Profile 08-09

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Independent Living Units Community Services Residential Care

Celebrating 45 Years

PROFILE 2008/09

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ECH is about people 1,800 residents in 1,650 independent living units; almost 800 residents in seven Residential Care Centres; more than 400 clients receiving packages of care in their own homes; almost 3,000 clients participating in day programs, therapy sessions and /or allied health services; 1,200 staff and 450 volunteers. All of these people are either receiving or delivering services that aim to maintain the independence of older South Australians so that they can continue to live the challenging, complex and, in most cases, active and fulfilling lives that they always have. Within ECH homes, centres and programs there are thousands of fascinating stories of hard-earned independence… • battles fought at war and at work, • careers developed in Australia and abroad, • children, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren born, educated, fed, disciplined and nurtured, • homes built and mortgages paid off, and • incredible journeys taken for business, pleasure and necessity.

This Profile looks at some of the milestones and achievements: • for ECH over 2008/09, and • in the life stories of some of the people who

Chairman and Chief Executive Update


Our Board of Directors


Services and 2008/09 Highlights


ECH is proud to support.

Executive Team and Organisation Chart


Strategic Framework 2015+


In providing services to our residents and clients and in dealing with each other, we are committed to our core values: Empathy - listening to, comprehending and responding with compassion Integrity - honest and ethical actions

Independent Living


Community Services


Residential Care


Corporate Services




Contact Us


List of Independent Living Units


ECH Locations


Front cover: Left to right Bevan, Rex and Bill, Independent Living unit residents at Modbury and Lockleys - story on page 11

Respect - valuing the worth of each individual

This page: Left to right from top Mollie - story page 12 John - story page 17 Rhonda - story page 21 Heather - story page 25

Betty - story page 15 Kay - story page 18 Jemima - story page 22 Jean - story page 27

We appreciate the residents, clients, volunteers and staff members who were photographed and told their stories for this publication of Profile 2008/09. Printed October 2009.

Profile 2008/09 is printed by a carbon neutral process using world's best practice ISO14001 Environment Management Systems.

Residential Care

Chairman and Chief Executive Update ECH was established in 1964 to provide affordable retirement housing choices for older people who were facing increasing difficulty managing their home as their frailty increased. They wanted an easy-to-keep and affordable home well located within their community. ECH selected locations that were relatively close to shops, public transport routes etc., to ensure that residents were able to remain within their own community, if that was their preferred choice. Over time ECH expanded its services to include low and high care facilities and community services.

The scheme enables rental properties to be made available for at least 20 per cent below market rents in areas where low to moderate income households have been affected by increasing rental prices. ECH applied for the funding as the NRAS program objectives are in line with ECH’s philosophy of providing quality affordable housing choices. A key aspect of the program has been to rehabilitate many of our older one-bedroom units to a standard in keeping with the quality affordable units we offer more generally. These rental units will offer residents a secure tenure without the concern of having to renew their lease each year, and provide stability in their weekly rental fees.

45 years later ECH has grown to be one of the largest, charitable, not-for-profit providers of aged care services in the state and the style and location of homes and services is still determined by market need.

Environmentally responsible Environmental sustainability is now a primary consideration for all new units, unit upgrades and site redevelopment. Residents benefit from the incorporation of water and energy efficient appliances and fittings, more economical water heating systems, increased insulation, and window filming to minimise heat transfer.

In May ECH published the findings of a twoyear research study into the aspirations and expectations of older South Australians in a report titled Our Homes, Our Communities. This survey of more than 1,200 respondents aged 55 years and over was undertaken for ECH by the Flinders Institute for Housing, Urban and Regional Research (FIHURR) to ensure that ECH and the retirement housing industry understand what older people really want.

Full accreditation in Residential Care Centres The program to redevelop Independent Living sites has commenced during the year and follows the completion of our $85m residential care redevelopment program carried out from 2000 – 2007. All of ECH’s seven fully upgraded Residential Care Centres, which are home to almost 800 residents, have been accredited by the Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency with full compliance against all 44 outcome standards.

Responding to market need The FIHURR study revealed that ECH is providing housing options which meet most of the needs and wants of retirees. Our smaller clusters of affordable units located within established neighbourhoods enable residents to remain connected to their community for shopping, medical services and social activities. A clear preference for two-bedroom units with garages or carports however has informed extensive site redevelopment plans which will see ECH invest $50-$60m over the next five or so years to increase the proportion of larger units as well as improve overall site amenity.

During the last 12 months residents in our Care Centres embraced the Lifestyle Model of Care which has been introduced in response to their requests for a more flexible, homelike program where they can elect the time they would prefer to arise in the morning and help determine their social program. This initiative is one of many that have arisen from ECH’s vision to ‘enrich life, promote independence and enhance lifestyle choices’.

Housing affordability Housing affordability is even more important in the current difficult market and in December 2008 ECH was pleased to be offered 120 Rental Incentives (for 30 rental units each year over the next four years) through the Australian Government’s new National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS).

Promoting independence Community services are being delivered within our new Enhancing Independence framework whereby staff are trained to assist clients establish goals they wish to achieve, with service delivery then geared around achieving those goals. Services aim not only to improve each person’s physical function so they can perform daily activities as independently as possible, but also recognise that their personality, lifestyle patterns and habits contribute to their independence.

Strategic Framework extended In the middle of 2008 ECH extended its Strategic Framework to 2015 and beyond to ensure business planning over the next five years will be consistent with the long-term organisational goals. This Framework forms the basis for ECH’s administration to develop an evolving range of Business Plans aimed at achieving the specified outcomes. Once such Plans have been considered and adopted by the Board, progress towards achieving the targeted outcomes is reported at regular intervals to the Board. Future development for ECH will target areas which are ‘under-serviced’ in terms of Independent Living accommodation and community services. We wish to provide a greater range of services for older people, while safeguarding our original philosophy and model of housing and community service delivery. To this end the organisation will seek opportunities to consolidate and/or enhance the services we provide to our residents and clients. This may occur through new models of service delivery or natural growth, or through competitive tenders, acquisitions, partnerships or strategic alliances with agencies which share our objectives. ECH has established a strong and committed workforce and a sound financial base to support these operational and growth aspirations.

“ …the overwhelming majority of older South Australians desire housing that is located within the broader community …so they can remain in the neighbourhood in which they have spent their lives …engaged with friends, neighbours and family members…”

The Board maintains a high level of corporate governance across ECH’s operations to ensure compliance with all relevant legislative requirements and professional standards. Informed by its Audit and Risk Management, Recruitment and Remuneration and Investment Committees, the Board maintains focus on the systems that support the development and service delivery of the organisation. We look forward to the challenges in the year ahead.

Our Homes, Our Communities: The Aspirations and Expectations of Older People in South Australia

Bill Cossey Chairman of the Board

Rob Hankins Chief Executive

Flinders Institute for Housing, Urban and Regional Research May 2009 Link to full report -



Our Board of Directors

Bill Cossey AM – Chairman B.Sc, FAIM, MAICD Appointed August 2004 ~ Extensive knowledge and experience gained from a long and distinguished career at senior executive level in many varied roles in the public and private sectors. Former and current Director/Councillor of numerous private organisations and peak industry bodies, public institutions and authorities. Involved in a diverse range of community organisations.

Mark Coleman – Deputy Chairman B.Ec, MBA, FAICD Appointed April 2006 ~ Principal, independent consulting business since 1990. A wealth of experience in financial and organisational strategy, corporate governance and as an educator and company director, with clients in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors. Experienced board member of organisations across many industry sectors.

Carol Gaston AM FAICD Appointed March 2008 ~ Thirty years experience as a nurse clinician, educator, researcher and senior executive in the public health system across three states, followed by 10 years as an advisor to public, private and not-for-profit community and human service organisations. A member of a number of boards over many years and involved in overseas humanitarian projects and volunteering.

