European Social Marketing Conference 2014: Programme

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Conference Programme

In association with the Dutch Public Health Program ‘All About Health’

Date 25-26 September 2014 Venue Novotel Rotterdam Brainpark, Netherlands

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Welcome thank the Netherlands National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, JOGG, ECOM, Huibregtsen Sociale Marketing, Schuttelaar & Partners and Strategic Social Marketing. We’d also like to thank the City of Rotterdam for their support of the conference, and their kind invitation for us all to enjoy a drinks reception at Rotterdam City Hall on Thursday evening. We hope that you enjoy the conference, build your professional networks, and are stimulated and challenged by the great line up of keynote speakers and workshops that are on offer over the two days of the conference.

We are delighted to welcome you to the second European Social Marketing Conference in the fantastic city of Rotterdam. The European Social Marketing Association is dedicated to capturing and spreading good practice in social marketing and we are grateful that so many people from across Europe will be coming together to help us deliver this aim.

Have a great conference and if you need any assistance or help please do speak to one of the conference team.

We are also delighted that so many of you are active contributors to the conference. There was strong competition for the workshop sessions and posters at the event with a high number of quality papers being submitted for review.

Professor Jeff French On behalf of the ESMA conference organising committee.

We are also extremely grateful to our sponsors and supporters who have helped to ensure that this event is possible. We would especially like to


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Conference Programme Thursday 25 September 10:00-12:00

Pre-Conference Workshop Programme Workshop 1: Introduction to Social Marketing Principles

New York Room

Matthew Wood - Principal Lecturer, Brighton Business School, University of Brighton, UK The aim of this workshop is to introduce delegates to the basic principles of social marketing. Using case study material this session will demonstrate how social marketing programmes differ from, and complement, alternative approaches to behaviour change. We will cover fundamental marketing concepts and the benchmark criteria. There will be an opportunity to discuss the evolution of social marketing, including a shift in focus from individual behaviour change to more critical, “upstream” interventions. Workshop 2: Selecting and setting Behavioural Goals, and Social Marketing planning

Main Meeting Room

Drs Julie Huibregtsen and Professor Jeff French Knowing what you are trying to achieve in specific terms is the key to social marketing success. Without clear objectives that you can measure you will not be able to judge the efficiency or effectiveness of your programmes. This workshop will focus on why and how to develop SMART objectives in social marketing programmes. It will also look at different kinds of metrics that can be used to measure programme impact. Those who attend the workshop will also explore how process objectives can be included that focus on measuring programme quality. This will be an interactive workshop with the chance to explore a number of case study examples.


Lunch, served in the Restaurant


Welcome and Introductions

Restaurant Main Meeting Room

Christiane Lellig - ESMA and Vincent Roozen - CEO, Municipal Health Service, Rotterdam


