Portfolio - Wouter ter Heijden

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JUNE 2016 1



TABLE OF CONTENT Introduction 4

0.1 Personal Data Resume TU Delft - Architecture and Built Environment

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1.1 Bridging programme: Urbanism 1.2 Bridging programme: Architecture NHTV - Urban Design: Thesis


2.1 Branded Urbanism for the Noorderpark NHTV - Urban Design: Bachelor Projects

22 26 30

3.1 Antwerp New Skyline 3.2 Zuid-Limburg 3.3 Talentsquare Work experience

34 36 38

4.1 Value of the Quoditian 4.2 Space-S 4.3 NHTV Campus 3



Hi, This portfolio is a selection of my work during the last five years as a student or an intern. The selection is made around three key elements which reflects my design style; strategic design, conceptual thinking and innovative ideas. Enjoy!


Name Wouter Josephus ter Heijden Title BBE in Urban and Regional Planning Date & place of birth Born on 25 augustus 1993 in Standdaarbuiten, NL Nationality Dutch Telephone (0031) 6 28 36 28 19 Mail


February 2016-July 2016 Architecture and Built Environment (Bridging programme) Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture and Built Environment 2011-2015 Urban Design (Bachelor) NHTV Breda University of Applied Science, Academy for Urban Development, Logistics & Mobility Certificate of Completion September 2014-November 2014 Minor Human Geography Utrecht University Faculty of Geosciences 2006-2011 Higher General Secondary School, ‘Science and Engineering’ and ‘Science and Health’ Markland College Oudenbosch Certificate of Completion


• Dutch • English

SKILLS (Native) (C1/IELTS band score 7.5)

Computer proficiency • Adobe Illustrator • Adobe Photoshop • Adobe InDesign • Autodesk AutoCAD • Google SketchUp • Microsoft Office • HTML & CSS



February 2015-June 2015 Research intern Golfstromen/Pop-Up City, Amsterdam • Urban Design thesis about the trend branded urbanism and its application on the Noorderpark • Assistant graphic design

August 2013-April 2014 Intern/assistant designer, Urhahn Urban Design, Amsterdam • Urban plans • Strategic visions • Spatial advice • Visualization • Models

OTHER WORK EXPERIENCE Juli 2014-November 2014 Sales consultant Dixons, Breda • Electronic advice

• Annemiek Punter (NHTV Breda, Urban Design) mail: punter.a@nhtv.nl • drs. Peter Beijer (Bureau 77) mail: post@peterbeijer.nl • Tess Broekmans (Urhahn Urban Design) mail: tess@urhahn.com • Joop de Boer (Golfstromen/Pop-Up City) mail: joop@golfstromen.nl


June 2014-October 2015 Student/ research assistant ‘Waarde van de Alledaagse’ NHTV & Bureau77, Breda • Socio-spatial research • Development interactive atlas • Multidisciplinary collaboration



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Architecture and Built Environment This chapter contains the school projects during my bridging programme for the master study Urbanism at the Delft University of Technology, “Bridging programme: Urbanism” “Bridging programme: Architecture”


BRIDGING PROGRAMME: URBANISM Urbanism project in the bridging programme for the master studies at the TU Delft. The project was to design a vision and spatial concept for the Museumpark area in Rotterdam location Rotterdam, NL type assignment TU Delft-Bachelor, bridging programme Vision: group Design: individual year 2016 concept for the museumpark vision over the years



exploded view of the vision concept


intovert museums

1.1 The Museumpark in Rotterdam is a rich but endangered area in the city. It is distinguished from other parts of the city because of the green environment and his cultural character but is shrinked due the past years. In the vision for this park and his surroundings these two aspects are used to enlarge the identity of the Museumpark and to facilitate new cultural or green initiatives. This enlargement will happen gradually. In the Museumpark the museum will contribute in this vision by change from introvert ‘forts’ into extrovert ‘hotspots’. The public space around the museums will transform into cultural open ‘galleries’ which reflects the identity of the museums.


strategy to create extrovert museums




section of Museumpark street impression of Museumpark street


urban design museumpark


BRIDGING PROGRAMME: ARCHITECTURE Redesign of the Netherlands Architecture Institute in Rotterdam in the bridging program of the TU Delft. Sustainability and construction are important aspects in the design.

