World Travel Awards Supplement - ABTA WTM 2009 Day 4

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World Winners 2009


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About Us

The World Travel Awards acknowledges and celebrates those organisations that have made the greatest contribution to the global tourism and travel industry. It also recognises those brands that are driving the industry to greater heights and innovation in travel. Now celebrating its 16th anniversary, the awards has grown into a truly global search for the very best travel and tourism brands, with winners from seven regional ceremonies then progressing to the World Travel Awards Grand Final. This year, 183,000 travel professionals registered to vote and participate in the prestigious World Travel Awards programme – a phenomenal 10% rise in registrations this year compared to last year. This record number is conclusive evidence that World Travel Awards has become the “Oscars” of the global travel industry. Graham E. Cooke, Founder and President, World Travel Awards, said: “World Travel Awards is a

unique benchmark for industry quality and business excellence in every region and sector.” “The increase in registered voters, despite a global recession, demonstrates the vital role of performance delivery in a challenging and highly competitive marketplace,” he added. This level of accountability makes the World Travel Awards one of the highest accolades in the travel business and is why the award ceremony is broadcast by BBC World News and other networks to over 254 million households worldwide and attended by the industry’s global decision makers. For the tourism trade, winning a World Travel Award is more than an award – it is an

endorsement from the thousands of professionals from around the globe, as well as gold seal to the consumer of travel excellence guaranteed. The World Travel Awards has continuously evolved, expanding the number of awards as the industry has grown. There are now over 1,000 different categories – an understandable number seeing how the industry has diversified and given the fact that there were over 3,600 different nominees this year. And as confidence returns to the global economy, the World Travel Awards will be there to reward those travel and tourism players that spearhead the recovery.

“Oscars of the Travel Industry Wall Street Journal

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Meet the World’s Best Travel Brands

The Winners James Hogan, Chief Executive, Etihad Airways, World’s Leading Airline, World’s Leading Airline First Class

His Excellency Mubarak Al Muhairi, Director General, Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority World’s Leading Tourist Board

Three years ago Etihad set itself one clear and simple goal – to be the best airline in the world. I am proud of the way Etihad people all over the world have embraced that vision, backing our investment in state of the art product with the highest levels of service. We regard this award as a great honour, and a testament to the commitment of our staff. We are delighted, also, that our continued attention to the needs of our premium travellers has been rewarded with the top award for first class for the second consecutive year. As we move into 2010, we have no intention of resting on our laurels. We will continue to reinvent premium air travel as we cement our place as the world’s best airline, opening up new routes, taking delivery of new aircraft, investing in new products in the air and on the ground, and rolling out an exciting range of online initiatives.

The World Travel Award is most valued by the authority as it comes from peers within the industry we serve, manage and promote. It is also very timely as this year marks the fifth anniversary of the Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority and the award, if you like, represents our ‘coming of age.’ We plan to significantly build upon it and to live up to the confidence our valued trade partners have placed in us by voting for us. This year has been one of numerous milestones for the authority. We have implemented an accommodation classification system which is acknowledged as world-class. We have also rolled out our first generation stakeholder programme to form a more unified approach to destination development and promotion. Abu Dhabi has pushed the boundaries – with the opening of many significant resorts, the Qasr Al Sarab desert retreat and seven hotels on Yas Island. The staging of the 2009 Etihad Airways’ Formula 1™ Abu Dhabi Grand Prix was obviously a high point. In the coming year we will welcome additional attractions to Abu Dhabi including the planned Ferrari World indoor theme park on Yas Island. We are also targeting 10% additional hotel guest arrivals during 2010.

Jehan de Thé, Global Marketing Director, Europcar World’s Leading Car Hire Company, World’s Leading Leisure Car Rental Company

I would like to thank those among the 187,000 travel professionals who voted for Europcar. It is an honour for us to win this prestigious award once again. At Europcar, our priority is to offer business and leisure customers a consistently good experience and a broad range of services spanning five continents. In keeping with that, we have progressed in three main areas: our geographic reach, innovations to benefit customers, and partnerships with other leading travel industry players. We are established in all European markets, but have also continued to pursue our strategy of expanding around the world, especially in North America, Australia and New Zealand. We are deploying our “click4Wheels” B2B site. We have also recently launched a new mobile phone service for consumers ( We have renewed agreements with easyJet and TUI, launched a new service in the context of our relationship with Accor, and have renewed our partnership agreement with Swiss.

James Hogan

Jehan de Thé His Excellency Mubarak Al Muhairi


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Tareq Abdullatif Taha, Chief Executive Officer, Regency Travel and Tours

Pamela C. Conover, President & CEO, The Yachts of Seabourn

Steve Ridgway, Chief Executive, Virgin Atlantic

World’s Leading Travel Agency

World’s Leading Luxury Cruise Line

World’s Leading Travel Commercial

Winning a world travel award is a great achievement and an appreciation for the excellence of service provided. And that makes our responsibility bigger in maintaining being the world’s leading travel agency. It is so important to be recognized as the leader because reaching the top is much easier than staying on the top. This year we have expanded our operation and our network to 30 branches and implants in the State of Qatar. In our state-of the-art head office, we have innovated a unique concept – housing airlines, hotel, car rental, banks, courier and cargo services, plus a host of other services all under one roof.

Seabourn Odyssey is the first new vessel to enter the luxury segment in over six years, and she has brought a new excitement to the market. Along with Seabourn Sojourn next year and a third new sister in 2011, she represents Seabourn's commitment to the small-ship, ultra luxury cruising style for guests who prefer sailing with fewer than 500 others. These new Seabourn yachts provide us with the opportunity to introduce more and more people to the intimate, personalised style that has earned Seabourn this award, and a loyal following among discerning travellers.

“We are still red

hot after 25 years and we are all over the moon that we have scooped this World Travel Award. Thank you to everyone who’s backed us since 1984.

Tareq Abdullatif Taha

Pamela C. Conover

Steve Ridgway


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Mobile Travel Technology The mobile device joins the TV and PC as the third screen. What does that mean for you? In June 2007 Apple Inc, headed by Steve Jobs, introduced the iPhone in the U.S. and coupled with the RIM Blackberry consumers finally understood that the device they take everywhere with them does more than make phone calls and send text messages. With applications that can extend the mobile experience from simple applications that allow you to track how many miles you are running to fun applications which allow you to take a sample of a song you hear at a club which then searches the database to retrieve the title and artist. With increased phone functionality and an eager and savvy consumer population, mobile has truly taken off as a mass market device that goes beyond calling and texting. Mobile market penetration is over 100 percent in some areas of the world which means that people can own more than one phone at a time. In Africa, where access to the internet is scarce, mobile has become the communication device of choice and the world is bearing witness to an entire generation who are skipping the PC device and going straight to mobile, booming mobile sales in that region. As a result this has opened up an entirely new medium of communication for marketers to embrace which take into account changing behaviour patterns on the most widely used device on the planet.

The Mobile Web 10 July 2008 was a major miles stone for the mobile internet which had seen its fair share of problems from the days of WAP and high mobile web access charges. This was the day that Nielsen Mobile declared that the mobile web reached a critical mass of users. Due to the introduction of smart phones in the mass markets, the prime driver of mobile internet growth, and the lowering of tariff rates for mobile internet connection as well as the adoption of flat fee data plans, the mobile web has taken off. By 2013, mobile web users are expected to top 1.7 billion, according to Juniper Research. However with less than .02 percent of websites being mobile friendly, having a mobile website offers an immense opportunity to set yourself apart from the crowd. Chris Whitfield, Marketing Executive at World Mobi, a world leader in mobile web development, said: “With consumers interacting with mobile more and more, expectations are increasing, however, most companies do not have mobile websites to offer the rewarding and engaging experience that consumers expect.”