Keynote Session: Applying Social Marketing to enhance social programmes

Main Meeting Room

Chair: Professor Manuela Epure, ESMA Drs Julie Huibregtsen - Sociale Marketing, Netherlands “Marketing Social Marketing: back to your roots” What makes Social Marketing so interesting and advantageous for organisations and professionals? What does it add and how accessible is it? And what is the link with your roots as a professional? Julie Huibregtsen is highly experienced in introducing and bringing Social Marketing out in the open in the Netherlands. She will share some of her experiences, along with the do’s and don’ts of marketing Social Marketing. She’ll pass on her vision on how Social Marketing can enlighten the everyday work of professionals and make organisations more efficient and customer-based. Prof. Ken Peattie - Cardiff Business School, Professor of Marketing and Strategy, Director of BRASS, UK “Sustainability Marketing: Blurring Social Marketing’s Boundaries” The traditional heartland of social marketing is in the field of health behaviours, but over time it has extended into behaviours linked to issues such as safety, civic engagement and environmental protection. Simultaneously, the commercial marketing discipline has been evolving in a number of ways to take account of increased societal concern about the social and environmental impacts of our production/consumption systems, and to reflect the increasing service and relationship based nature of many contemporary markets. Where these trends intersect, we can see new approaches to marketing thinking and practice emerging, including the notion of ‘sustainability marketing’. This presentation will explore what sustainability marketing is, and why it may have profound implications for social marketing in terms of blurring the conventional boundaries between the roles, responsibilities and disciplines that social marketers are familiar with. Lejo Van der Heiden - Head of the Public Health Care Unit, Department of Public Health of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, Netherlands “The National Programme on prevention “All about health…”. The Netherlands has embarked upon an ambitious programme for integrated health: The National Programme on prevention “All about health…”. Not a typical Government Health project, but a programmatic approach in which many stakeholders participate, such as employers, trade unions, private business, schools, municipalities, health insurers, care providers and NGO’s. Government is just one of the actors. The basic thought behind the programme is that if we want to realise health and well being in the Netherlands, we need to join forces to reach a tipping point. In this broad programme we apply social marketing principles, like we also did for other programmes, most notably the ‘Youth on Healthy Weight’ programme (part of Covenant on Healthy Weight), similar to the French EPODE approach. At least that is what we intended to do. It is often more implicitly than explicitly done. Lejo will briefly introduce the programme and then discuss with the audience the challenges we face in the programme, such as: ‘How to achieve commonly set targets in a network approach, whereby there is no direct governance structure to control all partners?’ and ‘How to genuinely engage target groups when the programme consists merely of intermediate organisations?’


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Programme - Continued 14:50-15:20

Refreshments, Networking and Posters


Choice of 5 Seminar / Selected Paper presentations Aiming at a Sustainable Future

New York Room

Christiane Lellig - Director, Stratagème / Executive Group Member, ESMA Which approaches to choose when dealing with complex multi-level-multi-stakeholder challenges in a world in transition. Come and join us if you are up for change! Discuss with us to what extent Social Marketing can contribute to the types of change that genuine transition requires. Do traditional consumer focussed approaches risk leading us towards incremental social improvement at a time when we need more radical social innovation? Which skills are needed, which approaches lend themselves to dealing with these challenges in our aim to build a sustainable future? 45 minute session. Promoting the application of social marketing; three parties; two perspectives; one goal

New York Room

Floor Wijburg - COO, W&I Group & Tine de Hoop, Project Manager, Municipality of Rotterdam. Over the past year, municipalities, social marketing agencies and universities have joined forces in the research and implementation of social marketing. Why do they? Through practical examples we will explore this powerful cooperation. What does it take from each participant in this triad to get the best results possible? 30 minute session. Greenwich Get Active: Mobilising a whole community to get active

Hong Kong Room

Matt Howick - Director, The Social Marketing Gateway, UK Like many other places, the majority of adults in Greenwich (UK) are not active enough. Inactivity can cause many avoidable health problems. Most people want to be more active, but well-known barriers stop them. This presentation updates on progress and reflects on the learnings of delivering effective large-scale social marketing programs. 30 minute session. Developing FAN, a Physical Activity and Nutrition e-Intervention: Focus on Customer Orientation, Insight and Segmentation

Hong Kong Room

Natalie Rangelov - Doctoral Student, Teaching and Research Assistant, BeCHANGE Research Group, Institute for Public Communication, Faculty of Communication Sciences, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland. FAN is a successful example of a community-based social marketing intervention targeted to families. Join us to hear how adhering to the eight benchmarks, and in particular adhering to Customer Orientation, Insight and Segmentation allowed to reach a large number of families and to have high retention and satisfaction rates! 30 minute session. Netherlands Ministry of Health – invited session on application of Social Marketing

Main Meeting Room

Lejo Van der Heiden - Head of the Public Health Unit, Department of Public Health of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, Netherlands Expert panel: Professor Jeff French, Professor Suzanne Suggs (BeCHANGE Research Group, Institute for Public Communication (ICP), Faculty of Communication Sciences, University of Lugano), Matthew Wood (University of Brighton), Professor Ken Peattie (Cardiff Business School) and Stuart Jackson (ICE Creates) The Dutch National Programme on prevention “All about health…” applies social marketing principles. It is often more implicitly than explicitly done. In this open invitational session attendees are explicitly invited to join in the discussion with the ministry and social marketing experts about the possibilities of applying Social Marketing. Lejo will briefly present the programme and pose some questions about how to address the challenges they face. 1hr 15 minute session.


