Come Learn With Us - Summer

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An Advertising supplement to the WAshington post Summer 2012

1 EZ

Chit Chat With Wendie Lubic pAge 6

We WAnt to heAr from you!

For questions, comments and suggestions regarding this section, please send an email to

FoCuS on teenS Summertime options pAge 3

CampS A glance at area summer camps pAge 8

CalenDar oF eventS May-September

Fall Edition

Coming September 5 SpaCe DeaDline: auguSt 15

Open houses; adult learning; special needs programs...

pAges 2-12

And more!

What’s your teen doing this summer?


the washington post wednesday, may 2, 2012

Focus on Teens SummEr OpTiOnS


An Advertising supplement to the WAshington post

Advertiser Index Academy of Christian Education................................. 3

Imagination Stage..................................................... 8

Alexandria Country Day School.................................. 5

Kingsbury Day School ............................................. 11

Applerouth Tutoring Services ................................... 11

Marine Science Consortium ..................................... 10

Arena Stage ............................................................. 9

Mark Turgeon Basketball Camp................................ 10

Atlas Performing Arts Center ..................................... 8

Mathematics & Technology for Talented Youth........... 11

Baby Bash and Bling............................................... 10

Michigan Technological University ........................... 11

Barrie School............................................................ 3

Musical Theater Center ............................................. 8

Beauvoir................................................................... 2

Plan USA ............................................................... 11

Brooksfield School .................................................. 11

Randolph-Macon Academy........................................ 5

Burgundy Farm Country Day ...................................... 2

Round House Theatre ................................................ 9

Camp Fleig ............................................................... 6

Sea Camp............................................................... 10

Camp Horizons........................................................ 10

Sophia Learning...................................................... 11

Congressional Camp................................................ 12

Studio Theater .......................................................... 9

DC Youth Orchestra Program ...................................... 8

Terps Soccer........................................................... 10

Dynamo Elite Soccer Programs ................................ 10

U.Md. Soccer Camps............................................... 10

E. Nopi ..................................................................... 6

U.Md. School of Music.............................................. 9

Edmund Burke School................................................ 6

U.Va. Summer Workshop......................................... 11

Encore Stage and Studio............................................ 8

University of Charleston ............................................ 7

Fairfax Collegiate.................................................... 11

Valley Mill Camp .................................................... 10

Georgetown University...........................................4, 7

YMCA Camp Letts .................................................. 12

On the COver (Camp/COurtesy Of) main Image: Getty Images from top to bottom: Sophia Learning /, Michigan Technological University/ Michigan Technological University Photography, Sea Camp / Seacamp Association, Inc., Randolph Macon / Cindy Rodney of Randolph-Macon Academy abOut the seCtIOn This special advertising section was produced by The Washington Post Custom Content department and did not involve The Washington Post news or editorial staff. This section was prepared by Maria Leonard Olsen, hired by The Washington Post Custom Content department. account manager: Rebekah Sporer 202.334.4351 Custom Content account manager: Anne Cynamon 202.334.5226

special sections manager: Julie Gunderson production Coordinator: Mamie Belle section Designer: Amanda Stefano

Calendar may-September

photo courtesy of e. Nopi


An at-a-glance look at goings–on, events, and happenings in the Washington area.

May AZALEA GARDEN FESTIVAL May 4-6 / 10 a.m.-5 p.m. tour perkins Garden, which produces more than 15,000 blooms a year. purchase annuals, azaleas, flowering shrubs and roses as well as antiques, jewelry, clothing and gifts. Games, rock climbing, facepainting, a dunk tank, inflatables, and much more entertainment. Landon School 6101 Wilson Ln. Bethesda, Md. OPEN STUDIO FRIDAYS AT THE NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY May 4, 11, 18, 25 / 1 - 4 p.m. Check out a portrait Discovery Kit to explore the museum and try a different art material each week. National Portrait Gallery Education Center, Room E151 8th and F Streets, NW Washington, D.C.

