Issue No. 142
ECHo! The qua r ter ly maga z i ne of EC H I n c
Autumn 2011
Also a Mirror premieres at the Fringe
ECH enriches the lives of older people th r o ug h i n d ep en d en t l i v i ng u n i ts , c o m mu n i ty s er v i c e s a nd r e s id en t ia l ca r e
A u t u m n 2 011 – I s s u e N o .14 2
ECHo! ECHo! is the quarterly publication of ECH Inc. Please share this publication with your family and friends. Opinions quoted in this publication are not necessarily those of the editorial team or the ECH Board of Directors. ECH Inc 174 Greenhill Road Parkside SA 5063 Telephone: 08 8407 5151 Facsimile: 08 8407 5130 Email: Website:
ECHo! is printed on Monza Recycled using vegetable-based inks.
Also a Mirror premieres at the Fringe
ECH has a new website
ECH’s Purpose
Satisfaction survey of independent living unit residents
Smithy’s Place
Banding together for breast cancer fundraising
A rich and colourful history
Anzac Day
A stroke survivor shares her story
Helping our neighbours
Telling My Story through digital media
Support in the South
New faces in Accommodation Services
Social Pages
Living life with a little bit of support
Fundraising for flood relief
Dementia and communication
Quiz: ‘Big’ icons in Australia
Trolley Dolly making the rounds at Marten
ECH Therapy Services
The Restorative Project
Government concessions: are you eligible?
The Home Support Worker
Down the garden path
It only took one dance
Osteoporosis: the silent disease
Flu season
Treasure hunter’s paradise
Enhancing your independence with assistive technology
Holiday unit booking form
Also a Mirror premieres at the Fringe Aiming to break the stereotype too often given to people with memory loss, ECH and Urban Myth Theatre of Youth collaborated to create a drama production which reflected the real life memories and experiences of people with memory loss or dementia. Premiering at the Adelaide Fringe Festival, the play was well received by the community as an emotionally moving and respectful insight into the lives of those touched by memory loss and dementia. Also a Mirror is based on the personal stories and memories of ECH clients from our Walkerville and Sundowner Plus Day Programs. “The stories and many of the single line statements used in group scenes in the play are real,” ECH Service Development Manager Eleanor Kennett-Smith
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says. “The real stories, words and fragments of memories are as told by real people.” The production coveys both the experience of living with dementia and the importance of memories to people who are living with dementia, as told to Adelaide writer Sean Riley who wrote the script. The script interweaves fragments of memories from the early-adult lives of ECH clients with their current experiences as well as those of their family members and carers. “As in real life, in the stage production we see characters experiencing the fragmenting and loss of memories which anchor them to the reality of the contemporary world,” Eleanor says. “The confusion conveyed by the actors as they struggle to remember words and events, or even to perform such basic skills as remembering how to sit down on a chair are the real experiences of people living with dementia, and their family members, as their disease progresses.”
Throughout the play, a single figure traverses the different vignettes portraying the progression of the disease and linking each of the main characters, leading them further forward into dementia. “The play culminates hauntingly with a prediction of the future yet to come through the stripping of personal items from each character, symbolising the loss of personal identity which comes during the final descent into end stage dementia,” Eleanor says. Involving 16 young Adelaide performers ranging in age from 14 to 23 years, members of the cast spent many months rehearsing in preparation for the production, including spending time meeting our clients and their family caregivers to gain a better understanding of the challenges they experienced. The inter-generational aspect of the production brought mutual benefits to both the younger and older participants, with clients’ personal experiences
nurturing a sense of awareness among the young cast. The idea for this project was influenced by a past consultation project undertaken with people living with dementia which highlighted to ECH staff that raising community awareness of dementia, including the symptoms and experience of living with the disease, was seen to be an important activity by people living with dementia and their family caregivers. The partnership of ECH and Urban Myth has been invaluable, empowering our day program clients to share their stories through a talented group of young performers and actively participating in informing the community about memory loss and dementia. For more information about the production please contact Eleanor Kennett-Smith, ECH Service Development Manager, on 8407 5151. Cover photo: Urban Myth Theatre of Youth performers Sophia Simmons (right) and Poppy Mee (left)
ECH Inc | ECHo! Autumn 2011
ECH has a new website ECH recently launched a new interactive state-of-the-art website to improve two-way communication between ECH and our stakeholders.
http://w ww.ech
You are encouraged to visit the new site at which includes: •
small videos demonstrating the services we offer
full Google mapping functionality to make locating all ECH sites easy
a list of all community services available and how clients can benefit
news and events and copies of recent publications
Residents of our independent living units may be particularly interested in: •
the maintenance request form which you are welcome to use and submit online if you wish, and
the video recording of the last Annual General Meeting for ECH independent living unit residents.
Please explore the site and we welcome your feedback. You may contact our Marketing Manager Marianne Zanelli on 8407 5137 or email
ECH’s Purpose In recent strategic planning workshops the ECH Board and Executive Team concluded that it can be confusing for residents, clients, staff and other stakeholders for ECH to have both a Vision and Mission statement. It can be difficult to remember exactly what they each say and mean. It was therefore decided to take the essence of these two statements and combine them into one clear ‘Purpose’. This resulted in the following:
ECH’s Purpose: To provide quality affordable homes and support to enrich the lives of older people.
How did it evolve? There was much consultation to develop the Vision and Mission for ECH, so we felt it was important for ECH’s Purpose to retain the vital elements of these two statements whilst delineating what we provide for whom and how.
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Satisfaction survey of independent living unit residents In September 2010, ECH engaged an external organisation, Press Ganey, to conduct a satisfaction survey of all residents of our independent living units. Press Ganey assisted us in compiling the results of the survey in an independent and confidential manner. A total of 1,764 survey forms were distributed to residents of our independent living units and 1,198 of these were returned. This return rate of 67.9 per cent is an outstanding result and provides us with a huge amount of data about our service. Residents were asked questions covering areas such as: •
unit (size, layout, condition, storage space and appliances)
site (attractiveness and appearance of the gardens)
Maintenance Services (how well your site and unit are maintained and how quickly and how well we respond to your requests)
Independent Living Services (awareness of team and their services)
overall satisfaction with ECH
improvement ideas
friend or family member (where 10 = absolutely yes, and 0 = absolutely no). Thirteen percent of respondents rated the likelihood at 0-6, 20 per cent rated it at 7-8 and 66 per cent rated the likelihood at 9-10. While there were many compliments about staff and services, there were some areas that will require further investigation to gain a better understanding of the concerns highlighted so that we can address them and improve our service. We are currently completing a comprehensive analysis of the data and comments that were collected from the surveys and will publish further results in a future edition of ECHo! Your contribution to this survey was extremely important to us and we appreciated receiving your feedback on what we do well and what we could improve in providing our services to you and future residents. Thank you to all the residents who took the time to communicate their thoughts and suggestions about the quality of services we provide. Should you have any maintenance or grounds requests please ring 8159 4700 or if you would like to provide feedback about our services please ring our Corporate Office Reception on 8407 5151.
Overall ECH residents said they were 79.9% satisfied with the service we provide to them. Residents were also asked on a scale of 0-10 how likely they were to recommend ECH to a
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Smithy’s Place On the 7th of February ECH’s James Martin Day Program, previously located at Willaston, reopened its doors as Smithy’s Place at a new site attached to Smithfield Residential Care Centre.
Behind the name Smithy’s Place was named after the history of the area. It was Scottish pioneer John Smith who built the Smithfield Hotel and for whom the suburb of Smithfield is named.
Reason for moving Moving the day program to Smithfield enables the service to reach a wider audience. Taking advantage of the space available next to our Smithfield Residential Care Centre, the program is now ideally located close to public transport and local shops with staff already exploring opportunities for joint events with residents. All existing clients are continuing to attend the program at the new site and are being assisted with transport where required.
