Echo August 2012

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AUGUST 2012 | ISSUE No. 146

Accessing information and support to enrich lives

Contents Cover story - Accessing information and support to enrich lives







ECHo! AUGUST 2012 | ISSUE No. 146

Please share this publication with your family and friends. Opinions quoted in this publication are not necessarily those of the editorial team or the ECH Board of Directors. Cover photo: Rotary Village resident Phyllis Page (centre) with daughter Dianne (left) and ECH Independent Living Services Coordinator Julie Lawrie (right).

ECH Inc 174 Greenhill Road Parkside SA 5063 Telephone: 08 8407 5151 Facsimile: 08 8407 5130 Email: Website: Printed and certified to AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management Systems. Printed on Pacesetter (FSC) stock using 100% vegetable based process inks.


- Independent Living Services


- askECH


Living Well


Beres’ story


ECH acquires community and residential care services from Masonic Homes


Also a Mirror wins international award




Circle of life


Site upgrade schedule


Update meetings


At home by the sea


Social pages


ECH volunteers: adding value to the lives of older people


Message in a Bottle


Enhancing independence down the coast


Working for ECH


Talent at Branston Court


War, Wellingtons and Winston Churchill


Southern community services activities


Active lifestyles at Ross Robertson


Holiday unit booking form


Contact us



Accessing information and support to enrich lives ECH is committed to its purpose of providing quality affordable homes and support to enrich the lives of older people. An important part of this commitment is ensuring that older people and their families are made aware of the information and support that is available and how to access it.

Independent Living Services

ECH has a number of access services to help residents, clients and their families find the information they need or arrange support services.

Throughout their journey with ECH, residents will be offered a range of support from Independent Living Services. Examples of the types of support given are listed here.

Residents of ECH independent living units and their families Independent Living Services (ILS) 8407 5111. The service is available Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5pm. All other people askECH 1300 275 324 ECH access services are outlined over the following pages.

Independent Living Services is unique to ECH and provides a range of information and referral services for residents of our independent living units. The Independent Living Services team includes (pictured above left to right): • Julie Lawrie – Coordinator, northern and western areas (including Ardrossan) • Luke Say – Team Leader, also Coordinator for Hillside Gardens Retirement Village • Lorraine Wilkin – Coordinator, eastern areas (including Nairne) • Jennifer Moloney – Administration Officer • Melissa Evans – Coordinator, southern areas (including Victor Harbor)

New resident visits An in-home visit is offered to new residents to assist them to settle into their community. This is especially important if they are new to the area. A broad range of information about council services and social and wellbeing options can be provided to assist new residents in understanding the community support pathways available locally.

Scheduled visits and telephone contacts From the age of 70 years onwards, residents are offered scheduled visits or telephone contacts providing assistance with age-related issues and information about services that are available. This includes information about government rebates if applicable. These contacts increase in frequency once residents reach 80 years of age, and increase once again when residents reach 90 years of age.

Deck chair meetings

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Casual onsite meetings are also offered, giving residents a chance to get together with their coordinator. These meetings can also involve guest speakers from local council and other community service providers. Information provided at these meetings is highly valuable and specifically targeted at helping residents to remain as safe and independent as possible.

Information in times of need Support and information from Independent Living Services is available for residents of our independent living units at any time during office hours. For example, if you are going to hospital, considering residential care or would like more information about such things as safety and personal alert systems, please don’t hesitate to seek assistance and advice from Independent Living Services by calling 8407 5111.

Personal alert systems On Anzac Day this year, Rotary Village resident Phyllis Page returned home after being out for most of the day. Within 15 minutes, she began experiencing excruciating pain in her shoulder blade. Having recently arranged for a personal alert system, she pressed the button and was quickly contacted by an operator who informed Phyllis that an ambulance was on its way. Phyllis opened the back door of her unit and then went to sit down on her lounge where she instantly blacked out. Rushed to Modbury Hospital, she was stabilised by several doctors and nursing staff before being transferred to the Royal Adelaide Hospital. Phyllis was experiencing a severe heart attack, involving a 10cm tear in her aorta. After four days in intensive care, Phyllis was moved to College Grove to recuperate. Unfortunately, her recuperation wasn’t smooth and involved another two trips to hospital. “I was away five weeks altogether,” Phyllis says. “Without the button and the ambulance coming so quickly, I would’ve been dead,” Phyllis says. “That was my life saver.” Earlier in the year, Independent Living Services Coordinator Julie Lawrie (pictured with Phyllis above) presented at a Rotary Village ‘Aged Care Services Information Day’ on the Personal Alert Systems Rebate

Scheme (an initiative of the Government of South Australia). Rebate application forms were distributed at the session and Julie followed up with residents who requested further information, ensuring those eligible had access to forms to apply for the government rebate. “I didn’t think that I needed it really,” Phyllis says, recalling how she initially felt about getting a personal alert. Also encouraged by Dianne, her daughter, Phyllis decided to get one. “She only had it for a month before she had to use it,” Dianne says. Phyllis required additional temporary support services to assist her to return home. Julie was able to provide Phyllis and Dianne with information about the relevant local services that could assist them. “Julie was wonderful. I had no idea who to contact,” Dianne says. “Without that support, I would’ve really been floundering.” Back at home, Phyllis has been recovering well. “I’m doing quite a few things for myself again,” she says. “Home is the best place to be.” Having lived at Rotary Village for 18 years, both Phyllis and her daughter agree that it is the best move she has ever made. Phyllis enjoys not having to worry about maintenance and is surrounded by a supportive and social group of neighbours. “I feel safe here,” Phyllis says.

How to access personal alert systems ECH’s independent living unit residents can find out more about arranging personal alert systems by contacting Independent Living Services on 8407 5111. More information about personal alert systems can also be found by contacting the Independent Living Centre of South Australia on 8266 5260.

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Accessing information and support to enrich lives Officially launched on 1st July 2012, askECH is a new information service which aims to assist older people, and their families and carers, to understand and navigate the aged care system and access services which will enhance their independence and enjoyment of life.

Profile Susan Bell

askECH Customer Service Coordinator Susan Bell has extensive experience in the management, promotion and delivery of information, with a broad range of skills related to information technology. Prior to joining ECH, Susan worked for the Winemakers’ Federation of Australia as Manager of Research and Analysis. She also spent eight years at the Wine Industry Information Centre of the Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation (now Wine Australia Corporation). During this time, Susan was involved with gathering and organising information on the wine industry, and setting up systems for information distribution. Susan has qualifications in information management and education.

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We recognise that at varying stages in our lives ageing presents us with new challenges and we are often confused about who to turn to. The new askECH information service supports you and your family by providing independent and relevant information and referrals so you can make informed choices. Being well informed reduces anxiety and provides peace of mind. Information and referrals will be provided on the full range of issues that concern older people, including but not limited to: • accessing home care • finding reliable financial advice • moving to residential care • improving health and fitness • accessing home maintenance services • understanding Advance Directives • maintaining social links • accessing concessions and rebates askECH is a personalised service, providing relevant information and referrals based on individual situations. It is similar to the existing service provided exclusively to our independent living unit residents by Independent Living Services and the in-home support provided by our Community Programs. Clients can be assured that they will be referred to quality services from both ECH and non-ECH organisations.

Who is eligible? This service is initially being promoted to existing ECH clients and their families, including those people on the independent living unit and residential care registration lists, and clients of our therapy services and day programs.


However, anyone requiring information about aged care services is eligible to access the service. If the service is deemed successful after its two year trial period, it will then be more widely promoted. It should be noted that askECH is not being promoted to our independent living unit residents as they receive a similar service from Independent Living Services.

How do I proceed? If you are interested in accessing information from askECH, you can make contact by telephone, email, mail or in person using the details at right. A time for an initial discussion about your situation and requirements will be arranged and can take place over the phone or by face-to-face meeting. After this discussion, you will be provided with an action plan tailored to meet your needs, allowing you to either arrange the required services at your leisure or to request further support from askECH with arranging referrals and making appointments.