Mobile Applications Mobile applications have seen much publicity recently and while most have a natural utility such as Where Traveler, a mobile city guide for popular travel destinations, or local gas prices, which allow you to find the cheapest gas prices in the area,

some play more on the entertainment side such as the Phonesaber which allows Star Wars fans to fight out a battle with their iPhone. The fact remains that smart phones still only comprise of a small percentage of the total mobile phone market, so don't venture into this field because of hype. There must be clear goals for what needs to be achieved and a clear marketing strategy. Just because you make an application doesn't mean people use it. After all, Apple recently had its 1 billionth iPhone application downloaded so standing out from the crowd is half the battle.

Mobile Search Perhaps one of the biggest benefits the mobile web has had for consumers is the ability to conduct mobile search. Search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing have seen an exponential increase in the number of search queries which has lead Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt to say recently that mobile is at the very heart of its growth plans adding that “the fact of the matter is that mobile devices are going to be the majority of the way that people get information.” Having a mobile website will be at the heart of a company’s mobile strategy in the coming years and in the future to ensure that companies can be findable in the mobile search engines as well as serve as a landing page for other mobile marketing campaigns. Companies which embrace the mobile market will be positioned to move forward in the years to come.


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Meet the World’s Best Travel Brands

The Winners Charlie Dang, Area Managing Director, Northern China, Starwood Hotels & Resorts and GM, Westin Beijing Financial Street

Hanlie Kotze, Acting Executive Manager, The Blue Train Lounge World’s Leading Luxury Train

World’s Leading Financial District Hotel

It is indeed a great honour to receive an award that recognizes us not only in China but globally. The World Travel Award is one of the most esteemed accolades one can receive in the global travel and tourism industry and we thank it for its continuous support. What separates us from the competition is our unwavering commitment to excellence and the willingness to always seek ways in which to improve ourselves. In 2010 and beyond, we promise to continue this commitment in providing outstanding service and quality to all our guests.

Charlie Dang

Everyone would like to be associated with winning! Winning in whatever form, always brings with it a sense of gratification. But when you get chosen as a winner by your peers – in this case over 180,000 learned professionals, in the travel and tourism, now that is very special! Winning this accolade is the embodiment of all the hard work and initiatives that have gone into making our brand accessible and “a brand of choice”, especially in the past 18 months. Oh, it will be displayed especially at our Pre-departure Lounges for all to see! After all what good is a “diamond” that nobody can see?!

Hanlie Kotze The Blue Train


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Paul Griffiths, CEO, Dubai International Airport

Randy Powell, President & CEO, Rocky Mountaineer

World’s Leading Airport

World’s Leading Travel Experience by Train

This award recognizes Dubai International’s consistent delivery of quality customer service over the years. Service excellence is the single most important priority for any airport after safety and security and this award acknowledges our customer – centric approach. The opening of Dubai International’s Terminal 3 was acknowledged the world over as the most successful launch of a terminal its size and has definitely made us stand out from competition. The expansion and refurbishment of Terminal 2 has not only doubled operational capacity but has helped in considerably enhancing the customer service experience at the Airport.

“Our organization is delighted to

be the recipient of this distinguished award for the fourth time. For 20 years we have been providing the most spectacular travel experiences in the world and it is truly an honour to be recognized amongst so many internationally renowned and iconic trains. The Rocky Mountaineer

Paul Griffiths


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People P eople ar are e using usin ng mobile sear search ch engines tto engines o disc discover cover info information ormation and businesses businesses. s. W Without ithout a website w ebsite optimized optimized fo for or the mobile internet, internett, g graphics raphics p ar are e ttoo oo lar large ge tto o be useful and ttoo oo slo slow w tto o do download wnlo oad on the smaller scr screen. een. A Ass w well, ell, inf information for o mation is contextually contextually ir irrelevant relevant to to the users needs rresulting essulting in a poor user experience experience overall. overall.

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Design D gn and Enablement esig FFull u Optimization ull Bespoke Be espoke SSolutions olutions

Contact World Contact World M Mobi obi to to d discuss development de velopment of your your mobile mo obile website. website. TTel: el: e +44(0)20 7925 0000 inf fo |


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A Mobile Revolution The mobile device will be the world’s primary connection tool to the internet in 2020. The mobile phone has become a technology intertwined into our daily lives. It wakes us up in the morning, reminds us of meetings, enables us to keep in contact with family, friends and business associates, receives and sends email as well as providing access to the internet – all without restriction on time or location. The past decade has seen increasing use of the internet to research, plan, buy and share and now with internet enabled mobile phones, access to relevant and accurate information is proving a must have for consumers whilst on the move and away from a PC.

Mobile Websites Mobile websites are built to work on mobile phones. They were created so that mobile users have sites specifically tailored and formatted for their phone with less scrolling thereby delivering the needed information quicker. Mobile websites are specifically designed and tailored for the internet on mobile devices and formatted for the smaller screen size. They are therefore quicker to download and allow users to search for information with fewer clicks and scrolls. Mobile isn’t that new a technology, but it is starting to make its presence felt in travel. According to Gerry Samuels at Mobile Travel Technologies one-in-ten mobile phone owners are using their devices for travel-related services. And with more mobiles coming into use every day – particularly in emerging markets – this cannot but be a massive part of travel moving forward.

User Experience A mobile device requires an entirely different user experience. The device is smaller. The screen is minuscule compared to other desktop displays. Input methods are often different than that of a QWERTY keyboard and the user might access the mobile web using one hand while the other hand holds a cup of coffee or grips a train handle. Having a mobile website is one of the keys to success of any business now and in the future

as mobile represents the next great frontier and will become the greatest shift of the internet since the world wide web. The rapid explosion in the use of the mobile internet indicates great potential for brands to forge personal connections with users as mobile phones are intimate and personalized devices. World Mobi, a world leader in mobile web development, weighed in on the concept of being able to connect with consumers 24/7 in a footloose manner suggesting that there are enhanced opportunities to deliver relevant content to anyone regardless of their location, in turn eradicating some of the limitations that fixed internet PC access is associated with. Rhiannon Downie, World Mobi Sales Manager, added: “Having a mobile website adds value for consumers, while also being a key differentiator in today’s crowded marketplace. This service will provide the continuous flow of information that consumers have become accustomed to receiving.” The modern traveller wants to have experiences built around their personal needs. The travel industry recognises that it must go further in its adoption of mobile and is adding increased functionality.

The Market Response Major hotel brands have adopted the mobile websites including Radisson, Marriot, and Hilton. provides the functionality of checking your own reservation by first name, last name, and reservation number, as well as the ability to find a hotel, look at images of that hotel, and click to call the hotel. The mobile website focuses on information that is relevant to a traveller on the move, distilling the information necessary to the task at hand, such as confirming a reservation or simply looking for the address of a particular hotel. It is up to all suppliers in the travel and tourism industry to embrace the mobile revolution from spas to restaurants to travel agencies in keep up with the shifting demand for information.


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Meet the World’s Best Travel Brands

The Winners Brian Richardson, Vice President, Brand Marketing & Communications, Fairmont Hotels & Resorts

Michael Blunt, Vice-President Corporate Communications, OneWorld

World’s Leading Hotel Brand Website

World’s Leading Airline Alliance

Receiving awards and accolades is always a great honour, but to have our brand and so many of our hotels recognised by respected industry professionals is truly an outstanding achievement. The World Travel Awards is an excellent mark of distinction and serve as another independent testament to Fairmont’s unyielding commitment to quality and service.

