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WALKING 行走 Walking alongside the riverbanks, focus on proximity in an analytical framework, for an integrated strategy working with natural and cultural spatial structures. 都江堰的河岸,并不限于其地理边界无论在身体和心理上的感 觉
Following the derive, a methodology was setup in order to map certain focus points which are
山水营城 都江堰的水系不仅是其地理形态的组成部分, 也承载了当地数千年的文化。李冰父子修建的 都江堰水利工程依据地势特征,无坝引水,形 成一套生态灌溉系统,其影响范围直达整个下 游地区。都江堰市西、北两边山峦环绕,将都 江堰市的历史中心包围其中。可以说,山和水 构造了都江堰市,生活在其中的人受荫于其独 特的环境,也通过自己的建设逐步营造了当代 都江堰的城市空间。由于旅游业将是未来都江 堰市发展的重点,城市的历史核心区将不能承 载发展带来的压力,都江堰市将进一步向外扩 张。
Dujiangyan’s riverbanks reach far beyond its geographical borders both in physical as well as psychological sense. The structure it forms, inherited from the founding irrigation plan of Li Bing and his son, branches out into development located in the peripheral areas. Another major natural element is the mountain, which embraces the city in the North and West from its historic center. The structures derived from human activity, predominately cultivation and arrogation by Dujiangyan’s (urban) dwellers, make up the contemporary situation of the spatial structure. Taking into account the economic future of the city will focus on international tourism and leisure, the ring roads are expanding and the demographic situation will explode by 2050 (#SOURCE), the historic city center’s spatial network seems to be insufficient to cope with future conditions. Additionally Dujianyan demographic situation will boost because of floating users. The new developed areas will host mainly permanent, and the old town will probably have less dwellers and more visitors. The historic core might be threatened to have no residents at all, which is often the threat of mass tourism to any city centre. Maintaining a local population is pertinent to support the local and non-local use of the city, especially to support social life once tourists go home in the evening.
ground for pilot projects, meant to be ‘Dreams’ for the post-disaster re-development of Dujiangyan. The focus points are: human interaction in public spaces to water, spatial zones with a specific time (era/decennia), and the gradation of the mobility network. Subsequently analyses of services, network of flows (mobility and connectivity), and public spaces provided a base plan for intervention. These interventions are based on issues that portray problems, a paradox and/or potential to improve or exploit. These issues are: de-stressing the city center, promoting exchange happening in the city life, and risk assessment (natural disasters). The pilot projects aim to address these issues, through a synergetic design proposal (‘Dream’) consisting of natural and cultural spatial structures (i.e. water and mobility).
研究方向 通过对都江堰空间结构的解读,“空间结构” 研究小组将关注点放在 的发展愿景。关注点 包括:人的活动,水与城市公共空间的交互关 系,城市区域随时间的功能转换,以及城市的 交通网络。所有的这些研究都基于对都江堰现 状的解读,发展潜力的分析和对未来发展的展 望。我们致力于:对城市中心的“解压”,对 未来自然灾害的预防,增加城市生活的幸福 度。主要研究项目意在探寻这些关注点的解决 办法,并尝试给出一个清晰的都江堰市空间结 构,承载它的自然和文化内涵。
The aim is to take (more) advantage of the qualities of water via identity, economic marketability (tourism), and energy resources. Adjacent it aims to consummate the state of mobility through infrastructure and public spaces, bearing in mind the demographic explosion and the stress the historic structure would undergo in the city center. Aspired synergy should manifest itself in pilot projects where these two structural elements result in improvements in accessibility, maintaining social exchange (city life), and in profit because of its cultural marketability.
