VOLUME 52, MAY 2020
Spirit of Scouting In Action
Covid-19 Special Issue
Featuring the collective services of Scouts across Asia-Pacific Region during the COVID-19 pandemic where Scouting spirit shines brighter to cope with unprecedented challenges.
AFGHAN ISTAN Scouts in Afghanistan are closely working with the government to promote health awareness by sewing fabric face masks, doing house-to-house campaign observing social distancing, and disinfecting vehicles. Few weeks back, Scouts collected donations and purchased food and essential items for distribution to 11 families who lost their income due to the lockdown. They prepared food packages to last for a month, including rice, flour, oil, sugar, beans, tea and hygiene kit with soap, hand sanitizer, and face masks.
Photo c Afghan Scouts
Chief Commissioner Philip Harrison called on all Scouts to Stay at Home and Safe during the pandemic.
AUST RALIA “Scouting is moving online, provide ongoing social connections, support for possible mental health, useful fun stuff to do. In short, we are still open for business, just in a different way.�
Photo c Scouts Australia
-- Phil Harrison, Chief Commissioner, Scouts Australia Video link:
BANGLA DESH Rover Scouts in Bangladesh produced hand sanitizers as a safety measure from the virus. Leaflets in Bengali were produced and distributed to school children and in public places to create awareness.
Photo c B a n g l a d e s h Scouts
BHU TAN Scouts fight COVID-19 – from distributing food to patrolling at night
Photo c B h u t a n Scouts Association
Scouts in Bhutan help fight the spread of COVID-19. Some distribute food and health kits. Others volunteer at quarantine facilities and do house-to-house visit. The rest patrol at night.
Scouts are inspired by the televised speech of King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, King of Bhutan. He said, “with the risks posed by coronavirus confounded by the economic uncertainties, the resilience of our people may also gradually diminish. Moving forward, it is imperative for the King, government, and the people to join hands and work together so that our people are inspired and ready to face this adversity with fearless courage.” Scouts and leaders distributed rice, oil, salt, sugar and hygiene kit donated by the government to different communities especially the elderly people.
A Scout Leader from Nagor Scout group said, “we can fulfill the King’s mission and vision, if we make our community a better place for everyone especially to our elders, through our collective small acts of kindness.” Scout Karma Choden, a nursing student and youth volunteer in a quarantine facility, said “as a Scout and a nursing student, it is always a pleasure to contribute to our nation in our small way, and this gives me a feeling of happiness.” Leaders and Scouts of Thim Throm collaborate with local teams to take turns patrolling at night. To keep Scouting going, Bhutan Scouts launched an online camp with emphasis on learning and building Scouting through networking. Online sessions tackle WOSM programmes and feature performances by Scouts and Rovers. a Scout and a nursing student, it is always a pleasure to contribute to our nation in our small way, and this gives me a feeling of happiness. -- Scout Karma Choden, nursing student and volunteer at a quarantine centre
BRU NEI Photo c Persekutuan Pengakap Negara Brunei Darussalam
Scouts in Brunei Darussalam took the initiative to hand over a donation of BND5,000 (USD3,500+) through the Ministry of Health for the COVID-19 Relief Fund. The donation ceremony was held at the Dewan Al-Afiah of the Ministry of Health, and was received by Acting Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of Health, Haji Khalid bin Haji Azhari, presented by the President of the PPNBD, Awg Haji Matusin bin Orang Kaya Sura Haji Tuba. With the arrival of Ramadan, Scout leaders prepared a total of 41 food packs and distributed to four districts in the country.
Lautoka Scouters Council distributed relief supplies to villagers as a way of helping families who are running out of food because of the lockdown.
Photo c Fiji Scout Association
HONG KONG Hong Kong introduces Scout Health Guard The Scout Association of Hong Kong is one
and Well-being� reminding members to
of the first associations to encourage its
maintain a healthy lifestyle while promot-
members to maintain personal hygiene at
ing the well-being for people of different
all times and to share protective tips with
ages. Hong Kong Scouts launched its own
family and friends.
edition of Special JOTI and those who have completed the tasks as assigned
In support of the Sustainable Devel-
at home became eligible to one piece
opment Goals (SDGs), TSAHK high-
of specially designed badge and Health
lighted the third goal “Good Health
Guard Badge.