The Netherlands Architecture Institute is located at the end of the Museumpark in Rotterdam. The redesign of the institute is an opportunity to enlarge the park. Therefore the institute is splitted into pavilions where the space inbetween is a public-open hall which is connected with the park and functions as a atrium. The atrium is connected with the pavilions so it can be ventilated naturally. The archive is a major function of the institute. It is located as a roof on top of the pavilions so it unify the building and to secure the collection against flooding (which is a major problem in the surrounding museums). The roof functions as a sunshade but also provides an area to facilitate solar panels or a water container. The roof is carried by the pavilions. The exact location of the pavilions is based on the construction grid of the roof.

location Rotterdam, NL type assignment TU Delft-Bachelor, bridging programme Individual year 2016

concept model

concept step by step view of the north facade



plan of the ground floor

site plan


exploded view construction climate design


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NHTV - URBAN DESIGN Thesis This chapter contains my thesis of the study Urban Design at the NHTV University of Applied Science, “Branded Urbanism for the Noorderpark�. It is a brief summary of the research and the elaboration


BRANDED URBANISM FOR THE NOORDERPARK Graduation-project about branded urbanism and the application of it for the redevelopment of the Noorderpark in Amsterdam.

The redevelopment of the Noorderpark in Amsterdam Noord has been stagnated due the credit crisis. The government has pulled out and the responsibility has been transferred to the citizens’ initiative Noorderparkkamer. New methods of development have to be used to resume the development. One of those methods is to apply branded urbanism.

location Amsterdam, NL type assignment NHTV-Bachelor Thesis, 4th year Individual year 2015 tutors Joop de Boer & Jeroen Beekmans (Golfstromen) Annemiek Punter (NHTV) location Noorderpark

impression of a branded urbanism example for Pedigree



Branded urbanism is a trend which has Studies indicate the next key point become clearer the last years. Pop-Up about the trend and how to apply it: City recognized the trend and describes it with the following definition: Brand value within the urban challenge is the point of focus and is the common “ Branded urbanism is characterized by value or goal. the project-based collaboration between Branded urbanism can be applied for the urban government and private many reasons which are defining the parties without a revenue model in the involvement. urban development, whereas private The elaboration is creative and unique, parties invest from a marketing point in whereas brand exposure is the point of urban projects and facilities which have focus and could provide publicity. an added value for the brand, city and The brand guarantee the content, the society.” designer guarantee the integration of the project. The trend is a new marketing strategy for brands. By focussing on social issues With these key points branded urbanism they will provide extraordinary publicity can be applied for the redevelopment of or brand exposure. Some international the Noorderpark. examples of branded urbanism are a sport complex in South-Africa by Nike or a self-cleaning river billboard by a Philippine cosmetic brand.

Urban issue

No traditional revenue model

Public character

Brand exposure

Creative & unique


Branded Urbanism

aspects of branded urbanism types of application

Pasive branded urbanism

Coöperative branded urbanism

Active Branded urbanism 15



A trend as a strategy: the redevelopment of the Noorderpark To understand the Noorderpark, it is analysed by three aspects; spatial analysis, social analysis and strategic analysis. Spatial analysis The Noorderpark is centrally located in Amsterdam Noord. It is surrounded be garden-city districts and the infrastructure of the Noordhollandsch canal and the Nieuw-Leeuwarderweg goes straight through the park which splits the park in three separate parts. The original plan was to connect those parts with a circuit but due the crisis only one part could be renovated according to this plan. The remaining two parts lags behind concerning the quality of the public space. Although, the most important social and cultural facilities are located in this part of the park, such as the Noorderparkkamer.