Plenary session - "Marketing Social Marketing"

Main Meeting Room

Chair: Professor Suzanne Suggs, ESMA Irina Dinca - MD, PhD, Senior Expert, Communicable Diseases at European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) “Marketing Social Marketing” Public health encompasses a series of approaches aiming at increasing and/ or maintaining health and well-being of the population by preventing and fighting against diseases. In the area of communicable diseases these approaches come primarily from medical-related disciplines, especially infectious diseases and epidemiology the very reason being that have been proven an excellent track record of success. Nevertheless, during times when information reaches through much more various channels different population groups, and thus influencing their health behaviour, there is a clear need for an “out-of-the-box”, innovative thinking. Social marketing, if only the condom use programs to be used as examples, provides with an excellent framework for achieving and supporting behaviour change. But do “classic” public health policy makers and practitioners working in communicable diseases know about it? How can social marketing become more known and bring a change in their thinking and approaches? Mission impossible? Or not?


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Programme - Continued Panel Session: The challenges of Marketing Social Marketing. Facilitator: Professor Jeff French Panel members: Drs Julie Huibregtsen (Netherlands), Prof. Ken Peattie (Wales), Dan Metcalfe (UK), and Matthew Wood (UK). Q&A session with four leading Social Marketing practitioners and academics focused on marketing Social Marketing to policy makers, and organisations. This interactive session with the audience will be run as a panel questions and answers. Audience members will have an opportunity to ask the experts about their experience and for their advice about promoting the uptake of Social Marketing within organisations.


Civic reception at Rotterdam City Hall Coaches will depart for City Hall from outside the hotel at 18:00. The drinks reception will finish at 20:00, drinks and canapés will be provided. Dress code: Smart/Casual. City Hall is located near many restaurants and bars so please enjoy the evening in the city.

Friday 26 September 09:00-09:10

Welcome and introduction to day 2

Main Meeting Room

Johannes Parkkonen - ESMA


Keynote speakers: New methods and understanding

Main Meeting Room

Chair: Stuart Jackson, ESMA Dr Arie Dijkstra - Full Professor of the Social Psychology of Health and Illness, University of Groningen, Netherlands “Science and Social Marketing” To be able to influence people in the domain of health, it is essential that interventions are theory and evidence based. In Health Psychology, intervention development frameworks, such as Intervention Mapping and the PATH-model, support the process of designing effective interventions. However, to design interventions that are effective in practice, not only on the drawing board, these theories and evidence need to be applied to specific target groups or individuals. This application demands skills to communicate with the target group, and to learn from and about the target group on how they can be reached and involved. In social marketing the science of behaviour change and the art and practice of reaching people come together. L. Suzanne Suggs - PhD, MS, CHES, Associate Professor of Social Marketing, Head, BeCHANGE Research Group, Institute for Public Communication (ICP), Faculty of Communication Sciences, University of Lugano, Switzerland “New Media and Social Marketing: Designing Smart Solutions for Social Change” Incredible advances in technologies provide opportunities for large scale and sustainable social change. Devices are getting smaller, faster, more powerful and are able to provide real time data collection, processing and feedback; and can do so at population, community and individual levels. These capabilities allow for relevant, timely, and persuasive communication that can contribute to change. While new media hold great promise for social marketing research and practice, new media are not a magic cure-all. This discussion focuses on questions including: How can we best facilitate social change with these new methods? What new understandings do new media provide? How do we design smart solutions with ICT?