Is there a service fee? The first 45 minutes of discussion with a client is free of charge. A fee will apply should you desire more time. In addition, should a client request askECH to organise appointments and/or services on their behalf this will be on a fee-paying basis.

Contact Details askECH operates Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5pm If you would like to use the service or have any questions, please contact

Susan Bell

askECH Customer Service Coordinator Telephone: 1300 275 324 (1300 askECH) Email: Mail Reply Paid 83158, 174 Greenhill Road, Parkside SA 5063

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Living Well ECH recognises that social networks, personal friendships and achievements are important to our health and wellbeing. We offer individualised support through our Living Well programs for older people who would like to expand their social and community networks, and enhance their wellbeing. These programs focus on individual interests and offer personal coaching and support through one to one consultations over a 12 week period. Northern Living Well is available to people aged 65 and over who live in the Cities of Salisbury and Port Adelaide Enfield (Enfield region only). For more information, please contact: Ashling O’Boyle City of Salisbury region Telephone: 8406 8288 Kasia Parker City of Port Adelaide Enfield region (Enfield region only) Telephone: 0458 080 038

Living Well is also available to residents of ECH’s independent living units. The Project Officer for this program is Kasia Parker. For more information, please contact Independent Living Services on 8407 5111.

Living We ll can assis t you with connected staying and avoidin g isolation supporting through you in: • joining c ommunity groups • attendin g social ev ents • gaining support to continue c hobbies urrent or reclaim past intere sts • seeking out new in terests • participa ting in phy sical exerc program ise s • attendin g educatio nal program s • explorin g culturally specific ne tworks • explorin g options fo r volunteeri ng


hich erative game w op co am te a is Lifeball The game asis on safety. ph em gh hi a s ha there is king pace and is played at wal players. act with other nt co al ic ys ph no ith the t-based sport w Lifeball is a cour h a low the ball throug g in tt ge of m ai and rategy, fitness st es ot om pr It hoop. portunity for provides an op d an k or w am at te Lifeball is played n. fu ve ha to s player Centre on ns Recreation de ar G d el afi ar .30pm P 11.30am and 12 n ee tw be s ay Thursd ’s Healthy ity of Salisbury C e th of rt pa as itiative. Communities In ct Cathie , please conta re o m t u o d n hy To fi from the Healt er d in B m Ji r Graham o 51. For am on 8406 82 Te s ie it n u m t the Com ut Lifeball, visi o ab n io at rm more info u. website www

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Beres’ story Beres Mattingly has been involved with sport for most of her life, having played basketball, netball, tennis and lawn bowls, and also through her 35 years of experience as a netball coach and umpire. Over the last few years, Beres, now aged 76, has been struggling with several health issues, including operations on her heart and knee. After the additional stress of a few falls and a flaring up of her arthritis, Beres stopped going out and became quite depressed. “I wouldn’t answer the phone or go to the front door,” Beres recalls. Referred to the Northern Living Well program, Beres, who was trying to juggle a full calendar of medical appointments, initially put off meeting up with Project Officer Ashling O’Boyle. Nine months later she decided to “take the bull by the horns” and she let Ashling know she was ready to start the program. Ashling worked with Beres to find activities that suited her interests so that she could return to the active and social lifestyle she previously enjoyed. This led Beres to start playing Lifeball, a new team game which is growing in popularity. “At first I thought I’ll never be able to do this,” Beres says. “But I did and now I look forward to coming.” On the first day Beres remembers that she could hardly walk around. However, after playing weekly for just over a month, even Beres’ doctor noticed that the spring has returned to her step. “I really enjoy going,” Beres says. “The people are nice and I would recommend it to anyone wanting to get out more.” She also says that Lifeball is ideal for people to get involved because the cost is small and the rules are simple.

become involved in things outside of the initial activity. Beres is now planning to attend a local community gardening program with one of the other Lifeball players. “I can’t speak more highly of the way I’ve been treated,” Beres says. She encourages others to take up the support from programs such as Northern Living Well, saying that it’s all about encouraging you in what you can and want to do.

Beres has even dabbled in umpiring again. One week the normal Lifeball umpire wasn’t able to attend. The other players encouraged Beres to have a go at umpiring and Beres surprised herself with how quickly she settled back into the role. “I never thought I’d be umpiring again,” Beres says. “I feel a lot better in myself now,” Beres says, reporting positively on the impact of the support she has received by Northern Living Well, and also Salisbury Home Assist. “Now I’m sleeping better and I’m thinking about things more positively,” she says. Playing Lifeball has allowed Beres to make new friends and to feel a sense of belonging. Ashling says that one of the most important impacts of starting with one new social activity is that it can facilitate the formation of multiple connections so that people are led to

Northern Living Well Project Officer Ashling O’Boyle with Beres

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ECH acquires community and residential care services from Masonic Homes

“The change of ownership will have little, if any, effect on Masonic Homes’ aged care residents and community care clients who are continuing to be cared for by the same people who provided their care previously,” Rob says. “Masonic Homes is a like-minded organisation with similar values to ECH and a strong commitment and wonderful record in providing the very best in community and aged care. These shared values are helping to ensure a smooth transition.”

In an agreement finalised on the 29th June ECH has acquired Masonic Homes’ residential care facilities and community care services and also Hillside Gardens Retirement Village.

ECH has offered continuing employment to all of Masonic Homes’ more than 500 care staff and health professionals. They have been able to maintain the seniority, wages, conditions and entitlements that they enjoyed at Masonic Homes.

ECH Chief Executive Rob Hankins says the change in ownership will maintain the highest levels of care and service to residents and community clients and create a larger organisation to deliver greater career opportunities for staff. “This has come about through the efforts of a willing seller in Masonic Homes and willing buyer in ECH,” Rob says. “It serves the strategic directions and futures of both ECH and Masonic Homes. For ECH, it will increase our number of residential care facilities from seven to eleven. It also builds our capacity to deliver the highest quality of care to more people as our ageing community grows.” The four residential care facilities acquired from Masonic Homes are at Heathfield, Ridgehaven and Somerton Park in South Australia and at Tiwi in Darwin. ECH has also enlarged its operations in the community care sector and has gained Hillside Gardens Retirement Village at Heathfield.

Left to right: ECH Residential Care General Manager Judi Coombe, Hillside Site Manager Helen Wilby, Ridgehaven Site Manager Allen Jones, Somerton Site Manager Shauna Gill and ECH Area Manager Rosanne Collins.

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Despite some challenges presented by the task of combining different systems, it is very evident that there is a mood of anticipation and renewed vigour among both existing ECH staff and our new staff that have joined us from Masonic Homes. We are gaining well established community and residential care services that are being managed by a very capable team of people. We welcome them and we look forward to learning about all of the good work that they do. “Together we will be greater than the sum of our parts. We will generate opportunities that would not otherwise be available,” Rob says. ECH now employs more than 1900 care workers, allied and other health professionals, maintenance workers and administration staff. We are also supported by hundreds of valued volunteers. For further information, please contact Area Manager Rosanne Collins by emailing or phoning 8407 5151.

ECH Staff Development Officer Clare Carpenter (right) is photographed with Home Carer Annette Benge (left) who has joined ECH. They are pictured in the home of independent living resident Connie Brown.

Our new facilities Ridgehaven Residential Care Centre Ridgehaven Residential Care Centre is nestled within the leafy City of Tea Tree Gully and is only a short drive away from the hub of the Tea Tree Plaza Shopping Centre precinct. The centre is home to 123 residents and offers low, high and respite care.

Somerton Residential Care Centre Somerton Residential Care Centre is located in the mostly residential, seaside suburb of Somerton Park, approximately 12 kms south west of the city centre and a short drive away from the beach and nearby Marion Shopping Centre. The centre is home to 104 residents and offers both low and high care. ECH Therapy Services also operate from a separate area within the centre.

