Volunteer Handbook
ECH’s Purpose
To provide quality affordable homes and support to enrich the lives of older people.
ECH’s Values
intEgrity respeCt empatHy
Contents Welcome 2 A brief history of ECH 3 Services and facilities 4 Areas of volunteer involvement within ECH 5 A resident’s/client’s rights 5 A volunteer’s rights 6 A volunteer’s responsibilities 6 ECH’s rights 8 General information and guidelines
Absence/inability to attend Allegations of abuse of residents and clients – prevention and reporting Bullying and harassment Complaints and grievances Confidentiality Change of personal details Emergency response procedures Food – bringing food into a care centre Insurance Meal breaks Media contact Name badges Personal belongings Police Clearance Certificates Publications Recognition events Reimbursements Resignation Support Training
9 9 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15
Occupational health, safety and welfare (OHS&W)
Alcohol and drugs Infection control/illness Manual handling Safety Smoking in the workplace Standards for volunteers working with food Tips for walking with a resident or client Unruly behaviour Working outside
16 16 17 17 18 18 19 20 20
Welcome! We hope your experience as an ECH volunteer is positive, fulfilling and as rewarding for you as it is for our residents and clients. Whatever your volunteer involvement is with ECH, it is an important contribution to the quality of care we deliver to our residents and clients. That is why this handbook is so important. It is essential that you understand the purpose and values of ECH, its services and facilities as well as some general information about volunteering with older people, to ensure that you too are part of ECH’s umbrella of care enjoyed by all residents and clients.
People who give of their time, interests and skills provide benefits not only to the people assisted by them, but also to themselves, the organisations they are involved with and the community at large.
Volunteering should be an enjoyable experience for all parties. If, as a volunteer, you find yourself in a situation that you are unsure how to manage or in which you feel uncomfortable, you must refer the matter to your coordinator, supervisor or senior staff member who will help and support you. Information in this handbook is to be used as a guide and at all times a volunteer must follow directions from their coordinator, supervisor or senior staff member, and the policies, procedures and legislative requirements of ECH. ECH Chief Executive Rob Hankins, the Board of Directors, staff, residents and clients greatly appreciate your commitment and warmly welcome you to the team.
A brief history of ECH The philosophy and culture of ECH was shaped by our founder Mr Garnet E Rundle. He was a visionary who recognised the need for affordable retirement housing for older South Australians. In 1964, Mr Rundle placed an advertisement in The Advertiser seeking expressions of interest to form an organisation to help older people. Initially, five people responded and from that meeting ECH was formed. ECH was registered as an incorporated association on the 2nd of July 1964. The foresight and humanity of this small group has evolved into a diversified organisation. Like all associations, ECH was established for the benefit of the people who use its services. ECH has no shareholders and, under its constitution, all profits generated since 1964 have been re-invested into improving the services we provide. This has resulted in a high level of security for our residents and clients. Since 1964, ECH’s vision has been to enrich the lives of older people. This has guided our growth as a not-for-profit, charitable organisation to become one of the largest integrated providers
of retirement accommodation and aged care services in South Australia. We provide more than 1,650 affordable independent retirement units in over 90 locations plus seven residential care centres with almost 800 low and high care places serving the ongoing needs of older South Australians. Our community support programs, including coordination of care packages, day programs and therapy centres, assist older people to maintain their independence at home. We are people caring for people in an organisation of over 1200 staff who find their work in aged care very rewarding. We are dedicated to providing the highest level of support, care and services to our residents and clients. Our strong focus on community relations ensures we remain in touch with our residents and clients and the broader community. The support of our volunteers throughout the organisation is priceless. If you are interested in finding out more about ECH, please contact us on 8407 5151 or visit our website www.ech.asn.au.
Services and facilities Independent Retirement Living Independent living units ECH has more than 1,650 independent living units across more than 90 sites in metropolitan Adelaide, Ardrossan and Victor Harbor. We also provide semiindependent accommodation at Crichton Court in Henley Beach. Maintenance Services Our units and retirement living sites are fully maintained by ECH Maintenance Services. The team also maintains ECH’s residential care and community sites. Services are complemented by selected contractors. Independent Living Services The Independent Living Services team provides information, advocacy and referral for residents in our independent living units to assist them with maintaining their health, wellbeing and independence.