The year ahead promises to be very exciting for oneworld and its member airlines. Mexicana, voted Mexico and Central America’s Leading Airline at the World Travel Awards, joins us on 10 November, adding another quality carrier to our line-up and extending our leadership in Latin America. Next year, we bring on board Russia’s leading domestic airline, S7, expanding our network considerably throughout the CIS. We will continue to focus on delivering quality service to our customers – with the aim of ensuring that the title of World Travel Awards’ “Leading Airline Alliance” stays in the hands of oneworld – a title it has held ever since the award was first presented seven years ago.

Michael Blunt

Brian Richardson


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World Winners 2009 What does it take to be a world class brand? London London has secured the World’s Leading Destination in this year’s awards. Visit London has been instrumental in ensuring that despite the tough economic conditions, the capital continued to attract visitors. The tourist board has been running a campaign across the key markets of the UK, Europe and North America, to highlight all the unique places, attractions and experiences that you can only find in London. Its aim has been to keep London front of mind and a must-visit destination for both domestic and international visitors.

Royal Caribbean Cruise Line

RCCL’s new Oasis of the Sea

Etihad Airways Etihad Airways has scooped the World’s Leading Airline Award for a number of reasons. The airline has continued to expand, invest and innovate despite the global recession. At the start of this year chief executive James Hogan pledged to have a fleet of 50 aircraft by year end – Etihad will have 52 aircraft by December. The airline also continues to add routes, setting a target of 55 by the end of 2009, which it has already surpassed. This year alone, it launched Chicago, Melbourne, Cape Town and Hyderabad. The airline also invested heavily in a new premium lounge at its home airport in Abu Dhabi, and continues to open dedicated premium lounges including one at Heathrow’s Terminal 4. Etihad also won the World’s Leading First Class for its new Diamond Class cabin, which it started rolling out across the fleet in August. The cabin is in a 1-2-1 configuration, with each seat transforming into a 6ft flat bed, complete with adjustable headrest, footrest, lumbar support, inbuilt massage and 23-inch TV with a choice of more than 600 movies. The seat also turns into a private cabin, with a sliding screen door. Diamond Class includes a dedicated limousine service, a premium lounge and on-board Food & Beverage Manager.

Tui Travel Tui Travel secured two awards this year, the World’s Leading Tour Operator and the Reponsible Tourism Award. The group is a consistently high performer in an extremely challenging environment and appeared to shrug off the economic downturn by posting an astonishing 57% increase in profits to £102m in the six months to June this year. Europe’s largest travel group cited receding fears of swine flu, including a flurry of last-minute bookings to Mexico, contributing to figures that remain on target for the financial year ending 30 September. The group has also been instrumental in the Tourism 2023 Campaign which pledges the travel industry to a sustainable future, and this year reaffirmed its pledge to create 500 new apprenticeship places for young people in 2010. Tui has an established Apprenticeship programme, and has trained more than 3,500 apprentices in the last five years.

Royal Caribbean Cruise Line has been awarded the World’s Leading Cruise Brand. The line has continued to invest through a tough year and will be launching the world’s biggest cruise ship, the 5,400-passenger Oasis of the Seas this month. The world’s second largest cruise line also won for innovation, in particular the success of Azamara, the informal luxury line which goes to off the beaten track destinations. RCCL also launched a family-friendly programme which allows kids to complete meals in the main dining room in 45 minutes and then be escorted back to the Adventure Ocean activity facilities whilst parents finish dinner.

InterContinental Hotel Group InterContinental Hotel Group secured the World’s Leading Hotel Brand. The world’s biggest hotel group counts seven brands – Holiday Inn, Holiday Inn Express, InterContinental, Crowne Plaza, Hotel Indigo, Staybridge Suites, Candlewood Suites – more than 180m stays per year, 630,000 rooms and more than 4,300 hotels in nearly 100 countries. The group was praised particularly for its generous loyalty scheme, Priority Club Rewards, which has 42m members and is now the world’s largest.

Jumeirah Group Jumeirah Group’s iconic landmark hotel, Burj al Arab has secured the World’s Leading Hotel for consistently pushing the luxury bar higher and higher. In 2009, the hotel took delivery of four bespoke Rolls Royce Phantoms, with hotel logo embroidered into the upholstered leather seats. The Rolls-Royce chauffeur service is just one of many luxury services, which include in-suite check in, a private reception desk on every floor and highly trained butlers.


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Virgin Atlantic Virgin Atlantic was the clear winner of the World’s Leading Travel Commercial for its Virgin – 25 Years Still Red Hot advertisement. The £6m campaign, which launched in January, uses a mixture of 80’s nostalgia and iconic images of huge mobile phones and Rubik’s Cubes, a classic song (Relax by Frankie Goes to Hollywood) and some extremely glamorous cabin crew to mark the airline’s 25th anniversary of its first flight to Newark on June 22, 1984.

Other winners...

Etihad Airways

Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority secured the World’s Leading Tourist Board trophy for its key role in securing the Formula 1 Grand Prix, as well as a number of other high-profile achievements. This includes the introduction of a hotel and hotel apartments classification system which has led to a number of accommodation upgrades. The authority has also stepped up its training of tourist guides, introduced a number of new events, such as the Gourmet Abu Dhabi festival and expanded its marketing outreach with the opening of overseas offices in Italy and the opening of new visitor centres with additional facilities now being planned for Al Jahili Fort in Al Ain and Abu Dhabi International Airport

The other winners are Sandals Resort International for the World’s Leading AllInclusive Company; American Express for the World’s Leading Business Travel Agency; Adam & Eve for the World’s Leading Design Hotel; India for its Incredible India campaign, which secured the World’s Leading Destination Marketing Campaign; Holland America for the World’s Leading Green Cruise Line; Tobago Main Ridge Rain Forest for World’s Leading Green Destination; and Adventures by Disney for World’s Leading Luxury Travel Operator.

Royal Jet Group Royal Jet Group won World’s Leading Private Jet Charter. The company bucked worldwide trends and reported a 15% increase in VIP charter business during the summer period. It also revamped its VIP Terminal facilities ahead of the Abu Dhabi F1 Grand Prix and becoming the only private jet charter which has personal chefs on board.

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Virgin Atlantic Airways, 25 Years Still Red Hot campaign


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Winner’s Showcase DFDS Seaways Europe’s Leading Long Sea Ferry Operator

With routes from Newcastle to Amsterdam in Holland and Harwich to Esbjerg in Denmark, award-winning cruise ferry operator DFDS Seaways offers a range of short breaks and package holidays to wonderful destinations across Europe and Scandinavia. Alternatively you can take your own car, arrive into Holland or Denmark and see where the road takes you.

Mini Cruises & Hotel Breaks In today’s busy world, one holiday is never enough. It’s no surprise that short breaks are so popular; what’s more a DFDS Seaways short break offers superb value for money. With a huge range of destinations and special trips to choose from, there’s something to suit everyone. What’s more a DFDS Seaways’ short break also includes a great cruise experience with excellent entertainment, first-rate cuisine and fun for everyone as they sail. Departing from Newcastle, customers who live in the north of England or Scotland can choose from a variety of breaks including the ever popular Amsterdam mini cruise which includes 2 nights on board ship and the best part of the day to explore this fascinating and cultural capital city. Customers can also extend their break with a great value hotel stay. We also offer themed mini cruises to Amsterdam and these include special onboard entertainment and activities. From 70’s disco to Halloween, Valentines to Comedy there’s fun onboard for all. Alternatively choose from destinations including pretty Dutch city Haarlem, Keukenhof Gardens, the traditional towns of Volendam and Edam and cheese town Alkmaar. Or further afield visit Hamelin in Germany home of the Pied Piper or beautiful Bruges in Belgium amongst many others. All trips include coach transfers. For customers in the south, departures from Harwich provide access to Scandinavia. Danish maritime city Esbjerg and wonderful Copenhagen

are popular destinations, as is the pretty historic Viking town Ribe. While children will adore a stay at the world-famous Legoland theme park and fun activity centre Middlefart.