Hillside Residential Care Centre and Hillside Gardens Retirement Village Hillside Residential Care Centre is located in the picturesque Adelaide Hills suburb of Heathfield nestled among tall trees which are home to numerous species of birds. The centre is an easy 15km drive east of the city of Adelaide along the south-eastern freeway and a short 2km drive away from the shopping, medical facilities and community hub of Stirling. Hillside Residential Care Centre is home to 36 residents. On the same site is a group of independent living apartments (in the foreground of the adjacent photo) called Hillside Gardens Retirement Village in which 24 residents are enjoying their retirement in the hills.

Tiwi Residential Care Centre Each room in Tiwi Residential Care Centre has a door into the gardens which are planted with palms, shrubs and flowers. The spacious landscaped site houses residents in a number of smaller wings, encouraging a sense of community between residents, their families and staff. A Chinese garden which features a relaxing waterfall was established in 2010 to create an area of tranquility for residents to connect with nature. The centre offers low, high and respite care for its 135 residents.

t how to

ou more ab n n o r i ferral a s le s i o ECH Re nd t a Adm e s h r t e e p n n pa u. pho .a tele issio ech.asn l@ For adm esident, please a r r e f ar email re become 5151 or 7 0 4 8 on Officer

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More community services Community services that ECH have acquired from Masonic Homes increase the total number of packages of care that we are delivering to people in their own homes to more than 600. Therapy services are now also provided from our new sites at Somerton Park and Tiwi. Our new community services staff are caring and passionate about their clients’ wellbeing and strive for excellence in their work. Sheryn Fisher, Community Care Manager at Ridgehaven says that she is pleased to see the high standards of care of both organisations combined to provide an exceptional quality of service to all clients.

Community Programs Brighton

New to ECH

498 Brighton Road Telephone: 8172 3100

Therapy Services Greenacres We

1/19-21 Fosters Road Telephone: 8369 3393


Henley Beach

598 Lower North East Road Telephone: 8337 2334

168a Cudmore Terrace Telephone: 8356 3169

Kidman Park

Morphett Vale

358 Findon Road Telephone: 8159 4740

126 Pimpala Road Telephone: 8322 5700

Ridgehaven New to ECH

Somerton Park New to ECH

Gate 2, Hazel Grove Telephone: 8219 8222

Grainger Road Telephone: 8375 1525

Tiwi, NT New to ECH

Tiwi, NT

11 Creswell Street Telephone: 8922 6650

11 Creswell Street Telephone: 8922 6650

Totness New to ECH

Victor Harbor

23 Mount Barker Road Telephone: 8391 4600


have moved!



New to ECH

33 Cornhill Road Telephone: 8551 0617

Victor Harbor 33 Cornhill Road Telephone: 8551 0617

Westbourne Park 433 Goodwood Road Telephone:8271 2166

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1. Sheryn Fisher (left) and Kylee Nash (right), Community Care Managers of Ridgehaven and Brighton respectively. 2. Project Officer Adam Sawtell (left) and Administration Officer Chris Childs (right) from Community Programs Brighton. 3. The team at Community Programs Ridgehaven (left to right): Coordinator Patrizia Puntin, Assistant Coordinator Kellie Smith, Administrator Lynn Harris, Rostering Coordinator Angela Kenyon, Coordinator Gitte Marton, Community Care Manager Sheryn Fisher, Coordinator Karen Reilly and Registered Nurse Wendy Padget.

Also a Mirror wins international award In June, Also a Mirror was recognised at the 2012 International Dementia Excellence Awards as the winner of the ‘Dementia and the Arts’ category. The awards celebrate innovations which enhance the lives of people with dementia. A ceremony was held in Sydney in conjunction with an aged care conference and the judging panel included international dementia experts. Aiming to break the stereotype too often given to people with memory loss, ECH and Urban Myth Theatre of Youth collaborated to create a drama production which reflected the real life memories and experiences of people with memory loss or dementia. Also a Mirror originally premiered at the Adelaide Fringe Festival in 2011.

Notices Wool donations needed If you have any spare wool which you would like to give away, please contact Sarah Tomlinson on 8407 5160 or drop it in to ECH’s Corporate Office, 174 Greenhill Road, Parkside. One of our residents makes blankets to give to people in need and any donations of wool would be thankfully received.

Do you know someone who prefers their ECH publications in large print or on audio CD? This can be arranged as the Royal Society for the Blind kindly translates our publications into your preferred format. For a copy contact: Publications Coordinator ECH Inc Reply Paid 83158 Parkside SA 5063 Telephone: 8407 5160 Email:

Want to be on the ECH mailing list?

If you would like to be added to the ECH mailing list please contact: Publications Coordinator ECH Inc Reply Paid 83158 Parkside SA 5063 Telephone: 8407 5160 Email:

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Circle of life Thelma Garnaut was intrigued to receive the letter stating that ECH would be acquiring Masonic Homes’ community services. Thelma, along with her husband George, has been receiving in-home support from Masonic Homes. Although their home support staff remain the same, from the 1st July 2012 Thelma officially became a client of ECH - the same organisation for which she worked for 16 and a half years.


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When Thelma was 16, she moved to Wudinna on the Eyre Peninsula to start training as a nurse. She was allowed to start her training early because it was wartime. Nursing training was an interesting experience for Thelma, who remembers that they had to do more than just care for the patients. Back then, nursing staff were also responsible for cleaning the floors and washing linens as well as meals, if the cook was away. “After only four months there, the doctor had her working in the operating theatre,” George says. It was at Wudinna that Thelma met George. Thelma had wanted to join the Army as a nurse but her father “put his foot down”. George’s occupation as baker for the town meant that he was exempt from Army service. “They told

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me he had plenty of dough!” Thelma says, remembering the time when they first met. “I fell madly in love with him so I opted for married life instead of finishing my training,” Thelma says. So in 1945 they were married in the Wudinna Methodist Church. Hardworking but adventurous, Thelma and George spent some time working and living on remote stations in the far north. “He was the cowboy and I was the cook,” Thelma says. With two young children at the time, Thelma also had a second full time job on her hands managing their education through correspondence schooling. They had a good life up there and were never lonely, with other couples also working with them. “It was like a small town itself really,” George says. “We used to make our own fun.”

They had two more children and when their youngest reached school age Thelma and George decide to make the move to Adelaide. George worked as a welder for a coach manufacturer and was with them until his retirement 31 years later. Thelma worked at the Arnotts Motteram factory on Grote Street until it closed down then began waitressing at the Balfours Café in Rundle Street. To get to her job at the café, Thelma had to travel on Walkerville Terrace. She noticed that a new nursing home was being built and this sparked her interest in her former occupation. “So I applied for a job there as I felt I wanted to do more nursing,” Thelma says. In 1969, Thelma began working as a nurse assistant at ECH’s Walkerville Nursing Home (now Walkerville Residential Care Centre). At the time, the centre consisted of only three wings and had semi-independent units at the back. “We all dressed in uniforms and caps, and had to wear stockings,” Thelma remembers. She had to start work at 6am and would begin by helping residents to get showered and dressed for the day. With less paperwork to complete than today’s nursing staff, Thelma says they used to have more time on their hands to spend with residents. “We were able to read to them and do their hair,” Thelma says. “We would take the residents for walks along Walkerville Terrace and around the gardens.” “I found it to be very rewarding work,” Thelma says. Thoroughly enjoying her work in aged care, Thelma didn’t want to leave when she reached retiring age. “I have some very good memories from my time there. It was a very pleasant place to work.” She stayed on for a short while after she turned 60, but then retired to enjoy some caravanning adventures with George. They also spent several years volunteering in their local community of Salisbury. Now Thelma has come full circle, receiving support from the same organisation for which she dedicated a large part of her working life to. Recently celebrating their 67th wedding anniversary, George and Thelma report that they are still madly in love! They have 10 grandchildren, 21 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren.

