Mundus Novus No.6

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No. 6•APRIL - 2011

I would have to say that of all the values that are most important, the source of all the others, is love. Love is much more than a feeling. If it were, love would be very unstable and could not move the human spirit to make wonderful and transcendent things. Love is not only an act of the heart, it is an act of the mind, requires reason, and can exist only with commitment. For love to exist it cannot be conditional. It is a gift that cannot be exchanged. For that reason, it is difficult for us to really experience it because we have learned that everything in life has a price that must be paid. From childhood, we have learned that things are negotiated, "you give to me and I give to you." We walk through life always asking, “What do I get in return for this?” So, when we experience love, we believe that it works just like everything else and do what is necessary to please others to get love from them or we give our love to those who do what is necessary to get it. But this is not the way true love works. With true love, the satisfaction is in giving, not receiving, so it is a gift. Nothing is expected in return. This is not easy, requires a true conviction, and, as I said before, commitment. One has to love someone and, every day, renew their commitment to provide unconditional love. The Scout movement promotes love by inviting all Scouts to be everyone's friend and a brother to everyone. The engine of friendship is love and for this reason is also unconditional. The Scout Law does not speak of being a friend of our own friends, it is being a friend to everyone and that it is a great challenge. Being a friend to everyone requires knowing how to express love to all: those who hurt us, those who talk behind our backs, those that deceive us, those that smile to our face but talk behind our backs. It is true that it is not easy to maintain a relationship of trust with those who act that way but we can express our love without falling in the same game by avoiding speaking ill of them or accuse them falsely. In this way we learn to be friends with everyone and, even better, to love all those around us unconditionally, as God does with us. Being a brother to every Scout requires a great commitment and to understand that this is also an act of love. We call them brothers because they are more than friends, because they share our ideals, and our desire to Creating a Better World. Let us resolve today to begin to learn to love, unconditionally, and give much, as Mother Teresa of Calcutta said, until it hurts. Be prepared to serve Raúl Sánchez Vaca Regional Director



APRIL 7, 2011

April 7th of each year is an annual opportunity to draw worldwide attention to an issue of major importance to global health. On that date in 1948 entered into existence the Constitution of the World Health Assembly, which was signed by 61 countries. This document formed the World Health Organization (WHO) to remember how important it is to care for people from all over the world and to provide health protection. Each year, this day is devoted to a special theme. This year’s theme will be dedicated to exercise as a way to remind everyone of its importance in health.

concern in the coming years. According to WHO, we need to act now or man could return to the pre-antibiotic era. WHO believes that to eradicate this problem, all countries should adopt specific measures to stop using certain drugs. Otherwise we would be condemning future generations to not having drugs for diseases that today have

We live in a time of great medical advances. Recent research has generated "wonder drugs" for treating diseases that a few decades ago (or even a few years ago) like HIV / AIDS, were fatal. For World Health Day 2011, WHO launched a global campaign to protect these drugs for future generations. Antimicrobial resistance, "issue of World Health Day 2011" and its global spread is a threat to the continued effectiveness of many drugs used today, and may also jeopardize the significant progress being achieved against some infections that are major killers. To highlight this problem, the campaign planned by WHO to raise public awareness emphasizes the pandemics of HIV / AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. WHO will encourage governments and stakeholders to implement policies and practices to prevent and counter the emergence of ultra resistant germs and to provide necessary care to all people severely affected by these microbes. Antimicrobial resistance is of particular

an effective and simple treatment that would become dangerous in the future of having no real cure. For World Health Day 2011, WHO asked governments and other stakeholders to implement policies and practices to prevent and counter the emergence of highly resistant microorganisms. TODAY NO ACTION, TOMORROW NO CURE!,


