Offline onslaught the easiest way to make $1k this month offline cpa traffic mayhem

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Offline Onslaught: The Easiest Way to Make $ 1 K + This Month Offline Cpa traffic mayhem


All Rights Reserved This information is for your eyes only. This eBook is for your own personal use and is not to be given away, traded, or distributed without the written consent of TONYMAC. This eBook does not come with and resell rights whatsoever. There are no guarantees of any kind, especially no income guarantees and you agree that our company is not responsible for the success or failure of your business decisions relating to any information presented by our company, or our company products or services. This eBook is to remain strictly in your sole possession.

Table Of Contents Introduction...................................................................................3 Module 1: Getting set up................................................................5 Module 2: CPA networks............ ..................................................8 Module 3: Step by step guide .......................................................12 Module 4: Picking the right keywords .........................................21 Module 5 landing pages & emailing.............................................29 Module 6: maximum profits.........................................................41

Introduction Hey its tonymac here... I've been online since 2007 and make a living by making money online... And helping others just like you do the same. I want to start off by congratulations to you for getting CPA traffic mayhem In case you haven't figured it out yet... This system is all about using Bing ads to make money in a simple step by step guide. You see, Bing ads is an absolute goldmine just waiting for you to start with. Which is why I'm happy that you put your trust in me and picked this up.

If you are a newbie... then this system is for you If you have some experience.... then this the system for you as well And even if you are a veteran marketer... this system is for you too. The best part about Bing ads is that the clicks are super targeted and really cheap... You literally can't get this type of quality traffic anywhere else. So please, I ask that you treat this system like gold and keep it safe.. As using it is going to make you some serious amounts of money. The only thing I ask of you... Is that you promise to take action. Making money online isn't all that hard, but it does require action. So as long as you promise to yourself that you're going to put this into action... Then the only way to fail is by simply quitting or moving to something else new shiny object...... (Winners never quit & quitters never win) And I know you're not going to do that when you see the power of this. Here's to helping you make money... Thanks for being a customer. TONYMAC

Module 1: Getting set up........................ In case you were wondering what this step includes... It consists of signing up for a few sites. First and foremost you need to sign up for Bing ADS (CLICK HERE) I'm not going to run through the entire process because it is self explanatory... But you are going to want to click on the Sign Up button. (The setup page might look different depending on your country)

From there, the next page should offer you a $50 coupon to get Started with if not contact the support team and they will set it up for you Make sure you put in your information to get that $50 Now remember you have to put some money of your own into your Account to get the $50 coupon also if you use HOSTGATOR.COM They have a $100 coupon on offer to use on bing ads, or you could Google bing Ads coupons there is a few places that offer a Whooping $400 coupon But you have to go thru someone else’s system No matter What something is better than nothing to help you reinvest back into Your campaigns. Aside from all that, go ahead and create your account... It's easy and self-explanatory but don’t forget to contact the support About your $$$$ coupon.... is one of the largest sources for affiliate marketers to find, list or rate affiliate programs, CPA offers, affiliate (CPS)/CPA networks and Ad networks online.

Next you want to sign up to clickbank you may already have an account Here if you have just open it here

Go ahead and click the SIGN UP link on the top right... Once again, the sign up part is super easy. Why Clickbank? Well Clickbank has just about every niche you can ever think of... And the amount of money generated by them is absolutely in the billions. FACT A Top clickbank marketer can make over a $50,000 in a day from 1 product launch when done right..... Just to give you some perspective about the money being payed out there.

Ok Last but not least... We have CPA networks. CPA networks actually have people look over your applications to pick you out... So unlike Clickbank that is free to sign up... There's a chance you might not make the cut with a few specific networks. Don’t worry about that as there is loads of cpa networks to choose from. I must be a part of about 10 CPA networks so I know what it takes to get in...