Richard McLachlan B.Bus, Grad Dip Marketing, AAICD

BACK - LEFT TO RIGHT Carol Gaston AM, Bill Cossey AM - Chairman, Rob Hankins - Chief Executive, Richard McLachlan, Dr Tom Stubbs FRONT - LEFT TO RIGHT Mark Coleman - Deputy Chairman, Jane Jeffreys, Barry Smith

Directors are invited to join the Board and are appointed for up to four years, with an option to be re-appointed for a further term, depending on the skills required by the Board at that time. The maximum term of any non-executive director is eight years.

The primary role of members of the ECH Inc Board of Directors is to meet the objectives of ECH’s Constitution and to, at all times, ensure the organisation complies with its regulatory requirements. Policy covering all of ECH’s activities is implemented by the staff under the direction of the Chief Executive and general managers.

Committees of the Board that assist in its governance responsibilities include 'Audit and Risk Management', 'Recruitment and Remuneration' and 'Investment'. The Board aims to appoint Directors who have current expertise and experience from a range of disciplines to ensure it has the capacity to operate effectively in setting the strategic direction and policy framework for the organisation.


Appointed March 2007 ~ General Manager, Development and Asset Management – Defence SA. Significant experience in the planning, development and marketing of commercial, industrial and residential property projects and the construction of built-form. Since 2006 has led the development of key industrial and commercial precincts of the Techport Australia Naval Industry Hub at Osborne and the Northern LeFevre Peninsula Master Plan for Defence SA on behalf of the Government of SA.

Dr Tom Stubbs B.Sc (Hons), PhD, DipEd, LMusA, FAIM Appointed September 2008 ~ Managing Director, Executive Advisory Services – providing advice to the public and private sectors in general management, information management, health system management and reform. Former Chief Executive, Government Reform Commission and previously held senior executive positions in numerous SA Government departments, preceded by a teaching and research role at the University of Adelaide with extensive board experience at state and national level.

Jane Jeffreys FAICD, FAIM, FAHRI Appointed July 2008 ~ Director, Jane Jeffreys Consulting, specialising in management consulting, strategic human resource management, strategic and business planning, organisational development, governance and executive and board performance. Previously held executive and senior level positions in the private and public sectors and board directorships include Chairman, Adelaide Convention Centre, Director SA Tourism Commission, Chair, Gaming Care, and Governor, St Peter’s Collegiate Girl’s School.

Barry Smith B.Ec, FICA, FAICD Appointed February 2004 ~ Executive Director, Baron Partners Limited – a boutique, corporate advisory firm formed in 1987 with offices in Sydney and Adelaide, specialising in advice to listed public companies, cooperatives and large private companies on mergers, acquisitions, divestments, equity and debt raisings and independent experts’ reports.

Rob Hankins – Chief Executive B.Com, MBA, MAICD Appointed July 2003 ~ A wealth of knowledge gained from managing a range of organisations (both charitable and for profit) providing acute and rehabilitation health services, independent living accommodation, and residential and community care services. A Director and Chairman of Aged & Community Services SA&NT and Director of Aged & Community Services Australia.


Services and 2008/09 Highlights Independent Living Units

Community Programs

The ECH portfolio now comprises 1,650 affordable retirement units on 90 sites in metropolitan Adelaide and six sites in four regional areas - Ardrossan, Nairne, Victor Harbor and Willaston. Currently 1,800 residents live in ECH units. During the year 100 new residents moved into our Independent Living units.

ECH Community Services provided assistance to more than 400 clients in their own homes. This was through 248 Community Aged Care Packages (CACP), 33 Extended Aged Care at Home packages (EACH), 27 Extended Aged Care at Home packages for people with dementia (EACHd), 20 Home and Community Care packages (HACC) of low level domestic support, and numerous Transitional Care Packages (TCP). During the past financial year 110 clients with dementia and their carers were also supported through the Walkerville, James Martin, Ross Robertson and Sundowner Plus Day Programs. Community programs staff carried out more than 75,000 support visits to our clients in their own homes.

Independent Living Services The ILS team works collaboratively with residents to provide information and advocacy to enhance their independence and enable them to remain in their unit for as long as possible. Our ILS team will also assist residents if they need to move into residential care. The team made 1,375 home visits to residents including 90 to new residents, and provided almost 1,500 occasions of service by telephone to residents and through indirect contact with community agencies.

Therapy Services Four centres offer affordable professional therapy services across a range of programs aimed at restoring optimum health, among them podiatry, physiotherapy, speech pathology and occupational therapy. The past year saw almost 26,000 client visits to our therapy centres.

Maintenance Services Maintenance Services responded to13,700 requests for maintenance to Independent Living units, plus 8,000 requests from other internal customers including care facilities.

Executive Team

BACK - LEFT TO RIGHT Andrew Stoll - GM Community Services, Mike Blake - GM Corporate Services, Paul Thorne - GM Independent Living, Judi Coombe - GM Residential Care FRONT - LEFT TO RIGHT Rob Hankins - Chief Executive and Darren Birbeck - GM Finance

Organisation Chart

Residential Care Centres

ECH Food Services

Seven Residential Care Centres provide accommodation for 800 residents in low, high, secure dementia and respite care. All Residential Care Centres have been awarded compliance with the 44 outcome standards of the Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency.

ECH’s centralised food services operation provides the meal service to all seven of our Residential Care Centres and supplies meals or meal components to private and government owned aged care and health facilities, as well as to other commercial customers. Food Services prepared the equivalent of 1,000,000 meals during 2008/09.

Volunteer and fundraising programs Over 450 volunteers support ECH, delivering a wide range of activities and fundraising for our Residential Care Centres. Volunteers spent the past year giving over 45,000 hours for the benefit of residents and clients.

Staff Safety ECH was a winner of the Self Insurers of South Australia 'Injury Management Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Management of Workplace Injury' in 2008.


ECH Board Chief Executive

• Audit and Risk Management • Recruitment and Remuneration • Investment

Personal Assistant Corporate Marketing

General Manager Community Services Community Programs Day Programs

Board Committees

General Manager Independent Living

General Manager Residential Care

General Manager Corporate Services

General Manager Finance

Accommodation Services

Central Referrals

Community Relations

Account Processing

Clinical Documentation Advisor

Compliance Program

Financial Analysis

Corporate Quality

Financial Reporting

Food Services

Human Resources

Group Contracts

Residential Care Centres





Risk Management

Management Accounting

Service Development

Corporate Reception/ Central Enquiries

Therapy Services

Independent Living Services Capital Works Maintenance Services

Staff Development

Records Management Business Improvement


Strategic Framework 2015+ This Framework provides a high level description of ECH, the reason for its existence and the goals it is pursuing to achieve its Vision. It outlines the way the organisation wants to conduct interaction between staff and its volunteers, residents, clients, government and business stakeholders and the community. Aspirations •• To be a leading not-for-profit provider of affordable, diversified, quality support services to older South Australians particularly people who are not as well off financially, at their chosen place of abode. This is measured by a combination of total assets managed, annual income, and total clients to which services are provided. •• To establish services that will provide coverage to the majority of the older South Australian population. •• To be acknowledged by a range of stakeholders as an organisation that provides valued services and communicates with its residents and clients, and the wider community.

Direction for the next 5 + Years

We will implement sound disciplines to:

Our development focus is to:

•• maintain a high level of corporate governance across all our operations;

•• target areas which are ‘under-serviced’ in terms of two of ECH’s main areas of operation: independent living accommodation and community services;

•• re-assess the appropriateness of ECH’s legal and tax structure;

•• seek opportunities to consolidate and/or enhance the services we provide to our residents and clients. This may occur through new models of service delivery or natural growth, or through competitive tenders, acquisitions, partnerships or strategic alliances with agencies committed to the same objectives as ECH;

•• ensure the delivery of our services remains consistent with the Values of ECH;

•• create affordable housing and service options for older people in the community; •• maintain market relevance in the communities in which we operate; •• provide a greater range of services, while safeguarding our original philosophy and model of accommodation and community service delivery.