COSTA RICA TO DEVELOP NEW CAMP The Associatión of Guides and Scouts of Costa Rica (Guías y Scouts de Costa Rica) have announced plans to develop a new camp located about 66 miles (107 km) from the capital city of San Jose’. “The Guías y Scouts de Costa Rica recently purchased a farm in the northern zone of Costa Rica to develop a second Camping School to benefit its 12,000 members,” explained Dr. Raúl Alpízar Campos, past Presidente of AGYSCR. The new camping facility is located in the Canton of Sarapiquí, Heredia Province which is rich in nature, adventure and a promises a great future for sustainable economic development. “The property is just over 54 hectares (about 135 acres), with gently undulating topography which comprises mostly pasture with some patches of forest,” Alpízar continued. There were a large number of potential sites investigated before the final selection was made. Giovanni Rojas, vice president of AGYSCR explained, “An important factor in the final choice of this particular site was the Sardinal River, a tributary of the Sarapiquí River which forms the southern portion of the farm. There is about 0.6 miles (1 km) of river bordering the property that could be a source of fun and exciting adventure for our members.”

opportunity for the Boy Scouts of America to support its friends Costa Rica and maravillosa the property the "Esta esinuna oportunidad paraalong los Boy Sardinal River is an absolutely perfect site to develop Scouts of América en apoyo de sus colegas en Costa this camp,” expressed is also a great Rica,new la propiedad a lo largoTeare. del río“This Sardinal es un sitio beginning for future exchanges between our two absolutamente perfecto para desarrollar este nuevo associations.” campo; es un gran comienzo para futuros intercambios entre nuestras dos asociaciones ",expresó el Sr. Scott The site – once developed – would be capable of Teare. hosting large groups of Guides and Scouts at one time. Thenuevo land Campo is ideal Escuela, for camping, withlisto high plateaus El una vez será capaz for de albergar grandes de Guías y Scouts. El terreno tents to be pitchedgrupos and plenty of room for young people es ideal para cuenta There con altas mesetas y un to explore andacampar, enjoy nature. is also a plentiful ampliosupply terreno para que puedan disfrutar water available for los usejóvenes at the camp. naturaleza.

The AGYSCR invited the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) to visit the site to begin what should prove to be a beneficial cooperation in developing the new camp facility. Visiting the site on Saturday, 26 February was Scott Teare (BSA), Dr. Raúl Alpízar (AGYSCR), Giovanni Rojas (AGYSCR), Leonardo Morales (AGYSCR) and Luis Bethancourt (Interamerican Region Office). The BSA has agreed to return to the site in late April to begin technical support in the design and future development of the property. “This is a wonderful

Luis F. Bethancourt (Interamerican Scout Office)


1. Walk cheerful between the noise and haste, and remember what peace you can find in the silence. 2. As soon as possible and without compromising your convictions, be on good terms with everyone. 3. Listen carefully to others, even the dull and ignorant, they too are worth a lot. 4. Stay away from negative people, loud and aggressive, because you can spread their evil spirit. 5. If you compare yourself with others you gain pride and despair, because there will always be those who will and have less qualities. 6. Enjoy your achievements and thank God. Keep interested in your career, because it is a true treasure. There are your future success. 7. Exercise caution in your business. The world is full of deceit and danger. But neither walk doubting everything and everyone. There are more good people that you think. 8. Agree to respect the views of those who have many years with interest. Also respect the views of youth. The old and new give wisdom. 9. Beware of too much loneliness, too tired or too eagerly. Many troubles and diseases emanating from these three excesses. 10. Be at peace with God, to live in peace with your neighbor and keep peace in your soul. This will help you to be completely happy.