Module 2 cpa networks................... First and foremost, here is a list of awesome CPA networks... Ones that I am a part of and also, recommend to you:

Max Bounty

Peer Fly





Ok now here are the goods on how to get accepted... And I'm going to break it down into a few important tips. So if you don't know exactly what you will be promoting then... Think of something, stick with it, and write it down on your application. (Making money online is a always a good niche to start with) Know Your Traffic Source Let them know that you will be doing Bing PPC (pay per click)... Just this one traffic source should be enough for them to set you up a account If you go to an affiliate network and say you are going to do... Facebook ads, Instagram, adwords, Bing, email marketing, etc... They will know you are full of crap

They have seen thousands of applications before and they can sniff that out... So aside from just putting down your one traffic source... Be honest with your affiliate manger as they will tell you what is working with bing ads just ask them...... I have to accept and deny affiliates all the time for my own products... So I've been on the other side... And I truly know when someone is just going to waste time. Affiliate managers take acceptances very seriously... Because they want to protect their people from other people going out and spamming links. Last but not least, sign up for as many networks as you can. Some will accept you, some won't... and that's just the way it is. Either way, following what I showed you above will put you ahead of everyone else. WHAT OFFERS TO PICK So now that you know how to sign up to CPA networks... Let's look at some types of offers that work best with this system. Lead Generation / Email / Zip submit This is where you get paid to get someone's email... And many times you might need to get more information as well. Full name, address, email, and a few more.

These can offer payouts anywhere from $1 - $10 (and even higher sometimes). The great thing about lead generation is that it's easier money. Just think about it, what is more likely to happen... Get someone to put in their email or have someone put in their credit card details However, since the clicks with Bing are so stinking cheap... You are going to want to make the best of both worlds.

Sales This is basically every offer on Clickbank. You get paid a commission whenever someone purchases through your link. TIP: When it comes to sale offers... Many of them either have pages that auto play videos or have exit pops... When it comes to Bing ads they don't like that kind of stuff... So make sure the offer you send out doesn't have either of those as they won’t allow your ad to go live. Module 3: Step by step set guide................ So we've made it... not so bad, right? This is where I walk you through setting up a simple campaign. I happen to pick an offer from Clickbank just so you can follow along. TIP: I'm not saying this offer will convert so don't copy it when you go...

It's strictly just for showing you how to copy my process. The offer I am going to use is for YOGA....

This can be found by going into Clickbank then Marketplace at the top... From there simply search for YOGA and you can find it. Now back to Bing... You are also going to click on 'Create campaign'... Then you want to always click on 'Search & content campaign

Next we go to the campaign settings:

Campaign Name: Give it a name called your offer. Time Zone: Enter the time zone you are in. Campaign Budget: $5.00 (this is only to start with until you build it up) Ad language: English Locations: This one is important. Now if you are running a CPA offer, they will tell you what countries are Allowed like United States, or Canada so make sure to check the cpa offer. Now for Clickbank offers, you want to use the 5 top tier countries. These are the top tier 5 countries that always seem to buy.

United States, United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, Australia Type those in or click browse and select them by clicking target... Next click show ads to people in your targeted location

Now we move onto the next section, creating an ad.

So Ad Type will always be Text Ad. Ad Title: you always want to use something that gets people’s attention..... For this example I used: Get the sexiest body ever Other types of titles can be pointing out their problems like “Burn fat using yoga” you get the idea Ad Text: I simply got this from the headline on the sales letter...

You will get a lot of ideas from the sales letters... So make sure to have a good look over the sales letter for inspiration when creating an ad.

Display URL: Simply use the URL from the sales letter... You need to use this as bing ads will not allow something else

Destination URL: This will be your affiliate link.

Now click on the PROMOTE button... After doing that, you should get taken to a page that looks like...

Your account nickname is where your account nickname goes... Then for tracking id put in something you will understand. Now you don’t have to use a tracking link but it helps you know where all Of your sales in Clickbank come from.

Then you click create and this page will appear...

The link on the TOP is the one you use; copy that, the other one you only use on a website... Once you have it copied, paste it into your destination URL. So when it is all done, here is what that section looks like again.

OK so let’s move onto the next section.