The focus on our people will be to: •• create a safe, supportive and satisfying work environment so that ECH is a preferred employer and appeals to those wishing to volunteer with us;

•• To be acknowledged as an employer that provides a high level of workforce support and development.

•• support them to develop their expertise and team skills, and leadership as necessary;

•• To be acknowledged as a responsible corporate citizen with respect to the environmental impact that the delivery of its services has on society.

•• provide flexibility to meet both work and family needs; •• assist them in developing better ways to deliver our services;

•• Through achieving and maintaining this position, ECH will continue to be recognised as a major provider within the sector, and will use this position to have input into policy development and decision making, representing the interests of senior South Australians.

•• recognise and appreciate their efforts and achievements.


Our Vision - ECH listens, considers and responds to the changing and diverse needs of older people, providing innovative and supportive services to enrich life, promote independence and enhance lifestyle choices.

•• comply with all relevant legislative requirements and professional standards;

•• identify and manage priority risks and their impact on ECH’s operations.

We will communicate by:

We will maintain long term viability by:

•• establishing various forums to gain feedback on services ECH provides;

•• ensuring ECH’s services are sustainable for present and future generations;

•• seeking staff and volunteer input in the workplace and in improving our services;

•• utilising our resources effectively; •• developing a business which is financially sustainable and has influence at all authority levels in each of our chosen markets;

•• informing different stakeholders of ECH’s achievements and new developments we are planning for the future;

•• ensuring any funding structures adopted (particularly borrowings) do not place longer term operational constraints on ECH’s activities.

•• participating, where possible, in influencing the formulation of Government policy to provide better outcomes for older South Australians and ECH.

We will explore and engage in service and technological innovations that: •• will better support our residents and clients in maintaining their independence; •• will deliver more effective outcomes for residents, clients, our staff and volunteers; •• will enable older people to more easily assess service options available to them; •• are based on sound research and demonstrated need.


Independent Living If required, Independent Living Services will also assist with information about transition to residential care. Having like-minded residents of similar age close by is reassuring, offering a sense of belonging and security and, in most cases, a great social life!

ECH’s Independent Living units are affordable, low maintenance homes that are well located within established communities. They are generally small groups of units close to essential services such as shops, medical facilities and transport routes.

Bill, Rex and Bevan love going out bush

New interior design

These excellent locations are a benefit of ECH’s long history. Since the early 1960’s, units have been built or purchased as Adelaide has grown. Adding to the appeal of these valuable locations is ECH’s $50m - $60m upgrade of sites over a five to six year redevelopment program beginning in late 2009.

Fresh and modern new interior finishes, selected after extensive customer consultation, have exceeded the expectations of our incoming residents and increased interest among prospective residents.

Retirement living registration list Some people are able to apply and immediately move into units, but many are planning ahead and have registered their interest with ECH.

The Fuller brothers all love the Australian outdoors and head outback at any opportunity.

Enquirers and prospective residents are invited to regular free Independent Living information sessions which are a valuable introduction to ECH and the housing choices available.

Pricing options People planning to move to ECH retirement accommodation can choose between two payment options – entry contribution or resident funded.

New interior design features include modern open living spaces, a stylish kitchen with stainless steel appliances, large pot drawers and pantry and a spacious bathroom with built-in storage. Other features include reverse-cycle air conditioning, internal blinds, sensor lights, floor treatments and contemporary decor.

Entry contribution style units are the most affordable option, where residents pay an entry amount that suits their financial needs. Resident funded homette style units with private backyards offer a 100 per cent refundable loan option. ‘Downsizing’ to a quality, affordable retirement unit is achieved by purchasing a licence to occupy and paying an ongoing low weekly maintenance fee that covers all internal and external maintenance, communal lighting, communal gardening and the maintenance of ECH-supplied white goods.

"I'd encourage anyone who is considering moving into a retirement unit to do so…it truly is independent living and the move freed up money which has allowed me to do what I choose…like I always have!"

Information and advocacy via Independent Living Services is also included to assist residents to make choices that enhance their independence so that they may remain in their unit for as long as possible.

Mollie, ILU resident in Leabrook

•• Bill, born in 1924, recalls his first job in the Peterborough bakehouse (for six shillings a week), serving in the Navy during the war and then a long career in earth-moving. What really makes Bill smile though are his memories of countless caravanning holidays (“my sons and I have been thrown out of a few parks for raucous laughter!”). •• Rex, born in 1936, recalls his first job at 14 was to clean up the sheep-droppings underneath shearing sheds.

•• He then worked as an electrical fitter for 23 years and a tractor operator for 13 years, but his best job was servicing rabbit chillers for trappers and he has great memories of camping out on the Strzelecki track and along the Nullarbor. •• Bill and Rex say that Bevan, born in 1940, is the smartest of the brothers, “but he’s bald … you can’t have brains and hair!” After an electrical apprenticeship, Bevan spent most of his working life with OTIS elevators with the highlight being the few months of each year spent in the Northern Territory.

The Fuller brothers maintain a great friendship because “we don’t have any inheritance to fight over!”

Rex and Bevan as cheeky youngsters

continued page 13


•• Rex and Bevan and their wives Carmel and Joan love going on caravanning holidays together and living in their units in ECH’s Rotary Village in Modbury because the nearby creek and all the birds make them feel like they’re “on holidays all the time.” Bill and Maxine also think that moving to their ECH unit in Kelvin Grove, Lockleys was a “really smart move.”


r their siste ex with R d n a l il Bevan, B


Mollie has always done what she chooses •• Born in Hawker and one of six children, Mollie went to St Joseph’s school in Thebarton. She worked for the Public Trustee until being married and having her two children.

•• After the children went to secondary school, Mollie re-joined the workforce and spent 31 years as a Personal Assistant in the Catholic Schools system (13 at CBC and 18 at Mercedes).

Independent Living In addition, seven building projects were completed, including three pairs of adjoining single units being combined to form three double units, two units having a room addition and the part demolition of two units to create new carports.

Resident comfort has been improved with the incorporation of environmentally sustainable solutions such as energy and water efficient appliances and fittings. Economical water heating systems, increased insulation and window filming to minimise heat transfer are also features of our new environmentally friendly home designs.

Planning for the upgrade of all sites as part of our major Independent Living redevelopment program also continued throughout the year.

With many appliances included in the package, ECH offers an uncomplicated and affordable lifestyle ready to enjoy.

•• “During my time in the schools I had occasion to meet some marvellous people including Premier Don Dunstan, Sir Mark Oliphant, Luciano Pavarotti and even The Pope!, however I loved the children best…and they all knew me because of my soft top Fiat X19!” •• Today Mollie is a part-time Fashion Consultant for a boutique in Hyde Park; a volunteer for the Daughters of Charity in Hutt Street; has a passion for the opera and ballet and is a great friend to many, including her children and six grandchildren. Mollie says that her move to an ECH retirement unit in Leabrook two years ago was “an excellent decision…it’s peaceful here and close to my children and the gym".

"We love our new home and the modern neutral colour scheme. We’ve got great neighbours and the gardeners do a wonderful job.”

Unit refurbishments The year saw 105 units upgraded and refurbished, marginally down on the 121 of the previous year. Of these, 44 units received a major upgrade including new kitchens and bathrooms. 35 units required minor upgrading and the remaining 26 units were decorated in the new style.

