World's 10 Most Influential Business Leaders Making a Difference, 2021

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World's 10 Most Influential Business Leaders Making a Difference, 2021

September 2021


APOSTLE FRED OSEI ANNIN A Man of God with the Vision 'Good Health and Better Life for All'

Editorial Note World's 10 Most Influential Business Leaders Making a Difference, 2021 World's 10 Most Influential Business Leaders Making a Difference, 2021

Leaders who will lead the Future Because the only certainty in today's fast-paced environment is unpredictability, flexibility is the most crucial leadership attribute. With the advent of Big Data, Virtual Reality, and Artificial Intelligence, we're entering a new phase of the fourth industrial revolution. Now is the moment for great CEOs to seize the helm, make the difficult decisions, and steer the ship into rough waters. Outstanding leadership is critical to this shift, and the concept of leadership is changing as well. Collaboration is becoming recognised as an essential soft skill in the ever-evolving world of business, with transformative objectives being viewed as vital leadership qualities. Employees seek out leaders that are passionate about a larger purpose and vision that they can believe in. Because loyalty is earned, employees will leave if there is no culture, ethos, or purpose that they can relate to. It takes the ability to think quickly, make smart judgments, and stay loyal to a larger vision and plan for a CEO to genuinely stand out as an extraordinary leader and role model with a service-oriented attitude. The following are 10 characteristics of a really successful modern leader: Resilience, Vision, People-Centeredness, Optimism, Principles, Innovation and Challenge Courage, Transparency, Cultural Sensitivity, and Authenticity. In its latest issue “World's 10 Most Influential Business Leaders Making a Difference, 2021” World's Leaders recognises and appreciates such executives' who are leading their organizations to success with their exemplary leadership methods. This issue focuses on some best performing CEOs out there who have made

September 2021


APOSTLE FRED OSEI ANNIN A Man of God with the Vision 'Good Health and Better Life for All'

a significant mark in the industry and are showing potential transform the future. The cover features Apostle Fred Osei Annin. He was born at Obo Kwahu in the Eastern Region of Ghana on the 28th of November 1955. In 1990, Fred was invited to the UK to hold series of revival meetings across England on worship by the Chalk Farm Baptist Church based in London. He says, “It was through this missionary trip that God spoke to me that he would bring me back to the UK when I return to my home country to do a special ministry which was not disclosed to me then.” As per Fred, When he returned to the UK, he opened the Pneuma Outreach Ministries in 1997 as a church and also the Pneuma Community Link as an NGO to organize charitable programmes and activities to address sensitive issues such as teenage pregnancy, drugs and substance abuse, HIV prevention and many more to make a significant difference in the lives of the vulnerable people in the BAME community. In this special edition, let us share similar, inspirational tales and interviews with many such dedicated leaders in order to raise awareness about their contributions to making the world a better place. Also, don't forget to read the articles written by our inhouse editorial staff and industry experts as you flip through the pages. Happy Reading!

World's Leaders Magazine is a Media Company that covers stories of business leaders around the globe. Consistent updates to our online publication, internet based life and master sentiment give a substance rich pursuing knowledge loaded up with fascinating perspectives and remark on the issues of the worldwide business. World's Leaders Magazine inspires readers and users to think beyond traditional boundaries, lead conversations and create the future of business. Everyone wants to know the journey of a successful personality or a venture. They want to know more about the establishment, about the path that led them to the pinnacle, about the obstacles overcome, and the all hard work about the Success. World's Leaders Magazine is the platform, where we are unwinding the untold stories of business leaders and the stories of startup turning into the venture. World's Leaders Magazine is a trustworthy and honesty acquiring acknowledgment from business pioneers universally.







FOR EDITORIAL ENQUIRES | ADDRESS 200 Broadway, New York, NY 10038, US

COVE R STO RY FRED ANNIN A Man of God with the Vision 'Good Health and Better Life for All' 08




















APOSTLE FRED OSEI ANNIN A Man of God with the Vision 'Good Health and Better Life for All'

08 | SEPTEMBER 2021

I am always inspired or inuenced by the scriptures from the Bible and see Jesus as my role model and a character that has inuenced my life as a Christian. My favourite Bible verse is from Mark 12:31 Love your neighbour as yourself | 09


Apostle Fred Osei Annin was born at Obo Kwahu in the Eastern Region of Ghana on the 28th of November 1955. Fred completed his elementary school education at the age of 17. Due to financial challenges, he did not get the chance to continue his education and had to start working as a Field Assistant Grade 3 with the Ministry of Agriculture a job that was meant for adults and not a teenager at the age of 17. He asserts, “By the grace of God I managed to keep this job despite the numerous challenges as a teenager until I was lured into a band as a singer and adopted a wild lifestyle coupled with excessive drinking and drugs.” After facing all these life challenges he became an ordained reverend minister in a Pentecostal church in Ghana. In 1990, Fred was invited to the UK to hold series of revival meetings across England on worship by the Chalk Farm Baptist Church based in London. He says, “It was through this missionary trip that God spoke to me that he would bring me back to the UK when I return to my home country to do a special ministry which was not 10 | SEPTEMBER 2021

disclosed to me then.” As per Fred, When he returned to the UK, he opened the Pneuma Outreach Ministries in 1997 as a church and also the Pneuma Community Link as an NGO to organize charitable programmes and activities to address sensitive issues such as teenage pregnancy, drugs and substance abuse, HIV prevention and many more to make a significant difference in the lives of the vulnerable people in the BAME community. Spreading Awareness along with Much Needed Support Fred discovered that Lambeth was the highest HIV prevalent community in the whole of the UK seconded by its next-door neighbour Southwark where the headquarters of Actionplus Foundation is based. He also learned that the black African community was also one of the communities at risk of having the HIV infection and Southwark also was the second community with the highest HIV prevalence in the whole of UK after the MSM group. He says, “It was through this discovery that made me gain more understanding about the reason why God brought me back to the UK to set up the charity right in the heart of Southwark and no other place.” Fred therefore, decided that the charity was going to spend more time to concentrate on HIV prevention by creating awareness of the infection in London to reduce the spread of the infection in churches because most pastors then

were ignorant about HIV and were unaware of the mode of the transmission of HIV and therefore for lack of knowledge, thought HIV was a taboo or a curse from God. This situation therefore created stigma and discrimination among people living with and those affected by HIV in churches in the UK. In Ghana, Actionplus started by focusing on people who are not having gainful employment, who are vulnerable and are therefore getting involved in a growing level of prostitution and awful behaviours. The project was developed to focus on two specific client groups: These are people who are at immediate risk of acquiring HIV because of their ignorance about the infection and those who were involved in prostitution. The strategy of the project was to focus on creating awareness of HIV and also the prevention of the infection from growing in the country. Action plus Foundation realized that there were great challenges because of stigma in people's minds. The project therefore gradually got more involved in creating modules to use in breaking stigma and prejudice. This module included Challenge and Break HIV stigma, 'Your Health is Your Life', including the major 'Take Action Now' Module which since its launching has grown to become a global tool in addressing HIV intervention within the faith communities.