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Site upgrade schedule Below is a list of the sites at which site upgrades are currently underway (as at 1st August 2012 and in no particular order) and also a list of the schedule for the remainder of 2012 and early 2013. Site upgrades nearing completion Rotary Village (stage one), Modbury Wilkinson Court, Victor Harbor Norgrove Lodge, Leabrook Little Adelaide Village, Prospect

Norgrove Lodge - Leabrook


• • • •

Site upgrades currently underway • Manson Towers, Glenelg • Rotary Village (stages two and three), Modbury • Mervyn Graham Lodge, Victor Harbor • Clarence Gardens Estate, Clarence Gardens • Moran Court, Fullarton • Torrens Court, Evandale • Davis Court, Walkerville • Arch Prime Lodge, Myrtle Bank • Hill Court, Victor Harbor

2013 2012

Site upgrades scheduled to commence in the remainder of 2012 • Rotary Village (remaining stages), Modbury • Kelvin Grove, Lockleys • Leonard Court, Collinswood • Baker Court, Alberton • Fuller Court, Cumberland Park • Arthur Court, Edwardstown • Arnold Court, Kurralta Park Site upgrades scheduled to commence in early 2013 • • • •

William Ackland Court, Glandore Henderson Lodge, Plympton North Walker Court, Thebarton Palmer Court, Hove

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact ECH Property Services on 8159 4700.

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Update Meetings for independent living unit residents In May 2012, Update Meetings were held at Goodwood, Payneham, Lockleys and Victor Harbor to provide residents with important information about current initiatives and new projects, and also to answer any questions raised. The following is a summary of the information that was presented. Masonic Homes acquisition On 1st July 2012, ECH acquired Masonic Homes’ residential care facilities and community care services, and Hillside Gardens Retirement Village. A full report can be found on pages 8-10.

Launching askECH Also on 1st July 2012, ECH launched a new information service for older people and their families to enable them to discuss individual situations and identify options and services available to assist them to remain independent. More information can be found on pages 4-5.

New residents Since the Annual General Meeting in October 2011, we have had 94 new independent living unit residents join ECH (as at May 2012). It is also expected that new residents will be able to move into the units at Oakden later this year. For information about moving to an ECH independent living unit, please contact Accommodation Services on 8407 5115.

Site upgrade program The site upgrade program is a five year initiative to redevelop and refurbish all of our independent living sites. For the current site upgrade schedule, please see the list on page 14.

Independent Living Services Independent Living Services is unique to ECH and provides a range of information services to independent living unit residents. Since July 2011, the Independent Living Services team has conducted 1,183 home visits, 1,099 phone calls and 41 deck chair meetings (as at May 2012). For more information, please see pages 2-3.

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At home by the sea Marten Residential Care Centre is ideally located 500 metres from the Largs Bay beachfront on Adelaide’s Le Fevre Peninsula. Approximately 18 kilometres west of the city, the care centre is a short drive away from historic Port Adelaide and Semaphore. Spacious single and double rooms accommodate a total of 123 residents. Every room has an ensuite bathroom, access to telephone and television sockets, and an individually controlled air-conditioning unit. Nutritionally balanced meals are provided by ECH’s Food Services and are served to residents in a homely dining room setting. Menus offer varied options and residents are encouraged to be involved in selecting new menu items through tasting sessions. The lifestyle program offers a diverse range of activities, for both groups and individuals, to promote socialisation and to encourage residents to retain their interests or learn new skills. The program includes regular outings in the bus to assist residents to stay in touch with the community. Marten Residential Care Centre has homely furnishings and décor, and features: • comfortably furnished lounges and dining rooms • private dining and lounge areas which can be booked for celebrations and family gatherings • hairdressing salon • large activities hall • onsite laundering and labeling service • landscaped gardens and courtyards • coffee shop serving drinks and light snacks • second hand store • a secure Memory Support Unit for residents who require such safety • ‘ageing in place’ which minimises the need to move rooms despite changing care needs

Lifestyle Model of Care ECH residential care centres provide care that is responsive to the needs of individuals and that enables them to continue making choices about their lifestyle wherever possible. Our ‘Lifestyle Model of Care’ ensures that our service delivery is flexible so that residents can live their life as close as possible to how they did in the community.

Levels of care offered High: Yes Low: Yes Respite: Yes

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Transitional: Yes Awaiting placement: Yes

Admission and tours If you would like to learn more about the process of moving to residential care, please contact ECH’s Referral Officer by phoning 8407 5192 or emailing If you would like more information about Marten Residential Care Centre, please contact Kelly Geister, Residential Site Manager on 8248 9555 or email

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irthday b h t 0 9 ’s h Judit

Walkerville Residential Care Centre resident Judith Osburn enjoyed a celebration with family and friends for her 90th birthday.

Social Pages Walkerville winter woollies sale The Walkerville Auxiliary held a sale of all things warm and woollen to raise money.

Branston Court

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Residents at Branston Court recently got together to showcase their art and craft talents (see pages 28-29).

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Anneliese Beckel at her 90th birthday party held at Smithfield Residential Care Centre.

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Lewis Court resident Joyce Hay enjoyed an afternoon tea with neighbours for her 90th birthday.

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ECH volunteers: adding value to the lives of older people Celebrating the contribution of our hardworking and selfless volunteers In May 2012, ECH celebrated National Volunteer Week, giving us the opportunity to show our appreciation for the amazing work our tireless volunteers do for our residents, clients and our organisation. Volunteers are essential to ECH and their support adds immeasurable value to our services. The dedication of our volunteers also enables us to offer many extra activities and opportunities for our residents and clients.

Thank you !

We would like to express our gratitude to all our volunteers. Your contribution does not go unnoticed and the time you spend in the company of our residents and clients has a positive impact on their lives.

How to get involved You can approach the Lifestyle Coordinator at any of our residential care centres or the Program Coordinator at any of our day programs about becoming a volunteer. Alternatively, you can contact Danielle Lewis at the Corporate Office on 8407 5151 for further volunteering opportunities. For more information regarding volunteering with ECH, please visit our website

Volunteers Lynda McDonagh (left) and Ann Jones (centre) were presented with roses by Lifestyle Coordinator Judith Tanti (right) as a thank you gift.

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Peter Younger Smithy’s Place and Smithfield Residential Care Centre Peter began volunteering for ECH in early 2011. Each week Peter attends Smithfield Residential Care Centre and Smithy’s Place to play his antique violin to residents and clients. Peter really enjoys volunteering and encourages anyone to get involved.

Gail Kurtz

Colin Eckert

Smithfield Residential Care Centre

Holly Residential Care Centre

Gail has been volunteering for many years and originally started volunteering at James Martin Residential Care Centre (now closed) and moved to Smithfield Residential Care Centre when it was first opened in 2007. Gail still visits the independent living unit residents at James Martin Village, formerly owned by ECH.

After making the move from McLaren Vale to Onkaparinga Hills, Colin’s new home saw him passing by Holly Residential Care Centre regularly. “Every time I came past, I got the urge to go in,” Colin says. “And it grew stronger and stronger.”

Gail also volunteers within the Gawler community and visits Smithfield Residential Care Centre on Mondays and Wednesdays to conduct exercise classes called “Move it or Lose it”. She runs classes for both the memory support unit and low care residents. Gail often brings in her papillon chihuahua Chloe as pet therapy and the residents just love her. ECH would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate Gail on the award she recently won as part of the Rotary Club of Gawler Annual Quality of Service Awards. Gail was presented with an award for best local volunteer. This is an amazing achievement congratulations Gail!

Colin is semi-retired and was looking for something new to occupy his time. Working in business and retail his entire life, Colin was used to being around people and wasn’t interested in sitting around watching TV. So he finally listened to the calling and enquired about volunteering at Holly. Staff at Holly were delighted to hear of Colin’s interest in becoming a volunteer and had the perfect role for him to start immediately. Since June 2011, Colin has been supporting the male residents at the care centre by visiting with them and being someone they can confide in and relate to. “Having worked with people all my life, I can perceive where they are coming from,” Colin says. “You’ve got to be a good listener and know how to handle silence.” Colin encourages the male residents to join in with activities and supports them in being able to enjoy the care centre as their home. Being a long-time and active member of his church, Colin is also happy to provide support with religious and spiritual concerns. “I’m excited about being able to be involved. It’s been a blessing for me,” he says. “I never expected it to go as far as this when I first started,” Colin, who has now officially become the Men’s Fellowship Volunteer, says. “That is what we are here for – to support each other where we can.” Colin says (pictured left). continued next page

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ECH volunteers: adding value to the lives of older people Celebrating the contribution of our hardworking and selfless volunteers Midge Best Carinya Residential Care Centre Midge has been volunteering for nine years at Carinya Residential Care Centre but even before then has always been involved in volunteering in some way. Some of the volunteer roles Midge has performed include auxiliary member and piano player, and she currently does individual visits every Thursday at Carinya. Midge has always loved being around people and looking after others, and has done from a young age.