Don, ILU resident in Fullarton. Don and Faye (pictured above) moved to their newly renovated unit in the middle of 2009.

Site redevelopment program Our program of redeveloping and enhancing the appeal of a number of sites and existing units continued during the year.


man e of the n o t a n areer. Dunsta r long c ier Don e h m e in r P d ith nde Mollie w tions she atte func


A number of major projects were completed including extension of the community hall at Rotary Village, internal painting and lighting upgrade at Manson Towers and internal and external painting of Bowden Towers.

continued next page


Independent Living Holiday units

“We had our name on the registration list for eight years before we decided it was time to request our name be put on the ‘active list’ – we were really delighted when we were soon offered this unit.”

ECH provides three well appointed holiday units at Ardrossan, Glenelg and Victor Harbor which are available to Independent Living unit residents. A booking can be made by phoning our Head Office or by completing the form in our quarterly newsletter ECHo!

Betty, ILU resident in Modbury

Independent Living Services

Coordination of services to enhance independence

Independent Living Services (ILS) is a team which offers a value-added service for residents of our units to support community involvement and maintain health, wellbeing and independence.

ILS continued to work collaboratively with residents to assist them to remain in their community. Through a combination of 1,375 home visits and 1,500 telephone contacts with residents and community agencies, the ILS team was able to identify resident needs and make appropriate referrals to community services.

Welcome to new residents In 2008/09, 90 new residents were visited by a member of our ILS team within six weeks of entering their unit and were provided information on transport options and local community, health and government services.

Betty believes you never stop learning

•• Born in Perth in 1929, Betty’s family moved around a lot when she was young following her father’s work as a Presbyterian Minister. Betty’s dad was one of John Flynn’s Padres for The Australian Inland Mission, from which the Royal Flying Doctor Service grew. His service inspired her to become an outback nurse.

•• Betty studied nursing and midwifery and at 23 became a Sister with the Australian Inland Mission because she “wanted to help people in remote areas”. Betty’s first placement was at the Halls Creek Hospital in the Kimberleys. •• Betty’s introduction to SA was at Oodnadatta where she had her next nursing placement and where she “fell for” Tom (the policeman). They married in Sydney in 1956 and had three children. •• They moved a lot, depending on where Tom was stationed, but ultimately ended up in Adelaide where Betty trained to become a nurse educator and taught more than 2,000 nurses over almost 20 years at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

Health information sessions 369 residents attended 20 health information sessions during 2008/09 arranged by ILS at a variety of locations. The program featured a number of guest speakers from organisations such as the Independent Living Centre, Council on the Ageing (COTA), Alzheimer’s Australia SA and SA Police.

•• In more recent years Betty has been passionate about the growth of the University of the Third Age (U3A) for the great benefits ongoing learning offers for the mind, body and soul of the over 50s. In 2007 she was awarded an OAM for her voluntary work with U3A.

In 2009 the focus has been on 'Mind your Mind', increasing understanding of isolation, loneliness and risk factors associated with dementia and addressing 'Positive Retirement'. These sessions focus on increasing awareness of equipment or aids available, as well as social and physical health to enable our residents to make choices to enhance their wellbeing and independence.

Betty and Tom live in a unit in ECH’s Rotary Village in Modbury and say “it was one of the best moves we could’ve made!”

Maintenance response In the last year almost 13,700 maintenance requests for Independent Living units were responded to compared to 12,425 for the same period last year. A commitment to building service excellence and timely response to requests has contributed to this result.

“We moved to our retirement unit three months ago and we think the unit and location is fantastic and the ECH team made the move really easy.”

Betty receives an OAM from His Excellency Rear Admiral Kevin Scarce, AO, Governor of SA at an Investiture ceremony on 6th September 2007.

Joan, ILU resident in Modbury

continued page 16


Betty and Tom ‘out bush’


Community Services Community Services are provided to support our clients, either in their own homes or in ECH community centres, to maintain their wellbeing and therefore independence so that they can continue living in their own homes.

We have funded a program called ‘Living Well’ which assists Independent Living unit residents in dealing with social isolation or loneliness. In the past ten months 32 people have been involved in the program receiving support to reconnect with activities or people in ways that are meaningful to each individual.

Working in partnership with clients and their carers, ECH assists with:

The needs of carers for a break and the social and stimulation needs of isolated older people are being responded to through Day programs. These are provided at our comfortable, accessible centres with supportive staff and a range of activities that cater for individual interests and preferences. Day Programs are currently located at Walkerville, Willaston, Henley Beach and Camden Park. A new service is being planned for the outer southern suburbs.

•• In-Home Services - helping with those tasks that have become too difficult to manage, such as personal care or aspects of household management; •• Therapy Services - through early intervention, to manage health issues or conditions before they become prohibitive to independence; and •• Socialisation and respite through Day Programs for people who can benefit from the stimulation and fun provided in these group settings.

"Extra services were temporarily put in for me and this assisted not only to get me back to the level of independence I had before my fall but also assisted me to still get out socially which was very important to me."

Client needs vary greatly and ‘packages’ of care are customised to suit each unique situation.

Enhancing independence Understanding that older people prefer to remain in their own homes, we have committed significant funds to a project called Enhancing Independence, which is changing the way assistance is given to older people in the community. Services aim not only to improve each person’s physical function so they can perform daily activities with minimal assistance, but also recognise how their personality, lifestyle patterns and habits contribute to independence.

Client from Southern Regional Community Programs.

Short-term support is available for Independent Living unit residents during difficult times when it may be hard to manage alone, such as during illness, or after a medical procedure or the loss of a loved one. Our ILS staff are able to assist people in this situation to receive short-term services. In 2008/09 there were 15 people who benefited from this service who had been unable to access a mainstream community service to support them at the time of their need.

Further to this overall Enhancing Independence approach to client assessment and service delivery there are a number of specific initiatives supporting independence:

John has always needed to be fit

•• John recalls making parts for anti-tank guns and digging an air raid shelter whilst doing his engineering apprenticeship during wartime. •• During his long career as an Engineer at GH Michell & Sons, John did a lot of travel, fought a few fires in the mill and was regularly called up during the night when machinery failed, before being given his gold watch in retirement. •• John had to sell his Army BSA motorbike to pay rent for the first home he shared with the love of his life - but four daughters, seven grandchildren and three homes later (all in the same Broadview street!) he thinks it’s all been worth it! •• John built a holiday shack at Tiddy Widdy Beach for family holidays and after retiring he went caravanning to Queensland each year for many years. •• John had a heart attack 8 months ago and as a part of his rehabilitation has joined ECH’s Happy Heart Program at Greenacres Therapy Service. “Fitness has always been important to me…so I could fix machines, go caravanning and especially now so I can continue to be a carer for my wife… I feel as strong as ever.”

All ECH Therapy Services centres offer exercise classes, health education sessions and chronic conditions management groups. There has been a huge expansion in attendances at exercise classes which we offer at three levels of intensity with participants reporting vast improvements in their mobility and general wellbeing.

A collaborative action research project investigated loneliness amongst older people from their perspective as well as that of service providers. The findings have prompted much investment into developing strategies to better manage loneliness.

John was photographed jogging along the Torrens as part of a fitness promotion which raised money for a new pool for the Hampstead Centre.

continued page 19



Kay aims to continue her walks

•• Kay (Kathleen) was born in Yorkshire, UK. In her youth she enjoyed singing and amateur dramatics. •• Since being married, Kay has lived all around the world due to her husband’s work as a hull surveyor, including nine years in Ireland and two and a half in Japan, before finally settling in Australia in 1968. •• Sharing her mother’s passion for history, Kay has always made it a priority to broaden the minds of her children and grandchildren by taking them to every historic site she could, including stately homes, castles and churches. •• Kay cooked, cleaned and sewed (including a number of wedding dresses!) for four children, 12 grandchildren and many of her 18 great-grandchildren. •• Kay enjoys bonsai pruning in her Japanese garden, reading as much history as possible and walking. After hospitalisation for a crushed vertebra earlier this year Kay was quite despondent. A Transitional Care Package, involving three Home Care visits per week, was delivered to Kay within ECH’s Enhancing Independence framework, with a primary goal being for Kay to be able to resume her regular walks around the North Haven marina. Kay is once again managing her daily activities, walking longer distances each week and well on her way to achieving her goal.

