Introduction 2020 has been a challenging year for the World Organisation of the Scout Movement (WOSM) Member Organisations (MOs) in numerous ways. For the Europe region, the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has forced MOs to adapt how they deliver scouting based on ever-evolving restrictions implemented by national governments to control the spread of coronavirus. Early on in the Covid-19 pandemic, the majority of MOs across the WOSM Europe Region had moved to some form of a “home scouting” model, where scouting activities were delivered as remote activities using online platforms like Zoom. Home activities were sent to young people by email or other means to complete in their own time, or a myriad of other approaches that didn’t include traditional meetings at a central location on a weekly basis were implemented. This was a profound change in how local groups and MOs operated, with leaders needing to adapt their skills to different tools. They had to quickly develop alternative activities in order to keep Scouting active and support young members during lockdowns or other restrictions. As a Strategic Priority in the Regional Scout Plan, understanding the Impact of Scouting and its educational methods is a complex and multi-faceted problem. A volunteer team within the region is continuing to develop upon the work from the world level, across the region and in individual MOs.
I M PA C T O F H O M E S C O U T I N G - R E P O R T