No. 1 | May 2015 | 15th World Scout Moot 2017
Welcome to the 15th World Scout Moot in Iceland 2017 Elves and trolls are part of the anc ient heritage of the Icelandic mythology The Icelandic trolls are human-like . they are still inhumanly strong, hugin form, ugly. They live in the mountains, e and cliffs and are ver y often thought caves and fearsome and cruel creatures. to be Join us at the 15th WORLD SCOUT MOOT 2017 - if you dare!
Úlfljótsvatn Scout Centre
Welcome to Iceland
Aurora Solidarity Operation
Good to know
What is the Bulletin?
Promotion material
15th World Scout Moot
Contact details
Hrönn Pétursdóttir Camp Chief
Welcome to Iceland Dear Scouting Friends!
18-25, as well as 1.000 International Service Team members from over 80 countries around
In accordance with the decision taken
the world. In this first Bulletin we aim to provide
at the 39th World Conference in 2011,
you with all the key information you need in
the 15 World Scout Moot will be held in
order to start your preparations for attending the
Iceland in 2017. Preparations are already
Moot. In the Bulletins that follow we will add to
well under way, with the planning and ex
the information.
ecutive teams up and running, campsites decided and under development where
In addition, a fair amount of information is al-
needed, and the program mapped out.
ready to be found on the Moot´s website, www., and more will be added as
The theme of the 15th World Scout Moot is
the preparations progress. On that note the
Change. The theme signifies the effect that
website will be restructured during the summer
participation in a large international Scouting
and detailed program information will be added.
What is this Bulletin?
event has on the participants’ views and beliefs
The main purpose of this Bulletin is to
in regard to themselves and Scouting. It also
We hope to welcome many of you in Iceland in
signifies the impact that each individual can
2017. If there is anything we can do to assist
have on society and the Scouting Movement on
with your preparations for attending the Moot,
the world.
just let us know.
Iceland is an appropriate venue for an event
Hrönn Pétursdóttir
information on the preparation of the 15
with Change as its theme, given that volcanoes,
Head of the Organizing Committee / Camp Chief
World Scout Moot, which is to take place in
earthquakes, hot-springs and glaciers are still
Iceland in 2017. The Bulletin will be distrib-
forming and changing the country´s landscape.
P.S. Just in case – you should know that it is not
uted to all NSO’s through ScoutPak.
That landscape and the bright summer nights of
quite as cold in Iceland as the name implies. In
Iceland will be the playground of the Moot, with
fact, we advise including shorts and T-shirts on
all the exciting possibilities that entails.
the packing list ;-)
provide National Scouting Organizations (NSO’s) and their contingents with detailed th
In addition, the Moot maintains an active presence in social media as well as an active website,
In 2017 the Icelandic Boy and Girl Scout Associ ation expects to host 5.000 participants aged
The 15 World Scout Moot th
Dates and schedule The Moot will take place from Tuesday,
The day of the opening ceremony will be spent
On the July 29th all participants will gather
July 25th to Wednesday, August 2nd
in the capital city of Reykjavík. Over the course
at the Úlfljótsvatn Outdoor and Scout Center
2017. The opening ceremony will be held
of the day , participants will be transported to
(, an hour’s drive from
in the morning of the 25th and the clos
different Expedition Centers around the south-
Reykjavík. At Úlfljótsvatn the program will
ing ceremony during the afternoon of the
ern coast of Iceland. The next few days will be
include an international day, as well as enjoy-
2nd. National contingents are expected to
spent participating in program activities - with
able and active thematic sessions involving
attend both these ceremonies.
each Center having a different program focus –
the themes of environment, culture and history,
centered on motion and adventure, community
health and lifestyle, and arts and innovation.
involvement, and nature and environment
July 25th Tue Opening ceremony
July 26th Wed Expedition Centers
July 27th Thu Expedition Centers
July 28th Fri Expedition Centers
July 29th Sat Expedition Arrival
July 30th Sun Ulfljotsvatn
July 31st Mon
August 1st Tue
August 2nd Wed
Reykjavik Day Expedition Centers
Expedition Centers
Expedition Centers
Expedition Centers
Expedition Arrival Ulfljotsvatn
Closing Ceremony
Reykjavik Day Expedition Centers
Expedition Centers
Expedition Centers
Expedition Centers
Ulfljotsvatn Ceremony Ulfljotsvatn
change Change, inspired by Iceland (the theme) Our aim is to inspire participants to create a better world. It does not matter whether you are big or small; you can make a change!
Contingent Leaders’ Meeting The Icelandic Boy and Girl Scout Associa tion will organize a National Jamboree from July 17th to 24th 2016 at the Moot´s
main campsite at Úlfljótsvatn Outdoor and Scout Center.