Community Services Community Programs Our four community sites coordinate individually designed packages of care services to assist more than 300 eligible older people to remain living in their own homes.
Therapy Services ECH has four centres offering low cost therapy services including podiatry, physiotherapy, dietetics and occupational therapy. We also provide a variety of fitness groups for older people. Day Programs We offer centre-based activities and meaningful support through our five Day Programs for older people with memory loss or who are socially isolated.
Residential Care
Residential care centres ECH has seven residential care centres with rooms for almost 800 residents in low, high, memory support and respite care. Each care centre is fully accredited by the Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency. Food Services Our centralised, cook-chill kitchen provides meal components for all ECH residential care centres as well as other aged care and health facilities and commercial customers.
Over 300 trained and supported volunteers provide a wide range of activities for ECH’s residents and clients. At residential care sites where auxiliaries operate funds are raised for resident entertainment and extra facilities.
Areas of volunteer involvement within ECH Involvement as a volunteer with ECH can be in one or more of our areas and programs. ECH is flexible in meeting the needs of its residents and clients, and its volunteers, creating opportunities based on the interests of both. Some standard activities are listed below: • social interaction and companionship • coffee shop/gift shop assistant • letter reading and writing • assistance with transport • newspaper reading and discussions • men’s shed and greenhouse • reminiscing • pets for therapy • current affairs discussion • playing music or singing • outside activity such as walking • travel club discussions • providing computer lessons • taking people to appointments as a companion • respite for carers • beauty activities, such as manicures and hand massage • craft activities
• gardening with residents • bus driver/tour operator • fundraising • administrative assistance
A resident’s/client’s rights Every person has the right to be treated with dignity and respect. One of the aims of volunteering is to improve quality of life for residents and clients so it is important to ensure their rights are protected. Residents and clients have the right to: • be treated with dignity and respect, and without harassment, abuse or neglect • be treated and accepted as an individual • maintain personal independence, personal choice and personal responsibility for all actions, including a recognition that some actions may involve an element of risk • select and maintain social and personal relationships with any person without fear or criticism • confidentiality of personal information • privacy in personal space, relationships and communications
6 | VOLUNTEER HANDBOOK • access community facilities as required • control their own finances and possessions • have health care when needed • maintain their religious commitments • complain without fear of recrimination
• have access to ECH’s Volunteer Policy and any other policies or procedures relating to their role • have confidential and personal information dealt with in accordance with the principles of the Privacy Act 1988
• say “no”
• be reimbursed for prescribed out of pocket expenses incurred during approved activities
A volunteer’s rights
• have a role description and agreed hours of contribution
• feel safe
ECH volunteers have the right to: • work in a healthy and safe environment (refer to the Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act)
• be treated as a team member, contribute ideas, skills and knowledge
• be interviewed and engaged in accordance with equal opportunity and antidiscrimination legislation
• be treated with respect, consideration and courtesy • have access to a grievance procedure • not fill a position previously held by a paid worker
• induction and orientation in their assigned task, including appropriate job training
A volunteer’s responsibilities
• be adequately covered by insurance • be assigned roles when possible with consideration for personal preferences, life experiences, skills and employment background
ECH volunteers have the responsibility to: • work within the purpose, values, policies, procedures and philosophies of ECH • maintain resident and client confidentiality
VOLUNTEER HANDBOOK | 7 • participate in the volunteer induction program and appropriate safety training • comply with ECH’s occupational health, safety and wellbeing policies and procedures • undertake training and skill development where deemed appropriate • identify and report any potential health and/or safety hazards • be dependable, reliable and work the hours agreed • be accountable for your actions • ask for support when you need it • give notice before you leave the organisation, preferably two weeks While ECH is committed to supporting its volunteers, it also has an expectation that volunteers must not: • physically or verbally abuse a resident, client, other staff members or customers
• appropriate or borrow the belongings of residents, clients, other volunteers, contractors or customers for personal or other use • appropriate or borrow property belonging to ECH for personal or other use* • be adversely affected by or, without good reason, be in possession of alcohol or other substances whilst volunteering or be under the influence or in possession of non-prescribed drugs • subject any person to acts of sexual or other forms of harassment, bullying or gossip • voice personal opinions about matters relating to ECH and its care to residents, clients, families, friends and others - any concerns, complaints or grievances should be dealt with in the appropriate manner (see the section titled Complaints and grievances on page 10).
