/12 12:58 PM
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4/11/12 4:02 PM
JESSE TOPRAK, chief automotive analyst at TrueCar, on a big jump in car prices. New vehicles in March had an average price of ,, up . percent from the previous March.
“People are looking at the math and saying, ‘No, it doesn’t add up.’” DAVID TAN, of J.P. Morgan Asset Management on the growing unease among investors about the ability of Spain and other European nations to solve their financial problems.
“Apparently, I’m supposed The stock to be more exchange in Madrid angry about what Mitt Romney does with his money than what Barack Obama does with mine.” DAVID BURGE of Iowahawk blog on the left’s criticism of GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney.
“I felt like I was on this multiyear, never-ending audition to be his wife.” “JENNIFER,” a client of University of Virginia clinical psychologist Meg Jay’s, on cohabiting with her boyfriend. Jay wrote in the April New York Times on the downside of cohabiting and that cohabiting couples are more likely to divorce.
“It was just like being Superman. You are able to go over and take a photo mentally and ask, ‘Does this match?’ And when you say, ‘No,’ you keep on going and going and going.” SAROO BRIERLEY on how he used satellite imagery to find his family. Brierley became separated from his brother on a train in India in at age , left homeless, and was later adopted. Beginning last year he used mathematical calculations and Google Earth until he recognized his home in central India and found his birth mother there earlier this year.
“It’s not a blip. It’s a trend we’ve been seeing for months.”
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4/18/12 12:41 PM
Dispatches > Quotables
cars: Daniel acker/BloomBerg/getty images • maDriD: antonio HereDia/ap • oBama: alFreDo estrella/aFp/getty images • Brierley: HanDout CREDIT
4/17/12 1:07 PM
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Dispatches > Quick Takes Government leaders in the villages outside of Dharmapuri, India, have a deal for would-be vampire slayers: Catch and kill a Dracula, and village governments will pay you a bounty worth a shade under ,. Rumors perpetuated by frightened villagers are swirling in the area near the central Indian town that vampires roaming the countryside are killing livestock. At first, regional officials tried to convince townspeople that vampires don’t exist. When that failed, they dared locals to prove the rumor and offered the bounty. So far, no one has stepped forward to collect.
The birth of rare ducklings has thrilled animal lovers and naturalists alike. Once thought to be extinct, the Madagascar Pochard may be developing a new lease on life. Conservationists in Antsohihy, Madagascar, have hatched a mess of the ultra rare ducklings in a captive breeding program bringing the known global population of the species to . The April hatchings were the first time conservationists had successfully bred the ducks in captivity. Scientists considered the birds extinct until Madagascar Pochards were spotted in a Madagascar lake in the late s. Since then, scientists had tried unsuccessfully to coerce the birds to mate and breed.
It may look more at home in a house of horrors, but a museum in Frederick, Md., is studying what may be the severed but preserved forearm of a Civil War soldier. A farmer near Sharpsburg, Md., reportedly found the arm while plowing his field two weeks after the Battle of Antietam. He gave it to a local doctor who preserved it, skin and all, with embalming fluid, and the arm ended up in a now defunct private museum. An anonymous donor this year gave the forearm to the National Museum of Civil War Medicine. Officials there are testing the forearm to determine the nationality of the person who lost it and whether a bullet or artillery round ripped it from his body. The museum hopes to exhibit the forearm during the September anniversary of the battle.
In a market where consumers purchase sweet-tea-flavored vodka and even bacon-flavored vodka, one distillery is testing the limits on how far vodka drinkers will go. In an online trade magazine, Van Gogh Vodka announced its new creation: peanut butter and jelly vodka. Bottles of the new Van Gogh Vodka creation went on sale at the end of March. “It is challenging to transform a famous food flavor into a drink flavor, however I think this transition is beautiful and the flavor is intriguing,” master distiller Tim Vos told Bar Business Magazine. “I am certain that everyone will want to enjoy more than one glass.”
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No one uses them, and it costs K&M Telephone Company nearly , to maintain. But to get rid of the last two payphones in Chambers and Inman, Neb., the phone company will have to get special permission from the state’s Public Services Commission. State rules require phone companies to maintain at least one public payphone per Nebraska town. But with cell phone coverage nearly everywhere, the two public payphones together brought in a grand total of . in revenue in —at an operating cost of ,. K&M’s general manager Larry Woods told the Lincoln Journal Star that the company hopes the PSC will grant their waiver to pull the plug on the two phones in May: “It’s just kind of a thing of the past.”
WORLDmag.com: Your online source for today’s news, Christian views
4/17/12 6:50 PM
The police didn’t catch him red-handed, but ink-armed. Police in Twin Falls, Idaho, stopped a -year-old local on March and arrested him after he gave them a fake name. How did they know? Dylan Contreras had his real name tattooed on his arm. Police took him into custody on outstanding warrants, including one for providing false information.
Where countless treasure seekers scouring thrift stores and garage sales failed, Zach Bodish inadvertently succeeded. The -year-old Ohio man walked into a Volunteers of America thrift store in Clintonville, Ohio, in March and walked out with an original signed print of famed artist Pablo Picasso. Bodish spent . on what he thought was a common poster copy of a Picasso print. But once home, he noticed red scribbling in a corner of the work and commenced researching on the internet. That’s when Bodish discovered the poster advertising a exposition of Picasso’s work was actually an original linocut print from the Spanish master himself. Todd Weyman, vice president of Swann Auction Galleries in New York City, told the Columbus Dispatch the print could sell for , or more at auction.
Detroit residents anxious for a RoboCop statue can be thankful that the bronze homage to the popular s movie by the same name is one step closer to reality. Statue visionary Jerry Paffendorf reported to the Detroit News in April that a model of the RoboCop effigy is currently being scanned in a Canadian studio in preparation for a bronze casting. The idea for a statue celebrating Detroit’s most famous fictional crime fighter came from a tweet to Motor City mayor Dave Bing sarcastically asking if his vision for a “New Detroit” included a tribute to the film icon. Since then, local enthusiasts like Paffendorf have raised , for the statue. “The only thing that’s up in the air,” Paffendorf said, “is the timeline and where it’s going to go.”
There are new sounds coming from the treetops in unpopulated spots in Australia. According to a recent report in Australian Geographic, wild parrots have been heard speaking English. The Australian Museum’s Search and Recover desk told the magazine that they have been getting numerous calls from hikers reporting that wild parrots—especially cockatoos—were croaking out phrases in English. Scientists at the museum speculate that the wild parrots could have learned English phrases from domesticated parrots that had escaped and joined a wild flock. M AY 5 , 2 0 1 2
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4/17/12 6:50 PM
Janie B. Cheaney
Counting raisins Government attempts to equalize incomes don’t help the poor
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In other words, some notion of equality is necessary to keep human beings from trampling each ot her, but the greater the commitment, the less it applies. One sure way to wreck a marriage is to insist on dividing everything equally: income, household duties, child care. That actually sounds more like a divorce. Only when the partners are fully in debt to each other do they become something more than partners, and equality is the least of their concerns. In , while still on board the ship that had carried him from England to the New World, John Winthrop wrote a manifesto called “A Model of Christian Charity,” outlining his hopes for the colony soon to be established in what we now call Boston. “God Almighty, in His most holy and wise providence, has so disposed of the condition of mankind, as in all times some must be rich; some poor; some high and eminent in power and dignity; others mean and in subjection.” God has His reasons, according to Winthrop: first, to glorify Himself in the variety of gifts He bestows; second, to exhibit the work of the Spirit in moderating the rich and contenting the poor; third, to encourage men to recognize their need for each ot her. Winthrop’s plan for Boston was based on charity, not equality, with rich and poor alike acknowledging their mutual dependence on God. “For we must consider that we shall be like a City upon a Hill; the eyes of all people are on us.” For almost years, with many mistakes, misdeeds and false starts, American society has held roughly to that model. In spite of “all men are created equal,” equality is more a means than an end; Americans share opportunity but not result. The present administration keeps signaling that equality is their goal and “from each according to his ability” is a legitimate means. But make no mistake: If the philosophy of Occupy Wall Street prevails, it will replace citizens with raisin-counters. A
E , as even little children know. Try dividing a handful of raisins among a group of -year-olds and you’ll see how finely tuned their sense of equality is. Try doing this in the middle of a snack time at VBS or daycare and you’ll find out how limited your patience is. Even if they don’t like raisins that much, they insist that everybody must get the same—which really means nobody gets more than me. An exasperated young mother might be comforted to know that her eagle-eyed toddler can now pursue his raisin-counting through college and beyond. Some universities, like Cornell, even offer a minor degree in “Inequality Studies” for students who are “interested in government service, policy work, or related jobs in nongovernmental organizations.” Berkeley offers a program called “Social Inequalities, American Cultures.” Occidental has “Social Class and Inequality in the United States.” The point of studying inequality, presumably, is to achieve its opposite. But it doesn’t seem to work that way. The practical result of inequality studies might be the Occupy Wall Street movement, with its castigation of the “ percent” and no workable plan to elevate the other ninety-nine except “The rich must pay their fair share.” Or, to put it another way, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” We’ve learned from experience, however, that any serious government attempt to equalize income elevates no one except the government. “I thought love meant equality,” says a character in That Hideous Strength, the last volume of C.S. Lewis’ space trilogy. “I thought it was in their souls that people were equal.” “You were mistaken,” replies Dr. Ransom, the hero of the series. “That is the last place where they are equal. … Equality guards life; it doesn’t make it. It is medicine, not food.”
Email: jcheaney@worldmag.com
4/13/12 10:35 AM
krieg barrie
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4/11/12 3:37 PM
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“The World and Everything in It” debuted August 6 on two dozen radio affiliates. Since then, TW&E has grown to 180 stations, and airs network-wide Sunday nights at 6 (central) on Bott Radio Network. This thoughtful and enjoyable week-in-review program features news and analysis from the WORLD editorial team and interviews with top newsmakers—with the journalistic depth you’ve come to expect from WORLD.
9 MOVIES & TV.indd 22
4/10/12 12:26 PM
Summer flicks
MOVIES: Hollywood is preparing to roll out the blockbusters BY MEGAN BASHAM
T of May kicks off the summer movie season. Here are the headliners that will have crowds fighting for seats, as well as a couple of smaller films likely to interest Christian movie lovers. WORLD has not reviewed these films, and some are not yet rated. MAY 4: THE AVENGERS (not yet rated) Perhaps no other movie on this list is as qualified to call itself a summer blockbuster. So chock-full of superhero fun, Captain America, Thor, and Iron Man and were merely preludes to it.
MAY 4: THE BEST EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL (PG-) Already earning glowing reviews in the U.K., this British indie focuses on a group of retirees who Email: mbasham@worldmag.com
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discover that a life of luxury in India isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Starring Dames Maggie Smith and Judi Dench along with Bill Nighy and Dev Patel (Slumdog Millionaire), it may offer a smart, witty antidote to all the Avenger explosives. JUNE 1: FOR GREATER GLORY (R) Starring Andy Garcia and Eva Longoria, here’s the true story of a group of s Mexican rebels fighting against religious persecution and those who would secularize their nation. An industry insider tells me it fits squarely into the current debate over religious freedom and predicts it will be of particular interest to believers. JUNE 8: PROMETHEUS (not yet rated) Though not a straight prequel to Ridley Scott’s groundbreaking sci-fi horror, Alien, word is it is related to it. Guy Pearce, Charlize Theron, and Noomi Rapace (who starred in the Swedish version of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo) play a group of space explorers who travel COMING ATTRACTIONS: to the darkest corners of the Rock of Ages; Brave; The universe and encounter a Avengers; Prometheus; The Amazing Spider-Man; terrifying threat to the The Dark Knight Rises (clockwise from left). future of the human race. M AY 5 , 2 0 1 2
4/17/12 6:34 PM
Reviews > Movies & TV JUNE 11: ROCK OF AGES (not yet rated) Based on the hit Broadway musical, Tom Cruise, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Paul Giamatti, Alec Baldwin, and Julianne Hough are just a few of the marquee names that make up its starstudded cast. If Rock of Ages even comes close to capturing the brainless energy of the hair bands that inspired it, it will be a guilty pleasure for anyone who grew up in the ’s. JUNE 22: BRAVE (not yet rated) While plenty of animated family fare will fill the screens this summer, Brave is one of only two that isn’t a sequel. A host of British and Scottish actors voice the roles in a story about a Pictish princess whose talent for archery leads to chaos in her father’s kingdom. But really, only one recognizable name in this production is needed to draw audiences—Pixar.
JULY 20: THE DARK KNIGHT RISES (PG-) The final film about the caped crusader (or at least the final one directed by Christopher Nolan) is arguably the most anticipated film of the summer. The Academy sparked national outrage in when it snubbed The Dark Knight for Best Picture, meaning all industry eyes will be turned to see if the franchise’s conclusion stands a chance of overcoming Oscar’s snobbishness toward superheroes.
AUGUST 10: HOPE SPRINGS (not yet rated) It’s rare for a romantic comedy to focus on married people, and even rarer for it to focus on married people in the later years of their relationship. With the towering talents of Meryl Streep and Tommy Lee Jones filling the lead roles as a couple struggling to save their union, this one looks like a winner for a notoriously under-served demographic.
The Three Stooges BY EMILY WHITTEN
M, L, C may be the stupidest guys you—or your parents or their parents—have ever seen. Which is, of course, the reason we’ve paid good money to watch them poke, slap, gouge, hammer, and nyuk each other for nearly a century now. Directed by the Farrelly brothers (Dumb & Dumber), this generation’s adaptation is as stupid as ever. Our three antiheroes arrive as infants at a Catholic orphanage, and there they grow up under the loving, if distraught, eyes of the Sisters of Mercy. By the time the Stooges reach adulthood, their antics have caused so much damage that the property has to close its doors. So, they set out to raise enough money—, to be exact—to keep the Sisters of Mercy and their children together. It’s a soul-searching journey, filled with hard knocks, police chases, and a little shameless pandering to the pop-culture crowd. (Moe, played by Chris Diamantopoulos, shares screen time with Jersey Shore’s Snooki and JWoww.) Where the film relies on tried and true slapstick, it manages quite a few laughs. Larry (Will Sasso) climbing up a wooden ladder with a running chainsaw strapped to his tool belt is snort-through-your-nose funny. The Stooges’ fighting is as finely choreographed as any Dance of the Swans. And then there are the “punny,” though sometimes crass, signs littered throughout the film (i.e. Kickam, Harter, and Indagroyne). Unfortunately, as a whole, the movie just isn’t that funny. It’s jarringly empathetic at times, with dying orphans and heartfelt scenes of reconciliation obtruding on the mindless-laughing-atstupid-guys experience. And even if you aren’t bothered by an assisted suicide subplot, the lobster in the pants shtick, or the scene in which Larry’s pet rat gets stuck in an actress’ cleavage, one scene of a nun in a mostly see-through bathing suit is decidedly offensive. So, with its PG rating for “slapstick action violence” and rude and suggestive behavior and language, this version of The Three Stooges is no classic. But it’s still better than a poke in the eye.
AUGUST 3: THE BOURNE LEGACY (not yet rated) Though the fourth film in the Bourne franchise, it includes neither Matt Damon nor the titular character he played. Instead, it picks up in the aftermath of The Bourne Ultimatum with Jeremy Renner (who also stars in The Avengers) as a spy grappling with the consequences of Jason Bourne’s action.
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4/17/12 6:35 PM
JULY 3: THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (not yet rated) For those who can’t get enough of the webbed wonder, Sony is going back to the beginning with a high-school-age Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) trying to unravel the mystery of his parents’ disappearance. The studio has been citing Christopher Nolan’s reinvention of Batman in promising this outing will be grittier and more contemporary than its predecessors.
