8 minute read
CLIMATE ANXIETY Navigating Our Emotions as the Planet Changes
saray leal/AdobeStock.com
by Sandra Yeyati
Following a record-breaking Or, we’re standing in front of a packhurricane season, out-of-control age of blueberries at the grocery store feelwildfires and a deadly prolonged ing confusion and ambivalence. A desire to pandemic, many of us are anxious and be healthy and adopt a sustainable, vegetarfearful, prompted by the growing realiza- ian lifestyle is playing tug-of-war with the tion of being in a state of environmental fact that these blueberries were flown in insecurity. These inklings of impending from South America, are wrapped in plasdoom are nothing new for members of the tic and were grown in a monoculture that youth climate movement—kids in their depletes the soil. It’s hard to know whether teens or younger—succumbing to hope- to eat or boycott them. “The greater this lessness, anger and rage as they learn the dissonance grows, the more likely we’ll tell science and watch leaders do nothing to ourselves that the problems are too big. address it. We decide that we can’t make a difference,
Hardest hit are “marginalized commu- so why try? We check out,” says integranities, including indigenous people, climate tive psychotherapist Leslie Davenport, refugees, farmers struggling with drought author of Emotional Resiliency in the Era of and communities of color, who dispropor- Climate Change. tionately suffer from the health effects of The first step to alleviate this anguish polluting industries,” says Jennifer Atkinson, is to validate and normalize the dark associate professor of environmental studies feelings. “It’s important to remember that at the University of Washington-Bothell. there’s nothing wrong with you. What’s
Some of us are affected in more subtle happening is actually painful and difficult; ways. Perhaps we’re noticing slow-moving there’s a lot of loss involved. Eco-anxiety is changes around us, like the gradual loss a natural response to having your heart and of bees or a disappearance of trees, and mind open, being an attentive and caring we develop a sense of loss the philosopher person, if you tune in to what’s happen’s happens happenGlenn Albrecht coined “solastalgia”, which ing in the world,” says Davenport, adding plays on the concept of nostalgia—a long- that good self-care, including mindfulness ing for a time or place we can’t go back to. practices, will expand our tolerance for dealing with tough times.
Another powerful antidote can be found in community, according to Sarah Jaquette Ray, associate professor of environmental studies at Humboldt State University, in Arcata, California, and author of A Field Guide to Climate Anxiety: How to Keep Your Cool on a Warming Planet. “People feel like they can’t impact the world because they’re only one person. But when they start to shift the lens toward the collective, it allows them to realize that the positive things that are happening in the world are actually happening at scale, and it allows them to feel like they’re part of some larger purpose,” says Ray.
As we accept climate-related anxiety and seek the company of like-minded people to affect change, surprisingly positive emotions will arise, including joy, laughter, dancing and camaraderie at street protests. “Those positive feelings help us process grief and anger, engage us in the work long term and help us maintain the stamina we need for sustained work,” Ray says.
“Think of climate anxiety as a kind of superpower, a signal that goes off to tell us something’s wrong and needs to be addressed,” says Atkinson, the creator and host of the climate-anxiety podcast Facing It. She points to grief as a compelling motivator. “You can’t feel grief without love,” she explains. “Grief is an expression of compassion and connection to others and to the pain we feel when those lives are destroyed. Love is far more powerful in motivating us to fight than any other affect. There’s no limit to the lengths we’ll go to protect what we love.”
We are only limited by a lack of ecological imagination, Davenport proposes. “Our contemporary Western culture emphasizes the rational, cognitive way of thinking, which is linear and analytical. But another part of the brain—the imaginative, creative and intuitive part—views the world synergistically and holistically. If we open up to this ecological imagination, we can have a visceral knowing of interconnectedness, making it simpler to act in a way that’s beneficial to all of us.”
Sandra Yeyati, J.D., is a professional writer. Reach her at SandraYeyati@gmail.com.
