Want to help our community?
Here’s your chance! W
hen you’re looking around our neighborhood, do you ever think, “How could I be a bigger part of this?” Or, “Is there more that I can do for my community?” If so, there are multiple volunteer opportunities right now to help make Baldwin even more amazing! Are you a stickler for the rules that help make our community as amazing as it is? We have just the spot for you on the Covenants Committee. The purpose of this committee is to enforce the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions including the Design/Landscape Guidelines for Baldwin Park Residential Properties (the governing documents), which both authorize and obligate the board of directors to enforce deed restrictions to protect the aesthetics and financial value of your home and the neighborhood. Basically, you and the rest of the committee help keep Baldwin Park as pristine as it is! Meetings occur once a month throughout the year, and member attendance is necessary to help maintain the overall appearance of Baldwin Park. Another opportunity close to my heart is an opening on the Townhome Service Area Committee. If you didn’t already know, the townhomes in Baldwin are separated into different service areas depending on their location within the community. The current opening is in City Homes No. 2, which includes the townhomes located near Grace Hopper Hall — parts of Britlyn Alley, Meeting Place, Prospect Avenue and Sipes Alley. I am proud to say I served as the representative of City Homes No. 2 while I lived on Britlyn Alley.
This is an amazing opportunity to learn more about the documents and declarations that help make Baldwin Park what it is, even if it’s just for your townhome area. The purpose of this committee is to advise the Baldwin Park Residential Owners Association Inc. board of directors on matters of interest to the owners of Townhome, City Home and Live/Work properties within Baldwin Park, including the development of annual budgets and setting of monthly assessments. Meetings happen once a month with special meetings on occasion. Finally, it’s that time of the year when we hold the Residential Owners Association Board of Directors election next month. The ROA is the guiding force behind almost every part of Baldwin Park. It is responsible for items such as budgeting for the overall maintenance of the community, services available to the residents and much more. The term for each position is either one year or two years — depending on the opening at the time. This is probably the most all-encompassing role one could take within our community and probably one of the most important. The ROA board of directors meets once a month and the meeting is open to the public. I was fortunate enough to serve in the role ofdDirector for about eight months, until my husband and I sold our townhome and went from being owners to being renters. It was truly a great experience and, now that I am an owner again, I hope to be able to serve our community in this role as I am submitting my Intent to be a Candidate form to run for an open
seat. Keep an eye out for each candidate’s bio right here in the next issues of Baldwin Park Living, as well as on baldwinparknetwork. com. It’s imperative that you get out there and vote … for all the things, not just the ROA election! It’s easy to vote with the electronic or e-voting system put into place last year. You’ve seen the forms to sign up in recent Eblasts, so make sure you have signed up. Not crazy about e-voting and want to have an opportunity to close the rings on your Fitbit or Apple Watch? Take a walk over to hand deliver this incredibly important vote with the physical ballot you received in the mail, as well as an email version that you can print and drop off or mail. The important takeaway here is that paper ballots will need to be mailed or physically dropped off to Grace Hopper Hall. All that said, there are some great opportunities to be more involved within the community we all know and love. Even if you don’t want to commit to joining one of the committees or boards we have within Baldwin Park, they are all open to all residents so you could always zoom in — see what I did there? (Except we use Teams, so it’s only half as funny.) You can see how the meetings run to see if it may be something in which you’d be interested in the future. Until next time, stay safe, stay well and remember: We Are Baldwin Park!