The Blue Paper 2021

Page 26

Meet the Bionic Man Tom Priestley Taverner R’07


om, who was known as ‘Priest’ or TP’, arrived at Worth in 2000 and spent seven happy years there. A local lad from Brighton, he was “blessed” with his year, many of whom he is still in regular contact with, a cohort of sporty Worthians including the likes of Team GB Rugby 7s captain, Tom Mitchell F’07. The strong learning support he received whilst at Worth helped Tom overcome a childhood struggle with severe dyslexia and to build a career in the sciences which some at the time might have thought impossible. As he recalls, “despite being interested in the subject, I struggled with science. Being dyslexic might have been seen as a barrier but in my case it gave me the ability to visualise things in a 3D way which became a real benefit”. In pursuit of a practical career Tom headed to Sheffield Hallam University to study Physiotherapy. From there he spent four years at the Royal Free Hospital where he practised his skills in neurological physiotherapy. This provided an invaluable insight into the NHS and medical profession for the next stage in Tom's career with Rex Bionics. Rex had developed the first hands-free robotassisted physiotherapy device, RAPPER II, which enabled patients to move from sitting into a robot-supported standing position, and to walk and stretch unaided. Tom managed subsequent clinical trials and training on the use of the device. With this unique and valuable knowledge under his belt, in 2018 Tom joined the award-winning Spanish company, Marsi Bionics, as Clinical Director. Founded in 2013 as a spin-off from the Centro de Automática y Robótica, a joint


ATLAS, the world’s first paediatric exoskeleton

centre of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and the Spanish National Research Council, Marsi has made a high impact on the development of disruptive technologies for the health sector. It was a perfect point for Tom to get involved whilst the devices were still in development, allowing him to have an input into their design, and to plan and oversee clinical trials. As he explains, his role was, “to see what problem a device could solve and develop a trial to support it”. Marsi's main activity is focused on the development of lower limb exoskeletons as medical devices, having built the world's first paediatric exoskeleton, ATLAS. The device

Worth Society Life

Life and Times of Worthians

The Old Place

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Articles inside

Br David Jarmy’s Ordination

page 69

Our new Abbot Abbot Mark Barrett

page 67

Fr Kevin celebrates his 90th Birthday

page 68

Development Office Update Anna MacMahon

page 66

School Staff – Autumn 2020-Summer 2021

pages 64-65

A year in the life of the School and Message from the Head Master Stuart McPherson

pages 60-63

Obituaries Paul Thompson StB’72 - Jacquie Thompson John Ford B’82 - Tom Ford B’87

pages 58-59


pages 52-53

Restaurant Review - Due South, Brighton Andy Taylor

page 40

Book Reviews

pages 41-45

Facewatch – My start-up adventure Simon Gordon StB’74

pages 36-37

News in Brief

pages 54-57

An Irish boy in a foreign land Kevin Dwyer WPS‘58

pages 38-39

Bringing Padel Tennis to the UK Charlie Whelpton B’75

pages 34-35

The comeback marathon – London 2021 Tim Starkie G’90

pages 32-33

Meet Tom Taverner R’06 – The bionic man Mary Lou Burge

pages 26-27

The work of The Douai Foundation Andy Taylor

page 29

Global Action Awards 2021 Overview: Mary Lou Burge

pages 18-19

Worthian crowned Sussex Young Musician of the Year Jane Burnell StA’15

page 28

175 marathons and counting Mary Lou Burge

pages 30-31

The Worthians saving the planet

pages 20-25

Worth Society Events Class of 2010 10 Year Reunion

pages 6-9

Chairman’s 2021 Report Jeremy Fletcher G’72

page 4
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