1 minute read
Small Dishes for Supper, 117 to
and stew them tender in the soup. If approved, you may add an anchovy, and a spoonful of catsup. Spinach Sou/i.
Shred two handfuls of spinach, a turnip, two onions, a head of celery, two carrots, and a little thyme and parsley. Put all into a stewpot, with a bit of butter the size of a walnut, and a pint of ! broth, or the water in which meat has been boiled; stew till the vegetables are quite tender: work them through acoarse cloth or sieve with a spoon: I then with the pulp of the vegetables, and liquor, a quart of fresh water, pepper and salt, boil all toI gether. Have ready -some suet dumplings, the size of a walnut, and before you put the soup into the tureen, put them into it. T he suet must not be shred too fine,; and take care that it is perfectly fresh.
Scotch Leek Soup.
Put the boiling of a leg of mutton into a stew - pot, with a quantity of chopped leeks, and pepper and salt; simmer them an, hour, then mix some oat-meal with a little "cold water quite smooth, pour it into the soup, and setting it on a slow part of the fire, let it simmer gently; but take care that it does not burn to the bottom. Hare Soup.
Take an old hare that is good for nothing else than soup, cut in pieces, and put it with a pound and an half of lean beef, two or three shank bones of mutton well cleaned, a slice of lean bacon or ham; an onion, and a bunch of sweet herbs: pom on it' two quarts of boiiing water.: cover the jar, in which you put these, with bladder and.paper, and set it in a kettle of water i simmer till the hare is ¿tewed to pieces : strain off the liquor, and give it