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Vision 2025

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We have just launched Vision 2025 (V2025), which is a 5-year strategic plan of where we want to be as a mission by the end of 2025. Here are our goals for the end of 2025:

Unreached People Groups (UPGs)


By the end of 2025, we want to increase the number of UPGs we are engaged with from (currently) 149 to 300.

Unreached People Groups (UPGs) are our primary distinctive and focus. This distinctive governs virtually everything WO does. Most activities, initiatives, ministries, services and structures support and work toward the end goal of evangelising and discipling UPGs. All the other goals are there to accomplish this main goal.

Missionaries (Field Workers)

To reach the audacious goal of engaging with 300 UPGs, we’ve set a goal to double the number of our missionaries from (currently) 250 to 500.

National Workers

Alongside our missionaries, we currently have around 350 national workers serving in a World Outreach ministry. We’ve also set a goal to increase that number from 350 to 500.

This will take our total missions force from 600 (missionaries and national workers) to 1,000.


To accomplish all this, our revenue needs to increase by approximately 75% each year.


All of this will be impossible without prayer covering, so we’ve set a goal to increase our prayer base from (currently) 500 to 10,000 people. Just imagine thousands of people praying for a UPG, then one of our team going in to engage with them!

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