Text from a plate in a old church


REGIONAL FROM INTERAMERICAN SCOUT REGION VISITS PARAGUAY We did not miss the opportunity for Raul to generously give us his time to visit and organize meetings with different sectors of our Association and the National Council, the National Executive Committee, and other key leaders. Raúl's presence in our Association was very fruitful, as it not only provided an update of what is being done in and from the Interamerican Scout office in Panamá, but also other issues of common concern in our region. Of course we shared with our visiting friend a very nice and pleasant mingling our typical food, music and of course a taste of our traditional tereré (infusion of ice water with yerba mate). When Raul returned to Panama, he left as more than just a Scout leader, he left as a friend who knew a country located in the heart of South America that breathes and beats Scouting. Thanks and see you soon! Be Prepared, Regional from Paraguay





Jose Maria Brito Gutierrez Past President of the ASP

Mr. Raul Sanchez Vaca, Regional Director of the Interamerican Scout Region was invited by the Scout Association of Paraguay to visit our home, the land of orange and red flowers, mango and guaranias, beautiful women and hospitality. We invited Raul to visit during the 39th World Scout Conference recently held in Curitiba, Brazil. It is the first time he visited Paraguay. The opportunity presented was unique. We traveled to Asuncion by road as we could not pass up the chance to show Raul one of the world's wonders, Iguazu Falls which shows the grandeur of nature and the hand of God, declared by the World Heritage of UNESCO.


SCOUTING IN URUGUAY RECEIVED PART OF THE URUGUAYAN PARLIAMENT BUDGET The Parliament of the Republic of Uruguay approved an allocation of money to be spent annually on Scouting in Uruguay, for this year with option to renew next year. This Parliament's support was given in consideration of the contribution made by Uruguay Scouting to build a better society. At the time of submission of the application to the parliament, Alvaro Soares, president of MSU, said: "We understand that Scouting should be considered a public good service that helps to educate men and women with a positive and committed development of society, which is a form of real prevention against many of the ills that now plague our youth: drugs, alcoholism, violence. Why? Because it offers them a life project, the ability to commit to the project of life and take charge of their own growth. We know well that it is much easier to prevent than cure and that, ultimately, the costs of all these evils I listed are far greater than any prevention work we do. " Congratulations to the Scout Movement of Uruguay, because that means an explicit recognition by the Uruguayan government to the work of hundreds of volunteers, educators in building a country better for everyone.

II FORUMS: SCOUTING AND LEADERSHIP, THE SCOUT METHOD IN THE TRAINING OF LEADERS Friday March 11, 2011, held the II Discussion: Scouting and Leadership by the Scout Association of Peru, part of the commemorative activities for the Centennial celebrations and the International Women's Day. The purpose was to demonstrate how the Scout Method has contributed over the years in leadership training. The attendance of a large number of youth leaders, ladies and gentlemen, was due to the presence of important speakers like Ms. Daniella Barbieri, Mayor and current Belcorp Manager, who explained that Scouting helped to teach responsibility with Scouts we see every week. It included the presentation of Giuliana Office Groove Bruiget, the leader of group133 and current councilor in the Municipality of Surco. Two youth panelists, Diez Canseco Julie Green who is the Pan American Champion of Taekwon Do, and Ilda Dorita Polo Cortegana Chorrillos who is with Scout Group 142 and current regional delegate to the Conadenna Lima. Also present were leaders Bruiget Sivirichi Rosario and Victoria Machuca Ramirez, both pioneers and great representatives of Lobato. While this is the second year the discussion group took place, we cannot overemphasize the active participation of girls and boys who were participants that developed a workshop to let share known their expectations of Scouting for the last hundred years.


