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The BuZZZ about Sleep
Your Latest Buzzword is Crowdlearning
Crowdlearning is a way of learning that is based on sharing experience and knowledge in a group of people. It serves as a motivational platform for the transfer of information in education.
Crowdlearning can take place in a variety of ways, such as conference gatherings, online communities, and special interest groups to name a few. While crowdlearning has always occurred, the use of technology to communicate across time and distance has increased the prevalence and benefits of crowdlearning. It is now possible to easily collaborate with people from a wide variety of backgrounds, experiences, and expertise. These various viewpoints can paint a clearer picture for the learner to come to their own understanding of a topic.
Through this approach of crowdlearning, people gain not only knowledge on an individual level but also have an opportunity to practice their social skills, cognitive skills, and empower themselves and each other.