top-down vs. bottom-up strategy section of Noorderpark


Social analysis Amsterdam Noord is getting ‘invaded’ by new urbanites, the so-called gentrification process. Alongside that they live together with the original inhabitants, the new urbanites provides the ability to cope independently. This independence can be found in the activities in and around the Noorderpark. The foundation of the Noorderparkkamer achieved that the inhabitants care more about the park and watch over it. The inhabitants feel a sense of responsibility for the Noorderpark now. Strategic analysis The original development strategy was top-down but it is now no longer applicable. The top-down strategy must be replaced by the bottom-up strategy of the Noorderparkkamer.

effect of the social facility

impression of the vision

vision of the three aspects urbanism project. These projects will be valuable pinpoints in the Noorderpark. A underlying urban plan will provide that the branded urbanism projects will connect the three separate parts into one Noorderpark. There is a hierarchy where a urban designer create a sort of masterplan, toolbox and list of requests where the brands can fill in their own ideas or projects for branded urbanism. In this

project some examples of branded urbanism projects for the Noorderpark are already designed. These examples face the urban issues such as connecting the three parts or stimulating citizens’ initiatives. Brand value are linked to these issues to find a potential brand for the project. This will result into a winwin situation for the city and the brands.


Vision The analyses give us the key points to create a vision for the Noorderpark. Because of the absence of the municipality to finance the development new method must be used to redevelop the park. In this plan, brands are the one who will be responsible for this. To create a park where branded urbanism is used, the spatial and social aspects and request from the surrounding will be used to design and invent branded




Some Branded Urbanism examples

On this page three fictional examples of branded urbanism for the Noorderpark are displayed. The fourth is an extra example of branded urbanism. This one is for the former sugar industry plan in Breda, designed for the Graduation exposition of the NHTV in July 2015. This examples the broad application of branded urbanism for more urban issues. Ziggo Bridge Ziggo is a large Dutch cable company. They recently opened the concert hall Ziggo Dome and are pursuing there slogan ‘Forever connected’. The design for the Ziggo Bridge is a innovative and creative step to this slogan. The bridge physically connects two parts of the Noorderpark but also function as a public Wi-Fi spot. The facade of the bridge is a led wall as the Ziggo Dome and reference to the free Wi-Fi-zones.

Lipton’s Bright Shores The commercials of the soda brand Lipton Ice Tea are famous of his optimistic view, ‘Live the Bright side’. With this project Lipton tackle the barrier problem of the canal by approaching it with simple but optimistic solutions. The shore can be used as a ‘beach’ so it become a exclusive part of the park. By creating some well placed facilities, the barrier will be broken and the canal will become a part of the park instead.


Holy Soda Stevia Farm This example demonstrates that branded urbanism is also applicable in other locations and situation. The former sugar industry area in Breda is vacant for several years because there is no investor for the redevelopment. This idea combines the new development of the sugar-replacement substance and a new concept for the area with a sugar history. By using stevia as the concept the area will be revitalized. A brand which could be the investor could be the soda brand Holy Soda for instance.


Asics Interactive Running Track This project connects three problems of the Noorderpark. There is no proper connection between the three parts, there is a request of more sport facilities and the light in the park is not well. These issues are combined in this plan for a interactive running track. The philosophy of Asics is used to create a attractive and unique running track that connects the parts and make the park safer and more useful at night.


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NHTV - URBAN DESIGN Bachelor projects This chapter contains the school projects during my study Urban Design at the NHTV University of Applied Science, “Antwerp New Skyline” “Zuid-Limburg” “Talentsquare”