Choice of 7 Seminar / Selected Paper presentations E-Com Pandemic events and Social Marketing

Main Meeting Room

Professor Jeff French and Helene Voeten GGD Rotterdam-Rijnmond. E-Com is a EU work programme seven funded project that is looking at how communication and marketing programmes can be better developed across Europe. The programme consists of nine research projects covering how to engage with hard to reach groups, using segmentation, evidence reviews, how to construct more effective planning , audience segmentation etc. The workshop will give participants an update of the findings to date and emerging recommendations. The workshop will also be an opportunity to discuss and share experience of pandemic management and the role of social marketing in developing better preparedness plans. 30 minute session. Behavioural Economics – Enemy or Friend of Social Marketing?

Main Meeting Room

Viv Caisey - MA, FCIM, Principal, Behaviour Workshops & Stephen Young - MA, Senior Lecturer in Behavioural Economics, University of Brighton, UK. Social marketers can see behavioural economics as a threat. But this misunderstands the nature, origins, and purpose of behavioural economics. In this session, a behavioural economist and a social marketer show where behavioural economics comes from, what it can and can’t do, and what it might mean for social marketing. 30 minute session. Shisha Smoking – the new emerging problem or one-time fad? Shisha smoking among young people of Turkish and Kurdish origin

New York Room

Rosanna Post - Senior Project Officer, The Campaign Company (TCC), UK. Shisha is only made of fruit and water. There is no tobacco and there is no way you get addicted to it. If you want to hear more about the dramatically different behaviours we found towards smoking cigarettes and shisha, and how we plan to tackle this, attend this! 30 minute session.


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Programme - Continued The EPODE Approach to Promote Physical Activity: From Theory to Practice

New York Room

Julie Meyer - OPEN Director , EPODE International Network, France EPODE (“Together, let’s prevent childhood obesity”) is a methodology that promotes coordinated actions, involving the political and scientific fields at National level and at community level. The messages, activities and change of the physical environment resulting from this cooperation encourage children/families to have fun together and to adopt a healthy active lifestyle. During the past 20 years, EPODE is sustainable in the countries and regions where the methodology is implemented. 30 minute session. The Social Marketing Lab: an Italian experience with health professionals

Hong Kong Room

Dr Elena Barbera - Health Communication and Translation Expert & Dr Eleonora Tosco - Health Communication Area Referent, Dors – Health Promotion Documentation Centre – ASL TO3 – Piedmont Region, Italy. The workshop will introduce participants to the interesting Italian experience of Social Marketing Labs – spaces in which piedmontese health practitioners can confront each other, share and experiment with creativity and in an informal way, social marketing principles and strategies applied to health prevention and health promotion projects and interventions. 20 minute session. (Social) Marketing Myopia?

Hong Kong Room

Ana Benje - PhD Candidate, Institute for European Studies and International Relations, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia Investigating the application of social marketing in policy-based behavioural interventions tackling obesity in Europe, one can argue that citizen-centric mindset is becoming a part of European policy-making apparatus. Adding social to Keith’s marketing revolution, one can conclude such interventions are predominantly sales-orientated, and (social) marketing myopic. 20 minute session. “LOVE LIFE – no regrets”‒ the HIV campaign for the Swiss population is based on participation

Hong Kong Room

Norina Schwendener - Swiss Federal Office of Public Health, Switzerland. How to make protected sex more attractive than unprotected sex? The new LOVE LIFE campaign of the Federal Office of Public Health and partners addresses this challenge. No other recent campaign has generated so much discussion in Switzerland, thanks to a groundbreaking participatory concept and active involvement of the public. 20 minute session.