Renowned for Exceptional Charity Services Actionplus from the initial stages of its operation had determined that it would deliver sexual health messages on a sustainable basis not only in one particular church but rather to build capacity in faith leaders by training them to deliver the rightful messages about HIV by themselves in their various churches and denominations where they pastor. This project is called “Take Action Now”. It is about supporting faith leaders to address sexual health issues in churches and is not about addressing sexual health for faith leaders. Actionplus works with faith leaders and the faith communities to address sexual health and HIV issues within the whole context of health to help normalise and destigmatise HIV for the church to know that HIV is neither a taboo nor a curse from God but rather one of the health conditions we have in our world today. Actionplus Foundation has trained over 6,000 pastors and church leaders both in the UK and Africa for them to know and embrace the facts about HIV and through this project ignorance in the church is removed and stigma is broken. Actionplus Foundation is the first organisation in both the UK and in Ghana to open free HIV testing centres in churches | 11


where HIV has been a “No go” Zone. Since 2015 Fred has won many Local, National and International Awards which includes: Southwark Major's Civic Award, The Diversity Champion Award For Charities (UK). The Heroes Award, The African Prestigious Award and the latest being the 2020 Best HIV Prevention Service Award (UK) Devotion always gets Reward Actionplus started small from the beginning in Southwark but has grown over the years to become one of the leading HIV organisations with branches in the UK, Ghana, Kenya and Uganda. 12 | SEPTEMBER 2021

Every Charity or NGO cannot operate or function well without funding because it does not make a profit but Actionplus throughout its operation has not received any major funding to support its work both in the UK and Africa. Fred says, “We sometimes are fortunate to receive off grants and small donations to support our work but despite these tough financial challenges, we have managed to sustain the work by God's grace through our passion and the sacrifices we make.” With its unconditional love for helping others, Actionplus has developed over the year and has seen uncountable miracles happening on daily basis. The organization has

operated in the UK for 24 years and 14 years in Africa and throughout this journey it has never had the opportunity to employ one staff because there is not enough finance to employ paid workers. All the work the foundation does is done with the help and support of its volunteers with Fred himself being the main person driving the project to safety by God's grace. Fred has seen many big HIV organisations which he first met on the way closed down for lack of funds but Actionplus is still working and growing daily despite its lack of financial resources because God at every critical challenge provides. He opines, “We | 13


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know that a car without petrol or gas cannot move but, if a car without fuel in it can run faster than the one whose engine is filled, then you should know that it must be God behind it.” In 2019, Actionplus miraculously received a donation from the Richard King Bequest, and with that, it has managed to run its community work in Africa till now.

Services during the Pandemic During the Covid -19 pandemic, Fred again took the lead in organizing online training programmes and conferences to create awareness of the infection here in the UK and Africa. Actionplus' volunteers also led the Foundation to distribute free PPE'S to schools, institutions, traders in market places and the general public in Africa. Though the Lockdown impacted the projects of the organisation yet Fred managed to use every opportunity the foundation had to develop new strategies to confront the impact of which the pandemic had had on the project. He says that measures were also put in place to engage with the clients online and on the phone as there were no one on one intervention programmes or physical contacts to help sustain the gains which the organisation had made through the HIV prevention project.

connected to our faith in God and seeing HIV as a human issue and the devastating effect it has brought into the human race since the beginning of its interception in the year 1980 make us believe that we are called of God to fight it until HIV is completely eradicated from our world,” says Fred. He further describes that it is a calling from God to him personally, and so it is his responsibility to share the vision with everyone who is part of it to know and understand the purpose of this battle to make it a reality. He opines, “We are all going to be accountable to God one day if we fail to win.” Future Plans for Actionplus Foundation At Actionplus, Fred plans to build an Ultra Modern Social Empowerment Centre in Ghana. According to Fred, this Centre will be the permanent headquarters and the administrative base for its operations in Africa. The team will build different facilities to host Actionplus's empowerment programmes such as an HIV Clinic for testing and treatment, a vocational training school to train

disadvantaged boys and girls with skills to attain jobs opportunities. It will also host the Campus HIV Empowerment Programme (CHEP Programme). In this centre, the team will recruit young people to be trained as peer health advocates to work with young people in the community. These young people that will be trained, will be those who are willing to set themselves apart to be empowered with health empowerment goals to change behaviours known to cause ill health and premature death among young people such as smoking, unhealthy eating habits, physical inactivity, drugs and alcohol, and other health issues. Success demands Time and Commitment Fred advises the people who are facing their career challenges that success can't be achieved on a silver platter. It starts very small with the little things one does in life and when he adds extra value to it, he will succeed in that great ambition. He says, “It takes time but, with God on your side, every dream comes through at the right time.”