ANTWERP NEW SKYLINE A design for a vacant area next to the busy highway around the city of Antwerp. One of an important subject was the reduction of air pollution. location Antwerp, BE type assignments NHTV-Bachelor project, 4th year Analysis: group Elaboration: individual year 2014

entertainment district

qualitative public space

connecting city & ring

skyline & entrance development

part of the city

ambitions for the development impression of the completed district


3.1 The highway ring around the city of Antwerp is one of the busiest in Europe. Every day during rush hour, there is a traffic jam and the roads capacity is overloaded. Because of this, the surroundings suffers from pollution of air and noise and the highway is even ranked as one of the ugliest places in Belgium. Significantly, the situation around the ring of Antwerp is clear and there are many development to solve this problem but there are also some qualities of the highway when we take a closer look to the identity of it. In the North, the highway is lifted and this create a beautiful skyline-view over Antwerp. After this, the driver dives into the green corridor of the city. In this design proposal, the qualities of the ring are used and the problems of the ring are solved indirectly and specifically. Without dramatic development operations, the highway will be upgraded and there will be an opportunity to design and develop a new Antwerp skyline. The design focus on the

masterplan of the district timeline for the development strategy

Wassende weg, Rotterdam

Huidige fijnstof concentratie

Optimaliseren ring; beter wegdek/scheiding verkeer

Groei elektrische en schonere auto’s

Verlaging fijnstof concentratie

Realisatie R11

Verlaging fijnstof concentratie

Beleid ‘weren vervuilende auto’s en doorgaand verkeer’

Fijnstof concentratie verwaarloosbaar


area around the event hall Sportpaleis, where the panorama view of Antwerp is the best and closely before the highway dives in the green corridor. Also, the design creates a perspective of the possible development of the surrounding into an exclusive city district where some crucial city achievements, such as qualitatively public space or student housing are accomplished and former industrial buildings are transformed. This perspective is accompanied with a time-line where the crucial actions for the highway and its surroundings are described to achieve the future developments.

Start buiten evenementen rondom Sportpaleis

Realisatie openbare ruimte van de kade rondom het Lobroekdok Waardestijging omgeving

Vraag vestiging gebied

Vraag exclusief programma

Gebiedsontwikkelingen; stadsranden

Start gebiedsontwikkelingen; studentencampus

Sanering Lobroekdok

Transformatie Slachthuis

Oplevering entertainment district

Stagnatie werk en industrie door verlies functie water

Transformatie bedrijventerrein Merksem-Sportpaleis Oplevering skyline

Tijdelijke evenementen

branding & placemaking

realisation facilities & transformation

expansion city




The future development possibilities are drawn in this picture. The highway remains as a lifted infrastructure but the area around it and the Sportpaleis receives a upgrade into a exclusive new district of Antwerp. The area around the event hall is transformed into a entertainment district with a industrial identity. The area around the former dock is transformed into a exclusive public space what connects with the new neighbourhood. Those neighbourhoods also connect to the original city, so it creates an expansion of Antwerp.





ZUID-LIMBURG Research of the Southern Limburg settlement and landscape relation and an urban plan for a new settlement. location Maastricht region, NL type assignments NHTV-Bachelor project, 3rd year Individual

3.2 Southern Limburg is a extraordinary region of the Netherlands. It is the only part of Holland with hill scenery. The settlement and occupation history and context was the main focus of this research, This results in a overview of the different types of the Southern Limburg settlements which are typical and characteristic.

year 2014

spatial analysis of an ‘edge settlement’ overview of the Southern Limburg settlements


Nowadays, the population of Southern Limburg is a shrinking. The county has some initiatives to get facilities and employers to the region such as IBA Parkstad and Kennis-As Limburg. Although, these initiatives are focusing on the urban area. The futureperspective of the rural area Heuvelland is still unknown. A connection between the city and the rural area is missing. The new inhabitants of Limburg should be able to experience the Heuvelland and use the landscape as it should be. By designing this connection, Heuvelland is able to get the same profit of the initiatives as the cities.


main concept of the vision urban initiatives connected with the rural hinterland

key points of the design



3.2 The current elements of the landscape on the location are used and respected in the design. The landscape got a hidden and open experience. The former home of the woodward is a landmark at the cape. The landmark and the landscape experience have been put through the location so it create a ‘hide & seek’-idea. The landscape in-between the buildings can be used to optimize the experience of the landscape of Limburg and to create a good social structure in the neighbourhood.