A of attractive and lonely, there is chemistry. A If you’re lucky, you might stumble there just in time to meet your soul mate, also attractive and lonely. If you happen to be a young Iraqi War veteran and she happens to be a young single mother with an irascible ex-husband, then you’re probably Zac Efron and Taylor Schilling in the movie The Lucky One, based on Nicholas Sparks’ romance novel of the same name. The movie outshines the book, thanks to a well-edited screenplay and an engaging soundtrack, but the plot points are primarily the same. After a night raid, an American soldier named Logan, on his third tour of duty in Iraq, finds a picture in the rubble of a young woman standing in front of a lighthouse. Unable to find its owner, he slips it in his pocket, becoming the “lucky” survivor of multiple bombings and attacks. His buddies think the picture protected him. He’s unconvinced. Home in Colorado and haunted by memories of the war, he sets out to find and thank his guardian angel, walking across the country until he comes to the right town with the right lighthouse and the right girl. Her name is Beth. She runs a kennel outside of town. She’s there in shorts and a sheer cotton top. She has great legs. He stops walking and stays forever. As chic flicks go, it’s a decent story and packs an emotional punch. Destiny, not God, carries it, though, and beyond kindness to others, all destiny requires is that you jump in bed with your soul mate frequently, particularly if you need to fill screen time. This is a PG- movie, so there’s nothing explicit, but there’s plenty of passion and a generous smattering of profanity to mar an otherwise likeable film.
C is the most simple form of nature documentary: one without any agenda but to craft a compelling narrative. Following a formula that Disney has branded Disneynature, the family-friendly film company pieced together some awesome footage from West Africa, filmed over the course of four years, and used narration and effects such as slow motion and ultra close-ups to set the tone of a story arc. The narrative follows Oscar, a baby chimp carefully nurtured by his mother and “homeschooled” by an “extended family” of chimpanzees. There is no gore in the movie (the film is rated G), no signs of the outside world—no science lessons, either— and barely a hint of innocence lost when Oscar becomes an orphan.
Much of the footage in the film is so crisp it could be fake, and at times it is almost too much like a Disney fairytale. The narrative is only partially manufactured—Oscar really was adopted by his group’s male leader after his mother’s death, according to the filmmakers—but the rivalry between two chimpanzee “gangs” follows a confusing timeline and lacks tension, especially when the narrator concludes at the climax that “teamwork has beaten brute force.” Nature itself can be dangerous, but the film skirts the edges of that type of drama in a clear attempt to avoid scaring the younger members of the audience. Suspenseful music, though, may scare some children.
See all our movie reviews at WORLDmag.com/movies
9 MOVIES & TV.indd 25
BOX OFFICE TOP 10 - according to Box Office Mojo
CAUTIONS: Quantity of sexual (S), violent (V), and foul-language (L) content on a - scale, with high, from kids-in-mind.com
The Hunger Games* PG-13... 2̀ The Three Stooges PG........... 3̀ The Cabin in the Woods R ......................... 4̀ Titanic D PG-13........................ 5̀ American Reunion R ........... 6̀ Wrath of the Titans* PG-13... 7̀ Mirror Mirror* PG ................... 8̀ Jump Street R ..................... 9̀ Lockout PG-13 ......................... not rated 1 `0 Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax* PG .... 1̀
*Reviewed by WORLD
At less than minutes, the movie still struggles to hold attention. Adults will likely feel impatient after minutes, since watching is like experiencing a sneezing panda video that goes on too long. Tim Allen’s friendly narration is an attempt both to turn the apes into distinct characters and to make them relatable, like the pet you pretend can talk back. There are enough extended montages of Oscar hanging upside down or looking confused to satisfy any chimp lover, but those old enough to understand what is going on will likely be looking for more insight on this jungle world than the film’s detailed explanation of group grooming. M AY 5 , 2 0 1 2
4/17/12 6:38 PM
Reviews > Books
No disguises
Authors address the importance of true humility and the evolution of tolerance BY MARVIN OLASKY
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shouldn’t agree with another view? The practical consequences are severe: The old tolerance lets evangelical churches meet in schools on Sunday mornings, unless atheists outbid them for the same space. The new tolerance excludes anyone considered intolerant. Carson recommends that Christians admit intolerance of pedophilia, rape, and other evils, and push others to admit that they also are intolerant of such things. The debate then advances beyond one of tolerance vs. intolerance, and potentially proceeds to one of right and wrong. We can ask a pleader for the new tolerance: Do you think “the world would be a better place if all Jews were thrown into the ovens”? Do you agree that pedophilia is “a fine expression of love?” Is there “nothing morally objectionable about crushing the skull of a baby and sucking out its brains, when in the normal course of events it was only three weeks from birth”? He concludes with an excellent -point program, including “Expose the New Tolerance’s Moral and Epistemological Bankruptcy … Expose the New Tolerance’s Condescending Arrogance … Distinguish between Empirical Diversity and the Inherent Goodness of All Diversity … Challenge Secularism’s Ostensible Neutrality and Superiority.” Or, in other words, work and pray for humility to replace pride. A
life of humility, but he doesn’t think of himself as humble. The proud man is completely unaware of his pride. Of all men he is most Farley convinced that he is humble.” Farley notes how pride has sapped institutions, including colleges, where founders emphasize knowledge and learning but “the third generation capitulates to the lust for intellectual responsibility.” And that leads me to another book, D.A. Carson’s The Intolerance of Tolerance (Eerdmans, ), which illuminates the subtle but massive change in the definition of “tolerance” adopted by many leaders in academia and media. “Tolerance” once meant recognizing the rights of others to have different views. Now it stipulates that no one can say some views are right and others are wrong. Under the old definition, Carson notes, “tolerance is the virtue of a person with convictions who thinks that others should not be coerced to agree with his convictions.” The new definition leads to exclusion in the name of inclusion. For example, some colleges are trying to coerce Christian groups into allowing practicing homosexuals to be officers, and banning the groups if they require allegiance to biblical precepts. The logical contradiction of exclusionary inclusion is obvious: What happens to toleration of the view that we
Email: molasky@worldmag.com
4/11/12 10:32 PM
W F’ GospelPowered Humility (P&R, ) offers a gospel-centered description of the term—“the capacity to see myself in God’s light, in the context of his holiness and my sinfulness”—and suggests that “humility is a prerequisite for conversion.” We are saved by faith alone, but “the faith that saves immediately begins the humbling process.” Farley builds on insights offered by Augustine, John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, and C.S. Lewis. Augustine “suggested that humility is the soil from which all the virtues grow and pride the soil that produces the vices.” Calvin argued that “unbelief is the source of pride, faith is the beginning and source of humility. … Real, heartfelt faith in the gospel always humbles,” because we realize that we are in trouble and cannot get ourselves out of it by trying harder. Later, Edwards called humility “a great and most essential thing in true religion,” and argued, “The whole frame of the gospel, and everything appertaining to the new covenant, and all God’s dispensations towards fallen man, are calculated to bring to pass this effect [humility] in the hearts of men.” In this sense, it strikes me that the people we see as most miserable—dealing with a problem they cannot handle—are actually blessed, because they are more likely to rely on God than those who believe they have everything under control. C.S. Lewis wrote, “If you think you are not conceited, it means you are very conceited indeed.” Farley calls this “the great paradox: The proud man thinks he is humble, but the humble man thinks he is proud. … He aggressively pursues a
NOTABLE BOOKS Four recent nonfiction books > reviewed by
Malignant: Medical Ethicists Confront Cancer edited by Rebecca Dresser What happens when those who make their living opining on medical ethics get cancer? They become patients, experiencing personally the issues they’ve previously only written about. They come face-to-face with uncaring doctors, doctors who spend little time explaining options, and doctors who are afraid to break bad news. They wrestle with decisions about treatment. One even found herself making the foolish decision to refuse a feeding tube, putting her life in danger. Although written for an academic audience, the essays are useful for anyone interested in better medical care and treatment. Leon Kass’ excellent essay deals with the big question of how to live well in the face of mortality.
Adam and Eve After the Pill: Paradoxes of the Sexual Revolution Mary Eberstadt “No single event since Eve took the apple has been as consequential for relations between the sexes as the arrival of modern contraception.” With that provocative statement, Mary Eberstadt begins her argument that the sexual revolution has been a disaster for many, especially the weakest among us. Her arguments will be familiar to many WORLD readers—but she says the reigning orthodoxy ignores or suppresses the data that support them. Eberstadt notes increased attention to the morality of food and less to that of sex, and suggests that acceptance of pornography may decline as acceptance of smoking has declined. She also asserts that the Catholic priest sex scandals interrupted a trend toward greater acceptance of pederasty.
The Mormon People: The Making of an American Faith Matthew Bowman Bowman is an able guide through the decades, personalities, and doctrines that make up Mormon history. Beginning with Joseph Smith in upstate New York, Bowman crafts a fascinating and well-researched narrative that shows how this modern religion is both similar to and opposed to the evangelicalism from which it grew. He shows how the church developed and changed, emphasizing and jettisoning doctrines depending on whether it was trying to separate from or blend in with the larger culture. Critics of the LDS church, both Christian and secular, might object that Bowman is too even-handed. Christians who believe in the inerrancy of Scripture will be surprised by the plasticity of Mormon belief.
SPOTLIGHT The Encyclopedia Britannica announced in March that it would discontinue its -volume print edition when current supplies run out. The encyclopedia was first published in Edinburgh, Scotland, in , and has been printed continuously for years. Sales jumped from sets a week prior to the announcement to , sets a week after, as buyers raced to scoop up the remaining , sets priced at , per set. If you think you’ve noticed changes when reading the New International Version of the Bible online, you could be right. According to BibleGateway.com, the version listed as the NIV is actually the NIV version. An interested reader received this explanation from BibleGateway. com: “The NIV’s edition is being listed as just the NIV at the request of the publisher. The NIV text supersedes its predecessor, so from this point forward, this new text is considered the NIV, both on Bible Gateway and in print.” BibleGateway.com will continue to provide both versions as long as the publisher makes them available.
Girls Uncovered
Joe S. McIlhaney and Freda McKissic Bush Written by two doctors affiliated with the conservative Medical Institute for Sexual Health, this handbook details the dangers facing young girls today. Drawing from current research, the authors document the prevalence of premature sexual activity, the risk of sexually transmitted infections, and the risk of pregnancy. The second half of the book examines what society, parents, and young women need to do to change this bad news. The emphasis on data and studies is the book’s strength and also its weakness. Too often we use data to make an argument against premarital sex. We need to become better at explaining what we are for. Email: solasky@worldmag.com; see all our reviews at WORLDmag.com/books
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4/11/12 10:35 PM
Reviews > Q&A
Campus tilting
A providential job placement brings together ERIC TEETSEL’s passion for student life and economics
H’ interview for graduating students worried about jobs, and for parents who want to know what their children often learn in college. Eric Teetsel, , grew up in a military family and became used to moving around. After managing the Values and Capitalism program at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) in Washington, D.C., he has just taken a new position as executive director of the Manhattan Declaration, a project designed to bring together Protestants, Catholics, and Orthodox Christians in support of life, marriage, and religious freedom. Three years ago you were an academic adviser at Colorado Christian University and thinking that you could some day become a dean of students—but you were open to a change. My experiences as an Army brat taught me that God is sovereign. He really is in control. I hated moving, leaving my friends, and being uprooted. Every time I moved I hated it more. It took or instances of that occurring before I realized there’s always a newer, better opportunity that God has in store for me. So how did the opportunity to go to Washington come about? I got a call out of the blue from a friend about a
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think tank in D.C. that was looking to hire someone to reach evangelical college students with programming about free markets. I laughed and said I am in no way qualified to do that, and what’s a think tank? I applied just as a favor. Then an AEI person called you? I was blunt and free with the person on the other end of the phone. I said, “Look I don’t know who you are and I don’t know anything about economics, but if you’re looking for someone who knows Christian higher education, I can do that piece.” I got a second interview. They flew me out. Freedom in job interviews is another word for nothing left to lose. Absolutely. I had no shot at getting this. I couldn’t believe they were still talking to me. I didn’t really want it. I loved Colorado. All my friends were there. I could ski. I ended up getting an offer in about three weeks. All the experiences of moving had taught me that I needed to be aware of the moments when God is directing your life. Before we talk about the past three years, let’s fill in some of your background. You were a high-school Republican? I was fervently pro-life: That was a huge part of it. I had no comprehension of economics or free enterprise.
Social issues were compelling my conservatism at that point. You went to a Christian college. I experienced what most students who go to Christian colleges experience in terms of having their assumptions challenged by professors. I remember going home after my freshman year and arguing with my mom about whether evolution was true because I had taken freshman biology and suddenly my views were radically different. I remember my mom crying. What did you learn about evolution in your freshman biology class? That our understanding of something like the first two chapters of Genesis doesn’t necessarily have to be literal. It was the most vague sort of biblical hermeneutics. Last year you wrote in one column, “The preponderance of liberalism throughout the Council of Christian Colleges and Universities would shock and anger the majority of parents who send their children to these schools.” What’s an example of that? I’m in a class about how to work with students who are struggling with MICHAEL TEMCHINE/GENESIS FOR WORLD
4/19/12 1:07 PM
sexual identity issues. I went expecting to learn strategies and techniques for compassionate shepherding of a student in a situation like that. Instead, our lecturer said the real problem is Christians who tell students facing these issues that homosexuality is wrong. If we would just embrace it there would be no problem. I suspect you disagreed. He went on for a while. Finally I raised my hand and, as respectfully as I could, said, “Sir, wouldn’t you agree that there’s a whole theology of human sexuality that goes from Genesis straight through based on a heterosexual model?” He said, “No, I wouldn’t agree, and I’m going to invite you to stop speaking now for your own good.” I was shocked. I thought we were in class to engage in conversation. Since you have managed the Values and Capitalism project, I’ll ask: What did you learn about market systems during your seven years as an undergraduate and graduate student? In one course my professor of economics said, as an aside, “I am a capitalist and I will never apologize for that and neither should you.” That was the only time in seven years of Christian education I heard anything like that. But professors of communication or theology freely opined on economics from a decidedly leftward-leaning position. You started doing more reading while you were working at Colorado Christian. It was the first time I was exposed to the idea that I could and should be an advocate for the free market because of my Christian convictions. Reading Michael Novak’s The Spirit of
Democratic Capitalism for the first time, I asked, “How is it possible no one ever said that to me?” Which people do students at Christian college often hear? Guys like Shane Claiborne, Donald Miller, Jim Wallis come to speak at campuses. What obstacles do conservative Christians face in communicating a different understanding? While there is an approach to conservatism that deals with the issues society faces in a humane way, we’re not known for caring about people, even though our policies do. Meanwhile, the policies the left promotes do not help poor people. We need to make the moral case for budget reform based on the understanding that we should take care of the least among us. We need to show how continuing to spend on programs like Medicare and Medicaid without regard to the long-term implications is in no way beneficial to the poor. And now you’re moving on to a new position that has you staying in Washington and directing the Manhattan Declaration movement. How did that transition happen? I heard about the position and talked with folks. It moved very quickly—a month from initial contact to hiring. I saw on manhattandeclaration.org that the declaration itself now has about , signatures. Many people understand one of the lasting lessons that I’ll take away from AEI: The family is the cornerstone of society. Broken families have dire economic consequences, and—to start at the beginning— life and marriage are at the core of human thriving. A M AY 5 , 2 0 1 2
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4/19/12 1:08 PM
Reviews > Music
Gospel surprises
Definitely not ironic is Love, Peace, and Soul (Savoy Jazz) by the jazz clarinetist Don Byron and his New Gospel Quintet. Like Haden and Jones,
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Byron knows his church music. Unlike Haden and Jones, he prefers it served up hot, twisted into funky new shapes (sing along to his 10-minute arrangement of “Take My Hand, Precious Lord” at your own risk), and with lyrics: Only on the disc-ending “When I’ve Done My Best” does the vocalist D.K. Dyson take a welldeserved breather. Eight of the 12 tracks are re-workings of Thomas Dorsey compositions long beloved of black-gospel devotees, and another is the Mahalia Jackson staple “Didn’t It Rain.” So it would be easy to dismiss Love, Peace, and Soul as simply the latest of Byron’s “genre exercises.” (He has also recorded tributes to the klezmer music of Mickey Katz, GOOD NEWS: Haden drew attention to another oftenthe R&B music of (left) and Jones; overlooked but nonetheless rich Junior Walker, and the Byron (with sax) source of gospel song: the music genre-defying music of and the new gospel Scruggs performed with Lester Raymond Scott.) Quintet; scruggs. Flatt and the Foggy Mountain Boys It would be easy, in the early years of their career. that is, if it weren’t for Flatt and Scruggs tend to be “Himmm,” a tender Byron-Dyson original remembered for revolutionizing the reminding listeners who find themselves way bluegrass was played. But as the in their “darkest hours” that “joy comes many compilations of their Mercury in the morning.” “Hold me tight ’til Records recordings from 1948 to 1951 then,” Dyson sings while Byron’s clarinet attest, gospel themes figured largely in echoes her request. It’s hard to imagine the words they sang and wrote—as such a composition coming from somethose drawn in by “Foggy Mountain one who hadn’t first lived it as a prayer. Breakdown” and “The Ballad of Jed Clampett” will eventually discover, The coverage following the death in possibly to their everlasting delight. A March of the banjo pioneer Earl Scruggs
Haden & Jones: eMarcy records • Byron: Handout • scruggs: JosH anderson/ap
“The wind,” said Jesus, referring to the Holy Spirit, “bloweth where it listeth,” and jazz fans need look no further for evidence than Come Sunday (EmArcy), the recently released instrumental album of gospel standards by the bassist Charlie Haden and the late pianist Hank Jones. Recorded shortly before Jones’ death in 2010, Come Sunday is a sequel to the duo’s 1995 collaboration, Steal Away. And, like that collection of “spirituals, hymns, and folk songs,” Come Sunday comprises melodies familiar to anyone brought up in the “old-time religion” specifically celebrated in one of the album’s 14 tracks. That Jones had an affinity for these songs is no surprise. The son of a Baptist deacon, he could’ve probably played “Bringing in the Sheaves,” “Sweet Hour of Prayer,” “Blessed Assurance,” and “The Old Rugged Cross” in his sleep. But he certainly wouldn’t have played them as simply and eloquently as he did while he was awake in the studio and no doubt aware that at 91 his end was drawing nigh. Haden’s attachment to the music is tougher to figure out. A political leftist whose 2005 album with the Liberation Music Orchestra, Not in Our Name, was a direct response to the policies of George W. Bush (and whose 1969 album, Liberation Music Orchestra, was a direct response to the Vietnam War), he seems an unlikely participant in a project most likely to appeal to devout members of red-state churches. But he plays with simplicity and eloquence as well, thus giving credence to the theory that his inclusion of “Amazing Grace” on Not in Our Name may not have been ironic after all.
