월드비전 ESG 파트너십 소개서_영문ver

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WORLD VISION ESG Partnership Brochure


p. 26
Climate change is not a trend; it is a serious issue.

Mongolian Youth Environmental Activist, COP27 (Participant in UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties)


World Vision’s impact in numbers

200 Million (200 M individuals) No. 1

Top position for four consecutive years in the NGO sector of Korean Industry’s Brand Power from 2021 to 2024, selected by Korea Management Association

Total number of children benefited by World Vision worldwide World Vision Korea supported 3.49 million children through its international projects

610,000 (610 K sponsors)

Number of sponsors from World Vision Korea

74 th anniversary

World Vision was established in 1950

37, 000 (37 K staffs)

World vision staff members worldwide

100 Nations

Number of countries where World Vision operates globally

22 Support Offices (SO) / 78 Field Offices (FO)


World Vision is a global NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) that collaborates with partners, striving to foster sustainable changes and uplift the most vulnerable children, families, and communities worldwide, enabling them to escape from poverty and inequality.

A 74-year history and expertise in humanitarian operations


World Vision Korea was founded aftermath of the Korean war


World Vision Korea experienced a significant historical transition, shifting from being a recipient to becoming a donor nation


Recognized for its expertise in humanitarian aid, World Vision Korea was designated as an official cooperating agency of the ‘United Nations World Food Programme (WFP)’


Designated as an official sponsoring partner for the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

Verified Transparency International Recognition

• Recognized by BBB, Charity Navigator, ECFA for nonprofit transparency, World Vision is chosen as one of the most trustworthy global NGOs

• Assessed by UK research instituTion, One World Trust, World Vision meets the highest standards of accountability among international organizations

• World Vision Korea is a member country of World Vision International, the largest civil society international organization

• World Vision International holds the highest NGO status, “General Consultative Status,” awarded by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

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Muhabura Volcano shrouded in morning clouds World Vision Korea began its operations in Rwanda in 2009. Currently, it’s active in four locations: Biringiro, Ubumbwe, Umwezi, and Umuchyo.


EnvironmentalSustainabilityand Climate Action Enhancingthe Qualityof Children’s Lives


Restoring Local Communities

World Vision working in Malawi
1983, World Vision Korea has been active in Malawi, and currently operates long-term community development programs for millions of children in 28 districts.

World Vision’s ESG partnerships bridge the gap between the values pursued by companies and the needs of local communities. We translate the responsibilities expected of corporations by the international community into tangible achievement.

World Vision facilitates collaboration among diverse stakeholders, connecting them to increase awareness of efforts towards achieving the SDGs through ESG initiatives in businesses.

SDGs Sustainable Development Goals (The largest collective goal of United Nations and the international communities for sustainable development) *

Join us as an ESG partner in creating a more sustainable world alongside World Vision, striving to build a better world for marginalized children.


Climate Resilience Building

Mainstreaming climate actions and strengthening adaptative capacities in health, WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene), education and livelihood sectors within vulnerable areas.

Integrated Approach for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

Reducing Greenhouse gas emissions to alleviate poverty, Inequality and vulnerability

Advocacy for/by Future Generation (children and youth)

Strengthening climate change response policies and advocacy by and for future generations


Drawing upon our experience and expertise, World Vision Korea is expanding its environmental sustainability and climate action projects. World Vision Korea works with local communities to provide positive outcomes for children in vulnerable communities and the natural environment.


World Vision Korea works with governments, international organizations, and private sector partners to mitigate and to address the impacts of climate change.


Official Sponsor Partners of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030)

World Vision is a supporting partner of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration initiative, led by UNEP and FAO. The UN Decade is building a strong, broad-based global movement to ramp up restoration and put the world on track for a sustainable future.

The World Vision Position at the 28th UN climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP28)

Expanding climate funds for vulnerable communities Ensuring the participation rights of children and youth


Proactive climate
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World Vision Korea Operates in 46 countries worldwide, working to create change in the most vulnerable children and communities.

