What is Mouth to Lung (MTL) Vaping and How to Inhale Properly? wotofo.com/blogs/mtl-vaping/what-is-mtl-vaping
Mouth to Lung vaping, and how to inhale properly, may sound like a no brainer, particular for those individuals who’ve smoked cigar or bhang previously, but you will be thrilled by the count of persons who raise complaints about their e-juices simple because they know nothing about how to handle their vaping device or the way to do it. If you have never used a box mod before, or a vape pen, or a pod system and so on, your only chances of success will be using a more user-friendly device. The abundance of modifiable properties on box mods and the like may cause you some troubles, but this shouldn’t worry you as it only requires short learning of how to do the thing. But before going there, you need to understand what Mouth to Lung (MTL) vaping actually is. You must understand the differences it has from other vaping styles. You need to know its unique features and what makes it so important and a mouth-watering style among various vapers. All that is explained in this article. If you began vaping the other day, and for the last couple of days you’ve been spending most of your time on e-cigarette forums and blogs, perhaps you are wondering what really is Mouth to Lung (MTL) vaping. Probably you will also find people discussing Direct to Lung (DTL) and discover that
these are actually the two styles of vaping. Work out which difference they have, and which one is appropriate for which reasons, and most importantly, if it’s Mouth to Lung vaping, are you doing it properly? Well, you’re probably doing it wrongly, but here is some good news for you. If you used to smoke cigarettes and quitted, and you are enjoying your vapor in a similar way as you handled the smoke from your favorite cigarette, then you are doing it right; this is the way to inhale vapor in MTL vaping. Inhaling the vapor is the only thing here, you hold the vapor in the mouth before drawing it to the lungs. Once you grasp this it is easy to understand what Direct to Lung is by just reading between the words – inhaling vapor directly/straight to the lungs. So, why do we need to hold the vapor in the mouth before drawing it to the lungs anyway? Basically, to get some sort of vaping experience which is lacking in the other. You’ve probably observed that there are various ways of vaping and there are different types of vapes available in the market.
Most smokers do vape the same way they consume their cigarettes. Using modern devices enables vapers to generate dense and desirable clouds, but for some, the result is still not impressive. They desire massive clouds and are willing to do anything possible to achieve this. At this point, they arrive at Direct to Lung vaping because it is the maker of huge and dense clouds. High-powered tanks, highly open airflow are the properties of equipment used to achieve these masses of vapor clouds. But some people are not really interested in making those large fog banks, though. 2/6
Provided the equipment forms an adequate vapor to resemble the smoke from a burning cigar, that’s okay. DTL has some cons, too, so for most vapers, MTL is probably the way to do their thing. One thing we can’t deny about vaping is the variety of flavors one can choose from. E-juice has a long history and dates in the days when there were only a few synthetic tobacco flavors. Today, there are thousands of these flavors in town, and a large portion of them are astate-of-the-art. One challenge with DTL vaping is that these wonderful flavors are bypassed over the tongue – the chief organ for tasting – so fast that you miss the chance of appreciating them. In order to compensate for that feeling, the majority of cloud chasers blend their vape and escalate the flavor concentration to insane values – more than 20 percent in most cases. Ultimately, the cost of the vape increases as flavors make the most expensive ingredient in the blend. But flavors are ingredients that don’t need to be inhaled too much – although they’re pretty safe, they might expose users to some health problems. You could also try making DIY vape juice for new flavors MTL vaping gives vapors the absolute enjoyment of their favorite flavors, even at lower concentrations, as they are not drawing the vapor all directly into their lungs. Also, less liquid is used making the entire vaping experience economical. ALSO READ: A Guide to Vaping with Temperature Control
Requirements of Mouth to Lung Vaping MTL vaping does not require extremely high power nor does it require low resistance, so any modern pod or mod systems can deliver the power needed to enjoy your vape. In MTL, you don’t need a 50-watt vape atomizer to do the job. The airflow is not a big deal; provided that the tank comes with a modifiable airflow that can be closed down to attain the appropriate effect. Choosing an e-juice is critical. Often, e-juices with a standard flavor concentration ranging from 4% to 7%, depending on the type of flavoring works perfectly – indeed, higher concentration levels are not recommended. No special technique is needed; for the majority of MTL vaping devices, just fill the tank, press a button if any, and draw your vapor just as if you’re taking a puff from a cigarette. 3/6
Others are draw-activated; you don’t need to press anything but take a puff and the device will self-ignite. MTL is the simplest style to master, and to the majority of vapers, it is the most satisfying.