Tacito Pinto Walkerville Residential Care Centre As a university professor, Tacito Pinto has always encouraged his students to spend time doing something for others. More than just providing encouragement, he is also a positive example to them by being involved in volunteering himself. Tacito began volunteering for Walkerville Residential Care Centre in March 2012 when he arrived from his home country of Brazil. Each week he spends up to ten hours at the care centre and is involved in reading to residents, visiting others, attending men’s club meetings, assisting with the card games group and also with going on outings with residents. “I am in a pre-retirement phase so I have time,” Tacito says. “I enjoy helping people.

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It’s a way for me to be useful.” Back in Brazil, Tacito also volunteered his time providing financial counselling and also in preparing young people to become members of his church community. “We receive more than we give when volunteering. I give part of my time but I am enriched by the residents’ life stories and experiences,” Tacito says. “They are eager to share and I am eager to hear.” Tacito has spent most of his life studying, teaching and coaching. Starting out as an electronic engineer, he then received further education in finance, strategy and people management. Later on he graduated from law school, focusing on constitutional law. In 2008, Tacito completed a Masters in Science of Religion, researching the topic of “Worldview and Ethical Decisions”. He is currently a business consultant and certified coach, and has worked with several multinational organisations. Still working part-time as a university professor in Brazil, and spending one month of the year there, Tacito lectures to post graduate students on human resources, social responsibility and ethics.

Message in a bottle Walkerville Day Program, in conjunction with artist Katie Harten and Pembroke School, recently completed its fifth arts inclusion project. Eleven clients from Walkerville Day Program, ranging in age from 61 to 101 years, met weekly for nine weeks with nine Year 10 students from Pembroke School to complete an impressive collection of artwork under the direction and encouragement of Katie, an art and design educator. “The students and clients worked together, showing sensitivity and engagement and assisting each other where and when required,” Program Coordinator Sharyn Blows says. (Sharyn, right, is pictured with Katie, left, in the middle photograph below).

Everyone also prepared a “Message in a Bottle”. At the conclusion of the project, the artworks were exhibited at Pembroke School’s art gallery and an opening night celebration was held on 19th July 2012. At the opening, some of the students involved spoke about how they enjoyed the experience and appreciated the opportunity to interact with older people. ECH Chief Executive Rob Hankins also spoke to the crowd, expressing his desire for the collaboration to continue. “We value the notion of connecting our clients, many of whom have memory loss, with young folk in a space and medium that just lets the creativity flow,” Rob said. (Rob is pictured below with art project participant Kevin Stewart).

This year’s artwork focused on an underwater theme with the 2012 project being entitled “Message in a Bottle”. Participants were involved in creating various artworks using several media including ceramics, printing and watercolour.

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Our community services team at Victor Harbor has been working with clients on some interesting projects recently. ECH’s Enhancing Independence model, which focuses on supporting people in what they can do and what they aspire to do, allows greater flexibility and creativity in how services are provided to clients in their own homes. ECH’s coordinators and home support workers are encouraged and supported to tailor the assistance they provide to clients to ensure that it is meaningful to them and promotes their independence.

Nadine Butterworth

Nadine has been with ECH for five years and has completed Certificate 3 and 4 in Community Services. “I really enjoy being able to make a difference in the clients’ lives and supporting them in achieving their goals,” Nadine says. “There has to be that interest first. Our role is to observe what they’re interested in and support them in being able to do that.” Overall, Enhancing Independence has changed their approach to supporting clients in a positive way. “It’s part of what we do now,” Nadine says. “Looking first at their strengths rather than their weaknesses.”

Team profiles

Enhancing independence down the coast

Kathryn Proctor

Kathryn is a Home Support Worker and also a Support Officer for her colleagues. Apart from supporting clients, her role also includes meeting with the team’s Registered Nurse to brainstorm new ideas for enriching clients’ lives. “Ultimately we’re trying to engage our clients to still take an interest in life and to not let their illnesses stop them from doing the things that they love,” Kathryn says. “We’re using people’s interests to overcome struggles of old age, mobility and disease processes. Older age is another chapter of life. We are empowering clients to live this chapter with as much dignity and quality as possible.”

David Reintjens

Our Victor Harbor team includes 17 home support workers, ranging from full-time to part-time. “They do the job because they love doing it,” Regional Manager Heather James says. “They’re adding value to the life of a client by supporting them to stay at home and encouraging them in activities which are meaningful to them.” They currently support 41 clients through various packages of care.

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Client stories

Left to right: Nadine Butterworth, David Reintjens, Melissa Mullane, Kathryn Proctor and Heather James.

David has been working with ECH for six years. He originally moved to Victor Harbor to care for an older relative. Unable to find work in his previous occupation he looked into the possibility of a new career, eventually ending up as a home support worker. He enjoys the diversity of the job, spending one on one time with clients and the opportunity to contribute to quality of life for older people. David also appreciates the chance to use his own experiences and skills to help people achieve their goals.

Joan’ s story

Nadine Butterworth has been supporting client Joan (pictured left) for eight years, and previously with another organisation. During one visit, Nadine noticed that Joan had purchased vegetable seeds. Knowing that Joan had some mobility issues, Nadine gave some thought to how they could create a garden together that was more accessible. Joan’s garden already had some raised

brickwork with a flat top, and by placing planter boxes on top of this structure, Nadine and Joan created a raised garden bed. This means that Joan doesn’t have to bend down to ground level to tend to her garden. Their first harvest included watercress, because Joan wished to make her own fresh watercress sandwiches. They have since expanded the garden, with Joan able to use the produce in her cooking.

Marion’ s story

While Margaret Tuffin (pictured bottom left) was getting to know her client Marion (pictured with Heather James) she soon realised that Marion had some extraordinary life stories. In addition, she also had several albums of black and white photos that recorded her life from babyhood onwards. “These photos, taken by her parents with a Box Brownie camera, recorded not only her life but a way of life on a farm in the Mallee in the tough drought years of the 1930s as well as the more promising years of the 40s and 50s.” Margaret also noticed that, despite a stroke, Marion had a crystal clear recollection and a supply of great anecdotes. Using the Alzheimer’s Australia SA “Personal Life History Booklet” guide the compilation process, Margaret interviewed Marion about her memories, and they chose photos to match up with the stories. The result has been the creation of a beautiful book of Marion’s life history, including stories which even her daughter says they hadn’t known about.

Bill ‘s story

Bill Pritchard (pictured with his wife Ann) has hundreds of records and a love for jazz music. “It started off when I was 14,” Bill says. His aunt loaned him a record player and he would listen to music for hours with a friend who had a mutual interest in jazz.

Rather than commercial jazz, Bill’s interest is in New Orleans style music which has a southern influence. His favourite artist is Sidney Bechet. David supports Bill, and his wife Ann, with inhome services and noticed they had a large collection of records, many of which Bill was unable to play anymore. David, who has a broad range of technical and computer knowledge having worked as a technician for a radio station and also a bowling alley, knew of a way to allow Bill to make use of the music on his records again. “I told Bill that there was a way to convert them to disc,” David says. “That sparked an interest in him.” So together, David and Bill spent a couple of hours each week converting the records to CD. Bill sorted through the records and decided which tracks to put together, meanwhile sharing stories about his life. “He introduced me to jazz music I never knew existed,” David says. “Bill became very engaged in the process. It opened up an avenue to him that he thought was closed forever.”