• misuse the internet, email, or any other electronic communication system *Notwithstanding this, with the approval of the relevant supervisor/manager, specific items may, upon request, be loaned to volunteers. Such loans must be duly recorded and items returned by the required time in good working order. Any damage or loss to ECH property must be made good by the volunteer concerned.
8 | VOLUNTEER HANDBOOK • under any circumstances accept gratuities that include cash, cheques, jewellery or other items of personal property** • drive an ECH vehicle without authority and due care or an appropriate and current driver’s licence - all volunteers must adhere to the relevant policy and procedure relating to volunteers driving ECH vehicles or buses • demonstrate a lack of respect for the dignity, privacy and quality of life of residents, clients, staff or other customers
other misdemeanours, will be subject to counselling which may lead to a review of their involvement with ECH. In the event of a breach of common law and/or criminal law, involving a “duty of care”or a matter of gross misconduct, the volunteer will be subject to instant dismissal and, if deemed necessary, reported to the appropriate authority. At all times ECH’s duty of care towards its residents and clients is paramount.
ECH’s rights ECH has the right to:
• witness any legal documentation related to or on behalf of residents and/or clients - all such enquiries must be referred to a supervisor or the appropriate General Manager
• make decisions about appropriate placement of its volunteers
• make statements to press or electronic media representatives - all enquiries from such sources must be referred to the Chief Executive, without personal opinion being expressed whatsoever
• expect volunteers to perform the given tasks to the best of their ability, while also being prompt and reliable
Volunteers in breach of these responsibilities, or who commit
• ask for a commitment of time from a potential volunteer before undertaking orientation • review volunteer performance
• expect respect and courtesy from volunteers towards all residents, clients, families, staff and other volunteers
**Small items such as handkerchiefs, sweets, cakes or flowers, given in appreciation, are acceptable. Any uncertainties in this area must be referred to management.
VOLUNTEER HANDBOOK | 9 • set parameters and guidelines of volunteer positions • release a volunteer who is not appropriate for volunteer positions
General information and guidelines Absence/inability to attend Please notify your supervisor if you are unable to attend, allowing as much time as possible for a replacement to be found which will ensure that activities will not be disrupted.
Allegations of abuse of residents and clients prevention and reporting ECH is committed to supporting residents and clients by treating them with dignity and respect and promoting a safe and secure living environment. We have a responsibility to take reasonable steps to prevent the abuse of older people receiving our services by identifying abusive situations and practices and reporting them appropriately. ECH will encourage residents, clients, their families or representatives, staff, visiting medical practitioners, allied health professionals, volunteers and
visitors to raise any concerns they may have relating to the abuse, suspected or alleged, of residents or clients. ECH will deal with those concerns in a sensitive, confidential, prompt and appropriate manner. ECH is required to maintain a system whereby instances of or suspicion of abuse or assault are formally reported. People making such reports in good faith will be protected. In the first instance, the matter should be reported (preferably in writing) to the volunteer’s immediate supervisor or site manager. However, if the matter relates to this supervisor or there is another good reason for not initially involving them, the matter must be reported to the appropriate General Manager. Please contact the ECH Corporate Office for details: 174 Greenhill Road Parkside SA 5063 Phone: (office hours) 8407 5151 Email: admin@ech.asn.au
10 | VOLUNTEER HANDBOOK Bullying and harassment
Complaints and grievances
ECH aims to maintain a workplace environment for all staff, contractors, volunteers and visitors which is free of bullying and harassment. ECH has a policy and procedure to ensure bullying and harassment issues in the workplace are managed in a fair and reasonable manner.
ECH supports the right of volunteers to provide feedback or raise concerns or complaints through appropriate internal and external mechanisms. Concerns and complaints will be addressed promptly and fairly without any recrimination.