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Community Services Continuous service improvement

Client input and feedback

Over the past year we have made a concerted effort to minimise the number of non-ECH temporary staff used from agencies. This has been successful and clients have gained by almost always receiving support from welltrained ECH staff. Training is provided on-thejob, and assistance is given to obtain Certificate III qualifications where required. Intensive training has been provided to our program coordinators and allied health professionals in new assessment approaches, goal setting and assistance planning with clients - all which reflect the Enhancing Independence philosophy. Home support workers have also received specially prepared training to enable them to support older people in ways which encourage independence rather than just always doing things for them. Clients and their carers who are new recipients of our services initially receive a comprehensive assessment which is friendly and conversational but very thorough. Following this, each individual identifies their most important goals and the coordinator works with them to translate that into assistance geared to the achievement of the goals.

Compliments, complaints and suggestions are encouraged through a number of ways: • Feedback forms, pre-addressed to the Chief Executive, are made available to clients from all community service centres and are given to all new clients; • Focus groups and surveys are held regularly; • From staff as they are interacting with our clients and their carers; and • Clients’ own assessment of what they have achieved is also included as a part of Therapy Services group programs. These opportunities provide key insights into what aspects of our services work well and what needs to be changed or improved. Following feedback from clients that they had difficulty maintaining the various documents pertaining to their service, a Client Handbook has been developed by coordinators in consultation with clients.

Highly trained staff Our staff are provided with ongoing training for personal development and to ensure a consistently high standard of care is provided to clients. During the year home support workers attended workshops to assist them with medication management, working safely in clients’ homes and to understand and deal with complex behaviours associated with dementia.

Wherever possible our three main service streams of In-Home Services, Day Programs and Therapy Services support each other to achieve the best possible client and carer outcomes. For example, clients from In-home programs frequently have involvement from occupational therapists or physiotherapists to assist them in gaining greater capacity and independence. We are also testing a new approach to assessment with clients of the Extended Aged Care at Home packages for people with dementia (EACHd). Rather than just the coordinator performing the assessment, the new approach involves home support workers contributing over a period of several weeks to create a more informed picture of the client’s needs.

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Equipping ECH to maintain the level of client service For many years the level of annual funding indexation from governments has been below increases in the real cost of living. Consequently there are pressures towards reducing the levels of service for clients so that financial viability can be maintained.

"It has been great having a regular weekly volunteer visit me with her pet dog, especially because I used to breed collies."

ECH has taken a number of steps to stretch the funding dollar as far as possible by reviewing the roles and responsibilities of staff, introducing electronic client records and improved efficiencies in our administrative processes.

Barbara, Largs North, client of the Living Well Program


Rhonda followed her passion to be a Missionary

Residential Care ECH has six Residential Care Centres in metropolitan Adelaide and a 91 bed centre in Victor Harbor. The care centres have embraced the Lifestyle Model of Care, introduced in 2007/08, whereby flexible care delivery schedules reflect the lifestyle preferences of residents creating an environment of variety, homeliness, socialisation and fun. Greater flexibility in the time that residents arise and get ready for the day allow for differences in individual preferences. Staff now generally commence work at 8am in the morning rather than 7am to accommodate this. Each site has activities which reflect the patterns of living more like residents would have experienced at home.

• product improvements - by food evaluations/ feedback and menu development, and

•• Rhonda is the youngest of 11 children born and raised in the Port Adelaide area.

• financial improvements - by seeking new business and negotiating with suppliers.

•• After school Rhonda held a number of positions as a nurses aid in Childrens’ Homes and gained a Mental Health Certificate so as to work with the mentally ill before recognising her calling to be a Missionary. To realise her ambition, Rhonda joined the London Missionary Society of the Congregational Church and trained as a midwife.

Robert and Evelyn enjoying lunch at Charles Young Residential Care Centre.

Cocktails on the Terrace at Charles Young Residential Care Centre provide much hilarity and social interaction as the residents chat over predinner drinks and enjoy each other’s company. The Men’s Group at Smithfield and the Men’s Shed at Walkerville are popular activities where male residents share stories and experiences. Visits by school children (and pets!) continue to be popular. The intergenerational interaction is valued by young and old alike and many schools are now seeking to be part of this program. Walkerville Residential Care Centre flower shows also continue to be a popular activity.

Carer respite program at Ross Robertson A three year pilot program to provide day respite for older people in Victor Harbor is operated from within the Ross Robertson Memorial Care Centre. Now half way through the three year pilot program this has provided carers with much needed assistance to continue to care for their relative. Clients join residents for the day to participate in activities and social interaction.

These are just a few examples of the ways in which the Lifestyle Model of Care has supported residents to continue to lead the life they choose.

Accreditation Over the past year six of our seven sites have undertaken a review by the Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency. All sites were awarded compliance with all of the 44 outcome standards. Walkerville was awarded three year accreditation status following their review in February 2008.

Food Services ECH Food Services produced approximately one million meals during 2008/09 for ECH Residential Care Centres as well as other aged care providers.

In December 2008 Charles Young was placed under sanctions. Continuing the program of improvement which had commenced prior to the sanctions being imposed, the site was awarded one year accreditation status just 16 weeks later. We would like to thank the residents and families at Charles Young for their support during this difficult period.

A dedicated co-coordinator works closely with our Residential Care Centres supporting them with their food safety plans, food presentation and other food related issues. Food Services are regularly audited for compliance with strict safety standards and continually investigate:

continued page 23


•• In her late 20s Rhonda was the only Australian nurse sent to the Orokolo District in Papua New Guinea where she worked in the General Hospital as well as domiciliary work in the district. She also worked in Moru, Kwato and Hula, Fife Bay spending almost 12 years in PNG in general medical and outpatient clinics. “We delivered babies and treated conditions including leprosy and TB”. •• Rhonda got quite ill from exhaustion. She was run down from working almost 24 hours a day and got hepatitis, however she says the work was "very rewarding". •• Rhonda was also the Matron of the Ardrossan Hospital for many years before she retired, after more than 40 years of nursing, to care for her ageing parents. Rhonda moved into ECH’s Walkerville Residential Care Centre in 2007 and particularly enjoys the quiz and cards groups.

Rhonda with a little patient and with her colleagues in Papua New Guinea

Jemima believes in helping others

•• Jemima was born in 1901 in the Shetland Islands, Scotland and lived there until she was in her late 20s. •• She worked hard on her parents' land, tending animals and crops – “I had to … all the men were at war! …I remember seeing gun fire from the battleships off the coast”. Other memories from her childhood include peat fires, fishing and hot treacle scones. •• Jemima married Gilbert, a sailor, when she was 25 and they moved to Australia. They had one son, John. In Australia Jemima gained a cooking diploma which enabled her to work as an independent caterer and she catered for many functions including big parties for Lady Bonython, Mayoress of Adelaide.

Residential Care Central referral system is valuable

All Residential Care Centres are funded by the Commonwealth Government and operate under the same legislation as all other Commonwealth funded aged care providers.

Our central Referrals Officer assists applicants and their families with the process of gaining entry to Residential Care Centres. This service provides efficient and practical advice and guidance during what can be a very stressful time for incoming residents and their families. With the exception of Carinya Residential Care Centre all sites offer ‘ageing in place’ so that residents can move from a low-level of care through to a high-level of care if and when required.