Climate Change Response: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Support Project

Girls’ Menstrual Hygiene Management Support Project

· UN WFP Partner: Food Assistance Project

Psychological and Social Support Project for Children Victimized by War


Mobile Rehabilitation Therapy Project for Children with Disabilities


Child-Friendly Center Early Childhood Education Project

Establishment of Vocational Training Centers for Local Capacity Development

Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration Project (Carbon Credit Project)


Health Clinic Upgrade Project


Climate Crisis Response Through Reforestation Project


Economic Empowerment Support Project for Out-of-School Adolescent Girls

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Project


Climate Smart Agriculture Project

Climate Smart Agriculture Project for Refugees and Host Communities

Climate Resilience Enhancement Project


Self-Reliant Village Project

Climate Change Response: Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Project

UN WFP Partner: Food Assistance Project

Psychological and Social Support Project for Children Victimized by War



· Marine Debris Cleanup Project

· IT Education and Enhancement of Life/Work Skills Project

· Overseas Medical Support Project

· Climate Change Response: Improving Learning Environments Project


Eco-Village Project

Child Labor Elimination Project

Crisis Response and Psychological Support

for Refugee Women and Girls in Epidemics


Youth Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Strengthening Project

Flexible Early Child Development Project

South Korea

Dream Support Project

· Children Crisis Support Project

Nutritionally Vulnerable Children Support Project

Independence Preparing Youth Support Project

Family Caring Youth Support Project

Facility Care Child Support Project

Child Victims of Crime Support Project

Climate Change Response Project

Collaborative Partnership with Local Governments

Child-Friendly Infrastructure Development Project

Collaboration with Domestic Social Innovation Enterprises


School and Road Safety Environment Construction Project

Digital Education Environment Enhancement and

Capacity Building Project

Women and Girls Empowerment through Renewable Energy and Smart Agriculture Adoption Project

Mangrove Forest Restoration Project


Solar Greenhouse Income Generation Project


Climate-Smart Education Environment Creation Project

Establishment of Local-Based Recycling Systems

Sri Lanka

Eco-Friendly Agriculture and Cooperative Association

Support Project


Creation of Child-Friendly Educational Environment Project

Marine Debris Cleanup Project

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World Vision’s ESG initiatives aim to achieve Double Impact for climate change response and sustainable transformation in local communities.


Social services addressing climate change response and



Implementing innovative and expanded impact


Introduction to ESG Initiatives


and climate-consciousness

Creating sustainable social value




World Vision is committed to empowering the most vulnerable communities and residents in the world’s most at-risk countries to overcome change through climate change response initiatives and climate-conscious social services.

Social services addressing climate change and climate-consciousness.

Introduction to ESG Initiatives CLIMATE ACTION

Farmers Managed Natural Regeneration* for Sustainable Land Management and Livelihood Improvement Project in Ethiopia

World Vision prioritizes the restoration of healthy forests by harnessing the vitality of tree roots living in the soil before planting trees. Local farmers are empowered to restore and manage forests, contributing to CO2 reduction. Additionally, they are connected to long term income generation through the acquisition and sale of carbon credits. Alongside forest restoration, efforts include fostering community-led cooperatives and diversifying livelihoods to enhance the resilience of local communities.


Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration(FMNR) Community-based approach empowering locals to regenerate trees and restore forests

Transformation through the FMNR Project (Niger, Africa)
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Local residents participating in the FMNR Project Mangrove trees managed by local residents

Eco-Village Project in Bangladesh

To enhance the living environment of local residents affected by climate change, we install rainwater harvesting systems and eco-friendly cook stoves. Furthermore, we actively restore mangrove forests around the village to reduce CO2 emissions and proactively prevent climate change. We also support residents’ livelihood stability by providing eco-friendly agricultural education to increase production and distribute solar energy generation facilities.

Marine Debris Cleanup Project in Vietnam

In Vietnam, one of the largest contributors to marine debris, local residents are taking proactive steps to halt environmental destruction and foster stable livelihoods in a clean environment through the Marine Debris Cleanup Project. To achieve this, we organize marine debris collection campaigns and empower local children and residents with education on the importance of marine debris cleanup, waste reduction and methods of resource reuse and recycling. Additionally, we collaborate with various partners such as radio broadcasts and ecofriendly product expos, to effectively promote the need for marine debris cleanup. Particularly, we support vulnerable households in coastal areas, which suffer the most severe damage from marine debris, to generate stable income through entrepreneurship education and startup kits. Through these diverse activities, we aim to enhance the awareness of residents accustomed to polluted environment and inspire behavioral change.

