Praying About Peace

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Praying about

Peace and Worldwide Unity A L M IGHT Y A N D MER C IFUL GO D, with great power you gathered together the

first Christians in the city of Jerusalem, through the gift of the Holy Spirit, defying the earthly power of the Roman empire. Grant that, like this first church in Jerusalem, we may come together to be bold in preaching and living the good news of reconciliation and peace, wherever there is inequality and injustice. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, who liberates us from the bondage of sin and death. Amen.

O UR N E E D, P LEA SE GO D, is true peace in the world.

Peace of mind, yes, that’s what everyone prays for. What is our state in the world? Come and see how our people are destroying the world, without seeking what is in your heart, without seeking what is in your mind. Yes, if we seek peace, God will grant us peace. It is peace that encourages our heart; and making peace that is the guarantee of hope. Amen. — Ikoli Harcourt Whyte, Nigeria

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GO D, F R O M WHO M A LL LIFE FLO WS in its rich diversity, you call your Church as

the Body of Christ to be united in love. May we learn more deeply our unity in diversity, and strive to work together to preach, and build up the Kingdom of your abundant love to all, while accompanying each other in each place, and in all places. May we always be mindful of Christ as the source of our life together. We pray in the unity of the Spirit. Amen. Lord, we pray for the power to be gentle, the strength to be forgiving, the patience to be understanding, and the endurance to accept the consequences of holding to what we believe to be right. May we put our trust in the power of good to overcome evil and the power of love to overcome hatred. We pray for the vision to see and the faith to believe in a world emancipated from violence.

“Lord, we pray for the power to be gentle, the strength to be forgiving, the patience to be understanding...”

Help us to devote our whole life, thought, and energy to the task of making peace, praying always for the inspiration and the power to fulfill the destiny for which we were created. — Week of Prayer for the World, 1978

HE AV E NLY FAT HER , WE GIV E Y O U T HA NK S and praise for your gift to us of your only Son, Jesus — His birth in Bethlehem, His ministry throughout the Holy Land, His

death on the Cross and His Resurrection and Ascension. He came as the Prince of Peace. We give thanks to you for every church and parish around the world that is praying with us this day for peace. In your unfathomable mystery and love for all, let the power of your Redemption and your Peace transcend all barriers of cultures and religions and fill the hearts of all who serve you here. Send us political leaders ready to dedicate their lives to a just peace for their peoples. We trust in you, Heavenly Father. We believe you are good and we believe that your goodness will prevail over the evils of war and hatred in our world. We seek your blessing especially on children and young people, that their fear and the anxiety of conflict may be replaced with the joy and happiness of peace. We pray too for the elderly and the handicapped, for their well-being and for the contribution they can make to the future of our world. We pray, finally, for the refugees scattered across the world because of conflict. God give the politicians and governments responsible for them the wisdom and courage to find suitable and just solutions. All this we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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GO D O F L IGHT, we give you thanks for the revelation of your truth in Jesus Christ,

your Living Word, which we have received through the apostles’ teaching, first heard at Jerusalem. May your Holy Spirit continue to sanctify us in the truth of your Son, so that united in Him we may grow in devotion to the Word, and together serve your Kingdom in humility and love. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.

O GO D, Y O U A R E T HE SO UR C E O F LIFE and peace.

“Give to us: Understanding that puts an end to strife; Mercy that quenches hatred, and Forgiveness that overcomes vengeance.”

Praised be your name forever. We know it is you who turn our minds to thoughts of peace. Hear our prayer in this time of crisis. Your power changes hearts. Muslims, Christians, and Jews remember, and profoundly affirm, that they are followers of the one God, children of Abraham, brothers and sisters; enemies begin to speak to one another; those who were estranged join hands in friendship; nations seek the way of peace together. Strengthen our resolve to give witness to these truths by the way we live. Give to us: Understanding that puts an end to strife; Mercy that quenches hatred, and Forgiveness that overcomes vengeance. Empower all people to live in your law of love. Amen. — Pax Christi

GO D O F J US TIC E, your giving is without bounds. We thank you that you have given

what we need, so that all may be fed, clothed and housed. Guard us from the selfish sin of hoarding, and inspire us to be instruments of love, sharing all that you give us, as a witness to your generosity and justice. As followers of Christ, lead us to act together in places of want: where families are driven from their homes, where the vulnerable suffer at the hands of the powerful, where poverty and unemployment destroy lives. We pray in the name of Jesus, in the unity of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

GR A NT US Y OUR PEA C E O Lord, my God, grant us your peace; already, indeed, you

have made us rich in all things! Give us that peace of being at rest, that Sabbath peace, the peace that knows no end. — St. Augustine

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GO D O F HO P E, we praise you for your gift to us of the Lord’s Supper, where, in the

Spirit, we continue to meet your Son Jesus Christ, the living bread from heaven. Forgive our unworthiness of this great gift - our living in factions, our collusion with inequalities, our complacency in separation. Lord, we pray that you will hasten the day when your whole church together shares the breaking of the bread, and that, as we wait for that day, we may learn more deeply to be a people formed for service to the world. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

L O R D GO D OUR FAT HER , we rejoice that in all times, places and cultures, there

“ Lord, we pray that you will hasten the day when your whole church together shares the breaking of the bread...”

are people who reach out to you in prayer. Above all we thank you for the example and teaching of your Son, Jesus Christ, who has taught us to long in prayer for the coming of your Kingdom. Teach us to pray better as Christians together, so that we may always be aware of your guidance and encouragement through all our joys and distress, through the power your Holy Spirit. Amen.


O Almighty God, the Father of all humanity, turn, we pray, the hearts of all peoples and their rulers, that by the power of your Holy Spirit peace may be established among the nations on the foundation of justice, righteousness, and truth; through him who was lifted up on the cross to draw all people to himself, your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

— William Temple (1881-1944)


Lead me from death to life, from falsehood to truth. Lead me from despair to hope, from fear to trust. Lead me from hate to love, from war to peace. Let peace fill our heart, our world, our universe. Peace, peace, peace. Amen.

(Unless otherwise noted, all prayers are from The World Council of Churches, Week of Prayer for 2011. Used with permission). Copyright © 2010 World Vision, Inc., Mail Stop 321, P.O. Box 9716, Federal Way, WA 98063-9716, All rights reserved.

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About World Vision W O R L D V IS IO N is a Christian humanitarian organization

dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice. Motivated by our faith in Jesus Christ, World Vision serves alongside the poor and oppressed as a demonstration of God’s unconditional love for all people. We see a world where each child experiences “fullness of life” as described in John 10:10. And we know this can be achieved only by addressing the problems of poverty and injustice in a holistic way. That’s how World Vision is unique: We bring 60 years of experience in three key areas needed to help children and families thrive: emergency relief, long-term development, and advocacy. And we bring all of our skills across many areas of expertise to each community we work in, enabling us to care for children’s physical, social, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Partnering with World Vision provides tangible ways to honor God and put faith into action. By working, we can make a lasting difference in the lives of children and families who are struggling to overcome poverty. To find out more about how you can help, visit

About World Vision Resources E N DIN G GL O BA L PO V ERT Y and injustice begins with

education: understanding the magnitude and causes of poverty, its impact on human dignity, and our connection to those in need around the world.

For more information about our resources, contact: World Vision Resources Mail Stop 321 P.O. Box 9716 Federal Way, WA 98063-9716 Fax: 253-815-3340

World Vision Resources is the publishing ministry of World Vision. World Vision Resources educates Christians about global poverty, inspires them to respond, and equips them with innovative resources to make a difference in the world.

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