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Faculty Members 2022/23 Academic Year


C. Doumbia-Henry LLB, LLM (University of the West Indies), LLM, PhD (University of Geneva), Barrister-at-Law


Vice-President (Academic Affairs)

J-U. Schröder-Hinrichs Dipl-Ing für Verkehrsingenieurwesen (Rostock), Dr-Ing (Wuppertal), Master Mariner

Vice-President (International)

S. Ma BSc (Shanghai Maritime University), MSc (Paris I), PhD (Paris II), Chevalier du Mérite Maritime (France)

Director of the Global Ocean Institute

R. Long BCL (National University of Ireland), PhD (Trinity Dublin)


C. Aporta PhD (University of Alberta), BA (Universidad Nacional de Cuyo). Canadian Chair in Marine Environmental Protection R. Baumler MSc (Artois), PhD (Evry), Master Mariner D. Dalaklis BSc (Hellenic Naval Academy), MSc (US Naval Postgraduate School), PhD (Aegean), AFNI, Distinguished Service Medal (Greece) H. Jessen First German State Examination in Law (Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel), LLM (Tulane), Dr. jur (Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg), Second German State Examination in Law J. Hollander PhD (Gothenburg) Nippon Foundation Chair in Sustainable Marine Management & Ocean Governance M. E. Manuel MSc, PhD (WMU), Master Mariner Nippon Foundation Chair in Maritime Education and Training M. Mejia BSc (US Naval Academy), MALD (Fletcher), MSc (WMU), Tekn Lic, PhD (Lund), Distinguished Service Medal (Philippines) Director of the PhD Programme S-H Moon BEng, MSc (Korea Maritime University), PhD (Cardiff), Master Mariner. T. Nakazawa BSc (KUMM), PhD (Kobe), Chartered Engineer (UK) F. C. Neat BSc (Edinburgh), PhD (Glasgow) Nippon Foundation Chair in Sustainable Fisheries Management, Ocean Biodiversity and Marine Spatial Planning A. I. Ölçer BSc, MSc, PhD (Istanbul Technical University) Nippon Foundation Chair in Marine Technology and Innovation, Director of Maritime Research C. Schofield BA (Durham), LLM (British Columbia), PhD (Durham), Head of Research, Global Ocean Institute D-W Song BA (Hons) (Korea Maritime University), MSc, PhD (Plymouth), CMILT Republic of Korea Chair G. Theocharidis LLB (Aristotle University), LLM (Cantab.), Dr.iur. (Aristotle University), Advocate, Member of the Piraeus Bar, L.M.A.A. (SuppMemb) M. Wisz BSci (Illinois), MA (Colorado), PhD (Cambridge)

Associate Professors

G. Chen BSc (Dalian Maritime University), MSc, PhD (Southern Denmark) A. Fakhry LLB, LLM (Montreal), MMM (Dalhousie), PhD (Southampton), Advocate, Member of the Quebec Bar M. Kitada BSc (Kobe), Dip (Cardiff), PhD (Cardiff) M. C. Romero Lares LLB (Andrés Bello), LLM (Tulane), PhD (Leibniz University Hannover)

Assistant Professors

F. Ballini BSc, MSc, PhD (Genova) I. Bartuseviene BSc (Kaliningrad State Technical University), MSc (Vilnius), MSc (WMU), PhD (Klaipeda) J. Bolmsten MSc (Blekinge Institute of Technology), MSc (Copenhagen), PhD (IT University of Copenhagen) and Information Manager CJ. Chae BSc (Korea Maritime and Ocean University, KMOU), MEng (KMOU), MSc (WMU), PhD (KMOU), Master Mariner A. Hebbar BSc (Bombay University), MSc (WMU), PhD (Tata Institute of Social Sciences), Tatrakshak Medal for Meritorious Service (India) K. Lagdami LLM, MSc, PhD (Nantes) S. R. Sahoo BEng (Jadavpur University), MSc (WMU), PhD (Reading) A. Schönborn MEng, PhD (University College, London)


A. Pazaver MA, CTESL (Carleton) B. Watts BSc (USCG Academy), MSc (Naval Postgraduate School) (Seconded from the United States Coast Guard)

Adjunct Professors

M. Clintworth BSc (Liverpool), MSc (Newcastle), PhD (Strathclyde) P. Cariou MSc (Rennes), PhD (Nantes)

External Examiners

R. Bergqvist MSc, PhD (Gothenburg) To be appointed

As at 31 July 2022

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