PORTRAIT STORY DAYS: MAYA LIN May 5, 12 / 1 - 4 p.m. Drop in to listen to a story about a person who has influenced american history and culture and to create a special piece of art. For ages 5 and older with adult. National Portrait Gallery Education Center, Room E151 8th and F Streets NW Washington, D.C.

FAMILY PORTRAIT DISCOVERY KIT DAY May 5, 13, 20, 27 / Saturdays 1 - 4 p.m.; Sundays 2 - 5 p.m. Kits available for families with children ages 5 and up on a first-come, firstserved basis. Kits provide a self-guided, interactive, and imaginative way to learn more about the “sitters” (people in the portraits) and their contributions to american history. National Portrait Gallery Education Center, Room E151 8th and F Streets NW Washington, D.C. ContInues pAge 4

BURGUNDY Where learning comes alive!

Junior Kindergarten - 8th Grade . Exciting, experiential curriculum

Make a Splash at Beauvoir this Summer!

. Diverse, nurturing community . Extended day and enrichment opportunities . Limited bus service from DC, MD and VA

ExtEnsivE summEr Program For ChildrEn agEs 3–11

all new academic camps and half day programs!


the washington post wednesday, may 2, 2012

. 25-acre Alexandria campus

Swimming! Sports! Cooking! Museum Visits! Art! More! For more information visit or call 202-537-2313 3500 Woodley Road, NW • Washington, DC 20016

. 500-acre Center for Wildlife Studies

Still Accepting Applications! Call Today: 703.329.6968 Individual tours available by appointment Burgundy Farm Country Day School 3700 Burgundy Road . Alexandria, VA . 22303 703.329.6968 .

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Focus on Teens I’m shadowing a doctor at the local hosptial

What’s Your Teen Doing This


Jobs for Teens

Of course working for money has obvious benefits, such as saving for upwardly spiraling college costs. Babysitting, working at restaurants and shops, and lifeguarding have been popular summer teen jobs for generations. This summer, however, the federal government has taken steps to help students get started in the federal workforce. The government’s Pathways Program offers federal internships for students at various levels, beginning at the high school level, and provides training and career development opportunities. Information on paid positions in federal agencies can be found at The Summer Youth Employment Program at the Library of Congress and a public affairs student intern position at the Department of Veterans Affairs recently were posted on the site. In addition, many area camps and clubs have summer job openings. For example, Beauvoir, the National Cathedral Elementary School, has jobs for counselor assistants, counselors in training (CITs), swim staff, lifeguards and aftercamp staff positions for high school and college students who are interested in working with young children. Log on to for additional information. The Barrie Camp in Silver Spring hires students aged

3 EZ

Academy of Christian Education

16 and older to help in its extended day program. Their CIT program has attracted numerous area youth as well. See Landon School’s summer camp also has a robust teen counselor program, as do many others.

Students should participate in summer activites that demonstrate active learning and engagement beyond the high school classroom in a field or area that highlights their passion and interests.” Looking ahead To College

Amy Ciccone, Director of College Counseling at Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart in Bethesda advises that students should participate in summer activities that demonstrate active learning and engagement beyond the high school classroom in a field or area that highlights their passion and interests—whether that be an internship, shadowing opportunity, volunteer experience, job, a course for credit or a preConTinues nexT page

Forty five acres of woods, fields and streams - just minutes away.


Barrie Day Camp since 1932

We are the closest camp to Washington D.C. that offers a traditional range of summer camp activities and fun, innovative programs that children enjoy today. We have the unique ability to offer swimming, riding, boating, and overnights all in our natural setting. With the support of our exceptional counselors and program specialists, campers are encouraged to give everything a try, create something new, explore the outdoors, respect and appreciate the natural world, and have fun. An Academically Accelerated School

Accelerated Academics Preschool-Elementary

Integrated Technology

Smart Boards, iPad, 1-1 Computer Lab

Test Preparation

Critical Thinking, Logic, CogAT, NNAT

Summer Camp

Academics, Field Trips, Fun Activities

703-471-2132 | Fax: 703-471-5790 1808 Michael Faraday Ct. | Reston, VA 20190

FEATURING OUR COUNSELOR IN TRAINING PROGRAM FOR TEENS Convenient BUS SERVICE from Chevy Chase, Bethesda, Potomac, North Potomac, Rockville, Silver Spring, Tenleytown, Takoma Park and White Oak. EXTENDED DAY- Mornings and Afternoons

301.576.2816 • 13500 Layhill Road, Silver Spring MD 20906 The summer program of Barrie School


What is ACE?

the washington post wednesday, may 2, 2012

Day Camp, Specialty Camps and Leadership Training

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4 EZ


What’s your teen doing this


DC Youth orChestra Program may 6 / 4 p.m.

