Issue 140 - Winter Spring 2010

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Issue No. 140

ECHo! The qua r ter ly maga z i ne of EC H I n c

Winter/Spring 2010

Volunteers: adding value

EC H enriches the lives of older people th r o ug h i n d ep en d en t l i v i ng u n i ts , c o m mu n i ty s er v i c e s a nd r e s id en t ia l ca r e

W i n t e r / S p r i n g 2 010 – I s s u e N o .14 0

ECHo! ECHo! is the quarterly publication of ECH Inc Please share this publication with your family and friends. Opinions quoted in this publication are not necessarily those of the editorial team or the ECH Board of Directors. ECH Inc 174 Greenhill Road Parkside SA 5063 Telephone: 08 8407 5151 Facsimile: 08 8407 5130 Email: Website:

ECHo! is printed on Monza Recycled using vegetable-based inks

Volunteers: adding value


Enriching life through Enhancing Independence


My African saga


From hot air balloon to helicopter ride


Macular Degeneration


Update Meetings held for ECH independent living residents


Transferring ownership of Nairne Retirement Estate and James Martin Village


ILU Preventative Maintenance Program


Creativity flows freely at Clarence Gardens


Advance Directives


Living alone and feeling unsafe in the evenings?


All cats go to Heaven


ECH Food Services


Occupational Therapy


Sailing success


Enhance your health and wellbeing


Memories from wartime Adelaide


Come into ‘Our Garden’


Q&A with Valerie Aldahn


A colourful display for Mother’s Day


Sea of tranquillity


Panda-monium at the Adelaide Zoo!


Volunteering within your local community


Continuing creativity in our care centres


My first home was a tent!


Ray of sunshine at Kelvin Grove


How times have changed...


Keeping fit at Manson Towers


Re-retiring in style


Wildlife world!


Contact us



Volunteers: adding value

Celebrating the contribution of our hardworking and selfless volunteers. In May we celebrated Volunteer Week, giving us the opportunity to show our appreciation for the amazing work our tireless volunteers do for our residents, our clients and our organisation. ECH has just over 400 volunteers collectively donating over 45,000 hours of their time per year to share their skills and talents. The commitment of our volunteers enables us to offer many extra activities and opportunities. By working together with our great staff, our volunteers assist ECH in providing a greater amount of innovative and supportive services and activities to help promote the independence and enhance the lives of older people.

There’s plenty of room for more The more volunteers we have giving of their time and talents, the more activities and services we are able to provide for our residents and clients. We welcome new volunteer applications with open arms. Whatever your interests, skills or talents, ECH can offer you a rewarding volunteer experience. We create opportunities and activities based on the interests of both our volunteers and our residents. Our volunteers currently assist with providing services such as: •

art and craft groups

working in coffee shops or gift shops

bus driving for short or day trips

Thank you

playing music or singing

We would like to express our gratitude to all our volunteers. Whether you donate two hours of your time per week or twenty, your contribution does not go unnoticed and the time you spend in the company of our residents and clients affects their lives in a positive way.

auxiliaries and fundraising

letter reading and writing

social interaction and visiting

reminiscing or current affairs discussion

computer or internet lessons

pet therapy

New syringe driver donated to Ross Robbie The Ladies Auxiliary of Ross Robertson Memorial Care Centre in Victor Harbor presented a cheque for $2,600 to the Centre on 7th June 2010 for the purchase of a syringe driver. The syringe driver will be used to aid palliative care patients. The Auxiliary meets once a month at ‘Ross Robbie’, donating their time and diverse skills throughout the year in fundraising activities to benefit the residents. the cheque to Ladies Auxiliary handing Brown Director of Care Elspeth


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Alf Boyle Volunteer bus driver, Braden Court resident Whether it’s taking his bowls team to compete in Hong Kong or driving a group of ECH residents to Victor Harbor for a day trip, Alf Boyle believes that life is about treating others with the same respect and compassion as you would wish to expect in return. Despite being extensively involved in disability bowls which takes him all over the country and the world, Alf still had more to offer and phoned us when he saw an advertisement in ECHo! calling for people to drive our new buses. Alf began volunteering many years ago when he was living in England. “I have always been involved with something,” he says. Coming to Adelaide in 1971 as a professional printer, he followed his trade for three years until, after meeting up with bus drivers through his involvement in Scouts, he saw the benefits of switching careers. “They were on far better hours and money,” he recalls. Alf took up bus driving with the State Transport Authority and was with them for 18 years until a bad accident at the age of 48 led him into early retirement. He took up lawn bowls to strengthen the muscles in his back and has been volunteering, together with his wife Carol, as a coach and umpire with disability bowls for 13 years.

“Now I haven’t got time to work,” Alf says. “Carol and I are professional volunteers!” Alf has been volunteering with ECH for eighteen months now and has driven countless groups from independent living sites and residential care centres on short runs and also day trips. “It’s not a chore, it’s something that’s really enjoyable,” he says. For Alf, the benefit of driving for these trips is much more than a sense of satisfaction. “You get to talk to people from all over the world and you hear some wonderful stories,” he says. Even better, you form new friendships and become one of the group, not just their bus driver, Alf says. Alf also sees participation in bus trips as a great way to live out ECH’s philosophy of enhancing independence and staying connected with the community. “Get out and do something,” Alf encourages, “don’t sit and stagnate.” Volunteering is also Alf’s way of giving to those around him while he can. “I’m comparatively younger than many of the ECH residents,” Alf says. “Hopefully 15 years down the track someone’s going to take me for a bus ride!”

How to get involved You can approach any of our sites about becoming a volunteer or you can contact the Community Relations team on 8407 5151. Sue-Anne Foran (Community Relations Manager) or Danielle Lewis (Community Relations Officer) would be happy to take your call. You will also find more information and volunteer application forms on our website – visit Alf Boyle

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Photo: L-R Ann Fairweather (Treasurer), Eileen Learhinan (Auxiliary Member), Jean Wright (President), Derick Wright (Auxiliary Member) and Zita Campbell (Auxiliary Member)

The Walkerville Residential Care Centre Auxiliary For over 35 years, the Walkerville Residential Care Centre Auxiliary has been working tirelessly to raise money for extra items and activities to help make the Centre feel even more like home to all residents living there. Auxiliary President Jean Wright has been involved with the group for almost 24 years and has seen firsthand the enormous benefits of the Auxiliary’s work. “The money that we make is spent completely on the Centre,” Jean says. Over the years they have raised money to purchase new furniture and resources for activities and provide entertainment. They also buy many smaller items such as tea cups and gifts for residents to make them feel at home. The Auxiliary manages the White Elephant store which is located in the house next door to the care centre. It is open every Thursday morning and Jean reports that they take in over $200 each time. They also organise a market once a year

which is usually held in December. Apart from fundraising they also provide entertainment and visiting services for residents. Jean and her husband Derick have been volunteering with ECH since they first moved into their home at Scarfe Court. “I just thought, we’ve got something lovely, it’s time to give something back,” Jean says. Derick enjoys the company of the group and the residents and reports that it does good things for his wellbeing. “I think the main thing is it keeps me active!” Auxiliary Member and former Vice President Zita Campbell, who has been volunteering for 27 years, visits new residents and helps them settle into their new home by welcoming them and finding out what they might need. “Everyone is so lovely,” Zita says of the residents and the volunteers. “We are a big happy family!” Jean says that more volunteers are needed to continue this important work. “Come along,” Jean says. “There’s a welcome waiting for you and personal satisfaction.”

Holly Auxiliary: supporting our lifestyle program The Holly Auxiliary raised thousands of dollars again last financial year to support Holly Residential Care Centre’s lifestyle program. Purchases included a billiard table, two televisions, three CD players, outdoor timber table and three benches with cushions. Pictured are President Joan Linden and Treasurer Margot Webb.