Ferry Crossings DFDS Seaways offers a convenient and cost effective way to take your vehicle to Europe and Scandinavia. You can pack up your vehicle with everything you need, drive on board and relax. You can even take your pet for a small additional cost! Whatever your mode of transport – car, caravan, campervan, motorbike, bicycle, or even if you’re on foot – DFDS Seaways will give you the dream start to your holiday. For those in the north of England and Scotland, there really is no need to travel all the way south to Dover. Save miles and money too by sailing from Newcastle to Amsterdam. From there Germany is just 88 miles, Belgium 85 miles and France 175. And for those in the south, our route from Harwich to Esbjerg provides the only ferry route from the UK to Scandinavia and it’s an easy and scenic drive through Denmark and onto Sweden and northern Germany. You can also travel on to Copenhagen and take our ferry to Oslo for access into Norway, central Sweden and beyond.

Holidays Working with a range of accommodation providers, DFDS Seaways offers longer holidays to stunning destinations across Holland, Germany, Belgium, France and Denmark. Providers include Center Parcs Europe, Sunparks holiday villages, Novasol holiday homes, Octopus Travel and Danske Kroer & Hoteller (Danish Inns). DFDS Seaways’ customers will get a great discount when booking with these providers. What’s more

you have the added convenience of being able to take your car. Center Parcs Europe offers a perfect family holiday and you can choose from a number of lovely villages across Europe. Sunparks are very similar, offering high quality accommodation and plenty of fun activities. DFDS Seaways’ customers will receive an exclusive €50 discount on bookings before 31 December 2009. Through our holiday home provider Novasol, you can choose from many thousands of cottages and apartments across Europe. Great for couples, families and groups looking for home comforts in stunning locations. Or for those who like plenty to see and do try a touring holiday with Octopus Travel. Select hotels in various European cities and spend a few days in each. DFDS Seaways’ customers can save up to 33% on stays of 3 nights or more. Danske Kroer and Hoteller make a driving holiday around Denmark easy. In these inns customers will find rich Danish traditions and cosy atmosphere. DFDS Seaways’ customers can save up to 10% on standard prices.

Onboard Fun On a DFDS Seaways’ cruise ferry your break or holiday starts the moment you step on board. Enjoy the numerous restaurants serving delicious cuisine, the range of bars, the shops, cinema and live entertainment. And of course there’s nothing like the fresh sea air out on deck. There’s plenty to occupy the children too as there’s an onboard Kids Club with extra activities in the school holidays. Then after a fun evening on board, you can retire to your cabin for a good night’s sleep, waking next morning for your European adventure. For more details visit


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Winner’s Showcase Lisbon Europe’s Leading City Break Destination Europe’s Leading Cruise Destination Europe’s Leading Destination Discovering Lisbon: A city, a region A scenario combining the grandiosity of its history and a vanguard path toward its future, Lisbon is endowed with unique natural beauty and fascinating tourist attractions, which are intensified by the city and surrounding region’s diversity and quality. Let us begin by talking about the city and the majestic Tagus River, its faithful partner which, together, have witnessed and been shaped by many centuries of colourful events. Portuguese discoverers departed on their caravels from Belém, sailed down this river’s calm waters and then plunged into an infinite ocean on a quest to discover the New World. Ignoring the warnings of “Restelo Pessimists,” these courageous men reached other lands, encountered other civilisations and introduced Portugal to the world. They shared the language, many other aspects of our culture and even life. As fittingly phrased by the poet “...with wit and skill.” The magnitude of their achievements “over uncharted oceans” and of Portugal’s power in the 16th century is reflected by the Monument to the Discoveries, the Belém Tower and the magnificent Jerónimos Monastery on the Tagus River banks. These wonders attract thousands of tourists yearly, both Portuguese and foreign, whose awe for the Belém of Discoveries embarks their imagination on a trip through history. It’s a short “hop” from here to the historic centre. Downtown Lisbon has much to see, either by foot, on the famous 28 streetcar or, for example, on a rented environmentally friendly vehicle, some of which were especially designed for touring the historic quarters’ fascinating labyrinths. Dominated by the São Jorge Castle, Lisbon is known for its seven hills teeming with buildings of simple but extraordinarily beautiful architecture, many of which have been tastefully restored.

Downtown at night

These quarters have attracted a new set of dwellers, particularly a younger generation and many artists for whom Lisbon is their muse. The historic quarters are, in fact, a must see for many good reasons. Narrow streets whose opposing roofs nearly touch one another, squares crowded with revellers during the popular saints festivals, colourful stalls of street hawkers who yell out lively and witty sales pitches boasting the quality and freshness of their products make these quarters irresistibly charming. These quarters are the setting for Lisbon’s emblematic music: Fado, particularly amateur Fado that is on the loose, vagrant and sung nearly until dawn. It’s a moment for sharing emotions between a singer and his/her audience, which listens in silent respect, at times with closed eyes

to feel it more intensely down deep in their soul. Renowned singers and youths breathe and live Fado, because Fado has always been in their soul or, rather, from the time they were born. Alfama, Mouraria, Madragoa, Bairro Alto…, so many and so few quarters to visit make it hard for tourists to plan an itinerary, and thus the best choice is not to miss any of them. During your walk, suddenly, on turning a corner, on discovering a quaint resting place, you come across one of the many scenic viewpoints to be found throughout Lisbon, a sort of window revealing a surprising and magnificent city scenario. You then understand that, no matter how often you return to one of these viewpoints, you’ll always discover something new, a detail which you had not yet perceived. Lisbon’s light,


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Cruise ship on the River Tagus

along with its unique heritage, is one of the main reasons you’ll always be discerning something new. This is the “City of White Light,” an inspiration for artists and poets who have immortalised it in their paintings and writings. But Lisbon is also a city of contrasts, a city that has preserved its history with the same diligence and care it gives to its modern and daring projects, both worlds standing side by side in surprising harmony. Created by renowned architects and artists, these works enrich the city and heighten its appeal. In fact, the city is prodigious in the number and variety of attractions, particularly cultural venues. For example, within a very short period, it has inaugurated the Berardo Collection Museum in Belém, a leading international museum of modern and contemporary art, the Oriente Museum in Alcântra, which reveals the greatness and exquisiteness of Asian art, and the “recently-born” Museum of Design and Fashion – MUDE, now housed in a bank’s former head office located in

Jerónimos Monastery

the historic centre known as Baixa Pombalina. And speaking of modern Lisbon, we come to Parque das Nações. A vanguard vein dominates this area located on the city’s eastern edge along the Tagus River margin. Rescued from a semidilapidated condition and transformed into the Expo '98 grounds, it became home to the Oceanarium, one of Europe’s largest oceanariums and Lisbon’s most visited facility, as well as the multi-purpose Atlantic Pavilion which has staged some of today's most popular performers. Beyond the capital, there also lies a region worth discovering. Lisbon lives up to its classification of city and resort – recommended by the leading media channels worldwide – which exposes visitors to a very personal experience by combining this capital city’s wonders with a vast range of excellent regional tourist attractions. All of which are only a short distance away and easily reached through an excellent transport network. Lisbon is more than an amalgamation of cosmopolitanism wonders overlooking the Tagus

River. It’s also a stepping stone for visiting the romantic town of Sintra, which has long inspired poets and many authors, or for visiting the Estoril Coast and basking in its glamorous atmosphere. Fátima, one of the world's main Marian sanctuaries, is ideal for meditation, whilst Tomar bears witness to the Knights Templar who once settled here. The Oeste region – fertile and multicoloured – features Óbidos, a culturally rich Museum Town, the low-lying plains of Ribatejo where horses and bulls dot the landscape, and the nature and diversity of Setúbal and Tróia’s inspirational and charming coastline. Modernity, authenticity and unmatched personal experiences make Lisbon an irresistible challenge for tourists and a destination regularly featured in the guides of leading international media channels. Having confirmed their excellent choice from experience, visitors leave with a firm desire to return feeling what Portuguese call “saudade,” which is to say longing and nostalgia.

