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Baldwin Park notebook

Roa Board Of Directors Meeting


The following information is a glimpse of the ROA’s general updates for the month. A copy of the official Jan. 24, 2023, Meeting Minutes can be obtained on the Community Network, BaldwinParkNetwork.com.

The board approved the following items/work: n Hotwire bulk internet contract. n The door fees of $637,245.00 after the CCG deductions and a hold-back of $34,386.72 for internet-related expenses be returned to residents as a credit on their account within 30 days of receipt of the door fee. This credit shall go to the property owner whose account is linked to the property on the date credits are issued. The board estimates this credit at $315 per residence (2,023 homes). n Once a violation fine is in excess of $500, SMI is to send a one-time balance-due letter to inform the owner that the fine has exceeded $500. n $5 an hour increase in the OPD off-duty pool patrol hourly rate. n Canopy tree and crepe myrtle pruning for the trees located in the ROA parks and mews.



1. Roof repairs at Enders NEV garage.

2. Enders patio wood and screen repairs.

3. New surveillance cameras at Enders were installed.

4. Annuals were installed at Grace Hopper.

5. Preventative maintenance at the fitness centers was completed, including repairs at Grace Hopper fitness center from the 2022 fourth-quarter preventative maintenance inspection.

6. Pool heater igniter was repaired at Grace Hopper.

7. Downstairs AC system at Grace Hopper was replaced.

8. Holiday tree and decorations were removed at Corrine Commons.

9. Holiday décor was removed at Grace Hopper.

10. New surveillance cameras at Grace Hopper were installed.

11. Playground mulch at High Park was replenished to ensure proper coverage.

12. Trip hazards at High Park large pavilion sidewalk were repaired.

Pending Actions

1. Hiring of additional maintenance/custodial person was approved for the 2023 budget.

2. Mailing of notice to members related to the adoption of the basketball equipment policy and change to Exhibit C will have to be a separate mailing as the coupon mailing can be no more than four pages. This is currently being reviewed by the City of Orlando TDRC for approval.

3. Proposals for picnic tables at Enders playground and High Park facility. Deferred to 2023 by the board. Adopted as part of the 2023 budget. Will bring back updated proposal in February.

4. Proposal for pressure washing, caulking and touch-up painting at Grace Hopper Hall and Enders facility centers that was deferred in 2023 by the board will be brought back to the board in the first quarter.

5. Proposal for pressure washing, calking and painting of the pergolas at Parkland Quadrangle and Longview that was deferred in 2023 by the board will be brought back to the board in the first quarter.

6. Proposal for pressure wash-


Top of the season to you! Shamrocks are all around as we prepare for spring. For all your seasonal decorations and delicacies, shop local at Baldwin Park.

Things To Know

n Annual Tree Trimming. The annual tree trimming for the commercial lots will start sometime in March. The purpose is to lift the trees to keep and establish the canopy. The crepe myrtles will be trimmed, as well. n Loading Zones. Most parking lots around Baldwin Park have loading zones. These areas are for short-term loading and unloading vehicles only — and not for parking. Please make deliveries and unloads quick, because it can cause a traffic jam if these zones are blocked. Vehi-


cles parked in these areas which are not loading/unloading will be tagged for towing at owner’s expense.

n ARC Architectural Review Committee. Meetings take place twice a month, on the second and fourth Tuesday for application reviews regarding commercial changes to exterior structures (roofing replacements

Helpful Information For Owners Wildlife In Structures

The tree-lined streets of Baldwin Park offer shady canopies for residents to enjoy the outdoors and provide homes for amazing animals like songbirds, squirrels and even bats.

Bats provide great pest control. They are protected year-round from harm and cannot be evicted from buildings until after the end of the annual bat maternity season, between April 15 and Aug. 15.

Now is the time to evaluate your home for potential wildlife entry points and make necessary repairs. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission provided us with a comprehensive video addressing “How to Remove Bats from Buildings.” You can access it by visiting youtube.com/ watch?v=IbaKnvc8sZA.

ing and painting of the bollard lighting in CH No. 2 Mews that was deferred in 2023 by the board will be brought back to the board in the first quarter.