Malcolm Edwards Location: Ross Robertson Memorial Care Centre Role: assisting with social activities such as helping to organise the men’s lunch, assisting with the weekly cooking activity, driving the bus to pick up respite clients and more


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Roxene Bishop “If you want to give back and you’ve got spare time, why not?” Location: Holly Residential Care Centre Role: weekly service in the Centre’s café

Marion McIntyre “If you make the effort it’s fun” Location: Holly Residential Care Centre Role: playing piano for singalong

Sharon Molloy Location: Charles Young Residential Care Centre Role: newspaper reading and discussion

Gail Kurtz and her dog Chloe Location: Smithfield Residential Care Centre Role: assisting with activities and providing pet therapy

Jeanette Norman Location: Marten Residential Care Centre Role: craft group assistant and quiz leader

Janet Bamford and Helen Sparre Location: Marten Residential Care Centre Role: both serve in the Centre’s café, Helen is the long-serving manager

Joan Dorling and Elizabeth Markham Location: Charles Young Residential Care Centre Role: running the Centre’s coffee shop

Robert Sutton Location: Charles Young Residential Care Centre (pictured with Lifestyle Coordinator Judith Tanti) Role: running the Centre’s newly opened second hand store ECH Inc | ECHo! Winter/Spring 2010


Enriching life through Enhancing Independence

In 2008, a new model of service was introduced into ECH Community Services for people who receive a community package. Called ‘Enhancing Independence’, the model was designed to support older people to continue living in the community as long as possible and optimise their independence by focusing on what they can do rather than what they can’t. “We have started to see some fantastic results with our clients who are receiving services through our new service model,” Project Manager Kate Sloan says. Enhancing Independence means that older people are encouraged to set their own goals around things that they want to do or achieve. By working with our skilled staff, appropriate services can be offered to help people achieve their goals to optimise their quality of life and wellbeing, assisting them to continue living independently. “We have had clients who can now attend social gatherings or outings on their own, people who can now shower themselves independently and people whose balance and mobility have greatly increased, resulting in them being able to get out and about more,” Kate says. “It has been wonderful to see people being able to work towards goals which they may have previously thought unachievable.” ECH has developed its own assessment process so that when a Community Coordinator conducts an assessment with a client in their home, they will also ask the client about what is genuinely important to them. Together they develop an assistance plan which incorporates things that the client wants to do. “If you are already receiving or will be receiving a community package through ECH, speak to your Coordinator about working with them towards goals that are important to you,” Kate says. “You never know what you might be able to achieve!”


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Harold Metters

“I want to go to church again” Client Harold Metters shares his success story After a nasty fall, 92 year old Harold Metters was facing a life of limited mobility and was no longer able to attend church regularly with his wife Faith. After spending several weeks in hospital, Harold returned home and was able to receive assistance from ECH Community Services, becoming one of our Enhancing Independence clients. From the beginning, Harold shared his goals with the Coordinator of his package of care. He wanted to be more mobile so that he could go back to church as this was one of the most valued aspects of his life. He also wanted to stay at home with his wife rather than having to move to residential care.

L-R: Harold with Home Support Worker Hess Fernandez, Harold with his wife Faith, Harold doing his exercises

“Focusing on what you can do, rather than what you can’t” With the assistance of his Home Support Workers and Carers, Harold worked on increasing his mobility through a range of strengthening exercises so that he could become more independent. ECH Home Support Worker Hess Fernandez was given the task of showing Harold how to perform the exercises safely and also to provide encouragement. “I told him that if he did those exercises regularly he would increase his strength and stamina which would enable him to go back to church,” Hess says. After only accessing the care package back in February of this year, Harold is now going for regular strolls with the aid of a walker and even accompanies Faith to the shops on some occasions. “It’s great to get out of the four walls,” Harold says, smiling. “He’s really feeling like trying his sea legs,” Faith reports. More importantly, with assistance from Hess, he has been able to attend church again. “It’s good to go back,” Harold says. “They’re thrilled to see him and they tell him he’s looking great,” Faith says of their church family. Harold’s improved mobility has been achieved through working together with Hess and his other carers, persisting with the exercises and maintaining a positive attitude. He also says his faith in God has had a big impact on his optimism

and motivation. “He’s got that attitude that he’s going to beat it,” Faith says. “He knows the benefits and that the more exercises he does, the more strength he’ll have and the more things he’ll be able to do,” Hess says. Hess also believes that Harold’s strength will further improve so that he might be able to attend church without support in the future. Harold’s confidence has grown immensely and both Faith and Hess give him ‘black looks’ when he wants to charge off without his walker. Hess says that preventing further falls is a big part of maintaining his improved mobility. “I remind him to minimise risk, to think about and watch where he’s walking,” Hess says. Harold’s story is encouragement to other people who might be experiencing similar situations. “I didn’t know he was capable of doing what he has,” Hess says. “He’s a success story!” Hess says that this positive result is available to other clients who wish to take advantage of ECH’s new Enhancing Independence model of service, so long as they also have the willpower and the determination. “Before we did things for them, now we’re getting clients to do more things for themselves and enhancing their abilities,” Hess says.

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My African saga Kerine Lucarotti’s home is nestled in the quiet, idyllic suburb of Myrtle Bank in ECH’s Knightsbridge unit group. It has every comfort she requires and is a short walk from numerous shops providing her with whatever else she needs. It was here that she sat down at her typewriter and began to recount the adventures of her life. A life which seems worlds away from her comfortable existence in Adelaide. “As I sat down, everything came out,” Kerine recalls. At the end of 1948, my daughter Karen and I left the trials and tribulations of living in post-war England to start a new life in Africa. Our ages were four and twenty-six respectively and we were both excited at the prospect of living in a strange and exotic country and of sampling our very first journey by air. Kerine was making the move to join her husband who was employed as a surveyor on the Groundnut Scheme in Tanganyika (a project to grow nuts in the British colonies). Tanganyika is now known as Tanzania after its amalgamation with Zanzibar. The air journey from London took three days and was an adventure in itself as it was fraught with incidents... Across Malta, Cairo and Uganda, airsick children, depressurised plane cabins, hotel rooms situated over rowdy bars, broken fans in astonishingly hot climates and terrible turbulence created quite a tumultuous start to her two decade stint in Africa. Their final flight from Entebbe to Tabora was only to make this worse. Suddenly, all the sleeping passengers... were roused forcibly by a loud bang, the aircraft doing a rock and roll and the sight of flames roaring out of the starboard wing.


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Despite this unnerving beginning, upon arrival at their initial destination in Tanganyika, Kerine and her daughter were instantly taken with the flora and fauna of the land. Her memoirs are a flamboyant record of all that she saw. “I wrote about the civilisations I witnessed, the jobs I took, the people I met,” Kerine explains. Other sights to please the eye... were the brightly coloured birds and flowers with exotic names like hibiscus, bougainvillea, morning glory, to name a few. It was a surprise to learn that the birds made sounds that were anything but tuneful and the gorgeous coloured blooms were minus the perfume. Well, you can’t have everything and I was quite content to settle for the vivid beauty of the flora and fauna. Kerine remembers her first home in Urambo, Southern Tanganyika. It was a mud and wattle “Rondavel” which was round in shape and had a whitewashed exterior. It had no kitchen or toilet inside. “The loo was a 40 foot hole in the ground and my husband built a box seat to go on it,” Kerine remembers. There was no roof at first and no door, only a shrub to protect the occupant’s privacy. The box seat was quite high so, to warn off intruders, it became a habit to drum one’s feet against the box. So to all we residents, they became known as “thunder boxes”. As one might expect, Kerine had to deal with something worse than potential invaders of her privacy. I forgot to mention the hazards of mosquitoes, tsetse flies and the creeping ones like scorpions and safari ants. How could I have forgotten them, when, for the first few months the mosquitoes had regular feasts on my poor body and I was a

mass of red itchy bumps and, as for the tsetse flies, a safari into the bundu (bush) meant wearing protective clothing and covering one’s exposed parts with deterrent cream. While over there, Kerine’s husband was offered another job with East African Railways and Harbours which eventually resulted in them leading a “tented existence” in the bushland miles out from Kampala. Just before they were to leave for their campsite, the wet weather made the use of their vehicle impossible and they had to go by foot. “We experienced the worst rain in a quarter of a century for much of the time that we were there,” Kerine recalls. So they left their vehicle in the charge of the local Gombolola (African Chief). He was only too honoured and gave them a parting gift which was to prove more of a burden than anything. When the “gift” was brought in, [we were] struck dumb as it was an enormous stick of bananas. The thought uppermost in both our minds was who was going to lump that weight all the way, as we already had enough with which to cope. During their tented existence, Kerine experienced gale force winds which threatened to blow them away, a recalcitrant but necessary water filter, daily de-ticking of her pet dog “Bill” and also bathing in a canvas bath. From then on they were moved to Mikindani which was to be their last “bush” posting before they went to live in “civilised” Dares-Salaam. Kerine’s varied experiences between 1948 and 1968 are too many to mention in this brief article but, despite the trials and tribulations of her life, Africa meant a new start after her “unhappy grey wartime and post-war experience”.