Refreshments, Networking and Posters


Open Space Event

Main Meeting Room

Evolving societies, transforming communities, changing behaviours Facilitators: Christiane Lellig, Dr Marco Bardus, Professor Suzanne Suggs. This interactive session aims at setting a plan to move European Social Marketing forward. Prior to the session participants will be asked to name the most urgent questions and challenges in tackling behaviour change and implementing Social Marketing. Session participants will gather in working groups to discuss different topics drawn from the poll. Results of discussions are displayed in a market place format for further in-depth exchange of ideas and experiences between working groups and across the topics. A synthesis of the session results and steps for further action are provided. Continued discussions will be supported via ESMA’s knowledge exchange platforms.


Lunch, served in the Restaurant


Plenary session: Building relationships with individuals and communities

Restaurant Main Meeting Room

Chair: Christiane Lellig, Director, Stratagème / Executive Group Member, ESMA René Kural - Director of Centre for Sports and Architecture, PhD, Associate Professor, Architect MAA, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts “Activity is the new City DNA” The Centre for Sports and Architecture in Copenhagen is probably the only of its kind worldwide that focuses exclusively on the relationship between body culture, health, architecture and urban planning. René Kural will present two new projects. Firstly the design of multiple activity enhancing urban spaces and installations in the capital. Secondly several research installations in a socially deprived part of Copenhagen designed by Centre for Sports and Architecture. Each of the installations is targeted different target groups (girls, women, seniors, immigrants) and in spring/autumn 2012, 2 x 4 students conducted 2 x 768 observations x 15 minutes and the results have now come out. Some of them are quite surprising. Drs Ellis Koster - JOGG, Netherlands “DrinkWater” JOGG is a movement which encourages all people in a city, town or neighbourhood to make eating healthy and exercise an easy and attractive lifestyle option for young people (0-19 years). JOGG works with different themes like ‘DrinkWater’. The goal of this campaign is to make drinking water (instead of sugary drinks) normal again, because it has a positive effect on the prevention of overweight. One way to stimulate drinking water at school, at work, in the


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Programme - Continued community and during sport activities is by using social marketing. Examples of using social marketing are: actively involving children with DrinkWater songs and a DrinkWater diploma, providing JOGG water bottles and jugs, and making existing water taps more visible. JOGG focuses on positive aspects, makes it easy to implement and actively involves children, parents and the community surrounding them. In this presentation Ellis will focus on how social marketing is used in day care centres to make the DrinkWater campaign a success.


Refreshments, Networking and Posters


Choice of 5 Seminar / Selected Paper presentations Support not exhort: England’s 2014-17 national public health marketing strategy

New York Room

Dan Metcalfe - Deputy Director, Planning and Products, Public Health England In July 2014 Public Health England published its first ever national Social Marketing strategy – a three year framework for delivering healthy changes supported by an annual budget of £60 million. The strategy was born of extensive nationwide consultation, academic and commercial sector input. This talk will discuss for the first time the process, key principles (including prototyping, content vs. advertising and on-demand programmes) and lifestage based approach of the strategy, as well as specific programme highlights and the pros and cons of publication from a practitioner perspective. 30 minute session From information to interaction. A collaborative approach to value creation in social marketing

New York Room

Nadina Luca - Doctoral Researchers, Nottingham University Business School, UK. This paper seeks to apply theories underlying service logic to gain a better understanding of how a collaborative interactional approach is supported and experienced in a social marketing context. Specifically, the paper reports on a qualitative case study of a Smokefree social marketing initiative conducted in a city in England. 30 minute session. Social Marketing for Social Change

Hong Kong Room

Matt Wood - Principal Lecturer in Marketing, University of Brighton, UK Social marketers should move beyond changing behaviour towards social change; this includes simultaneously adapting systems, policies and processes to enable positive environmental change and reduce inequalities. In particular, attention should be focused on the critical earlyyears period of human development, during which future behaviours and key life outcomes are established. 30 minute session. A school-based, social marketing intervention to prevent smoking uptake in adolescents (the SMART project)

Hong Kong Room

Oana.M.Pop - Research Assistant, Cluj School of Public Health, Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania. This presentation reports on the use of forum theater techniques in building tobacco refusal skills and diminishing competition for remaining smoke-free in 5th and 6th grade adolescents attending three schools from Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The intervention had a quasi-experimental, non-equivalent group study design with pre-and post-intervention measurements. 30 minute session. Misuse of child restraint systems: social marketing required?