7. Proposal for pressure washing and painting of the knee walls and benches in CH No. 2 and CH No. 3 Mews that was deferred in 2023 by the board will be brought back to the board in the first quarter.

and painting), landscaping and signage. For the city to approve permits, the Commercial Owners Association must sign off on the project. All corresponding applications can be located on the Baldwin Park Network under Commercial Owners Association and Commercial Architectural Review Committee. For questions and application submission

Continued on opposite page

Townhome Service Area Committee Meeting


The following information is a glimpse of the business that the Townhome Service Area Committee addressed in the Jan. 19, 2023, meeting. A complete copy of the official minutes can be obtained on the Community Network, BaldwinParkNetwork. com.

n The TSAC moved to approve the annual tree trimming proposals provided by BrightView Tree Care.

n The TSAC moved to approve a drain installation at 1132 and 1144 Lake Baldwin Lane.


n Please remember to report any landscape, building or irrigation issues on Baldwin Park Solutions. Reporting items on Baldwin Park Solutions allows residents to share photos of the reported area(s) and receive real-time updates from management staff on corrective measures being taken. Baldwin Park Solutions can be accessed on the Baldwin Park Network.

Continued from opposite page please feel free to email Bill at BPatterson@BaldwinParkPOA. com. n Parking Lot Guidelines. The Commercial Owners Association has clarified and adopted new parking lot restrictions and rules effective Oct. 10, 2022. These rules govern all the commercial owned parking lots, including the nine parking lots in the Village Center and the lot at the Neighborhood Business District off Lake Baldwin Lane. Village Center n Roof replacements are wrapping up in the Issa 22 service area. The city of Orlando will be providing final inspections on any outstanding items. Management will meet with R.F. Lusa & Sons and A/R/C Associates Inc. at the end of the roofing project to finalize construction. n Roof replacements are coming to the Issa 28 service area (not all addresses will have roof replacements this year; some addresses are listed to be replaced in 2024 per the Reserve Study). A notice will be left on the townhome’s front door a week prior to the projected start date confirming the roof replacement is beginning. Make sure to remove all items located in the backyard/private zone area, as well as items that may be attached to the roof (e.g., satellite dishes or cameras). The roofing contractor nor the association will be held responsible for these items. The buildings to receive roof replacements within Issa 28 are the following: n 4450-4470 Twinview Lane: week of March 6, 2023 n 4451-4475 Twinview Lane: TBD n 4479-4499 Twinview Lane: TBD

Helpful Information For Townhome Owners

Dryer Vent Cleaning

The townhome Service Area Committee would like to ensure every owner is aware of the importance of cleaning your dryer vent. It is recommended the dryer vents be cleaned every year. Lint clings and can build up inside of the vent hosing. This can create a potential fire hazard by trapping the heat inside the vent system. When this happens, it also can cause condensation to form that in some cases creates what looks like a leak on your ceiling. Please check the phone book, internet or any other referral source for carpet cleaning companies, dryer vent cleaning companies or other general contractors for this type of work.

n Advanced Roofing will release a more detailed schedule to the community for roof replacements once the exact dates have been selected.

n New sod that was installed in January/February has been treated with a fungicide.

n BrightView is continuing the annual trimming of crepe myrtles within the service areas.

n BrightView currently is working on a schedule for the annual tree trimming of the canopy trees. This schedule will be available once it has been provided by the vendor.

n Per DRS Inc. here is the Townhome painting schedule for March/April 2023:


n Feb. 27 to March 10: 926-942 Fern Avenue n March 13 to 24: 991-999 Juel Street n March 27 to April 7: 1001-1007 Juel Street n April 10 to 21: 1009-1017 Juel Street n Per DRS Inc. here is the Townhome maintenance schedule for February/March: Cambridge, Ethan Lane and Meeting Place parking areas shall be used by the employees and customers of any businesses in the Village Center and employees or tenants of the Village Center residential apartments. The Neighborhood Business District parking lot only should be used only by owners, tenants and patrons of the buildings there. No overnight parking is permitted without prior written approval from the association. You can find a full breakdown of the parking lot uses restrictions and rule at the following path on the Baldwin Park Network: Home/Resident Home/Asso- ciation Information/Commercial Owners Association/COA OVERVIEW & DOCUMENTS/COA Declaration & Supplements. n Trash Talk. The dumpsters in the commercial lots are meant for trash bags and small items only. For all large items, please use OUC bulk pick-up. Stuffing these items in the dumpster or leaving them causes multiple issues, including dumpster breakdown and rodents. Visit orlando.gov/Trash-Recycling for more information and to schedule future pick-ups. n Baldwin Park Solutions. Commercial owners, tenants and managers can submit work requests through our new Baldwin Park Solutions system. It is located on the Baldwin Park Network. Simply click “Resident Home” at the top right, and you will find the link in the middle of the page. If you do not have a Baldwin Park Network account, you can request one from that page as well. Go to baldwinparknetwork.com to get started.

Schedules will be projected one to two months out to anticipate any possible future changes or delays. Notices are still being left on townhome front doors one to two weeks in advance to inform residents of any upcoming projects beginning in their address range.

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