MODULE 4 PICKING THE RIGHT KEYWORDS........... This section is all about keywords... And I've come up with a few different ways of doing this... The first way is to search with Bing itself now there is a few ways to do this the first would be to click on research keywords and the second is by entering a keyword and using some of the results that bing shows you on that keyword, and you can also enter the url of another website and get the keywords related to that website and use them ok so click on Research Keywords then... Find keywords containing a word or phrase

So you can also use the destination url to get some more keywords

Now you should have few keywords by now but that is not enough as You are going to need about 300 at least so next you will go to Google keyword planner You'll need a gmail account which is easy to sign up for once you get that done then sign up for a google adwords account and go to the tools section at the top of the page and you will see key word planner So now I'm going to show you exactly what you need to do. On the main page, you are going to want to click on... Search for new keyword and ad group ideas..... Once you click on that simply enter 2 or 3 keywords to get more ideas...

Don't worry about anything else then click on Get ideas Next you want to click on add all that is highlighted in red

After you have done that you can either download the keywords to your desktop or click copy to clipboard

This is what you will see after you click copy to clipboard

And you can copy those to notepad. You now have a TON of keywords to put back into your campaign. TIP Be sure to copy and paste anywhere from 50-100 into Bing at a time as to many keywords at once can make them freeze up Now that you have all of your keywords... Scroll down to the bottom and click 'Save

The only thing you need to do here is Uncheck 'Content network' This will automatically take away the content network bid. (the quality of traffic is not that good which is why we won't be using it) After that, you want to scroll down and click on Save and you're ALMOST done Now you are going to be taken back to the main Campaign page... You want to immediately click on your campaign link you made (yoga) Then click on Keywords... As shown in the picture

Next Click on the Select All check mark shown on the left... Then click on the 'Select all rows on all pages' link. What that does is select EVERY keyword that you have and from there...

Next we go to edit and click on change current bids.......

Now this is where we change are bids on each keyword to 0.05

(YES only 5 pence) this is because i,m based in the uk if you’re in the usa then it would be 5 cents And then click Save and your campaign is now complete... well almost Now we are are going to have a look at Advanced Targeting Once you have basically created your campaign with bing you then need To go back to the settings page and fix it.....

So let's do that, while still in your campaign, click on Settings.

Here is an example since we are using a yoga offer i feel that it is aimed More for females and i don’t think there is to many 18-24 years olds Doing it as we decrease that age group and increase the other age groups (but it all depends on your offer) This is important to do if your offer is gender specific. Aside from everything else in the settings tabs, this is the most important. You can mess with mobile device if you like... But FINALLY, you have now finished your campaign... Just be sure to click Save on the bottom of the page

Module 5 landing pages & emailing.................... In this module we will talk about how to get a domain name and hosting And build a landing page with banners and place optin form so that you will be able to build a email list and email more offers to your list

The software that i use for this method is

I find that this software is the best for building landing pages, sales pages Squeeze pages, funnels etc the reason why is that it’s a wordpress plugin And its alot cheaper than leadpages and clickfunnels and does the same Thing for a one of payment

Ok so hopefully you have got your hands on instabuilder as for the Domain name i use or as for hosting i use as i feel that they are the best around, remember when i said about the$100 coupon with hostgator its there waiting for you.

Ok so i,ll not bore you With the details as ill assume you understand how To pick a domain Name And link it to you hosting account using nameservers if you don’t Just go to youtube as they have loads of videos on how to do this Also as a Bonus With this ebook i have thru in a wordpress video Course just to help You understand wordpress abit More and to help you out. Once you have set up your wordpress site and Installed instabuilder also with instabuilder they show you the best ways Of how to install there software with step by step tutorials. From the wordpress dashboard click instabuilder

After that then click on to new page

You could use one of the templates but for this example we are going to use create from scratch as seen below

Now once you have done all this you will be left will a blank website page like this

This is where you start to build you landing pages by using the elements On the left hand side. In instabuilder there is loads of tutorials and Videos that will show you how to do this, so please play around with it abit and learn how it works. I have created this landing page as an example that has been approved

by bing here is the website address

You get the idea now this is only a rough example that i made hopefully You will be able to create something better, next you will need to add Some content that relates to your offer, now if you are good at writing Content then this will be easy, if not then don’t worry we have got that covered.

Here’s what you do, go to google and look for articles that relate to your Offer make sure to add the word articles at the end of your search, also Try ezine articles they have loads of articles that you can use. Once you Have found a article then just copy and paste that article in to a notepad.

