Attending your college induction day At enrolment you will be invited to attend an important induction day on either Thursday 10th or Friday 11th September 2020. To avoid crowding the session times will be staggered - either 9am - 3pm or 10am - 4pm.
The day will include the following: > Welcome from the Principal, Paul Riley > Learning how to make the most of the college IT systems and logging onto your college email account > Information about the support services available to all students. > You’ll have your photo taken for your college ID badge > Learn more about how the Student Union represent the needs of students and how you can volunteer for various roles; course reps and the student executive. > You may also like to click HERE to register for a TOTUM card, the new name for NUS extra, which gives you access to student discounts and deals on eating out and fashion, tech and travel, and everything in between.