How to MTL Vape Properly?
Mouth to Lung vaping comes close to smoking cigarettes. It generates a tingling feeling on the throat of the vaper, a sensation referred to as a throat hit. In comparison to its polar opposite, Direct to Lung vaping, the former generates a smoother throat hit. Often, MTL hits perform appropriately with small vapes using high nic content. You might have already known about the vape juice nicotine levels to get the vape experience. Dragging vapor from these devices, irrespective of their sizes makes you feel like you’re drawing air through a straw. The airflow is tight, resulting in low-vapor draws and creating a smoking-like experience, offering a similar sort of throat hit that smokers crave for. It’s simple: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Slowly drawing vapor from the vape into the mouth Holding the vapor in the mouth for a few seconds – while the mouth is closed Opening the mouth and pushing the vapor to the lungs Exhaling the vapor
One way to attain a successful vaping experience is keeping the entire process simple even with the vaping device you use – simple devices are not necessarily weak or inferior to advanced vapes, they are just user-friendly. 4/6
Step 1: Getting a Vape starter Kit Irrespective of their color or size, they all have the same method of making vapor. The ordinary vape costs around $20 to $60. Generally, there are about four to five vapes used for Mouth to Lung vaping that you can choose from, namely:
Pod Systems These are customized tanks whose shape resembles a pod. They are built from plastics and feature non-replaceable coil – disposable cartridges – and wicking material. They are either pre-filled or refillable.
Cigalikes Comparing them to pods, they are easier to use but weaker, have a shorter battery life and produce less power output. They feature a metallic body and space to accommodate a small lithium-ion battery. These devices are draw-activated making vaping even simpler. They are either prefilled or refillable and the cartridges are disposable.
All in one (AiO) Vaping Kits AiOs are versatile as they can be used for both MTL and DTL vaping. They come with a firing button, produce higher output power compared to cigalikes and pods, come with airflow control, and produce high vapor. They are refillable and their coil can be replaced.
Vape Pens The unit has two main parts, a battery, and a tank. Both the two parts are independent. Vape pen devices are defined by their form factor.
Box Mods Like vape pens, the unit has two main parts, a battery and a tank where the tank sits atop the battery. The device is characterized by the delivery of high output power, high flexibility, peculiar design, a screen, good longevity, good performance, unique design, et al. All vaping devices come with a user manual that a beginner can follow to become a vaping pro. They come with useful diagrams to make the instructions clear. The instructions explain how best you can use your particular vape kit. Besides the prefilled vapes, all vaping devices must be refillable with e-liquids of your choice. If you’re stuck – perhaps the manual does not tell how the devices are filled – or need more clarification, a Google search will certainly help you to find a review of the specific kit that you’re having. 5/6
Step 2: Getting the Appropriate e-Juice for Your Vape Kit Type You need to choose a flavor for e-juice that works best for you, then determine its nicotine content. A low nicotine content ranges from 0 – 6 milligrams and works best with high power. A medium nicotine content ranges from 6 – 12 milligrams and works best with medium to low power. A high nicotine content ranges from 12 – 60 milligrams and works best with low power. If you’re uncertain about the exact nicotine strength that works best for you, you should determine the bracket that you feel will leave you appreciating. High nicotine levels are felt easily and fast and create intense vaping experience whereas low nicotine levels take relatively long to feel and creates a less intense vaping experience. You can also try a nicotine free vape, which gives another experience of vaping.
Conclusion Vaping correctly or inhaling properly doesn’t have a formula; it requires you to choose the appropriate vaping gear, choose the appropriate e-juice, determine your best nicotine strength, and follow instructions detailed in the user manual; that’s it.