Email: aorteza@worldmag.com
4/12/12 11:30 AM
BiBB: patricia de gorostarz
Jazz performers offer new takes on christian standards By arsEnio ortEza
Five new or recent jazz and blues CDs > reviewed by
Talk to Me Freddy Cole Nat “King” Cole’s legacy is secure, and his -year-old younger brother’s will be someday. For now, though, the latter’s is still growing, and his latest songs betray no more wear and tear than any of the other excellent albums he’s recorded in the last two decades. If anything, Freddy’s husky voice sounds better suited than ever to his impeccable taste in material.The s title classic has never sounded warmer. And “Lovely Day”—one of three Bill Withers compositions—has never sounded lovelier.
The Music of America
Wynton Marsalis Not many musicians could get away with calling an album The Music of America without seeming pretentious, but in Marsalis’ case the title fits. Mining the mountain of music he released between and so latecomers to his work don’t have to, he condenses into two-anda-half hours the sonic history of the land he loves because in it Africans with the blues came together with European classicists to make jazz. Title of the jumpingest number:“In the Sweet Embrace of Life Sermon: Holy Ghost.”
Some Kind of Comfort
In some ways, Deeper in the Well (Stony Plain), the latest album by the acoustic bluesman Eric Bibb, is the least impressive of the three albums Bibb has released in the last months. Unlike the starkly unadorned Troubadour Live (Telarc) and Blues, Ballads and Work Songs (Opus ), the emphasis this time is less on Bibb’s nimble, guitar-picking fingers and warm baritone voice than on the way they mesh with the bayou vibe created by Dirk Powell, Cedric Watson, and other southwestLouisiana musicians. But the mesh takes, especially on “Dig a Little Deeper in the Well,” in which an old-timey, Cajun lilt accompanies such casually tossed-off wisdom as “Son, find you a woman that’ll be good to you like your mama’s been to me” and “Ain’t nothin’ worse than takin’ a drink that leaves you with a thirst.” And on the morally cautionary one-two punch “No Further” and “Sinner Man,” Bibb digs deeper still.
Radio Music Society
Judith Owen “Oh, God,” Owen sings on “Trip and Tumble,” “watch me as I fall from grace again. / Oh God, every time I think I’ve worked it out, I fall on my face.”Her dramatic Welsh alto verging on the overripe, her elegant piano and a mournful cello underscoring the sentiments—the combination is almost too much in a Tori Amos sort of way. Ultimately, though, it isn’t.Rather, it’s the perfect balancing act required of an introspection that toes the fine line between sympathy and empathy without a net.
Esperanza Spalding After winning the “Best New Artist” Grammy in the wake of Chamber Music Society,, Spalding could’ve played things safe and merely reprised that album’s jazzy, vocalise-heavy charms.Instead, she has assembled an all-star cast, created an Afrocentric jazz-pop tour de force, and replaced the vocalise with words. Some of them you have to be an Afrocentrist to love.But “How can we call our home, the land of the free / Until we’ve unbound the praying hands / Of each innocent woman and man?” you don’t. See all our reviews at WORLDmag.com/music
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4/13/12 11:22 AM
Mindy Belz
European war zone Belgium is the battleground for life and freedom, again
BRAVELY SINGING: The Roosemonts (Lionel is at left; Tikvah is center front); the March for Life in Brussels.
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passersby have stopped to ask why she has not been euthanized. Few Americans, despite tolerating legal abortion for nearly years, would be so bold. So we should listen to our European brethren who are fighting for the sanctity of life from a foothold further down the slippery slope. Belgium has for decades not only legalized abortion but in also legalized euthanasia. The law carries “safeguards” stating that a patient must have “constant and unbearable physical or psychological pain” and must give written consent before he can be put to death. The law requires a third doctor’s opinion before euthanizing someone without a terminal illness, and a one-month waiting period for patients with depression. According to Roosemont, it’s become the law of the land to ignore even those safeguards. In one study of euthanized patients conducted in the Flanders region, researchers found that in the majority of cases such deaths took place without a written patient’s directive. Marc Cosyns, a physician who teaches ethics at Ghent University, reported in a Belgian medical journal that he put to death a woman suffering from dementia with only her verbal consent. The case was investigated but closed without charges. “Since the law was voted years ago,” says Roosemont, “a black blanket has descended upon Belgium and is suffocating its people. The whole atmosphere has completely changed.” Thanks to Roosemont and others, another atmosphere is stirring. Pro-life groups are multiplying and annual Marches for Life now take place in Brussels, The Hague, Dublin, and other European cities. Belgium’s third annual march—held this year on March —drew , youth, elderly, and families who took to the streets then laid , white roses on the steps of the Palais de Justice. These activists labor under something other than the culture of death. In the last chapter of Mark’s Gospel, the just-risen Jesus promises the disciples that those who believe Him and are baptized will be saved. But there’s more: “In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.” And that’s reason enough to join Roosemont in one of the world’s worst battlefields. A
F L R spring is a busy season. Tourists flock to Ypres Salient as the ground warms and the poppies bloom in the ditches and cemeteries. Roosemont is owner and operator of Frontline Tours, giving four-hour guided excursions through arguably the bloodiest battlefields in the world. As Roosemont recently pointed out to me, “Almost as many soldiers died here as in the whole U.S. Civil War … but in an area not bigger than square miles.” In four pitched battles surrounding Ypres, over half a million Allied soldiers and Germans lost their lives in World War I. These are the battlefields that launched modern trench warfare, the battlefields where poison gas first became a combat weapon, and where a field surgeon named John McCrae—surveying the awful carnage—wrote “In Flanders Fields,” one of the best-known war poems. Today the cemeteries have the highest concentration of British and French war dead anywhere in the world. When Roosemont isn’t motoring through these battlefields he is volunteering in another, going to war against the onslaught of laws in Belgium governing abortion and euthanasia—and a culture of choice that aids and abets them. On a continent whose pro-life movement is just gaining ground, Roosemont has been described as a pro-life veteran. He has reason to be. Sixteen years ago when his wife was seven months pregnant, doctors pressured the couple to have an abortion. The child his wife Renate carried had brain defects related to hydrocephalus, they said, and if she made it through birth would die shortly after. Today -year-old Tikvah is severely disabled but she is not blind, deaf, paralyzed, or dead as doctors predicted. The triumph of her life, however, is lost on many Belgians. Roosemont told me that several times as he has walked with her down the street,
Email: mbelz@worldmag.com
4/17/12 8:39 AM
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W 4/17/12 4:14 PM
After over two decades of civil war, six years of tentative peace, and a year since the independence of South Sudan, new refugees from Sudan’s embattled Nuba Mountains—including a large population of Christians—give evidence of an unfolding humanitarian crisis, ethnic cleansing, and forewarnings of a broader conflict
by Jamie Dean in Yida, South Sudan
waR In the shadow of
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For nearly five days, the pastor and families from his local church trekked on foot through sweltering heat and torrential downpours to cross the border into South Sudan and settle here in Yida, a remote refugee camp just a few miles away from the volatile north-south border. Less than two months after arriving, a familiar affliction followed. An Antonov bomber approached from northern Sudan and circled Yida three times before dropping its payload: four bombs that landed near the camp, and one that landed next to a thatched-roof school in the middle of camp. Thankfully, the bomb didn’t explode, but terror did: Refugees fled into the woods and the bush, some staying for hours. These days, foxholes dot the landscape of the camp’s
hot sand and red dirt—a constant reminder that danger lurks just beyond the horizon. As many as , refugees live here in Yida, facing the harsh reality of starting over with few supplies and wondering if they’ll ever return home. Most have fled here from the Nuba Mountains in the state of South Kordofan, a region just over the border in northern Sudan, after South Sudan declared its independence from Sudan in . The situation in the Nuba Mountains is reminiscent of the catastrophe in Darfur, where the Sudanese government executed an ethnic cleansing campaign against opposition forces and civilians during a conflict that began in . These days, local residents and outside observers say the government is conducting another campaign in the Nuba Mountains against forces who are sympathetic to South Sudan and who are demanding greater control of their own territory. The region is also home to many Christians—an open target for an Islamic government in the north that persecuted and killed Christians in South Sudan for decades. That campaign has ensnared hundreds of thousands of civilians in pockets of the Nuba Mountains, forcing them to endure bombings, burned villages, rape, torture, and starvation. It’s not the first time: During a similar campaign in the Nuba Mountains in the s, as many as a half million residents died. But while they’ve lived with bombardments and violence for decades, they can’t live without food. More than a dozen refugees in Yida told me they fled the region mostly HARSH REALITIES: because they feared starvaRefugees hide in caves in tion. Constant bombings the Nuba Mountains (left); have kept farmers inside the hot sand and red dirt their homes or hiding in in Yida (center); a child suffers from malnutrition. caves, leaving crops unattended and harvests ruined.
hen Ali Harun Saliman fled relentless bombing and looming famine in Sudan’s Nuba Mountains seven months ago, the Episcopal pastor left nearly all his possessions but took the two things most dear: his family and most of his congregation.
affected some , residents in Blue Nile and South Kordofan since last year. As many as , live in refugee camps in South Sudan and neighboring Ethiopia. Meanwhile, the situation is worsening under the pressure of separate conflicts over oil fields and borderlines between Sudan and South Sudan that have grown violent in recent weeks. On April , South Sudanese troops seized Mou n ta i n s Nu b a Heglig, a major oil installation in South Kordofan state, saying they were trying to defend against ongoing attacks from Yida Heglig the north. Southern army spokesman Refugee camps Pariang Col. Philip Aguer said northern forces Oil fields Nyeel retaliated by dropping “many bombs” Bentiu over Heglig. The spokesman said the bombing and clashes represent a “terrible escalation” in the north-south conflict. By April , the northern military had branded South Sudan “an enemy” and a spokesman for the northern government, Rabie Abdelaty, said Sudanese troops would take back Heglig Juba by force: “This is war.” The worsening conflict stokes fears of a wider war that would endanger vulnerable civilians in both nations, especially along the border near the Nuba Mountains. Mukesh Kapila, a former UN official who was outspoken about ethnic cleansing in Darfur, visited In some areas, food isn’t available. The Famine Early Warning South Kordofan in March and offered a grim assessment to Systems Network, an organization that tracks food supply in Reuters: “Sudan hosted the first genocide of the century in vulnerable regions, estimated conditions would reach “nearDarfur, and the second one is unfolding in Nuba.” famine” in the Nuba Mountains by this month. Whether other international observers call the campaign Similar bombardments in Sudan’s Blue Nile state have genocide, the ongoing violence and starvation in the Nuba forced residents from their homes as well. Overall, the UN Mountains is a certain catastrophe that threatens worse estimates that violence or hunger has displaced or severely
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4/17/12 4:22 PM
In many cases, thelossesareoverwhelming.Nearthenorth
sideofthecamp,ZaraTutucrouchesunderatreeandpointsto thesmallthatchedhutshe’stryingtobuildforhereightyoung children.Fornow,shesitsinatinypatchofshadeduringthe heatofthedaywhentemperaturessoarabove110degrees. Theyoungmothersayssheandherchildrenarrivedhere 20daysagoafterwalking10daystoreachthecamp.(She saysherhusbandwilljointhemsoon.)Tutudescribesconstantshellingandaerialbombardmentofhervillageinthe NubaMountainsbynorthernSudanesetroops.Aftermonths ofaggression,shesaysfoodranout:“Idecidedtobringmy
“I decIded to brIng my chIldren here Instead of allowIng them to starve.” —Zara TuTu, moTher of eighT
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4/17/12 4:23 PM
photos by jamie dean
asualtiesiftheSudanesegovernment c doesn’trelentorallowhumanitarian aidtoflowtotheregion.Inmid-April, SudaneseofficialsclaimedthatSouth Kordofandoesn’tneedfoodaid,but USAIDestimated200,000to250,000 residentsareclosetorunningoutof food. It’salsoatragedyforthethousands flowingovertheborderintorefugee campswithfewresources.Herein Yida,refugeessaytheyarelowoncriticalsuppliesjustweeksaheadofa rainyseasonsettobeginbythis month.Thoserainswillcutoffsupply routestothecamp.Andwhilethe UnitedStateshascommittedsome$26 milliontotheUNtohelprefugeesin theregion,somesaytheyaren’tgettingtheresourcestheyneedtohelp themselves. That’soneofthestrikingdynamics inYida:Thoughtherefugeescan’t surviveinthebarrenregionwithout outsideassistance(thenearesttownis nearlythreehoursawaybycar),they longtoworkhardandcareforthemselves.Sincecominghere,they’ve builthomes,aschool,amarket,and sevenchurcheswithmaterialsthey gatheredinthesurroundingbush—all whilesurvivingon30-dayfoodrations thatrunlowfast. Saliman,aftercomingherewithhis congregationlastSeptember,isbusier thaneverinhisworkasaminister, writingsermonswithoutthestudy materialsheleftbehindandhelping churchmemberscopewithlossand deprivation. Duringanearlymorningmeeting withsixotherpastorslivinginYida,theministersprayedfor theirchurchesandmeditatedonJesus’wordsinMatthew26: “Thepooryouwillalwayshavewithyou.”Salimantalked abouthisownpoverty-strickencongregation:“Iencourage themtoforgetwhatisbackinthemountains.MaybetheLord willhelpthemwiththethingstheylost.”
photos by jamie dean
BEREAVED: a refugee widow recently arrived at yida with her family (left); children in yida.
children here instead of allowing them to starve.” It wasn’t an easy decision. Saving her children meant leaving behind her elderly father who wasn’t strong enough for the trek. He insisted she take the children. “So I went and col-
lected water, cooked food for him, and left,” she says. “That’s the grave for him. There’s no way out.” Nearby, another recent arrival in Yida mourns the family she left behind. Crouching on the ground outside a hut, the elderly woman says she lost her daughter-in-law and a grandchild during a bombardment in the Nuba Mountains that destroyed her home. Her son said his remaining children wouldn’t endure a long journey, so he sent his mother with another group of refugees. The group walked five days. She believes she won’t see her family again: “It’s not possible.” Some refugees manage to buy passage to the camp in a car or truck, but many say they can’t afford a trip back to check on family. Hawa Haran and her five children came here by car three weeks ago but doubts they’ll be able to return to visit the mother and brother she left behind. Haran already lost her husband last June when ground troops killed him during a village raid. Hunched on a low stump outside a small hut, Haran’s face bears the marks of loss. She stares into the distance when she speaks. Her eyes carry a mixture of shock, sadness, and resignation. And the young widow is facing difficulties in the camp. She arrived a few days after aid organizations had distributed
the latest 30-day food ration for each family. That means she’s waited nearly a month for her own food supply. Neighbors are sharing their own small rations. It’s not much, but Haran says supplies here are more plentiful than in Nuba: “I want to stay here so I can care for my children.” Children abound in the camp, including some who have come on their own. Refugee churches and aid organizations are struggling to make arrangements for a growing number of orphans and other unaccompanied minors. One refugee widow is caring for eight children who arrived without parents. During the hottest part of the day, a group of children playing under one of the few trees in the camp seem resilient against the heat and deprivation of Yida. One little boy in a torn blue T-shirt can’t remember how long he’s lived here with his family, but he knows they walked three days before arriving. He also knows how much he’s had to eat today: one cup of boiled sorghum. When asked if he’ll eat dinner, he replies: “No, that’s all for today.” The UN’s World Food Program (WFP) has been supplying food rations for the camp using international standards for refugee supplies. The Christian aid group Samaritan’s Purse maintains a small compound and staff on site and distributes the food rations according to a distribution schedule dictated by WFP. Each 30-day food ration includes a supply of sorghum, beans, oil, and salt for each member of the family. (UN workers don’t stay at the camp, citing safety concerns over recent violence in nearby cities, including the oil town of Bentiu.) The program includes extra food supplements for nursing and pregnant mothers, and Samaritan’s Purse operates a nutrition compound for malnourished children under age 5. Some children have additional problems that often mirror the most common maladies experienced by adults in Yida: vomiting and diarrhea, pneumonia, and malaria. Another aid organization, Doctors Without Borders, operates a small field hospital in Yida and an outpatient clinic that has seen as many as 700 patients a week. Two other relief groups, CARE and the International Rescue Committee, have also
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months. Algumbulla says the timing for such supplies is critical before rain closes most transportation routes: “It’s the final months for us.”