Places are offered to people who best meet the criteria for the area in the facility in which the vacancy is available, e.g. secure area. Placement is not necessarily offered to those with their name on the registration list the longest.

•• Jemima also volunteered for the War Veteran’s Home for some 15 years doing all the sewing and mending for the returned soldiers. “I’ve seen a lot of changes in this world – these days everybody wants to be paid for everything they do, but I believe there is a lot of real joy to be had in helping people.” Jemima lived in an ECH unit in Glenunga before moving to Walkerville Residential Care Centre four years ago. She’s hard to keep up with as she walks, unaided, around the centre. Pamela Atkinson has worked for ECH since 1979 in housekeeping and in the laundry at Walkerville Residential Care Centre. She is pictured here with Maud who is a resident.

To minimise the stress of moving into residential care our staff will consult with potential residents and their families as much as possible to ensure a smooth transition.

Tours and admissions

“I love the organisation, there are friendly people, and I really do love my job…You don’t stay with a place for 30 years if you don’t believe in them”

People interested in living in one of ECH’s Residential Care Centres, and their family, are encouraged to take part in a tour of the centre before the offer of a placement so they can get to know the facilities.


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Jemima's childhood home in the Shetland Islands

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Tours are by appointment and conducted in small groups to minimise the disruption to residents and ensure that our senior staff are available to assist and answer any questions regarding the site or services offered.

Pamela Atkinson, Hospitality Assistant


Corporate Services

“I retired after 25 years with ECH, but I didn’t last long … I was back volunteering not long after I left…I missed the place!” Heather Christison, Volunteer

ECH was also the joint winner of the Self Insurers of South Australia ‘Injury Management Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Management of Workplace Injury’ in 2008. This award is a significant achievement which recognises the ongoing efforts of our workers' compensation staff, management and all other staff in the injury management and ‘return to work’ process.

The provision of homes and services to more than 5,000 residents and clients each year necessitates a large workforce and corporate infrastructure. As an organisation that is driven by its values we place very high importance on • employing staff with the fundamental values of integrity, respect and empathy, and • ensuring they are then well trained, well resourced and working in safe conditions so that they are able and motivated to provide quality service with integrity, respect and empathy for residents and clients.

During the year a staff wellbeing program was successfully piloted at two sites and will be considered for extension to other sites.

Compliance, risk management and continuous improvement A revised audit program has been implemented to strengthen accountability for processes and outcomes. In recognition of the increasing compliance burden on the aged care sector, an Internal Auditor will be appointed to support the overall audit program, systems and improvement activities. Regular reports are provided to the Board’s Audit and Risk Management Committee on a range of compliance and risk management activities and the risk management system is being embedded into our day-to-day operations as awareness of its benefits increases.

Staff development Throughout the year the extensive range of learning programs available to our staff included: opportunities for staff to participate in the Team Leadership program for first line supervisors, access to the Aged Care Channel, Manual Handling , Fire Safety, Injury Management for Managers training, Annual Updates for residential care staff, Defensive Driving, personal and professional development, various Information Technology training options, Harassment in the Workplace and Regulatory Compliance. ECH also sponsored two staff to undertake a Graduate Nurse program in Aged Care.

A new Manager Quality Programs was appointed during the year and worked closely with the quality support officers to maintain site continuous improvement plans and accreditation systems. Their work has been recognised through successful accreditation outcomes at all Residential Care Centres. They also provided valuable support during 14 unannounced support visits from the Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency.

Staff safety We achieved a 30% reduction in workers’ compensation claims during 2008/09 and maintained our self insurance status. This recognises the strong commitment from management and staff to injury prevention and provides a strong foundation for further improvements to occupational health and safety systems and procedures. A Job Dictionary was also completed which documented all manual handling tasks and associated risk assessments within a residential care environment. The dictionary will be used as a valuable risk management resource at all care facilities.

Our Quality system is supported by a Board and management team committed to continuous service improvement, employees that are encouraged to focus on always looking for ways to create better service outcomes, and regular resident and client feedback sessions to gauge performance and further drive improvement. The role of Business Improvement Analyst has also been introduced to critically evaluate systems and processes, in an effort to further improve efficiency in service delivery to residents and clients.

continued page 26


Heather Christison (left) had worked for ECH for 25 years as a site clerk and in senior administration at Walkerville Residential Care Centre when she retired in November 2008. She missed the residents and her work colleagues and soon returned as a volunteer. She is photographed here with Wendy Lu who is now doing the job that Heather did before her retirement. Wendy says she values having Heather’s experience still available to her. 27

Jean gains much from volunteering

Corporate Services Human Resources


Our Human Resources team experienced another busy year. Key initiatives were the introduction and maintenance of our corporate induction process for all new staff and the residential care annual update workshops enabling staff to undertake refresher training in workplace safety and resident nursing and personal care.

ECH’s hard-working auxiliaries continued to raise funds and provide activities for the benefit of residents in three Residential Care Centres. Provision of monthly entertainment, enhancement of garden areas with purchases of water features and bird aviaries are just some of the ways their donations enrich the lives of our residents. Their dedicated and enthusiastic commitment to fundraising is outstanding and their achievements directly benefit the lives of our residents.

A range of employee benefits make ECH an attractive organisation to work for, including an enhanced salary packaging program, recognition of ‘years of service’, a reward and recognition scheme for exceptional performance and access to a range of discount schemes. The Employee Assistance Program continues to be well received by staff who can access confidential support in dealing with work-related and personal issues.

Volunteers ECH is very grateful to our 450 dedicated volunteers who worked tirelessly supporting sites and services in many different ways all year. Volunteers add value to ECH programs and enhance the wellbeing of residents in so many ways, from lifestyle activities, fundraising and administrative support to publications distribution, bus driving and one–on-one visits to residents. ECH continues to promote the positives of volunteering. Through working within the Volunteering Australia National Standards, applying appropriate recognition programs, proactively advertising and positive word-ofmouth promotion there has been a 27% increase in volunteer numbers over the last three years. ECH also implemented a live volunteer database to effectively manage this valuable resource.

•• Jean’s altruism began in her young years in England when she belonged to the Red Cross whilst still at school and then trained to be a nurse. •• She has always felt grateful to her two older sisters who helped her father raise her after her mother had a stroke when she was only four. •• Jean and her husband Derick ran a small pig and poultry farm in the little village of Pimlico 20 miles north of London. •• They emigrated to Australia when their son was 11 to give him a “brighter future”. •• Jean says her most satisfying work has been volunteering, including 15 years with the Red Cross; 20 years with St John’s Ambulance; 8 years with Camp Quality and many years for ECH – Jean is the President of the Auxiliary at Walkerville Residential Care Centre and was also a member of the ECH Board from 2000 until 2004. Jean and Derick have lived in their ECH unit at Scarfe Court in Norwood for more than 22 years and have also been long term clients of ECH Community Services.

Technological vision ECH has embarked on the first year of a three-year project to implement an enterprisewide software solution called PeoplePOINT. A dedicated project team, consisting of key staff from the organisation and experienced IT professionals, has been formed to implement the software. PeoplePOINT will provide a computerised care management system in addition to the replacement of our existing IT software. The care management system has already been piloted at one residential care site, with strong staff acceptance and improved outcomes for residents.

Shameeta Wickens (left) and Florentina Van Soest greet clients to Greenacres Therapy Service.

Jean, with Director of Care Lindy Harkness, is President of the Auxiliary at Walkerville Residential Care Centre

continued page 28



Corporate Services Supplier value

This initiative forms part of the Information and Communications Technology Strategic Plan, updated last year, which articulates ECH’s vision for computer systems and infrastructure to 2010 and beyond.

