Rainbow Romania Studies have consistently placed Romania on the bottom of European countries concerning perception of diversity and inclusion; homosexuality was decriminalised only in 2001, traditional gender roles remain dominant and the Roma population face discrimination in all aspects of life. Given this environment, the National Organization of Romanian Scouts (NORS) launched a Messengers of Peace-funded project “Rainbow Romania” to put forward diversity and inclusion at the national jamboree of 2017. Activities included preparing a diversity activity pack, training 10 trainers to form the training team and holding 13 workshops during the jamboree; reaching some 1,800 Scouts. Several participants explained the impact of the workshops:
“The workshops brought new horizons and new level of acceptance…just to see how anybody is and accept it. It is very good to start at this very young age.” “My Venturer Scouts (teenagers) were part of the diversity and inclusion activities of the National Jamboree and they very much appreciated them – they were even ranked as the best part of the National Jamboree for some of them.”
Rainbow Romania also had a much broader and long-term impact: it prompted NORS to reflect further on how integrate diversity and inclusion within Scouting in Romania which resulted in developing a national diversity and inclusion strategy, setting up a SPIRIT (Soul, Principles, Identity, Respect, Inclusion, Transcendence) team to carry on with the activities and introducing diversity and inclusion and spirituality in its Wood Badge Training.
2.2. Impact
What is the impact of Messengers of Peace and how did the initiative contribute to empowering young people to promote peace in their communities? WOSM has defined three levels of social impact: individual, community and institutional4. This chapter provides an assessment of Messengers of Peace impact of each of these levels, with institutional including the regional and global WOSM structures.
Individual – Scouts The 2015 mid-term evaluation found the Messengers of Peace’s impact on a personal level was visible in Scouts that had participated in Messengers of Peace in three main aspects: personal development; taking up leadership roles; and a more active role in the community. These aspects were also confirmed by this evaluation; when Scouts surveyed were asked to estimate how their involvement in Messengers of Peace had made a positive change for them; nearly all responded that it influenced their positive attitude towards life (93% - “Very much” and “Much”); their contribution to their community and society (92%), learning from nature (61%) and feeling part of a global community (90%). For further information: Measuring Scouting’s Impact on the Development of Young People, (2018), WOSM 4
Final Evaluation Messengers of Peace 2010-2020