SCOUTS CANADA The Canadian General Council of the Boy Scout Association was incorporated by an act of the Canadian Parliament on June 12, 1914. The Canadian General Council was a branch of the Boy Scout Association until October 30, 1946, when it became an independent member of the Boy Scout World Conference. A subsequent amendment changed the name to Boy Scouts of Canada. In 2007, our Centennial Year, our name was officially changed by an act of Parliament to Scouts Canada. B.P. wrote to The Earl Grey in 1910 to ask him to organize Scouting in Canada. Since that time, every Governor General has been either the Chief Scout for Canada (prior to 1946) or Chief Scout of Canada (after 1946). The current Governor General and Chief Scout is His Excellency David Johnston. In 2007, our Centennial Year, our name was officially changed by an act of Parliament to Scouts Canada. B.P. wrote to The Earl Grey in 1910 to ask him to organize Scouting in Canada. Since that time, every Governor General has been either the Chief Scout for Canada (prior to 1946) or Chief Scout of Canada (after 1946). The current Governor General and Chief Scout is His Excellency David Johnston. Scouts Canada, is a not-for-profit organization whose national office is located in Ottawa, Ontario. It is a member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, and the country’s leading youth organization, offering seven challenging programs for boys, girls and youth aged 5-26. Beaver Scouts include girls and boys between 5 to 7 years of age. It emphasizes having fun while encouraging children to feel good about themselves, their friends and family, their spirituality, and nature. Children learn basic social skills and gain self confidence, by participating in games, crafts, music, storytelling, playacting, spiritual fellowship and the outdoors. Cub Scouts is for girls and boys 8 to 10 years of age. The Cub program focuses around six activity areas: the natural world, outdoors, creative expression, healthy living, home and community, and Canada and the world. The outdoors is an essential part of the Cub program. Cubs enjoy hikes and overnight camping, and meet in a group called a pack. The pack is split into smaller groups called sixes, with one leader for every six Cubs. Each Cub learns a promise, law and motto to help guide their personal development.

Scouts for Girls and boys 11 to 14 years of age (with an option to remain until age 16). The Scout program emphasizes having fun while encouraging youth to feel good about themselves, their friends and family, God, and the environment. The Scout program helps youth develop leadership skills and gain self confidence. They meet in a group called a troop. Venturer Scouts are for young men and women from 14 to 17 years of age. They help teens further their leadership skills and gain self confidence. The program is built around a lively variety of activities based on personal and group interests. Venturing emphasizes outdoor and environmental activities, citizenship and community service, leadership and personal development, and career exploration. Rover Scouts is for men and women from 18 to 26 years of age. They meet in a group called a crew. Rovers develop and manage their own program under the mentorship of a respected advisor. Rovers adhere to a promise and motto. There are also two other programs which offer an alternative to the regular Scouting program. These are SCOUTSabout for Girls and boys from 5 - 10 years of age and Extreme Adventure for young men and women form 14 - 17 years of age. In 2007, Scouting in Canada celebrated its Centennial Year. In 2008, Steve Kent became youngest�ever Chief Commissioner of Scouts Canada. The National Leadership Team, consisting of senior key volunteers cross Canada with highly developed diverse skills and experience, has developed and launched the Scouting Now Action Plan to galvanize the organization to double membership numbers by 2014.Currently have 212,300 members.


GREEN PLANET Open as well as partially open-cast mines are exploited on the surface unlike underground mining which is carried on below surface. “Mining is an integral part of industry and in turn just part of the industrial process,” according to a UNESCO document released in the 1990’s. Agri-businesses and extractive industries are for profit and contribute to a social problem. Contamination and high level of toxic inputs such as cyanide and acid waste; the activities of agri-businesses; and, the misuse of land by peasant and indigenous communities in nearby countries damage the ability of local populations to subsist and covertly perpetuate the cycle of poverty by exploiting not only resources but also workers. This is especially so when resources are to be found in poor areas where people have little education.

to manipulate and condition freedom of thought and the minds of local communities. The help they who receive is with the sole purpose of ingratiating themselves “socially.” Regretably, this is a nightmare to which we need to draw attention. It is a sad and painful truth which concerns us all and stems from the lack of published information as well as a result of manipulation and economic interests. These interests are destroying our homes and the planet. The following are a few examples of the lethal consequences of mining in our countries. Mexico: Skin infections, stomach pains and illnesses from drinking contaminated water. These health problems are being experienced by the people of Choix Municipality in Sinola due to waste