CLIMATE ACTION Introduction to ESG Initiatives

(Domestic) Biodiversity Conservation Project in Korea

We contribute to biodiversity by conducting ecological surveys and conservation activities to increase the population of endangered and native plants. Additionally, we establish a monitoring platform for local community environmental conservation and engage citizens in ecological conservation activities to sustainably manage the environment.

Coastal Wetland Conservation Project through Native Salt-Tolerant Plant Planting in Korea

Home gardens providing nutritious meals for children

The Blue Carbon Project conservers coastal wetlands to address the climate crisis, which poses a more severe threat to vulnerable populations. By raising awareness of the ecological value of coastal wetlands and establishing habitats for native salt-tolerant plants, we contribute to carbon reduction efforts in local communities. Through the “Mangrove protection donation campaign” campaign, participants directly visit the area to plant and nurture native salttolerant plants, spreading a culture of environmental conservation as well as improving the local economy.

Eco-friendly cook stoves reducing emissions for health and environment benefits

Community members participating in marine debris cleanup campaigns

Bags made from discarded denim jeans exhibited at eco-friendly product expos Establishment of Blue Carbon mangrove habitats

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World Vision strives for marginalized individuals to find a path to coexist with their local communities. We aim to create sustainable social value and pursue continuous value innovation.

Creation of sustainable social value
Introduction to ESG Initiatives SOCIAL VALUE

Family Caring Youth* Support Project

We provide tailored support for young adults who are taking on the responsibility of family caregiving at an age where they still need protection. Collaborating with social welfare agencies, we monitor crisis situations in each household and assist youth through integrated support in <livelihood>, <medical/care>, and <future> categories.

Family Caring youth

Youth under the age of 24 who face difficulties in academic and daily life due to caring for families with issues such as illness, disability, mental health, and alcohol addiction. *

Independence Preparing Youth* Support Project

To ensure the stable livelihood and full independence of all independent youth in the country, we provide support for <housing, living expenses, and medical costs>. Additionally, we offer <Dream Support Funds> and <Independence Capacity Enhancement Programs> to empower them to become selfreliant and pursue their dreams.

Independence Preparing Youth

A youth who, due to the absence of guardiancies or caregiving challenges, received care in child welfare facilities or foster homes until the age of 18 and has ended their protection after reaching adulthood.

Vulnerable Children Nutrition Support Project

World Vision supports approximately 280,000 nutritionally vulnerable children nationwide who, for various reasons, are unable to provide meals for themselves. Our goal is to ensure they do not suffer from hunger and can grow healthily while pursuing their dreams. Through programs like Lunch Box of Love / Weekend meal package / Good Morning Breakfast program / Nutrition Awareness Program, we provide evening meals, weekend lunchboxes, and breakfasts consistently. We also identify and assist children facing crisis situations and psychological/ emotional difficulties. Moreover, we empower children to make healthy dietary choices for themselves.

Youth Support Project Independence Preparing Youth Support Project Vulnerable Children Nutrition Support Project
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Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Project

Still, one in four people worldwide lacks access to safely managed drinking water, and about half of the global population does not have access to safely managed sanitation. Particularly, the number of countries experiencing severe drought due to climate change is increasing. World Vision provides clean water, sanitation and hygiene to children and their families in low and middle income countries. Additionally, we offer capacity-building education to empower communities to manage water and sanitation facilities themselves and improve hygiene practices.

Creating Climate-Smart Educational Environment Project

We empower school-aged children in vulnerable countries heavily impacted by the climate crisis to protect themselves from its effects and thrive independently. We establish environmentally-friendly educational environments and support children's literacy skills. Additionally, we conduct environmental education to empower the children, communities, and local governments to effectively respond to the climate change crisis. Through advocacy activities, we work to increase climate resilience at the local government level.

