The General Assembly of Partners Constituent Groups

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Partner Constituent Groups The General Assembly of Partners is composed of 14 Partner Constituent Groups (PCG), based on the major groups, Habitat Agenda Partners and other relevant stakeholders. All Partner Constituent Groups (PCG) are involved with the advancement of new concepts, ideas and methodologies in the field of sustainable urbanization and human settlement development, especially urban planning and design, including public spaces and streets, urban transport and mobility, climate change and environment, energy, disaster risk reduction and rehabilitation, housing and slum upgrading, safety and security in cities. Each PCG brings to these concerns its members particular values, interests and perspectives. See list below (in alphabetical order). Business and Industries The Business and Industries PCG represents private sector companies and organizations and aims to stimulate the global business community through individual and shared approaches to support sustainable urbanization. It promotes responsible corporate citizenship, adopts progressive environmental practices, and creates partnerships with civil society actors.

Chair: Carina Larsf채lten, World Business Council for Sustainable Development Co- Chair: Bert Smolders, Arcadis

Children and Youth The Children and Youth PCG represents agencies and groups that bring the voices of children and youth, especially the most vulnerable, to national and global processes. It is a shared platform for the future leaders and citizens of our cities to advocate for their genuine inclusion in addressing urban vulnerabilities and contributing to key decision making mechanisms that shape the city we need.

Chair: Hirotaka Koike, UN Major Group for Children and Youth Co-Chair: Joyati Das, World Vision International

Civil Society Organizations The Civil Society Organizations PCG represents non-governmental organizations and institutions that manifest interests and will of citizens and include the family and the private sphere referred to as the third sector of society.

Chair: Jane Katz, Habitat for Humanity Co-Chair: Greg Budworth, Compass Housing

Farmers The Farmers PCG represents peasants, farmers, pastoralists and fishermen who have an interest in ruralurban synergies. This particularly includes women, the youth and those who have been historically subjected to racial, ethnic and gender discrimination.

Chair: Mildred Crawford, Caribbean Network of Rural Women Producers

Co-Chair: Martha Andzie Yeful (Martha Ansah Conduah), ACAIRWF Advocacy of Climate Change and its Impact on Rural Women Farmers of Ghana

Foundations and Philanthropies The Foundations and Philanthropies PCG represents non-governmental entities established as independent, separately constituted non-profit bodies with their own established and reliable sources of income. They are usually but not exclusively funded by an endowment, and have their own governing boards. They have been given goods, rights, and resources to perform work and provide support for public benefit purposes, either by supporting organizations or individuals or by operating their own programs. They do not have members, but associate private resources for public interest purposes.

Chair: Oscar Fergutz, Avina Foundation Co-Chair: Ana Marie Argilagos, Ford Foundation

Grassroots Organizations The Grassroots Partner Constituency Group represents networks and organizations of women, men, and youth living in informal settlements and / or working in informal economies of the Global South. Members of the Group seek to raise the visibility and voice of grassroots organizations of the poor to enable them to co-produce participatory and inclusive development solutions with the State and other stakeholders.

Co-Chairs: Gloria Solorzana Espinosa National Self-Employed Workers Network

Rose Molokoane, SDI,

Indigenous People The Indigenous People PCG represents approximately 370 million Indigenous Peoples in the world, belonging to 5,000 different groups, in 90 countries worldwide, They constitute about 5% of the world’s population, yet account for about 15% of the world’s poor

Chair: Ndinini Kimesera Sikar, Masai Women Development Organization Co Chair: Analucy Bengochea, Garifuna Emergency Committee of Honduras

Local and Subnational Authorities The Local and Subnational Authorities PCG represents local and regional governments, its associations and networks, gathered within the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments Towards Habitat III, involved in building sustainable and resilient, inclusive and well-governed cities, cohesive territories that can foster universal access to basic services, empower citizens, promote urban-rural linkages, protect cultural diversity and eradicate poverty.

Co- Chairs: Yunus Arikan, ICLEI and Organizing Partner Local Authorities Major Group Emilia Saiz, Global Task Force

Media The Media PCG represents those who are involved in the broad dissemination of information and data on sustainable urbanization through various forms of communication including radio, television, newspaper, magazine, and all forms of social media.

Chair: Nicholas You, International Mayors' Communications Center (IMCC) Co-Chair: Richard Forster, Cities Today

Parliamentarians The Parliamentarian PCG represents members of national, sub-regional, regional and global legislative bodies. They facilitate legislation that supports sustainable urbanization and human settlements development.

Chair: Jerko Rosin, Chair, European Region, Habitat Agenda Partner Parliamentarians Co-Chair: Peter Goetz, Immediate Past Chair, Habitat Agenda Partner Parliamentarians

Professionals The Professionals PCG represents architects, surveyors, urban planners, geographers and lawyers, economists, statisticians, sociologists, engineers and other profession that can practically contribute to a sustainable urbanization and human settlements development.

Chair: Didier Vancutsem, ISOCARP Co Chair: Ishtiaque Zahir Titas

Research and Academia The Research and Academia PCG represents universities, research and scientific institutions, professional societies, academics and various institutes concerned with the advancement of new concepts, ideas and methodologies in the field of sustainable urbanization and human settlement development,

Chair: Sahar Attia, University of Cairo Co-Chair: Enrique Silva, Lincoln Institute for Land Policy

Trade Unions and Workers The Trade Unions and Workers PCG represents organizations who advocate the rights of workers, from national and regional trade union organizations, global union federations and trade union solidarity support organizations. The group aims to make sure that urban development policies include principles of decent work and to defend the rights of all workers, regardless of whether they are trade union members, have formal employment or work in the informal economy.

Chair: Albert Emilio (Ambet) Yuson, Building and Woodworkers International Co-Chair: Rosa Pavanelli, Public Service International

Women The Women’s PCG serves as a collaborative space for advocacy by bringing together a collective women’s voice, policy recommendations, and the concerns and priorities of women and women’s organizations, along the entire spectrum of diversity and the life cycle, regarding urban policies and urban development. Chair: Katja Araujo, Huairou Commission Co- Chair:Theresa Boccia, AFEM (Association Femmes Europe Méridionale

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