In the meantime,
VULNERABLE: a nurse from Samaritan’s Purse gives nutrition supplements to a malnourished child (above); Episcopal pastor ali Harun Saliman at the altar of his thatched church.
the refugees in Yida are trying to carve normalcy out of upheaval. They’ve organized to appoint council members to address issues like health, education, food, and camp layout. (For example, a camp engineer helps refugees determine how far apart to build their homes in order to prevent fires from spreading from one thatched roof to the next.) Though they have few supplies, refugees have built their own schools, and volunteers teach classes. A small chalkboard in the front of an open-air structure shows that the students have been learning basic addition and subtraction. They’ve also built a rustic marketplace of small stalls with thatched roofs, and vendors sell a surprisingly wide array of products they’ve brought from home or purchased from trucks that pass through the area: wrenches and bolts, beans and other vegetables, hygiene products, cell phone batteries, and cups of hot tea. When nearly half of the market burned down in early April, other stalls remained open, and shopkeepers began planning new huts. And then there are the churches: Refugee pastors have established seven churches in Yida representing four denominations (Episcopal, Sudan Church of Christ, Catholic, and
photos by jamie dean
assisted with medical care and treatment for incidents of rape or violence in the camp. But the most vulnerable patients remain malnourished children with weakened immune systems and little strength to fight infections and diseases. On a wooden cot near the front of a large white tent, a baby girl lies listlessly in the afternoon heat. She’s 2 years old but weighs a little over 10 pounds. After a series of nutrition supplements, she’s sitting up and eating a small piece of bread by the next morning, but significant challenges remain. Good nutrition is critical to staving off a host of illnesses in both babies and adults, and refugees in the camp would like to improve their chances by doing something they’re accustomed to doing at home in the Nuba Mountains: grow their own food. Hussein Algumbulla is head of the camp’s refugee council and meets with aid organizations and UN workers on behalf of the refugees. Algumbulla says he has been communicating with UN workers for weeks, asking them to bring seeds for planting crops. On the corners of the camp, refugees are clearing plots of land, hoping to plant small crops ahead of the rains to ensure they have more food next year. The UN has resisted offering agricultural assistance, saying that Yida is too close to the north-south border. UN workers say the refugees should move to a pair of camps farther south (Pariang and Nyeel), saying they’ve set up agricultural and educational programs at both sites. Though some refugees have relocated, most Yida refugees have balked at the request to move. Algumbulla gives a list of reasons: The refugees want to remain closer, not farther away, from their homeland in the Nuba Mountains in case a return is possible. Also, after visiting the sites, they say the land in the camps farther south isn’t suitable for crops. But there’s another reason they think uprooting is unnecessary: The other camps aren’t that far away. Pariang lies about 22 miles south of Yida. Nyeel is about 44 miles south. Aid workers estimate it would take Antonov bombers about 15 minutes to reach the camps from Yida. That makes a mass move less compelling, says Algumbulla: “There is no safe place.” UN officials say they haven’t withheld critical emergency supplies from the refugees in Yida, but they do prefer they move south. Last year, Mireille Gerard, head of operations for the UN refugee agency in South Sudan, said the agency was trying to create “a pull factor” by offering better resources in the other camps. In an email interview in April, Vivian Tan, a UN spokeswoman in Africa, emphasized Yida’s close proximity to a volatile border and the bombings the camp has already endured. Tan said the organization doesn’t want to encourage refugees— especially children—to stay in a dangerous spot. She said the UN hasn’t asked the refugees to move farther south than the two alternative camps because they’re already reluctant to move. Meanwhile, seeds and school supplies aren’t the only resources running low in Yida. Aid workers say that there isn’t enough soap or latrine slabs in the camp—a deficit that could cause major health problems during the rainy season. Refugees also need mosquito nets to fight malaria in rainy
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photos by jamie dean
Evangelical). Most pastors came with their church members, and quickly re-established their congregations, complete with meeting places for Sunday worship and sometimes daily prayer meetings. On a mid-morning walk through the camp, Episcopal pastor Saliman gives a tour of his church’s modest compound: As many as 300 people fill a large thatched hut with dirt floors on Sunday mornings, with more spilling from the back into the open air. A smaller hut next door acts as a Sunday school room for children, where church members teach Bible lessons and sing songs with community children every afternoon. Saliman walks into an even smaller hut next to the church, and says: “This is the church office.” The minister and church officers use the tiny room to hold meetings and pray for the congregation. Eventually, Saliman hopes to obtain a couple of chairs that the officers can share, but for now they sit in the dirt.
Email: jdean@worldmag.com
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Saliman says the burdens of his ministry have grown in Yida. He grieves over being unable to do more to help orphans and widows in the camp: “We’re just like them. We have not hing.” He also misses some of the simple tools of ministry like books for study, a communion set, and supplies for the Lord’s Supper. A crude table made of sticks and a used piece of canvas sits near the front of the church, waiting for the day the minister can serve communion again. Still, Saliman is thankful to have a place to meet safely for now. In the Nuba Mountains, he says constant bombing made gathering in churches unsafe. “They didn’t even give us time to pray,” he says. “Sometimes we prayed in the mountains. Sometimes we didn’t meet to pray at all.” These days, church members in Yida gather several times a week for prayer and worship, and during the week before Easter, Saliman delivered handmade invitations to other community members for a special Sunday service. In a similar structure nearby, Ayub Hassan made Easter preparations as well. The pastor of the Sudanese Church of Christ fled here with his congregation after his village endured constant bombardment and a dwindling supply of food. On this morning, he’s meeting with members of the youth group to plan music for the Easter service. One young man stands when visitors enter and asks about the possibility of obtaining Bibles for some of the teenagers. Hassan says adjusting to camp life has been difficult for his church members. During their first weeks in Yida, he noticed many didn’t come to Sunday services. He says he visited several absent members to check on them: “They said they didn’t have enough soap to wash their clothes for church.” It’s a difficulty the pastor understands: “Sometimes you find you don’t have the right clothes to stand in front of the people and speak to them.” The ministers are pressing forward, preaching, praying, visiting, and trying to share supplies with the most vulnerable members of the community. All the while, they think of the church members they left behind. That’s a burden that weighs heavily on Saliman: He says he wants to stay close to the border so he can return to visit church members still in the Nuba Mountains. He’s already returned once, and is contemplating walking back again: “Now I’ve stayed here for a long time. That means there are many questions. They must wonder: Why did the pastor leave us?” Even if the pastors are far away from their church members in Nuba, they continue to pray for them with devotion akin to the apostle Paul. That kind affection was obvious during the pastors’ morning prayer meeting. Though they prayed for their churches and the needs in Yida, they spent even more time praying for those left behind. “We pray for the people of the Nuba Mountains,” said one pastor. “Their life is very hard.” A
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4/17/12 8:48 PM
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4/19/12 5:16 PM
Setting captives
remembering the life and legacy of Watergate operative, ex-con, and Prison fellowship founder Charles Colson
Jeffery allan Salter/CorbiS outline
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hen President Richard Nixon’s knee-capper went to prison after pleading guilty to a Watergate-related crime, he touched off one of the most compelling stories of conversion and a redeemed life in the modern American church. Charles Colson, 80, hovered near death in Fairfax, Va., as WORLD went to press April 19. “It is with a heavy, but hopeful heart that I share with you that it appears our friend, brother, and founder will soon be home with the Lord,” wrote Prison Fellowship CEO Jim Liske in an April 18 message, as his wife and children gathered at his bedside. Colson suffered a brain hemorrhage on March 30 that had left him hospitalized since. Colson started his career as a hard-nosed political giant whom Nixon once told to “break all the [expletive] china” to get a job done. But he became a giant for a generation of evangelical Christians. After serving time in prison, he founded Prison Fellowship, a Christian ministry to inmates and their families that has grown into the largest prison ministry in the world—with programs in nearly all U.S. prisons and in 115 countries. An avid writer and speaker, Colson also shaped the church’s dialogue about religious freedom, culture, marriage, and abortion. As counsel to the president in the Nixon White House starting in 1969, Colson’s loyalty was absolute: when Nixon wanted to hire John Scali to join the White House communications’ staff, Scali complained the job would aggravate his ulcers. Colson ordered the president’s physician to tell Scali he was in good health and the job would be good for him, and the physician complied, according to Jonathan Aitken’s biography of Colson (Charles W Colson: a Life Redeemed, Continuum, 2005). Colson’s office adjoined Nixon’s personal office in the White House. In the good days of the presidency, Colson and Nixon cruised around the Potomac River on a yacht drinking scotch and sodas. But that began to crumble after E. Howard Hunt, a man Colson hired to besmirch the reputation of Pentagon Papers’ leaker Daniel Ellsberg, orchestrated the break-in at the Watergate Hotel.
by Emily BElz in Washington, D.C. M ay 5 , 2 0 1 2
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Prison, on the other hand, was not rehabilitating, Colson said he learned, but rather a “steady, gradual corrosion of a man’s soul.” “A lot of people falsely accuse Chuck of being overly political—but Chuck’s whole emphasis has been to say that the root problem is a spiritual problem,” said Timothy George, dean of Beeson Divinity School at Samford University and a close personal friend. George and Colson wrote a column together for many years in Christianity Today. “He was an evangelist at his deepest heart ... but he realized that preaching the gospel is not just dropping tracts from a blimp.” Once Colson left prison and started a successful ministry, “there was a lot of celebrity surrounding Chuck,” said Michael Cromartie, vice president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center. Cromartie served as researcher and travel companion to Colson then. In airports, people would recognize Colson as “the evangelical, former White House counsel, ex-convict,” said Cromartie. Everyone in Christendom was sending him books to read, Cromartie added, and he was speaking in prisons all over the world. As Prison Fellowship got off the ground in the late 1970s, the Moral Majority also formed, and criminal justice wasn’t on the agenda. “When Chuck would go around and talk about prisoners and prison reform, it was a splash of cold water,” said Cromartie. “Chuck was pricking the evangelical conscience” and making sure that “the most forgotten people in our society” weren’t forgotten. He later began Justice Fellowship, a public policy arm to push for criminal justice reforms. A Southern Baptist, Colson remained politically and theologically conservative his whole life, but Prison Fellowship gained a reputation for working with both Republicans and Democrats. He also learned to work across theological aisles: Colson developed relationships with top Catholic scholars like
new hampshire: Lee marriner/ap • aLL otheres: courtesy of coLson center
During the Watergate scandal, Colson’s self assurance and religious apathy broke one night after a Christian businessman and friend, Tom Phillips, prayed for him. Phillips read this passage to Colson from C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity: “Pride always means enmity—it is enmity. And not only enmity between man and man, but enmity to God. ... As long as you are proud you cannot know God.” Colson said in his bestselling memoir Born Again that the passage described him exactly and precipitated his conversion. Prominent members of The Fellowship—Doug Coe and Sen. Harold Hughes—discipled him in his early faith, along with Reformed theologian R.C. Sproul. When Colson’s conversion became public, many doubted the sincerity of Nixon’s “hatchet man.” One columnist wrote, “If he isn’t embarrassed by this sudden excess of piety, then surely the Lord must be.” In June 1974 Colson pled guilty to attempting to spread damaging information about Ellsberg and obstructing justice. The judge sentenced Colson to one to three years in prison. At the time Nixon sent him a handwritten note saying Watergate would become a “footnote in history,” and the country would remember Colson fondly. Though Watergate isn’t yet a footnote, Nixon was right about Colson’s reputation. At a federal prison in Alabama, Colson the inmate found a small but steadily growing Christian group within the walls, as he recounts in Born Again. Upon his release seven months later, he decided to start a prison ministry. The logo since Prison Fellowship’s earliest days has featured a bent reed, referencing Isaiah 42:3: “A bruised reed he will not break, a smoldering wick he will not snuff out.” It reflected Colson’s belief that no one—not the most hardened criminal nor the most egotistical Washingtonian—was beyond hope.