MAPPING 制图 Tracing Dujiangyan’s flows; from the role within a national infrastructural network to street level social interactions. Dujiangyan is major focus point and especially in relation to Chengdu a hub of natural and cultural flows. “蜀道难,难于上青天”。四川位于中国西南内陆,四面环 山,形成四川盆地。作为西南地区交通枢纽的成都,是多条铁 路线和高速公路的交汇点,直接连结西藏,青海,山西,重 庆,云南等。距离成都48公里的都江堰市因“水”和“水利” 闻名,再加上境内的青城山和东北部的龙池-虹口自然保护 区,使都江堰蕴涵有丰富的旅游、文化资源。 Dujiangyan as a part of the Chengdu Metropolitan area, strongly related to megacity Chengdu in future visions, functions as a transit city on a national scale. It’s a hub of converging transport flows that makes it possible to go from East to West China, and vice versa. Dujiangyan’s infrastructure characterizes the future ambitions to establish a tourism focus point, which indicates a demand for space even greater than the expected demographic figures indicate. Adjacent to its own qualities for tourism (#REFER TO PREV. CHAPTER), it connects other (neighboring) places of interests. For example Dujiangyan is the sole entrance to the mountain areas. The organic flow of rivers North of Dujiangyan explodes when it aggregates in the Irrigation Site of the city and then explodes in a divergent spectrum reaching many other cities Southwest in the region of Sichuan and beyond 1 (#SOURCE??).
1 JOCK BAKER, C. E. A. D. S. (2008) Hotspots - predictios and action
都江堰的水系不仅是其地理形态的组成部分, 也承载了当地数千年的文化。李冰父子修建的 都江堰水利工程依据地势特征,无坝引水,形 成一套生态灌溉系统,其影响范围直达整个下 游地区。都江堰市西、北两边山峦环绕,将都 江堰市的历史中心包围其中。可以说,山和水 构造了都江堰市,生活在其中的人受荫于其独 特的环境,也通过自己的建设逐步营造了当代 都江堰的城市空间。由于旅游业将是未来都江 堰市发展的重点,城市的历史核心区将不能承 载发展带来的压力,都江堰市将进一步向外扩 张。 通过对都江堰空间结构的解读,“空间结构” 研究小组将关注点放在通过具有代表性的问题 研究,提出都江堰市灾后重建的发展愿景。关 注点包括:人的活动,水与城市公共空间的交 互关系,城市区域随时间的功能转换,以及城 市的交通网络。所有的这些研究都基于对都江 堰现状的解读,发展潜力的分析和对未来发展 的展望。我们致力于:对城市中心的“解压” ,对未来自然灾害的预防,增加城市生活的幸 福度。主要研究项目意在探寻这些关注点的解 决办法,并尝试给出一个清晰的都江堰市空间 结构,承载它的自然和文化内涵。
Dujiangyan’s overall spatial structure, city scale, is predominately formed by the natural elements as afore mentioned. From a historic point of view it sprawled alongside the outer arms, close to the main river and the mountain. The contrast between the inner city (historic) center and the extending peripheral areas is due to the city’s gradual evolution; ring after ring, which aims to become the main sister city of Chengdu. Subsequently it adopts Chengdu’s mono-centric urban growth. Additionally, from a theoretical point of view, it indicates an interesting comparison to the visions of the Chicago School (1920s). It’s similar in typology and hierarchy of its commercial use of secondary (main) streets but shows the opposite in the city’s build morphology in density and heights; in Dujiangyan this rises to its highest point in the peripheral areas instead of decreasing in suburbia. 从城市尺度来看,山和水形成了都江堰的空间 结构;从历史上来看,都江堰的城市发展也是 沿山系和水脉延伸的。随着城市的逐步扩张, 城市的历史中心同新兴城区的发展采取的两条 完全不同的道路。历史城区以保留为主,新城 区沿环路不断向外扩张。城市外扩基本沿用成 都城区的单一中心发展模式。从学术的角度来 看,芝加哥学院(1920)的研究提供了具有可 比性的结论。他们研究了城市中主干道和次一 级道路两边商业空间的类型和分级。在城区 内,都江堰情况与他们的研究成果相似,但是 在城郊地带,都江堰以高层、高密度的商业和 住宅区为主,而在芝加哥学院的研究中,城郊 地带则以低密度的低层房屋为主。 “水”是都江堰的城市一大特征,不仅体现在 空间结构上,也植根在城市文化中。在将来的 发展中,“水文化“将继续延续下去,同时为 了适应未来城市可持续发展的要求,“水”也 将被用做清洁能源,解决部分城市能源需求。
In Space Syntax a depth map analysis focusing on connectivity shows the high integration (local radius 5) of ring roads, compared to a low integration in the inner city; the historic center. This indicates the accessibility and potential for commerce and industries in the peripheral areas. The factories are located alongside the main (highest integrated) roads parallel to the natural structural elements; both enjoying the proximity qualities to the mountain and river. While the medium to high integrated (side)streets, on a local scale, are occupied by various gradations of markets. From touristic boulevard with street musicians, to a small mobile market stall that still seems to attract an audience late in the evening.