Next you will want to change that article a round abit maybe take some Lines out of it and add some to make it your own or you could use a free Article spinner to do this, just type into google free article spinner and

You will get one. After you have done that just copy and paste that article Into you instabuilder landing page. Now with instabuilder the easiest way to copy and paste is to (ctrl + c) to copy (ctrl + v) to paste

Now you have your content added you should also have your optin form Added as well you will get this from autoresponder in the form of html code, This is the important part to get bing to approve your landing page you Need to add a privacy policy and optin disclaimer and terms of services So go back to your wordpress dashboard and click on pages then click on add new page

Once you have done that then i want you to copy and paste this privacy policy template that i have set out for you and add your own website


Personal identification information We may collect personal identification information from Users in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, when Users visit our site, place an order, fill out a form, and in connection with other activities, services, features or resources we make available on our Site. Users may be asked for, as appropriate, name, email address, mailing address, phone number, credit card information . Users may, however, visit our Site anonymously. We will collect personal identification information from Users only if they voluntarily submit such information to us. Users can always refuse to supply personally identification information, except th at it may prevent them from engaging in certain Site related activities. Non-personal identification information

We may collect non-personal identification information about Users whenever they interact with our Site. Non-personal identification information may include the browser name, the type of computer and technical information about Users means of connection to our Site, such as the operating system and the Internet service providers utilized and other similar information. Web browser cookies

Our Site may use "cookies" to enhance User experience. User's web browser places cookies on their hard drive for record-keeping purposes and sometimes to track information about them. User may choose to set their web browser to refuse cookies, or to alert you when cookies are being sent. If they do so, note that some parts of the Site may not function properly. How we use collected information

YOUR WEBSITE HERE may collect and use Users personal information for the following purposes:

- To improve customer serviceInformation you provide helps us respond to your customer service requests and support needs more efficiently.

- To personalize user experienceWe may use information in the aggregate to understand how our Users as a group use the services and resources provided on our Site.

- To process paymentsWe may use the information Users provide about themselves when placing an order only to provide service to that order. We do not share this information with outside parties except to the extent necessary to provide the service.

- To share your information with third partiesWe may share or sell information with third parties for marketing or other purposes.

- To send periodic emailsWe may use the email address to send User information and updates pertaining to their order. It may also be used to respond to their inquiries, questions, and/or other requests. If User decides to opt-in to our mailing list, they will receive emails that may include company news, updates, related product or service information, etc. If at any time the User would like to unsubscribe from receiving future emails, they may do so by contacting us via our Site. How we protect your information We adopt appropriate data collection, storage and processing practices and security measures to protect against unauth orized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction of your personal information, username, password, transaction information and data stor ed on our Site. Sensitive and private data exchange between the Site and its Users happens over a SSL secured commun ication channel and is encrypted and protected with digital signatures.

Sharing your personal information We may use third party service providers to help us operate our business and the Site or administer activities on our behalf, such as sending out newsletters or surveys. We may share your information with these third parties for those limited purposes provided that you have given us your permission. Third party websites Users may find advertising or other content on our Site that link to the sites and services of our partners, suppliers, advertisers, sponsors, licensors and other third parties. We do not control the content or links that appear on these sites and are not responsible for the practices employed by websites linked to or from our Site. In addition, these sites or services, including their content and links, may be constantly changing. These sites and services may have their own privacy policies and customer service policies . Browsing and interaction on any other website, including websites which have a link to our Site, is subject to that website's own terms and policies. Advertising

Ads appearing on our site may be delivered to Users by advertising partners, who may set cookies. These cookies allow the ad server to recognize your computer each time they send you an online advertisement to compile non personal identification information about you or others who use your computer. This information allows ad networks to, among other things, deliver targeted advertisements that they believe will be of most interest to you. This privacy policy does not cover the use of cookies by any advertisers.