Whilst maintaining relationships with existing business partners, ECH continues to negotiate preferred supplier agreements for major purchases. With increasing fuel and labour costs it has never been more important to ensure that the best value for money is achieved from suppliers.

Staying connected Residents can keep in contact with family, friends and each other more easily using ECH’s telephone and internet services which are provided at competitive prices. Internet kiosks are available at some sites so residents can stay globally connected. To assist in delivering these services, dedicated links using Telstra’s Next IP network have been implemented at all sites.

This diligence has delivered substantial savings to help offset rising costs, however the ongoing general shortage of nursing and care staff does necessitate more reliance on employment agencies, at a cost premium, than is desirable.

Donations and bequests

Solid financial result

As a not-for-profit organisation we are always seeking support from the community in meeting costs. During 2008/09, ECH received donations totalling $68,520 including $26,927 from our very supportive auxiliaries. They continue to work tirelessly to raise money for extra equipment, furnishings and little luxuries in our Residential Care Centres, for which ECH and the residents are most grateful.

ECH reported a surplus of $1.32m for 2008/09. Like many others our share portfolio has suffered from the downturn in the market. The impact has been kept to a minimum by maintaining a balanced portfolio of investments. Already the portfolio is showing good signs of recovery through diligent management. Continued financial stability, even in these difficult times, enables us to continue to develop and deliver innovative services.

Many people choose to assist ECH through their Wills. Whether it is a specific bequest, a conditional bequest, a residual estate gift or a pecuniary legacy, the donation is highly valued for the assistance it provides in meeting the costs associated with upgrading facilities and expanding services.

Depreciation costs have increased substantially over the past few years as a result of the completion of capital developments. Our cash position remains strong however, which is enabling the redevelopment of Independent Living units, entirely from ECH’s own funds. A solid balance sheet, characterised by high quality assets, has the organisation well-placed for the future.

Labour by division


Residential Care


Community Services


Independent Living


Corporate Services








Dietary, Medical and Housekeeping




Repairs and Maintenance








Revenue by division


Residential Care


Community Services


Independent Living


Investment and Other Income Total

595 68,249

Auxiliary Funds – Balance of Accounts as at 30 June 2009 Residential Care Centre

Balance 1/7/08

Plus Receipts























Holly Ross Robertson


Less Payments

Plus or Less Other

Balance 30/6/09

ance , Mainten s in k t A Chris


Ron Lack, Site Improvement Officer

Financials INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2009 Revenue Expenditure Employee benefits expense Dietary, medical and housekeeping supplies Depreciation expense Repairs and maintenance Other expenses

2008 $'000



42,681 4,718 9,544 3,688 6,302 66,933 1,316 (387) 63 992

SURPLUS FOR THE PERIOD Revaluation of assets and investments Transfer to/(from) retained earnings TOTAL CHANGES IN EQUITY

2009 $'000

39,139 4,633 8,748 3,581 6,231 62,332 2,564 (3,161) (857) (1,454)


CURRENT ASSETS Cash assets Investments Other current assets NON CURRENT ASSETS Investments Property, plant and equipment Other non current assets

2009 $'000

2008 $'000

150 8,839 3,005 11,994

(12) 9,772 2,947 12,707

9,221 195,122 1,614 205,957 217,951

TOTAL ASSETS CURRENT LIABILITIES *Amounts payable to residents Payables, provisions and other liabilities NON CURRENT LIABILITIES Provisions TOTAL LIABILITIES NET ASSETS EQUITY Retained profits Reserves TOTAL EQUITY

5,273 196,098 1,675 203,046 215,753

56,308 8,860 65,168

54,533 9,728 64,260



67,304 150,647

66,098 149,655

99,028 51,619 150,647

97,649 52,006 149,655

*Under the Australian equivalents of International Financial Reporting Standards (AIFRS), resident loans are recorded as a current liability due to the short timeframe in which they are required to be paid. In practice only a portion of these loans will be paid within one year. Amounts payable to residents Expected to be paid within one year Expected to be paid after one year


5,893 50,415

5,005 49,528

INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT TO THE DIRECTORS OF ECH INC. Report on the Financial Report We have audited the summarised financial report of ECH Inc comprising the summary balance sheet as at 30 June 2009, the summary income statement and statement of changes in equity, which was derived from the financial report of ECH Inc for the year ended 30 June 2009. We expressed an unmodified auditor’s opinion on that financial report in our auditor’s report dated 28th September 2009. The Responsibility of Directors for the Summarised Financial Report The Board of Directors are responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the summarised financial report in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards (including Australian Accounting Interpretations) and the Associations Incorporation Act (SA) 1985. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the summarised financial report based on our procedures, which were conducted in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. These Auditing Standards require that we comply with relevant ethical requirements relating to audit engagements. Auditor’s Opinion In our opinion, the information reported in the summarised financial report is consistent, in all material respects, with the financial report from which it is derived. For a better understanding of the scope of our audit, this auditor’s report should be read in conjunction with our audit report on the financial report.

PKF Chartered Accountants

P J Whelan Partner Signed at Adelaide this 28th September 2009

Tel 618 7421 1400 | Fax 618 7421 1499 | A South Australian Partnership | ABN 21 903 784 597 Level 2 | 139 Frome Street | Adelaide | South Australia 5000 GPO Box 2505 | Adelaide | South Australia 5001

PKF Adelaide Practice is a member of PKF Australia Limited a national association of independent chartered accounting and consulting firms each trading as PKF, PKF Australia Limited is a member of PKF International, an association of legally independent chartered accounting and consulting firms. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation


ECH Inc Corporate Office Reception Community Relations

174 Greenhill Road Parkside Volunteering - bequests - donations


8407 5151 8407 5189

Independent Living Accommodation Services Independent Living Services Maintenance Services

Retirement unit information for ILU residents for ILU residents

8407 5151 8407 5111 8355 6333

Independent Living Units

Contact Us

Suburb Adelaide Alberton Ardrossan Athelstone Black Forest Brighton Brooklyn Park Burnside Clarence Gardens Collinswood Colonel Light Gdns Croydon Cumberland Park Edwardstown Evandale Findon Fullarton Glandore

Community Services Community Programs North/East South Southern Regional West

598 Lower North East Road 433 Goodwood Road 33 Cornhill Road 358 Findon Road

Campbelltown Westbourne Park Victor Harbor Kidman Park

5074 5041 5211 5025

8337 2334 8271 2166 8552 8380 8353 0844

Day Programs James Martin Day Program Ross Robertson Day Program Sundowner Plus Walkerville Day Program

Glenelg East Glenelg North Glenelg South Goodwood Henley Beach Highgate Hove Hyde Park

19 Dawkins Avenue 19 Cornhill Road 168a Cudmore Terrace 160 Walkerville Terrace

Willaston Victor Harbor Henley Beach Walkerville

5118 5211 5022 5081

8522 3255 8551 0600 8356 3169 8342 8367

Kensington Gardens

1/1 Corner Rellum and Fosters Rds 126 Pimpala Road 33 Cornhill Road 168a Cudmore Terrace

Greenacres Morphett Vale Victor Harbor Henley Beach

5086 5162 5211 5022

8369 3393 8322 5700 8552 8380 8356 3169


Therapy Services Greenacres Southern Victor Harbor Western

ECU = Entry Contribution Unit RFU = Resident Funded Unit SDU = Semi Dependent Unit


Kings Park Kurralta Park Largs North Leabrook

Lower Mitcham Marryatville Mitcham Modbury Myrtle Bank Nailsworth Nairne Norwood Park Holme Parkside

Residential Care Centres Carinya Charles Young Holly Marten Ross Robertson Memorial Smithfield Walkerville Food Services

39 Fisher Street 53 Austral Terrace 16-24 Penneys Hill Road 110 Strathfield Terrace 19 Cornhill Road 1 Warooka Drive 160 Walkerville Terrace 358 Findon Road