Main Meeting Room

Dr Ed van Beeck - Ilja van Alten, Ine Buuron, Task Force Childhood Safety, Netherlands. In highly industrialized countries, car safety has largely improved over the past decades. This improvement has resulted from better infrastructures, the introduction of several safety laws, and from wide dissemination of health education among the population. Due to these developments, the number of car accidents and injuries has sharply decreased with a very large reduction of victims among young children (0-4 years). Fortunately, nowadays only few parents in the western world are annually confronted with their child being severely injured in a car accident. Child restraint system legislation has played a major role towards this development. In the Netherlands, every child up to a height of 1.35m has to be transported in a legally approved car seat. Nevertheless, highly preventable severe or even fatal car accidents in childhood still happen each year . For this reason, the Taskforce Childhood Safety, wants to further optimize the safety of children transported in cars. We therefore conducted a study on misuse of child restraint systems and in march 2013, 236 cars were inspected and questionnaires were filled out by 309 parent/caregivers of the transported children (0-4 years). Almost all (99%) respondents thought they had safely transported their children, but misuse was observed in around three quarters (73%) of the observed cases. During the workshop, the widely adopted view of car accidents in young western children as a ‘non- problem’ will be challenged. We will further seek to identify the potential reasons behind frequently observed mistakes, and it will be discussed if and how social marketing strategies could be of value. 1hr 15 minute session.


Final plenary session: New Thinking and approaches

Main Meeting Room

Chair: Professor Jeff French ESMA Ed Mayo - Secretary General, Co-operatives UK “Can social marketing be led over time by the people that it aims to engage in behaviour change?“ Variously called ‘co-production’, ‘participation’, ‘membership models’ or ‘co-operation’, Ed will draw the links between current innovation around social marketing and the success of long-run examples of behaviour change over time through social movements such as the international co-operative sector.




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Poster Presentations 1

Targeted Condom Social Marketing Program in India’s National AIDS Control Program: Scale-up and Impact Gaurav Jain - Dept of AIDS Control, MoHFW, India


Early Diagnosis of Cancer: Changing Attitudes to Save Lives Ben Toombs - Public Health England


Social Marketing Campaign for Obesity Prevention in Mexico City Claudia Cedillo - World Lung Foundation, El Poder del Consumidor


"Eating veggies makes children big and strong” Thinking out of the box to boost vegetable intake in toddlers Eiskje Clason & Lonneke Leenaars - Gemeente Rotterdam


Tackling the UK's cat crisis: intervention design to increase neutering rates Justine Pannett - RSPCA


The role of social marketing in delivering health services at scale in a developing context: social franchising in Myanmar John Hetherington - Population Services International, Myanmar


Use of Social Media within the EIN Members Julie Mayer - EPODE International Network, France


Effective Advertisements to Enhance Healthy Eating Behaviour: An Eye-Tracking Study Ariadne Beatrice Kapetanaki - University of Hertfordshire


Simple swaps while they shop: Change4Life Smart Swaps Campaign Dan Metcalfe - Public Health England

10 How to make homeowners invest in better natural hazard protection Christiane Lellig - University of Bern 11 Social Marketing to Improve Men’s Health in the US Military Teha Kennard - Booz Allen Hamilton, USA 12 GET MON£YSMART Social Marketing Campaign Benjamin Buckby - ICE Creates 13 Puffell Stuart Jackson - ICE Creates 14 Stimulate fruit eating at two primary schools in Meppel, the Netherlands Evelyne Meynen - Schuttelaar & Partners 15 Youth and Social Cohesion - new approaches. Tamara Gojkovic & Professor Manuela Epure - Yeu-International

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