...highlighted the third goal “Good Health and Well-being� reminding members to maintain a healthy lifestyle while promoting the well-being for people of different ages.
India launches virtual National Youth Forum; reaches out to communities When the government of India declared a national lockdown to avoid the further spread of the virus, the Bharat Scouts & Guides found a way to stay connected and spread joy and support among its members. Scouts are meeting online to lift each other’s spirits and keep Scouting going. Scouts and Rovers in Karnataka organized a meeting called “OnlineScoutMela” and hosted webinar sessions engaging young people with topics #TogetherAtHome, #ScoutsStayHome, #ScoutsforSDGs and #MessengersofPeace.
Photo c The Bharat Scouts & Guides
A virtual National Youth Forum was created for young members of BSG for them to discuss and express their views on different issues, as well as to enhance their skills in decision-making at the institutional level of Scouting and Guiding.
During its launch, the Secretary General of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, Ahmad Alhendawi, guested at the virtual national forum and addressed the young people of BSG.
“Scouting never stops as you make a way to get connected with each other. Scouting can always battle even the most challenging situation. My friends, we live in unusual time forcing all of us to think of how we do our lives, how we do our business. Countries that have more Scouts, have solid structure are more capable to fight this virus, and you have done that. You have proven your ability to mobilise Scouts and be there for those who are in need and for your country as it battles this unusual pandemic that is really impacting all aspects of life. So on behalf of the 50 million Scouts, I want to salute you all for being good Scouts, good Guides – showing that we are always prepared even if our challenges are very complex,” the Secretary General said. He added that the Scout Movement is now very resourceful and innovative. He cited as an example the holding of the online Jamboree – the JOTI Special Edition – where it was able to connect millions of Scouts around the world, allowing them to learn about the enormous talents from Scouts.
Even before the government called for the national lockdown, Scouts and Guides of India were actively producing and distributing face masks and hand sanitizers. Others opted to disinfect public places such as schools and railway stations, and do awareness campaigns. During the lockdown, Scouts cooked large amounts of food and distributed meals to people who temporarily lost their livelihood due to the lockdown.
INDO NESIA Photo c Gerakan Pramuka Indonesia
Scout Care disinfects schools, produces ScoutGel
As the coronavirus affects millions of lives, Gerakan Pramuka (GP) Indonesia adheres to the government’s lockdown policy and urged all Scouts to stay home. As early as March 2020, GP Chairman and Chief Commissioner Comm. Gen Police (Ret.) Budi Waseso requested all provincial and district headquarters to stop all Scout-
ing activities in Indonesia, instead conduct initiatives where Scouts can connect and interact online. Scout leaders launched the “Home Scouting” activities encouraging Scouts to stay at home and get connected through Instagram and Facebook. An “internet workshop and seminar” was also conducted on how to keep safe and healthy during the pandemic.
In other areas, trained and properly equipped Rovers and Senior Scouts, through the Pramuka Peduli or Scouts Care Team, worked with the government to disinfect schools and public places covering West Java to South Sulawesi province. In Banten province, Rovers produced hand sanitizers called “ScoutGel� and distributed
to the frontliners. With the help of Scout leaders who are also religious teachers, mass prayers were conducted online. -- Berthold Sinaulan, Member, APR Communications and Partnerships Sub Committee Photo (c) Gerakan Pramuka National HQ
Photo c Korea Scout Association
Rovers in South Seoul Local Council donated face masks to a local community, while Rovers in Pusan Local Council conducted fumigation activities in 13 kindergarten areas. Other Scouts donated 180,000 bottles of drinking water to volunteer venters in collaboration with the Community Chest Fund of Korea. In Taegu, Scouts organised a fundraising activity on 12 March and supplied 13,500 bottles of drinking water to volunteer centres. Scouts of South Kyung-Gi local council also organised fundraising activities from 17 to 24 March. The amount raised – USD 2,500 – was later donated to the Community Chest Fund of Korea.
MA CAU Photo c The Scout Association of Macau
The Scout Association of Macau launched a charity fundraising campaign to support the work being done in mainland China against COVID-19. The NSO made an initial donation of 100,000 Macanese Pataca (USD12,500+) to the fundraising which ended on 30th March 2020. Chairman of the Council Leong Sio Pui said that the fundraising promotes the fine tradition of patriotism and love for country, and encouraged Scouts to participate.