Myrtle Bank Morphettville Hackham Largs North Victor Harbor Smithfield Walkerville Kidman Park

5064 5043 5163 5016 5211 5114 5081 5025

8130 6444 8350 3600 8392 6700 8248 9555 8551 0600 8254 4700 8342 8300 8353 7433

Plympton Plympton North Plympton South Prospect Rosslyn Park Seaton Somerton Park St Peters Thebarton Underdale Unley Vale Park Victor Harbor



West Beach Willaston Woodville Gardens Woodville North

Site Name Bowden Towers Baker Court Prince Court Ardrossan Retirement Estate Marchant Court Robertson Miller Lodge Cavender Court Victoria Court Giles Close Howard Court Clarence Gardens Estate Donald Court Lewis Court Burnard Court Leonard Court Crescent Lodge Day Court Fuller Court Murray Court Arthur Court Torrens Court Lynton Court Maxwell Court Michael Court Moran Court Rundle Court James Martin Court William Ackland Court Manson Towers Greenleigh Court Stace Lodge Tucker Lodge Marshall Court & Farrar Court Warren Court Fairfield Lodge Grundy Court Clayton Court Crichton Court Bright Court Reginald Court Downing Court Kimberley Court Leslie Court Palmer Court Henry Court Brenda Court Sidney Batty Court Roberts Court Arnold Court Marten Retirement Village Dellow Court Merrindie Norgrove Lodge Clutterbuck Lodge David Read Lodge Kelvin Grove Kenton Court Waverley Court Blodwin Court Mostyn Court Rotary Village Arch Prime Lodge Grainger Court Knightsbridge Robinson Lodge Ellen Court Nairne Retirement Estate Scarfe Court Colin Court Cungena Braested McGregor Lodge Duggan Court Henderson Lodge Braden Court Little Adelaide Village Vine Court Kardella Seaton Lindsay Court Ramsay Court Walker Court David Court Maurice Court Branston Court Hill Court Mervyn Graham Lodge Wilkinson Court Davis Court Davis Court Davis Court Lawrence Court Riverhaven Williams Court James Martin Village Hanson Court Ernest Court

Street Post Code 241 South Terrace 5000 13 Kingscote Street 5014 45 Prince Street 5014 32 Oval Terrace 5571 334 Gorge Road 5076 3 Hartland Avenue 5035 147 Esplanade 5048 371 Henley Beach Road 5032 86 Lockwood Road 5066 4 Chisholm Avenue 5066 94 Avenue Road 5039 108 Edward Street 5039 841-843 South Road 5039 119 North East Road 5081 10 Cassie Street 5081 2 Kandahar Crescent 5041 10 St Lawrence Avenue 5008 32-34 Eaton Street 5041 41 Eaton Street 5041 401 Cross Road 5039 220-224 Payneham Road 5069 391-393 Grange Road 5023 200 Glen Osmond Road/2a Dawson Street 5063 370 Fullarton Road 5063 74a Fisher Street 5063 388 Fullarton Road 5063 120 Anzac Highway 5037 4 Glengarry Avenue 5037 13 Moseley Street 5045 5 Dunbar Terrace 5045 3 Miller Street 5045 15 Tennant Street 5045 18 & 22 Tod Street 5045 30 Old Tapleys Hill Road/1 Fulton Street 5045 2 Farrell Street/26 Broadway 5045 31-33 Bath Street 5045 19 Gilbert Street 5034 166 Cudmore Terrace 5022 6 Avenue Road 5063 108 Cross Road 5063 44-48 Downing Street 5048 38-42 Downing Street 5048 3 Stopford Road 5048 8 Illawarra Avenue 5048 38 Park Street 5061 1 White Avenue 5068 16 Leonore Avenue 5068 1A Stanley Street 5034 135 Anzac Highway 5037 320 Victoria Road 5016 9 Rochester Street 5068 15 Stanley Street 5068 13 Philip Avenue 5068 378 Henley Beach Road 5032 462 Henley Beach Road 5032 464-466 Henley Beach Road 5032 460 Henley Beach Road 5032 5 Spruce Crescent 5062 10 Clapton Road 5068 5062 66 Princes Road/19 Lorraine Avenue Ramsay Avenue 5092 472 Fullarton Road 5064 22 Clinton Avenue 5064 19 Barr Smith Avenue 5064 19 Riverdale Road 5064 9-15 Ellen Street 5083 2 Princes Highway 5252 3-12 Gertrude Street 5067 7 Edwards Avenue 5043 54 Cungena Avenue/65-67 Wallala Avenue 5043 175 Greenhill Road 5063 4-6 Randolph Avenue 5063 30 Wheaton Road 5038 325 Marion Road/8 Murdoch Avenue 5037 592-594 Cross Road 5038 24-26 Wilson Street/18 Wilson Street 5082 83 Vine Street 5082 395 Kensington Road 5072 250 Tapleys Hill Road 5023 9 Walkers Road/6 Winston Street 5044 50-52 Second Avenue 5069 47 Dew Street 5031 8 Arnold Street 5032 31-33 Arthur Street 5061 Branston Court 5081 42 Hill Street 5211 7 Acraman Street 5211 22 William Street 5211 2 Burlington Street 5081 5 Fuller Street 5081 9 Fuller Street 5081 11 Brunswick Street 5081 124 Walkerville Terrace 5081 20 Graydale Street 5024 19 Dawkins Avenue 5118 24 Hanson Road 5012 9 Lonsdale Street 5012

Map Ref H10 C4 C4 O4 F12 C16 D9 L10 K10 F12 G13 F13 I6 I6 G13 F6 G12 G12 F12 J8 D7 I11 I11 I11 I12 F12 F12 C13 C13 D13 C13 C12 C12 C13 C14 G11 B8 I12 I12 C15 C15 C15 C15 H11 K9 K9 G12 F11 B15 J10 J10 J10 D9 D9 D9 D9 H13 J10 H13 M3 I12 I12 J12 J12 H6 J9 E14 E14 H10 I11 E12 D12 E12 H7 G7 L9 C6 C14 I8 F8 E9 H11 I7

I7 I7 I7 I7 I7 B10 E5 D5

ECU 29 12 8 21 20 30 10 5 13 16 6 19 10 10 8 16 35 11 25 11 20 43 10 17 75 9 5 12 16 18 29 16 9 6 12 15 6 18 9 8 6 20 9 12 50 16 8 9 25 34 20 8 14 14 106 18 10 28 15 16 10 14 39 14 8 16 10 7 6 8 5 11 49 9 12 22 29 13 9 14 8 2 4 11 32

RFU 6 14 6 4 19 2 1 2 21 10 2 7 5 3 20 15 4 2 6 20 -



ECH Locations ECH Inc 174 Greenhill Road Parkside South Australia 5063 Telephone: (08) 8407 5151 Free call: 1800 629 889 Fax: (08) 8407 5130 Email: Web: A 1















Largs North

2 Modbury



Alberton Woodville North Woodville Gardens


Greenacres Athelstone



Nailsworth Prospect



7 Henley Beach




Findon Kidman Park



Vale Park

St. Peters Evandale


Kensington Gardens


Brooklyn Park West Beach


Rosslyn Park Marryatville Leabrook

Parkside Unley Goodwood Fullarton Glandore Hyde Kings Park Park Highgate Black Forest


Kurralta North Plympton Park




Clarence Gardens



Morphettville Park Holme


Myrtle Bank

Cumberland Park

Colonel Light Gardens


Somerton Park Hove







• Independent Living Units • Community Services • Residential Care Centres • Corporate Services 36


• ••Willaston •Smithfield • •Nairne Hackham••Morphett Vale ••• Victor Harbor

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