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4/19/12 5:20 PM
white house: Larry Downing/reuters/newscom • chuck & patty: jeff peck • aLL others: courtesy of coLson center
A GIANT: as a young football player; colson (center) in the oval office with nixon (far right); in prison in 1974; speaking to inmates at the new hampshire state prison in 2002; recording a Breakpoint radio show; teaching about christian worldview; outside the white house after meeting with president Bush in 2003; with patty (from left to right).
white house: Larry Downing/reuters/newscoM • chuck & patty: jeff peck • aLL others: courtesy of coLson center
new haMpshire: Lee Marriner/ap • aLL otheres: courtesy of coLson center
the late Richard John Neuhaus and later Princeton’s Robert George. (Colson’s wife Patty is Catholic.) Out of that alliance came the 1994 initiative Evangelicals and Catholics Together, which proved to be controversial and opened a rift with his mentor Sproul, who believed Colson was minimizing the differences between Catholics and Protestants. “It’s been really great for both sides,” said Robert George, particularly for the “ecumenism of the trenches” on pro-life and other issues. When people think of Colson, “First they think of Watergate,” said Robert George. “They’ll think of Chuck as an activist, an organizer, and institution grower. What is often overlooked is Chuck as an intellectual leader” springing from his “high view of the relationship of reason and faith.” In 2010, Colson, Robert George, and Timothy George (no relation) composed the Manhattan Declaration, a statement of the church’s values on marriage, religious freedom, and abortion that half a million people since have signed, including evangelical, Catholic, Orthodox, and Anglican leaders. Colson penned the now well known last lines of the Manhattan Declaration: “We will fully and ungrudgingly render to Caesar what is Caesar’s. But under no circumstances will we render to Caesar what is God’s.” In Colson’s own life, his relationship with family warmed over the years. As a young Marine, Colson married Nancy Billings in 1953, and their marriage ended in divorce 10 years later. They had three children. He then married Patty, his wife of 48 years, and after his conversion became a fierce opponent of divorce. “Back in his law days and his White House days he did not prioritize his family in a way that was healthy,” said author Ellen Vaughn, who worked with Colson for 24 years as co-author of some of his books. “Over the years he began connecting with the kids and Patty in a whole different way. ... She was not just a means to his end.” Colson the man also was warmer than the average Washington figurehead. When he walked into a room, “there
was a real humility and a real compassion and care for others,” said Vaughn. He hugged people a lot in a city that doesn’t hug and he was a meticulous thank-you note writer. He also was a practical joker who served drinks with fake flies frozen into the ice cubes and composed phony memos to his staff. All that Colson undertook came with a certain “relentlessness,” said Vaughn. “He would really press and drive many to distraction, but he pressed himself most of all, never seeing anything as improbable.” Yet even in urgent calls to the church, said Vaughn, he was an optimist: “He said, ‘We’re chief of sinners and we’re saved. There’s no one beyond hope.’ ... He wasn’t hanging up and saying, ‘Come quickly, Lord Jesus.’” So it was perhaps fitting that when Colson collapsed on March 30, it was in the middle of delivering a speech at the Wilberforce Weekend Conference hosted by the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview in northern Virginia. Paramedics examined him before airlifting him to Inova Fairfax Hospital, where he underwent surgery to remove a pool of clotted blood from the surface of his brain the following day. Colson remained in critical condition at the Washington, D.C., area hospital in the weeks following surgery, though colleagues were optimistic about his recovery as he showed signs of apparent consciousness and improvement. In his final speech, he challenged the Wilberforce audience concerning public hostility toward Christians, saying, “If things are bad, don’t think it’s going to be solved by an election. It’s going to be solved by us.” But he warned his audience not to listen to caricatures of Christians: “We’re also seen as wanting to impose our views on people. Don’t let them tell you that. We don’t impose anything. We propose. We propose an invitation to the wedding feast, to come to a better way of living. A better way of life. It’s the great proposal.” A
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4/19/12 5:20 PM
GOP Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich think there’s still a primary race on, but with Rick Santorum’s April exit from the Republican Party’s presidential field, everyone else is turning attention to potential running mates for frontrunner Mitt Romney. It’s all speculation at this point, but here (in alphabetical order) are individuals who might make the cut:
MITCH DANIELS (Indiana) Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, , formerly headed the Office of Management and Budget under President George W. Bush and was a senior adviser to President Reagan. His fiscal record has earned him a reputation as one of the Republican Party’s leading budget experts. Daniels credentials also include passing stronger abortion regulations, creating a school voucher program, capping property taxes, and restricting the collective-bargaining power of public employee unions.
LUIS FORTUNO (Puerto Rico) Puerto Rican Gov. Luis Fortuno, , may not be a household name yet, but he’s considered a rising star in the GOP who offers a fiscally conservative record. Following his election in , Fortuno immediately went to work reducing the territory’s more than billion deficit through budget cuts, the elimination of thousands of government jobs, and hefty tax cuts. Fortuno’s Hispanic heritage would be an added plus for the presidential ticket.
NIKKI HALEY (South Carolina) South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley surged to victory in on a wave of Tea Party enthusiasm. Haley is the first woman and first minority—she’s Indian American—to serve as governor in South Carolina. At , she’s also the nation’s youngest governor and less experienced than several of the other potential vice presidential picks. Her record thus far reflects conservative concerns, including passage of an immigration reform bill and a voter ID law.
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New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, , surprised many in when he won incumbent Democratic Gov. Jon Corzine’s seat in the liberal-leaning state. Since then Christie has garnered national attention as he’s worked with a Democratic-controlled legislature to pass fiscally responsible measures. Christie’s record on social issues is mixed: He supports civil unions for homosexuals and nominated an openly gay man to serve on the New Jersey Supreme Court, but he also vetoed a measure to legalize same-sex marriage.
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4/17/12 5:24 PM
Ticket talking
CAMPAIGN 2012 r r r
A diverse group of Republican leaders are emerging as possible running mates for likely GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney
BOBBY JINDAL (Louisiana) Popular Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, , would offer the presidential ticket racial diversity—he’s the first Indian American to serve as governor—plus a record of spending cuts and deficit reduction. A conservative Catholic, he gained national attention for his leadership in the wake of the Gulf oil spill—positive press that helped erase some of the criticism he generated following his bumbled response to President Obama’s address to a joint session of Congress.
SUSANA MARTINEZ (New Mexico) While New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez’s lack of experience leaves her in the un-vetted category, her presence could potentially give frontrunner Mitt Romney a boost with the female vote he has struggled to capture. Martinez, , is New Mexico’s first female governor and the United States’ first female Hispanic governor.
BOB McDONNELL (Virginia) Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell—a former Army officer, attorney general, and state legislator—hails from a Southern swing state where his term will soon expire. McDonnell, , is considered a social conservative but his resume took a hit earlier this year after he pressured legislators to soften an ultrasound bill he had previously vowed to sign.
TIM PAWLENTY (Minnesota) Former Minnesota Gov. and presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty, , has years of governmental experience—including a decade in the Minnesota House—and a strong record on domestic policy during his eight years in the governor’s mansion of a historically Democratic state. He ended his first term as governor by successfully reducing the more than billion deficit and balancing the budget without raising taxes.
ROB PORTMAN (Ohio) U.S. Sen. Rob Portman’s resume includes stints as former President George W. Bush’s director of the Office of Management and Budget and as Bush’s U.S. Trade Representative. Portman, , who also served seven terms in the U.S. House, was a member of the bipartisan “supercommittee” that failed to agree on . trillion in deficit cuts. His residence in a key swing state gives him an edge.
MARCO RUBIO (Florida) First-term U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, , could add balancing elements to Romney’s frontrunner ticket with his status as a Tea Party favorite and his background as the son of Cuban immigrants. Rubio is relatively inexperienced, but he hails from a key swing state, where he notably beat moderate Charlie Crist in . The father of four young children is a practicing Catholic who also attends a Southern Baptist church and as a child belonged to the Mormon Church.
PAUL RYAN (Wisconsin) U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan, , currently heads the House Budget Committee where he has drafted Republican budget alternatives that pushed for spending cuts and deficit reduction as well as Medicare reform. Since , the Catholic father of three has represented the state of Wisconsin, which voted for the Democratic candidate in every election since . M AY 5 , 2 0 1 2
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4/17/12 12:45 PM
give them
shelter T
are sold for sex every day in New York City, but between two long-term restoration homes, only spots exist for survivors to find long-term, holistic care. Seven of those spots are in a safe house in Queens, provided by Restore New York City, a nonprofit organization that provides long-term shelter for women who have been rescued out of sex trafficking. New York has other shelter facilities for women fleeing domestic abuse, but few specialize in long-term, holistic care specifically for sex trafficking victims. At Restore, those survivors find more than a bed. They find community: conversations, prayer, movie nights, and safety. Estimates vary, but the U.S. government estimates that between ,-, people are trafficked in the United States each year. The Department of Justice estimated in that ,-, people had been forced to labor as sex slaves in the United States since , a vast majority of them women and children.
In New York, Assistant District Attorney Lauren Hersh helped indict gang members who targeted young girls from a Brooklyn playground and then used them to recruit their peers from public schools. The sex trafficking unit she leads also successfully prosecuted a school mom who was coercing students to sell sex over the internet. Of New York sex trafficking victims, percent need long-term housing, notes Restore New York City executive director Jimmy Lee, quoting a study by Hofstra University: “But only percent receive it.” At the group’s annual gala on April , Lee as its new director took the stage dressed in a crisp gray suit and red tie. He talked about providing survivors with hope, with second chances and urged attendees to financially support funding a second safe house the group hopes to build in New Jersey by the end of this year. Lee, who lives in Harlem with his wife Christine, took a percent pay cut when he accepted the job. But he considers
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4/17/12 8:01 PM
Survivors of sex trafficking face a critical shortage of assistance, starting with a place to land and be safe by tiffany owens in New York
the position at Restore a chance to use his business skills to fight for justice: “If I could find an intersection between my talents and making an impact in this world for God’s kingdom ... that’s where I wanted to be.” Lee says that having a heart for social and economic justice for Christians “is not really an option. It’s part of how we’re wired.” Lee hopes to continue to provide long-term safe housing for survivors, a solution that many see as the number one need for sex trafficking victims. In April the new Restore director lobbied officials in support of reauthorization for the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, a law that could increase funding for restoration homes. The law made trafficking a federal crime punishable by up to 20 years in prison but is also supposed to provide protection for victims. Experts say that what both foreign and domestic victims of sex trafficking have in common, typically,
Van DiTTHaVong/ReDux
NO PROTECTION: Victims of sex trafficking lined up in the hall of a Houston, Texas, massage parlor.
is loss of identity. That makes providing them benefits and protection from further crime often difficult. Under the law, if law enforcement agencies determine that foreign-born victims can serve as potential witnesses in efforts to combat trafficking, they may be authorized to stay in the United States on a temporary basis. Survivors can also apply for T visas, as long as they assist with the investigation or prosecution of trafficking. The T visas allow them to stay in the United States for three years, and then they can apply for permanent residency. Many support the law because it classifies victims of sex trafficking under the age of 18 as victims of sexual exploitation. It also increases the amount of benefits available to them and protects victims from prosecution, while enforcing prosecution for those who purchase sex. But some say the law doesn’t go far enough to protect victims. In the first three years after its 2000 enactment, the government completed only 374 “continued presence” M ay 5 , 2 0 1 2
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requests for visas, according to the U.S. State Department. Difficulties in enforcing the law, according to Washington attorney April Rieger of Williams & Connolly, who published a comprehensive report on the law, mean only a few victims are actually accessing benefits compared to the thousands of women trafficked in the United States. Too often it’s too hard for a victim to prove her case. Officers may more often charge a sex trafficking victim with prostitution and treat her as a criminal. Pimps and others often entrap women before they reach age 15, according to Morgan Perry, executive producer of the documentary Sex+Money, an exposé of domestic sex trafficking that just finished its national tour in January. “When you see an adult woman on the street, it’s possible she’s been in it since she was 13 or 14 ... she might not know anything else.” Perry’s documentary is making rounds in the FBI and other law enforcement agencies. Some officers have told her
rare, and “enthusiasm hasn’t translated into resources,” explained Restore director Lee. Restore specializes in serving immigrant survivors, providing them with shelter but also with other practical needs, like ESL classes, help applying for visas, and assistance with finding safe jobs. Their goal is to see the women transition from frightened victims to confident survivors and productive citizens. Long-term restoration housing is one of the best solutions for these women but also the hardest to provide. Rent for the Restore house in Queens costs $3,500 per month, and taking care of trafficked women takes nearly $12,000 per year, per woman. While public education, federal law, and better law enforcement all provide a part of the solution, both Perry and Lee say it’s primarily the church that needs to step in. For starters, the church can contend against the cultural influ-
of New york sex trafficking victims, 87 percent need long-term housing ... “but only 4 percent receive it.” —jimmy lee, executive director of restore
ences that make prostitution a viable industry: pornography, poverty, commercialization of sex in the media, and breakdown of the family. “Our churches should stand for purity for ourselves and then for everyone else,” Perry said. Churches also can open safe houses. “I’ve been to so many safe houses,” Perry noted, “but the government places don’t feel like home. They feel like a detention center.” In New York City, some non-faith-based organizations provide help, but Lee unabashedly said he thinks Christians do it best. “As a Christian organization, we are able to offer true hope that other organizations can’t provide. We provide the option to know the Lord,” he said. And that, says Perry, makes all the difference: “The girls I met who had met Jesus were the ones who were really restored.” A
elbert chu for world
that when they see prostitutes, they only see paperwork and a futile case. After all, the women will likely be charged, possibly imprisoned, and probably end up back on the street, Perry said. But that’s changing thanks to public awareness and the film: “They told me they had no idea. Now they said they can imagine what that girl is going through and they’re motivated to do what they can.” Some now go over and above protocol to get the girls off the street. Educating average citizens also is paying off. Just a few days ago, Perry talked to one girl recently rescued because her aunt saw the documentary and realized her niece was a victim. She called law enforcement. The FBI got involved and pulled the girl out. Perry said that even when citizens and law enforcement are informed, there is no safe place to put victims. Rescues are W O R L D M ay 5 , 2 0 1 2
4/17/12 6:19 PM
Early R egis $50.00 tration Spec ia before May 31 st l Include s co nferen
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4/11/12 4:14 PM
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9 VANDERBILT.indd 52
4/17/12 8:03 PM
on the first Sunday after Easter, a small procession led by white-robed men filed slowly out of Vanderbilt University’s Benton Chapel, the school’s interfaith worship space. The leader held high a crucifix. Someone behind him rang bells. A heavy and bitter coil of incense smoke rolled over the rest of the column. When the students, all members of Vanderbilt Catholic, walked past the library singing “The Chaplet of Divine Mercy,” onlookers stopped talking on their cellphones. Students sipping coffee at an outdoor cafe looked up from their laptops, and everyone stared. “Have mercy on us, and on the whole world,” the singers intoned as they wound their way across campus. The chant rang out across grassy commons and reverberated through empty courtyards with a sense of urgency amid the students’ battle with school officials over new rules governing campus religious organizations. Vanderbilt Catholic is one of Christian groups refusing to comply with the school’s controversial new nondiscrimination policy, which requires that any student be allowed to serve in leadership, regardless of whether the student shares the group’s beliefs. The Catholic group says Vanderbilt’s new requirement hinders its religious liberty. But two of the largest evangelical Protestant groups on campus—Reformed University Fellowship
by leigh jones in nashville, tenn.
(RUF) and the Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM)—have decided to comply with the private school’s new policy, saying they don’t expect interference from administrators. Disagreement over the policy has caused a divide between the Christian groups. Those who oppose the policy lobbied for the school to back down as the April deadline to register for official recognition came and went—but the willingness of RUF and BCM to comply makes it much less likely that administrators will back down. “If we had all stood together, it would have been less likely that anyone would have had to leave campus,” said Carol Swain, a Vanderbilt law professor and faculty adviser to the Christian Legal Society. RUF and BCM, she charged, “made a decision that was very self-interested and that does not advance the cause of Christ.” Swain’s group was one of four cited last GRACEFUL EXIT: year for having a constitution that did not The procession leaving from comply with the school’s nondiscrimination Benton Chapel policy. For months, Christian Legal Society (top); students (CLS), Graduate Christian Fellowship, Beta entering the Upsilon Chi, and Fellowship of Christian January meeting Athletes stood alone in opposition to the to protest the school’s demand they open their leadership new policy.