The 2016 Jamboree may be viewed as a trial
run for the 15th World Scout Moot, in order to
test various infrastructural and technical aspects. The National Jamboree participants are aged
between 10-22. The Moot will convene a meeting of the Moot’s National Contingent leaders
during and at the site of the National Jamboree, on July 22nd to 24th 2016. Further information will be provided in Bulletin #2.
Icecave in Öræfajökull glacier.
Who can participate? Moot Planning Team
comprised of all registered participants
International Service Team
and IST members from that country.
Members of a National Scouting Organization
Scouts as members of the Moot Planning Team
Each country attending the Moot organ izes and sends a national contingent,
This means that individuals or small groups of Scouts cannot register directly with the Moot organizing team, but must instead register via their Nation al Scouting Organization. Also, only one contingent per country is permitted. Each National Scouting Organization is respon sible for all members of it’s contingent. Girl Guides and Girl Scouts who are members of an association belonging to the World Associ ation of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) may attend the Moot with the consent of the National Scouting Organization of their respect ive country.
who have attained 26 years of age, or who were born on or before August 1st 1991, are eligible to join the Moot´s International Service Team (IST). National Scouting Associations are encouraged to include as many 26-30 year olds in the IST as possible. The IST is made up of volunteers who assist in running the Moot, and
The Moot organizers welcome international (MPT). Interested parties should be experienced volunteers with skills useful to the planning and execution of the Moot. Their participation must be via their respective NSO. They must also fund their own participation in the Moot Planning Team. More information on the application process is available on the Moot website.
is composed of local and international Scouts. The IST will not sleep or be accommocated with the participants, but instead at a separate location on the campsite.
Contingent Management Team Each NSO is required to appoint a Conting
the course of the Moot. Alternatively, CMT’s 26
Each contingent consists of participants, Inter-
ent Management Team (CMT). The CMT is
years of age or older are encouraged to assume
national Service Team members and contingent
responsible for its respective contingent and its
IST functions during the Moot. CMT’s who are
management staff. The maximum number of
neither part of a participant patrol nor of the IST
participants per contingent is 500, as well as
will be quartered at the Úlfljótsvatn campsite
100 IST and contingent management staff. Also,
As the participants will be divided into small
for the duration of the Moot, with no alternative
no contingent may have more IST and conting
international patrols during the Moot and will
program on offer. The CMT will be accommo-
ent management staff than it has participants.
be stationed at different locations around the
dated at the IST campsite.
country for the first half of the event, the CMT
Participants should be between 18 and 25 years of age – i.e. born on or between August 2nd 1991 and July 25th 1999 - who are members of a National Scouting Organization affiliated with WOSM or a WAGGGS affiliated organization.
will have a very limited function during the
In view of the age range of the participants and
Moot itself. NSO’s are therefore encouraged to
the limited function of CMT’s during the Moot,
appoint CMT’s in the same age range as the
the following restrictions apply to the number of
participants allowing them to join the partici-
leaders in the CMT:
pant patrols and take part in the program over No. of participants
No. of CMT
Up to 3, but CMT and IST together cannot exceed the number of participants in the contingent.
100 – 199
Up to 5
200 – 299
Up to 7
300 – 399
Up to 9
400 or more
Up to 10
The patrol system All participants will be divided into international patrols, consist ing of 10 people each. Members of a patrol participate as a unit in program activities during the Moot. The patrols will be formed during the spring of 2017 and the patrol members will be encouraged to get acquainted over the Internet prior to the Moot.
Moot fee The Moot fee is the same for every
Included in the fee is the Moot program,
member of your contingent (participants,
meals from lunch on the 25th of July to dinner
IST and contingent leaders).
on 2nd of August. Transport from entry and to exit point in Reykjavik, camping kit (including cooking equipment), medical care in the case
A countries
250 USD
of illness (excluding pre-existing conditions) or
B countries
500 USD
accidents, including minor surgery or treatment
C countries
750 USD
when necessary during the period of the 15th
D countries
1.000 USD
World Scout Moot. Medication and any cost relating to hospitalisation are NOT included in
10% registration fee is non-refundable, and late registration adds 5% (if registered after 1st of January 2017).
Groups of four patrols will in turn form a
the fee. The 15th World Scout Moot participation pack, including a neckerchief and a handbook. Úlfljótsvatn Outdoor and Scout Centre
tribe. The tribe will live together during the Moot, forming friendships as well as sharing the responsibilities involved in camping, food preparation, and other tasks of daily living. Two advisors, aged 26 or older, will supp ort and camp with each tribe. The role of the advisors is to support the participants in establishing and maintaining the patrol and tribe system and to promote the participants’ personal development. The advisors function is supportive only; each patrol and tribe is responsible for its own functioning.