Sexual or other forms of bullying/ harassment by a staff member, contractor or volunteer will not, under any circumstances, be condoned by ECH. Reports of bullying/harassment of any form will be taken seriously by ECH and will be properly investigated. If a serious allegation of bullying/ harassment is proven: • The offending staff member may be dismissed from their employment. • The services of the contractor/ volunteer may be terminated. If you believe you have been the subject of bullying/harassment you are encouraged to report this to your supervisor, site manager or contact officer at your site. The contact officer has been specifically trained to assist in dealing with such matters (contact details should be displayed on the staff notice board).
The privacy and confidentiality of all the parties involved in providing feedback will be respected at all times. Where practicable, any person needing to express a concern or complaint will be provided with information on how to report the matter and the resolution process. ECH views all feedback as part of the continuous improvement process. Should you wish to make an informal or formal complaint, please speak to your supervisor. If you would prefer to make an anonymous complaint, you can contact: Mike Blake General Manager Risk Management 174 Greenhill Road Parkside SA 5063 Phone: (office hours) 8407 5151 Email: mblake@ech.asn.au
VOLUNTEER HANDBOOK | 11 Confidentiality ECH is entrusted with a vast array of confidential information. In the course of daily activities, ECH staff and volunteers may have access to resident care plans and financial details, information about security procedures, resident and client assets, staff/volunteer personnel files, ECH financial records, workers compensation claims and the general functions of ECH etc. Residents, clients, staff and volunteers expect to have their circumstances respected and information about them treated confidentially. Similarly, ECH has a legitimate expectation that its administrative information will be kept secure and confidential. Information concerning residents, clients, staff, volunteers and the operations of ECH shall be treated as confidential unless its release has been specifically authorised by the Chief Executive or other appropriate senior officer. All volunteers have the responsibility to treat information that they come across in the course of their volunteering role as confidential unless there is a: (a) specific written approval for its disclosure to an authorised person(s)
(b) legal requirement to disclose such information (c) professionally valid and justifiable reason for its disclosure This includes any information regarding residents and clients, their care needs, medical condition or treatment, behaviours, financial or other circumstances. If at any time staff or volunteers are unsure of their obligations under this policy they must seek immediate clarification from their supervisor.
Change of personal details Should you move house, change phone numbers or incur a driver’s licence restriction, please make sure you advise us so we can keep our volunteer database up-to-date.
Emergency response procedures Look for and become familiar with evacuation procedures in your work area so you are prepared for an emergency. Emergency drills are scheduled from time to time and all volunteers must participate in emergency training when it is scheduled at their worksite. If you are unsure of the emergency procedures in your area, please ask your supervisor.
12 | VOLUNTEER HANDBOOK Food – bringing food into a care centre The majority of ECH volunteers work in our residential care centres. Volunteers must take note of the following policy and guidelines regarding bringing food into an ECH care centre. • Care staff will only prepare and/or serve food items that have been supplied by the care centre. • Visitors may supply items of food but are responsible for ensuring food safety regulations are adhered to and food items remain fit for consumption. • The safety of food brought into an aged care centre for a resident is the responsibility of the person supplying the food, not the care centre staff. While volunteers and visitors are able to bring in food items for residents, it is essential that certain standards are followed. As we age, our immune system becomes weaker and this makes older people more susceptible to food poisoning. Additionally, the effects of food poisoning are likely to be more severe and longer lasting in older people.
As the care centre has an obligation to supply food that has been prepared to strict standards, our staff are not permitted to participate in the preparation or serving of food that has not been provided by our approved suppliers. A volunteer, visitor or representative is not deemed to be an approved supplier. Food will be discarded by staff if it is considered to be a risk to residents. A ‘Guideline of the Supply of Food to Residents’ is available to guide volunteers and visitors in the preparation, handling, transport and storage of food items intended for residents in ECH residential care centres. Please ask the Care Manager or your supervisor for a copy of this guideline.
Insurance Volunteers registered on our volunteer database are covered by personal accident insurance. To ensure you are covered at all times during your volunteer work, it is important that you sign in/sign out and only work the times arranged with your supervisor.
Meal breaks Volunteers working onsite for more than half a day are entitled to a meal break.