Values and the work culture that drives Action Plus Foundation “The values of Actionplus Foundation in our intervention is | 15

Ina Behrendt

A Emblem of Women Empowerment in Creative and Tech Space

Chief Innovation Ofcer Miami Ad School Europe Chief Executive Ofcer Innity Campus

18 | SEPTEMBER 2021

I Ina Behrendt's journey as a business leader grew absolutely progressively. While she passionately and successfully worked and led teams as an award-winning, integrated Creative Director and Head of Design in digital advertising, traditional agencies and for clients worldwide for over 15 years, Ina was always following her vision and never stopped learning, discovering & most importantly: collaborating. She opines, “Hold your vision and go with the flow while growing organically – trust the process.” Ina co-founded the 1st international Non-Conference, called FUTURE SUMMIT SERIES – THE 100, where 100 rebels, pioneers and troublemakers in the field of innovation were brought together to share, ideate & create the future on eye-level. These experiences made her a thoughtleader and expert in the field of digital transformation with a strong focus on creative marketing & innovation and for the past 7 years, an entrepreneur and leader in the educational sector and is now a frequent speaker at international tech & innovation conferences and summits. Ina truly believes that Women belong in all places where decisions are being made as well as men and gender neutral people no matter which

background, race or orientation. We need this diversity in general, to be together, live together, learn from each other, work together and shape the future of our world for the better – TOGETHER. Ina supports women, wherever she can in all sorts of aspects, but she looks at people to work with, learn from, be together, get inspired by, etc: as HUMANS, where everyone deserves to be treated equally. In an interview with World's Leaders, Ina Behrendt shared her journey to becoming a renowned woman in tech. Below are the highlights of the interview: Describe the Miami Ad School Europe's & Infinity Campus' offerings that address the needs of your customers. Miami Ad School Europe is one of the best and most successful, creative and innovative schools in higher education in the world. With its 2-year portfolio diploma program of Art Direction / Digital Design, Creative Conception / Copywriting & Storytelling and Creative Technology, Miami Ad School Europe unites many different schools in one. The students gain world-class room experience and business knowledge, including 3 international internships to choose out of hundreds of locations around the globe. Their graduates work for the best creative agencies, innovation companies and tech brands worldwide. It's known as: The place where you go to, to become who you are meant to be. And it is part of a world-wide network of 15 schools. Infinity Campus. As a transformation and innovation expert in this field, Ina also developed

the professional program or arm of Miami Ad School Europe further and transferred it to the next level. First and foremost, she redeveloped and brought the advanced training and courses online – collaborated with experts and developed formats that did not yet exist. This struck such a chord that it became very successful and is now officially co-founded as an independent start-up, where Ina acts as CEO – together with her 2 business partners, Sabine Georg (COO of Infinity Campus & CEO of Miami Ad School Europe) & Philip Wogart (CTO of Infinity Campus & Creative Tech Advisor at Miami Ad School Europe) and in collaboration with Miami Ad School Europe. We aim to establish a unique platform for their special courses, trainings, summits and bootcamps made up of our expansive network of mentors – available online regardless of one's physical location by mixing even more technology into their creative bloodstream. Infinity Campus means Transformation – means Movement – a Development of yourself, your Knowledge and your Creativity. It means, to pulsate, to move, to push boundaries and yourself to the next level. It means to transform! “Be yourself and express your power through knowledge, inspiration, intuition, collaboration and creativity.” Enlighten us on how you have made an impact in this industry through your expertise in the industry? Inspire the next generation through collaborative creative working & events in a very diverse environment and more from a prototype angle approach under a certain timeframe, to come up with ideas together to create innovations and solutions. | 19

THE IMPACT To foster sustainable change and lead the way in an on-going, ever transforming environment – especially in the educational field, for Ina it is important to encourage: a) Listening, observing & learning and use data to inform strategic decision making; actually see, understand & think b) Inspiration and foster a culture of creativity and prototyping to actually do and make. c) Collaboration & networking to gain more diversity in every kind of aspect to actually care! This guided Ina's strategic approach for the school's Digital Transformation, here she changed the future profile of creatives, through shifting it from very traditional to more digital, social media-centric to more future sustainable; T-SHAPED methodology. What are the challenges you and your team at Miami Ad School Europe & Infinity Campus come across in your day-to-day operations? With other professional partners and experts in the field, the leadership team shares a common vision to continue to foster closer relationships with students and build a network for creativity, marketing, technology and innovation on that all can access. It was and is necessary to use the learning from the COVID19 crisis to establish the Infinity Campus as a robust and innovative new e-learning platform based on the foundation of INNOVATION, DIVERSITY & MINDSET to create unique courses and expansive networks, independent of physical locations by mixing even more technology into the creative bloodstream. The pandemic indeed accelerated and amplified many things on many levels. Miami Ad School Europe also had to change, invent and innovate even more and even faster! This has led to many changes, such as the new Factory Berlin location, in addition to new collaborations. It reflects what the school stands for: a program that is fit for the future, in an environment that is full of possibilities. A state-of-the-art infrastructure with fast digital access and human connections enriching and inspiring. They find all of this in Berlin with the Factory Berlin Partnership, which offers a vibrant community and a strong context for its students. With start-ups and creative tech companies next door, a library, in-house cafés, 20 | SEPTEMBER 2021


We help to enable creative minds to have outstanding ideas throughout constant change and transformation. Re-imagine the unpredictable.

artists-in-residence and plenty of co-working spaces and 'sandboxes' to develop award-winning ideas. What people, what books, what life factors have influenced and impacted you? As already anchored in her DNA and to be cradled by her father, Ina is an entrepreneurial, creative spirit. 'You are the master of your mind & the captain of your passion – navigate your way! This answer can only be multi-faceted, because over the years, many different people have somehow stepped into the role of either becoming a wonderful mentor or an inspiring advisor or - quite simply, a real role model for Ina. Yes, Ina loves books, too – like 'Ready Player One', 'The Swarm', 'Whole Food Cooking every Day' by Amy Chaplin, 'No rules' and all sorts of different Ted-Talks, too!