Getting to Iceland Iceland is well connected to major air
Each patrol and tribe will, as a rule,
ports in Europe, the USA and Canada.
include participants of both genders – i.e.
Úlfljótsvatn Outdoor and Scout Centre The Úlfljótsvatn Outdoor and Scout Center is located in the south of Iceland,
males and females. However, the option
The main airport is Keflavik International Airport
for gender segregated (single gender)
about 40 minutes drive from Reykjavík. A list of
tribes will be provided for those who so
airlines offering flights to Iceland may be found
wish. A gender segregated (single gender)
tribe will be provided its own camping
Úlfljótsvatn has been Iceland’s main Scout center
adjacent tribes will not include members
It is also possible to arrive by sea – with a
there. More information may be found on
of the opposite or both genders.
ferry travelling regularly between Iceland and
area. However, there is no guarantee that
Denmark. The ferry docks in Seyðisfjörður in the IST’s will also have the option of being
east of Iceland, a nine hour drive from Reykjavík.
members of small international patrols,
More information is available at http://www.
which will live and serve together.
next to the Thingvellir National Park, 70 km from Reykjavík.
since 1942, when Scouts first started camping or
Promotional material and other information
Poster: Make New Friends
The following promotional material is already available: • The Moot logo and design guidelines may be downloaded from • ( is the main forum for sharing the latest
information about the 15th World Scout Moot.
• Facebook ( is for informal interaction /
communication between those interested in the Moot and / or the Moot organizing team. Poster: Completely Wild
• YouTube ( has videos on
the Moot, as well as general information about Iceland that may be used for promotional
purposes • Posters (Make New Friends and Completely Wild) will be available from the Moot internet shop
for direct delivery as well as for downloading on the website.
• Jambassadors, functioning as national promotional representatives of the Moot, have been
appointed by some NSOs. Should you wish to contact the Jambassador in your country or are
interested in becoming one please send us an email at
• Inspired by Iceland ( is a site run by the Government of Iceland
with a lot of marketing material on the country.
Official website:
The Great Geysir
Key dates The following key dates have been established: DATES
October 2015
Publication of Bulletin #2
January 1st 2016
NSOs submit the name of the head of contingent Publication of Bulletin #3
April 2016
Publication of Bulletin #4
July 2016
Contingent leaders’ meeting
September 2016
Publication of Bulletin #5
October 1st 2016
Formal registration starts
December 31st 2016
Formal registration closes
Pre-Registration By now NSOs should have sent in their statements of intent to participate, in cluding the target number of participants and IST. This is necessary in order to enable the Moot organizing team to assess the expected number of participants and plan accordingly. If your NSO has not yet sent in the form, please do so as soon as possible.
Facts about the 15th World Scout Moot • The official languages of the Moot are English and French. • At 18 years of age you are legally an adult in Iceland, so according to Icelandic law there will be no legal minors at the event. •
The 15th World Scout Moot is a substance-free event. This means that beer, wine, spirits, or other intoxicants will not be sold, during the Moot. Consumption or possession of such substances is also prohibited.
• Unfortunately, home hospitality will not be available before or after the 15th World Scout Moot in Iceland. However, affordable accommodation in schools can be facilitated / provided for contingents who so wish.
KIrkjufellsfoss waterfall channels the glacier melt water of the Snæfellsjökull glacier. Behind is the 463 meter high Kirkjufell mountain. From the right angle the mountain resembles a church steeple...or a Witches hat!
Aurora Solidarity Operation The Aurora Solidarity Operation will be established in order to support the participation of Scouts from financially assisted National Scout Organizations. NSOs and their partners are encouraged to contribute to the Operation’s funding. The Operation is managed in close co-operation
Contact details Appendices 15th World Scout Moot 2017 Hraunbae 123 110 Reykjavík Iceland Tel: +354 5509800 Email: Website:
• Pre-Registration • Appointment Contingent Leader Form • Jambassadors • 15th World Scout Moot Design Guideline
with the World Scout Bureau and its Regional Offices. For more information, please contact the Moot office. Contact details are provided here at left and on the Moot website.