Kerine Lucarotti

Africa had and always will have a special place in my heart. Kerine began writing her memoirs as therapy when she was the sole carer for her second husband. She ceased writing when he passed away and hasn’t been able to continue since due to a lack of typewriter paper. “Nowadays it’s all computers,” Kerine says. This left what she refers to as a “black-hole” in her life. However, Kerine is beginning a new chapter of her life and recently went with ECH’s Living Well Project Officer Fiona Dunt to purchase a laptop. “The laptop is going to fill the black-hole instead of my typewriter,” Kerine says. “What I need is stimulation for my mind.” She is excited as, not only will she be able to continue her memoirs, she will also be more closely connected with her family who all live overseas. “Communication is very important to me,” Kerine says. “Emails will be marvellous!” Kerine began writing her memoirs for her grandsons. Why not consider taking down your own story?

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From hot air balloon to helicopter ride

Evelyn Price has always been adventurous and from a young age she enjoyed the thrill of anything risky. “They only had to dare me and I’d do it!” Evelyn says with a grin. So when someone asked Evelyn, who now resides at David Court, “What’s the one thing that you’ve always wanted to do but never been able to?” she of course replied “go in a hot air balloon”! Her granddaughter began making enquiries but was sadly informed that this type of adventure wouldn’t be suitable for 93 year old Evelyn due to its unpredictable and bumpy landing. “Why not try a helicopter flight?” the balloonist suggested and, of course, Evelyn was quick to say “ok”! So arrangements were made for Evelyn, her daughter Betty and her granddaughter Michelle to fly over to Sydney to take a helicopter flight over the harbour. Evelyn has a good laugh over her entry into the helicopter due to the large gap between the step and the cockpit. “It must’ve been quite funny to watch me try to get into the helicopter!” But it was well worth the acrobatics. “We went off for half an hour out over Sydney,” Evelyn recalls. “I think we must have gone to just before where the Blue Mountains started and then we came back along the coast.” She doesn’t remember any negative parts of the flight, such as the noise of the aircraft, as she was too engrossed in the adventure of it all. Talking in the helicopter was difficult but the pilot offered this advice: “Think you’re shouting at the kids!”

had some remarkable experiences in life,” Evelyn says. “Wherever I’ve been I’ve had a good time. I’m a very lucky woman, really and truly.” She remembers her two trips around Australia in the 1970s with her husband Les in their Holden Premier. They would often sleep in the car and did the first trip on only $269 all up! “A lot of the time we were miles from anywhere,” Evelyn recalls. Back in the 1950s they purchased a 1926 single seater Chev and turned it into a buckboard. On one occasion they were all due to catch the train with their daughters’ church group for a day down at Semaphore. Somehow the train was missed so all 27 of them piled into the buckboard, with five people across the front seat, so that Les could drive them to their destination. “I had to change gears because Les couldn’t reach them,” Evelyn says laughing. “You should’ve seen the faces of the people at Semaphore when we all piled out!”

Evelyn has been through some tough times in her life but there are three things that have been a common theme throughout: she’s always up for an adventure, something always goes wrong (and it’s mostly her fault, she admits) but, more importantly, she’s always quick to find something humorous in anything, good or bad, that comes her way. “I’ve Evelyn Price

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Evelyn Price in the helicopter

While she is not able to be as active as she used to be, Evelyn keeps herself busy and does at least three search a words a day to keep her mind active. “I get vertigo and I’m going blind and I can’t hear as well as I used to,” Evelyn says. “Well, I’m 93!” Although Evelyn has Macular

Degeneration, she is determined to continue living life and to encourage others to do the same. “Go and have a good time,” Evelyn says. “You don’t know what’s ahead of you so why not enjoy life while you can!”

Macular Degeneration According to the MD foundation, “Macular Degeneration (MD) is the name given to a group of degenerative diseases of the retina that cause progressive, painless loss of central vision, affecting the ability to see fine detail, drive, read and recognise faces.” There is no cure but early detection can assist with treatment to slow down the progression of the disease.

What are the symptoms?

Reducing the risk

Don’t wait until you experience symptoms to have an exam by your eye care professional. Symptoms include:

To reduce the risk or slow down the progression of Macular Degeneration, the MD Foundation recommends the following:

• difficulty reading or doing anything that requires fine vision

have your eyes tested, particularly your macular

• distortion where straight lines appear wavy or bent

don’t smoke

maintain a healthy lifestyle, control your weight and exercise regularly

eat a healthy, well-balanced diet

provide adequate protection for your eyes from sunlight

• having trouble distinguishing faces • dark patches or empty spaces in the centre of your vision

Want to know more? If you would like more information about Macular Degeneration you can contact the MD Foundation’s support line on 1800 111 709 or visit their website

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Update Meetings held for ECH independent living residents The Update Meetings were held once again in four locations from May 24 to May 27. A total of 187 residents attended the meetings which included presentations and information about: •

key learnings and issues over the past six months

insulation products used in ECH units

digital TV and how to get ready for the switchover

Maintenance and Grounds Plus service

Independent Living Services

ECH conducted a survey of attendees to find out what topics residents were interested in hearing about at future meetings. We discovered that the most popular topics were ‘updates about ECH’ and ‘information about ECH services’. Many residents also indicated that ‘information about health and community services’ was of particular interest to them. ECH will use the results to assist in planning future resident meetings.

Notice to all residents: Transferring ownership of Nairne Retirement Estate and James Martin Village As all residents would be aware ECH has embarked on a five to six year program to upgrade each of its independent living sites. As part of this program a comprehensive review was undertaken to determine what work was required. The review highlighted that both Nairne Retirement Estate and James Martin Village (Willaston) were located on larger sites which have the potential to be developed into much larger villages. ECH has developed over time a market niche of predominantly operating well located smaller sites and we have decided to concentrate our development activities on such sites in the foreseeable future. Therefore we feel it would be

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in the best interests of residents on those sites for ECH to find a service provider who specialises in developing and operating larger groups of units. We are about to seek expressions of interest from the market for both these villages and therefore you may see some promotion of these sites in the near future. The residents of both sites have been informed about the intention to transfer the ownership to service providers who specialise in developing and operating larger sites. Should residents have any questions or concerns about this process please contact the General Manager Independent Living Paul Thorne on 8407 5151.

ILU Preventative Maintenance Program Maintenance Services has implemented its new Preventative Maintenance Program at all independent living sites to proactively check and inspect fixtures and fittings in each unit.

What fixtures and fittings are included? Smoke alarms, air-conditioning filters, bathroom and kitchen exhaust fans, hot water systems, taps, windows and communal lighting (these are just a few examples of what will be included on the program).

How will it work? •

Your Maintenance Officer has a program to visit each independent living unit within their area once every 12 months.

They have a checklist which they complete – smoke alarm batteries are tested/replaced, air-conditioner filters and bathroom/kitchen exhaust fans are cleaned, minor repairs are completed, the state of assets reported for future capital works, if required, and more complex or time consuming jobs are logged for follow up.

Why is the Preventative Maintenance Program important? • it prolongs the life of the assets • reduces the need for reactive repairs • better responds to the needs of our residents • reduces the amount of emergency call outs

What can you do to assist? Maintenance Services requests the assistance of all residents to carry out the Preventative Maintenance Program. Please allow the Maintenance Officer to enter your home so they can carry out their duties in a professional and efficient manner. Each officer will be wearing an ECH identification tag which includes their name and photo. Maintenance Services thanks you in anticipation. In the meantime, should residents have questions or concerns about the Preventative Maintenance Program please contact Maintenance Services on 8355 6333.

Bathroom exhaust fans – a warning to residents A timely reminder for all residents – recently we had an incident where a bathroom exhaust fan overheated and caught fire after being left on continuously. Residents are reminded that bathroom exhaust fans are not designed to be left on continuously during the day or overnight and should be switched off before you leave the bathroom or as soon as possible after.