Features of the new site Smithy’s Place features a modern open plan design which allows clients to move freely
throughout the building without restriction. Colourfully decorated, it has a fresh and clean feel and has been fitted with new appliances. A separate lounge area provides clients with a quiet area to retreat to if needed, rest in a comfy recliner or watch TV peacefully. The kitchen is spacious and modern, including long benches and two ovens, allowing staff to expand the cooking program and the clients to get more involved. Outside you will find an undercover, paved garden area where clients can have a barbeque or dine alfresco style. “The area also features a circular path for clients to walk safely through the garden,” Program Coordinator Kelly Reardon says. “We have raised wine barrels for clients to plant flowers or vegetables, or just to get their hands dirty.”
Services offered Smithy’s Place is open Monday to Friday from 10am to 3pm, offering a centre based program four days per week and running a community based outings group every Tuesday called “The Daytrippers”. In addition to a light lunch, morning and afternoon tea is also provided during the centre based program. Assistance with transport is also available. Each week a different theme is chosen which many of the activities are based around. “The clients are involved in choosing the themes for the week and which activities they would like to do each day,” Kelly says. “It is very much based on empowering them to decide how they spend their time rather than their day being directed by others.”
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Banding together for breast cancer fundraising
“When clients first start attending the program we talk to them about what they would like to do while they are here,” Kelly says. “It may be a previous hobby that they would like to start again, or something new they would like to try.” Some of the current activities on offer include:
Motivated by two close to home diagnoses of breast cancer, staff and clients at our Southern Community Programs office in Westbourne Park got together to actively support their friends. They began fundraising in October of 2010, everyone participating whenever or however they could and together organising several fundraisers including: •
movie night at a local cinema
guest performers
raffle with eight baskets as prizes
silent auction for a framed print
art and craft
exercise groups
lamington drive
card/board games
ladies’ pampering
men’s shed area
indoor bowls
After three months of successful fundraising, they prepared a cheque for a total of $1,122 which was presented to a representative from the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) on the 24th of January.
What can clients expect to experience? “A warm and welcoming environment, with caring staff, where clients have ownership of the program and input into what we do,” Kelly says.
Eligibility and cost Smithy’s Place is open to people aged 65 and over who live in their own homes in the Cities of Playford and Tea Tree Gully and who are socially isolated and/or have dementia. The service costs $7 per day but is capped at $10 per week if a person attends more than one day.
ECH Home Support Workers Bernadette and Inge with Stephanie (left), a volunteer speaker from NBCF.
For more information Contact Kelly Reardon, Program Coordinator, on 8254 2992.
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A rich and colourful history Ross Robertson Memorial Care Centre
Behind the name Ross Robertson was only 20 years old when his Halifax Mk 111 bomber was shot down by a German night fighter over Berlin during World War II. The date was the 25th of March 1944 and there were no survivors. A RAAF Flight Sergeant posted to the 466 squadron in Leaconfield in England, Ross was flying his seventh mission. Pilots were expected to fly 30 missions before they could return home. Over twenty years later, Ross’ parents Mr WFS and Mrs F Robertson gifted their Cornhill Road home, “Narrinyeri”, to ECH for use as a nursing home in 1967. It was also to be a memorial to Ross. Subsequently the nursing home was named Ross Robertson Memorial Nursing Home (now Ross Robertson Memorial Care Centre).
Behind the current construction
In the early 1970s extensive additions were constructed, including extra nursing beds and hostel units. This brought the capacity up to 32 nursing beds and 19 hostel units. Later that decade, a further 18 hostel units were built. After a more recent and extensive $9 million redevelopment which was opened in 2005, Ross Robertson Memorial Care Centre today has capacity to house 91 residents (in both high and low care) and includes rooms with ensuite facilities, internal courtyards, a dementia specific wing and is also joined via an internal access lift to ECH’s Therapy Service next-door.
Down memory lane With over 40 years having passed by since Ross Robertson Memorial Care Centre was first opened, many personal memories have also been formed, recorded and cherised.
ECH began building a 14 bed nursing home that same year, appointing Mrs Magdeline Phillips in December of 1967 as the first ever matron. Built at a cost of $87,059, with a $48,700 subsidy from the Commonwealth Government, the nursing home became operational in January of 1968. Officially opened by Mayor George Fisher on the 12th of May 1968, it had a nursing staff of 12 and was supported by four domestic workers and a part-time gardener.
June in the old nurse’s kitchen
ing the cafè
June and Wendy open
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Original home
June Theisinger June was working at the South Coast District Hospital when she was asked by the town clerk if she would assist Matron Phillips in setting up a new nursing home. At first she had no intention of staying once the facility was operational. Despite her original intentions she has been with ECH ever since, nursing for over thirty years and now managing the on-site café. “In the very beginning there weren’t very many staff members,” June recalls. “We only had half a dozen residents at first and we were like a family.” June took on duties as the day nurse with another nurse on duty during the night and the Matron “on call all the time”. However, it wasn’t this way for long and soon they grew to a full house with more staff. June lived on-site in the nurse’s quarters with her sister and remembers keeping her horse in the paddock that used to be at the back of the nursing home. In addition to their official duties, the staff would also participate in colourful performances aimed at entertaining the residents and often raising money for the facility. “Something was going on all the time,” June says. One time they put together a show entitled “Olde Time Music Hall” which they held in the Town Hall which proved very popular. “We got asked to do the same show at Goolwa but the stage wasn’t the same size. It was smaller,” June recalls. “People were just about falling off the edge!” She also remembers all the staff pitching in and raising money for a car (above) which they used for transporting residents and taking them on trips. June has witnessed many of the changes to the building and to the methods of caring and housing the residents that have come to call ‘Ross Robbie’
home. “Even though I’ve been here this long it’s like I’ve been in several different places because of the changes,” she says. “Nothing stands still.”
Wendy Arthur Beginning with two hours a week in 1981 assisting the activities department and eventually extending this to full-time, Wendy worked with ECH for nearly twenty years and has been a part of many creative and exciting initiatives. “I used to take photos of all the things we did,” Wendy recalls. “We had lots of special days.” “We did a lot of things for and with the community,” Wendy says. “And for those residents who weren’t able to get out into the community, we would bring the community in to them.” One day in particular she remembers that a resident dressed up as the Queen Mother and, bearing a striking resemblance, made her way around the facility where people presented her with flowers and bowed to her. Wendy also remembers everyone pitching in to be a part of a pantomime they decided to put on. “It was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs but the dwarfs were tall!” Wendy notes a particularly special time was when she was able to arrange for students from a local school for children with Down Syndrome to visit the residents once a fortnight. A mutual attraction quickly grew and they would do a range of activities together, delighting in each other’s company. “The residents were helping the young ones and the young ones enjoyed being with the residents,” Wendy remembers. “It was lovely.” One thing she cherishes most was feeling that everyone was part of one big family and being able to listen to the life stories that were shared with her by residents. “They’re all beautiful memories,” Wendy says.
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Anzac Day A memorial to fallen friends On the 25th of April each year we pause to mark the anniversary of the time that Australian and New Zealand forces fought in their first major military action at Gallipoli during World War I. Over 8,000 Australian soldiers had been killed by the time the allied forces were evacuated some eight months later. Today Anzac Day also serves as a time for remembering and honouring those that were killed in action during World War II and subsequent conflicts Australians have been involved in.
The significance of rosemary Sprigs of rosemary are traditionally worn on Anzac Day. Historically, rosemary has been believed to be a memory enhancer. The Australian War Memorial website also states that it is of particular significance to Australians because it grows wild on the Gallipoli peninsula.
Reg Francis’ story Resident, Marten Residential Care Centre I joined the Navy in 1940 at Torrens Naval Depot, Birkenhead. I stayed at Birkenhead for about eight weeks with a batch of 25 others that joined with me. After some light training on the HMAS Torrens we were then sent to real Navy training at Flinders Naval
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Depot. It was a huge place involving about 10,000 sailors. After I finished my training at the Flinders Naval Depot, we were all divided up into classes. My class transferred to Sydney to another well-known naval establishment at Garden Island, where all the sailors and the Australian naval fleet congregated. After three to four months, we were all transferred to different ships. I was lucky and was transferred to the HMAS Australia, an eight inch cruiser* and the centrepiece of the Royal Australian Navy. After leaving Sydney on the Australia, I spent quite an enjoyable six months patrolling through the Indian Ocean, along the coast by places such as Simonstown, Cape Town and Durbin and up near Mombasa. After some months we moved on to Aden where we were in and out of port until I was summoned to the Captain’s lobby with six others and there we were informed that we were to be transferred to the HMAS Hobart located in the Mediterranean Sea at Alexandria with the English fleet. It was interesting how we got to Alexandria. After leaving Aden we were transferred to a ship full of English Tommies^. We finished up at Suez and were asked to stay with the soldiers camped there until news of our next journey came through. We were there for weeks, staying in canvas tents with the army. Every few days we would go into the town but would be told there was “no news”.