Sue’ s story

Kathryn Proctor has worked with client Sue Day (pictured left) to prepare a journal of short stories about her life. Sue has been empowered by the process, saying: “I loved remembering happy stories from the past, especially about my father who was very loving and supported me to do nursing many years ago. I thoroughly enjoyed doing the journal and getting out all my old photos and sharing my experiences and it made me feel as if my life had meaning, even with the unhappy times I have lived through. It has given me energy to keep going today and I can share my journal with ECH staff who visit and other friends, like my Salvation Army social group and the library people who bring me books each fortnight. I have started a garden too, so I can include that in my journal.”

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Anthony Karras and Malcolm Boyley

Working for ECH Malcolm Boyley has been working for ECH for just over two years but has spent more than 20 years of his life working in an industry he loves: aged care. An electrician by trade, Malcolm initially worked as an Electrical Technician for the Department of Civil Aviation during the 1970s. He left the Department to work for himself then secured a full-time job at Resthaven in maintenance. Malcolm worked for Resthaven for 21 years then moved across to work at UnitingCare Wesley Bowden, a similar agency, as Leading Hand in maintenance then a short stint as Corporate Maintenance Manager. After two years he left to find work outside of maintenance and aged care.” It wasn’t long before Malcolm was drawn back to the industry. “I like working with people,” he says. “I’m just really comfortable in the aged care industry and maintenance is my forte.” He initially applied for a Facilities Assistant position with ECH but ended up taking on the role of Maintenance Officer for Walkerville Residential Care Centre which he saw as a perfect fit for him. “It was a blessing for me,” Malcolm says. “It was better than what I was looking for.” Now two years down the track, Malcolm is still thoroughly enjoying his job. His role is extremely varied and involves working with a small team

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of maintenance personnel. As a Maintenance Officer, Malcolm is responsible for such tasks as preventative and reactive maintenance, equipment and building repairs, contractor supervision and management and writing progress reports. He is also involved in managing the fire system, testing and tagging equipment, basic plumbing and maintenance of the warm water and phone systems. However, Malcolm says a major part of the job is maintaining the rapport he has with the residents. “It’s not just about fixing light switches,” he says. “It’s their home.” What he enjoys most about his job is that he gets to be a part of ensuring that the residents feel safe, secure and supported by getting to know them, communicating with them about maintenance issues, and finding ways to assist with making their lives more comfortable and enriched. “I enjoy helping to alleviate the challenges they face,” Malcolm says. “You get to be a worthwhile contributor to their lives.” These are the reasons Malcolm finds aged care to be a very rewarding industry. “ECH has a lot of advantages,” Malcolm says. He believes that working for ECH has great benefits, particularly because the organisation actively promotes learning and skills advancement. “ECH is very keen to use the knowledge and skills you have got and training is available if you’re interested,” he says. The support offered from his colleagues is also a bonus, meaning that

there is always back up if required. Malcolm in return enjoys passing on his knowledge to his colleagues, especially to the younger members of the team. “I try to make the job interesting by teaching them new things related to maintenance, such as sharing basic electrical and carpentry knowledge,” he says. Earlier this year, Malcolm’s caring nature and dedication to the job saw him receiving the Employee of the Month award for January. He was stunned to have been nominated, and was a bit nervous at the thought he might have to make a speech at the awards reception, but was pleased to receive the award, pointing out that recognition is another positive to working for ECH.

Collaborating with Personnel Employment with positive results Malcolm has also been working with new employee Anthony Karras, who came to work for ECH through our collaboration with Personnel Employment. Personnel Employment is a federally funded employment service for people with mild cognitive or intellectual disabilities. “We facilitate the placement of a job seeker, who happens to have a disability, into the workforce,” says Peter Berekally, Project Leader, Corporate and Industry Engagement, from Personnel Employment. ECH currently employs 13 of Personnel Employment’s clients in varying roles and capacities from maintenance to hospitality and housekeeping. Personnel Employment works by matching up a client to an available job or by working with site managers to develop new roles. This has been particularly valuable to ECH in our residential

care centres, with new roles created by focusing on redesigning workflow to cover certain tasks which in turn frees up care centre staff for their higher priority work, including giving them more time to engage with residents. At Walkerville Residential Care Centre, an opportunity arose for a part-time role in maintenance and gardening to be developed for Anthony. His previous work experience has involved working in a supermarket and on a farm, and he has also completed security officer training. However, what really appealed to him was gardening, which he had been involved with in high school, and helping people. This meant that he was a great match for the available work at Walkerville. “I enjoy working with the residents,” Anthony says. “It’s a bit of a learning experience but I’m excited to work here.” He is particularly thankful to Malcolm and the other members of the maintenance team who have supported him and shown him around. Malcolm reports that it is a real pleasure working with Anthony and he is impressed with how quickly he is picking up new skills. “Anthony is doing things I thought he might be challenged with,” Malcolm says. “I enjoy watching his progress.” Personnel Employment has approximately 650 clients and is working with 350 employers in South Australia. Apart from seeking out roles or assisting in the creation of new opportunities, they are also able to provide onsite support to assist clients throughout their employment and can access wage subsidies on behalf of an employer. For more information, please contact Personnel Employment on 8414 7000.

Back row: (left to right) Walkerville Residential Site Manager Lindy Harkness, former Business Services Manager Noni Inglis and Anthony Karras. Front row: (left to right) Catering Assistant Dianne Hissey with Luke Axford and Peter Berekally from Personnel Employment.

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Talent at Branston Court wn

ro Trevor B

Julie Brown

Millicent Rose


Dies We

The residents at Branston Court are a close group, and something that has brought them even closer is a realisation that many of them have a talent for art and craft. Recently, resident Beatrice Wilson organised an exhibition in her home of various works of art and craft which had been produced by her and her neighbours. All the residents of Branston Court were invited to share in an afternoon tea while browsing the talent of their friends, and they eventually spilled out into two neighbouring units to view sculptures, paintings and wood carvings.

Julie Brown

Trevor Brown

Dies Weber

Specialises in: sculpture (resin, PVC, clay)

Specialises in: wood carving (resembling Victorian style), folk art painting (also known as tole painting), glass painting

Trevor has been interested in art from a young age and studied sculpting at night school in 1970. He then studied pottery and was a professional potter in the 1970s and 80s. He restarted sculpting two years ago as a hobby and extra income for his retirement. “I enjoy the challenge of creating a good piece, especially the technical skills and problem solving required to produce an unusual sculpture,” Trevor says.

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Specialises in: pastel, charcoal and ink paintings, mixed media Interested in learning about art, Julie began dabbling in painting and completed a six month course at the Central School of Art. She enjoys painting because it engages the artistic side of her nature, facilitates connections with people and for the joy it often brings to other people.

Millicent Rose Specialises in: Needle work, tapestry, knitwear Millicent first became involved in craft work when she was at school. She has lived at Branston Court for six years now and has since ceased her involvement in her craftwork due to the onset of dementia.

Dies began wood carving approximately 50 years ago after attending classes with a friend. She learnt folk art painting from a local art teacher. Following this, Dies completed an apprentice course at Gilles Plain College and made a number of big wooden items. “The main thing is that it relaxes you and gives you a satisfying sense, a feel of achievement,” Dies says about creating works of art. “I still have that now when I look at the works.”

Norma Poll




Atkin aureen

Claire Smith

Norma Pollard Specialises in: watercolours (now), and china painting, oils and acrylics (previously) “I’ve always been keen to draw and paint, even as a child,” Norma says. In her late teens she attended the Girl’s Central Art School on North Terrace for several years. Norma also spent ten years as part of the Marion Art Group in the 1960s. “I find it a very enjoyable hobby,” Norma says, revealing she mainly paints for her big family.

Maureen Atkinson Specialises in: Knitted animals and dolls etc, patchwork, crocheting, sequin and bead work Maureen became involved in craft work through her church when they started a craft group to raise money. She donates rugs to the homeless and also makes beanies and bags for orphans in Cambodia. “I learnt dressmaking through an adult education class, then bought a book on craft and followed the instructions,” Maureen says. She enjoys seeing the end product and finds it to be a satisfying venture, especially when someone purchases her work.