Discover your passion

Chamber concert Eastern HS 1700 East Capitol St. NW Washington, D.C.

Explore your interests

asIaN PaCIFIC amerICaN herItage moNth FamILY DaY may 6 / 11:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. Bring the whole family to the Smithsonian’s kickoff celebration of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. Enjoy a day of music, dance, and spoken word performances; arts-and-crafts activities; and video interviews by the Hirshhorn’s Artlab+ teen videographers. National Portrait Gallery Kogod Courtyard 8th and F Streets NW Washington, D.C. month/apahm/apahm09/event_detail/ feature_event.html raNDoLPh-maCoN aCaDemY oPeN house may 6, 20 / 2 p.m.

Experience college life

Summer Programs for High School Students

Programs are offered in Medicine, Science, Business, Politics, Law, Journalism and the Arts & Humanities. They can choose to participate in an 8-day intensive non-credit Institute or earn college credit for up to 10 weeks in our Fundamentals program or in undergraduate courses.


the washington post wednesday, may 2, 2012

If your high school student craves challenges, strives for success and is thinking about college, we invite them to make plans to study and explore Washington, DC at Georgetown University this summer.

For more information and to start an online application, visit

Learn about R-MA’s summer programs and academic school year for students in grades 6-12. Arrive at 1:45 to register, as the event begins promptly at 2:00 p.m. Randolph-Macon Academy 200 Academy Dr. Front Royal, Va. FaCINg hIstorY: Be the artIst Youth Program may 12 / 2 - 4 p.m. This class is designed for children to explore portraiture in depth. Participants take a brief guided tour of the exhibition, focusing on the portrait of Maya Lin (b. 1959), who designed the nation’s Vietnam Veterans Memorial; listen to a children’s story or short gallery talk; and create a piece of art using some of the same materials or concepts. National Portrait Gallery Education Center, Room E151 8th and F Streets NW Washington, D.C. DC Youth orChestra Program may 13 Beginner concert - 2 p.m.; Intermediate concert - 4 p.m. Eastern HS 1700 East Capitol St. NE Washington, D.C. FamILY FuN NIght: e.NoPI PIzza & PuzzLes may 18 / 4 – 7 p.m. Bring your family and friends to a fun night of games, puzzles, and pizza at E.nopi Math, Reading, and Writing in Vienna. 145 Church St. NW Suite 301 Vienna, Va. ContinueS Page 6

college course. “It’s especially helpful if this activity aligns with a prospective major—for instance, Continued if a student is interested in the medical field, he/she could volunteer at a hospital, shadow a doctor, get an internship at NIH or take a course in molecular biology at the college level,” Ciccone said. Academic enrichment programs abound at Washington area schools and colleges, such as the University of Virginia and the University of Maryland. Summer Study Program has pre-college programs for high school students at four college campuses, including the University of Colorado and the Sorbonne in Paris. (See Taking courses over the summer to obtain college credit or to beef up a high school transcript is no longer uncommon in this competitive climate. SAT/ACT prep courses and tutoring are also gaining popularity as summer activities for teens anxious about taking time away from their school-year studies, and increasing college admissions and scholarship success. Popular—but pricey—services include Prep Matters, Studypoint, Capital Educators and Kaplan Test Prep.


high school counselors and organizations like habitat for humanity also can assist students with tackling their student service learning hour requirements.” So You Want to Play College Sports?