File photo
File photo
MALA YSIA Photo c Scout Association of Malaysia
Rovers in Malaysia raised funds to produce DIY face shields for frontliners with the support of government and other NGOs.
MALD IVES Photo c Scout Association of Maldives
The Scout Association of Maldives produced posters on preventing COVID-19 through hand washing and sanitizing, coughing/sneezing, physical and social distancing.
Photo c Scout Association of Mongolia
The Scout Association of Mongolia partnered with UNICEF and the Ministry of Health to raise awareness by posting COVID-19 information in 50,000 companies, shops, hospitals and public areas. Scouts distributed locally-made masks and appreciation letters to frontliners including medical staff, police officers and emergency workers.
M A L D MYAN MAR Photo c Myanmar Scout
Myanmar Scouts promoted online campaigns to stay home. Scouts repacked food supplies and distributed them to different communities in Yangoon.
NE PAL Nepal asks elders to stay home; launch online sessions When cases of COVID-19 started in Nepal, Scouts organized Pandemic Awareness Preparatory Meeting at the national headquarters attended by Rovers and leaders of Kathmandu Valley. They agreed on how to conduct awareness campaigns in communities using proper protective gears. Nepal Scouts National Coordinator Lok Bahadur Bhandari re-echoed the words “the safety of all Scouts is our utmost priority, and we take the health, safety and well-being of young people, volunteers and staff, very seriously.” Rover Rangers and Scouters, together with local government units, doubled their efforts in convincing people to stay home, especially in traditional cities like Kathmandu, Bhaktapur
and Lalitpur, where it is customary for the elderly people to stay outside. “It is difficult for us to persuade them not to go out because they are used to that routine – going to the temple sites, or just staying outside their houses while talking to their friends. But at this challenging time, they have to follow for their own safety,” Nepal Scouts Director Ram Prasad Bhattarai said. For people who are not earning enough money for the family, Scouts are mobilized to help the government in distributing cooked meals and relief packages to them. While the highest priority is the safety of every
To ensure that Scouting continues, Nepal Scouts launched in its Facebook page online sessions
using hashtags #StayHome #togetherathome discussing about WOSM Programmes – Messengers of Peace, Diversity and Inclusion, HeForShe, Scouts Go Solar, World SCOUT Environment Programme, among others. Sessions were facilitated by Director Ram Prasad Bhattarai and Leader Trainer Devraj Ghimire.
Photo c Nepal Scouts
human being, Nepal Scouts has taken the initiative to feed the birds and monkeys roaming around the cities which are also looking for food particularly in the temple areas.
PAKIS TAN Rover Scouts in Pakistan support the government in conducting awareness sessions on Basic Protective Measures against the virus by creating a helpline and forming a rescue team to assist in emergency. Scouts disinfected vehicles and public areas, and distributed food packages.
Photo c Pakistan Boy Scout Association
PHILIP PINES Many ways Filipino Scouts show they care With the increasing cases of COVID-19 in
and sharing. Many are campaigning for protective
Metro Manila, Boy Scouts of the Philippines
measures such as staying home and observing
offered its B-P International Hotel in Manila as
proper hygiene.
temporary accommodation for health workers who are at the frontline of the coronavirus
Others reached out to those directly affected by
the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) in the island of Luzon. Local Scout Councils packed
CNN Philippines reported from a media brief-
food, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and
ing in mid April that Boy Scouts of the Philip-
vitamins, and distributed them to those in need in
pines President Roberto Pagdanganan offered
their localities. Others gave food to frontliners and
the 120-room facility for doctors, nurses and
homeless people. In Antique, Scouts helped the
health workers from the Philippine General
provincial government in building isolation areas.
Employees of the BSP-HQ devised improvised PPEs such as face shields and face masks, alcohol
In different parts of the country, some Scout
and water and donated them to hospitals treating
groups have their ingenious ways of caring
COVID-19 patients.