There is no known way in which massive and permanent damage to the ecosystem can be corrected. The political classes and the business community rarely refer to the immense use of water in the mining process and how it contaminates and competes with use by agricultural. It is evident mining uses water diverted from famers and is destroying an important biosphere reserve. The mines are using pure underground water and returning it contaminated to the reservoirs. These waters then seep through the inner layers further contaminating the underground rivers. Few multi-nationals pay for the huge quantities of water they use. A mine can process up to 153,000 tons of earth a day using six millions tons of pure water creating eleven tons of toxics. With regard to donations and the politics of “responsible businesses,” the authoritative UNESCO describes these as an example of private assistance seeking


GREEN PLANET and the residues from mines of Paradox Global Resources located at Potrero de Cancio. Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua: A study undertaken in Central America discovered chemical remnants from mines in water had become a serious environmental issue. Chemical tracers were found in the blood of populations in Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua with 62 cases of lead poisoning of which 42 were in women and children and elderly with skin infections. Costa Rica: In Miramar, the beautiful views across the Gulf of Nocoya now have desert areas as a result of open cast gold mining operations.

people in 2003, it is known that the inhabitants of Tiara in the Municipality of Guaiciapuro have been found to have nickel in their blood.

Panama: After the devastating experience with the mine at Petaquilla and extensive protests across the country, the President of the Republic decided to repeal the mining law which would have given the green light to foreign investors for fatal mining operations.

Brazil: Communities, workers and the entire world ought to have higher priority than the excessive profits of the big multi-national companies who are destroying and killing ecosystems and whole communities. Following trade union and social pressures in April of last year, Brazil imposed certain restrictions on mining activities.

Peru: The contamination at Quebrada Encajon which supplies water to the El MIlagro potable water plant and Quishuar Canal now contains acid, cyanide and metal pollutants. Venezuela: Los Teque following a study by 40

Chile: Despite the devastating mining experiences and the harm to the Chilean environment, eight months ago it was announced that between 5 and 15 percent of the Lauca National Park will be permitted to mine the area for copper, gold and silver. Argentina: After years of harmful mining with irreparable consequences, for example in San Juan, five thousand people formed a parade of seven groups and protested against mining in the Province of Mendoza. Hopefully, this will act as a warning and give us courage as citizens of the planet to raise our voices and make ourselves heard in the hope the situation might change if we take the initiative.


Bets for You ? Have you ever seen someone overflowing with passion betting 2, 3, 4, or 5 thousand dollars on a horse race? Perhaps you yourself can be convinced that your favorite team will win the game and have taken your degree of passion for soccer betting, be it money or a simple dinner. "The Bet" is a behavior that keeps on an extraordinary faith that something will or will not happen. The definition of faith is the ability to believe in what you cannot prove or demonstrate. Of course there are professional gamblers who analyze the results of previous games of a season, attentive to what and how many players are injured and what the real possibilities of winning the bet may be. In any case ... it is their faith, the belief that their analysis on their favorite team and the performance of the players on game day ... that makes them bet. Well ... how many times in your life have you had enough faith to place a bet on yourself? How many times have you looked in the mirror and uncompromised with yourself, you've shouted yourself, “I bet this month I will lose weight, stop smoking or arrive early to my job every day. I bet this weekend that I will spend more time with my children and I am interested in helping someone. I bet all week that I will exercise every day. I bet I will not use excuses and pretexts, and that I will apply to 100% to all I have to do.” How long will you actually have enough faith in yourself to play your best, and to pledge your honor that you will make an effort today to be the one who takes the first step to better your marriage? Believe in yourself enough to say today, “I am going to make a conscious effort to be happy and strong.” Think. It works.



PART 2 Second round…learn not to make things worse. During the first stage a group is keen to get to know each other and to develop internal norms and to learn who is who. This applies not only to totally new groups but to administrative sections, changes in leadership and groups which have undergone substantial change (of up to a quarter) as a result of promotion. It is therefore important not to introduce additional pressures such as new projects which may not be of

(b) Try adopting a “new age” cool rejecting limitations and let


the group do their “own thing” to find out how far they can go. Colleague Your aim is simply to see how far your charges can

In the second stage they are interested in how to do things.

develop without being frustrated. What you want is that they

Therefore do not make remarks such that the project is easy.

not only face big challenges but get satisfaction and a sense of

The truth is you must aim higher.