Eventually something happened and we were asked to leave Suez and make our way to Ismailia by train. All the locals were on top of the train carriages. Luckily for us we got a seat. From Ismailia we made our way to Alexandria. There I joined the HMAS Hobart, a six inch cruiser*, which was with the English fleet. The English fleet was huge, including four battle ships, ten cruisers and fifteen destroyers. It was quite a thrill. After an uneventful six months, we left and returned home to Sydney. Leaving Sydney we joined up with the Australian fleet in New Guinea. Eventually orders came and we were to join an American landing planned at Guadalcanal in the Soloman Islands. We joined up with the Americans and were soon on our way with the fleet and a huge transport of American soldiers. When we got to Guadalcanal, the landing took place. It was very dirty and there were a lot of casualties, all American as no Australian took part in the actual landing. One night we were left at Guadalcanal to guard the transports and the fleet was divided and sent to protect the area from the progression of the Japanese who were known to be in the vicinity. That night a terrible battle took place. We received word that four cruisers, including the HMAS Canberra, had been sunk. The HMAS Canberra was badly damaged but most of the boys were rescued. The ship couldn’t propel itself and had to be sunk by the Americans.
After Guadalcanal was settled, we eventually joined another fleet in the Coral Sea. We were making our way down the coast late one evening when the unexpected happened. It was a beautiful evening, the water was calm and clear. At around about seven o’clock we heard a huge bang and felt a shudder. We had been torpedoed. Around twenty men were lost that night but despite extensive damage to the ship, we limped into an American occupied harbour in Espiritu Santo, escorted by two American ships. We were there for several weeks trying to patch her up just enough to get us back to Sydney. The Hobart was to stay in Sydney for about eighteen months, receiving extensive repairs at Cockatoo Dockyard. We were all transferred to different ships and I was sent to serve on the HMAS Barcoo, a frigate. It was a nice ship and on her we journeyed up into the islands in the South Pacific. After weeks of patrols, we joined up with a small Australian fleet and took part in an invasion of the island of Borneo. We were there for several weeks after as submarine protection. We then took part in other successful landings over several months. The war was getting nearer the end then. We finished up at Borneo and we were there when the war ended. And what a celebration that was. To me, Anzac Day is about these memories and remembering the cobbers that were lost. * The measurement relates to the size of the guns on the ship. ^ This is an old colloquial term for English soldiers.
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A stroke survivor shares her story Marion Newell was in hospital for six weeks before she even knew what had happened. In August of 2010, she suffered a stroke which affected her mobility, strength, concentration and sense of orientation, caused major vision loss and saw her spend a total of nine weeks in hospital. Working on a dairy farm in her younger days, Marion has always been generally fit and healthy. She continued maintaining an active role in her health and prior to her stroke had been attending an Easy Moves class for 13 years at ECH’s Therapy Service in Victor Harbor. “I’ve always been able to get going right away after being ill,” Marion says. “This stroke has knocked me a fair bit though.” After initial rehabilitation at Repatriation General Hospital at Daw Park, Marion was able to return home on a coordinated package of care provided by ECH which involved home support services and also in-centre therapy as part of a rehabilitation group. “What happened in the rehabilitation group followed on in Marion’s home,” Regional Manager Heather James says. “The occupational therapist and coordinator worked together to develop a personalised therapy strategy.”
Marion Newell with Heather Jam
Interestingly she also had her first encounter with ten pin bowling, playing a virtual game of it on the Wii console which is regularly used as a part of therapy. She has some weekly assistance with shopping but despite still experiencing disorientation coupled with her vision loss, Marion sometimes ventures out on her own and often surprises herself with how much she can manage. “I think your attitude makes a difference,” Marion says. She tries to keep positive and is surrounded by others who help her along the way. However, Marion also admits that things can get very frustrating at times and she manages her frustration by pulling weeds in the garden or talking to a friend who has also been through a similar experience. “It helps to know there are other people who have experienced and understand what you’re going through,” Marion says. One important thing she does point out is that the good patches are getting longer and the bad patches are less frequent now.
Marion’s tips:
Marion has worked determinedly at her therapy, building up strength in her legs, arms, hands and upper body. “I feel that I have improved a fair bit,” Marion says. “I’m getting more confidence now.”
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Allow people to help you get back to doing the things you value.
Try your best at therapy and exercis
Don’t be too hard on yourself.
Talk to someone who has had a stro
Maintain a positive attitude.
Focus on doing the things you can
Find a way to work out your frustrat
Remember the good days will get better and the bad days will come less ofte n.
do. ion.
Helping our neighbours Travelling on the only road that would take them to their destination, Noel and his companions were stopped at a bridge by a group of twenty locals waving machetes around. Paying the demanded ‘toll’, their car was allowed through and the group was fortunately on its way again without trouble. Noel was in Papua New Guinea for three weeks with a volunteer work party assigned to renovate a guest house in Lae as part of his ongoing support for Wycliffe Associates, an organisation which supports Bible translation volunteers working in various part of the world. At the time of this particular incident he was on his way to visit the association’s PNG headquarters in the highlands at Ukarumpa, some 1,500 metres above sea level. Based in Lae for most of his time in Papua New Guinea, Noel was with a group of eight from Adelaide who quickly began work on concreting, tiling and painting the ground floor of this two storey guest house. An average day in Lae involved rain, a temperature of 30 degrees and what felt like 100 per cent humidity. “You walk outside at seven in the morning and you start perspiring immediately,” Noel says. “It’s very hot by the coast as you are only a few degrees away from the Equator.” In contrast, Noel found when he visited Ukarumpa the climate was quite mild in comparison. The climate by the coast where they were based also meant that the foods that were available were different to what Noel normally ate and subsequently he ate quite a lot of paw paw during his visit. “It’s like eating watermelon here,” Noel explains. He also found other foods to have a high level of starch, making them difficult to eat. “I remember one meal of taro, sweet potato, yams, cooking bananas and rice in a village was just a plate of solid starch,” Noel says. “The local children all loved it but I could only get through a couple of mouthfuls.”
A country seemingly of great contrasts, Noel found that while Papua New Guinea could be quite a frightening place the people were generally extremely friendly. With minimal infrastructure and terrible poverty in the major cities, security to protect properties and businesses was a common sight. The compound where they stayed in Lae was surrounded by barbed wire with a security guard to operate the gate. “There were three supermarkets in Lae and the one we went to had twelve security guards,” Noel says. Papua New Guinea has villages throughout its mountainous terrain, many completely isolated and with no access roads. Noel and his group were invited to visit a village 100 kilometres out of Lae. “We drove for two hours to get to the village for an outdoor church service then lunch cooked on outdoor fires,” Noel says. On another village visit in the highlands near Ukarumpa, the village ‘head-man’, with a machete, accompanied them as three weeks previously the village had been attacked by a neighbouring village who accused them of infringing on their land. “It’s a very confronting country,” Noel says. “It’s only a short trip but it’s as if you’re in a different world.” Despite this, he and everyone else enjoyed their time and felt privileged to be a part of the work party. Now back at his ECH independent living unit in Grainger Court, Myrtle Bank, where he lives with his wife Elizabeth, Noel would encourage others to go but advises that you must be prepared for a complete ‘culture shock’.
