The Blue Paper 2021

Page 60

A year in the life of the School


t was wonderful to fully reopen the School at the start of the 2020-21 academic year as tentative steps were made on the road to recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.

A difficult path still lay ahead with restrictions, bubbles, logistical problems and two further national lockdowns, but Worth dealt with each challenge confidently and with resilience, emerging stronger from what can be considered as the most testing year it has ever faced. Trying to retain a sense of normality for pupils was a key focus for the Senior Leadership Team and staff in general. Face masks, hand sanitising stations, bubbles and year group zones were the new normal, but as much was done as possible to retain the old ‘normal’ for the wellbeing of the children in the School.

Hand sanitising stations became part of everyday life

That was achieved in the Autumn Term through some notable events and occasions, the likes of which would increase as the year unfolded, particularly in the Summer Term. Early in the year the School’s youngest students, in Years 7 and 8, put on a performance of Macbeth – not to an audience, but filmed and released via a link on the school website. There was a ‘Welcome to the Sixth Form’ event for our new Year 12 students, the Debating Society was relaunched, with some notable successes in online national competitions, and a student-led library delivery scheme was started to ensure library resources remained available to all without having to mix in person with different year groups.

Catering events in lockdown included a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party

The Perera Prize was presented in honour of former Head of Maths, Gordon Perera


The Inter-House Debating Competition was revived – and won by Farwell

Worth Society Life

Life and Times of Worthians

The Old Place

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Articles inside

Br David Jarmy’s Ordination

page 69

Our new Abbot Abbot Mark Barrett

page 67

Fr Kevin celebrates his 90th Birthday

page 68

Development Office Update Anna MacMahon

page 66

School Staff – Autumn 2020-Summer 2021

pages 64-65

A year in the life of the School and Message from the Head Master Stuart McPherson

pages 60-63

Obituaries Paul Thompson StB’72 - Jacquie Thompson John Ford B’82 - Tom Ford B’87

pages 58-59


pages 52-53

Restaurant Review - Due South, Brighton Andy Taylor

page 40

Book Reviews

pages 41-45

Facewatch – My start-up adventure Simon Gordon StB’74

pages 36-37

News in Brief

pages 54-57

An Irish boy in a foreign land Kevin Dwyer WPS‘58

pages 38-39

Bringing Padel Tennis to the UK Charlie Whelpton B’75

pages 34-35

The comeback marathon – London 2021 Tim Starkie G’90

pages 32-33

Meet Tom Taverner R’06 – The bionic man Mary Lou Burge

pages 26-27

The work of The Douai Foundation Andy Taylor

page 29

Global Action Awards 2021 Overview: Mary Lou Burge

pages 18-19

Worthian crowned Sussex Young Musician of the Year Jane Burnell StA’15

page 28

175 marathons and counting Mary Lou Burge

pages 30-31

The Worthians saving the planet

pages 20-25

Worth Society Events Class of 2010 10 Year Reunion

pages 6-9

Chairman’s 2021 Report Jeremy Fletcher G’72

page 4
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