Changes to this privacy policy YOUR WEBSITE HERE has the discretion to update this privacy policy at any time. When we do, we will revise the updated dat e at the bottom of this page. We encourage Users to frequently check this page for any changes to stay informed about how we ar e helping to protect the personal information we collect. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review th is privacy policy periodically and become aware of modifications. Your acceptance of these terms By using this Site, you signify your acceptance of this policy. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use our Sit e. Your continued use of the Site following the posting of changes to this policy will be deemed your acceptance of those changes.

Then create a new page again and call it opt-out disclaimer and copy and Paste this template into it but don’t forget to add your website address and email address You may “opt-out� of receiving promotional emails from your website here by following the instructions in those emails. You may also send requests relating to promotional messages and your permission for sharing information with third parties for their marketing purposes by emailing email address here Opt-out requests will not apply to transactional service messages, including messages about your current website address here and services.

Just one to go and your finished create another new page and this time

Call it terms of service and copy and paste this template into it Terms and Conditions

In using this website you are deemed to have read and agreed to the following terms and conditions: The following terminology applies to these Terms and Conditions, Privacy Statement and Disclaimer Notice and any or all Agreements: "Client", “You” and “Your” refers to you, the person accessing this website and accepting the Company’s terms and conditions. "The Company", “Ourselves”, “We” and "Us", refers to our Company. “Party”, “Parties”, or “Us”, refers to both the Client and ourselves, or either the Client or ourselves. All terms refer to the offer, acceptance and consideration of payment necessary to undertake the process of our assistance to the Client in the most appropriate manner, whether by formal meetings of a fixed duration, or any other means, for the express purpose of meeting the Client’s needs in respect of provision of the Company’s stated services/products, in accordance with and subject to, prevailing English Law. Any use of the above terminology or other words in the singular, plural, capitalisation and/or he/she or they, are taken as interchangeable and therefore as referring to same.

Privacy Statement We are committed to protecting your privacy. Authorized employees within the company on a need to know basis only use any information collected from individual customers. We constantly review our systems and data to ensure the best possible service to our customers. Parliament has created specific offences for unauthorised actions against computer systems and data. We will investigate any such actions with a view to prosecuting and/or taking civil proceedings to recover damages against those responsible

Confidentiality We are registered under the Data Protection Act 1998 and as such, any information concerning the Client and their respective Client Records may be passed to third parties. However, Client records are regarded as confidential and therefore will not be divulg ed to any third party, other than [our manufacturer/supplier(s) and] if legally required to do so to the appropriate authorities. Clients have the right to request sight of, and copies of any and all Client Records we keep, on the proviso that we are given reasonable notice of such a request. Clients are requested to retain copies of any literature issued in relation to the provision of our services. Where appropriate, we shall issue Client’s with appropriate written information, handouts or copies of records as part of an agreed contract, for the benefit of both parties. We will not sell, share, or rent your personal information to any third party or use your e-mail address for unsolicited mail. Any emails sent by this Company will only be in connection with the provision of agreed services and products.

Disclaimer Exclusions and Limitations The information on this web site is provided on an "as is" basis. To the fullest extent permitted by law, this Company:

excludes all representations and warranties relating to this website and its contents or which is or may be provided by any a ffiliates or any other third party, including in relation to any inaccuracies or omissions in this website and/or the Company’s literature; and

excludes all liability for damages arising out of or in connection with your use of this website. This includes, without limitation, direct loss, loss of business or profits (whether or not the loss of such profits was foreseeable, arose in the normal course of things or you have advised this Company of the possibility of such potential loss), damage caused to your computer, computer software, systems and programs and the data thereon or any other direct or indirect, consequential and incidental damages. This Company does not however exclude liability for death or personal injury caused by its negligence. The above exclusions a nd limitations apply only to the extent permitted by law. None of your statutory rights as a consumer are affected.