Introduction to ESG Initiatives SOCIAL VALUE

Adolescent Vocational Training and Livelihood Skills Enhancement Program

We support the socio-economic empowerment of vulnerable youth through quality vocational training, aiming to foster their growth as members of society. Specifically, we provide opportunities for out-of-school youth to continue learning and prepare for their future, enabling them to participate in society actively and stably.

Water, Sanitation, Hygiene Project

Creating a climate-smart educational environment

Students participating in vocational training sessions

Students participating in digital education programs

Digital Education Environment and Digital Literacy Enhancement Project

We establish essential educational infrastructure for digital education and provide basic digital literacy education. Through this, we support more children in accessing equal educational opportunities in IT environments and growing into creative talents.

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World Vision values both the creation of new social values and the collaboration and connection among stakeholders in carrying them out.

Implementation of innovative and expanded impact

Introduction to ESG Initiatives
Lab SD Conducting eye examinations for residents of Ba Ria-Vung Tau, Vietnam, using the EYELIKE digital ophthalmoscope made with used smartphones.

Establishing a collaborative model with local governments


The local government, World Vision, and social enterprises collaborate to create a business model to address local issues (such as rural decline) and solve social problems (such as preparing youth for independence). This model aims to support youth in finding and creating “jobs they love” by fostering intrinsic motivation and enhancing external skills, enabling them to become self-reliant locally. Through this approach, we seek to empower communities to identify integrated solutions to local challenges and propose alternatives autonomously.

The collaboration model with social innovation enterprises

World Vision Partnership Call for Proposals: Orange Puzzle

To address persistent poverty and inequality among children and youth both domestically and globally, World Vision seeks to identify and support partners with innovative ideas. Through partnership calls, we connect selected social ventures and non-profit startups with various opportunities and resources available through World Vision. Through sustained collaboration with entrepreneurial partners, World Vision aims to create new impacts.

Overseas Social Cooperative Support for Appropriate Technologies

The Korea Invention Promotion Association (KIPA) collaborates with experts and businesses in relevant fields to analyze the needs of cooperative societies in Mongolia. Based on this analysis, it provides business solutions and professional consulting services grounded in appropriate technology. By supporting activities that enhance the productivity and competitiveness of social enterprises, KIPA enables community residents to pursue sustainable and meaningful self-reliance.

Social Innovation Enterprise Collaboration Model:
Overseas Social Cooperative Appropriate Technology Support
project model in collaboration with local government (Buan-gun): “Firestarter”
Orange Puzzle
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Korea Invention Promotion Association


Extensive collaborative experiences in achieving SDG goals

World Vision collaborates with partners from diverse fields around the globe as an ESG ally to achieve SDG goals. With its extensive history and diverse collaborative experiences with various partners, World Vision will play a pivotal role in realizing corporate ESG strategies.

Organizational efforts tailored to suitable partnerships

Team members with the ability to build partnerships

Adherence to exemplary standards in partnership building

Establishment of a systematic platform for partnerships


Development of global policies to strengthen partnerships

Our efforts towards partnership

World Vision is working diligently to set up structured guidelines, aiming to become the top-notch partner in implementing corporate ESG strategies, and striving to maintain compliance with them.

Compliance with World Vision’s partnership guiding principles

We collaborate with companies that commit to adhering to World Vision’s 10 principles of partnership:

Companies committed to upholding principles of social responsibility (UN SDGs, UN Global Compact, ISO26000, etc.)

Companies with formalized environmental policies

Companies certified in environmental management systems (ISO14001, EMAS, RCMS, RC14001, etc.)

Companies making efforts towards policies addressing labor practices and human rights issues

Companies certified in labor and human rights management systems (ISO45001, MASE, RCMS, RC14001, etc.)

Companies addressing significant environmental damages

Companies avoiding unethical marketing practices

Companies protecting labor rights and human rights

Companies promoting gender and racial equality

Companies opposing illegal financial activities, violence, unlawful, and corrupt practices

World Vision stands together with its partners to address the challenges of climate change.

World Vision leads the way with its partners in tackling diverse global social issues.