VOLUNTEER HANDBOOK | 13 Volunteers working a full day shift will be provided with a meal voucher to use in ECH’s cafés. Volunteers working half a day shift will also be provided with a meal voucher of half the designated full day amount. Alternative arrangements will be made for sites and services without café facilities.
Should you cease your involvement with ECH, please return your badge to your supervisor.
Media contact
Police Clearance Certificates (mandatory)
ECH staff and volunteers are not permitted to make statements to press or electronic media representatives and all enquiries from such sources must be referred to the Chief Executive, without any personal opinion being expressed whatsoever. Volunteers wishing to use any media (including print, radio and television) to advertise or make announcements must advise the site Lifestyle Coordinator who will then seek approval from the Site Manager and Marketing Manager at the Corporate Office before proceeding.
Name badges On your acceptance as an ECH volunteer, your supervisor will arrange for an official name badge which must be worn whilst undertaking your volunteer role.
Personal belongings A volunteer’s personal belongings are their own responsibility, and should be stowed securely whilst at an ECH facility.
It is a legislative requirement that all providers of aged care services must ensure that people who have or are reasonably likely to have unsupervised access to care recipients have a current Police Clearance Certificate. A certificate provides evidence of whether a person: • has no recorded convictions or has been convicted of an offence • has been charged with and found guilty of an offence but discharged without conviction • is the subject of any pending criminal charge The legislation states that a person must not be engaged by a provider if that person has been: • convicted of murder or sexual assault
14 | VOLUNTEER HANDBOOK • convicted of and sentenced to imprisonment for any other form of assault The legislation means that ECH cannot employ anyone for paid or unpaid duties without sighting an original and current (less than 3 years old) Police Clearance Certificate acceptable to ECH. ECH will cover the cost of obtaining the Police Clearance Certificate, unless advised otherwise by the relevant supervisor. A person will be required to reimburse this cost if they do not actually commence as a volunteer and/or leave within three months of service. Enquiries regarding certificates for volunteers can be made by contacting your supervisor or by calling ECH Community Relations on 8407 5151. Volunteers must advise ECH in writing of any criminal arrest, charge or conviction immediately after its occurrence. Noncompliance will render an instant dismissal from our volunteer service.
Publications ECH publishes a quarterly magazine for its residents and clients and other interested parties.
If you would like to receive a copy, please ask your supervisor to advise the Publications Coordinator at the Corporate Office of your name and address and you will be added to the mailing list. Alternatively, you can access the current issue via the website www.ech.asn.au.
Recognition events In recognition of the efforts of our volunteers, ECH arranges various events such as movie days, lunches and morning teas. ECH annually celebrates National Volunteer Week in May, SA Volunteer Day and International Volunteers Day.
Reimbursements ECH offers reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses and mileage for all approved volunteer activities. Claim forms are available from your supervisor, and can be paid via cheque or electronic funds transfer.
Resignation Should you wish to resign or take an extended break from your volunteer work, please advise your supervisor as soon as possible. At least two weeks notice is preferred to allow for a replacement to be sourced and the ECH database to be updated.
VOLUNTEER HANDBOOK | 15 Support Support is available to volunteers in dealing effectively with various issues which impact on their volunteer work with ECH. If you feel that you need to speak to someone confidentially about your work as a volunteer with ECH, please contact your supervisor.
It also means that you have a responsibility to contribute towards a safe work environment for others. Volunteers perform a variety of tasks and at all times they must: • comply with ECH’s policies and procedures regarding health, safety and welfare • comply with reasonable instructions
In addition to orientation and emergency training, ECH may provide other training specific to your volunteer role.
• use correct procedures and equipment when performing tasks
Please discuss these opportunities with your supervisor. Access to free training via Volunteering SA is also available to our volunteers. Information about this training is available via your supervisor or on the website www.volunteeringsa.org.au.
ECH has specific OHS&W policies and procedures for particular hazards, and more detailed information on policies and procedures can be obtained from ECH’s intranet site, your manager/supervisor/health and safety representative or the Senior Occupational Health and Safety Advisor located at ECH’s Corporate Office.