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Telling My Story through digital media Joyce Davies remembers her idyllic childhood in Port Lincoln with her hardworking and loving family. Her film is a devotion to them and reveals her joyful, adventurous spirit. Tolek Kropinski remembers his father’s love for him, honouring the man who influenced his life from a young age before passing away in an internment camp during World War II, in which they both fought for their homeland of Poland. Joyce and Tolek, both clients of ECH day programs, were participants in an exciting and innovative project called Telling My Story, where they worked with young filmmakers from the Media Resource Centre to produce a short film about their lives. Attending eight weekly workshops to develop and produce their films, Joyce and Tolek learnt about a range of filmmaking skills from scriptwriting to editing. “The workshops provided an opportunity for participants to embrace technology, share knowledge and skills between generations and make creative decisions,” Project Officer Fiona Dunt says. “I’ve never done anything like this before but it was very interesting,” Joyce says. “I enjoyed it very much.” Tolek agrees saying, “It was an exciting and enjoyable experience.” In total, the project involved fourteen participants, including clients from ECH and Helping Hand Aged Care, who experience short term memory loss, Alzheimer’s or are in the early stages of dementia. After weeks of anticipation, the films were officially launched by The Honourable John Hill MP at Mercury Cinema on March 17, where Joyce and Tolek were delighted to share their stories on ‘the big screen’ with family, friends and the community.
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Joyce’s Story Joyce’s film is a delightful recollection of her childhood days in Port Lincoln, told through a mixture of image collages with voiceover and shots of Joyce speaking on camera. Hers is a collection of touching memories, conveying the love and admiration she has for her family and the life they shared together. “I lived five miles out of Port Lincoln and my father had a farm,” Joyce’s voiceover begins on screen. “It was the Depression those days and we didn’t have things that probably other children had but we had a lovely home.” Continuing on, she shares how her hardworking parents would work the farm by hand without modern machinery to assist them. “I used to be dad’s right-hand boy,” Joyce says, narrating the film. Joyce speaks fondly of her three sisters and her brother, the screen filling with photos from their childhood together. Remembering her school days she reports that she thought she was a “fair scholar” but really excelled in sports. “My little legs would really travel fast,” Joyce says on screen. Revealing her fearless and adventurous side, Joyce recalls her many encounters with snakes. “I wouldn’t go past a snake,” Joyce remembers. “I’d
try and kill it some way either by bricks or stones or sticks or anything. Many a snake I killed!” Going on to share the time when she met her husband and the beginning of their wonderful life together, the film ends with Joyce making a final statement about the joy she experienced in Port Lincoln. This final message appears on the screen: “Thank you to all my family for everything you’ve done for me. This film is dedicated to you.” Joyce appears on screen several times but, never having any previous on camera experience, she was surprised at how well she was able to manage. “I thought I was going to be nervous but I think I stood up to it alright,” Joyce says. Recommending the experience to others, she is grateful to have this film as a memory for her family to keep.
Tolek’s story A reflective, emotionally charged collage of photographs, documents and old film, Tolek narrates his story entirely off screen with his words set against a background of a moving piano solo. His film is a timeline of his early years in Poland, his time at high school and later with the Polish Second Corp during World War II, cherishing and honouring the impact his father had on his life. Opening with his first memories of childhood, Tolek moves on to set the scene about his father, his voice adding meaning to the photographs on screen saying, “My father was a very busy man.” Involved in many activities, Tolek’s father worked as a barrister and was also a member of the Amateur Theatre Society, later becoming its president. “He still found time when I was at school to help me with my homework. He encouraged me to join the Cubs and then the Scouts.”
Tolek’s father, having been involved in World War I, was called up for service when war broke out for a second time. The story takes a turn into a description of their movements after the invasion of their homeland, resulting in their transfer to an internment camp in Hungary. Separated after this time, Tolek went to a Polish high school that had opened and his father to another internment camp. As an old, handwritten postcard fills the screen, Tolek’s narrative explains that they were regularly permitted to correspond in this manner. After finishing high school, Tolek informed his father he would like to join the army. Gaining a special permit, his father visited him and they had a heartfelt conversation. Parting two days later, Tolek lets the audience know that this is the last time he was to see his father, although he did not know this at the time. He was finally informed of his father’s passing by a fellow officer. The film draws to a close with the words, “A film by Tolek Kropinski.” Tolek enjoyed the opportunity to participate in the project, giving him a chance to honour his father and share his story. “The young ones are hungry for knowledge about their father’s life as he has mostly been quiet about it,” his wife Maureen says. “For the sake of the children, this film is vital.” She was amazed at how the project helped him to open up about this part of his life.
Further information Telling My Story involved a partnership between the Media Resource Centre, Helping Hand Aged Care and ECH. The project was funded under the Australian Government initiative, Dementia Community Support Grants Program. For more information, contact Fiona Dunt on 0458 080 038.
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Support in the South Personal stories from the Southern Day Program
Jim & Vivonne Jim and Vivonne met in 1941 when they were only fourteen and have been married for over sixty years. Over the years they have built a loving family, including four children, nine grandchildren and fourteen great-grandchildren. Delighting in the time when things were less polluted with modern day distractions, many of their favourite memories are based around time spent with loved ones. Despite more recent hurdles they have encountered, love, a strong sense of togetherness and a bit of extra help has kept Jim and Vivonne going, their story offering hope to others. Vivonne has Alzheimer’s and Jim is her main carer. “When times get tough, you’ve got to pitch in and help each other,” Jim says. However, he advises that he couldn’t manage on his own and encourages others in similar situations to seek out the vast range of support that is out there. “When you can’t handle it, you’ve got to get a little helping hand,” Jim says. One of the services which Jim and Vivonne have enlisted is ECH’s Southern Day Program. Vivonne attends on Mondays and Fridays, giving her a
chance to get out and about on day trips or enjoy some social or creative time in a safe, caring environment. “I enjoy it,” Vivonne says of the program, having recently been to the Japanese Gardens, Mount Bold reservoir and even to a ten pin bowling alley. “The program is marvellous. I think they save people’s lives,” Jim says. “They saved mine and they’re saving Vivonne’s too. I couldn’t cope without them.” He reveals that being a carer can be very exhausting but with Vivonne enjoying two days a week at the Southern Day Program, Jim is able to catch up with other aspects of their lives, rest and recharge. “It gives the carer a day out to pick up and continue caring for their loved one,” Jim says. Jim and Vivonne are very appreciative of the assistance they receive, which also includes support from family members and in-home services from another agency, as it helps them to find their way around the hurdles they have been facing. “What we get now is exactly what we need,” Jim says.
Dawn Dawn loves being social and enjoys exploring the community outside of the confines of her home. Not being able to do the work she used to and not being able to drive anymore, Dawn was faced with the dilemma of how to use up her spare time and maintain her zest for life without transport. Checking her letterbox one day, she found that a flyer about the Southern Day Program had been left there, offering social activities with transport provided. “So I called the number and I was invited to come,” Dawn says. “I felt welcomed.” Now having attended the program on a Tuesday for a few months, Dawn looks forward to it every week. “Tuesday is my day out,” Dawn says. “It makes me so happy. I get out of bed on a Tuesday ready to go out.” Particularly appreciative of the transport offered, Dawn says it’s lovely to be picked up and brought home again. “If it wasn’t for that I’d probably be stuck at home.”
Jim and Vivonne
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New faces in Accommodation Services Dawn reveals that she has made quite a few new friends at the program and often shares a laugh with them that keeps her going long after she has gone home. She particularly recalls one time when they were given the opportunity to try bark painting. “I haven’t got the slightest inkling towards art,” Dawn says. She was attempting to draw an emu when one of her friends pointed out that it looked like a scorpion. “We just broke out in giggles and we laughed and laughed,” Dawn says. “I came home and I was still laughing.” Dawn enjoys every aspect of the program, from the meals provided to the outings they go on. Recently she has enjoyed an outing to the Menz Chocolate Factory, a picnic at McClaren Vale and a trip to Brighton to see the sand sculptures. “I also enjoy the gentle exercise movements,” Dawn says, speaking of the exercise program offered. She reports that the staff at Southern Day Program are patient and caring, and will listen and respond to your needs. “I cannot speak highly enough of the staff there,” Dawn says. “If you’re lonely, it’s a good place to go,” Dawn says of the Southern Day Program. “I always have a delightful time. I’m comfortable and happy there.” For more information about the Southern Day Program contact 8381 4901.