Where do you envision yourself to be in the long run and what are your future goals for Miami Ad School Europe & Infinity Campus? Not just neuroscience results showcase that, the way we learn and engage doesn't always match up with the way we get taught. To stay competitive in an academically, economical, and technological way - we need to rethink our understanding of intelligence, re-evaluate our educational system, and reinvigorate our commitment to learning. In other words, we need disruptive innovation.” “We'll see where my passion, drive and vision takes me. We'll move on inventing new ways in the field of ' INNOVATION IN EDUCATION FOR THE NEXT GENERATION of CREATIVES ' to stay at the forefront of contemporary education. ” | 21


Revolutionizing the research landscape with next generation platform

22 | SEPTEMBER 2021

CoFounder & CTO twimbit


Startup's today have biggest priority is creating a culture and finding people with the right mindset. "We want to work with creative mindsets that keep the ethos at the top and see solutions to the problems. But to find such individuals and form an environment which becomes a breeding ground for ideas and innovation is a challenging task,” says Aman Sharma, CoFounder & CTO of twimbit. Below are the highlights of the interview conducted between World's Leaders and Aman Sharma. Brief our audience about your journey as a business leader. What challenges have you had to face to get where you are today? I was fortunate enough to have a very basic upbringing. My dad was a soldier in the Army and my mom was a homemaker. With some guidance from my teachers, I found what I wanted to be, an IT guy. It all sounds stupid, but back then, that's what I wanted to do. Over the course of my college tenure, I did a lot of freelancing, hustling, internships, research collaboration abroad, and more. Fast forward, I had to choose between further education, a stable job, moving abroad with a startup or the toughest choice, working on my startup.

In the beginning, I wasn't clear about what I was doing or what we were supposed to do. But after working with a brilliant team at twimbit, I think I have a pretty clear idea of what I want to continue doing for the next few years at least. Thinking BIG, but acting small for now, CTO and co-founder. Along with that, I am working for other organizations as well for noble causes. I am an Honorary technology advisor to Udayan Care, which is India's biggest and internationally recognized childcare NGO. Also, I am working on finding breakthrough science in genetic donor matching using ML. And what's a tech guy without opensource? I have founded and lead Mobile-web. dev, which is an open-source community for mobile web technologies. Meanwhile, I am also a member of Google AMP, Open-Source Initiative, and a few others. Describe twimbit's offerings that address the needs of your customers. twimbit is a platform for everyone, and we call it a place where the world discovers and shapes research. We realized that the research industry was highly fragmented and siloed. This led to only deep-pocketed companies funding research and getting insights, hence leading to a huge void for individuals and small businesses accessing insights. twimbit helps in getting all the insights you need in just one place for all industries and brands. twimbit is personalized for your needs, so the right insights get to you instead of you finding the right keyword to find them. We see building a fair ecosystem for consumers and thought leaders to come together and grow with each other.

Enlighten us on how you have made an impact on this industry through your expertise in the industry. A fresher perspective on the research industry has helped in revolutionizing things. We can trace back to the foundations of this industry and see if there is a better way of doing things. Moreover, we believe the world could be changed with combined efforts, which can only come through openness. Hence, we are opening our platform to all thought leaders and brands. Instead of building technology from the ground up, they can focus on their core and let us handle the rest. What are the challenges you and your team at twimbit come across in your day-to-day operations? We want to break free from the norm of individual efficiency and focus on system efficiency. A lot of companies don't see this, which could eventually lead to a spiral of wasted engineering hours creating useless stuff that nobody uses. Hence, we focus on moving fast and experimenting instead of waiting for the perfect solution. Any day, experiments are running in each segment that gives us vitals and steers the team in the right direction. Like an Autopilot. Taking into consideration, the current pandemic, and its impact on global economies, how are you driving your organization to sustain operations and ensure the safety of your employees at the same time? Moving to a remote environment helped us see new ways to organise teams, but I am confident that we did far better than the counterpart inperson setup. Even before the | 23

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Jennifer Desloges A Perfectionist of Electrolysis Hair Removal Services

28 | SEPTEMBER 2021


Jennifer Desloges is the President and Founder of Jade Clinics. Jennifer began her career as an electrologist in 1989 and has worked tirelessly to perfect the "Jade Method of Electrolysis" since then. As a perfectionist, she adored electrolysis as a job that emphasized efficiency, safety, and precision. With the objective of providing permanent hair removal with outstanding outcomes for all Canadians, Jade Electrolysis began franchising in 2010. Below are the highlights of the interview conducted between World's Leaders and Jennifer Desloges. Brief our audience about your journey as a business leader. What challenges did you have to face to get where you are today? My journey began with a need to find a solution to my own unwanted hair problem. I found electrolysis and then wanted to provide that service to other individuals. It wasn't long before there weren't enough hours in the day to treat all my clients, at which point I started training other electrologists to attempt to fill this need. These individuals struggled with the business side of the job. They were, for the most part, great practitioners, but the business decisions needed to actually run a successful business, in many cases, were foreign to them. Franchising was the solution to this problem because we could give the franchisee more support in making the correct business decisions. Though franchising as a franchisor definitely comes with its own set of challenges. Describe Jade Clinics' offerings that address the needs of your customers.

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Electrolysis is the only permanent method for hair removal. It is very dependent on the skill of the practitioner. At Jade Clinics, I developed a method using my 32 years of experience to perfect the practitioner's skills. Enlighten us on how you have made an impact on this industry through your expertise in the industry. I spent many years trying to change the industry, by converting practicing electrologists to the methods that I was developing. Unfortunately, that never got traction and I began training electrologists with no experience. I developed a brand that the public could trust and gave many people a career. What are the challenges you and your team at Jade Clinics come across in your day-to-day operations?

The first and biggest challenge that we faced was the phone. Working as an electrologist takes all your concentration and answering the phone becomes a huge disruption throughout the day. If you don't answer the phone, you lose out on all the potential clients attempting to find permanent hair removal. Our solution to this massive problem was to develop a centralized call center that all clients for all locations could call to book their appointments and get the information they are seeking. Freeing up the practitioner to do what they do best, electrolysis. What people, what books, what life factors have influenced and impacted you? Every single client has had a lasting impact on me. When a client gets the results, they have been seeking all their lives to see this joy. It is super rewarding. Equally important are all the people in the Jade Clinics system, I love them all and they have taught me more than I can express.

Taking into consideration, the current pandemic, and its impact on global economies, how are you driving your organization to sustain operations and ensure the safety of your employees at the same time? The pandemic gave us the opportunity to gain a deeper connection with our franchisees, to support them through the highs and lows, and we are proud to say that all of our franchisees and practitioners are a part of Jade Clinics today. Describe in detail the values and the work culture that drive Jade Clinics.





INCLUSIVITY We treat everyone without prejudice. This is a judgment free zone. EDUCATION We want everyone to be comfortable and fully informed with clear expectations. INTEGRITY We value honest relationships and are confident in standing behind our results. PROFESSIONALISM We provide a safe, sterile environment. Our practitioners are very well trained, with access to documented standards of operations.