Typical street lamp


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Winner’s Showcase Lopesan Villa del Conde Resort & Corallium Thalasso Spain’s Leading Golf Resort

The Lopesan Villa del Conde Resort & Corallium Thalasso is excellently situated on the sea front on the south part of Gran Canaria, very close to Meloneras beach (300m) and just a few minutes on foot to the lighthouse and the dunes of Maspalomas Nature Preserve (800m). The 56,340m2, 5 star hotel’s construction reflects some of the most common characteristics from the canary Island traditional architecture and presents a similar structure to that of a welcoming town on the island, with a central square, gardens and charming stately homes with hanging wooden balconies. The spectacular reception is an authentic adaptation of one of the oldest churches on Gran Canaria, with two main towers, a bell tower and central dome. The hotel goes from two floors up to a maximum of six. Is perfectly communicated by 10 lifts and has 561 bedrooms, of which 521 are double rooms and 40 are suites. Very spacious and recently furnished, they have bathroom with bathtub, an independent shower, lounge, a separate dressing room, a sofa bed, a hairdryer, air conditioning, desk, satellite television with national and international channels, Wi-Fi Internet access (at an extra charge), direct line telephone, mini bar (with charge), safe to rent, furnished balcony and garden or sea views

(according to category). The suites also have a separate bedroom and lounge, a hydrotherapy shower, two plasma television sets and DVD player and free WIFI Internet access. The senior suites, are bigger, they have hammocks in the balcony and sea views. There are 5 Standard double rooms adapted for people with disabilities. The hotel’s large gardens have a huge variety of sub tropical and native plants and surround the magnificent pool area. There are 5 swimming pools (one of which is saltwater and 3 are heated in the winter), 3 Jacuzzis, a children’s swimming pool (heated), an artificial beach and various terraces with hammocks and parasols. The Lopesan Villa del Conde Resort has 5 stupendous restaurants which offer an excellent and select gastronomy. The half board accommodation, which includes breakfast and dinner, is served in La Plaza Restaurants hot and cold buffet. The buffet includes tasty dishes characteristic from regional, national and international cuisine, as well as different types of products for those on diets. If you wish to have dinner, the hotel offers at your service two alternatives: the Ovo Club Restaurant specialized in Mediterranean creative dishes, and the Italian Restaurant “The Patio”, specialized in fresh pasta. The use of long trousers for men is obligatory

during dinner. You can have lunch in the Alpendre Salt Grill Restaurant, which complements its extensive menu with a splendid salad buffet, or in The Patio Snack Café which includes a delicious assortment of ice creams, cakes and crêpes, if you want something lighter to eat. To help with your daytime and nighttime needs, the hotel has 6 lively bars, each with very different environments. The Akoran Lobby bar, located in the hall, is a perfect meeting point. In the central square of the complex you can find the Zythum brewery and the Patio snack bar, with coffee and tea being its specialty, and an Internet Café (at extra charge). Next to the swimming pools, in the solarium area, the Alpendre pool bar and the Azotea Bar are located; they provide take away snacks and drinks. In the main building, the Tizziri lounge (open at night) has a dance floor and a pleasant and spacious summer terrace. Without a doubt one of the best attractions of The Lopesan Villa del Conde Resort & Corallium Thalasso is its extraordinary Thalasso therapy Centre, Corallium Villa del Conde (at an extra charge). Well situated on the edge of the sea, just under the promenade, it enjoys some sensational views to the ocean. Equipped with 1.200m of modern and well lit facilities, the Corallium


Thalasso offers, besides the traditional seawater treatment, an innovative offering of special treatments for groups or for couples called "Ocean View Suites". These suites, surrounded by water, have their own underwater massages pools and a relaxation terrace. Sport lovers can use the hotels gymnasium, artificial and quartz sand tennis courts (at an extra charge), tennis classes (at an extra charge), volleyball, ping-pong, a putting green, bowls, darts, billiard tables (at an extra charge). Close to the hotel you can also do activities such as horse riding, sailing, windsurf, water skiing, diving, Padel

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and squash. Golf lover can also benefit from interesting discounts on green fees at the Meloneras golf course (1km) and Maspalomas golf course (less than 3km). A free shuttle bus is provided to travel to these golf courses. To complete this sports offering, the hotel’s entertainment team organizes different activities given in various languages, and for 6 days a week. Children from 4 to 12 years have their own miniclub, with shows especially created for them. For families with small children an optional babysitting service also exists (at an extra charge and subject to petition). At night, in the hotel’s

central square, nighttime entertainment is celebrated, with an orchestra and professional shows. Very close to the hotel (500m), The Lopesan Costa Meloneras Resort casino can be found, it is open all year round. The casino includes fruit machines, a poker games room, blackjack and American Roulette, a restaurant and an auditorium.

Mar MediterrĂĄneo, 7. 35100 Meloneras, Gran Canaria, Spain. Tel: +34-928-563-200 Fax: +34-928-563-222 E-mail: For more Information and Bookings: E-mail: Tel: 902 450 010 +34 928 12 81 58 / 928 12 81 48 Fax: +34 928 12 81 47


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golfoeste PORTU G AL

Praia d’El Rey Golf & Beach Resort (Marriott Hotel) | Óbidos Tel. +351 262 905 005 The Westin CampoReal Golf Resort & Spa (Westin Hotel) | Torres Vedras Tel. +351 261 960 900

t s a o c r e v l i s c i t s u A fa nt a o y r o f wa it i n g

Golden Eagle, Residence & Golf Resort Rio Maior Tel. +351 243 940 040 Bom Sucesso Design, Leisure & Golf Resort Óbidos Tel. +351 262 965 310 Vimeiro Golf Resort (Golf Mar Hotel) | Torres Vedras Tel. +351 261 980 800 Botado Golf Club (Atlântico Golfe Hotel) | Peniche Tel. +351 262 757 700 Royal Óbidos Spa & Golf Resort (open 2011) | Óbidos Tel. +351 262 960 241

GOLFOESTE Rua Direita, n.º 87 – Apartado 42 – 2510-914 Óbidos – Portugal Tel. +351 262 955 060 – Fax +351 262 955 061 |


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Winner’s Showcase St Raphael Resort Cyprus’ Leading All-inclusive Resort Mediterranean’s Leading Resort Welcome to the St Raphael Resort… the one & only 5* hotel in Cyprus that is able to offer Ultra All Inclusive packages, as well as other terms of stay, made to suit each individual requirement whether for a holiday, wedding, business trip or group event.

Location Located on the outskirts of Limassol, the St Raphael combines all the advantages of a carefully chosen, tranquil location: the calm sea at our doorstep and the colourful liveliness of Limassol just a few miles away. With convenient access to the island’s modern road network, the hotel is hardly more than an hour’s drive from any other coastal town, mountain village or tourist attraction.

Accommodation Of the 272 tasteful bedrooms, 216 are recently renovated and 56 are new executive rooms. 90% of the rooms have magnificent view over the Mediterranean Sea with a balcony. Every room is equipped with air-conditioning, safety deposit boxes, colour plasma 26 inch tv, radio, direct dial telephone, internet access, mini-bar, coffee and tea making facilities and hairdryer. To add to the luxurious tone 6 Admiral Suites with private Jacuzzi.

