2 minute read
Deep Techno and the Vocoder
by Woroni
16 3
7 6
12 2
5 4
ACROSS 2. They cloned a sheep (5) 5. Which planet has the most volcanoes? (5) 6. Ziggy Startdust (5) 9. 2016 Denis Villeneuve film (7) 10. The company of yet another infantile white man launching his toys into space (6) 12. A disdain for horoscopes on the first date (3,4) 16. God of wine (8) 18. As a dodo? (7) 19. Russian space traveller (9) 20. Which constellation represents a hunter and weapons? (5)
DOWN 1. Sexiest Star Trek race (7) 3. $10 billion USD telescope (4) 4. 1998 song by the Beastie Boys (13) 7. Shimmer colourfully (8) 8. Planet, to a poet (3) 11. Creature purported to inhabit the Himalayan mountain range (4) 13. “So long and thanks for all the __” (4) 14. Jar Jar Binks’ home planet (5)
2. they cloned a sheep (5) 5. Which planet has the most volcanoes? (5) 6. Ziggy Startdust (5) 9. 2016 Denis Villeneuve film (7) 10. The company of yet another infantile white man launching his toys into space (6) 12. disdain for horoscopes on the first date (3,4) 16. God of wine (8) 18. as a dodo? (7) COURTESY OF: Karolina Kocimska & Angus McDonald

Answers will be posted online. See Woroni.com.au Down 1. sexiest Star Trek race (7) 3. $13 Billion Telescope (4) 4. 1998 song by the Beastie Boys (13) 7. shimmer colourfully (8) 8. planet, to a poet (3) 11. creature purported to inhabit the Himalayan mountain range (4) 13. "So long and thanks for all the __" (4) 14. Jar Jar Binks' home planet (5)
Beyond the veil
Charlotte Cameron
Crush me up into a pretty, glittery dust Grind me between your thumb and forefinger Fingers that know me from before
Pulverise me with your knowing fingers and make me fine Use all your power to press upon my bones Devastate the decorated cage My rib cage will crack and crumble; my skull will shatter and squash My skin is a papery, silken sack, soft still Scrunch it, stretch it and rip it again and again, over and over Please please please touch my skin Stroke my hair to disintegration My blood will dry and my organs too, shrunken and pulped

The final step, collect the brutal mess in a mortar Use your hungry fingers for a pestle Your sympathetic fist mills my body to a powder
And you graciously offer up the powder With solemnity and reverence, you offer up the powder The selfish wind accepts the powder
My beauty please don’t cry when the wind Cold, detached, pragmatic and void Snatches the powder you laboriously prepared
Thank you for your hands upon my body Thank you for toiling to create something new Thank you thank you thank you