Payment Cash or Personal Cheque with Bankers Card, all major Credit/Debit Cards, Bankers Draft or BACS Transfer are all acceptable methods of payment. Our Terms are payment in full within thirty days. All goods remain the property of the Company until paid for in full. Monies that remains outstanding by the due date will incur late payment interest at the rate of 2% ab ove the prevailing Bank of England's base rate on the outstanding balance until such time as the balance is paid in full and final settlement. We res erve the right to seek recovery of any monies remaining unpaid sixty days from the date of invoice via collection Agencies and/or through the Small Claims Court in the event that the outstanding balance does not exceed £3000. In such circumstances, you shall be l iable for any and all additional administrative and/or court costs. [Amend as appropriate]

Returned cheques will incur a £25 charge to cover banking fees and administrative costs. In an instance of a second Returned cheque, we reserve the right to terminate the arrangement and, if agreed to, we shall insist on future cash transactions only. Consequently, all bookings and/or transactions and agreements entered into will cease with immediate effect until such time as any and all outstanding monies are recovered in full.

Cancellation Policy Minimum 24 hours notice of cancellation required. Notification for instance, in person, via email, mobile phone ‘text message’ and/or fax, or any other means will be accepted subject to confirmation in writing. We reserve the right to levy a £30 charge to cover any subsequent administrative expenses.

Termination of Agreements and Refunds Policy Both the Client and ourselves have the right to terminate any Services Agreement for any reason, including the ending of services that are already underway. No refunds shall be offered, where a Service is deemed to have begun and is , for all intents and purposes, underway. Any monies that have been paid to us which constitute payment in respect of the provision of unused Services, shall be refunded. Availability Unless otherwise stated, the services featured on this website are only available within the United Kingdom, or in relation to postings from the United Kingdom. All advertising is intended solely for the United Kingdom market. You are solely responsible for evaluating the fitness for a particular purpose of any downloads, programs and text available through this site. Redistribution or republication of any part of this site or its content is prohibited, including such by framing or other sim ilar or any other means, without the express written consent of the Company. The Company does not warrant that the service from this site will be uninterrupted, timely or error free, although it is provided to the best ability. By using this service you thereby indemn ify this Company, its employees, agents and affiliates against any loss or damage, in whatever manner, howsoever caused. Log FilesWe use IP addresses to analyse trends, administer the site, track user’s movement, and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use. IP addresses are not linked to personally identifiable information. Additionally, for systems administration, detecting usage patterns and troubleshooting purposes, our web servers automatically log standard access information including browser type, access times/open mail, URL requested, and referral URL. This information is not shared with third parties and is used only within this Company on a need-to-know basis. Any individually identifiable information related to this data will never be used in any way different to that stated above without your explicit permission. CookiesLike most interactive web sites this Company’s website [or ISP] uses cookies to enable us to retrieve user details for each visit. Cookies are used in some areas of our site to enable the functionality of this area and ease of use for those p eople visiting. Some of our affiliate partners may also use cookies. [If you do not use cookies, delete this clause]

Links to this website You may not create a link to any page of this website without our prior written consent. If you do create a link to a page of this website you do so at your own risk and the exclusions and limitations set out above will apply to your use of th is website by linking to it. Links from this website We do not monitor or review the content of other party’s websites which are linked to from this website. Opinions expressed or material appearing on such websites are not necessarily shared or endorsed by us and should not be rega rded as the publisher of such opinions or material. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices, or content, of these sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site & to read the privacy statements of these sites. You should evaluate the security and trustworthiness of any other site connected to this site or accessed through this site yourself, before disclosing any personal information to them. This Company will not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage in whatever manner, howsoever caused, resulting from your disclosure to third parties of personal information. Copyright Notice Copyright and other relevant intellectual property rights exists on all text relating to the Company’s services and the full content of this website. This Company’s logo is a registered trademark of this Company in the United Kingdom and other countries. The brand names and specific services of this Company featured on this web site are trade marked [delete this paragraphed clause if no registered trademark exists].

CommunicationWe have several different e-mail addresses for different queries. These, & other contact information, can be found on our Contact Us link on our website or via Company literature or via the Company’s stated telephone, facsimile or mobile telephone numbers. Force Majeure Neither party shall be liable to the other for any failure to perform any obligation under any Agreement which is due to an event beyond the control of such party including but not limited to any Act of God, terrorism, war, Political insurgence, insurrect ion, riot, civil unrest, act of civil or military authority, uprising, earthquake, flood or any other natural or man made eventuality outside of our control, which causes the termination of an agreement or contract entered into, nor which could have been reasonably foreseen . Any Party affected by such event shall forthwith inform the other Party of the same and shall use all reasonable endeavours to comply with the terms and conditions of any Agreement contained herein. Waiver Failure of either Party to insist upon strict performance of any provision of this or any Agreement or the failure of either Party to exercise any right or remedy to which it, he or they are entitled hereunder shall not constitute a waiver thereof and shall n ot cause a diminution of the obligations under this or any Agreement. No waiver of any of the provisions of this or any Agreement shall be effective unless it is expressly stated to be such and signed by both Parties.