Restaurants There are six excellent choices of restaurants to suit all moods and occasions: The Octagon serves International Cuisine, The Palladium serves theme night buffet dinners, The Splash Restaurant specializes in grills and fast food, The Phoenician Restaurant is our highly sophisticated restaurant with a fusion of Arabic and Mediterranean cuisine served in a traditional meze , The Beach Bar serves snacks and appetising treats during the summer months, while our award winning Sailor’s Rest Lounge Bar Restaurant is situated in the heart of the St. Raphael’s Marina, serving gourmet cuisine and snacks throughout the day.

Bars Three magnificent bars are available in the resort. These include the Captain’s Bar and Terrace with breathtaking views over the Mediterranean Sea and Marina, The Amphibion Wet and Dry Pool Bar which is a one of a kind daytime bar serving drinks and refreshments either in the cool water or under the shade from the pergola and The Beach Bar which caters for those who like to be closer to the sea.

Leisure With 43,000 square meters of landscaped gardens and large sandy beach, the resort is an oasis of pleasure for those who wish to relax or for those who are sports enthusiasts. The resort features two floodlit tennis courts, a health club and spa with a new fully equipped gymnasium, sauna, steam bath, Jacuzzi, solarium and Thalgo Spa Treatments. Swimmers can choose between the two outdoor swimming, one indoor swimming pool or the sea. There is also an array of activities such as beach volley, water sports, badminton, archery plus many more.

Conference Facilities A variety of banqueting and conference rooms offers facilities and space to cater for any type of event. Several conference rooms and halls are supported by audio-visual systems, secretarial assistance, and modern telecommunications facilities. The combination of space, service and facilities provided ensure St. Raphael Resort’s place as one of the leading conference hotels in Cyprus. • • • •

90% based on Sea View Rooms Welcome drink upon arrival at hotel Private group check-in Upgrade to a Superior room for the Group Leader upon availability • Free use of gym facilities, tennis court, swimming pools • Conference room hire with a selection of equipment

Weddings The romantic setting of St. Raphael Resort provides the idyllic choice for a wedding holiday. Located on a large sandy beach, with its very own private marina and 43,000m2 of

landscaped gardens, the luxurious hotel can cater for any size or style of wedding with choices of locations either inside or outside. The renovated hotel provides excellent accommodation with 90% of the rooms having a magnificent view over the Mediterranean Sea with private balconies Religious and Civil Ceremonies are available at fee. The St. Raphael Chapel was built in 2006 and is a unique and atmospheric chapel for anyone’s special day. The chapel is situated close to the beautiful pleasure pool of the executive wing with a magnificent view of the sea and marina. The marble and glass mosaic floor was completed by hand by local artists, while the local tradition of icons has been combined with beautiful stained glass windows and wood surroundings to give the chapel the ultimate Island ambience second to none, whatever your domination is. There is an idyllic stone amphitheatre around the chapel creating the ultimate Mediterranean feeling. A huge variety of choice is available for those who wish to have civil services of either weddings or renewal of vows. From the large sandy beach, to the exotic gardens, next to the 1000 year old olive tree, or in the centre of our Ancient-Style 5 tier amphitheatre, the choice of venues is unique and each couple can ensure that they will be able to find exactly what they had always dreamed of. Amathus Avenue, P.O. Box 51064, 3594 Limassol, Cyprus Tel: (++357) 25634100, Fax: (++357) 25636394,


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Usain Bolt collects the coveted World Sports Awards “Men’s Athlete of the Year” from Graham Cooke, President, World Sports Awards

Jamaica tourism blossoms through sporting brilliance Jamaica’s sporting excellence took to the world stage in August this year when Usain Bolt smashed two world records for the 100m and 200m sprints, and captured the hearts and imaginations of fans across the globe. Standing trackside for the victory, the island’s tourism officials were overwhelmingly jubilant, as nowhere better understands the link between sport and tourism. Jamaican Minister for Tourism, Hon Edmund Bartlett said: “The impact of Usain Bolt breaking the world records is inestimable. Bolt’s momentous achievements, along with those of his fellow compatriots during the IAAF Championships in Berlin, has given sports tourism in Jamaica a shot in the arm. The Jamaica Tourist Board and the Ministry of Tourism are now actively pursuing plans for strengthening the links between sports and tourism.” The JTB got firmly behind its stable of athletes at the World Athletics Championships with its Jamaica & Tui VIP Lounge, repeating the success of its VIP Sports Lounge at the Westin Beijing during the 2008 Olympics. The brainchild of Edmund Bartlett, the Club Jamaica VIP Lounge played host to dignitaries, VIPs and leaders from the worlds of sport and travel, and capitalised on the amazing buzz that surrounds the Jamaican team. Mr Bartlett said: “The last nine days has proven beyond doubt that the power of sport can redefine a nation’s world-wide perception and the

natural synergies can revolutionise a destination’s travel and tourism industry.” Bolt rounded off a brilliant World Athletics Championshsips by being guest of honour at an exclusive reception at the VIP Lounge, where he picked the coveted World Sports Awards “Men’s Athlete of the Year”. Recently awarded Jamaica’s fourth highest honour, the Order of Jamaica, Bolt is also set to become an appointed ambassador-at-large and to be accorded full diplomatic status. In addition, the Jamaican government will rename Highway 2000, Jamaica’s high speed expressway, the Usain Bolt Highway in honour of the track superstar. In addition to promoting the excellence of its athletics stars, the Jamaica Tourist Board is also engaged in a number of other marketing initiatives to promote sports tourism. For the second year running the JTB is sponsoring a yacht in the prestigious Clipper Round The World Yacht Race. The Jamaica yacht has been officially endorsed by Usain Bolt and was named at the start of the race, Jamaica Lightning Bolt.

Families This year the JTB stand at WTM is carrying a strong family theme. With an agreeable exchange rate, year round sunshine and so much for young kids as well as teenagers, Jamaica is the perfect family destination, and has recently been ranked as one of the cheapest long-haul destinations according to the Costs Barometer in the Post Office Travel Services latest survey. Jamaica has also recently been voted the third happiest country in the world according to a “Happy Planet Index” taken by the UK’s New Economics Foundation ( Elizabeth Fox, Director Jamaica Tourist Board, UK & N Europe commented: “Any visitor to Jamaica will agree it is a happy place to be and has all the factors to make people smile; from the laid back vibe to the lively music festivals, great beaches, water sports and activities, tasty local cuisine and above all the friendly people.” She added: “Jamaica’s happy factor also applies to the great value it offers British visitors at the moment with a very favourable exchange rate of J$140 to £1. This is a real attraction for Britons avoiding Euro-zone countries and following the increasing trend of booking long-haul destinations such as Jamaica.”


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Jamaica – home of world-class beaches

Product updates New airlift to Montego Bay British Airways has just started twice weekly flights from Gatwick to Montego Bay, Jamaica with departures leaving every Thursday and Saturday. Return fares to Montego Bay start from £634 and include taxes, fees and charges. This new route underlines the airline’s commitment to the Caribbean and reflects an increase in demand for flights to the destination.

New attractions Opening later in 2009, Bird of Paradise Canopy Tour White River Valley, located just outside Ocho Rios, will provide guests with a birds-eye view of the area. The three-traverse ride, offers breathtaking views of the White River Valley and the 500 ft. traverse takes guests over the Valley to a platform in a Guangu tree concealed by tropical flora. The Rastafari Indigenous Village (MBJ) is a cultural theme-park that will showcase the life of the

Rastafari of Jamaica. It is located in the Montego River Valley in the Parish of St. James. Visitors will be guided through the growth and the journeys of the Rastafari and their messages to the world - from inception to present time, outlining their history and culture.