TRANSFORMATION We love making a positive impact on the lives of others.

Where do you envision yourself being in the long run and what are your future goals for Jade Clinics? Our plan is to gradually grow the business by awarding 4-6 franchise locations every year until we have a clinic in every city across Canada, giving all Canadians easy access to Jade Clinics. What would be your advice to budding business leaders? Never give up! If this is your dream, no one else is going to give it to you; you have to work for it. | 31

Sandrine Desbarbieux-Lloyd Driving Organizational Success through Digital Transformation


he world is at the very beginning of a very steep change. The 4th industrial revolution is here, and it's only going to accelerate. AI will change the world we live in. Meet Sandrine Desbarbieux-Lloyd, a digital leader by nature renowned for driving changes in organizations. With Sandrine's expertise in digital, she has built a high-performing European digital team that overachieves targets every year. She mentions, "As a marketer with over 25 years' experience, I keep the team focused on always putting the customer at the heart of what we do." As a digital marketer, Sandrine concentrates on hypertargeting and hyper-personalization of team communication with the company's visitors and customers, using AI and machine learning. This helps to increase customer satisfaction and generate additional revenue for the business at the same time.

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Embracing the Changes to Get Ahead Digital changes are happening every day. It is no longer just a channel to market, but a way of life. Sandrine believes it's her job to make people comfortable with digital advancements and take them along on the journey. "It's been my role to keep on top of those changes, be ahead of them sometimes, lead teams into the unknown, and make sure my team keeps on learning and challenging themselves," says Sandrine. Over the years, she has learned that the best results when creating change always come from multiple teams and multiple outputs. She says, "Good leaders listen to all views before shaping their own, and the great ideas that all of my team have helped form what change looks like." It's especially true of all the work the company does in AI/machine learning and intelligent automation. She opines, "We are at the beginning of the

fourth industrial revolution and everything is going to change, so I am trying to keep ahead." Advance Tech Offerings Samsung provides innovative products and experiences that enrich their customers' lives with meaningful technology that puts their needs at the core. Samsung's extensive range of products spans from smartphones, tablets, and wearable devices to TVs, digital appliances, and more, all designed with the mission of improving the daily lives of people around the world. Samsung is also focused on innovations needed for tomorrow, and how it can build a more connected, thoughtful future. Challenges Exposed by the Pandemic Due to the pandemic, the focus on digital has been key for all businesses. It's been the same at

Digital marketer SAMSUNG | 35

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Samsung. As a team, all members have had to work hard to step up and increase the company's digital presence. Sandrine opines, "It has accelerated our digital transformation by 5 years." According to Sandrine, outside of the pandemic, other challenges have been the integration of data and systems, moving away from manual work to being more and more automated, trying to move from 3rd party cookies to 1st party data, and having the systems and processes to be fit for the future advertising world. Learning from Experienced Leaders Sandrine has been lucky to have worked for great leaders in her career who have all taught her different things. These learning include how to be a good leader in tough times as well as good times; carrying on praising teams around you; how to always listen to the room before you speak; how to surround yourself with people who might be better than you in their particular field; how to build great teams and the best teams are made of differences; what it means to be a team member. She says, "I instill this in my leadership team and use it as a guide to always look for ways to continue to develop." Sandrine also considers that she has been lucky to work with great business coaches in her career. She asserts, "I have used what I have learned in 'The Chimp Paradox' by Professor Steve Peters, who's a resident psychiatrist with the British Cycling and Sky ProCycling

teams. His technique was used by Sir Chris Hoy, Bradley Wiggins, Craig Bellamy, Ronnie O'Sullivan, and Victoria Pendleton to help them improve their performances. I often refer to it with my team. " Prioritizing Health with Work As a European digital team, the whole team has been working remotely for the past 18 months and has remained super focused, working hard to deliver great results. So, as a team, they have decided to prioritize mental health and try and maintain a work/life balance. Sandrine asserts, "I, for example, have initiated keeping 122 pm free of meetings every day in everyone's diaries so they can see the daylight, exercise, see their family, have a break. I have also booked monthly slots in everyone's diaries so they can keep developing themselves and learn something new. " She further adds. "It's important we carry on giving back to our employees given all they do for us as an organization."

Success Driving Values and the work culture At Samsung, the company has a fast-paced and success-driven culture, with a deep-set Korean culture that constantly seeks to improve and innovate. This means the management is continuously working to provide consumers with the best-in-class products and experiences. The whole company empowers its staff to do their best work and this translates into an inspiring culture to be part of. Advice to budding Entrepreneurs AI is everywhere already. As per Sandrine, "It helps by recommending products I might be interested in, music I might like, and how to best get to where I want to go." She visions taking advantage of those new technologies to better delight the company's customers, help employees have better lives, and ensure the long-term sustainability of the business. Her advice to budding entrepreneurs is to "seek knowledge in that space, train yourself, and experiment." | 37


A Technical Leader in charge of Improving Customer and Supplier Relationships

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Global Chief Strategy Officer Hit Communications.

A | 39

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Henrik Stamm Kristensen Leading a global change in the Food Manufacturing sector


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ollaboration, as equals, is the key to solve the world´s biggest challenges. Do not work with people and companies who are not committed to shared value creation,” says Henrik Stamm Kristensen. Henrik is the founder of Blendhub, a company today present on 4 continents that provides unique services for developing and producing powder-based food and nutrition and has visions to lead a change in the global food production system.

being the core of these hubs and by creating a unique replication model.

Over the years, Henrik has increased his conviction about science, technology and inclusive business model innovation that will transform the entire food production model to become completely sustainable. His first company Premium Ingredients was specialized in developing functional food ingredients blends for food producers. He realized that the opportunity in powder-based ingredients and blended products needed a completely different approach to moving forward. Then he ideated how to evolve Premium Ingredients, a product manufacturing company, towards Blendhub, a global collaborative service platform with the objective of introducing Food-asa-Service.

Blendhub's network of multilocalized production hubs offers infrastructure-as-a-service. This model is open to any Agri-food industry but has been developed especially for small/medium-sized enterprises and start-ups seeking access to technology, localization and smooth introduction to global markets without selling out on their initial ideas.

