3 minute read
Some Fun Tricks to Understand Hindi (English
by Woroni
Nitya Narasimhan
Sorry for the interruption. I’m about to barge in with my Hindi language train onto your English language train, asI thought there was no better place at ANU than Woroni to show up.
I have heard that some students are learning Hindi at ANU, and that there are also people who simply want to improve their Hindi speaking and writing skills. So I’ve decided to write about a few fun and easy tricks to learn Hindi to make your language learning journey easier.
First of all, Hindi does not have any silent letters. The way you write Hindi is the way you speak the language, and the way you pronounce a word is exactly the way you write it. Hindi is a very phonetic language, so it’s easier if you say the words out loud while reading in Hindi. People often get confused between a few alphabets in Hindi, namely the ‘उ’ and ‘ऊ’, and ‘इ’ and ‘ई’. When using these similar alphabets, always pay attention to how you are pronouncing each alphabet. When pronouncing ‘उ’ (oo), if you stress on the word as in the case of the Hindi word for ‘up’ (‘ऊपर’), you are using the larger form (‘ऊ’). If you don’t stress on the alphabet, you use the smaller form (‘उ’), as in the case with the Hindi word for ‘owl’, (‘उल्लू’). The same goes for the letter ‘इ’ – for example when pronouncing the Hindi words ‘इमारत’and ‘ईदगाह’ (where the bigger form ‘ई’ is used), meaning a building and the festival Eid respectively. In Hindi, a lot of people are also confused when using the Hindi term for that and when saying someone’s, as both are pronounced as Ki in Hindi. When it comes to writing, ‘िक’ means ‘that’ while ‘की’ is used to say Nitya ki Kitab (Nitya’s book) – an act of possession (someone’s book). An entertaining way of learning Hindi is to watch Bollywood movies. If you know how to read Hindi, then you can watch the movie with Hindi Subtitles. Otherwise, simply watch the movie and try to understand the dialogue. If you are new to Hindi, you can watch movies traditionally made in the English Language (or the language you are most comfortable using), that you have already seen, but this time subtitled in Hindi. This is helpful because you are already aware of the context in which the actors are conversing, so it’s easier for you to understand what they’re saying. You can also listen to songs in Hindi, as some people find it easier to memorize or remember words if they are in the form of a song.
In order to master any language, it’s important to keep practising it. Keep talking in Hindi to your peers or with other people at ANU who are familiar with the language. Apart from Google (Google translate is not always accurate), there are other apps which can help you learn Hindi, such as Duolingo. You can also watch videos in Hindi that are made for kids on YouTube to familiarise yourself with the basics of the language.
These are the only tricks up my sleeve to learn Hindi but you definitely shouldn’t stop here. Keep conversing in Hindi, read Hindi books, watch Hindi movies and listen to Hindi songs. Learning a new language does not only make it easier to make new friends but it builds your selfconfidence and it’s a good feeling to know a language previously foreign to you. That’s all from me, I hope you keep learning and I hope to see you soon!
- िनत्या नरिसम्हन
पहलेतोिहदीमेंकोईभीमोनअक्षर (साइलेंटलेटसर्) नहींहै।िहदीकोजैसेिलखतेहैंवैसेहीपढ़तेहैंऔरजैसेबोलतेहैं वैसेहीिलखतेहैं।िहदीएकबोहुतध्वन्यात्मक (िफनेिटक्स) भाषाहै।तोजबआपिहदीपढ़ेंतोहशब्दोंकोज़ोरज़ोरसे बोलकरपढ़ेंऔरजैसेिलखाहैवैसेहीपढ़ें।अक्सरलोगोंको ‘उ’ और ‘ऊ’, और ‘इ’ और ‘ई’, मेंदिवधाहोतीहैतोहआप ध्यानदीिजएकीआपशब्दबोलतेसमयउसअक्षरकोकैसेबोलतेहैं।अगरआपने ‘उ’ परज़ोरिदयातोवोहबड़ी ‘ऊ’ होगीजैसेऊपरजहांआप ‘ऊ’ परज़ोरदेतेहैंजबिकउल्लूमेंआप ‘उ’ परज्यादाज़ोरनहीदेते। ‘इ’ और ‘ई’ काभीऐसेही पढ़सकतेहैंजैसेइमारतऔरईदगाह। िहदीमेंकाफीलोगोंकोिकऔरकीमेंभीदिवधाहोतीहै।िकयानीअंग्रेजीमेंडेट (that) औरकीयानीिकसीकीचीजजैसेिनत्यकीिकताब (possession- Nitya's book)।
अगरआपकोिहदीसीखनाहैतोबॉलीवुडचलिचत्र (िफल्म) देखनाएकबोहुतमजेदारतरीकाहै।आपिहदीिफल्मदेखके िहदीसमझनेकीकोिशशकरसकतेहैं।अगरआपकोिहदीपढ़नाआताहोतोआपउसमूवीकोिहदीअनुशीषर्क (सबटाइटल्स) केसाथदेखसकतेहैं।जोलोगिहदीसेज्यादावािकफनहींहैंवोिहदीमेंडबिकयाहुआअंग्रेजीचलिचत्र (याआपकारािष्ट्रकभाषाकाचलिचत्र) देखसकतेहैंजोआपनेपहलेदेखाहोतािकआपउसचलिचत्रकेकहानीको पहलेसेहीजानसकेऔरआपकोवेअिभनताओंकीबोलीसमझआए।याआपअंग्रेजीअनुशीषर्ककेसाथिहदीमें िफल्मदेखसकतेहैं।िहदीगानेभीआपसुनसकतेहैंक्योंिकधुनइंसानकोज्यादाजल्दीयादहोतीहै।
िकसीभीभाषाकोबेहतरजाननेकेिलएआपकोउसभाषामेंअक्सरवातार्लापकरनाचािहए।आपकेसाथीजोिहदी सीखरहेहैंआपउनकेसाथया ANU मेंजोबच्चोंकोिहदीआतीहैआपउनसेिहदीमेंबातकरसकतेहैं।गूगल (Google) केअलावा (ध्यान रिखएगा िक गूगल ट्रांसलेट हमेशा सही नही होता है), ऐसेकईंऐप (app) हैंजैसेडओिलगो (Duolingo) िजन्हेंइस्तेमालकरकेआपअपनीिहदीसुधारसकतेहैं।यूट्यूब (YouTube) परआपछोटेबच्चोंकेिलए िहदीमेंबनाईगईंवीिडयोदेखकरभीसीखसकतेहैं।