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Chapter 25:RESOURCES
Aaker, Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing on the Value of a Brand Name (Collier Macmillan,
Toronto, Canada 1991) Elias, Patent, Copyright & Trademark (Nolo Press, Berkeley, CA, 3d ed. 1999)
US-oriented overview of patent, copyright, trademark, and trade secret laws written in nonlegalistic terms, with points on the similarities and differences of laws in other countries. Fishman, The Copyright Handbook
Step-by-step instruction and explanation of copyrights in the United States, including illustrative official forms. Fishman, Software Development: A Legal Guide
Discussion of IP laws for companies, employees, and independent workers, complete with contracts on diskette. Lindberg & Cohn, The Marketing Book for Growing Companies That Want to Excel (Van
Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York 1986)
Includes discussion of the value of product and company names and the trend toward those names becoming generic. Oathout, Trademarks: A Guide to the Selection, Administration, and Protection of Trademarks in Modern Business Practice (Charles Scribner’s, New York, 1981) Shippey, Trademark Practice & Forms (Ocean Publications, New York, 1996)
Country-by-country examination of trademark laws and procedures for registration and protection of trademarks. http://www.bitlaw.com
Online source for the US Patent and Trademark Office’s Acceptable Description of Goods and Services Manual, which is a detailed alphabetical listing of products and services with suggested descriptions and classification numbers useful for formulating the specification of goods required in applications for marks in most countries of the world. http://www.execpc.com
News, trends, and developments on trade secrets. http://www.tufts.edu/departments/fletcher/multi/trade.html
Links to international treaties for patents, trademarks, copyrights, and other IP protection. http://lcweb.loc.gov/copyright
The website of the US Copyright Office, where you can find forms, laws, regulations, and guidelines on protection of copyrights. http://www.uspto.gov
The website of the US Patent and Trademark Office, where you can search for patents and trademarks, file applications, and discover considerable information, news briefs, laws, and regulations related to intellectual property—for free. http://www.wipo.org
Information on international IP treaties and trends, including links to government and country IP websites worldwide.