Warning! Please ensure you turn off your bathroom exhaust fan after you have finished in the bathroom. Should residents have concerns about the operation of their bathroom exhaust fan please contact Maintenance Services on 8355 6333.

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Creativity flows freely at Clarence Gardens For almost three years, the community room at independent living site Clarence Gardens Estate has played host to a small group of ECH residents with a passion for creativity and an eagerness to learn new skills or rediscover old ones. Led by ECH resident and volunteer Joan Read, the Clarence Gardens Art Group consists of eight residents who get together to learn new ‘tricks’. Joan began drawing when she was sixteen years old. She lived on a farm and would often go outdoors to draw. Beginning with a commercial art course by correspondence, Joan continued her studies in art by attending TAFE after she was married. “I just tried to learn as much as I could and enjoyed doing it,” Joan recalls. Next year the group plans to hold an exhibition in a local council room to show how far they have come. Joan and group participant Barbara Morris will also be showcasing a collection of their paintings at an exhibit at the Royal Adelaide Hospital from 2nd September to 14th October 2010.

Lewis Court resident

Maxwell Court resident

Has learnt… considerable details with regard to oil, water, acrylic and pastels. Enjoys most about art… I like to see how much the others have improved.

Has attended the group… since 1st February 2010. Has learnt… how to use different shaped pencils, linear framework, building up texture, highlighting, shading, different strokes, blending in and influence of paper colour. Enjoys most about art… looking in to the beauty of art, the individualism and expression by different artists and being involved.

Frederick Slater Robertson Miller Lodge resident Has attended the group… since its inception. Joined the group because… it afforded a great opportunity to extend one’s capacity of creative ability, and as an adjunct to my interest in classical music. Enjoys most about art… it is an expansion of consciousness in another dimension of one’s latent abilities. One learns to observe to a far greater degree. It adds beauty and awareness and extends a greater meaning to life.

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Brunhilde Falkenburg

Tess McGair Has attended the group… since its inception.

Group leader Joan

Barbara Morris Lewis Court resident Has attended the group… for eighteen months. Has learnt… the amazing range of techniques, the importance of perspective. The ability to mix colours from three primary colours, to mix pencils with acrylics. Most importantly, to view things around you! All is seen with a different eye. Enjoys most about art… the doing! The relaxation it gives. The thrill of having a piece framed.

Ian Morgan Crescent Lodge resident Has attended the group… for six months. Has learnt… that there is a lot to learn. Enjoys most about art… the relaxation and a hobby that can be done at home.

New delivery driver required for Unley/ Marion route Our invaluable volunteers Betty and Colin Martin must unfortunately retire from their role of delivering boxes of ECHo! magazines to ECH’s independent living sites in the Unley and Marion council areas. If you would be willing to take over, please call Sarah Tomlinson, Publications Coordinator, on 8407 5160. Deliveries take place four times a year and you can claim your mileage.

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Advance Directives

Keeping control of your future An Advance Directive is a person’s wish or direction for the future, expressed in a legal document. This is to provide protection in the event that a person loses the mental capacity to make decisions about things such as their medical treatment, accommodation and/or lifestyle. Recently, a local seminar was held by the Office of the Public Advocate and below is a summary of what was explained.

Medical Power of Attorney

Mental capacity

This should be made alongside a Will and an Enduring Power of Attorney and involves appointing a person to make substitute decisions about your health, lifestyle and accommodation. Having an Enduring Power of Attorney and an Enduring Power of Guardianship covers you completely.

Mental capacity in terms of Advance Directives focuses on the ability of a person to understand the nature and effect of what is being signed or decided: •

it is assumed unless otherwise proven

it is situational rather than global

dementia does not mean you have a mental incapacity

a GP makes the decision about mental capacity

Enduring Power of Attorney This involves the appointment of a person to manage your financial, property and legal affairs and is immediately effective once you have been classed as incapacitated. It can be limited to certain aspects of your affairs and more than one person can be nominated.

Anticipatory Direction This is an expression of how a person wishes to be treated if they are in a terminal stage of a terminal illness or in a persistent vegetative state unable to make decisions about any medical treatment. It does not involve appointing anyone but medical professionals responsible for your care must abide by it.

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This involves the appointment of someone to make medical decisions once you have lost capacity to make the decisions for yourself. Limitations can be specified and those directly, or indirectly, responsible for your treatment or care such as paid professionals cannot be appointed.

Enduring Power of Guardianship

How can you make an Advance Directive? You can use ‘do-it-yourself’ kits available for purchase from Service SA centres (phone 13 23 24) or Legal Services Commission (phone 1300 366 424). You can also seek assistance from a solicitor or a trustee company who can draw up the documents and witness them for a fee.

Where can you get advice and support? The Office of the Public Advocate is an independent, statutory office accountable to the South Australian Parliament and can assist you with: •

education and advice

Guardianship of Last Resort (in the absence of a family representative)



You can contact them by calling 8269 7575 (1800 066 969 toll free) or by emailing You can also visit their website

Living alone and feeling unsafe in the evenings? Many residents live alone and report feeling insecure during the evenings. They feel concerned about what may happen to them if they had a fall or felt unwell. Have you experienced these concerns? Have you thought about what you can do to feel more comfortable? The following may help: •

List the phone numbers of up to five people such as family and friends that you can contact if required.

Make a list of emergency numbers such as ambulance, closest hospital and after hours general practitioner.

Display all these phone numbers near your phone for easy access.

Install these numbers into the speed dial function of your phone if available or ask someone to help you do this.

Consider purchasing or renting a personal alarm.

Keep the television or radio on – background noise can be reassuring.

Go to bed early with a book to read or with the television or radio on.

Find out if other residents are interested in regular get togethers in the evenings.

It may be helpful to discuss how you are feeling with friends or family as they may have some other great ideas.

ECH wants you to be able to remain living in your home for as long as possible and there is a range of community services that can assist you to achieve this. Independent Living Services welcomes residents to call them on 8407 5111 should they wish to discuss this issue further or enquire about personal alarms.

All cats go to Heaven Recently our granddaughter, her husband and three year old daughter had cause to take their old, much loved but ill cat “Tiger” to the vet. Unfortunately the vet had to put Tiger down. When the little girl asked where Tiger was, her mother replied that Tiger had gone to Heaven. On the way home in the car, her mother noticed that the child was holding her toy mobile phone to her ear. She was trying to call Heaven to see if Tiger had arrived there yet! Jack and Shirl Briggs, Victor Harbor

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ECH Food Services Put on your lab coat, cover your hair and sanitise your hands! We go inside to show you the hardworking staff, preparation processes and equipment that go into making an estimated 1,000,000 meals per year at ECH Food Services.

What is ECH Food Services? ECH Food Services is a cook-chill, bulk food production facility located at Kidman Park (on the same site as Community Services West and Maintenance Services). With the capacity to produce up to 10,000 meals per day, ECH Food Services uses modern equipment to produce and deliver meals to ECH residential care centres and also other external customers. The meals produced are nutritionally sound and are presented to the consumer in the freshest manner possible.

Paul (left) receiving deliveries

Established in 1996 as a central production kitchen catering to all ECH residential care centres, ECH Food Services is managed by an internationally trained chef and employs three other qualified chefs and fifteen kitchen assistants.

History and background In 1995, ECH was faced with a dilemma. Do we upgrade five onsite residential care kitchens or would it be more efficient to build one central production facility? After reviewing the latest technologies and systems in place overseas and a great deal of consideration of the current and future needs of ECH, a central production kitchen was built. An initial trial period was carried out and the site was declared officially in operation in March 1996.

Production equipment At ECH Food Services, food preparation is assisted by computerised equipment. Our cookchill process involves cooking food to appropriate temperatures and then rapidly chilling and storing the product in a controlled environment of less than five degrees Celsius. This ensures food safety and extends the shelf life of the product. Some of the main areas of technology used by ECH Food Services include kettle and tank cookers.

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Carmel (above) is Production Coordinator for the site

Kettle cookers are vessels capable of producing batches of 500 litres of any given product. Raw materials are added to the kettle cooker at the appropriate time with a computer controlling water content and cooking time. When the cooking process has been completed, the food is pumped into cryovac bags while it is still hot. The bag is sealed and conveyed into a tumble machine filled with ice cold water. This reduces the temperature of the product evenly to less than three degrees Celsius within 90 minutes. Once this process has been completed the bags are transferred to cold storage. Tank cookers are filled with water and computer controlled. In this machine we are able to immerse 400kg vacuum sealed batches of raw meat and slow cook it at an appropriate temperature. When the product is cooked the hot water is evacuated and replaced with ice cold water which has the same result as the kettle cooker.