Photo c Boy Scouts of the Philippines
SINGA PORE Sweet words are good for the soul Truly, Truly, gentle and kind words are sweet as honey and good for the souls. Over 500 heart-warming messages from Scouts and non-Scouts from Bangladesh, China, France, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Macau, Malaysia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, The General Association of the Scouts of China and the United States sent their well-wishes to the health workers of Singapore. These messages were printed and presented as hand-made cards to the medical workers of the Singapore General Hospital in a ceremony attended by Singapore President Halimah Yacob.
In her Facebook post, President Halimah said that the cards may be a small gesture, “but it speaks volumes about our caring society�. Zachy, a 6-year-old Scout, wrote his thank-you note, and added extra care by placing $7 of his pocket money in the envelope, urging the recipient to take a break and have a coffee. Small act, but extraordinary. Zachy, was one of the 18,000 Scouts and Girl Guides who took part in the initiative. The idea was initiated by Melinda Murphy Hiemstra, leader of a USA Girl Scouts Overseas (Singapore) Troop, Troop 82, who was inspired by the
sacrifices being done by the health workers in combatting the virus. It was picked-up and supported by the Singapore Scout Association, Community Chest and Girl Guides Singapore. The hospital staff received the letters on 1 March 2020 in a small ceremony at the campus overseen by President Halimah Yacob, who had earlier toured the hospital to speak with front-line staff. Professor Kenneth Kwek, deputy group chief executive of SingHealth (organisational transformation and informatics), and was once a scout, said front-line workers have been very touched by the support they have received from society. Professor Kwek admitted that the Scout motto of “Be Prepared” is pertinent in this pandemic. “I think to a certain degree, we are all Scouts, because we’re always prepared.” Moreover, The Singapore Scout Association Chief Commissioner Antong S Rahmat invited Cubs and Scouts to join and inspire others with their stories of #ScoutingFromHome – from doing indoor activities with their family or convening virtually with their peers. Although Scouts love the outdoors, he believed that Scouting spirit will never wane in being creative, and can explore different ways of learning new skills. Source:
Photo c T h e Singapore Scout Association
SRI LANKA Sri Lanka Scouts introduce “Save Nation – Save Life” campaign “Save Nation – Save Life” is a national community service project organized by Sri Lanka Scout Association (SLSA) in collaboration with the Health Promotion Bureau to increase public awareness on the prevention of COVID-19 disease. In this way, the association takes the leadership to convey important messages to the communities using different modalities to save the nation from current health situation. Opportunities for Stay Home and Stay Safe activities are varied. Here are some of them:
Photo c Sri Lanka Scout Association
COVID-19 Poster Campaign – Different posters were made with the help of Health Promotion Bureau, World Health Organization and UNDP Sri Lanka which were shared among Scouts to increase their awareness on COVID-19 disease. WHO Safe Hands Challenge – SLSA joined Safe Hands Challenge, a campaign launched by the World Health Organization to increase awareness on proper hand washing to prevent COVID-19 disease. Earth Hour – 2020 (Raise your voice for nature challenge): Together with World Wildlife Fund and Earth Hour Sri Lanka, Scouts celebrated Earth Hour- 2020 digitally by organizing a district level video story competition “ Raise Your Voice for Nature Challenge”.
This is mainly to raise awareness on energy consumption and it effects on the environment. •
COVID-19 Chat Bot – Awareness on COVID-19 situation and prevention is vital for Scouts and the general public. Thus “Save Nation – Save lives” project aimed to increase awareness among Scouts and their communities by introducing CHAT BOTs.
Myth Busting Challenge – This challenge increases awareness on COVID-19 disease by sending myth busting messages to the general public through audio-visual media.
JOTI – Special Edition – SLSA joined the WOSM Special Jamboree On The Internet from 3-5 April 2020.
THAI LAND Photo c National Scout Organization of Thailand
Scouts in Thailand designed, produced, and donated face masks to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
TIMOR LESTE Photo c Uniao Nacional dos Escuteiros de Timor
Scouts largely participated in disinfecting vehicles and other public places to combat the virus.
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(+63 2) 8818-0984
J. Rizal C. Pangilinan Regional Director Luz Taray Director, Communications and Partnerships Theresa E. Quine Assistant, Communications and Partnerships
Neil Christian C. Bolandrina Assistant, Communication and Information Services
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