In 2004, Henrik challenged his engineers to develop a portable nano factory and in 2010 the company patented and later deployed its first Portable Powder Blending (PPB) unit in India. Since then Henrik decided to build a global network of localized food production hubs, closer to raw materials and final consumers, with the portable powder blending unit

Blendhub has in a self finaced business model today deployed hubs in Spain (2), India (2), Mexico, Colombia and Thailand and now expanding the network with visionary local partners and investors all over the world. Blendhub; Build for SMEs to act global as any other multinational brand

Using Innovation to Decentralization of production Decentralization of production fosters optimization of supply chains: production costs decrease, transportation is reduced and logistics are optimized, which at the same time means a lower environmental impact. And it creates increased value for communities where raw materials have their origin. Blendhub has been visionary in moving food production from static,

Henrik says, “We can facilitate production anywhere in the world in a unique pay-per-use model. We are also open to big food and ingredients companies and other local and global organizations understanding that localized production is the only way to be competitive today.” In Blendhub's network hubs food companies can produce with their formulas and recipes or access millions of third party recipe ideas hosted on its digitized platform. Henrik states, “Today, we know that by manufacturing closer to raw materials and final consumers, the cost of final food products can decrease by 20-50%.” | 43


We help businesses and organizations to produce recipes on our hubs anywhere in the world

traditional factories located in the western world during the last +100 years to a network of portable factories in a global multi-localized production strategy. Henrik asserts, “Because we believed, contrary to many others in the food industry, that deploying a PPB in a smaller hub is much faster and requires much less investment than building a traditional static factory with a high risk of being located in the wrong place from a global supply chain perspective. We now bring production anywhere in the world quickly, efficiently and safely, closer to raw materials and final consumers in a global replication model.” Inspirations and Learning According to Henrik, being born in a family facilitating independent opinions even at a young age has been crucial. He mentions, “Mentorship by my first CEO Hans Henrik Hjorth still being with me today more than 30 years later has been of incredible value.” Furthermore thought leaders like

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Geoffrey Moore and his books from Crossing the Chasm, Alexander Osterwalder the Business Model canvas and recently Tony Saldanha and Why Digitalization fail have been very valuable for our teams to work around. Became more Resilient during Pandemic From the very first moment of the pandemic's outbreak, Blendhub implemented the same global measures in its network of hubs to continue its activity. During the pandemic, the company was focusing on providing the same quality and efficient conditions and adding additional measures to guarantee the safety of employees and the uninterrupted supply to all its customers worldwide. Henrik opines, “Since we were visionary to develop a flexible and resilient multi-localized business model where one hub can help

another, we have been able to react fast and adapt to the new challenges and restrictions. Reality has proved that our model is the most suitable to tackle such a crisis.” The situation due to the pandemic has forced everyone to reflect and lead to a change of perspective. Henrik believes that the agri-food sector must be better prepared to overcome any future crisis by making food production more agile and resilient. Multi-localization, platform collaboration and technology sharing are key to ensure the efficiency of global supply chains. Align to a One Vision At Blendhub and his other company Chemometric Brain, the management has built a collaborative platform with a network of freelance and Affiliated Partners (from raw material producers, machinery producers, food technologists, technology companies, blenders, food producers, hardware manufacturers, research

centres etc). Henrik says, “When people and organizations share the same values and work together we will be able to create shared value throughout the entire food supply chain in an honest and transparent manner.” A View for Future Henrik is a business leader who is passionate about food and technology and vision to continue to work on the growth around a collaborative platform. According to him, for Blendhub, the team is continuously innovating and offering differentiating solutions to the customers and networks. The company's Food-as-a-Service offerings are growing strongly in new

segments, such as plant-based products. He states that the company is committed to expanding its global network of local hubs around the world. By 2025, the management plans to have more than 50 new hubs in operation. And he never forgets that his NorthStar are SDGs 2, 12 and 17 with the objective of making sustainable food and nutrition available to more people in more places. Providing basic nutrition for girls in need

Blendhub’s mission is to make access to healthy food and nutrition available to more people in more places. Showing this commitment, we have developed NouriShe with FeedABillion, a nonprofit organization that prevents exploitation by working with international and local communities to provide nutritious meals to girls in need. We have together developed a high-quality nutritious shake, easy to prepare and distribute to schools across continents and will be working together for global impact. | 45


Missy MacKintosh An Enthusiastic Entrepreneur Revolutionizing Cosmetic Industry | 49


issy MacKintosh is the Founder and CEO of MisMacK Clean Cosmetics, a beauty product company that aims to redefine the cosmetics industry by combining the high-quality application with ethical and ecological manufacturing. Missy MacKintosh built MisMacK from the ground up in her basement in smalltown Canoe, BC, Canada. She personally has never met or knew of anyone who had built a Makeup brand before. She had to learn all of it on her own. However, she has been in the industry for over 25 years and 16 years of that as a Professional Makeup Artist, and her work has been internationally published, and she has worked in Management for companies such as MAKE UP FOR EVER, and Nars. She says, “As someone who eats, sleeps, breathes makeup on a daily basis, I know what works and what doesn't.” According to Missy MacKintosh, she had the

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vision of MisMacK in her head for a long time. “In 2017, it was time to bring my plan to action,” says Missy MacKintosh. Below are the highlights of the interview conducted between World's Leaders and Missy MacKintosh: Describe MisMacK's offerings that address the need of your customers. MisMacK is one of the first Professional Performing Clean Makeup Lines on the Market. In 2016 I was introduced to Clean Makeup, but they all had the same issue – lack of performance and pigment. Trying to find products that held up to my picky pro standards just didn't exist. So I created them working directly with a Female Canadian Chemist who specializes in Clean beauty. MisMacK merges both the Mainstream the Clean and the Pro

world into one unique amazing brand. I understand that makeup is not a passive sale. It takes education and getting our clients into our chair to experience it firsthand. At our MisMacK stores, we offer Complimentary Pampering Sessions all day every day to give our clients exactly that. We are also the only brand that offers private one on one makeup lessons where you become the student and learn as you're doing your makeup with our guidance. We make you write each step down, so you have that to take home with you. Because really, where can you go to learn without someone trying to sell you a trend. We teach based on a technique that I call the Natural Guides to a face. These are taught in our MisMacK Artistry education modules for future Makeup Artists wanting to learn and become professional makeup artists.