Proximity as marketability: factories retail Proximity as marketability: factories retail
通过空间句法的软件对都江堰进行分析,以半 径为5为例,城市中的环路有很好的连结性和 可达性,而在历史城区中的情况 则恰恰相反。这表明了在城郊地 区发展商业、工业的潜力。主要 的工业都在主干道沿线,同时与 山势和水路结合。在城市内部, 连结性较好的地点几乎都被商业 和市场占据。我们在调查中看 到,即使是在晚上,街边的音乐 表演和街头移动商业点都能够吸 引到人群。
The contemporary conditions of mobility will not meet the demand of the perceived demographic situation. The gradation in vehicles goes hand in hand with its space-time domain, for example the tricycles will not go beyond certain distances because of their speed, while they do have the advantage of being very flexible in movements and get to more excluded places faster. Duiangyan’s future in mobility will be stimulated by the planned metro of Chengdu, considered as the spine of the city. The contemporary transportation system depends heavy on taxis and tricycles, which most probably results in congestion in the future. The ring roads provide the opportunity with the implementation of multiple vehicles to distress this system; including 7 bus lines with intermodal points. The nodes of intermodal transport are another opportunity to stimulate development. A focus point is to utilize street hierarchy to keep the flow of heavy transport on the main roads and creating lovely spaces connected by new developed bicycle routes. These routes, alongside a possible permitted tricycle system, can be planned for tourism and recreational activities; enjoying the proximity of the mountain areas and river banks.
震后随着都江堰市城市化进程加速,城市沿环 路向外扩张,城市范围内,主要有以下几种交 通方式: 公共交通; 城市轻轨:连结成都-都江堰-青城山之间的 快速通道。 公共汽车:市内主要有15条公交路线,主要服 务都江堰市居民的交通需求。但服务范围有 限。 目前有两大公共交通设施在建设当中。地铁线 将从轻轨站连结到迎宾广场-体育馆地区,并 延伸至汽车总站和城市中心水文化广场。城市 北部的货运站也将给城市北部的发展带来新的 机遇。自主交通: 出租车:招手即停,服务游客及当地居民。 私家车:除本地居民自有车辆外,还有很多周 边城市自驾游车辆。是造成市内交通拥堵的主 要因素 。 电动三轮车:采用灵活机动的运营方式,可达 性强,但不适合较远距离的交通。 自行车:使用人群减少,且城市内没有专用的 自行车道。 在小组研究中,我们的关注点主要在于: 地铁:未来的地铁将是城市公共交通的主要载 体,地铁沿线将作为城市的“脊柱”重点发 展。 公共汽车:我们决定利用城市的环路和从城中 心延伸的交通主干道形成的网络,发展更具有 组织性,更“可读”的公交路线,公交线路沿 环路和交通干道分布,干道的交叉节点作为主 要公交换乘点,将整个城市置于交通路线交织 的网格之中。 三轮电动车:梳理三轮车活动路线,重新安排 三轮车服务范围,将其用于微观交通。 自行车:多条自行车路线加入城市特别是沿河 区域,主要供旅行者使用。
The future development of Dujiangyan not only demands more attractive environment for tourism, but additionally better living condition for local residents. The public space in the city is the meeting place for flows, and breading ground for social exchange.
Public spaces of focus are those where ‘strong’ flows of people (cultural) meet a high proximity with natural flows. From a marketability point of view the train station, including the connected squares, are highly valuable. The emphasis however is to also exploit this as places for (informality and) commerce to boost the authentic urban vitality, and as assembly places in times of crisis; resulting in great accessibility of high priced land. Integrating public spaces water through zoning, landscaping, technical system support (energy/purification), and/or boosting the (social/economic) marketability is the desired synergy (#see chapter Walking).