We recently welcomed two new members to our Accommodation Services department, Michael ReyesSmith, who started in November 2010, and Dawn Ingerson, who started in January 2011. Both Michael and Dawn have taken on the roles of Accommodation Consultants which involves displaying units to potential residents, making offers and setting up contracts, advising potential residents about the financial options available, conducting information sessions, advertising vacancies and reviewing the standard of refurbished units. “The look of appreciation on the faces of new residents when they take over occupancy is very fulfilling,” Michael says of his new role. “I’m also really enjoying the environment and the fact that my role is contributing positively and significantly to people’s lives.” Dawn agrees saying, “I really enjoy helping people find a lovely place to live.” Michael brings 24 years of experience in federal and local government service delivery to ECH, particularly in social welfare, including working for the Department of Social Security (Centrelink) and the City of Salisbury. Dawn previously worked for Brock Partners Real Estate, Neale Realty and Omega Senior Care in sales, bringing real estate sales and managerial qualifications to the role. Both enjoy a vast range of interests outside of work. Michael in particular enjoys cricket (“hardened, long suffering Redbacks supporter”), football (“go the Power”), reading, movies, red wine, travel and golf (he admits he’s very bad at it though) while Dawn’s list includes art, ballet, music, opera, interior decorating and travel.
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Social Pages Baker Court Christmas Party
Marten Residential Care Centre artwo
Knightsbridge New Year’s lunche
Peter Scuteri (staff) Back row: Agnes Box, n, Rhonda Wright and Front row: Edna Maso Maria Starega
Ross Robbie Men’s l
David Court pre Christmas morning tea
Shirley, Jill, Betty, Lionel, Evelyn (the hostess), John, Kate, Margaret and Stan.
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Lyall Kretschmer
Want to be a part of our social pages? Send your photos to: ECH Publications, Reply Paid 83158, Parkside SA 5063 or email
re artwork group
L-R (staff members) Linda Fletcher, Peter Scuteri and Loina Jackson
(staff) ht and tarega
Cruise Day at Marten Residential Care Centre
e Men’s lunch
Stephen and Julia Kacs
David Mottershead Eric Atkin
Brooke Jones (staff)
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Living life with a little bit of support Dorothy Chesterfield (Mellor) is 96 and still living in her own home. Determined to stay for as long as she can, Dorothy recently accepted support from ECH with activities such as shopping and cleaning. “I’m much better off with all the help I’ve been getting,” Dorothy says. “That’s how I’m managing.” At a recent check-up she even gave her doctor a bit of a shock. “He was surprised I was in such good shape,” Dorothy says. “It’s the support that keeps me fit and that has helped me keep a positive outlook on things.” Not having been out of the house in some time, Dorothy recently ventured to the Women’s Memorial Playing Field Trust Bangka Day Memorial Service in honour of the South Australian Army Nursing Sisters killed at Bangka Island during World War II. “I came home a bit tired but being able to put on my shoes and go out was wonderful,” Dorothy says. “It made me feel human again.” A week later she was then able to attend another memorial service in remembrance of the Bombing of Darwin. Being healthy enough to go to these events holds great significance to Dorothy as she enlisted in the RAAF Nursing Service during World War II. Originally planning to be a teacher, there was no intake for Teacher’s College the year she finished school so Dorothy went to work as a stenographer at the Railway Superintendent’s Office. During this time she was also a member of the St Nicholas Missions to Seafarers which held social events to welcome the European sailors who came into port for up to several weeks while their ships were loaded for their return journeys. Welcoming them by holding a social dance, the group would also introduce the sailors to local traditions such as driftwood fires and tea brewed in a billy. Dorothy feels this was an important point in her life as she met many different people, giving her the skills to communicate with people of various cultures. “It’s the people I’ve met that have made my life interesting,” she says.
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After some time at the Railways, Dorothy wanted to try something different. “I decided the time had come to spread my wings so I resigned from the Railways and began my nursing training at the Adelaide Children’s Hospital where my dear Mum had trained 40 years earlier,” Dorothy says. Completing her training at Prince Henry’s in Melbourne, she returned to Adelaide to further her qualifications by studying midwifery at Queen Victoria Maternity Hospital. Dorothy heard that the RAAF was enlisting nurses and she wanted to sign up. Her first posting was to the Melbourne Showgrounds in Ascot Vale where pig pens had been converted to sick quarters for men with infectious diseases such as measles, mumps and chicken pox. “Then came my posting to No 6 RAAF Hospital Heidelberg, a large section of a real Army Base Hospital to which convoys of sick, injured RAAF personnel were flown in from the islands up north,” Dorothy recalls. Here she saw lots of malaria and various bites but also many who had been injured by gunfire and air evacuation patients. “It was very sad in most cases but I felt I was doing something worthwhile,” she says. Dorothy also acknowledges the wives and families of those who were in the armed forces who were left to manage home life, often in very difficult circumstances, anxiously waiting for news from their loved ones. “Everybody did their bit, even if they weren’t in active service,” she says. It was here at Heidelberg that Dorothy got to know her future husband Claude better as he, being a telegraphist, was posted to the Melbourne GPO at the time. They’d first met back in Port Lincoln where Dorothy had grown up. She didn’t have much to do with him at first but they both played tennis at the same club. “He was a reserved, shy sort and we used to call him Clark Gable because he was a bit handsome looking,” she recalls. After her time at Heidelberg she was transferred to the Elementary Flying Training School at Uranquinty, out of Wagga Wagga, during a time of terrible drought. Most of the time she saw “nothing much” and the most exciting medical
Fundraising for flood relief
treatment she encountered there was when one of the men got his wedding ring stuck on his finger and they had to cut the ring off. There was, however, one particularly sad time where Dorothy remembers everyone being ordered to the station cinema for the evening. “This was to distract our minds from the drone of a couple of planes unable to land in the dust,” Dorothy says. “Sadly neither planes nor occupants survived.” Nobody had known what was happening until they saw the wreckages the following morning. Her final posting was to Concord Hospital in Sydney. “Somewhat daunting as I joined a troop train alone at midnight and reported to yet another huge base hospital,” Dorothy recalls. “But you just got the call up and you went. Nurses were posted as individuals in the airforce.” Despite the intimidating beginning, Dorothy found this time very interesting as she was allocated to work with Major Erskine, an early plastic surgeon, and learnt about skin grafting. With the war nearing the end, Dorothy was discharged so she could marry Claude. At this time, women were not allowed to get married while in service as they would be dishonourably discharged. Unfortunately the timing meant that Dorothy had only days to prepare for her wedding, with Claude only arriving in Port Lincoln the day before they were to be married. “I hadn’t seen him in months,” Dorothy says. “But all things fell into place and so began 49 years of happily married life.”
When news of the devastating floods in Queensland hit, many of the residents in Charles Young Residential Care Centre’s Grevillea wing were glued to the television wishing there was something they could for the people affected. Chris Gabell, Enrolled Nurse, was with them one morning, heard the residents’ concern and said, “Why can’t we do something?” This started a discussion among the residents and that same afternoon they met with volunteer Sharon Molloy to start planning what they could do to raise money. Everything happened very quickly and within the space of two weeks the residents, alongside Sharon and Chris, had organised and held a cake sale, sausage sizzle and raffle with many other residents, families and staff making purchases and offering donations and support. Everyone pitched in and, when some of the volunteers had car trouble and were stranded elsewhere, residents Joan and Evelyn stepped in to butter five loaves of bread for the sausage sizzle. Originally the residents planned to donate the money to the Flood Appeal but when someone suggested that it would be more personal if they were to donate it directly to an affected residential care centre they readily agreed. They selected Warrawee Nursing Home, a small facility in St Georges where the residents had to be evacuated and many of them flown to Brisbane. Raising $500 just from the cake sale, the final total figure was kept a secret right up until the cheque was presented by the residents to Rosanne Collins, Residential Site Manager, at a special afternoon tea. The final figure was $1,300!