Claire Smith Specialises in: cross stitch, patchwork, needlework, knitting, crocheting Claire’s mother was passionate about handicrafts and this is what initially sparked her own

Beatrice Wilson

Enys Ab


involvement. In later years, she joined the SA Country Women’s Association and expanded her skills through her involvement with them, also attending other craft groups along the way. “It’s a great way of passing time and, through participating in groups, a way of finding likeminded friends,” Claire says in response to what she enjoys about craft work.

Beatrice Wilson Specialises in: Knitted and crocheted items of all kinds, including toys, rugs and garments As a young mother of three during the Depression, Beatrice initially started her craft work out of a necessity to make cheap garments for her family and has had no formal training. Beatrice enjoys using her imagination and choosing colour combinations, and is provided this opportunity through her craft work.

Enys Abbott Specialises in: Teddy bear making, leadlight, quilting Enys has always been interested in crafts and sewing, first learning hand sewing at primary school and then training as a dressmaker. She is involved in making quilts for underprivileged people under a program called Quilts from the Heart. “I enjoy seeing a project completed to my satisfaction, and also enjoy giving them as gifts,” Enys says.

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War, Wellingtons and Winston Churchill Tom Lusted has seen and done many amazing things in his 103 years. Tom, now a resident of Holly Residential Care Centre, is originally from England. When he was younger he wanted to become a doctor. “My parents couldn’t afford the fees,” Tom says. “So I ended up at the General Post Office.” Absolutely loathing his job with the Post Office, Tom completed further training and passed the examination to become a Traffics Officer which involved working on London’s telecommunications. With the entire area of London as his responsibility, Tom never got any time off at all. “I used to climb up telephone poles in the bitter cold of winter,” Tom recalls. World War II came and Tom was initially exempt from service due to the importance of his occupation to the home front. Orders eventually changed and Tom, despite his employer’s disapproval, volunteered for the Royal Air Force. He trained as a pilot, flying Tiger Moths to learn the ropes. He then flew Wellingtons as part of Coastal Command, with his team consisting of himself as pilot along with a co-pilot, air gunner and navigator. “It was a big, heavy old plane but the most wonderful aircraft to fly,” Tom says.

Pam and

Tom Luste

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d with do

g Rosie

“One day we came back with our tail all shot away and we could still land it.” Tom loved it in the Royal Air Force. Being older than most of the servicemen, he appreciated that he was looked to as a father figure. However, word of Tom’s skills in telecommunications must have reached those in charge as he was then seconded to MI5 for top secret work. “They needed communications to all sorts of countries and it had to be done in secret,” Tom says. During this time he was involved in setting up communications offices under the streets of London and also travelling around to various bases. “I used to go out to army and air force bases driving on roads with dim lights. Night fighters would shoot at you,” Tom recalls. “It was safer in the air force.” After the war, Tom returned to his previous job and started working his way up in the company. “I was so overworked by the time 60 came,” Tom says. He retired and the company had to hire three people to replace him. Tom now lives a much quieter life at Holly, enjoying spending time with his wife Pam and the occasional visit from their lovely dog Rosie. Tom and Pam have been putting together some of his memories in writing (see page 31).

Introducing Thomas Lusted I was born in Lee, a suburb of London, England, on the 11th of February 1909 – yes, a very long time ago! Though I was born in London, for much of my life I lived in part of the Home Counties, which probably are no more but included Kent and Sussex. In 1939, I volunteered my services to the Royal Air Force as I didn’t wish to wait for the call up papers to arrive informing me I had either been seconded into the Navy or the Army. “Square bashing” was not my scene in the Army and I was not sure whether I fancied sailing the high seas, so off to the Royal Air Force I went. Most of my flight training was carried out overseas in South Africa, a beautiful country which has remained dear in my heart to this day. One piece of information I have not spoken about with anyone, apart from my wife Pam, is that during the war years and for some years after I was a member of MI5. At the time I was accepted I had to sign the Official Secrets Act which forbade disclosure of information of any kind. Prior to joining the Royal Air Force, I had done a great deal of work for the then General Post Office, where I was working on communications. It was this work that MI5 were interested in. My flight training was ceased and I was discharged by the Royal Air Force and brought back to England. On my return home I was informed that I had to attend interviews at certain locations which I duly did and, within a few days of these meetings, I began my secret deployment. As many of you will be aware, there was a War Cabinet of all the leading politicians of the day.

Th e A run d e l C a s tle

to recall. have said, are hard My memories, as I to join r going to Liverpool be em m re do I , er ev How l Castle”. the ship “The Arunde the setting sail we sat in For two days before in all bombs falling like ra Liverpool docks with Africa h ut en set sail for So about us. The ship th s and of prospective flyer nt ge in nt co ge lar a with bins with yers were allotted ca some Army boys. Fl ere sent or old Army boys w po e th le hi w s, nk bu in slung s of the ship to sleep below to the bowel hammocks.

The Cabinet Office where they met was hidden deep below the streets of London. It was paramount that discussions were held in utmost secret. Nothing could be disclosed which would harm our country or the fighting troops or lose us the war. Back in 1939-40, in the dark days of the war, the whereabouts of this important place was totally unknown. It was here that I and a group of colleagues began laying cables that would connect our country up to many vital countries to help us win the war. It was during this time that I met the great man of the day, Winston Churchill. He was a great man, a man who sadly, at times, suffered dreadful bouts of depression. He named it the Black Dog when the depression lifted and he was back to his old self again. He was always interested in how we were progressing, despite having the great responsibility of the nation in his hands. At times he could be testy. However, if he took an interest in you he was kindness itself. That was the Churchill I came to know and respect and will do for the rest of my life. A lot of the things that happened to me during those years I now find too hard to recall, but this small bit of information gives you an insight into my earlier life.

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Southern community services activities Federal MP visits southern community clients The Federal Member for Kingston Amanda Rishworth MP has an interest in the older people in her electorate and recently visited clients of ECH’s Therapy Service in Morphett Vale and Southern Day Program in Happy Valley. The Therapy Service is a Commonwealth funded service providing physiotherapy, podiatry, occupational therapy and a range of healthrelated groups for older people. Southern Day Program is an ECH-funded program which provides socialisation and stimulating activities for older people who have dementia. Most of the participants have carers who also derive respite through their loved one spending time at the program, enabling them to pursue other activities for themselves. “The benefits of active socialisation are extensive for all age groups but particularly older people who may be struggling due to mobility or health restrictions,” says Andrew Stoll, ECH’s General Manager of Community Services who accompanied Ms Rishworth on her visit. Andrew is pictured bottom right with Sue Green, Southern Community Services Manager, left, and Amanda Rishworth MP.

Good times and support from Southern Day Program Daphne and Gil James say they thoroughly enjoy spending time at the Southern Day Program – where they visit a couple of days each week. Gil, who had a career in the Commonwealth Bank and was a SANFL football referee in his younger years, has a little bit of trouble speaking since he suffered a stroke some years ago. This doesn’t stop him from being the fulltime carer of his wife Daphne. They are a great partnership that support each other and add much to the happy atmosphere of Southern Day Program. Daphne speaks with much pride about their four children and says that the program has brought her out of her shell. She has recently started attending the Southern Day Program on Mondays without Gil, enabling him some carer respite whilst giving Daphne more independence.

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Daphne and Gil celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in March this year and shared a special ‘bridal table’ lunch with friends at the program.

High school students visit ECH’s southern community services In 2010, ECH and Reynella East College established a partnership where students would spend time with clients as part of their Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance studies. Since then, students completing this certificate have spent two half days at ECH’s Southern Day Program followed by one full day at our Therapy Service in Morphett Vale. These visits are an excellent introduction for students to learn about enriching the lives of older people and supporting them in maintaining their independence.

Staff and clients at Southern Day Program are always getting up to something interesting. Recently they enjoyed a day of glamour, with clients having the opportunity to dress up. On another occasion a face painter visited and the results can be seen below!

