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WT Cares Program Offers Discipline, Skills, Confidence to Vulnerable

in 4 Asian Nations

Taekwondo's mission to empower the powerless continues across Asia

World Taekwondo (WT) started Taekwondo Cares programs in four countries - Bhutan, Cambodia, Nepal and Sri Lanka - on Dec. 10, 2021 for a one-year period.

The activities were made possible by financial support provided by the Asia Development Foundation (ADF).

The programs are designed to assist, strenghten and rehabilite the most vulnerable members of society, mentally and physcially, through training in Taekwondo.

Under the theme “Road to Recovery through Taekwondo,” the 2021-2022 Bhutan WT-ADF Cares Program kicked off a project benefitting about 400 young people at three alcohol and drug rehabilitation centers in Thimphu and Paro, and two designated schools for poomsae and demonstration education in Thimphu.

In cooperation with the Bhutan Taekwondo Federation, the USD35,000, Season 2 project provided Taekwondo training to underprivileged members of society, offering hope, dignity and happiness.

After evaluating the Season 1 Bhutan Cares Program, WT decided to continue the Season 2 program. The Bhutan Cares project team observed “renewed enthusiasm and noticeable changes in mental and physical health, discipline and outlook among Cares students who received Taekwondo training,” according to the 2020-2021 Bhutan Cares evaluation report to WT. The 2020-2021 Bhutan WT-ADF Cares Program, which ended on Dec. 9, 2021, was offered to 302 people at three drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers and one school.

Under the theme “Road to Champions" (Season 3), the 20212022 Sri Lanka WT-ADF Cares Program assisted 120 street, homeless, displaced and rehabilitating children. All received free Taekwondo training at five centers - each in Colombo, Badulla, Monaragala, Galle, and Anuradhapura.

In cooperation with the Sri Lanka Taekwondo Federation, the USD30,000, Season 3 Sri Lanka Cares Program targeted street children in Sri Lanka. The number of street children in Sri Lanka is estimated to number around 15,000. For the Cares projects, the street children were defined as children who lived in the street and were adopted by child care centers.

The previous Season 2 Sri Lanka WT-ADF Cares Program, which ran from Dec. 10, 2020 - Dec. 9, 2021, benefitted a total of 113 students in four centers, each in Colombo, Kegalle, Galle and Anuradhapura.

The Sri Lanka Season 2 Cares evaluation report, which was submitted to WT, showed that, “Taekwondo has made significant changes in students’ behavior regarding anger control and their physical health. Some of the students have shared their personal experiences.” It continued, “After enrolling in the project they were able to spend their days more productively and got more energy for their educational and other activities, more patience in difficult situations, muscle relief and new hopes for tomorrow."

Under the theme “Beginning a New Life through Taekwondo,” the 2021-2022 Cambodia WT-ADF Cares Program (Season 2) will benefit about 150 children at three training centers in three different provinces: one center for children living in landfills around Phnom Penh; one center for children living in Siem Reap floating villages; and one center for alcohol- and drug-addicted children in Poipet.

The USD30,000, Season 2 Cambodia WT-ADF Cares Program was conducted in cooperation with the Cambodia Taekwondo Federation and the Cambodia Taekwondo Academy.

The prolonged COVID-19 pandemic forced the rescheduling of the Cambodia Cares Program Season 2. WT started its Season 1 Cambodia WT-ADF Cares Program on Oct. 21, 2019 for a one-year period, targeting 20 female children victimized by trafficking and sexual slavery, and 50 male homeless street children.

Under the theme “Let’s Build the Future with Taekwondo (Season 2),” the Nepal WT-ADF Cares Program was offered to 111 children, including 65 females.

In cooperation with the Nepal Taekwondo Association, the USD30,000, Season 2 Nepal Cares program took place at three sites. A women empowerment program for deprived women and girls, and victims of household and sexual violence, was held at Maiti Nepal. Reformatory inmate programs for young prisoners took place at Prisoner Assistance Nepal (NP Nepal) and the Early Childhood Development Center (ECDC).

As its first Cares program, WT signed a one-year cooperation agreement with the Nepal Taekwondo Association in early May 2019 to launch the Nepal WT-ADF Cares Program, which benefitted 88 students from two reformatory inmate centers – Prisoner Assistance Nepal and the Early Childhood Development Centeras well as 162 students from four women empowerment centers –Rakshya Nepal, Genesis Academy, Sasha Nepal, and Maiti Nepal. Besides the one-year WT-ADF Cares programs, WT wired USD20,000 to the Taekwondo Humanitarian Foundation (THF) in December 2021, which was used for the production of T-shirts for children at the Azraq Refugee Camp in Jordan and the Elbeyli Refugee Camp in Turkiye. The funds were part of the 2021 ADF-donated funds.

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