No. 1 | May 2015 | 15th World Scout Moot 2017
Pre-registration Appointment Contingent Leader Form Jambassadors 15 World Scout Moot Design Guideline th
An expression of intent to participate Intention de participer au Moot
National Scout Organization Organisation scoute nationale Country Pays Does your National Scout Organization intend to send a contingent to the 15th World Scout Moot in Iceland 2017? Est-ce que votre organisation scoute nationale l'intention d'envoyer un contingent au 15e Moot Scout Mondial en Islande 2017? YES NO Oui No How many people do you estimate that there will be in your national contingent? Combien de personnes estimez-vous qu'il y aura dans votre contingent national? Male mâle
Female femelle
Participants Les participants Unit leaders Chefs d'unités Contingent Mangement team Équipe de Mangement contingent International Service Team Equipe Internationale de Service Total Contingent Size Total contingent Taille Preferred language Langue préférée English French anglais français Details about the person filling in this form Détails sur la personne remplissant ce formulaire First name prénom Email Position in NSO Position dans l'ONS Date
Family name Nom de famille
This form should be completed by each National Scout Organization (only one per country), and returned to the address above by the end of June 2015. Ce formulaire doit être rempli par chaque Organisation scoute nationale (un seul par pays), et renvoyé à l'adresse ci-dessus à la fin de June 2015.
Bulletin 1 – Appendix 1
Appointment of Head of Contingent Form National Scout Organization Country We hearby inform the Moot Management Team of the 15th World Scout Moot that we have designated the following person to be our Head of Contingent First name
Family name
Position in NSO E-mail
Facebook/twitter/whats app etc Street City
Details about the person filling in this form First name
Family name
Email Position in NSO Date
Contact Details for the Contingent Same as the Head of Contingent? | | YES
| | NO
If different to Head of Contingent, fill in the details below First name
Family name
Position in NSO E-mail
Facebook/twitter/whats app etc Street City
This form should be completed by each National Scout Organization (only one per country), and returned to the address above by the end of December 2015.
Reykjavik, August 2014 To: All National Scout Organizations From: The Organizing Team of the 15th World Scout Moot Reg: Appointment of a JAMBASSADOR for the 15th World Scout Moot The Moot Organizing Team kindly asks you to appoint one JAMBASSADOR for the 15th World Scout Moot taking place in Iceland in 2017. We would be happy to receive information about the name and contact details of your appointed Jambassador before 30 November 2014 at the e-mail address The way you select the Jambassador can be through advertisement, direct appointment or any other way as you see fit. What is a Jambassador? The Jambassador for the World Scout Moot in 2017 is a leader and the official representative of World Scout Moot 2017 in his/her national organization. The function of the Jambassador is to introduce and promote the World Scout Moot 2017 in his/her organization, in partnership with magazine and web editors, as well as to encourage individual Scouts to apply to attend the Moot. The Jambassador is the initial official link between the World Scout Moot 2017 Organizing Team in Iceland and the national scout organization. The Jambassador can then later become the appointed Head of Contingent for the Organization or work beside the Head of Contingent once appointed - as the National Organization chooses. The Jambassador does not necessarily have to attend the World Scout Moot in 2017, as a participant, member of the International Service Team or a member of the contingent leadership, but it would be preferable for motivational purposes. Who can become Jambassador to World Scout Moot 2017? The Jambassador should be appointed by the national organization. He/she should be a dedicated leader who has experience in international Scouting has preferably participated in an international camp abroad and is born not later than 1993. He or she should also have good connections to the participant and IST age groups of the Moot. The Jambassador should be able to communicate in English as that is the main daily working language of the World Scout Moot 2017 Organizing Team. The Jambassador must have access to the internet and have experience in communicating through it. He/she must be dedicated to this position, be willing to give it some time and be able to take the initatives to fulfill the roles as needed. What is in it for the Jambassador? The Jambassador will not receive any direct monetary payment for his voluntary work. But if attending the World Scout Moot 2017 the Jambassador will get a reduction of the camp-fee based on the number of participants coming from his/her organization. If participants are 25 (the Jambassador included) the camp-fee for the Jambassador will be none / zero. It the total number of participants are fewer the Jambassador´s camp fee will reduce proportionally - f.e. if the participants are 15 the camp-fee for the Jambassador will be 15/25 or 60 percent. The Jambassador will furthermore get a special Moot Jambassador fleece jacket as a recognition for the vital role he or she is playing. After the World Scout Moot the Jambassadors will receive a special certificate in his/her name signed by the Chief Scout of Iceland. We hope you approve of this approach to a partnership in making the Moot a success, and look forward to receiving informtion of your Jambassador. The World Scout Moot 2017 organizing team
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GO O L 17
Official logo - color
Official logo - monochrome
ot o M t
Sc d l r o th W 15
English version
French version
GO O L 17
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Negative options
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GO O L 17
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The concept
The theme of the moot is Change and refers to the fact that the youth is the drive of change in the world. It does not matter if you are big or small you can make the changes to improve the world.