1 minute read
This Masterclass Guide is a concise overview exploring the modality of extracorporeal shockwave therapy and how to incorporate this into your clinical practice.
High-energy, nonthermal acoustic pressure waves generated via an electric discharge inside a fluid, which is known as the electrohydraulic method, is used.
Specially modulated shockwaves are delivered directly beyond the wound bed and periulcer area. Energy penetrates deep into and beyond the wound bed to the micro-vascular level where the problem originates, to stimulate perfusion and promote arteriogenesis and angiogenesis and form a new capilary network in the pathology of healing and wound closure.
The dermaPACE® system noninvasively delivers focused extracorporeal shockwaves that stimulate biological responses at the cellular level via mechanical stressing of tissue.
PACE® technology elicits the following responses:
■ Increased perfusion
■ Growth factor upregulation
What Is dermaPACE®?1
■ Inflammatory modulation
■ Angiogenesis