Solis The Palmyra Resort & Spa in Montego Bay opened last month offering 299 residences. Located within the enclave of Rose Hall, Solis The Palmyra stretches along one-half mile of pristine Caribbean ocean. The property is the first luxury beachfront condo hotel in Jamaica and golfers can choose from three nearby championship golf courses.

Hotel updates


Secrets Resorts & Spas – Secrets will be opening two new properties in Jamaica in March 2010, Secrets St James and Secrets Wild Orchid both in Montego Bay. The luxury resort chain will be offering ‘Unlimited luxury’ for the adults only holidaymaker.

Montego Bay Convention Centre Ground was broken in February in Rose Hall to begin construction of the Montego Bay Convention Centre. The facility will be built on 35 acres of land opposite the Shops at Rose Hall. Construction is expected to be completed towards the end of 2010. The Centre is being designed as a modern state of the art facility, capable of hosting large and small meetings, conferences, exhibitions, banquets, weddings and other events. The Centre will provide over 50,000 sq. ft. of exhibition space, over 20,000 sq.ft. of banquet facility and over 11,000 sq.ft. of meeting space.

Spanish Court Hotel – the newly opened Spanish Court Hotel is the first major new hotel in Kingston in nearly 40 years bringing with it fine dining, urban style and contemporary amenities to Jamaica's capital.


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World Sport Destination Expo is the world’s first exhibition and conference dedicated to showcasing the $600 billion a year sport tourism industry. The world’s leading sporting destinations, bidding nations and cities, resorts and hotels, sporting bid committees, tour and event organisers, international media and elite buyers will for the very first time convene to conduct future business, source new contacts and markets and gain invaluable insights from the advanced knowledge of industry leaders and figure-heads. Fully endorsed by the leading authorities in sport and travel and tourism and uniquely co-located alongside the final week of the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa, the landmark 5 day exhibition and conference programme will showcase the most rapidly growing sector in the global travel and tourism industry. At a time when some traditional tourism trends are in decline, sport tourism continues to flourish and is set to grow exponentially in the next decade. 50,000 visitors are expected to attend this ground-breaking event on the 5-9 July 2010 as the sport tourism industry congregates in Johannesburg ahead of the final match of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Participation in World Sport Destination Expo is critical to those companies involved in the sport tourism market-place, and those serious in assuming a market share of the industr y’s fastest growing and most dynamic sector.

To exhibit go to To visit go to For more information contact


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“ “ “ “

If you represent a destination eager to win the rights to host major sporting events, if you are a region or resort offering sporting facilities, if you are a purchaser of sport tourism, or a member of the international sports media, I urge you to participate in this must attend global event.” Gianni Merlo, President, International Sports Press Association

We are looking forward to attending WSDE to conduct new business, to add to our growing portfolio and to forge new long-term business relationships with all the destinations exhibiting.This unique ground breaking event will allow us to do this all under one roof!” Nathan Wilson, Managing Director,Thomson Sport

It was vital that Rio de Janeiro secured a large presence at WSDE. We are hugely looking forward to the unrivalled promotional platform that WSDE will provide our great city and the opportunity to show to the world that Rio means business.” Paulo Senise, Executive Director, Rio Convention & Visitors Bureau

As host of the up-coming Winter Olympics, we appreciate the value of sport tourism and event hosting, which has been identified by World Sport Destination Expo. Hosting major sporting events shine the global spotlight on your country and will provide invaluable legacies in terms of economic, tourism, community and sport development. As well, the tremendous spirit of volunteerism and crosscultural understanding that comes with hosting the world is incalculable and will benefit your country for years to come. British Columbia has certainly experienced the benefits of hosting major events. In 2008 Vancouver was declared the top Sport City for event hosting in North America and 5th best in the World.” Honourable Gordon Campbell, Premier of British Columbia

“ “

Sport, hosting nations and cities and travel and tourism have come together very powerfully in recent years. You only have to look at the coverage of Brazil’s 2016 Olympic win to see that interest is at an all time high. WSDE will be the first dedicated business forum for destinations to secure the tourism benefits of hosting sporting events and to maximise the potential of future hosting bids.” Phil Savage, Publishing Director, SportBusiness Group

WSDE will change the landscape of the sport tourism industry. By bringing together all the key stake-holders of sport tourism products and services around the world, WSDE is set to become one of the most important international events in the travel and tourism calendar and we are privileged to be the inaugural hosts.” Lindiwe Mahlangu, CEO, Johannesburg 2010 FIFA World Cup Host City

Do not miss out on the sport tourism event of the decade Partners


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Mauritius. So much more than perfect beaches.

If you’re looking for more than just miles of beautiful unspoiled, white sandy beaches and warm turquoise lagoons, Mauritius is for you. Trek in the lush interior with its majestic mountains, pristine forests and breathtaking waterfalls, tee off on one our award winning golf courses or take to the air kite surfing. Explore the colourful markets for designer fashions and exquisite jewellery or simply relax and be pampered in a luxurious spa at one of our world-class hotels. You will be charmed by the warmth of our welcome and delighted by our unrivalled levels of service that brings visitors back year after year.

C‘e st u n pl a i sir For a brochure or more information call the Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority on Tel 020 7902 2955, email or visit


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Winner’s Showcase Adventures by Disney World’s Leading Luxury Tour Operator Vacations that connect families with the world. And each other. Adventures by Disney is recreating the way families think about vacationing together. Launched in 2005, Adventures by Disney provides immersive, hassle-free and exhilarating guided family vacation experiences to destinations in Europe, the Americas, Africa, Asia and Australia. With Disney-trained Adventure Guides, engaging activities, VIP experiences and personal touches throughout, Adventures by Disney excites and delights every member of the family. Adventures by Disney designs tours with the family in mind, introducing families to diverse cultures and exciting activities with 19 immersive, authentic, fun and educational trips to destinations throughout the United States and around the world. Every aspect of each trip –from excursions and accommodations to dining – is specifically designed for families traveling together. Immersive activities created just for kids allow young travelers to learn and have fun in a variety of places. These unique vacations, rooted in Disney’s legacy of delivering world class service and highquality family travel experiences, provide distinctive opportunities and special touches to make memories for families that will last a lifetime.

The Disney difference From snorkeling with sea turtles in the Galapagos to discovering Europe’s classic history, each itinerary is as matchless as its surroundings. Yet one aspect holds true for every trip: the special touches that are collectively called, The Disney Difference. Adventure Guides: Part storyteller, ambassador, concierge and role model, Adventures by Disney’s highly-trained Adventure Guides are the friendly hosts and travel specialists who lead guests on every trip. With two guides assigned for every group (of up to 40 people), travelers receive individual attention to ensure a fabulous and enriching vacation. Junior Adventurers: Young travelers are transformed into Junior Adventurers – seeing, hearing and tasting things they might otherwise not have experienced. For example, at the Louvre in Paris, the Junior Adventurers play an Art Detective game throughout the museum with their Adventure Guides, while adults take a privately-guided tour with an art historian. In addition, the Adventure Guides are expert storytellers and are trained to create entertaining and unique, locally-based experiences for kids. On almost every departure, there is also a Junior Adventurers night, in which the kids have a special evening experience with their Guides, while the adults get a quiet evening on their own nearby. Local Experts: An authentic Tuscan chef, a naturalist from Costa Rica, a Chinese tai chi master – these local experts share a passion; they live and breathe the local history and culture of their destination. They are an integral part of every Adventures by Disney vacation. They join guests to share their stories and provide an “insider’s” perspective to each destination.

VIP Access: Travelers vacationing with Adventures by Disney receive VIP experiences that are practically impossible to schedule on their own. Special entry to otherwise crowded sites, one-of-a-kind accommodations (such as castles in Ireland and Germany, an authentic Yellowstone dude ranch and lodging at the base of an active volcano in Costa Rica). Guests also get backstage access to celebrated performances, for example, “Disney’s The Lion King” in London. These are just a few of the exceptional moments woven through each itinerary, promising expedited service and a broader knowledge of each destination.