Now over 65 years later, Dorothy is determined to stay in her home where these memories are lovingly scattered throughout in photo frames and written memoirs. “I don’t want to go to a nursing home before I have to,” Dorothy says. “Where I can still do things for myself I will.” Some of the residents from Grevillea with volunteer Sharon Molloy (top left)
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Dementia and communication Communication is vital for making our needs and emotions known and for finding out the same in others. For people who have dementia, cognitive function can be severely impaired, making communication and understanding difficult for both the person and the people around them. In 2010, ECH commenced a training program for residential care staff aimed at improving the lives of residents who experience a degree of dementia. The program addresses how each resident perceives their world and how we as carers can make their journey less daunting. Below is a summary of the ‘Guidelines for communication with residents who have dementia’* which have been put into practice. •
Pay attention to the physical environment and how it encourages/discourages communication.
Enhance the person’s sensory input by locating glasses or hearing aids and helping the person to use them.
Face the person directly, smile and use a friendly, relaxed manner. Remember that people with dementia often mimic the mood around them and are very sensitive to the emotional tone in your voice, your body language and your facial expression. Begin each conversation by identifying yourself and calling the person by name. Do not ask the person if they remember you or if they know your name.
Use short, specific, familiar words and simple sentences. Speak slowly and softly, pitched according to the person’s ability to hear.
Give one direction or ask one question at a time.
Use facial expressions, body language and gestures to support or demonstrate what you are saying.
If necessary, repeat the person’s last words to help them continue their thoughts. Many people with dementia lose their train of thought in mid-sentence.
Assume the person can understand more than they can express, as the ability to understand outlasts the ability to verbalise. Never talk about the person as if they are not there or cannot understand.
Show respect or acknowledgement for the feelings behind the person’s words, even when they are out of context and do not seem to make sense. If you don’t understand the person, let them know you take responsibility for not understanding.
Ask for opinions and feelings rather than facts.
Try not to take the person’s anger or agitation personally. Keep in mind that the person may be frustrated and frightened over the memory loss.
Believe that communication is possible but be sure that your goals for communication are realistic.
*Adapted from EDGE from “Tips for communication with persons who have Alzheimer’s disease or related disorders”, Eddy Alzheimer’s Services, Marjorie Doyle Rockwell Centre, 421 W. Columbia Street, Cohoes, NY 12047.
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Introducing Debra Temple Debra joined ECH in January of this year in the newly created role of Dementia Care Manager. In this role she works across all seven residential care sites with staff, residents and families involved in the dementia units. “I am enjoying getting to know all of the staff and residents,” Debra says. “I have been warmly welcomed by everyone and am enjoying this new and exciting role.” With 25 years experience in nursing in residential care, Debra brings a wealth of knowledge to ECH, particularly in the area of dementia care. “I have always focused on dementia care wherever I have been,” Debra says. “This new innovative role with ECH focusing on the Lifestyle Model of Care* with dementia specific residents is a dream role.” Outside of work she is kept busy by her two daughters, her family and friends. *ECH’s Lifestyle Model of Care (LMoC) is care tailored around the lifestyle preferences of residents.
Quiz: ‘Big’ icons in Australia Many will have driven past one. Most of you have probably had your photograph taken with one. Do you know in which city or town the following ‘big things’ can be found? 1. The Big Banana 2. The Big Cheese 3. The Big Galah 4. The Big Lobster 5. The Big Merino 6. The Big Milkshake 7. The Big Murray Cod 8. The Big Penguin 9. The Big Pineapple 10. The Big Ram Answers: 1. Coffs Harbour NSW 2. Bega NSW 3. Kimba SA 4. Kingston SA 5. Goulbourn NSW 6. Warrnambool VIC 7. Swan Hill VIC 8. Penguin TAS 9. Gympie QLD and Woombye QLD 10. Wagin WA
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Trolley Dolly making the rounds at Marten Every Wednesday, ECH volunteer and Marten Retirement Village resident Beth Harradine dons a bright costume and makes the rounds at Marten Residential Care Centre with a mobile café trolley. Starting off temporarily managing the trolley without all the fanfare, Beth and the residents enjoyed it so much that it has now become a weekly source of laughter, entertainment and, of course, snacks! After some interesting suggestions from staff members Cathy and Peter, things just got even more entertaining. Making some creative adjustments to the trolley, Peter has turned it into a candy-striped sensation which residents can spot coming a mile away. Adding to its flamboyance is a numberplate sporting the name “Trolley Dolly No 13”. The number 13 may be unlucky for some but has always been the opposite for Beth. With her daughter and “artistic director” Sue’s assistance, Beth’s attire now matches the flair of the trolley, with her usual costume being a red and white striped apron and hat. Constantly inspired, Sue, with the help of her friend Lisa, comes up with special occasion outfits for Beth to wear on certain holidays and celebrations (see photos). “I’m only the fool that wears it,” Beth says with a laugh. They credit the centre’s Bus Stop Cafe for allocating funds towards the purchase of the costumes and also local stores for providing discounted rates. Beth has been volunteering for two years, also helping out in the canteen and organising the weekly residents’ game days. “Whatever they want me to do, I do,” she says. “It keeps me busy and out of mischief!”
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ECH Therapy Services Enabling older people to keep fit and healthy ECH operates four centres providing a range of services to help keep people aged over 60 as healthy and independent as possible. Each Therapy Service offers a varied schedule of services and programs tailored to meet the needs of the community. Services •
occupational therapy
• •
Programs •
falls prevention
Tai Chi*
general fitness or condition specific groups
*Not available at every location. For a full list of services and programs that your nearest location offers, please contact the relevant office listed below or visit our website Greenacres
Morphett Vale
1/1 Rellum Road
126 Pimpala Road
Ph: 8369 3393
Ph: 8322 5700
Henley Beach
Victor Harbor
speech pathology*
168a Cudmore Terrace
33 Cornhill Road
exercise physiology*
Ph: 8356 3169
Ph: 8551 0617
The Restorative Project Research shows that hospitalisation can compromise the independence and ability of older people to remain living at home. The Restorative Project is a new, exciting ECH initiative which focuses on older people at risk of frequent unplanned hospitalisation due to factors such as: •
unplanned weight loss
self-reported exhaustion
slow walking speed
decreased physical activity
low social activity
poor sleep
memory loss
dependency in everyday tasks
Selected general practices are referring older people who are at risk. The project gives them the opportunity to access short term restorative services which have a focus on allied health such as occupational therapy and physiotherapy. The project brings together elements of research which has reported that up to 79 per cent of older people who participated in similar projects avoided hospitalisation. By addressing these risk factors, it is anticipated that the project will support the independence of older people living in the community. For more information contact Katey Elding, Project Consultant, on 0400 394 504.
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Government concessions: are you eligible? There are numerous concessions available to people who hold (including but not limited to) a Pension Concession Card, Commonwealth Seniors Health Card, Seniors Card or State Concession Card. These concessions are available on the items listed below but each is subject to certain conditions and on whether you are a holder of the appropriate concession card.
Health concessions
pharmaceutical benefits
land tax
National Diabetes Services Scheme
Emergency Services Levy
hearing services
Transport concessions
public transport
free rail
Household concessions
Great Southern Railway (GSR) services
Australia Post (mail redirection discount)
Vehicle concessions
Telstra (connection fee and home line plan discount)
electricity and gas
water and sewerage
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drivers’ licences and registrations
For further information, contact the SA Government Concessions hotline on 1300 307 758, email or visit
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The Home Support Worker Inge Holding and Bernadette Cann feel they have one of the best jobs in the world. As Home Support Workers for ECH’s Community Programs South, their daily responsibilities include a range of activities aimed at enhancing the independence of older people so they can remain living in their own homes as long as possible. “It’s a rewarding job,” Bernadette says. Inge is quick to agree saying, “It’s the best job I’ve had.” Working with older people who are receiving a community package of care, Inge and Bernadette assist with a range of daily living activities including cleaning, cooking, shopping, transport to appointments, personal care, providing social time and more. “There are lots of older people out in the community that just need a little bit of help instead of having to move to residential care,” Bernadette says. “We’re there to carry out this support,” Inge says. An ECH Coordinator manages and reviews each client’s case, consulting with them to determine what goals they would like to achieve and allocating assistance in accordance with the amount of hours or level of support their package of care allows. A Home Support Worker, such as Inge or Bernadette, is then assigned to assist this person with whatever they have been identified as needing. Inge and Bernadette reveal that there is a lot of hard work involved but keeping a smile on their faces every day isn’t difficult. “You have to be happy and jovial but that’s easy because the clients make you feel happy and jovial,” Inge says. They also rarely see their co-workers during the day as the job involves going from one person’s home to another generally on your own. “Sometimes we see each other on the road or maybe at the shops,” Inge says. To counteract this they join their
co-workers for regular after-work outings and see each other at monthly meetings. Being able to provide this support to older people also involves constant training. “We get training all year,” Bernadette says. They attend several update workshops and also have on-the-job training for specific tasks. A qualified medical professional will individually train and accredit them to perform certain care tasks such as administering eye drops or dressing wounds. This training is extremely personalised as it will only accredit them to perform one specific care task for one particular client. Bernadette has been a Home Support Worker for ten years and has seen a positive shift in the approach to providing services. “The role used to involve doing things for the client,” Bernadette says. “Now we are doing things with them.” Inge, who has been in the role for three years, regularly sees the benefit of this philosophy, often sharing responsibility with her clients for several tasks and supporting them to be able to continue doing what they always have. “You might be surprised at what you can do,” Bernadette says.