transformation of the former woodward home section of the urban plan



impressions of the ‘hide and seek’ experience urban plan of the new settlement


Hidden dwellings


TALENTSQUARE Design of a public space of the student housing complex Talentsquare location Tilburg, NL type assessments NHTV-Bachelor project, 1st year Individual year 2012

multifunctional urban furniture map of the public space design


3.3 Reflecting the identity of Tilburg is an important part in the design of the public space of the student-housingcomplex Talentsquare. The routes to the entrances of the building creates a triangle, which reflect the urban structure of Tilburg. Together with the idea that you can experience the square at upper levels as at the ground floor, this forms the base of the design. Triangle elements like a tangram and a central flexible tribune completes the square where you can find inspiration and innovation.

idea concept



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Work experience This chapter contains the projects I have worked on during the following work experience or competition participations: “Research assistent NHTV” “Internship Urhahn Urban Design” “NHTV Campus Competition”


VALUE OF THE QUOTIDIAN A liveability research where the people and their stories are the point of focus to seek the value of their everyday life. location Breda, Tilburg & Roosendaal, NL type assignments Liveability research Group (NHTV & Bureau77, Trancity (publisher) & Coppens Alberts (graphic designer)) contribution Development interactive atlas, visualisation, designing methode & theorize, writing, presentation year 2014-2016

scheme of the metode of the Atlas


legend of the quotidian maps

4.1 The NHTV is working together with Bureau77 on a liveability research in three neighbourhoods. Liveability, self-reliance and resilience of the neighbourhoods are the main subjects of the research. The neighbourhoods are districts where everything is actually going pretty well. This is the reason why these are chosen. By researching ‘goodworking’ neighbourhood, the true value of the quality of the ordinary life can be discovered. We created a interactive atlas to visualise this everyday life. The atlas is an communication instrument and is based on the planned city and the lived city philosophy. Topdown and bottom-up methods are used for the atlas. An example of a bottomup method is the mental map whereby it become clear on how the inhabitants sees en uses their neighbourhood.

In the spring of 2016 the results of the research are published in the book ‘Waarde van het Alledaagse’ (only in Dutch). A copy of the book can be ordered from: trancity.nl/publicaties/dewaarde-van-het-alledaase.html cover of the book


To visualize the everyday life of the inhabitants we designed a new type of maps called quotidian maps. These maps are based on the stories which the inhabitants told us. By selecting spatial parts and quotes about the neighbourhood you can create a map of how a individual uses or sees their neighbourhood. Combining these maps with analysis of professionals gives a better and more realistic view of how the neighbourhood really works.

example of a quotidian map


CREATE YOUR OWN SPACE-S Urban plan where the future inhabitants decide the design plans location Eindhoven, NL type assignment Urban design Group (Urhahn Urban Design) contribution Finalization and visualisation year 2013

4.2 The development process of the vacant site at Strijp-S, Eindhoven, is not a normal development process. In this plan the future inhabitants design their future neighbourhood, ‘design your own space-s’. In this project Urhahn was asked by Woonbedrijf to help them with the process to create the urban plan. In the design of Space-S the front has got an urban character and the back got a village character with a quality public space. This connects with the context of the site. The beauty of this project was that the neighbourhood already exists without even a single building.

section of the site







principle drawings of the plan urban plan of Space-S


NHTV CAMPUS COMPETITION Idea design competition for the future NHTV campus in Breda.


The university of appleid science NHTV in Breda is facing a big reorganization. The current main-building get expended with the former monastery at the other side of the street. With this expansion the NHTV is able to put all the academics on one campus. The vision of the competition contribution consist three design principles; that the campus connects all the academics, the students are able to express themselves and that the campus got an international, but also a local character. The landscape in-between the buildings is the perfect catalyst to create a flexible and characteristic campus.

location Breda, NL type assignment Competition (3rd prize) Duo (Basten Simmelink) contribution Both had even parts year 2014

idea concept design principles of the campus






Haverd campus



green as main element





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