未来都江堰的城市发展,不仅要着眼于创造更 好的旅游环境,也要给当地居民提供更好的居 住环境。城市中的公共空间是人流的交点,不 仅具有空间价值,也具有提高社会黏着力的作 用。 路网和水网架构成了都江堰市的城市结构。我 们经过研究对都江堰市内具有发展潜力的公共 空间的定义分为: 区域级公共空间:都江堰与外界交通的节点。 如火车站,地铁站,汽车站。 城市级公共空间:主要使用人群兼具游客和当 地居民。如城市公园,广场,沿河空间。 地方级公共空间:主要服务当地居民。主要指 居民区、学校等附近的公共空间。 研究中我们着重关注:
West Street-typical Sichuan residencial houses water culture park
street side restaurant Sichuan University campus
Min River
riverfront boulvard
Abandoned factory for creative industry
temple park Li Dui Park Square-in front of irrgation park
Zi pingpu water reservoir
stadium South Bridge
train staion square
The spatial fabric went through a major transformation because of the immediate damage caused by the earthquake. However in a worst case scenario an earthquake will now instigate floods and landslides additionally to the immediate destructive power. The dam; “Yuzui Levee” (Fish Mouth levee), was damaged but fortunately did not collapse during the 2008 Wen Chuan earthquake. The residual cracks are not serious (#SOURCE) however this dam is of great importance in assessing risk. Risk is formulated as Hazard x Vulnerability (#SOURCE) as well as Urban, environmental vulnerability (Risk) = Hazard (frequency x magnitude of natural event) X Assets (population and shelter exposed to hazard) x Fragility (physical characteristics of built environment) (#SOURCE). Compared to other Urban Emergencies case studies (#SOURCE UE) natural disasters do not occur so frequently and China’s government has great capacity to react, redevelop, and even prevent. However Dujiangyan’s principal dam could be destroyed in a future earthquake. Alongside improving the infrastructure; creating more opportunity to navigate and improving the accessibility, one of the key aspects for prevention could be to cultivate some of the mountain area. Cultivating this additionally for touristic attraction to the mountain landscapes, a new plan should introduce a new rural-urban typology; factoring the cultural marketability and creating the opportunity to efficiently reach higher grounds from lower situated areas in times of crisis.
地铁站:地铁线作为城市的“脊柱”,其未来 影响将扩散到周边一定范围的区域。地铁站前 广场作为人流的集散地,有对高质量公共空间 的要求。 “水”空间:水作为都江堰城市的一个重要组 成部分,滨水空间是最有吸引力的公共空间。 公共空间与水相结合,将不仅带来景观价值, 还有商业价值和社会文化价值。水元素能够用 在不同尺度城市空间中。在某些特定区域还能 够还能源项目结合。 地震带来的直接损害是空间结构发生改变的 主要诱因,其中最坏的情况是带来洪水和塌 方。在2008年的汶川大地震中,“鱼嘴”受 到了部分损害,但所幸没有坍塌,同时大坝也 体现了其对抗灾难的能力。联合国对于危机 的定义是:危机=危险+弱势。迈克•戴维斯 将危机描述城市和环境的危机=危险(频繁发 生+重大自然灾害)+财产损害(人口和避难 所被破坏+脆弱性(可建环境的物理特性)。 和联合国其他个案相比,中国自然灾害爆发频 率相对较低,而且中国政府有足够的能力应对 危机,实施灾后重建,甚至预防未来危机。尽 管如此,如果都江堰再次发生地震,“鱼嘴” 将有可能遭到损坏。因此,在目前的灾后重建 过程中,同改善基础设施建设的同时,也要因 势利导,改善不利因素,增强城市各区域的可 达性。其中一个重要方面是将山区部分土地变 为可耕种用地。山区的种植业将给单纯的山地 景观带来附加的旅游价值。新的规划将给城乡 地区发展带来一种新的模式。同时也让我们思 考如何在新的城市规划中考虑到应对危机的策 略。