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Down the garden path Poetry from the heart Judith Osburn wrote her first ever poem when she was 85, just before she moved to ECH’s Walkerville Residential Care Centre. Entitled “Loss”, Judith’s poem was written after her husband passed away. Now three years on she has continued writing, her collection now at 36 poems. She often writes on impulse, taking inspiration from the environment and people around her or from a feeling she may have at the time. “If I start to write a poem it just comes out all at once,” Judith says. A release from tension, she says that she is completely relaxed when she is writing a poem. Writing all types of poems including humorous, insightful, emotional and uplifting, her favourite one is about her garden which she lovingly tends at Walkerville Residential Care Centre.
My Garden I have a small ga rden Colours of pink, re d and white I tend it lovingly And water it ever y night And if the bad bu gs get to it I send them on th eir way For nothing must spoil my treasures In my garden so bright and gay I have nothing ex otic That cost so muc h to buy Just bits and piec es of everything Many experiments I try I break off many pl ants And put them so mewhere new And then sit back and watch Their new growth showing through To those who have no garden Start one up toda y And see the happ iness it brings To you every sing le day
A lifelong passion Gardening is a shared interest for Judith and volunteer Margaret Wilson and both have held a passion for it over many years. Now they work together lovingly and expertly tending to the garden which they have grown from scratch. “About a month after I first came to live here I was given a box on stilts,” Judith recalls. “I started with that and I expanded.” Now the entire courtyard blooms with beautiful greenery and colourful flowers. “It’s a large area though and if it wasn’t for Margaret I couldn’t have set it up,” Judith explains, highly appreciative of the assistance from her fellow green thumb. Both Judith and Margaret agree there is something special about a garden. “Being outside Judith and Margaret
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you forget all your troubles,” Margaret says. “If you feel confined in your room, you can just go and sit in your garden,” Judith says. Margaret also spends time looking after the other gardens around Walkerville Residential Care Centre, including assisting residents with their small, personal gardens. “She goes around to all the garden areas and waters, weeds and plants,” Lifestyle Assistant Julie Simmons says. “She’s amazing!”
Winning Citizen of the Year 2011 Staff at Walkerville Residential Care Centre secretly nominated Margaret for an Australia Day award given by the local council. Aware that something was going on but not hearing anything more, Margaret simply forgot about it. A few months later she was surprised to receive a call enquiring as to whether she would be attending the Australia Day ceremony. Her invitation had been lost in the post! Luckily she made it as at the ceremony she was named Citizen of the Year 2011. “It was unbelievable!” Margaret says. Margaret began volunteering three years ago after her neighbour brought her over to see the care centre. “It just took off from there,” Margaret says. “I enjoy meeting everybody and have made lots of new friends. It’s just a joy to come here!”
Congratulations Margaret!
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It only took one dance After not having seen each other since they both left school, a chance encounter at a work convention brought Fred and Doris Fox together again. Arranging to meet up after work at a local winter dance in England, it wasn’t long before they were inseparable. “We started dancing and that was it,” Doris says. “After that we saw each other all the time, as often as we could,” Fred recalls. Fred would even race over to see Doris for the five minutes he had spare during his lunch break. When he was at the army barracks completing his National Service he would always find a way home for the weekend so they could spend time together. The only time they were apart was when his army service took him overseas. They wanted to get married as soon as Fred came home from National Service but everyone encouraged them to wait until he was 21. So in 1951, on the very first Saturday after his birthday, Fred and Doris were married. “My mother made all the dresses,” Doris remembers, whose bridesmaids included her two sisters and a friend. After a simple reception down the road at a local pub, the Railway Hotel, they were off to Morcombe for their honeymoon. Doris had always planned to have four children before she reached the age of 30. “Two days before she was 30 she had the fourth one!” Fred says. With three boys and one girl they moved to Australia in 1964, journeying across the sea on the Fair Star’s maiden voyage as a
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passenger ocean liner. When they came off the ship they spent six weeks at Glenelg Hostel before moving into a rented house and later purchasing their own home. They joined the Clarence Park Methodist Church where they made several new friends and were supported by the church’s migration scheme. “We were made to feel welcome and that really made a difference to us,” Fred says. Always hardworking, Fred and Doris have held several jobs and now volunteer most of their time with local community groups. “We have something on at least four days a week,” Fred says. They are particularly heavily involved with a local group of the Australian Retired Persons Association. Doris is the Coordinator of this particular group and thrives on being able to organise things. “My mother always said I’m a born organiser and that’s what I love to do,” Doris says. Now residing in an independent living unit at ECH’s Robinson Lodge, Myrtle Bank, they are celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary and mark one of the highlights of their lives as “just being together”. They say that the secret to a successful marriage involves some give and take and also ensuring you never go to bed angry at one another. “We’ve had our ups and downs like everybody else,” Fred says. “You just ride the downs and enjoy the ups.”
Osteoporosis: the silent disease Most of you will have heard about osteoporosis. Some of you may have suffered a fracture due to osteoporosis. According to Osteoporosis SA, 50 per cent of women and 33 per cent of men over 60 years of age will develop an osteoporotic fracture.
What is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis Australia defines osteoporosis as “a condition in which the bones become fragile and brittle, leading to a higher risk of fractures than in normal bone”. They also report that osteoporosis can affect any bone but more commonly affects bones in the hip, spine, wrist, ribs, pelvis and upper arm. There aren’t usually any signs or symptoms present until someone experiences a fracture.
How is it diagnosed? A diagnosis of osteoporosis is made using a bone density test which painlessly measures the strength of a person’s bones.
How is it treated? According to Osteoporosis Australia, osteoporosis is generally managed by making lifestyle changes, taking medication and/or falls prevention. Suggested lifestyle changes include such things as: •
increasing calcium intake
doing more exercise
quitting smoking and reducing alcohol intake
correcting any vitamin D deficiencies
Falls prevention may include building up strength and assessing balance and/or eyesight issues.
What can I do to prevent it? Both Osteoporosis SA and Osteoporosis Australia suggest that making the lifestyle changes listed above will help to minimise your risk of developing osteoporosis. However, there are
several other risk factors to be taken into account and you should discuss these with your general practitioner if you are concerned.
Where can I get more information? For more information contact Osteoporosis SA on 8379 5345 or call Osteoporosis Australia on 1800 242 141. You can also visit the Osteoporosis Australia website by going to
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Flu season It’s that time again. The colder months can wreak havoc on many of our health conditions but they also bring with them the added risk of catching the ‘flu’.
Although it may be impossible to tell if someone is infectious as they can be contagious without symptoms, try to avoid contact with people who have the flu or stand at least a metre away from them and not directly opposite.
Bin any tissues used by a person who is unwell immediately and wash your hands if you come into contact with them.
Eat healthily, including lots of fruits and vegetables, and drink plenty of fluids
Keep surfaces clean by using soap and water.