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We lead collaboration with a solid and professional process, and thoroughly manage it with reliable post-engagement support.

Guidance and Consultation

Identify the needs for corporate partnerships and social contribution activities and introduce World Vision.

Tailored Analysis and Proposals for Companies

Based on analysis of the partnership needs according to the company’s ESG/CSR strategies, propose suitable projects.

3 Detailed Negotiations

Coordinate sponsorship projects, support scale, and methods through partnership discussions.

4 Participation Decision and Contract Drafting

Finalize corporate partnerships, proceed with contract signing, and hold agreements ceremonies.

Project Execution and Monitoring

Promote corporate partnership activities and monitor the progress of projects.

Evaluate and report on project outcomes and discuss ongoing corporate partnerships.

Our efforts towards partnership
Systematic and seamless collaboration process
Detailed Evaluation and Reporting

Multiple avenues for forging ESG partnerships

Based on a company’s resources, management issues, and unique circumstances, partnerships can be established through multiple approaches.

Sponsoring Impact Project Funds

We propose customized projects both domestically and internationally, aligning with the company’s ESG/CSR strategies and specific corporate needs.

Employees involvement

Employees can engage in a variety of social responsibility activities, including participatory, donation-driven, and campaign-based initiatives.

Public Interest-Integrated Marketing

You can allocate a portion of sales revenue or profit from specific products for sponsorship.

In-kind Donations

Companies can support vulnerable children and families in need by donating products or goods they manufacture.

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World Vision, your ESG partner, will stand by your side until every child enjoys a prosperous life and gains the power of self-reliance, breaking free from absolute poverty.

Domestic Initiatives

World Vision’s domestic initiatives aid in fostering the fundamental growth and aspirations of children.

Children in Crisis Support Project

• Supporting children in crisis (Metropolitan Seoul / Regional)

• Cool Kids Project : Electricity bill support project for economically vulnerable children

Children Vulnerable to Food Insecurity Support Project

• Lunch Box of Love

• Weekend meal package

• Good Morning Breakfast program

• Nutrition Awareness Program

Integrated Scholarship Project

• Junior level

• Senior level

Vulnerable Children Specialized Project

• Support for Children Affected by Domestic Violence

• Support for At-Risk Youth Outside the Home

• Customized Assistance for Children with Rare Diseases

• Support for Youth Preparation for Independence

• Psychosocial Support for Children in Facility Care

• Support for Youth in Family Caregiving

Overseas Initiatives

World Vision’s global initiative strive to make a difference in the world and enable children and community members to achieve self-reliance.

Community Development Project

Education Project

• Early Childhood Education

• Fostering Child-Friendly Learning Environments

• Enhancing Youth Life Skills and Entrepreneurial Capacity

• Empowering Girls (Improving Sexual and Reproductive Health Environment and Awareness)

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Project

• Support for Water Facilities and Sanitation Facilities (e.g., toilets)

• Hygiene Education

• Formation and Strengthening of Local Community Water and Hygiene Management Committees

Health and Nutrition Project

• Construction and Maintenance of Health Clinics

• Maternal and Child Health Services, vaccination support

• Management of acute malnutrition, nutrition education

Income Generation Project

• Livelihood enhancement activities for extremely poor families

• Support for stable employment and market system establishment

Child Advocacy Project

• Creating safe environments for child protection

• Child Rights Clubs

International Relief Initiatives

Natural Disaster Relief Project

• Emergency Relief: Prompt assistance in critical situations

• Recovery: Restoring the affected areas to their pre-disaster condition

• Development: Pre-disaster training for residents to prepare for future disasters

Conflict Response Project

• Survival: Rapid provision of food and shelter

• Recovery: Psychological protection for affected children

• Development: Strengthening livelihoods and peace education

Infectious Disease Control Project

• Awareness-raising activities for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases

• Initiatives to promote hygienic environments and provide supplies

• Support for vaccination programs

World Vision
T. +82-2-2078-7000 F. +82-2-2078-7090
77-1 yeouinaru-ro, yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Partnerships Team, ESG Partnership&Philanthropy,
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