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What’s New: If it’s new at Adventures by Disney, Guests can find it here first. From special offers to special trips, new departure dates, even brand-new destinations. Rates and Dates: Guests can check current pricing, utilize planning tools and find departures that work with their schedule. Just as Adventures by Disney creates familyfriendly adventures with the child in mind, so too are online activities designed for kids. Junior Adventurers can get a taste of the authentic reallife experiences they will soon explore by means of destination-specific games, trivia, photos, downloadable coloring maps and countdown calendars.

Let the adventures begin From Alaska to Australia, Costa Rica to Canada, Adventures by Disney itineraries travel to 19 locations spanning six continents: Asia, Pacific & Africa • Enchanted China, China • Safari to South Africa, South Africa • Discovery Down Under, Australia Europe • Cities of Knights and Lights, England and France • The Emerald Isle, Ireland • Once Upon a Fairytale, Germany • Alpine Magic, Italy and Switzerland • Viva Italia, Italy • Bella Italia, Central Italy South America • Path to Pura Vida, Costa Rica • Treasures of the Galapagos, Ecuador and Galapagos Islands • Sacred Valleys and Incan Cities, Peru

North America • Spirit of America, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, PA and Williamsburg, VA • Quest for the West, Wyoming • Southwest Splendors, Arizona and Utah • Backstage Magic, Southern California • Golden Path to Yosemite, Northern California • Taming the Last Frontier, Alaska • Rocky Trails and Mountie Tales, Montana and Canada

Guests wanting more information about Adventures by Disney can visit, call 877/728-7282, or contact their travel agent.

Worldwide and on the Web Discover even more about each incredible destination online at www.Adventuresby –an interactive Web site featuring: Trip Selector: An online tool to help Guests find the perfect vacation for their family. Day-By-Day Itineraries: Guests can print daily itineraries for every amazing destination; get a preview of everything from the exciting activities to the thoughtfully chosen accommodations and a “taste” of the incredible dining experiences.

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Winner’s Showcase 88Xintiandi China’s Leading Boutique Hotel 88Xintiandi, a Boutique Hotel located in the internationally-acclaimed Shanghai Xintiandi, one of the city’s most exciting districts, set in the former French Concession. The location is convenient, located in the city centre adjacent to the business district on Huai Hai Zhong Road, and within walking distance from an array of commercial, shopping, dining and entertainment areas. 88 Xintiandi is a home of luxurious comfort and heartfelt service. Offering 53 fully equipped rooms and suites overlooking either Taipingqiao Lake and Park or Xintiandi view. The interior design is luxurious in style, showcasing a modern look. The open space design emulates the distinctive aura that flows from traditional Chinese and Southeast Asian style, to create a luxurious, comfortable, and uninterrupted period of rest and leisure during your stay. 88Xintiandi has proudly won the following prestigious awards:• Asia’s Best Business Branding Hotel, 2009 from the Asia Hotel Leadership Summit, held annually by the China Tourism and Hotel Management Committee. • Asia’s Best Business Branding Hotel, 2008 from the Asia Hotel Leadership Summit, held annually by the China Tourism and Hotel Management Committee. • China’s Leading Boutique Hotel, 2008 from World Travel Awards, hailed by the Wall Street Journal as the Oscars of the Travel Industry. • China’s Leading Boutique Hotel, 2007 from World Travel Awards. • Best Boutique Hotel in China, 2007 in the World Traveller Media “Top 10 Awards”. It was the first year that these awards were been held and it was a huge honour for 88Xintiandi to be the first hotel to win in this category. • In 2006, 88Xintiandi was nominated in the category for “China’s Leading Hotel” in the World Travel Awards.

With 53 fully equipped rooms and suites, the following are the guest benefits and room facilities that we have in store for the guest:• Complimentary buffet breakfast in Executive Lounge. Try our home made juices. • Complimentary morning tea/coffee served in the Lobby. • Super King size beds. Average room sizes of 60sqm. • Complimentary fruit plate with daily replenishment. • Free use of indoor pool, gym, sauna, steam room & jacuzzi facilities. • Free use of broadband internet access and wireless. • Free usage of laptop, hand phone and camera upon request. • Juice blender, coffee machine and tea making facilities. Welcome tea. • Secretarial facilities (our signature large executive desk and a mini business centre with a 4 in 1 printer combined with scanner, fax and copy machine. • Pantry with mini bar, personal private small wine cellar, microwave and sink. • Surround Sound system, with max 42 inch flat screen TV, wireless in-room phone. • Calming Angel Music to ensure that a peaceful atmosphere is created inside the room. • Foot Reflexology massage system available. • Ladies personal make-up corner, gadgets inclusive. • Be surprised with our own knowledge card and booklets. • All rooms with a balcony are prepared for you with aromatherapy oils. • Air Purifying and Humidity System, high performance, allergy friendly environment. • Ray X-Well e-smog devices to reduce the negative effects of magnetic fields and electro magnetic impulses.

• Centra Star Bedding from top German brand. Centra star is a product combination of modern, breathable materials with innovative technology to create a unique sleeping experience. Some of the ranges which have been introduced are as follows:

Wellness (Let Vitamin E enhance your skin while you sleep) This luxurious duvet collection is wholly unique. The high quality bedding fibre is made from a bamboo-cotton cosmetic textile with Vitamin E. It has been proven that the skin absorbs this Vitamin E during the night, re-defining the term “beauty sleep”. Designed by NASA and developed in Germany.

Allegro fit (Allowing allergy sufferers to sleep better) Allegro fit is the gentlest and most effective way of preventing allergens in your sleeping environment. The anti-microbial fibre AMICOR Pure is proven to protect you and your family from allergens and bacteria all night long.

Challenge (Not too warm, not too cold – just right) A duvet with active temperature regulation – that is Challenge with Outlast ® PCM fibre. Its micro capsules mean that it is able to retain excess body heat and radiate it back when needed, so you maintain the optimum body temperature throughout the night. 88 Spa facilities include a gym, a swimming pool, a jacuzzi, and sumptuous changing rooms complete with saunas, steam rooms and a range of lavish amenities. Yoga classes, exercise classes and numerous indulgent massages and beauty treatments are also available, to ensure that guests are pampered from tip to toe. We have fused a high degree of luxury with a simple, stressfree and unintimidating approach, so that 88 Spa is a space in which guests feel completely and utterly relaxed.


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World Sport Destination Expo is the world’s first global exhibition and congress dedicated to showcasing the $600 billion a year sport tourism industry. At a time when traditional tourism trends are in decline, sport tourism continues to flourish and is set to grow dramatically in the next decade. Participation in World Sport Destination Expo is vital to those companies involved in the sport tourism market-place, and those serious in assuming a market share of the industry’s fastest growing sector. Over 5 dynamic business-focussed days you will be in pole position to: • • • • • • •

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Do not miss out on the travel and tourism event of the year. To exhibit go to To visit go to For more information contact Partners


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How to Enter 2010 The World Travel Awards serves to acknowledge, reward and celebrate the achievements of the brightest players in the global travel and tourism industry. If you think your organisation stands in a class of its own then visit for an online entry form. Self nomination for 2010 opens 11 January.


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“Oscars of the Travel Industry� Wall Street Journal

World Travel Awards Grand Tour 2010 Our events are attended by the top level decision makers - more than 70 percent of our attendees are Director level or above. Our events are the perfect platform to gain your brand top-level exposure. Our events are famed for the great networking opportunities. For more information and to book tickets please email:

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