positions to all students. But when administrators announced all religious groups would have to comply with the policy, others soon joined the protest. At the end of March, leaders of Vanderbilt Catholic—the school’s largest religious organization—announced they would sever ties with the university. On April , a coalition of evangelical Protestant groups, calling themselves Vanderbilt Solidarity, issued a statement opposing the policy and reiterating their intention to move off campus next semester. The same week, a new media campaign organized by Americans United for Freedom began targeting the school’s trustees with a petition, letter-writing campaign, and television commercials—all exhorting them to restore religious liberty at the Nashville, Tenn., campus. But by then, RUF, the official student group of the Presbyterian Church in America, and BCM, which is affiliated with the Tennessee Baptist Convention, had already applied for official recognition under the new policy. Leaders of both groups say the policy will not stop them from doing what they’ve always done. “They’re not kicking us off campus, and I can still preach the gospel regularly,” said Stacey Croft, RUF chaplain. “Until I feel like my integrity, my conscience, and the gospel are compromised, I don’t think we need to step off campus.” Bill Choate, who heads collegiate ministries for the Tennessee Baptist Convention, said Vanderbilt administrators likewise have not stopped his group’s ministry from carrying out its mission: “They have not yet denied us that privilege. They may tomorrow, but they haven’t stopped us from operating yet.” Choate refused to say whether his group had affirmed the nondiscrimination policy and therefore expected to have its constitution approved by school administrators. But he said the Baptist ministry intended to continue operating on campus as it has since the s. School administrators started reviewing the constitutions of all student groups after members of Christian fraternity Beta Upsilon Chi removed one of their leaders over his views on homosexuality. Administrators put four groups, including the fraternity, on provisional status because their constitutions all required leaders to adhere to a statement of faith. Although administrators previously approved the constitutions, they announced they would no longer allow religious groups an exemption to pick or evaluate leaders based on their beliefs. Faced with the prospect of being forced to open leadership positions to students who disagreed with the Christian groups’ basic principles, members of the groups packed a town hall-style meeting in late January to protest the changes. Wearing white shirts to show their solidarity, the students urged administrators to reconsider. But Vanderbilt chancellor Nicholas Zeppos refused to budge. And to make sure all groups comply, even those that don’t have statement of faith requirements in their constitutions, administrators demanded all groups sign a document affirming the nondiscrimination policy. That was the last straw for John Sims Baker, a Catholic priest and chaplain of Vanderbilt Catholic. Although the M AY 5 , 2 0 1 2
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chapter is led by an ordained PCA minister who is ultimately responsible for leading students. That job does not fall to other students, like it does at some ministries. And the campus minister’s authority gives the group some freedom in the students it allows to serve in different capacities: “Obviously, RUF is not going to have a Muslim, a Hindu, an avowed fornicator or a homosexual teaching the book of James. But one of those people might bring cookies to a Super Bowl party. We want them to be exposed to Christians and the gospel.” School administrators have maintained their defense of the policy despite ongoing criticism in Nashville and around the country. In a prepared statement, vice chancellor for public affairs Beth Fortune said the school does “not believe our nondiscrimination policy to be incompatible with religious freedom. ... Vanderbilt’s policy does not mandate whom student organizations should elect as leaders—it simply allows for anyone to be eligible for membership and to seek a leadership position. Student organizations do and will always have the right to elect the leaders of their choosing.” Swain, who has led the fight against the policy, thinks the momentum of opposition building among alumni and donors will force the school to reconsider. Vanderbilt is a private school, but its reliance on roughly half a billion dollars in federal aid and million in state funds could open a door to legal action. State lawmakers already are poised to pass a law that would prevent state schools from following Vanderbilt’s lead. They so far have stopped short of approving amendments that would make state aid contingent on compliance with the law or require Vanderbilt to apply its “all-comers” policy to fraternities and sororities as well as religious organizations. As Vanderbilt Catholic’s Eucharistic Procession—possibly its last—filed back in to Benton Chapel, the students took to their knees in the pews. Although university officials have told the group it can continue holding mass in the chapel next year, it may have to cancel the procession. But no matter what happens in the fall, Baker encouraged the students to continue following Jesus as they walk across campus every day: “You honored Him publicly by showing Him the honor and adoration due Him.” A
Catholic group’s constitution did STANDING FOR not violate the nondiscrimination SOMETHING: policy, the group could not in good Carol Swain conscience agree in principle to speaking at the town hall allow anyone to serve in leadership, meeting. Baker said. In a letter to parents and supporters, Baker praised the group’s student leaders for standing up to school administrators: “Their resolve makes our situation a success story rather than a failure,” he said. “It has become quite clear to the students that we either stand for something or fall for anything. We choose to stand for Jesus Christ, and we expect that our leadership do the same.” But RUF’s Croft doesn’t think Vanderbilt has gone as far in restricting religious liberty as Baker and leaders of other Christian groups claim. Although he thinks the policy is unhelpful and bad for the school, he doesn’t believe the rule allows the university to tell groups who can lead them or water down the Christian message. “I just don’t think they’re there yet,” Croft said of school administrators. “I don’t think we have to fear that. Let that come when it does. Let’s not jump the gun and say they’ve already done that. Let’s continue as we are and take that to the university. If we need to leave, we will.” Croft said he understood why the policy’s opponents described it as a slippery slope of secular control over religious groups. But if it is, the school is at the top of the slope, not the bottom, he said. Rod Mays, who coordinates all RUF chapters, said the Vanderbilt group is Religious organizations that refused taking the same to sign the nondiscrimination policy approach he would direct at Vanderbilt, and already have or are other chapters to take. likely to leave campus: RUF is known for e Asian American Christian Fellowship working with campus e Fellowship of Christian Athletes administrators in official e Cru channels, and wants to e Medical Christian Fellowship be a sanctioned e Navigators organization, he said: e Graduate Christian Fellowship “It’s just a different e Bridges International philosophy of ministry. It e Lutheran Student Fellowship has nothing to do with e Every Nation Ministries compromising the e Beta Upsilon Chi gospel. We’re completely e Christian Legal Society free to do what we want e St. Thomas More Society to do.” e Vanderbilt Catholic RUF does not feel as threatened by the Religious organizations that plan to nondiscrimination policy remain on campus: because it doesn’t e Reformed University Fellowship interpret leadership the e Baptist Collegiate Ministry way some other groups do, Mays said. Each RUF W O R L D M AY 5 , 2 0 1 2
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4/17/12 8:08 PM
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4/11/12 4:09 PM
Show me the F money As Texas moves government healthcare funding away from Planned Parenthood, the abortion provider goes to court to keep its place at the trough by Edward Lee Pitts in Houston
ifteen years ago Cynthia Wenz of Houston had her third abortion. Two weeks later, with Wenz’s uterus still enlarged, a technician advised that they repeat the procedure. “We probably didn’t get everything,” the technician told her. Wenz shot back: “Wait a minute. What do you mean? Can I see what’s in there?” During the ultrasound procedure Wenz requested, technician after technician couldn’t get a clear image. Wenz wondered aloud what was going on. A doctor replied that the baby was moving too fast up and down the birth canal. “Excuse me?” Wenz gasped. “What baby?” Wenz, then 29, had been carrying twins. She gave birth to a 31-week-old boy weighing 4.9 pounds. She named him Roman. Emotionally devastated, Wenz came to The Source For Women, a Christian pro-life pregnancy resource center in Houston. Eight years after entering the facility as a client, Wenz became its president and chief executive officer. She is also the mother of three boys. Roman is the oldest. Last year The Source for Women served 2,800 low-income clients. But that number is expected nearly to double this year with the June opening of a clinic that will provide medical services beyond those found at most crisis pregnancy centers. Wenz says her organization plans to open seven clinics in the Houston area over the next three years. The expansion would allow the organization to serve 17,500 women annually in a county where an average of 24,000 abortions occur each year.
RicaRdo B. BRazziell/aP
FIGHT TO THE DEATH: Planned Parenthood supporters at a “don’t Mess with Texas Women” rally.
his expansion contradicts Planned Parenthood’s claim that low-income women will have no place to go after Texas begins imposing on May 1 a state rule that prevents health centers affiliated with abortion providers from participating in the government-funded Women’s Health Program (WHP). Last spring, nine Texas-area Planned Parenthood organizations wrote a letter to lawmakers warning that cutting off their access to WHP funds would be
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PRo liFe: RicaRdo B. BRazziell/aP
“constitutionally abhorrent, fiscally irresponsible, and will leave tens of thousands of women without access to basic healthcare services.” Despite the letter, Texas lawmakers voted last summer to start enforcing the rule in . Texas officials have identified , providers with , locations statewide that would remain eligible for the WHP funds. In addition, the Texas Health and Human Services Commission found that the cost per client in the program is percent higher under Planned Parenthood clinics than at other qualified providers. That didn’t stop the Texas Planned Parenthood groups from filing a federal lawsuit April to block the prolife rule that denies them WHP dollars. The lawsuit is just the latest move in a growing abortion funding fight in Texas that has included blows delivered by the federal government on behalf of Planned Parenthood. On March , the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced it would cut all federal funding for Texas’ WHP in retribution for the state’s ban on abortion providers. Federal dollars paid for percent of the program’s million cost last year. The program, which also exists in other states, offers increased access to healthcare for about , Texas women who earned less than , a year or less than , for a family of four. Texas Gov. Rick Perry responded to the Obama administration’s funding cut by pledging to find ways to pay for the program using only state dollars. “I will not stand by and let this administration abandon these Texas women to advance its political agenda,” Perry said. On March , Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott joined the fray. He filed a lawsuit seeking to stop the federal government’s funding cut. In the suit, Abbott argued that the federal government seeks to “commandeer and coerce the states’ lawmaking processes into awarding taxpayer subsidies to elective abortion providers.” Federal law under the Social Security Act gives states the Email: lpitts@worldmag.com
right and responsibility to establish criteria for Medicaid providers. to block abortion providers from the WHP is part of a broader effort by Texas pro-life conservatives to go after the government funding streams backing abortion groups. State lawmakers successfully removed . million from the abortion industry in amendments
Parenthood clinic located in a former bank), Wenz is not shying away from going after Planned Parenthood. The Source decided to open up its new clinics in the same high-risk areas targeted by Planned Parenthood. These areas feature vulnerable women with little income and few transportation options. “If she were to wind up in an unintended pregnancy she wouldn’t have a
passed last year for the state’s current budget cycle. Twelve Planned Parenthood facilities in Texas closed within the last year. If Texas wins the WHP funding fight, then Texas Planned Parenthood affiliates stand to lose an additional million in government funds. “Abortion started in Texas and we want to end it here,” said Elizabeth Graham, director of Texas Right to Life, speaking of the Roe v. Wade case that began in Dallas. “Planned Parenthood also knows that if they can take down Texas they can win any other fight.” Graham hopes that the new restrictions will open up additional funding streams for pro-life healthcare providers that often could not compete against Planned Parenthood’s infrastructure. Wenz at Houston’s The Source For Women said WHP funds could enhance what they are doing. But she stressed that her organization would not be dependent on the government dollars. Their medical clinic slated to open in June is already paid for. Operating in the same city as one of the world’s largest abortion centers (a six story, , square foot Planned
SUFFER THE lot of support, and CHILDREN: she would certainly Pro-life advocates be in a position to take a stand. make a hard decision,” Wenz said. “So we will be right there where she can walk to us with zero expense.” Wenz has also gone to a nearby strip club and placed cards offering free D ultrasounds on car windshields and inside the club’s bathrooms. Women came into Wenz’s clinic carrying the cards like they were coupons. The D ultrasound machine in one of The Source’s offices is connected to a large flat screen HDTV. An image of an unborn baby bouncing about like a gymnast loops over and over again. Wenz says it belongs to a young woman who came to the office last year pregnant and with her parents already pressuring her to have an abortion. But the girl had the baby last December. “Have you ever seen an week old dancing like that?” Wenz said. Talking about the advances in imaging technology caused Wenz to reflect on her own abortion experiences years ago: “If I had just had a little more information to deal with.” A
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4/17/12 8:44 PM
Erin Davis
Missed conception
My choice to be childless was rooted in selfishness and fear, not obedience to God
building a life based solely on what I want really all it’s cracked up to be? As my husband and I read God’s Word together as a couple, we learned that God desires for us to worship Him by fighting the self-serving nature of our flesh and choosing to live sacrificially. We knew that sleepless nights, restricted schedules, and child-friendly financial choices would be difficult sacrifices to make, but the Bible also made it clear to us that choices rooted in selfishness, fear, or preservation of personal comfort do not lead to the life God calls us to. We began to see the bigger picture and understood that the real question of family planning is not “Is choosing childlessness biblical?” but “Is living for myself biblical?” I am now the proud momma of two small children, and by studying and applying God’s Word to our family, our faith and ministry have deepened in ways we never thought possible. Rather than hindering our ministry, our children have enhanced it. Parenting has served as a refining fire in our lives, burning out selfishness, complacency, and lack of compassion for other parents and children. We have learned to treat our family as our primary mission field, which has taught us to be well-rounded and balanced as we approach student ministry, and also prevented ministry burn-out. Ministering together as a family has also given us opportunities to teach about the value of pouring one’s life out for another to teenagers who desperately need to learn that lesson. Our choice to remain childless was influenced by both the cultural value of the freedom the “child-free” life offers, and the Christian misconception that raising children would detract from our full-time ministry. But as Jason and I sought and submitted to God’s plan for our family, we discovered that the biblical model of parenting, of pouring oneself out for another, is truly Kingdom work. —Erin Davis is the founder of Graffiti Ministries and the author of Beyond Bath Time: Re-imagining Motherhood as a Sacred Role
F , my husband and I chose childlessness in the name of youth ministry. We wanted the freedom to build our entire lives around reaching teenagers for Christ, which meant spending most evenings at sporting events, taking teenagers on frequent weekend trips and retreats, and having an open-door policy at home that was great for needy teenagers but wouldn’t work well if we had little ones toddling around. But we had been living a lie that has been whispered into many ears, which I believe is one of the greatest tragedies of our time: the lie that children are a hindrance to doing Kingdom work. People have many reasons for delaying or forgoing children altogether, and we had many of our own. Jason and I chose childlessness because we wanted to make sure our careers were well established. We wanted ample time alone with each ot her. We wanted financial security. We wanted to travel. We wanted to accomplish a list of personal goals. We wanted to sleep through the night. In hindsight I can see that this is an area where I checked my faith at the door. Jason and I prayed extensively about whether to get married, what jobs to accept, and which house to buy, but we never spent time praying about God’s will for the size of our family. By neglecting to seek out God’s plan for our family, we were essentially saying that the decision was ours to control. The bottom line is that when it came to children, I simply did not trust the sovereignty of God to provide for my good. But when we squeezed our reasons for choosing the “child-free” life through the filter of God’s Word, we started to notice a theme: me, me, me. It’s a drumbeat that we all must fight against. Now as a mom, I still long for many of the things on this list. I’d love to use my discretionary income on chunky jewelry instead of diapers. There are times when I’d offer a limb for a night of uninterrupted sleep. But is
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9 GUEST COLUMN.indd 58
4/16/12 4:20 PM
CHRIST At the end of the day, living for Christ is what really matters, regardless of what you do or where you live. That’s why at BJU we’ll help you thoroughly prepare to follow Christ in whatever ministry or vocation He calls you to. To learn how you can follow Christ at BJU, visit us at on.bju.edu/follow.
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4/17/12 9:59 AM
9 LIFESTYLE and TECH.indd 60
4/17/12 10:00 AM
Wheat watchers LIFESTYLE: Regulators and inspectors discourage cottage food producers, but local food activists are fighting back BY SOPHIA LEE
M S (above) is a serious bread baker. His sourdough and rye loaves are leavened from a homemade wild yeast starter, kneaded with handground wheat, and baked in a hand-built -foot-tall backyard oven. The Los Feliz, Calif., resident has been an at-home boulanger for over years, baking rustic breads good enough to sell. And that’s what Stambler did for
about a year when two local specialty shops agreed to sell his bread. But what seemed like an innocuous attempt to transition his hobby into a -loaves-per-week business turned out to be illegal. According to state and county law, all food producers needed to have permits and work in licensed kitchens. The day after the food section of the Los Angeles Times ran a profile of Stambler’s semi-bakeshop, county health inspectors showed up to shut down the operation at both locations that sold his bread. Stambler was frustrated. He couldn’t afford the costly permits and certifications needed to sell his bread legally. For seven months, he followed a rabbit trail
of complex and sometimes conflicting rules between different health department branches. Stambler realized it would be impossible for him to sell his bread without changing the law: “I didn’t want a short-term solution. I needed something more long term. I thought it was absurd that people could not sell what they make at home. It just makes no sense.” Stambler discovered that states in the United States had passed cottage food laws that allowed the sale of certain products prepared in home kitchens. From there he connected with the Sustainable Economies Law Center (SELC), an organization already working to pass a cottage food law in California. Then California State Assemblyman Mike Gatto called Stambler and offered to help write the law. On Feb. Gatto introduced the California Homemade Food Act (AB ), a bill that would legalize M AY 5 , 2 0 1 2
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4/17/12 10:10 AM
Notebook > Lifestyle free start-up bakery that bakes in a commercial kitchen, welcomes new small businesses like Stambler’s: “This could be a huge boost to our economy and provide countless jobs.” She says it’s “incredibly expensive” to start a food or beverage business in California. It cost her company between $2,000 and $4,000 just to cover the multiple licenses and permits mandated by the state. Her company also pays $25 per hour to rent a licensed kitchen at Chef’s Center of California in Pasadena. She says many people who want to produce food or beverages can’t afford those costs: “People who start companies are creative people … who don’t have much financial savvy. So if the laws could be streamlined to encourage start-ups and help them avoid too much red tape, we’ll all win.” Despite the long campaign, Stambler still wants to start his own bakery. He believes the law will help not only him, but the many other cottage food producers who want to turn their hobby into a livelihood without breaking the law: “There’s a lot of people throughout the state who are in the similar position as me. ... They make food, just because they love doing it.” A —Sophia Lee
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Houston Mayor Annise Parker wants to protect homeless people from food-borne illnesses, so she is pushing a law that would establish a Recognized Charitable Food Service Provider Program. It would take charge of scheduling times and locations for outside feeding. Unable to convince the city council that sickness from donated food was a problem, she withdrew the ordinance for revisions. Philadelphia recently banned the outdoor feeding of homeless people in city parks. The council will soon vote on another regulation requiring permits and training in food safety for groups that feed the homeless outdoors. Sharon Kelly, a “Food Not Bombs” volunteer and opponent of the new law, complained to WHYY about “expensive compliance costs for organizations whose efforts are better spent directly combating hunger than dealing with inspectors and bureaucrats.” —Susan Olasky HUNGER GAMES: Donated food for the homeless in Philadelphia.
