1 minute read
They welcomed us with some coffee and traditionally made skyr and we immediatly felt home.
In this farm, we were use to live with the Icelandic farmers. But during this time we also take care of the sheeps and lambs, the cows and the beautiful Icelandic horses.
Ours main tasks there where planting trees up in the mountains, collecting driftwood and cleaning the beaches around the farm.
We also had to take down a few fences and rebuilt them.
After finishing our tasks for the day we got to spent our freetime however we liked f.e. exploring the nearby waterfalls, drive into the city or go horse riding. The people at the farm were very helpful and taught us a lot about Icelandic traditions and the food culture.

We are very happy to have got the opportunity to went there and experience all these amazing things. We not only leave the farm with more knowledge but also with new friends.
We are truly thankful for our stay there!
By Lara Maxi and Clara