What is the flu? The flu is a highly contagious disease caused by a viral infection. The infection affects the upper airways and lungs but this can also affect other parts of your body. Symptoms include high fever, headache, body aches and pains, extreme fatigue, dry cough and sometimes sneezing. Flu is most common between the months of May and September.
How can I avoid passing on or catching the flu? A person with the flu can easily pass it on to someone else through virus-containing droplets produced when they cough or sneeze. These droplets could be in the air around the infected person or on any surface they have come into contact with. SA Health recommends taking the following precautions to reduce the risk of catching the flu: •
Have an annual influenza vaccination.
Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or use hand sanitiser.
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ECHo! Autumn 2011 | ECH Inc
Should I get vaccinated? The flu vaccination is free to people aged 65 and older (and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders aged 50 and older). If you haven’t already, speak to your general practitioner about the flu vaccination.
Where can I get more information? Your general practitioner is the best source of information about flu. However you can also get more information from visiting SA Health’s information site or searching their main website If you do not have access to the internet, you can also call the Immunisation Section on 8226 7177 or Health Direct Australia on 1800 022 222.
Treasure hunter’s paradise Clothes, books, toys, jewellery, handbags, hats and nik naks. You’ll find all this and more at the newly opened opportunity shop (op shop) at Marten Residential Care Centre. Aptly named The Treasure Trove, this shop evolved from an idea sparked by residents to raise money for lifestyle activities. Run by volunteers, it is open two days per week to residents, staff and visitors. Donations of goods to sell in the shop are gratefully accepted and can be left at reception. For more information contact: Marten Residential Care Centre 110 Strathfield Terrace, Largs North Ph: 8248 9555
Did you know? Several of our residential care centres run op shops which are open to visitors for sales and donations. Contact your nearest residential care location to find out opening times and donation procedures. Ye Little Olde Shoppe Charles Young Residential Care Centre 53 Austral Terrace, Morphettville Ph: 8350 3600 Little Shop of Treasures Smithfield Residential Care Centre 1 Warooka Drive, Smithfield Ph: 8254 4700 The White Elephant Walkerville Residential Care Centre (house next door) 160 Walkerville Terrace, Walkerville Ph: 8342 8300 The Curiosity Shop Holly Residential Care Centre 16-24 Penneys Hill Road, Hackham Ph: 8392 6700
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Enhance your independence with assistive technology There are many technological advances currently available to help people with a disability or health condition which inhibits their mobility or ability to perform daily tasks. The term which covers this type of technology is ‘assistive technology’, also known as ‘adaptive technology’. Independent Living Centres Australia defines assistive technology as being “a term for any device, system or design, whether acquired commercially or off the shelf, modified or customised, that allows an individual to perform a task that they would otherwise be unable to do, or increase the ease and safety with which a task can be performed.” Given this definition, assistive technology can come in a variety of forms and can be computerised, manually operated or simply a tool or modification which enhances your ability to perform a certain action. The assistance provided may be major or minor. Such technology includes the following*: •
daily living aids to enhance your ability to perform daily actions such as dressing, eating, reading or personal care
communication devices to aid with speech or hearing difficulties
mobility aids such as scooters or walkers to assist with movement
seating and positioning tools such as braces, cushions and belts to provide support to a person’s body
computer access aids such as modified keyboards or touch screens
electronic systems to control appliances in your environment activated by various means
modifications to home or workplace such as ramps, lifts or door openers
prosthetics and orthotics to replace or enhance parts of the body
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ECHo! Autumn 2011 | ECH Inc
sensory aids for vision or hearing impairments
recreational devices to assist people to participate in social activities such as sports, leisure or entertainment
The list of possibilities is immense. There could be several options you may never have thought about. If you are finding it difficult to manage something in your life and would like to enhance or reclaim your independence, please don’t hesitate to seek advice and support from local agencies.
Independent Living Centre of South Australia For all types of assistive technology 11 Blacks Road, Gilles Plains Phone: 8266 5260 or 1300 885 886 Email: Web: Royal Society for the Blind For assistance with vision impairments Phone: 8232 4777 Web: Technical Aid to the Disabled (SA) For disability and age-related impairments Phone: 8261 2922 Email: Web: ECH independent living unit residents can also contact our Independent Living Services team on 8407 5111 for assistance with enhancing independence.
2011 holiday unit bookings Bookings are now open
2011 Holiday Unit Booking Form Name Address
ECH provides three well appointed holiday units at Ardrossan, Glenelg and Victor Harbor which are available to independent living unit residents. Making a booking is as easy as completing the form opposite, cutting it out and returning it to:
Corporate Office Reception ECH Inc 174 Greenhill Road PARKSIDE SA 5063
The holiday units at Glenelg and Victor Harbor are one bedroom with two single beds whilst the two bedroom unit at Ardrossan sleeps a maximum of four people - one double bed and two singles. A few things to remember: • The holiday booking is for seven nights. • Your week commences on a Thursday with check in after 2pm and check out prior to 10am the following Thursday. • Your booking request will be confirmed in writing. • You will receive a reminder letter one month prior to your holiday with all the relevant information about what you need to take with you. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to phone us on 8407 5151. ECH wishes you a happy and enjoyable holiday!
ARDROSSAN Unit 14, 32 Oval Terrace Fee for seven night stay 1 person/per night $20 = $140.00 2 people/per night $30 = $210.00 3 people/per night $45 = $315.00 4 people/per night $60 = $420.00 Note: No taxi service is available, bus arrives at Ardrossan in the evening.
GLENELG Unit 1, 13 Moseley Street Fee for seven night stay 1 person/per night $20 = $140.00 2 people/per night $30 = $210.00
VICTOR HARBOR Unit 7, 7 Acraman Street Fee for seven night stay 1 person/per night $20 = $140.00 2 people/per night $30 = $210.00
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ECH Inc 174 Greenhill Road Parkside South Australia 5063 Telephone: (08) 8407 5151 Country call: 1800 629 889 Fax: (08) 8407 5130 Email: Web:
Contact Us Corporate Office Community Relations
174 Greenhill Road Parkside Volunteering - bequests - donations
8407 5151 8407 5189
Independent Retirement Living Accommodation Services Independent Living Services Maintenance Services
8407 5115 8407 5111 8159 4700
Retirement unit enquiries for ILU residents for ILU residents
Community Services Community Services North/East South Southern Regional West
598 Lower North East Road 433 Goodwood Road 33 Cornhill Road 358 Findon Road
Campbelltown Westbourne Park Victor Harbor Kidman Park
5074 5041 5211 5025
8337 2334 8271 2166 8551 0617 8159 4740
1a Warooka Drive 19 Cornhill Road Corner Jade Cres and Hay St 168a Cudmore Terrace 160 Walkerville Terrace
Smithfield Victor Harbor Happy Valley Henley Beach Walkerville
5114 5211 5159 5022 5081
8254 2992 8551 0600 8381 4901 8356 3169 8342 8367
1/1 Corner Rellum and Fosters Rds 126 Pimpala Road 33 Cornhill Road 168a Cudmore Terrace
Greenacres Morphett Vale Victor Harbor Henley Beach
5086 5162 5211 5022
8369 3393 8322 5700 8551 0617 8356 3169
5064 5043 5163 5016 5211 5114 5081 5025
8130 6444 8350 3600 8392 6700 8248 9555 8551 0600 8254 4700 8342 8300 8159 4780
Day Programs Smithy’s Place Ross Robertson Day Program Southern Day Program Sundowner Plus Walkerville Day Program
Therapy Services Greenacres Southern Victor Harbor Western
Residential Care Centres Carinya Charles Young Holly Marten Ross Robertson Memorial Smithfield Walkerville Food Services
39 Fisher Street 53 Austral Terrace 16-24 Penneys Hill Road 110 Strathfield Terrace 19 Cornhill Road 1 Warooka Drive 160 Walkerville Terrace 358 Findon Road
Myrtle Bank Morphettville Hackham Largs North Victor Harbor Smithfield Walkerville Kidman Park
ECH Inc 174 Greenhill Road Parkside SA 5063 Telephone: 08 8407 5151 Facsimile: 08 8407 5130 Email: Website: