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The following information is a glimpse of the ROA’s general updates for the month. A copy of the o cial Oct. 25 2023 Budget Adoption/Regular Meeting Minutes can be obtained on the Community Network, BaldwinParkNetwork.com.

The board approved wood repairs at Enders patios.

The board approved Cole & Associates Engagement Letter for the 2022 Financial Audit.

The board approved the 2023 Townhome Service Area Budgets, with amendments to Division 7/ Live-Work removing the sidewalk cleaning, gate/fence painting/repairs, landscape replacements and tree pruning.

The board approved the 2023 ROA budgets as presented.

The board approved the assessment increase letter to be sent to all owners.


1. Proposal for roof repairs at

Enders NEV garage received and work is being scheduled.

Waiting until the TSAC roof repairs are made as the NEV garage is not leaking. 2. Light inside Enders pool was replaced. 3. The lights out in the Enders tness center were replaced. 4. Sprinkler back ow repairs at

Grace Hopper were made. 5. One pool light (pole) at Grace

Hopper has been replaced. 6. Preventative maintenance (reconditioning) of the pool heater at Grace Hopper was completed. 7. The breezeway lights that were out at the Grace Hopper pool house have been replaced. 8. Three bollard lights in City

Homes No. 2 Mews were repaired by maintenance. 9. Amendment to Assessment

Management Policy (collections policy) allowing for 20 days between the reminder notice and notice of late assessment letter. This has been adopted as a Best Practices by Sentry

Management. 10.Drinking fountain at Union Park was repaired. 11. Some of the annuals at Union

Park were replaced under warranty. 12.Parkland Quadrangle South end Bermuda replacement has been completed. An 8-footwide section on the North end was completed as well under warranty. 13. Replacement of the High Park surveillance cameras.


1. Replacement of server. 2. A proposal for an igniter and air lter for the pool heater was provided and approved. This was found during the preventative maintenance (reconditioning) of the pool heater. 3. Enders’ patio wood repairs are being scheduled. 4. Enders’ patio screen repairs are being scheduled during the same time as the wood repairs.

Vandals cut the screens. 5. Hiring of additional Maintenance was approved for the 2023 budget. 6. Mailing of notice to members related to the adoption of the basketball equipment policy and change to Exhibit C will have to be a separate mailing as the coupon mailing can be no more than four pages. 7. AC systems replacement at

Grace Hopper Hall downstairs is being scheduled. 8. Items found during the preventative maintenance of the tness equipment that need to be replaced before they wear out were approved but the work won’t happen until the January 2023 preventative maintenance. This is in an e ort to save money on a service call.

The items that are wearing still work. 9. Additional proposal for “modernization” work required by code for the Grace Hopper elevator. Must be completed by

Dec. 31, 2023. 10.Replacement of surveillance cameras. The initial estimated ship date for all cameras was sometime in January 2023, but the cameras for High Park came in. The remaining cameras for

Grace Hopper and Enders will be installed once they come in. 11. Proposals for picnic tables at

Enders playground and High

Park facility. Deferred to 2023 by the board. Adopted as part of the 2023 budget. 12.Pressure washing, caulking and touch-up painting at Grace

Hopper Hall and Enders facility centers. Deferred to 2023 by the board. Adopted as part of the 2023 budget. 13. Pressure washing, caulking and painting of the pergolas at Parkland Quadrangle and Longview.

Deferred to 2023 by the board.

Adopted as part of the 2023 budget. 14. Pressure washing and painting of the bollard lighting in City

Homes No. 2 Mews. Deferred to 2023 by the board. Adopted as part of the 2023 budget. 15. Pressure washing and painting of the knee walls and benches in City Homes No. 2 and City

Homes No. 3 Mews. Deferred to 2023 by the board. Adopted as part of the 2023 budget.


Do you feel you may be missing something? That you may not be as informed as you could be?

If so, please visit baldwinparknetwork. com to sign up and register for the weekly eblast. In addition, to the eblast the site contains important association information included but not limited to: Declaration, exhibits, meeting minutes, etc. Be informed — sign up today!



The following information is a glimpse of the business that the Townhome Service Area Committee addressed in the Oct. 20, 2022, meeting. A complete copy of the o cial minutes can be obtained on the Community Network, BaldwinParkNetwork.com.

The TSAC moved to approve the 2023 TSAC budget.

The TSAC moved to approve a cypress tree removal located at 2911 Upper Park Road.

The TSAC moved to approve the Issa 28 Roof Replacement Project.


Please remember to report any landscape, building, or irrigation issues on Baldwin Park Solutions. Reporting items on Baldwin Park Solutions allows residents to share photos of the reported area(s) and receive real-time updates from management sta on corrective measures being taken. Baldwin Park Solutions can be accessed on the Baldwin Park Network.

Roof replacements are coming to the Issa 22 service area. (Not all addresses will have roof replacements this year; some addresses are listed to be replaced in 2023 per the Reserve Study. Please refer to the previous mailing sent out for the address list.) A notice will be left on the townhome’s front door a week prior to the projected start date con rming the roof replacement is beginning. Make sure to remove all items located in the backyard/private zone area — the roo ng contractor nor the association will be held responsible for these items. Here is the current roof replacement schedule provided by R.F. Lusa & Sons: 909-919 Fern Avenue: Nov. 17 901-907 Fern Avenue: Dec. 12

Dates are subject to change because of weather delays, city or county document reviews/processing, and if work is completed ahead of schedule.

New sod that was installed in November has been treated with a fungicide.

There was 9.76 inches of rain from the end of September through October 2022.

Weeds in the plant beds were a challenge in October due to excess rain from Hurricane Ian, BrightView added in extra spray days to their schedule and hand pulled weeds in areas. BrightView enhancement crews installed plant material and sod in Cambridge — Upper Park Road, Ethan Lane, Lower Union Road, City Homes No. 4, Issa 22 — Corrine Drive, Upper Park Road, Osprey Avenue and in the Live/ Works service area.

Per DRS Inc., here is the Townhome painting schedule for November/December 2022: Cambridge — Lake Baldwin Lane.

Per DRS Inc., here is the Townhome maintenance schedule for November/December 2022: Cambridge.

Schedules will be projected one to two months out to anticipate any possible future changes or delays. Notices still are being left on townhome front doors one to two weeks in advance to inform residents of any upcoming projects beginning in their address range.


Who is responsible for the irrigation in the back yard or private zone of my townhome (concerning service areas — Cambridge, Issa 22 and Issa 28 townhomes)?

The irrigation water is paid through the monthly assessments. The irrigation system originally was installed by the builder(s), and it is all connected. There are many zones for each time clock, and each zone can control more than just one backyard/ private zone. The irrigation runs overnight, and the association tries to follow the St. John’s Water Management District guidelines. However, the association uses reclaimed water, so it’s not a requirement at this point. Irrigation zones where there is new plant material may run longer until the sod or plant material gets established.

The irrigation system that lies within your backyard/private zone is the responsibility of the owner to maintain. If a repair is needed, a licensed irrigation technician/company carries a universal key that can be utilized to access the irrigation box. If you have any questions, please contact Melissa Parker, mparker@baldwinparkpoa. com.

Continued on page 12

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Baldwin Park notebook

Continued from page 9



’Tis the season to visit the Village Center! Come down to enjoy all the beautiful decorations. While you are here, check out the amazing restaurants and shopping.


Trash Talk. The dumpsters in the parking lots are operated by the city of Orlando. Sometimes when they break down, it takes a few days to x. If they are not working, please let us know, so we can contact the city. A temporary dumpster may be needed until the repair is completed. Until that dumpster arrives, and if it gets full, please take your trash to one of the other parking lot dumpsters. Leaving trash outside the dumpster is unsightly and attracts animals and bugs. More trash talk. Tenants of the apartments are permitted to use the side trash shoot for their garbage. Please make sure the bags do not sit in the shoot and actually make it into the compactor. Once the door is closed, it will compact. Restaurants are to throw the trash directly into the compactor and not use the trash shoot. This prevents spillage and trash build-up. Please make sure all boxes are broken down prior to throwing them in. The city will not pickup items that do not t in the compactor. Please use OUC bulk pickup for these items. Visit orlando.gov/Trash-Recycling for more information and to schedule future pickups.

The Commercial Association has clari ed and adopted new parking lot restrictions and rules e ective Oct. 10, 2022. These rules govern all the commercial owned parking lots, including the nine parking lots in the Village Center and the lot at the Neighborhood Business District o Lake Baldwin Lane. Village Center parking areas shall be used by the employees and customers of any businesses in the Village Center and employees or tenants of the Village Center residential apartments. The Neighborhood Business District parking lot only should be used only by owners, tenants and patrons of the buildings there. No overnight parking is permitted without prior written approval from the association. You can nd a full breakdown of the parking lot uses restrictions and rule at the following path on the Baldwin Park Network:

Home/Resident Home/Association Information/Commercial Owners Association/COA OVERVIEW & DOCUMENTS/ COA Declaration & Supplements.

Commercial owners, tenants and managers can submit work requests through our new Baldwin Park Solutions system. It is located on the Baldwin Park Network. Simply click “Resident Home” at the top right and you will nd the link in the middle of the page. If you do not have a Baldwin Park Network account, you can request one from that page, as well. Visit baldwinparknetwork.com to start.

Architectural Review Committee meetings take place twice a month on the second and fourth Tuesday for application reviews regarding commercial changes to exterior structures (roo ng replacements and painting), landscaping and signage. All corresponding applications can be located on the Baldwin Park Network under Commercial Owners Association and Commercial Architectural Review Committee. For questions and application submission, please feel free to email Bill at BPatterson@BaldwinParkPOA.com.

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