Do not be worried that progress is slow and that there still

Footnote: You have real problems when the group does not

remains much to be done. Concentrate on the process in hand

work together and there are frequent changes. The most

and temporarily put to one side the final objective of the

probable explanation is that they held back in the first stage

project. Finally, if the youngsters complain of boredom as

and never really got started on the project. The lesson has to

project is too easy, celebrate as this suggests they understand

be to develop the group from the outset and not worry about

the methodology and are becoming more ambitious. Do not

the project or be distracted by side issues at the expense of

complicate the situation; do not insist at all costs in completing

more ambitious undertakings…It might be a good idea to seek

the project if nobody is interested but move on to the next

help from someone knowledgeable who can lend a hand. Do

more ambitious one.

not gossip or consult leaders of lesser groups. Speak to the local expert and ask him to attend and learn what the most

During the third stage, the group will want to ensure concrete

achievable challenges are. Observe how he deals with them

achievements. Do not be too dogmatic by insisting on one step

and take note….

at a time as in the previous stage. For the group, the project methodology has changed into a means of doing things and so

…check whether the group is more or less knowledgeable with

it is important to keep your distance. Be flexible and adopt

smaller projects but have become frustrated. Or, whether the

whatever is appropriate to the situation. The second mistake is

group is not working well (for example, you may not

when the group gets too ambitious and flies off at a tangent. At

understand the group needs important revisions of an earlier

this stage, it is important that they understand what you are

stage) or the approach is either too easy or too difficult. If this

imparting and the best way is to help the group distinguish the

is the case you will need, as before, to seek help from an

different methods. At this point, they are likely to make two

expert in these matters (seek the best local expert) and try to


discover how he works out what is achievable.

(a) become argumentative or negative saying “we are not

Finally, we have met our undertaking to present two pages and

certain”, “there is no confidence in the group”, or “we do not

I believe we have pointed you in the right direction. Good luck

want to take a risk”. It is likely they will argue and go their

with your projects and to your group.

separate ways. Do not be too concerned, let the group test

Marco Peralta and Fabiana Orellano

their wings, take risks and accept the challenges.



In recent days we see on television the stunning images of the disaster in Japan and the effects of the earthquake and tsunami. Thousands of people were killed and thousands more were affected, losing their homes and belongings. The Japanese people's suffering is ours as well. Today we must unite to help with these devastating effects. Japanese Scouts are always ready to serve those most in need at times such as this. We invite all National Scout Organizations to carry out activities to raise funds for those affected by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. These funds should be sent to the Scout Association of Japan:

Bank: SWIFT: Beneficiary: Adress:

Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Mitaka Branch BOTKJPJT Account No. 4001756 Scout Association of Japan 3-26-12 Shimorenjaku, Mitaka, Tokyo