Trevor (right), Manager of Food Services, in his office

Mike (below) checking orders for dispatch

Florentina (below) slicing meat

Yasemin (below) stacking and labelling an order

Annette and Yasemin (left) labelling containers


Delivery service Food items or meals produced in our facility can be delivered straight to a site’s cold storage. Transport takes place under strict temperature control and deliveries are made six days a week, usually in the morning. ECH Food Services currently delivers as far south as Victor Harbor and as far north as the Barossa. Each ECH care centre has its own on-site kitchen staff who plate and serve the meals.

Quality of service ECH Food Services has HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) accreditation. A comprehensive, fully documented food safety plan and management system is in place. Our standards comply with stringent guidelines which are internationally recognised. We ensure the quality of our service through a range of

processes including providing training to staff and clients, routine product testing and temperature monitoring at all stages.

Meal and food provision to other organisations In addition to servicing ECH’s seven residential care centres, ECH Food Services can assist a diverse range of catering organisations in producing quality food items as either entire menus or supplements to existing menus. They can cater for most special diets, including lactose and gluten free, and texture modified options.

Want to know more? Contact Trevor Cook, ECH Food Services Manager, by calling 8353 7433 or emailing

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Occupational Therapy Helping you to work, rest and play! Are you finding it more difficult to perform daily tasks or attend social activities? Do you want to achieve a safer or more accessible environment in your home? Do you want to minimise risk and learn about innovative ways to compensate for age related changes? Are you interested in how you could maximise your independence? Do you have any health-related issues which are affecting your ability to live life the way you would like to?

These are the types of questions to which occupational therapist Nerida Turner might seek answers from a new client who wishes to enhance their mobility, independence and lifestyle. “Occupation is everything that we do during the day, including sleep,” Nerida says. “It might be self-care or dressing as well as enjoying life.” An occupational therapist looks at “activities of daily living” and finds ways in which a person can perform the task differently or more efficiently.

Nerida’s pathway to ECH Graduating from university in 2000, Nerida has worked as an occupational therapist for ten years. She chose her career after some interesting work experience while at high school which revealed to her how valuable the profession is in helping others. “I really valued how through simple techniques you can increase someone’s quality of life by working with them to help them do things they value,” she says. After university, Nerida moved into the aged care sector straight away and has been working at ECH’s Victor Harbor Therapy Service for four years. Recently returning from maternity leave, Nerida looked forward to starting work due to the flexibility her workplace offers. “They work in with my family needs and are really supportive,” Nerida says. “It’s a big reason for enjoying my work.” This flexibility will allow her to take care of her two children, three year old Caleb and eleven month old Amelie, while still working within the profession she loves.

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What does an ECH occupational therapist do? Nerida’s role is dynamic, involving one-on-one assessments and treatment and also running group classes with other allied health professionals. “It’s so varied,” Nerida says. Some of her daily work with clients might include: • home visits or home safety assessments • activities of daily living training • neurological rehabilitation • chronic conditions self management • memory enhancing strategies • stress and tension management • mobility aid assessments

What is a home safety assessment? If someone has experienced falls, is at risk of falls or has a disability or an injury which reduces their mobility then they may be referred for a home safety assessment. “It’s about looking at every aspect of their day and how their environment hinders or enhances them to do that task independently,” Nerida explains. This includes such aspects as: • Does the front door need to be altered? • Are the chairs and tables appropriate heights? • Do you have easy access to cooking items? • How well are you getting out of bed?

Nerida assisting a client

Is lighting adequate?

Are grab rails required in the bathroom?

As an occupational therapist, Nerida uses the assessment to make recommendations which are then discussed with the client. Together they decide which recommendations to act on and how to go about fulfilling the suggested solutions. “Sometimes no modifications are needed and it’s just a matter of doing things different ways,” Nerida says.

Group activities for peer support Group activities are also a major part of Nerida’s role and the neurological rehabilitation group she runs together with physiotherapists and therapy assistants involves assisting people with neurological conditions to maximise their wellbeing. Despite being a group class, each person has their own individual program which meets their needs. The group environment maximises their recovery by providing peer support and socialisation.

permission, information sharing can occur which enables Nerida to seek the professional opinions of her colleagues and enhance the result for her client. “It gives a more holistic approach to their care.” Nerida says.

Don’t give up what you love Occupational therapy can help you in a variety of ways, probably some of which you would have never thought. “As people get older they experience losses and changes in function that they think they just have to put up with or they say they just can’t do that anymore,” Nerida explains. “It doesn’t mean they have to limit their activity.” Nerida says that the work of an occupational therapist is simply explained. “We’re like Mars Bars – we help you work, rest and play!” Support can be accessed from any of our four Therapy Service sites. “Rather than giving up what you love,” Nerida says,” come in and see if there’s another way to achieve what you value.”

“As people get older they experience losses and changes in function that they think they just have to put up with or they say they just can’t do that anymore.”

Achieve your goals through teamwork Ultimately Nerida’s role relies on assisting the client to achieve goals which are meaningful to them. “The major thing is their involvement in the process. I rather see us as working as a team,” Nerida says. “They are the expert in their condition and how it affects them.” This professional mentality is also enhanced by the teamwork between staff at ECH. With the client’s

Nerida with Caleb and Amelie

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Sailing success Two of ECH’s Therapy Service clients are sharing their story to show others what is possible and to encourage them in their own struggles, whether it be overcoming or managing a health condition or just increasing fitness.

‘I thought it was the end of my life’ On the 11th of January 2001, a stroke paralysed Yvonne Schramm and she was hospitalised for nine weeks. “I couldn’t walk, I couldn’t talk,” Yvonne recalls, “and I thought that was it.” After some early rehabilitation she learnt to walk again and was referred to ECH’s Victor Harbor Therapy Service for tailored support and therapy through a neurological rehabilitation group. Through a range of specific exercises designed to help her regain further mobility and manage independently at home, Yvonne improved her walking and also her speech. “I could barely walk when I first came here,” Yvonne says. “If it wasn’t for the help of the therapy here then I wouldn’t be as good as I am.” “We did all sorts of things,” Yvonne remembers about her therapy. She recalls the focus that was given to the things she enjoyed before the stroke and daily tasks she wanted to be able to do again such as cooking, knitting and gardening. Despite her left hand not recovering from the stoke and experiencing remaining paralysis in the hand, Yvonne has adapted her everyday activities and has learnt to knit with one hand. “I do quite a bit of cross-stitch, a little bit of gardening too,” Yvonne says.

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Yvonne Schramm with one of the participation medals she has received

It was also during this time that Yvonne was introduced to Sailability. Sailability teams people with a disability with experienced sailors and hosts regattas all over Australia, and the world, for these teams to compete. “It took a long time to encourage me to get into the boat. They’re not very big!” Yvonne says. “And I thought I could never do something like that.” After only 12 months had passed since her stroke, Yvonne took up sailing and hasn’t looked back. She’s the captain of the vessel during the regattas and is responsible for steering. “We have so much help and encouragement. It’s very relaxing,” Yvonne reports, “but sometimes I do a little bit of squealing!” Almost a decade on and Yvonne is still sailing and living independently, offering encouragement to others through talking about her experiences. “It would be easy to stay and sit but you can achieve!” she says. “Just don’t give up, keep a positive mind and keep trying!”

L-R: Edna Giles with Therapy Assistant Elena Russo, Edna with Regional Manager Valerie Aldahn, Edna and Elena

“I just want to stay as active as I can” Many people sigh over the amount of candles on their birthday cake each year but Edna Giles, who recently turned 90, believes there’s no time for sitting around and moping, staying active and living life are what she focuses on. Edna attends Greenacres Therapy Service for a weekly exercise regime where she works on improving her balance and maintaining the flexibility of her arms and legs. Her persistence with these classes, along with a daily commitment to staying active, has even helped her say goodbye to an old injury. As a carer for her husband for 15 years, Edna became unable to raise her right arm any higher than her shoulder. Now she’ll happily wave both her arms above her head to show you how much her mobility has improved through the exercises. Also aiming to improve her balance, Edna is learning to give her body extra time to adjust to any

movements which might throw her off-balance. “You can’t just rush into things!” Edna advises. She encourages people in the same situation as her to make use of any aids which can help around the house or help you to stay mobile but she also says that exercising improves her ability to perform daily tasks and is keeping her from having to use a scooter or wheelchair. “I still do my own housework,” Edna says, “but I try to make life as easy as possible!” Exercising at Greenacres Therapy Service is not just physical therapy to Edna it is also social therapy. She is happy to report that the staff are very friendly and class always gives her a laugh. “Before we start, Ruth comes up with some good jokes!” Why is staying active important? “To live!” Edna says. “Go to your doctor and get a referral!”