HOUSE BLESSINGS for Clearing and Protecting Spaces
by Marlaina Donato
Moving into a house, office or dried, white sage, sweetgrass, pine or lilac any new space prompts us to flowers help dissolve unpleasant memories envision bright days ahead and energetic imprints from the past. filled with hope and joy. Perhaps this is Honoring the four elements of earth, why, from first-century Christians praying air, fire and water can create balance and to dissuade evil influences to the Mayans celebrate ancient customs. Adding one or smudging herbs to welcome positive more essential oils to a spray bottle filled energy, the act of blessing a house is such a with distilled water or culinary rose water time-honored tradition. is an easy way to mist the air and the space
Whether held in private or with a inside drawers, closets and cupboards group of kindred souls, with or without before filling or refilling them. Hanging religious elements, blessing a new dwelling fresh evergreens, leafy branches or tufts takes the concept of housewarming to a of blossoms over doorways evokes what sacred level. A house blessing can temper 10th-century mystic and healer Hildegard the hair-pulling stresses of a move and be a of Bingen called veriditas—the greening wonderful way to restore harmony after life energy of the Earth. Employing a crystal or gives us a jolt, be it a job loss, a broken rela- Tibetan singing bowl, beating a shamanic tionship, a loved one’s passing or an illness. drum or playing an instrument in select Simple gestures of intention, sprinkled rooms can charge the atmosphere with with some beauty, enable us to claim our fiery hope. Opening windows, even briefly space and sow a new beginning. during cooler seasons, invites in the fresh
Arranging seasonal blooms in jewel- air of possibility. toned vases, scattering fresh rose petals Stepping into a new life—or revitalizing over the threshold or misting the air with an existing one—is one of the most beautiethereal scents consecrates what might oth- ful acts of caring for soul and self. Blessing erwise seem mundane. Singing a favorite our spaces is also an expression of gratitude, song, whispering a spontaneous prayer or something that can make any life wonderful. reciting a Buddhist chant during the flurry of unpacking invites calm and attracts Marlaina Donato is an author and recording benevolent influences. Pungent smudges of artist. Connect at AutumnEmbersMusic.com.
Intuitive & Healing Arts
Synchronicity Sees Influx of Spiritual Seekers
Marcus Feighery has noticed an interesting side effect of Covid-19: an influx of spiritual seekers at his metaphysical shop, Synchronicity. While the 15-year-old shop is well known for its psychic readings, as well as for having one of the largest crystal selections in the Hudson Valley, Feighery says he’s seen a significant increase in customers looking for spiritual direction, healing and guidance since the pandemic began.
“People are realizing how fragile life is,” he says. “Now more than ever, they’re searching for inner peace and hope. They are awakening spiritually and are searching for answers, seeking a deeper understanding of life.”
Psychic medium Dominique, who provides readings at the shop, says she’s received spiritual messages since she was a girl. She’s been offering healing, guidance and support to an evergrowing clientele.
“Since the pandemic, many people want clarity and insight into what the future holds, especially regarding work and finances,” she says. “Others would like to receive messages from loved ones who have passed on. Connecting with spirit brings a sense of peace, which people are now desperately seeking.”
Synchronicity carries a large selection of spiritual tools, including crystals, books, candles, sage, incense and oils. It also offers these items online at SynchronicityNY.com. Gift certificates can be purchased on the website and emailed or printed. To enter contests for free psychic readings and register for spiritual classes and meditations, follow @synchronicityny.
Location: Synchronicity, 1511 Rte. 22, Unit #C6, Brewster, NY. For more info, call 845.363.1765 or visit SynchronicityNY.com.
Pam Cucinell Phone, online & in person 917.796.6026; InsightOasis.com
Elizabeth Pasquale, CST, NLP Bemer, Cranial, Lymph, NLP At home, office or remotely WellOnTheWay.org; 607.351.7024
Bernadette Bloom, MI Energy Healing & Teacher 239.289.3744 theesotericbloom.com
The Temperance Center Merrill Black, LCSW Reiki Master/Instructor Light Body Quantum Healings 914.793.2600 TheTemperanceCenter.com
White Lotus Grace NEW Intuitive Healing, Readings & Dance Millbrook + Virtual Sanctuary 845.677.3517 whitelotusgrace.com
Reflections of Nature NEW Guided Meditative Walks thru Nature Dutchess/Putnam/Westchester 845.489.7250 LandscapingWithNature.com
To place a listing on this page call 845.593.0065. NEW AGE STORE
The Soul Connection NEW Crystals. Jewelry. Books. More 4 Crestview Ave., Cortlandt Manor, NY 914.737.HEAL; soulconnectionshop.com
Synchronicity NEW Psychics/Crystals Candles/Tarot/Sage 1511 Route 22 Brewster @synchronicityny 845.363.1765 SynchronicityNY.com
Angel Aura Spiritual Boutique 12 West Main St, Pawling, NY 845.493.0432 AngelAuraBoutique.com
Celestial Touch Laura Schek, Psychic Medium, Reiki Master 7 Arch St, Pawling, NY 845.244.1767 celestialtouchllc.com
In Balance Concepts Qigong. Tai Chi. Meditation 2505 Rt. 6, St. 108, Brewster 845.803.1992 Inbalancetaichi.com
Anne H. Bentzen, RMT, JRP Reiki Master Teacher & Energetic Counseling 914.588.4079 balancing4life.com
Edit Babboni, CHC, RYT 200 Reiki Healing. NEW Health Coaching. Yoga. 61 Lakeview Drive, Yorktown Heights, NY 917.721.2529 yoga.zengarden@gmail.com