Lee Bonner, the students’ teacher, reports that the students have really benefitted from the collaboration. “After the students have attended their sessions, I have seen major changes in their attitudes towards older people and how to help them maintain their independence,” Lee says. “It really opens their eyes and they are able to relate the theory component of the course to the practical. Students feel that they have learnt a great deal about how to relate to older people and how much older people can offer to them. They enjoy helping the clients to do things that they find hard to do and feel a great sense of respect for them.”

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Active lifestyles at Ross Robertson Sailing Rod Arthur was born and bred in Largs Bay. In his younger years, he would spend hours out on the water. “I used to chase the girls and go sailing,” Rod says. This love of sailing stayed with him throughout his life. Now a resident of Ross Robertson Memorial Care Centre, Rod’s mobility has been affected due to a stroke and he currently requires a wheelchair to move around. A family member suggested that Rod try out Sailability, a volunteer initiative run at boating clubs worldwide to enrich the lives of people with disabilities through providing opportunities to go sailing. Back out on the water again, Rod is in his element. “He comes back with salt all over him,” his wife Lois says. Rod attends Sailability once a month at the Goolwa Regatta Yacht Club along with day respite client Roy Green. Roy has been a part of Sailability for about twelve months, attending after it was suggested to him by his physiotherapist. Having been very active in lifesaving in his earlier days, Roy has a similar natural affinity to the ocean like Rod. Roy says the boats are on the small side, only two people can fit in them, but there is no chance of tipping over. He enjoys the chance to get out on the water and even takes over the steering occasionally. “I love it all,” Roy says. The Goolwa Regatta Yacht Club has four 3.03 Access dinghies which they use for their Sailability days. They also have a special crane on their jetty to assist sailors into the boats. For more information, please contact Brian Southcott, Sailability Committee Chairman, on 8555 3233. For more information about Sailability and other locations, please visit

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Rod Arth

Roy Green (rig


Skype Muriel has family living overseas, which would usually mean she would have difficulty keeping in contact with them. However, Muriel has been using a relatively new online video calling system known as Skype and is finding it much more useful than the telephone. Regularly using Skype to talk to her daughter who lives in Boston, Muriel reports that it is much easier to have a conversation this way than by using the telephone. “I feel like I’m really talking to her,” Muriel says. “It brings her into my life here.” Ross Robertson Memorial Care Centre has a Skypeenabled computer which is on a trolley and can be moved around to residents’ rooms. This means that Muriel can speak to her daughter in the privacy of her own room, almost like having her over to visit.

Muriel Sed unary usin g Skype to chat with h er daughte r in Boston .

More information about Skype can be found on the website

Restoring outdoor furniture Frank Abdic has been using his handyman skills to bring Ross Robbie’s outdoor furniture back to life. Over several weeks he tightened and replaced screws, and sanded and oiled approximately 30 chairs, five tables and several benches. Frank learnt to be resourceful from a young age. Born in Yugoslavia, Frank lost his parents when he was only three months old. From then on he was passed around from one place to another. “I had a terrible life in my early years,” Frank recalls. He even spent time in a prison camp in Germany during World War II.

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Even with only four years of primary schooling and without any professional trade qualifications, Frank has never had any trouble finding work. He is quick to pick up new skills, learning by watching other people work. Mostly working as a welder back in Germany, he moved out to Australia and applied for a job at the Holden factory. They were impressed with his skills but didn’t have any work for him at the present time. “On the way home that day I found another job and they said I could start straight away,” Frank says. “So I did.” Frank enjoyed having the opportunity to put his skills to good use again while restoring the outdoor furniture. “I always like doing jobs for others,” Frank says. He says sometimes you can feel helpless and useless when you are older and can’t work. “I feel useful here,” Frank says. Now he is looking forward to the possibility of constructing some raised garden beds for the care centre.

ECH Inc | ECHo! AUGUST 2012 |


ECH provides two well appointed holiday units at Ardrossan and Victor Harbor which are available to independent living unit residents.

2012 Holiday unit booking form

Please complete the form below and return it to: Corporate Office Reception ECH Inc 174 Greenhill Road Parkside SA 5063

Making a booking is as easy as completing the form opposite, cutting it out and returning it to Reception at ECH’s Corporate Office in Parkside. The holiday units at Ardrossan and Victor Harbor are two bedroom, catering for a maximum of four people (one double bed and two singles). A few things to remember: • The holiday booking is for seven nights. • Your week commences on a Thursday with check in after 2pm and check out prior to 10am the following Thursday. • You will receive a phone call upon receipt of your booking request. •

You will also receive a confirmation letter one month prior to your holiday with all the relevant information about what you need to take with you.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call us on 8407 5151.

ECH wishes you a happy and enjoyable holiday!



ARDROSSAN Unit 14, 32 Oval Terrace Fee for seven night stay 1 person/per night $20 = $140.00 2 people/per night $30 = $210.00 3 people/per night $45 = $315.00 4 people/per night $60 = $420.00

Note: No taxi service is available, bus service arrives at Ardrossan in the evening.

VICTOR HARBOR Unit 13, 7 Acraman Street Fee for seven night stay 1 person/per night $20 = $140.00 2 people/per night $30 = $210.00 3 people/per night $45 = $315.00 4 people/per night $60 = $420.00 BOOKING PREFERENCES 1. 2.

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Holiday unit bookings

Contact us Corporate Office askECH

174 Greenhill Road 174 Greenhill Road

Parkside Parkside

5063 5063

8407 5151 1300 275 324

Independent Retirement Living Accommodation Services Independent Living Services Maintenance Services

8407 5115 8407 5111 8159 4700

Independent living unit enquiries For independent living unit residents For independent living unit residents

Community Services Community Programs Brighton Campbelltown Kidman Park Ridgehaven Tiwi Totness Victor Harbor Westbourne Park

498 Brighton Road 598 Lower North East Road 358 Findon Road Gate 2, Hazel Grove 11 Creswell Street 23 Mount Barker Road 33 Cornhill Road 433 Goodwood Road

Brighton Campbelltown Kidman Park Ridgehaven Tiwi (NT) Totness Victor Harbor Westbourne Park

5048 5074 5025 5097 0810 5250 5211 5041

8172 3100 8337 2334 8159 4740 8219 8222 8922 6650 8391 4600 8551 0617 8271 2166

19 Cornhill Road 1a Warooka Drive Corner Jade Crescent and Hay Street 168a Cudmore Terrace 160 Walkerville Terrace

Victor Harbor Smithfield Happy Valley Henley Beach Walkerville

5211 5114 5159 5022 5081

8551 0600 8254 2992 8381 4901 8356 3169 8342 8367

Unit 1, 19-21 Fosters Road 168a Cudmore Terrace 126 Pimpala Road Grainger Road 11 Creswell Street 33 Cornhill Road

Greenacres Henley Beach Morphett Vale Somerton Park Tiwi (NT) Victor Harbor

5086 5022 5162 5044 0810 5211

8369 3393 8356 3169 8322 5700 8375 1525 8922 6650 8551 0617

Myrtle Bank Morphettville Heathfield Hackham Largs North Ridgehaven Victor Harbor Smithfield Somerton Park Tiwi (NT) Walkerville Kidman Park

5064 5043 5153 5163 5016 5097 5211 5114 5044 0810 5081 5025

8130 6444 8350 3600 8230 5500 8392 6700 8248 9555 8397 0100 8551 0600 8254 4700 8375 1500 8922 6600 8342 8300 8159 4780

Day Programs Ross Robertson Day Respite Smithy’s Place Southern Sundowner Plus Walkerville

Therapy Services Greenacres (new premises) Henley Beach Morphett Vale Somerton Park Tiwi Victor Harbor

Residential Care Carinya Charles Young Hillside Holly Marten Ridgehaven Ross Robertson Memorial Smithfield Somerton Tiwi Walkerville Food Services

39 Fisher Street 53 Austral Terrace 177 Longwood Road 16-24 Penneys Hill Road 110 Strathfield Terrace Gate 3, Hazel Grove 19 Cornhill Road 1 Warooka Drive Grainger Road 11 Creswell Street 160 Walkerville Terrace 358 Findon Road

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