Enlighten us on how you have made an impact in this industry through your expertise in the industry. MisMacK provides fun and safe products packed with pigment and perform better than mainstream. I understand how products sit on the skin and work with my Chemist to create them, so they are easy for consumers to apply and blend. The technology we're using is incredibly unique in the cosmetic world. We're truly pushing the industry forward in more ways than one. Our impact is also around education. We are passionate about educating the Pro world of Makeup Artists and the everyday consumer that your body is your largest organ. It only takes 28 seconds for a toxic ingredient to hit your bloodstream. Yes, your body is good at getting rid of it but when we're marinating in these products since before we are born our systems tap out. We start seeing allergies, and a lot of these ingredients are hormone disruptors that can contribute to fertility issues. We're providing makeup and tools that allow everyone to ignite their creativity, push their limits, and work flawlessly in a safe way not only for all humans but also for our environment. What are the challenges you and your team at MisMacK come across in your day-to-day operations? Well to be quite honest, we do all the things here at MisMacK HQ including shipping, receiving, and labelling. And getting our labels on straight is truly a daily challenge lol. What people, what books, what life factors have influenced and impacted you?

Dany Sanz the founder of Makeup Forever is my biggest idol. Our stories are incredibly similar, and a super cool thing is that we now have her full support and her using MisMacK in her pro kit. My time favourite book is the 5 am Club. Taking into consideration, the current pandemic, and its impact on global economies, how are you driving your organization to sustain operations and ensuring the safety of your employees at the same time? Safety is of utmost importance here at MisMacK. As a pro makeup artist sanitation is our number one priority. Being in a small boutique shop that's a small batch, we're able to easily manage quality and safety control. We always make sure our team is happy and healthy. Describe in detail the values and the work culture that drives MisMacK. We value education, customer service, customer experience, and fun. Makeup is fun. We offer

complimentary pampering sessions all day every day at our MisMacK stores; educating our clients on product placement and how to use our unique products. We believe less is more and learning how to use our products in multiple ways. Our tag is 'we're Small but Mighty and the Masters of Multi-Purpose products'. Eliminating wasteful packaging and the overwhelming guilty feeling you have when you open up an overpacked makeup bag. We teach that “Makeup does not define you; it's merely a tool of Empowerment” Where do you envision yourself to be in the long run, and what are your future goals for MisMacK? I envision MisMacK being a trusted Global Brand. My goal is to have about 5 stores across Canada, one in London, one in Paris, New York and LA. 9. What would be your advice to budding entrepreneurs? Fail into your flow. Failure is where growth happens. I say if you're not failing you're not growing. Everything is also figure-out-able. If you want it bad enough you will figure out a way to make it happen. | 51

Thuy Nguyen Sharing the Entrepreneurship Spirit through Forbes


Present success as the sum of failure experiences and hard work.

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huy Nguyen is the CMO and also a Partner at Forbes France. She participated in the launch of Forbes in France and was mainly in charge of the marketing and ad operations. As a recent company with a small team, she has also had to handle different roles that bring variety to her job. Thuy has both experienced corporate professional experience and entrepreneurship. During her scholarship, she did various jobs to finance her and she can tell you it taught her a lot and still does today. At Forbes France, she is in charge of managing client campaigns, communication and community management with the team and Initiate win-win partnerships. She also looks for recruiting agency partners to develop the sales revenues, setting up and managing physical or digital events, and working on tech and digital projects. She is also coordinating adoperations projects with the sales, translation, and editorial teams. She says. "There is not a day that is alike and this is what I love. I am led by passion, integrity and freedom. And it is very important for me to evaluate the impact of my work. I would love to share with all French the entrepreneurship spirit through Forbes. “ She really encourages people to experience other jobs outside their comfort zone. She asserts, "My various experiences in the past have developed my capability to anticipate risks, solve problems and make decisions. I am also aware that good revenue and a great team 54 | SEPTEMBER 2021

are key factors for a company's success. "

are here to lead by example and make you want to succeed. "

What do we offer?

The Organizational Challenges

The worldwide reputation of Forbes is one of the main assets of the media. Only a few media have worldwide recognition. Forbes France is part of the Forbes network. Forbes France was launched in 2016 on the web first and as a print magazine in 2017. It has a web site,, and a quarterly magazine that presents exclusive business interviews.

According to Thuy, organization is pretty crucial to the execution of any project. One can have a great idea, but without perfect execution led by a great organization, the project will go nowhere.

As per Thuy, the mindset of Forbes is unique; 'Talk positive, think positive, and act positive'. This is the spirit, the company wants to spread in France. It celebrates success through portraits of leaders telling their entrepreneurial stories. She states, "It ranks success through our famous Forbes rankings (billionaires, 30under30, women …). It celebrates people doing business! People at Forbes

She also sees human empathy as a major factor that allows understanding and sharing the feelings of others. She says, "It brings consideration and recognition towards my partners and team.”


Reward and honor the business success in France.

Things that Inspire Thuy's family is very important to her. She sees her husband as an essential support and her children as a priority. She says, "Parents (even separated) as a guideline, while sisters, brothers and cousins open my mind." She loves reading biography books. As an example, the bio of Elon Musk is amazing. She opines, "He is changing the world. A profile like him may occur each century. He is the best example of an accomplished entrepreneur led by his dreams. " Growing and Learning during the Pandemic During the pandemic, like many companies, Forbes France also had to adapt to the work organization. Thuy herself limited her trips to once or twice per week for urgent matters and did most of her work at home office. Thanks to web conference tools, the team had the possibility to manage from a distance and keep contact with the

partners and the team. She says, "This period was beneficial for us; as it taught us to keep trust with the employees, and efficiency in avoiding time wasted on transportation. All positions have been preserved. “ Future Goals The next goals of Forbes France are to enhance and increase its magazine subscriptions. Before willing to change the world, people have to look at inspiring models they could find in Forbes magazine. "This is the best investment that all French should make," says Thuy. The subscription is 30 euros for 4 magazines per year. In the near future, the company is actually developing Club Forbes, a place where decision makers can be members. Encouraging Budding Entrepreneurs According to Thuy, in France, business successes are not

recognized in comparison to other countries in the world. However, it has to keep in mind that 'entrepreneur is a French word'. French people are inventive, curious and have great productivity. But despite these qualities, they need to be apprehended by risks and failures, and be conscious that success is the sum of failure experiences and hard work. Thuy refers to Elon Musk's words, "Failure is an option here. If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough." She believes that the role as a business media is to show the impossible is possible by displaying the portraits of famous American entrepreneurs such as Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, and many others and how it occurs. To build entrepreneurs, it is important to encourage young people about entrepreneurship. To realize their dreams, the young have to dream first. Then invest in them. Entrepreneurship is a mindset, not a skill. | 55