General The laws of England and Wales govern these terms and conditions. By accessing this websit e [and using our services/buying our products] you consent to these terms and conditions and to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts in all disputes a rising out of such access. If any of these terms are deemed invalid or unenforceable for any reason (including, but not limited to the exclusions and limitations set out above), then the invalid or unenforceable provision will be severed from these terms and the remainin g terms will continue to apply. Failure of the Company to enforce any of the provisions set out in these Terms and Conditions and any Agreement, or failure to exercise any option to terminate, shall not be construed as waiver of such provisions and shall not affect the

validity of these Terms and Conditions or of any Agreement or any part thereof, or the right thereafter to enforce each and every provision. These Terms and Conditions shall not be amended, modified, varied or supplemented except in writing and signed by duly authorised representatives of the Company.

Notification of Changes The Company reserves the right to change these conditions from time to time as it sees fit and your continued use of the site will signify your acceptance of any adjustment to these terms. If there are any changes to our privacy policy, we will annou nce that these changes have been made on our home page and on other key pages on our site. If there are any changes in how we use our site customers’ Personally Identifiable Information, notification by e-mail or postal mail will be made to those affected by this change. Any changes to our privacy policy will be posted on our web site 30 days prior to these changes taking place. You are therefore advised to re-read this statement on a regular basis These terms and conditions form part of the Agreement between the Client and ourselves. Your accessing of this website and/or undertaking of a booking or Agreement indicates your understanding, agreement to and acceptance, of the Disclaimer Notice and the full Terms and Conditions contained herein. Your statutory Consumer Rights are unaffected.

Š YOUR WEBSITE HERE 2015 All Rights Reserved

Dont forget to add your website name to the bottom of the page after you Have done all that then go to your landing page and at the bottom of the Page add a text element and type in the names of your pages one by one And then click the link icon that i have pointed to

From here just add the link of the page that you have just created

Do this again for the other two pages, the reason for these pages is that You are complying with bing ads guidelines and once they see these Pages they will approve you, one other thing is when you fill in you Display url in bing ads always use your domain name in the display url But in the destination url you can use the name of you website page and It doesn,t matter what you offer is as you can create as many pages as you like all relating to different offers, Once you have all that set up then its down to placing you ad and once People start to see it they will start to sign up to your email list and this is Were you continue to email offers that relate to them and by doing this You will start to see your profits increase in a big way.

Module 6 maximum profits................. This section is going to be quick and easy... All because I have shown you how to setup a campaign... But not only that, this section is ALL about putting in more money... And getting a more back in return, Once your campaign starts running... You are going to notice that some keywords get traffic and some don't. What you want to do is start deleting some keywords doing nothing... And with the top keywords, what you want to do is create new campaigns for them. So let's say the keyword 'learning yoga' was going well. You would create an entire new campaign around only that 1 keyword. And use that keyword for your tracking ID.... That way you know which keyword is bringing in sales for you! So aside from doing that... You want to base your Ad Title around your keyword as well Last but not least, you can bump up your spending on that keyword on your daily budget so if you were bidding $5 per day... do $10... If you were bidding .05 on your keyword... bid .10 The thing with Bing is that scaling isn't the fastest in the world... However, it allows you to spend less to get the maximum profits... It really doesn't get any better than this...

seriously... Where else can you get targeted buyer clicks for only 0.05?

I’m so glad and grateful that you have made it this far and have taken the time and effort to do something about you own financial wealth and for that I congratulate you This is all a learning experience at the start so please do not give up or move on to something else just take action and do it as I really do hope that you use the information in this ebook and produce some great results and income streams for yourself and you online business Until the next time Take care and focus and take action in life Thanks

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