Enhance your health and wellbeing ECH offers a range of individual and group sessions to help older people living within the community to maintain and enhance their health and wellbeing.

If you would like to find out more, please contact your nearest Therapy Service location. Greenacres Therapy Service 1/1 Rellum Road, Greenacres Ph: 8369 3393 Western Therapy Service 168a Cudmore Terrace, Henley Beach Ph: 8356 3169 Southern Therapy Service 126 Pimpala Road, Morphettville Ph: 8322 5700 Victor Harbor Therapy Service 33 Cornhill Road, Victor Harbor Ph: 8551 0617

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Memories from wartime Adelaide If you happen to pass the site of the old Glenelg Air Raid Shelter you will see a commemorative sign complete with a photograph of a smiling, young woman. Taken over 65 years ago, it became the starting point for an afternoon of reminiscing about wartime Adelaide with the subject of the photograph. The year was 1942 and Loris Bulger, now a resident of Charles Young Residential Care Centre, was twenty years of age and a volunteer Fire Warden with the Auxiliary Fire Service. She was part of the Brighton group, having to attend regular meetings and be prepared to assist in the event of any emergencies. “If Adelaide was bombed, then they were there to coordinate with the firemen,” Vicki Brown, Loris’ daughter, explains. By day, Loris worked as a comptometrist for timber merchants Bone and Son. Loris remembers the heavy, black curtains which were placed over the windows in her family’s home in an attempt to make the city darker and less of a potential target for bombings. Barbed wire could also be found along the coastline. “There was barbed wire where the sand hills were right along to the Brighton jetty and all the way up to Seacliff,” Loris recalls.

Loris Bulger

Making jewellery such as brooches, earrings and necklaces was another favoured wartime hobby. However, these pieces weren’t made from any type of metal or plastic. Loris made these creations out of bread! Back then the bread that was made had less preservatives in it so you could roll it between your fingers, make it doughy again, shape it then paint it. “I made thousands of them,” Loris says. “I usually made them for a present or to match a certain dress.” With little assistance, Loris also dug an air raid shelter out the back of her family’s home. “I built most of it,” Loris remembers. “The dirt was red clay and it sets hard. It had four steps you went down, you could stand up inside and I cut a seat out so you could also sit down.” The shelter had a roof made of corrugated iron and railway sleepers. To be self-sufficient, Loris’ family also had their own vegetable patch. “During the war we had them all along the back fence,” Loris says. “We always grew our own vegetables.”

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Some may also remember, as Loris does, the coupons which were used to purchase certain ‘luxury’ items. “She had a short wedding dress because it didn’t use as many coupons,” Vicki says. “We were only allowed a certain number,” Loris explains. “My wedding veil was mosquito netting because it didn’t use up any coupons!” Loris married Jack Bulger in 1944 after corresponding with him by mail and only meeting him a handful of times. The happy couple’s honeymoon was two nights at Blackwood House and then on to Broken Hill. Loris and Jack enjoyed nearly 63 years of marriage together before Jack passed away. Loris still has all the letters he wrote which were often censored. “They’ve got these patches where sentences were blacked out,” Loris says. Jack was stationed at Port Hedland for most of the war. “We went there years later and had a look where Jack used to play cards and drink pints of beer!” Loris recalls. They began corresponding after the male friend she had been writing to got engaged

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Loris at the ai

r raid shelter


and told her he didn’t think he should write anymore as it wouldn’t be appropriate. So Loris replied, “Ok, is there anybody else who would like to write to me?” Her request was responded to by Jack and the rest is history. Loris now leads a quiet life at the Charles Young Residential Care Centre. However, this quiet was recently, but pleasantly, disrupted by much fanfare when Loris was interviewed for the local Messenger newspaper after being tracked down as the mysterious lady from the sign!

Do you know someone who prefers their publication in large format or on tape? This can be arranged as the Royal Society for the Blind kindly translates our publications. For a copy contact: Coordinator Publications ECH Inc Reply Paid 83158 Parkside SA 5063 Telephone: 8407 5160 Email:

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Come into ‘Our Garden’ After the success of the first two Walkerville Day Program Art Inclusion Projects, a new group of budding artists is continuing the trend through their interpretation of all things found in the garden. The Arts Inclusion Project is an eleven week art group which involves weekly classes of 90 minutes duration. The sessions are run by Artist in Residence Katie Harten who is assisted by nine Year 10 students from Pembroke School as part of their Community Care studies. The project is aimed at people who are living within the local community and who are experiencing some form of memory loss. It is attended by seven participants ranging in age from 59 to 99 and promotes community inclusion through the project’s relationship with the school. “They’re loving it,” Katie reports. “Each week we have a different objective.” So far they have experimented with collage, painting, drawing and clay work. “I enjoy it very much,” participant Lydia says. “It’s relaxing and I like the diversity.” The group environment is also a plus. “You can get a lot of ideas from other people,” Lydia explains. Kevin, a fellow participant, readily agrees with Lydia about enjoying the group. “I think it’s fantastic,” Kevin says. “Just the detail that’s required and the professional way they’ve gone about it. I would love to do it again.” Sharyn Blows, Walkerville Day Program Coordinator, reports that excitement is building towards their final goal. “The end result is the exhibition which will be attended by their family and friends,” Sharyn says. The exhibition, entitled ‘Our Garden’ will feature the participants’ artworks at Pembroke School Parents’ and Friends’ Gallery. The artworks will be on display by appointment only from 29 July until 13 August and the exhibition has been accepted as part of the South Australian Living Artists (SALA) festival.

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Q&A with Valerie Aldahn What is your role with ECH? My role within ECH is that of Regional Manager North East Community Programs and that includes management of community packages, Greenacres Therapy Service and both Walkerville and James Martin Day Programs.

What made you apply to work for ECH? I was attracted to the role as I had heard of ECH as a major aged care service provider and was impressed by the breadth of services for older people which the organisation offers. I felt that ECH was an organisation that was not only growing but also development, capacity building, community retaining the human characteristics and values involvement and housing. My previous that really matter to staff and clients. That was employment has equipped me with a strong important to me. sense of social justice which is invaluable in my current role. My academic studies have What do you enjoy about your role? included management, organisational change I enjoy the diversity of my job! One day I can be and teaching. More recently I completed a post talking with a physiotherapist in a therapy centre graduate qualification in Grief and Palliative setting and later that day discussing an art project Care Counselling. I am currently completing an for people with memory loss in a day program. Advanced Diploma in Integrative Psychotherapy. I I love that the services ECH provides benefit am very interested in what motivates people, and our clients - it feels good to be involved in this. how the mind works - hence my studies!! Most importantly I am constantly inspired by the passion and commitment of the other staff. What do you enjoy outside of ECH?

What experience did you bring to ECH? Prior to working at ECH I managed a number of counselling and relationship services and programs for another service provider. I have 20 years experience as an operational manager in the public sector with experience in service

Outside of work I enjoy spending time in my garden, listening to music, going to markets and watching movies. I love travelling, especially to romantic places like Prague (currently my favourite city). I also read a lot and I have two grandchildren who are both one year old and I am really enjoying getting to know them.

A colourful display for Mother’s Day Mother’s Day at Smithfield Residential Care Centre was a beautiful display of different coloured flowers as residents were surprised with gifts of potted Chrysanthemums. One hundred potted plants were kindly donated to the site by Living Colour Nursery. A big thank you to Living Colour Nursery - the flowers were a beautiful and touching gift dearly appreciated by the residents.

Left: Sharlene from Living Colour Nursery with Lifestyle Assistant Veronica Lepley and Director of Care Kelly Geister

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Sea of tranquillity If you’re after a quiet, peaceful and relaxing vacation, Ron Dunning knows just the place for you. For seven leisurely nights, Ron and a friend stayed in the ECH holiday unit in the seaside town of Ardrossan. Approximately two hours drive from the city, Ardrossan is located on the east coast of the Yorke Peninsula, nestled atop clay cliffs on the shores of St Vincent Gulf. “There are birds that nest in the side of the cliff,” Ron says, describing his experience. “It’s nice looking out over the sea, occasionally you will see a fishing boat or people on the jetty fishing or crabbing.”


wn, majestic trees On the edge of to ashed leaves With shiny rain w r, our holiday unit Amongst clean ai are entertained On our patio we llet under the By the gum leaf ba gentle wind Direction, of cool m Correa flower Honeyeaters flit fro h above on a boug To Correa flower, and make up Two love birds kiss d by sun beams Soursobs seduce ide calling Smilingly open w nshine Good morning su giants Avenue of Norfolk tched limbs Welcoming outstre to red cliffs From main street smoothed rocks Below cliffs, sea rers and anglers Jetty calls wande spirit of peace Sea of tranquillity, By Ron Dunning

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With clean air and a peaceful environment, Ron recommends Ardrossan as a place of relaxation. “It’s quieter, slower paced, it’s not crowded and it’s not polluted. It’s just so fresh,” Ron says. “It’s one place where I always come back feeling refreshed and contented.” He says the slower pace of the town makes it an ideal place for those requiring a restful and therapeutic holiday. Ron also has a favourable view of the holiday unit, which has every practical need provided for. Ceiling fans, an air conditioner, outdoor patio, barbecue and outdoor furniture are features of the two bedroom unit which is ideally located at ECH’s Ardrossan Retirement Estate. Living at Fairfield Lodge in Glenelg, Ron says the location of Ardrossan is a great advantage. “Geographically, Ardrossan is ideally placed. Whether you like the sea or the rural scene or both, it’s a great place to be.” Ron enjoyed the experience so much that he put his thoughts of the town into a poem. Now retired, Ron, a poet and writer, has more time to devote to his love for reading and writing poetry. Poetry being a powerful medium of expression, his words come from experience, thoughts and feelings. “I’m sure that ECH residents who have not been to Ardrossan would be in for a pleasant surprise.”

PANDA-MONIUM at the Adelaide Zoo!

Recently some of our care centre residents and day program clients enjoyed an interesting trip to the Adelaide Zoo… and it wasn’t just the animals who were up to no good! “What happens on tour, stays on tour!” says Veronica Lepley, Lifestyle Assistant at Smithfield Residential Care Centre. However, we had evidence to suspect that the bus driver, who also happens to be ECH Food Services employee John Cooper, attempted to smuggle a red panda out of the zoo. Fortunately, any scandal was withdrawn when it was revealed as a toy panda purchased from the gift shop! By all reports, it was a wonderful day and something that many of those who attended had not done ever or for quite some time. Jean, a resident at Smithfield, says that the trip was a dream come true for her. “It was a lovely day and I really enjoyed it,” Jean says. “I was amazed at the greenery. It was like being in the forest,” fellow resident Glad says.

Smithfield residen

ts with staff and

from James The group m Day Progra


Martin John Cooper

Residents fr o Residential m Marten Care Centr e

Much excitement came from watching the most recent arrivals, pandas Wang Wang and Funi. Mara, who has not been to a zoo since her mother took her to the Melbourne Zoo as a young girl, thoroughly enjoyed the experience. “It’s wonderful when you’re 84 and you get to see your first panda,” she says. There was also much interest in many of the other animals, particularly the tigers for Frank, also a resident. His love of these creatures comes from his time with the British Army. “The badge we wore was a Bengal Tiger,” he says. “They’re beautiful, magnificent creatures.” Ivan, who hasn’t been to the zoo for 65 years, remembers the early days of transport to see the animals. “You used to get on the Popeye and it would take you to the zoo,” he says. However, he only had good things to say about John’s bus driving which is fortunate given that Ivan used to be a driving instructor in his working days.

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Volunteering within your local community Don’t live near an ECH facility? Looking for a volunteering opportunity which we don’t offer? Try your local community!

Bo Ahlstrom Volunteer handyman, Victoria Court resident Spending most of his life working on or with ships, Bo Ahlstrom has never been one to sit still for long. “I’ve been active all my life,” Bo says. Originally from Sweden, Bo signed up for the Swedish navy at age 16 and was there for four years before moving on to the Swedish Merchant Marines for fifteen years. Bo came to Australia in the 1960s where he worked on the waterfront at Port Adelaide until his retirement at age 58. “For two years I went around doing nothing and I got sick of it,” Bo remembers. “So I took up painting and I painted for twelve years,” he explains. After over a decade of painting, Bo experienced a sudden numbness in his legs while he was high up on a ladder. Although this ordeal was resolved without incident it ended Bo’s second career and once again he was left greatly missing the busyness and social interaction he gained from working. At 76, Bo knew it would be hard to find a paid job and he was looking for more flexibility with his hours. An advertisement for volunteers in the local newspaper led him to call up a local store which collects and sells baby clothing and once again Bo was back in his element. “I’m their handyman,”

he says. “I do all sorts of things.” For two days a week he does a variety of tasks such as painting, shifting things, even striping old baby carriages so they can sell off the metal. He also finds that volunteering there provides him with the social interaction he was missing in his life. “Working twice a week now makes a difference,” Bo says.

Peter Macmichael Library assistant, choral performer, Maxwell Court resident As an active member of the community, Peter Macmichael knows firsthand the benefits volunteering can bring to retirees. For two hours every week you will find Peter working away at his local Unley Library, putting barcodes on books and getting old books ready for sale. “It’s interesting because I see things I would not normally see,” Peter says. “When you’re on your own, you can get quite lonely if you don’t do something,” Peter says. “Volunteering is an excellent way of meeting people and being able to do what’s useful.” Also a member of the Metro Male Choir, Peter attends weekly practices and performs every four to six weeks “all over the place”. He is also the volunteer community representative on an ECH committee which meets to discuss ideas about how to help older people stay socially connected. Peter gains friendship from volunteering and also a sense that he can be of service to the community. “Volunteering is a good use of time without a good deal of obligation,” Peter says. “If an opportunity arises then take advantage of it!” For volunteering opportunities within your local community, contact SA Volunteering on 8221 7177 or 1300 135 545 for country callers. You can also visit their website

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ECHo! Winter/Spring 2010 | ECH Inc

Continuing creativity in our care centres William Halfhide One of William Halfhide’s first jobs was as a draftsman in England. It was this strict environment of rulers and set squares that lead him to test his skills with freehand drawing. From then on, William never went anywhere without his sketch book and pen. “When I went to meetings in London I always took a sketch book in my briefcase,” William recalls. He would sketch anything and everything, whatever he saw that sparked his interest or curiosity. It was retirement which saw William develop his passion further. “I said to my wife, I don’t know what I’m going to do. I couldn’t see myself playing golf and I’m not one to put my feet up in front of the TV either,” William remembers. Up to this point he had only been sketching in pen so his wife suggested William try working with colour. Since then, William has produced an amazing collection of watercolours. “I find that if I’m down in the dumps I can always turn to a bit of painting and that cheers me up,” William says. Before he moved from Bellevue, he was commissioned to do some watercolours of the site. These now hang in the hall of Holly Residential Care Centre, where he now resides.

Joy O’Reilly Any visitor to Joy O’Reilly’s room will remember the array of colourful artworks lining her walls. What they may not know is that the artist was sitting right in front of them. At the age of ten, Joy’s mother sent her to art school on Saturday mornings. This was to foster a lifelong passion for art and when Joy finished primary school she enrolled in the South Australian School of Arts and Craft for her secondary schooling. “When I was doing my homework I used to draw a whole page of horses galloping and do a little bit of homework at the bottom,” she recalls. After finishing school, Joy worked at Clarksons in the stained glass window section until she was married. Later in life, Joy’s husband patiently drove her around Nairne and sat with her while she drew and took photos. It was at Nairne that Joy taught an art group. She also spent some years instructing at TAFE. Joy has experimented with many mediums but, like William, she enjoys watercolour the most. At Marten Residential Care Centre, Joy is still being commissioned to do artworks, mostly of family portraits from photographs. Her first love, however, is drawing inspiration from nature and this can be seen in many of her artworks. Joy says that drawing is something everyone can do. “If you’ve got the inspiration to draw, the rest will come,” Joy says.