Occupational health, safety and welfare (OHS&W) As a volunteer you play an important role in supporting ECH’s residents, clients and staff. You are both covered and bound by occupational health, safety and welfare legislation. This means that you have the right to a safe work environment.
• undertake appropriate training
Please report to your supervisor before attempting any hazardous work or activities including tasks that involve using chemicals, machinery, electrical equipment, loud noise, heights, moving heavy objects or anything you are unsure of or unfamiliar with.
16 | VOLUNTEER HANDBOOK As a general rule, remember the following: • Do not put yourself at risk. For example, don’t attempt to lift objects that you think may be too heavy. • Do not put others at risk. Under OHS&W legislation you have a duty of care to ensure that your actions do not place others at risk. • Report any incident or hazard. Staff, contractors and volunteers must (and visitors to ECH premises are encouraged to) report and document any accidents, hazardous incidents or near misses. ECH staff can provide you with copies of the correct forms. If you have an accident, a near miss or injury, however minor, or if you notice something which may be dangerous, please report it. This will allow us to take appropriate action to prevent injury from occurring. ECH has a formal incident reporting procedure to ensure that these situations are rectified for the safety of residents, clients, staff, volunteers and visitors. Your supervisor will assist in this process.
Alcohol and drugs ECH staff, sub-contractors, volunteers, visitors and other people at the worksite must not place themselves or others at risk due to consumption of alcohol or drugs. You must not undertake volunteer activities whilst under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. Some prescribed drugs can make you drowsy and prevent you from driving and using mechanical equipment safely. Inform your supervisor and they will consider if you can safely be allocated alternative duties for a specific period.
Infection control/illness Volunteers have a responsibility to assist in controlling the spread of infection in the workplace. Infection control is about taking responsibility for your own health by maintaining a high standard of personal hygiene and grooming and by monitoring and maintaining good health to assist in resisting infection. Be alert for specific symptoms that may pose a risk of infecting others and always apply ECH infection control procedures. Volunteers feeling unwell or suffering from any illness, or
VOLUNTEER HANDBOOK | 17 who have had contact with any infectious illness, such as eye infections, colds, flu, diarrhoea, acute skin eruption/infection or vomiting should not attend if they are scheduled to work. Please advise your supervisor as soon as possible. It is recommended you should not resume your work until you have been symptom free for at least 48 hours.
Manual handling Manual handling means any activity requiring the use of force exerted by a person to lift, lower, push, pull, carry or otherwise move, hold or restrain any person, animal or thing. ECH has a policy on manual handling which is available from your supervisor and the ECH intranet site. Manual handling training is available for volunteers if required. It is necessary to identify risks associated with manual handling tasks performed in the workplace and take action to control those risks. In consultation with health and safety representatives, staff and volunteers, supervisors will identify such risks and ensure systems, procedures and equipment are in place to minimise them. ECH acknowledges that we are all different in our ability to lift and
carry loads. If a load is too heavy for you, please ask for assistance.
Safety Older people may be unsteady on their feet or may misjudge their physical capabilities. Accidents are a leading cause of death and disability in older people. The accident rate for older people is much higher than for any other age group, except small children. The greatest dangers are falls, pedestrian vehicular accidents and fires. There are many ways to help prevent such accidents. The environment should be reasonably safe without being unnecessarily restrictive. It is important to maximise freedom and minimise potential risks. Spatial perception occurs when the sensation of the body’s position in space is altered. Many older people lose this sense and are not sure where they are stepping, especially if they are walking on dark floors, bare ground, in a dark paved area, or on uneven surfaces. An older person has more difficulty staying erect without looking and may lose balance easily, especially if looking up at something. Once balance is lost, it is hard to regain.
18 | VOLUNTEER HANDBOOK Be aware of obstacles and uneven ground. When walking with an older person, allow them to take your arm. Do not push or pull and avoid quick turns and movements. Be aware of loose or frayed rugs or carpets and floors that are too highly polished. Avoid hot radiators, hot fluids or hot food. Every day we are exposed to risks in whatever we do and everyone has the right to be able to take chances in life. Sometimes doing something for someone else may in fact cause more problems, as it may damage the person’s self-esteem and quality of life. If you are unsure of a situation which you think may be dangerous, ask yourself these questions: 1. What might happen? 2. Is it likely to happen to anyone of this age? 3. Is it an acceptable risk for other people in the community? 4. Can the risk be avoided or eliminated? This assessment of a situation might help to avoid potential hazards. Check with your supervisor to discuss the risk and possible hazards if you are unsure.