tIPPy taP: HanDout • PHILaDeLPHIa: aLex branDon/aP
Many cities have tried to regulate the feeding of homeless people. Last month three cities—New York, Houston, and Philadelphia—added food safety and nutrition to their lists of concerns. New York City began enforcing a regulation banning city homeless shelters from accepting donated food because they couldn’t determine whether the food met the city’s strict nutrition standards for fat, salt, and fiber. The story came to light when a shelter turned away the donation of bagels and other food items from one of the city’s Orthodox synagogues. Volunteer Glenn Richter had collected and donated more than two tons of food over the past 20 years. W O R L D M ay 5 , 2 0 1 2
According to UNICEF, 1.5 million children under the age of 5 die each year from diarrhea, and 1.8 million more die from pneumonia. Hand washing with soap before meals and after going to the bathroom could prevent many of those deaths—yet in many rural areas in developing countries, running water is not available. A clever solution for the lack of running water exists. It’s called a tippy tap and can be constructed out of cheap local materials—sticks, gravel, a water container, soap, string, a candle, and a nail. Operated by a foot pedal, the tippy tap minimizes the spread of germs. Technology alone won’t change behavior, but it can help. A short video showing how easy it is to make a tippy tap is available at tippytap.org. —Susan Olasky
writes for worldcalifornia.com
Dangerous safety laws
Clean solution
WORLDmag.com: Your online source for today’s news, Christian views
4/17/12 10:12 AM
urban garDen: rICHarD b. LeVIne/PHotosHot/newsCoM • iPHone: HanDout • raDIo frequenCy tags: JoCHen taCk/newsCoM
small-scale sales of non-hazardous homemade edibles like jam, granola, candy, dried fruit, and non-dairybased baked goods. The bill is going through committee. Meanwhile, SELC is talking with representatives of local health departments about creating a tiered system with stricter regulations for kitchens with larger productions. It’s a long process, but SELC food policy director Christina Oatfield hopes the new law will be enacted by the end of this year: “It seems to be gaining a lot of support and popularity. No opposition has been raised publicly yet.” She says this public support reflects the interest of many Americans in a localized food system, as evidenced from the increasing popularity of farmers markets across the nation: “More people are understanding the value of localizing their food economy and having more direct purchasing relationship with the people who grow and process our food.” The main concern of health regulators is proper sanitation in home kitchens. Other concerns include the unfair competition cottage food producers might bring to businesses that have followed all the costly and time-consuming legal procedures. But Molly (Mo) Miller-Davidson, co-owner of Lisa & Mo, Inc., a gluten-
Notebook > Technology
Close to home
Websites and apps help “locavores” find locally grown foods BY DANIEL JAMES DEVINE
DRESSED SMART Is it a sign of things to come? Public school officials in the Brazilian city of Vitoria da Conquista have decided to use microchips to prevent kids from skipping class. The city’s education secretary said parents were dropping off their children at school without waiting to see if they entered the building—and some students didn’t. Now, radio frequency tags in , school uniforms will check in students when they pass sensors at the school entrance. If they’re more than minutes late for class, a text message alerts their parents: “Your child has still not arrived at school.” The city spent , to implement the system. Officials plan for all the city’s , students ages to to wear the “intelligent uniforms” by next year. —D.J.D.
I their communities and improving health, more and more Americans are deliberately eating locally grown foods. They sometimes call themselves “locavores,” and often share a disdain for industrialized food production and a love for organic vegetables and free-range chicken. The Agriculture Department estimated late last year that sales of local foods (including to grocers and restaurants) would reach billion, up from . billion in . The number of farms selling directly to consumers has grown from , two decades ago to , today, and in the past three years the number of farmers markets has increased percent, to over ,. A sprouting of websites and smartphone apps is catering to the growing locavore community. Here are some that make finding local produce a snap: LocalHarvest (localharvest.org), Eat Well Guide (eatwellguide.org), and FarmPlate (farmplate.com) maintain directories of family farms, co-ops, farmers markets, restaurants, meat processors, caterers, food artisans, and other businesses committed to sustainable, locally grown food. Many listed farms sell organic food as well. All three sites make it easy to search for businesses or markets in your town or state, and although FarmPlate advertises the largest directory, I found LocalHarvest to provide the most helpful search results: They included detailed descriptions and multiple customer reviews. Eatwild (eatwild.com) claims to be the “most comprehensive source for grassfed meat and dairy products in the United States and Canada.” For inclusion in its directory, farms must commit to raising animals in free-range conditions, and in most cases eschew feed grain, hormone treatments, and antibiotics. The National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service maintains a directory of directories: Click on your state on the service’s website (attra.ncat.org/ attra-pub/local_food/search.php), and you’ll find a list of local food guides. Two additional websites have limited listings but unique approaches: Local Dirt (localdirt.com) provides a portal for farms to sell produce to individuals or restaurants, and buyers place orders using an online “shopping cart” and arrange to pick up produce or have it delivered. Real Time Farms (realtimefarms.com) is a “crowd-sourced online food guide,” where anyone can add information and phot os about their favorite local food sources. Two apps: Locavore (getlocavore.com) colorfully identifies in-season produce in your area, and shows you where to buy it. The Farmers Market Finder (apptika.com/ Apps/Farmers_Market_Finder.html) locates markets in about a dozen states but is only available for iPhone and iPad. Email: ddevine@worldmag.com
9 LIFESTYLE and TECH.indd 63
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4/17/12 10:22 AM
Notebook > Science
Reno’s energy-efficient turbines are yielding no windfall BY DANIEL JAMES DEVINE
WINDFAIL: One of two turbines on top of Reno City Hall.
Wildlife officials confirmed for the first time that white-nose syndrome, a fungal disease that is devastating U.S. and Canadian bat populations, has jumped west of the Mississippi River. Lab tests confirmed that bats in two Missouri caves have been infected with the fungus, which grows on the animals’ snouts while they hibernate and usually results in death. The disease first appeared in upstate New York in and has spread to states, killing nearly million bats in what conservationists call the worst wildlife epidemic in U.S. history.
Tear down those dams Paul Houser, a hydrologist who lost his position in February as a scientific integrity officer for the Bureau of Reclamation, claims federal officials fired him for becoming an obstacle to a White House agenda. Houser had criticized a scientific report intended to guide interior secretary Ken Salazar on a decision to remove four hydroelectric dams from the Klamath River running from Oregon into northern California. Environmental groups and the Yurok Tribe oppose the dams and say they endanger chinook salmon that live in the river. Local officials who support the dams say fish ladders could support the salmon habitat. When an environmental impact summary stated that removing the dams would increase the salmon population by percent a year, Houser complained the summary’s authors were intentionally obscuring the scientific uncertainties involved. He said his supervisor in the Bureau of Reclamation responded: Salazar “wants to remove those dams.”
The Copco No. Dam on the Klamath River
W P B Obama lauded the future potential of solar and wind energy at a recent campaign stop in Nevada, it was a good thing he was in Boulder City and not Reno. There officials might have greeted his comments with skepticism, in light of Reno’s wind turbine fiasco. In , Reno received a . million block grant to make energy efficiency improvements as part of the federal stimulus package. The city used , of the grant to build nine wind turbines (seven of which have been completed), and expected to reduce its energy bills by nearly , a year. It also received wind rebates from the state’s major power utility (NV Energy) totaling over ,. But several of the turbines are producing far less power than the manufacturers predicted. “When we started getting actual wind flow patterns, we realized their claims were wrong,” Jason Geddes, a Reno energy official, told the Las Vegas Sun. One turbine, installed on a parking garage in for a hefty ,, has provided the city a total energy savings of so far. The city’s entire wind program has saved just ,—and at that rate it will take years of turbine operation to recoup the cost of installing them. The problem is that Reno lies in a valley where winds are less intense than in neighboring areas. Across Nevada, businesses, individuals, and local governments have installed about wind turbines under NV Energy’s rebate program, funded by the utility’s customers. Critics of the program have offered a common-sense suggestion: Don’t give out the rebates until the turbines prove they can produce energy-saving power.
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9 SCIENCE and HOG.indd 64
4/11/12 10:40 PM
Down in the valley
Notebook > Houses of God
george georgiou/inviSion/aurora photoS
turbine: Sharon Spangler/City of reno • bat: al hiCkS/reuterS/newSCom • klamath dam: jeff barnard/ap
Immigrants established the Evangelical Pakistani Church of Athens in Greece starting in 1992. It holds services every Saturday evening in a small space near Omonoia Square, and its attendees include second-generation Pakistanis born in Greece.
m ay 5 , 2 0 1 2
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4/11/12 3:50 PM
Notebook > Sports
In the swing
for the remainder of the day smacked of a pressure-free stroll. Four consecutive birdies on the back nine propelled the -year-old into a tie for the lead. And a fearless hook shot around trees on the second GOOD DAY’ S WORK: Bubba Watson hugs his mother, Molly Watson, playoff hole set after winning the th Masters Golf Tournament. him up for a tournamentWatson consulted with pastors. He winning par putt. When the ball dropped turned to the Bible. And he discovered into the cup, Watson embraced his aspects of life that put winning golf longtime caddie and wept. tournaments in its place. Just two The pair has come a long way since weeks before his Masters victory, he . When Watson first hired Scott, his and wife Angie adopted their first child. fits of anger on the course were out of So when given the chance to reflect on control. The tantrums reached such collecting golf’s greatest prize, Watson peaks that on one occasion Scott threathad someone to thank: “I need to thank ened to quit. Watson looks back on that my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” The moment as something of a turning following day brought more reason for point: “I knew Teddy was right, and gratitude, as Watson tweeted: what he said hit home. I had to come up “Changed my st diapers today!! with a new mindset.” #MastersChamp.” The new mindset was born of faith.
Benched coaches
For high-profile athletic coaches, winning often covers a multitude of sins. But the slack afforded even the most Petrino Payton Guillen successful coaches has limits, as three prominent head men discovered this spring. Arkansas fired football coach Bobby Petrino after reports surfaced that he had given a job to a former Razorbacks volleyball player with whom he was engaged in an inappropriate relationship. New Orleans Saints coach Sean Payton avoided termination but had the NFL slap him with a year-long suspension for allowing and covering up a bounty system that offered players financial incentives to knock opponents out of games. And most recently Miami Marlins manager Ozzie Guillen received a five-day suspension from his employer for praising former Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, a gross offense to Miami’s large Cuban-American population. Each coach is among the best in his respective field, but their successes had no apparent bearing on the penalties meted out. Perhaps cynical sports observers should take heart; at least in some quarters, a win-first culture is still no invite to win at the cost of decency. —M.B.
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9 SPORTS and MONEY.indd 66
O of the final round at the Masters, Bubba Watson sprayed his tee shot wide of the fairway and shouted at himself in disgust. Caddie Ted Scott looked on coolly, ever mindful of the day’s game plan. He had seen this kind of verbal outburst from Watson before, plenty of times. The man whose game colors outside the lines of golf’s conventions has often let his temper leak beyond the boundaries of golf’s decorum—and with destructive results. But this Easter Sunday would be different. Earlier in the day, Scott had reminded Watson that few onlookers expected him to win. All pressure rested squarely on the two major champions occupying the leader board ahead of him—Phil Mickelson and Louis Oosthuizen. What’s more, the occasion of the Christian holiday pressed caddie and player to view the closing round of a golf tournament as just that, nothing more. “We’re both believers in Jesus Christ, and it being Easter Sunday, we put that first, and that put everything in perspective,” Scott explained later. “There was no pressure from the get-go.” Watson’s first-hole reaction may have suggested otherwise, but his play
Email: mbergin@worldmag.com
4/17/12 5:45 PM
Anger turns to gratitude for golf’s newest champion BY MARK BERGIN
Notebook > Money
Here be dragons
The U.S. economy keeps improving. So why is everyone so nervous? BY WARREN COLE SMITH
T S P’ had its best first quarter in years, and the Nasdaq its best in nearly years. And on April , we learned March unemployment ticked downward another th of a percent, to . percent. Signs of smooth sailing? Almost no one thinks so, because every time the seas calm, dragons appear. Take the jobs report, announced on Good Friday. The March unemployment rate dropped, but the economy created only , private sector jobs, well below economists’ expectations. When the markets opened the following Monday, the Dow dropped points. The European debt dragon has reared its head again, too. Spain’s finance ministry said on April that Spain’s debt would jump to its highest level since —if it can find anyone to buy its bonds. Spain’s April
debt auction was a disaster. It couldn’t sell as many bonds as it hoped, and it had to offer a high interest rate to sell MANUFACTURING GAINS: ourselves into a false sense the ones it did. The An employee at the Chrysler of security. The recovery is Spanish stock plant in Belvidere, Ill. still very fragile.” She market dropped . further warned the United percent on the news. States about borrowing more money, Even the manufacturing sector, the saying that just because the United main driver of the recovery, is cooling States can borrow at low interest rates off. The Commerce Department doesn’t mean it should. reported factory orders gained only . Analysts took her comments to percent in February. Economists polled mean two things. First, the United by MarketWatch had expected a . States has to maintain its ability to percent rise. backstop the global economy if things So is the recovery an illusion? get out of control. Second, it’s a Christina LeGarde, managing director warning that even the debt-happy of the International Monetary Fund, in Europeans are nervous about the level Washington on April to speak to of U.S. debt, and if the Europeans are journalists, said the U.S. recovery is nervous, maybe we should be too. real, but we “should not delude
Attacking ALEC State legislators are often overworked, underpaid, and have no staff. So many conservative legislators turn to ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council, for ideas and practical help. The group is known for drafting model legislation that legislators can adapt state by state, taking the heavy lifting out of preparing a bill for consideration. More than , legislators, a third of the nation’s elected lawmakers, pay for a two-year membership, but fees from corporations, not lawmakers, keep ALEC alive. Corporations pay between , and , for annual memberships. One of ALEC’s success stories has been the crafting of voter identification laws now in force in at least states. Advocates say the laws have reduced voter fraud. Critics say they repress minority turnout, which is why the liberal group ColorofChange. org threatened a boycott of ALEC’s corporate sponsors, prompting Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Kraft, and Intuit to withdraw from the group for fear of being branded racist. This type of racially charged activism is not new to ColorofChange.org. The group became famous in for supporting the “Jena Six,” six black teenagers who severely beat a white teenager. The Jena Six were later convicted (or accepted plea deals) and forced to make financial restitution to the victim. But being on the wrong side of the law proved lucrative for ColorofChange.org. The group raised millions from the highly politicized case. So it’s no surprise the group is now trying to link ALEC to the Trayvon Martin shooting, accusing ALEC of promoting “stand your ground” laws now under fire in the aftermath of that tragedy. A spokesperson for ALEC says the group had nothing to do with those laws. It’s a denial unlikely to deter ColorofChange’s new executive director, Rashad Robinson. He honed his skills working with liberal groups such as People for the American Way, the ACLU, and GLAAD (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation), organizations that have raised coloring the truth to a high art. —W.C.S. Stay connected: Sign up to receive email updates at WORLDmag.com/email
9 SPORTS and MONEY.indd 67
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4/17/12 5:48 PM
Notebook > Religion
Catholic slide
Pope’s visit to Mexico and Cuba comes amid a decline in Catholicism in Latin America BY THOMAS KIDD
Guanajuato, Mexico
T overshadowed Benedict XVI’s visit late last month to Mexico and Cuba: the ongoing decline of Latin American Catholicism, and the question of how overtly he should address continuing human-rights abuses in Communist Cuba. Benedict renewed a call for greater Catholic effort in Latin America, which maintains the appearance of a heavily Catholic culture: Actual adherence to Catholicism has declined sharply in recent decades. In Mexico, the number of people self-identifying (even loosely) as Catholics dropped from percent in a census to percent in . Evangelical and charismatic
Coptic transition
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9 RELIGION-rebuild.indd 68
—Thomas Kidd is an associate professor of history at Baylor University, senior fellow at Baylor’s Institute for Studies of Religion; his most recent book is Patrick Henry: First Among Patriots (see WORLD, Dec. , )
In Massachusetts, controversy surrounds the disposition of a former campus of the Northfield Mount Hermon School, which evangelist D.L. Moody founded in . The idyllic Northfield campus closed seven years ago, and the Green family—owners of the Hobby Lobby chain of craft stores—acquired it in . The Greens originally planned to donate the campus to the C.S. Lewis Foundation to open a college there, but the foundation has struggled to raise funds to operate the institution. Earlier this year the Greens began soliciting proposals from other institutions that might be able to use the campus (although the C.S. Lewis Foundation is apparently still in the running). When Liberty University of Lynchburg, Va., emerged as one of the leading candidates, some graduates of Northfield Mount Hermon protested, decrying the possibility that the campus could end up in the hands of a “homophobic and intellectually narrow institution.” Northfield Mount Hermon’s website acknowledges the school’s evangelical roots, but insists that education there was “never dogmatic.” The protesters apparently believe that it would be better to leave the campus vacant than have it run by educators with a different perspective. —T.K.