C I O V I E W S | 59


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Emmanuelle Ganne

Revolutionizing International Trade through Empowering Businesses with Blockchain Technology | 59


mmanuelle Ganne, Senior Analyst, Economic Research and Statistics Division at World Trade Organization (WTO), is a specialist in international commerce, trade policy, global governance, and diplomacy with a wide range of expertise. At WTO, Emmanuelle leads work on blockchains and SMEs. She is a regular speaker at blockchain events and, in 2018, wrote the book "Can Blockchain Revolutionize International trade?", which is widely acknowledged as a reference on this topic. Below are the highlights of the interview conducted between World's Leaders and Emmanuelle Ganne. Brief our audience about your journey as a leader. What challenges you had to face to reach where you are today? The world of international trade remains traditional in many ways and is still very paper-intensive. When I started looking into blockchain's potential for international trade, I realized that people around me knew very little about the technology and often reduced it to cryptocurrencies. Many dismissed it. This prompted me to write my 2018 book "Can Blockchain Revolutionize International Trade?" to raise awareness about the relevance of this technology for international trade, to try to build a bridge between the business community and government officials, and to make trade diplomats realize that they have a key role to play in enabling the development of this technology to support the move towards paperless trade. The first reactions in trade diplomatic circles were often circumspect, but 60 | SEPTEMBER 2021

my work was met with great interest from the business side. The international recognition I received from businesses has proved important to helping me push these issues at the WTO. Describe how the World Trade Organization can help push Blockchain for trade? The WTO is a rules-based Organization and has, in my view, a critical role to play in supporting the widescale deployment of this technology to facilitate international trade, for two reasons. First, because the code needs law. Technology is only a tool. Blockchain and DLT applications in trade can only be used on a large scale if an enabling legal and regulatory environment is put in place to allow them to be deployed widely. We need to make sure, for example, that e-signatures are recognized and that electronic documents, including negotiable instruments, can be transferred across borders. On these two fronts, a lot of work remains to be done to support trade digitalization. Discussions on issues related to digital trade are underway at the WTO in the context of the joint initiative on ecommerce. Second, blockchain is a global technology and international trade is cross-jurisdictional by nature. Having a coordinated approach at a multilateral level on these issues is essential. Enlighten us on how you have made an impact on this industry through your expertise? My role has been to raise awareness, initiate a digital transformation journey and build knowledge of trade officials through research, publications and events on issues related to blockchain for trade to

support their rule-making work. The 2019 and 2021 Global Trade & Blockchain Forums brought together hundreds of practitioners and trade officials to discuss issues related to blockchain for trade and help bring these issues to the WTO. I recently developed, in cooperation with the International Trade Center, the first online course on blockchain for trade aimed primarily at SMEs. Building a bridge with the private sector has been one of my priorities. I've been working closely with the International Chamber of Commerce – and represent the WTO on the governing board of the ICC Digital Standards Initiative. What are the challenges you and your team at the World Trade Organization come across in your day-to-day operations? Another part of my work relates to SMEs: trying to make their lives as exporters easier. Because they have limited resources, SMEs struggle to participate in international trade. When interacting with SMEs, I realize how critical trade digitalization is for them, how it could be a game changer for them, but also how much support they need. Bringing the voice of businesses to the WTO and trying to make the world of diplomacy move in synch with business is essential. This connection with the private sector is important and needs to be nurtured. What people, what books, what life factors have influenced and impacted you? I think my journey has been largely influenced by a trip I made to Burkina-Faso with my parents when

I was a child. During this trip, we met a local craftsman who was making beautiful leather bags. He was selling them to neighbouring places and the earnings were just enough to allow him and his family to live. My father put him in contact with Artisan du Monde, a fair-trade association that sells handicrafts from all over the world, and had a local store in the center of Lyon, my hometown. The opportunity to sell internationally transformed the life of this local craftsman. This experience showed me first-hand how trade can be a powerful lever of development, provided we give small players a chance to trade and help them overcome the burdensome procedures they grapple with. Describe the values and the work culture that drive the World Trade Organization.

The preamble of the Marrakesh Agreement, which is the agreement establishing the WTO, is clear: the WTO is about raising standards of living, ensuring full employment, making trade work better. It is about people. The WTO is a value-based organization. Where do you envision yourself being in the long run and what are your future goals for the World Trade Organization?

contributes the best it can to making trade more efficient and more inclusive. What would be your advice to budding entrepreneurs? The world is changing fast. We need people with passion, vision, and energy to drive change and make the world a better place. Be bold, ambitious and innovative. Go for it!

I have a long-term vision, but I do not want to tie my hands with a longterm plan. What I believe is critical in today's world is to remain curious and agile, to keep an eye on new developments and to seize new opportunities. By pushing Blockchain for trade and trade digitalization, I want to make sure that the WTO remains relevant and | 61

World's Leaders Magazine is a Media Company that covers stories of business leaders around the globe. Consistent updates to our online publication, internet based life and master sentiment give a substance rich pursuing knowledge loaded up with fascinating perspectives and remark on the issues of the worldwide business. World's Leaders Magazine inspires readers and users to think beyond traditional boundaries, lead conversations and create the future of business. Everyone wants to know the journey of a successful personality or a venture. They want to know more about the establishment, about the path that led them to the pinnacle, about the obstacles overcome, and the all hard work about the Success. World's Leaders Magazine is the platform, where we are unwinding the untold stories of business leaders and the stories of startup turning into the venture. World's Leaders Magazine is a trustworthy and honesty acquiring acknowledgment from business pioneers universally.


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