14TH PANAMERICAN SCOUT JAMBOREE Colombia is a charming and diverse country. Its geography is always changing; its history mysterious and eventful, and its people and culture have always fascinated the world. In Colombia, everybody is welcome to visit without a visa and given the country’s strategic geographic location, it is easily reached from most main cities of America. Come to Colombia and discover a completely new world! You will be welcomed to the capital of Colombia…Bogota, D.C. It is located 2,600 meters above sea-level and has an average yearly temperature of 17 degrees Centigrade. It has approximately 9 million inhabitants, the majority of whom come from all-over the country creating a rich cultural mix of Colombia’s regional idiosyncrasies, cultures and traditions. In Bogota there are 58 museums, 62 art galleries, 45 theaters, technological and theme parks, tourist attractions and architecture, 28 churches of interest to tourists, more than 2,000 restaurants and 313 kilometers of cycle lanes within Bogota. D.C With its 472 year history, it is cosmopolitan with plenty of history and tradition. In addition, a 100 years of scouting! As part of the celebration, the Colombian Scout Association invites scouts and walkers from the World Scout Movement of the Inter-American region to know our country and participate in the 14th. Panamanian Scout Jamboree. In Colombia we have the experience in big events Scouts: • 1.970. National Jamboree. The Florida Park. Bogotá, D.E. • 1.974. Panamerican Jamboree. The Florida Park. Bogotá, D.E. • 1.981. ENARAS National Jamboree. Comfamiliar-Pance. Santiago de Cali. • 1.988. National Jamboree. The Salitre Park. Bogotá, D.E. • 1.990. Panamerican Jamboree. The Calera Park. La Calera. •1.994. National Jamboree. Parque de la Salud. Santiago de Cali. • 1.997. National Jamboree. Aero Park Juan Pablo II. Medellín. • 2.001. National Jamboree. Embalse of Tominé. Guatavita. • 2.004. National Jamboree. The Florida Park. Bogotá, D.C. • 2.007. National Jamboree. Simón Bolívar Park. Bogotá, D.C. • 2.010. National Jamboree. El Tiempo Farm. La Virginia. The venue for the Jamboree will be The Metropolitan Park of Florida consisting of 267 hectares and is one of 5,000 parks and spaces within the city. The park is the most important in the North West of the city located at Verada de Florida on the outskirts of Bogota. The park contains areas for bonfires and camping, eating and other facilities, garbage facilities, football pitches and children’s’ play areas, public lavatories, information centers,, games, sports and motorbike facilities. The rediscovery of America! This is the slogan we are using in Colombia for the 14th Panamanian Jamboree which will take place between the 4th and 12th of January 2013. The cost will be US$270 per person. The 14th Jamboree will revive the mystic and traditions bequeathed to us by our founder encompassing challenges, skills, enticing rewards, competition and adventure.


The video game “The Legend of Zelda” was inspired by scouts. Did you know Shigeru Miyamoto, also known as the father of modern video games (who in association with Walt Disney founded Nintendo, Super Mario Bros., Donkey Kong, The Legend of Zelda, amongst others) belonged to the Boys Scouts of Japan? In an interview with the magazine The Scout Boy’s Life published in 2010, Shigeru Miyamoto tells about how the first game of The Legend of Zelda was inspired by the scout movement from whom he discovered nature. How did becoming a member of the Scout Movement of Japan influence you? “It allowed me to visit the country to see nature. On the outskirts of Kobe in Japan is Mount Rokko. On climbing up the mountain through a wood there is appeared a lake. This provided me with my first idea for the Zelda game in which a walk through a wood leads to water. Not only the location but also the air, the atmosphere and the sense of fear, emotion and marvel all grabbed me.”

Senator Sandoval honored by the Scouts of the United States. Scouts of St. Gall Church of the OS. Chicago rewarded one of their own: State Sen. Martin Sandoval Former Lobato and former Scout - now Senator from Illinois - Martin Sandoval was honored last weekend by members of amba children and young scouts who are active in the St. Gall Church, 5500 S. Kedzie, Chicago Southwest. "It is an exemplary organization, a group that for decades has contributed to the welfare and moral strength of our youth. The work of the Boy Scouts of America is essential to the success of our community, "said Sen. Sandoval who received two Certificates of Appreciation in recognition of his continuous efforts for the youth program of the Scouts of St. Gall Church.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This newsletter was made by the contribution and the efford of: • • • • • • • • •

Luis F. Bethancourt Jose Maria Britos Gutierrez Ramón Guerra Helios Herrera Steve Kent Fabiana Orellano Marcos Peralta Mario Ruiz Ortiz Scott Teare

IN MEMORIAM We unite our prayers with our brother Scouts from the Scout Association of Japan to those that were





earthquake and tsunami.



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