The death of Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III on March added to the uneasiness of Egypt’s Christian minority amidst growing political uncertainty and Islamist persecution. Shenouda had viewed President Hosni Mubarak’s authoritarian regime as a shield against Islamic extremism, protecting the Coptic population (about percent of Egypt’s million people) from antiChristian violence of the kind that has wracked Egypt since Mubarak’s deposal in February . Shenouda’s successor will have to contend with Islamists who are poised to commandeer the postMubarak political system. Observers say that the process of replacing the pope should take several months. Church officials will receive nominations for the new pope, and then vote to form a slate of three finalists. In a striking final step, a young child will choose the new pope by selecting one of the names out of a box. —T.K.
churches have, to some extent, filled the gap for those falling away from Catholicism. Most of Cuba also remains at least nominally Catholic despite the Communists’ long-time commitment to atheism. They loosened many of Cuba’s restrictions on public worship in the early s, with Protestant churches the primary beneficiaries. Practicing Christians in Cuba most frequently attend charismatic and evangelical churches. Although he spoke out against Cuba’s communist system, its atheistic stance, and its long record of suppressing dissent, Benedict concluded his itinerary by holding a brief meeting with former dictator Fidel Castro. Some criticized that visit and said it tacitly affirmed the regime now controlled by Fidel’s brother Raúl.
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4/12/12 2:38 PM
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4/13/12 9:09 AM 4/17/12 1:54 PM
“Friendly fire”
of behavior that destroys the soul is not gay-bashing—it’s a biblical warning. Mahwah, N.J.
“Your Jesus and mine”
(March ) Your article confirmed for me why I pray that Rick Santorum is the man God will allow to lead this country. This nation desperately needs a man (or woman) at the helm who displays and lives such godly characteristics.
(March ) Janie Cheaney delivered a very clear message that it’s not about who has Christ on their side but rather who will be on Christ’s side. I tend to think I’m always right, so I need to hang this sentence where I can see it daily: “Is being right more important to me than being in Christ?”
Colon, Mich.
, Peoria, Ill. Mitt Romney is the choice of Washington’s Republican establishment, as was Sen. John McCain. That alone has me praying for Santorum.
my love for them hasn’t changed despite my disapproval of their choices. This is a heart-breaking subject that brings God great sorrow.
. Carlisle, Pa.
“Sin is sin” (March ) Joel Belz properly refused to defend WORLD against a charge of “homophobia.” Such a defense must always fail because homophobia is an endlessly mutable accusation the gay community uses to describe its political opponents. Instead, Belz explained clearly the larger context of sin and of the political struggle to enthrone homosexual behavior as normal and acceptable and honored. I pray that Eric listens.
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
Most pastors and churches avoid this subject, yet the head-in-the-sand approach will not make this assault by homosexuals on families and children go away. Reminding readers that God disapproves
Your succinct and balanced treatment of “left vs. right” was very much appreciated. How rare! Lynch Station, Va.
Dispatches (March ) So, the Slovakian people have a bridge to name and the overwhelming favorite choice is “Chuck Norris”? The only problem is that everyone knows that you never, ever, cross Chuck Norris. Mt. Juliet, Tenn.
around the world
. Belpre, Ohio
Belz didn’t shrink back one iota from articulating and applying what the Word of God says, and he did it with love throughout. Cedarburg, Wis.
I loved the analogy that “homosexual immorality is like going mph the wrong way on a one-way street.” People in my family I love and cherish dearly are going the wrong way, and they cannot see that Send photos and letters to: mailbag@worldmag.com
9 MAILBAG.indd 71
M AY 5 , 2 0 1 2
4/10/12 12:44 PM
Mailbag “Animals as idols”
“Behind the scenes”
(March ) I’m glad that you addressed “petcentrism.” Several years ago, while on one of my daily walks with my dogs, I decided to begin investing less time with them and more time in the lives of needy children. I have been a foster parent for almost four years now. We cannot value pets over human lives.
(March ) What a wonderful and encouraging article. My wife and I met in college in the ’s through our love for movies that continues today. May all believers in Hollywood take a stand for Christ and use their gifts God has given them. Many of us who love movies are praying for the directors, producers, actors, and others.
Santee, Calif.
Westwood, Calif.
We also had an animal named “Trouble.” He was a steer. We ate him.
Borrego Springs, Calif.
Almost all of my canine friends at the local dog park have human names, and their owners are not “masters” but “parents.” That makes me “Peg’s Dad.” The trend you described does not demonstrate an increased appreciation of animals but a degradation of the “crown of creation,” as the psalmist calls us, to the level of animals. Call it the practical theology of a resurgent neo-paganism. Philadelphia, Pa.
Under Pastors Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary Pittsburgh, PA www.rpts.edu info@rpts.edu (412)731-6000
“After-birth abortion” (March ) The authors of the article promoting “after-birth abortion” fail to take their “pro-choice” logic to its conclusion. If I decide that I do not value your contribution to society and “choose” to eliminate you and all others like you, who are you to say I am wrong? . Gap Mills, W.Va.
If babies who aren’t fully developed have no right to life, then neither do the disabled. I work with severely mentally and physically disabled adults under a Lutheran organization. Giubilini and Minerva would find that none of the clients I care for “attribute any value to their own existence” but it would be heartbreaking if they were killed. Any person, no matter his disability, contributes to our society, churches, and families. Loveland, Colo.
9 MAILBAG.indd 72
“Branching out” (March ) Being good stewards of this world, although expressed a bit overbearingly in the movie version, was the whole moral of The Lorax. Focusing the review on indoctrinating children toward environmentalism was a bit narrow, and I was delighted to see on the big screen a moral indictment of Darwinism (intentional or not) when the Once-ler sang that cutting down the truffula trees was just survival of the fittest. Niceville, Fla.
“Taking a pass” (March ) LeBron James is having a phenomenal season, but he cannot let fear of public opinion hurt his play. He needs to be himself, whether that is taking a last-minute shot or passing the ball to someone else. Miami, Fla.
“With fear and trembling” (March ) Andrée Seu’s column was a refreshing expression of something I’ve been learning through life but never associated with Philippians :. Her words give clarity to living by faith.
Lincolnton, N.C.
Quotables (March ) I could not help but be thrilled by the quote from Mark Thompson of the BBC, where he admitted that his network treats Christianity with less sensitivity than other religions partly because of threats. Christianity stands out as the
4/11/12 3:53 PM
Boarding School for Girls only religion safe to mock. What a testimony to the work of Jesus in the church. Waco, Texas
“No JFKs, please” (March ) I reacted strongly to the JFK quote. The view that the church should have no input on public policy is frightening. Granted, the quote was from an era before the cultural battles over legal abortion and gay marriage, but the church and other religious traditions have historically provided a moral compass for government through the training and instruction of adherents. The Founding Fathers understood that people must be trained to govern themselves in order to be governed by a limited government.
www.ParentHope.com Does Your Daughter ... Make Poor Choices? Struggle with Anger? Rebel Against Authority? Have Academic Problems? Lie, Deceive, Manipulate? Ages 13 - 18 Admissions@ParentHope.com
Owego, N.Y.
“Just so happens” (Feb. ) My daughter Rachel, , has been diabetic for over five years and I often check on her during the night. It can be an overwhelming responsibility. Sometimes I think that her life is in my faulty hands when He truly is the one caring for her. I feel like the onus is on me, and that if she suffers it is because I dropped the ball. Andrée Seu’s column confirmed for me that Rachel’s life is not actually in my hands at all. Carlinville, Ill.
Correction Slovakia is not a Balkan nation (Quick Takes, March , p. ).
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4/17/12 1:57 PM
r e m Sum
e s o p r u P n .. O
Maximize your summer Studying with experts
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Moot Court • June 10 - 16 Exploring the nation’s capital Creative Writing • June 10 - 16 Preparing for your future Mock Trial* • June 17 - 30 Honoring Christ Campaigns & Elections • June 17 - 23 Leadership & Vocation • June 24 - 30 Strategic Intelligence • July 8 - 14 Debate* • July 15 - 28 The Founding Fathers summer.phc.edu and The Classical Tradition • July 15 - 21 1.888.338.1776 Journalism • July 22 - 28 * Two week camp teencamps@phc.edu 4/11/12 3:03 PM
Andrée Seu
I believe
Faith is the key to unlocking the Scriptures’ promises
“I that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living!” (Psalm :). A great sorrow was hurled into my life and made it seem that life was over. On the same day, I happened to read the verse above. I perceived that it was written by a man going through a grief like mine. On what basis was his confidence—his bold assertion—that he would see good in his future? After all, is it guaranteed to any of us that we will bounce back from tragedy? Still, the king’s faith statement excited me. I said, “I want that for myself! I will believe it for myself, just as David did!” At once my hope clouded over with complicated theology: This verse is a particular word to a particular man who lived , years ago, I said. I must be careful not to apply it directly. Perhaps the man even had a vision. Or he was a type of Christ and in a special category. I must not be too happy. But then I remembered: “Whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we may have hope” (Romans :). There was the legitimacy of my claim. Next, I thought about Scripture’s calls to meditate on God’s Word: “Blessed is the man [whose] delight is in the law of the Lord, and on His law he meditates day and night” (Psalm :-). I got to thinking about what meditation is: It is an invitation to unbridled creativity; to make wild connections; to entertain variations on a theme; to leap boundaries of time and dispensations, to one’s own circumstances. One enters into a Word on the page as into a secret doorway, and is led by the Spirit into many-chambered mansions. Meditation, by its very nature, is expansive; not linear but frolicking. It beckons personalization. Meditation is what gives me permission to embrace King David’s confidence for a good future as my own confidence. After all, we personalize with other Scriptures without even thinking about it: “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want” (Psalm :). So, not content with simply reading the verse, I said boldly to the Lord, “Lord, I believe I will see Your goodness again, not only in heaven, but in the
Email: aseu@worldmag.com
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land of the living. I am embracing this favor as my favor, just as David did.” It was a new way to pray. Mark : was my warrant: “All things are possible for one who believes.” And Mark :: “Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him.” I started thinking hard about the spiritual mechanics of all this. The promises of God are for those who believe them, above every other word or report: “For You have exalted above all things Your name and Your word” (Psalm :). The promises must be “mixed with faith” to profit the hearer (Hebrews :). For the rest, they are merely beautiful love songs (Ezekiel :). Romans : and Psalm :- beckon the reader to believe. They stand on the high places of the city crying, “Enter here only with faith.” The Word searches high and low for one who will stake all, who will regard God’s Word as supreme, who puts out of mind all possibility of unfulfillment. It is childlike faith that astonishes Jesus: “When Jesus heard this, He marveled” (Matthew :). Contrast with: “And He could do no mighty work there” (Mark :). Faith is the secret hermeneutical key we sought that opens David’s hopes to us also. Only those who believe understand. Only those who believe receive (Revelation :). The Word of promise is activated in the presence of faith: “And Paul, looking intently at him and seeing that he had faith to be made well, said in a loud voice, ‘Stand upright on your feet.’ And he sprang up and began walking” (Acts :-). “Lord,” I said in my grief that was already fading, “I believe that I shall look upon Your goodness in the land of the living.” “Child,” He said, “if you believe it, it is yours.” A M AY 5 , 2 0 1 2
4/11/12 3:04 PM
Marvin Olasky
Spotlighting Christ
Use your platform to shine the light away from you to where it belongs
W O R L D M AY 5 , 2 0 1 2
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shows, we tend to think that a mystery is something solvable through reason, but in Paul’s epistles (see Ephesians :-) only revelation can solve a mystery. That’s certainly true about the mystery of marriage: If we don’t recognize Christ’s preeminence in molding a husband and wife over decades, our prattling about joyful lifetime marriage sounds like a fairy tale. Seven chapters toward the end of Exodus—one of those purportedly boring sections of Scripture— show well how revelation is the parent, reason the child. In the first six God tells the Israelites how to make and order the tabernacle, which will be the center of their worship in the wilderness. In the seventh, Exodus , God rests and says a team of craftsmen will “devise artistic designs,” cut stones, carve wood, and so on, “according to all I have commanded.” They are to use their reason in accord with God’s revelation. Natural law trumps positive, man-made law, and sometimes a reasonable examiner of human nature and society can discern valid moral principles. But since so much is mystery, the Bible trumps everything else, and Christian speakers should recognize that by citing facts but also pointing to Christ, the maker of facts. The best way to do that is debatable, and in-your-face rants before secular audiences are wasted opportunities—but so are academic speeches that stick Christian commitment behind the back. I’m not saying that God decreeth one particular style. I am saying that our goal is to show Christ’s preeminence in all things. Will that emphasis hurt your attempt to win support for your particular issue or organization? Maybe, but is your chief end to win a particular debate or to help people embrace Jesus? When Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon Ben Carson (WORLD, April ) spoke at the presidential prayer breakfast in and at Columbine High School following the terrible shootings in , organizers each time told him, “Don’t mention Jesus.” Both times he disobeyed: “If we are true Christians we have to be willing to stand up for what we believe.” I’ve had that experience and come to that conclusion in lesser forums. It’s nothing new. In Acts, chapter , rulers told Peter and John to stop talking about Jesus, but they responded, “We cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard.” Commencement speakers who are Christians and are reading this: Please speak of Christ. It will be one heck of a graduation ceremony. A
“C, , this will be a heck of a graduation.” That’s how a New York University press release breathlessly announced the commencement snaring of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Other schools swoon over presidents: Barack Obama will speak at Barnard College (Columbia University) and Bill Clinton at little Columbia College in South Carolina. Many universities think that TV names make a heck of a graduation, so Tom Brokaw, Katie Couric, and Brian Williams are orating at prestigious schools, and CNN host/Time editor-at-large Fareed Zakaria is playing a Harvard and Duke doubleheader. Happily, some Christian colleges are counter-cultural: Biola students will hear artist (and WORLD’s Daniel of the Year) Makoto Fujimura, and Covenant College students will hear pastor Tullian Tchividjian (See WORLD, July , ). Other Christian schools also show understanding that the primary purpose of their commencements is to glorify God who knit together each graduate, not to worship human idols. But commencement season has gotten me thinking about what the goal for all Christian speakers should be: Instead of plotting how to become more famous and sell more books, we should always aim to put the spotlight on Christ. Spotlighting Christ means more than a lack of selfishness, because it also means not making our chief end the winning of support on a favorite issue. For example, let’s say you can show that same-sex marriage is not good for children and even for the partners themselves. That’s fine, but if you just use social science data to make your point, and leave out God because you don’t want to upset anyone in your audience, you are worshipping created things rather than the Creator. Natural law reasoning by itself is also useful but not sufficient for Christians, because our primary goal is not to glorify reason but to glorify God who created reason. Educated by pulp fiction and TV
Email: molasky@worldmag.com
4/11/12 3:47 PM
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4/11/12 3:49 PM