1 minute read

Town of Oakland manager starting ‘Ask Andy’ meetings

Residents will have the chance to meet the new town official and get answers to their questions.

In Other News

n Town Manager Andy Stewart gave the Oakland Town Commission an update on the Lake Apopka Outfall project. He said town staff and Vice Mayor Mike Satterfield met with Solitude Lake Management Company officials to discuss the final stages, and the contractor agreed to remove additional sediment between the lakefront docks and extending the canal an additional 10 feet to the north. n Elected officials and town staff were reminded of the 25th anniversary celebration for Satterfield. The event will take place between 6 and 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 25, before the regular Town Commission meeting, and light refreshments will be served. Those attending should RSVP to Lynn Dattolo at ldattolo@oaklandfl. gov or (407) 6561117, Ext. 2101.

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