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My first home was a tent! The story of Alma Dickerson Smith When my dear neighbour, Alma, casually made that statement I was stopped in my tracks and immediately intrigued! I just had to hear Alma’s story. Alma was born at Bute in 1916, the daughter of Arnold (of Norwood) and Minnie Rosalie (of Inman Valley) Smith. Arnold loved working the land but extreme drought signalled a change of plans. As farmers, Arnold and Minnie lost everything. By the time Alma was born, Arnold had found work surveying soldier settlement blocks at Barmera, a small settlement then, and a tent was to become their home. Their next home was a house on stilts and Alma’s first memories are of conducting play “church services” on the lower level with her cousins. Church was to be a continuing theme throughout Alma’s life. In 1920 they moved to a property midway between Kadina and Port Broughton where Arnold could fulfil his dream of becoming a farm manager. By this time Alma had a brother Edward and a younger sister, Janet. Alma remembers her happy childhood and her years at Ward’s Hill School which she started at the age of six, when she was old enough to walk the two and a half miles to school. After her school years, Alma took a position at the Chaff Merchant’s office at Freeling. It was here that she became a newspaper reporter for the Barossa News, joined the Soldiers’ Welfare Committee and the Glee Club while embarking on playing the organ at the Methodist Church. Eight and a half years later, the call of the city sounded. Alma’s interest in singing developed as she joined the Adelaide Choral Society for a short time then the Adelaide Harmony Choir, of which she is now a Life Member. While with the Adelaide Musical Comedy Company she took part in opera, musical comedy and reviews, relishing the

Above: Alma with Adelaide Lord Mayor Michael Harbison. Left: Alma at three months of age.

demands and excitement of working during the day and performing at night. After retiring, Alma was fortunate to find her lovely sixth floor apartment at Manson Towers with easy access to all that Glenelg has to offer and beautiful views over the Southern suburbs. Retirement gave Alma more time to continue her commitment to the Adelaide Eisteddfod Society, a relationship spanning 30 years and for which she was bestowed an Honorary Life Membership. While Alma is taking life a bit easier now, she is still an active resident of 22 years who attributes her good health to a love of walking. She remains closely connected to Pilgrim Uniting Church and fondly remembers when she had a walk-on role in the film “Innocence” starring Julia Blake and Charles “Bud” Tingwell, part of which was filmed in the church. Alma continues her life’s journey with independence and humour. Such a rich and rewarding life from such humble beginnings. By Cheryl Marshall, Manson Towers, Glenelg

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ECHo! Winter/Spring 2010 | ECH Inc

Ray of sunshine at Kelvin Grove Ella remembered us all on Australia Day, St. Valentines Day, Mother’s Day, Easter, Christmas, not forgetting the New Year party we all get invited to. Her house at Christmas is a beautiful display of lights, colours, decorations, and to top it off, a beautiful nativity scene all lit up night after night.

n Grove Above: Some of the residents from Kelvi row L-R Betty, Back d. Bear Ella bour neigh their ng surroundi L-R Joyce, row t Fron a. Rom and Maxine, Linda, Lyn, Karl a. Rom and Lois el, Laur Chris, Ella,

In our village (Kelvin Grove), we have a very special lady called Ella Beard. It’s over 5 years since we came here to live and during this time Ella has visited each person here, dressed up, looking as pretty as a picture and always carrying a basket of sweets or chocolates or a little flag, even a posy of white flowers for Mother’s Day. At Christmas, Ella dresses up and really goes all out to bring joy and a little ray of sunshine to everyone she meets.

I just couldn’t go another day without writing to you and was wondering if there might be a space in your next magazine to give Ella an honourable mention. I feel sure that it’s not only my thoughts, but the thoughts of many others in our village, who appreciate this special lady and the way she reaches out to everyone. May she be richly blessed. A Happy Neighbour, Kelvin Grove, Lockleys Ella’s response: “It’s so easy to do and I think it keeps me in touch with everyone! We are a lovely, happy group here. I would also like to mention our neighbour Dulcie who wasn’t able to be in the photo with us. She always helped bring a bit of joy to people here. Everyone’s thinking of her.”

How times have changed... Joyce Johnston first applied to go on ECH’s registration list in 1971 and still has the original receipt of application. In 1987, she accepted the offer to move into Kelvin Grove and has been residing there ever since, only moving once to a unit across the driveway. “It’s amazing what time has passed,” Joyce says. She still has her original yellow ‘Handbook for Tenants’ which many of our current residents wouldn’t recognise. Joyce also remembers the time when a man would come knocking at her door each fortnight to collect the maintenance fee.

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Wanted: Keeping fit at Manson Towers Each Monday morning a group of residents from Manson Towers meet for fitness, friendship and a lot of fun! Beginning in September 2009, the group was formed by residents as a result of interest expressed about offering some form of regular exercise onsite.

wool donations and knitters Charles Young Residential Care Centre is planning a special knitting project and requires wool and knitters. If you have some spare wool or time which you could donate to the project, please contact Judith Tanti, Lifestyle Coordinator, on 8350 3600.

As it turned out, Gladys Webb, a Manson Towers resident herself, had experience in running similar fitness classes for older people and volunteered to lead the class.

Re-retiring in style

“It’s gentle exercise,” Gladys says. “Just a little get together that keeps them going.” The class runs for approximately 30 minutes and involves a range of exercises, mostly carried out while seated, which mimic day-to-day actions with lots of waving, rowing, foot tapping and conducting to the lively music which is played during sessions. A popular morning physical and social activity, they always find at least ten people in attendance and sometimes this can grow to fifteen.

From Arch Prime Lodge, Myrtle Bank, to Bribie Island, Queensland – Dorothy McMahon, who has lived with us for almost five years, is leaving for sunny Queensland.

Photo caption: The Manson Towers morning exercise group. Back row L-R Alvis, Denise, Bill, Colleen, Trisha, Mavis, Jean, Rosie and front row L-R Shirley, Anna, Gladys (group leader), Verlie, Yvonne. Absent from the photo were Flo, Maxine, Denise and Margarite.

Dorothy was born in Tanunda in 1920 and has lived all over the state. After becoming a widow in 1997, Dorothy moved to Adelaide and lived in a granny flat at her daughter’s home. In October 2005, she moved to Arch Prime Lodge and we have enjoyed her company very much indeed. We often see her grey head bobbing past our window, heading out to do more gardening, planting, raking leaves, fertilizing. What a dynamo! And carrying a large, full watering can too! She loves to go on bus trips and we know her church is going to miss this willing worker. God bless you Dorothy, we have come to love you and will miss you immensely. Richard and Jean Bickle, Arch Prime Lodge, Myrtle Bank

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ECHo! Winter/Spring 2010 | ECH Inc

Wildlife world! If you’d walked past Marten Residential Care Centre’s courtyard on one particular day in May, you might’ve heard barking, bleating, squawking and oinking! Blacksdane Mobile Animal Sanctuary stopped by the care centre for the afternoon and residents were delighted to be able to see, touch and hold a range of wildlife including a kookaburra, rabbits, guinea pigs, dogs, an alpaca, a sheep and, of course, a pig. Some of the favourites were of course the gorgeous dogs, soft rabbits and adorable alpaca!

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19 Dawkins Avenue 19 Cornhill Road 168a Cudmore Terrace 160 Walkerville Terrace

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8522 3255 8551 0600 8356 3169 8342 8367

1/1 Corner Rellum and Fosters Rds 126 Pimpala Road 33 Cornhill Road 168a Cudmore Terrace

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174 Greenhill Road 39 Fisher Street 53 Austral Terrace 16-24 Penneys Hill Road 110 StrathďŹ eld Terrace 19 Cornhill Road 1 Warooka Drive 160 Walkerville Terrace 358 Findon Road

Parkside 5063 Myrtle Bank 5064 Morphettville 5043 Hackham 5163 Largs North 5016 Victor Harbor 5211 Smithfield 5114 Walkerville 5081 Kidman Park 5025

8407 5192 8130 6444 8350 3600 8392 6700 8248 9555 8551 0600 8254 4700 8342 8300 8353 7433

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