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Long-term focuses and core business continuation
Long-term focuses and core business continuation
Further advance the WOSM Services, with a focus on digital delivery
Develop training for WOSM Consultants to increase their competences in delivering services through virtual means. Develop training for WOSM Consultants to deliver on key priority areas outlined in WOSM’s plan for 2020-2021. Develop guidance to ensure that any new resource and training uses gender balanced and inclusive language, focuses on growth and fits the different modalities of Scouting. Develop trainings to continue upskilling WOSM Consultants on new resources and advancements across their service areas.
Ensure the continuity of operations for WOSM to sustain support to NSOs
Continue to strengthen WOSM’s fundraising capacity, including jointly working with the World Scout Foundation and identifying other sources in order to diversify our income.
Strengthen collaboration and coordination across the World Scout Bureau to ensure efficient and effective use of time and resources.
Ensure a continued focus on gender mainstreaming throughout WOSM’s operations.
Initiate developing a new Youth Engagement Strategy
Evaluate the effectiveness of the Framework for a Strategy on Youth Involvement 2011-2020.
Undertake an analysis on the impact of the World Scout Youth Involvement Policy from 2014-2020. Develop National Scout Youth Forum guidelines. Create webinar on leadership development in the Youth Programme.
Continue liaising with our World Scouting partners:
Organisations with Consultative Status with the World Scout Committee, Kandersteg International Scout Centre (KISC), World Scout Foundation and World Scout Shop.

Support strategic coordination and alignment
Provide guidance and support to Regions for continued alignment within the new context, including finalising guidelines for Regional triennial planning processes. Monitor implementation of WOSM’s plan for 2020-2021 and ensure coordination across project teams, including guidance and support on agile project management. Coordinate 2021-2024 Triennial Plan development process
Update the draft plan and objectives based on the post-COVID-19 reality and the progress made during this plan.
Ensure engagement with NSOs ahead of the World Scout Youth Forum and
World Scout Conference.