Smoking in the workplace Smoking is not permitted inside any ECH facility or vehicle. In certain circumstances smoking is allowed in designated outdoor smoking areas. Volunteers are not to supervise a resident or client smoking. This is the responsibility of an appropriate family member, resident or client representative or visitor. Volunteers are not to purchase smoking materials for a resident or client nor take responsibility for handling smoking materials for purposes of limiting cigarette use.
Standards for volunteers working with food Personal hygiene is absolutely critical in a food service environment. This includes the kiosk and lifestyle activities involving food. The hazards associated with our bodies must not be transferred to the food we are preparing, serving or selling. There is legislation that requires food handlers to ensure that personal hygiene is maintained.
1. Hand washing Hands must be thoroughly washed and dried using either a single use towel or an electric hand dryer - before starting work, after breaks, after each visit to the
VOLUNTEER HANDBOOK | 19 toilet, after brushing or touching your hair, after coughing, sneezing, smoking, eating, drinking, after handling a handkerchief or tissue, after touching any potentially unclean surface including items such as door handles, cans of food, packaging, dirty dishes etc, after handling uncooked food and after handling cooked or processed food.
2. Fingernails and cuts • Nails must be kept clean at all times. • All cuts and wounds must be covered with an appropriate food safe dressing, ideally coloured. • Disposable gloves must be worn at all times when handling or preparing food.
3. Hair • Hair is to be kept clean and tidy and be worn off the face. • Long hair must be tied back.
4. Dress The following items are not to be worn whilst working: • open toed or heeled shoes • singlets/tank tops or clothing that does not have sleeves • inappropriate jewellery and accessories (ie large earrings, necklaces or hanging belts)
All clothing is to be clean and presentable. Protective aprons will be provided and must be worn. Please refer to the Volunteer Food Safety booklet that was provided to you during your induction for more information.
Tips for walking with a resident or client • Encourage a person rising from a sitting position to lean forward before rising (ie nose over toes). • Encourage them to find their balance before moving. • Move slowly at all times. • Use the flat of the hand when holding an arm rather than curved fingers or offer your hand as a walking stick with the palm up. • Walk slowly and close but not too close as to push the person sideways. • Copy the person’s rhythm of walking. • Give concentrated attention to the person and do not be distracted by others. • A person losing balance may be helped by supporting the person if safe to do so, while lowering them to the floor. Do not try to stop the fall.
20 | VOLUNTEER HANDBOOK Unruly behaviour ECH has an obligation to provide a safe workplace and volunteers have the obligation to do all that is reasonable to protect their own safety and the safety of others. Therefore, unruly behaviour will not be tolerated and, if necessary, disciplinary action will be taken. Practical jokes, horseplay and rowdiness can be dangerous to you and your fellow workers and must be avoided.
Working outside
While you are working in an outside environment you should wear a hat with a broad brim. Keep your skin covered by clothing – long trousers, sleeves should be rolled down. Where your skin is exposed to the sun, use a broad spectrum 30+ sunscreen. Make sure your face, neck, arms, and any other exposed parts are fully covered. Repeat application of sunscreen every two hours, or more frequently if sweating heavily. Ensure you drink sufficient water during hot weather.
Sunburn is the most common ill effect of overexposure to the sun. Continued or prolonged exposure to the sun may lead to the formation of skin cancers.
If you have any queries regarding volunteering or ECH’s expectations, please speak to your supervisor.
More Information If you require more information, please contact Community Relations at: ECH Corporate Office 174 Greenhill Road, Parkside SA 5063 Telephone: 8407 5151
ECH Inc 174 Greenhill Road Parkside SA 5063 Telephone: 8407 5151 Country Callers: 1800 629 889 Facsimile: 8407 5130 Email: admin@ech.asn.au Web: www.ech.asn.au