Sports are an entrée into college for many area athletes. For the student hoping to play college sports, “they need to attend camps with a variety of college coaches from schools that they are interested in,” said Kathy Jenkins, head girls’ lacrosse coach at Alexandria’s St. Stephen’s & St. Agnes School, whose 600 career win record is unrivaled in the region. “In addition, the students need to work on developing their skills and try to play in a couple summer tournaments.” Jenkins has sent hundreds of players on to college lacrosse teams. Dwayne Bryant, director of athletics for Stone Ridge School and former Georgetown University basketball player, echoed this sentiment. “The reality is if a kid wants to play in college, he or she has to put in the time no matter what sport it is. He or she has to play three to four times a week for an hour or two a day to build the skills to compete at that level.” Noting that the college athletics recruitment process has changed a great deal since his high school days, Bryant said that “When [he] was growing up, it was all about getting into the gym and training. Now it’s about building skills specific to the sport being pursued.” One of Bryant’s daughters is playing soccer at Loyola University in Baltimore. His high school sophomore is ranked number ten overall in the country for soccer and number one for her position. She will play with her club team this summer at tournaments around the country in front of 200 to 300 college coaches. “These days college recruiting [for sports] starts sometimes in 7th or 8th grade, and there are no college rules against it.” Caroline Smith of North Bethesda followed this path.

I’m working as a camp counselor

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Focus on Teens From sixth grade onward, Smith practiced with her lacrosse club team every summer and played tournaments each June and July. “The summer prior to junior year of high school is a big year for college recruiting,” Smith said. So she participated in a lacrosse camp last summer at Stanford University, and two other popular camps that are showcases for college coaches. Smith, who is in her junior year at Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School already is committed to play at Stanford University. Three other talented Visitation classmates are committed to play lacrosse at Yale, Brown and Berkeley.

5 EZ

I’m learning a new language

Service Learning

Some students use their summer break to complete their community service hour requirements. Horizons Greater Washington offers a six-week summer enrichment program designed to help a diverse population of children from low-income families to develop a lifelong interest in learning, advance academic gains over the summer, and improve achievement in school. Teen counselors are hired each year to work in the summer program, which is held at the Maret School, Norwood and St. Patrick’s Episcopal Day School. “Many of our high school counselors started out in our program as a means for fulfilling their community service obligations but become completely hooked and continue to work throughout the school year in our Saturday program,” said Charis Keitelman, chair of the Maret Horizons Volunteer Council. “It is pretty competitive among high school students to become Horizons Assistant Teachers because we get many more applicants than spaces every year. Most repeat for other summers, and often will return from college to work at Horizons. It’s infectious working with these children.” High school counselors and organizations like Habitat for Humanity also can assist students with tackling their student service learning hour requirements.

Learn Something New

Check out the many choices at or


the washington post wednesday, may 2, 2012

But there seem to be few times in life that one has the luxury of such blocks of free time as school summer vacation. Why not learn to be a chef? Or a silversmith, potter or glass-blower? L’Academie de Cuisine offers summer classes for children and teens. The Bethesda cooking school offers week-long camps designed for children ages nine to 12 and teenagers from 13 to 17. This summer, the teen programs include a “tour of Italy” and French cooking techniques. Glen Echo Park’s offerings include dance, photography, ceramics, silversmithing and many other art media classes. The Writing Center’s summer screenwriting class will be held at Glen Echo Park as well. See for more details. Why not pick up a new language? For example, the National Cathedral School is partnering with Middlebury Interactive Languages to offer two-week summer day academies in Spanish, Chinese and French for middle and high school students. Instruction is based on the renowned Middlebury immersion methodology. For more information, see Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education programs have gained popularity. The U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis has a summer STEM program in June for rising 8th to11th graders, allowing them to gain exposure to the number five “Best Undergraduate Engineering Program” in the country, as ranked by U.S. News & World Report. See for more information. ]



Chit Chat Photo courtesy of Judy Licht,


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Wendie Lubic




Wendie Lubic has worked with parents and students in the Washington area for more than 17 Students years as a certified parent educator at the Parent can find Encouragement Program in Kensington, and as a their passions via college counselor with her College Lady college community service admissions counseling service. or internships, and As an educational consultant, she recommends you don’t have to go community service or internships for summer teen activities. “Students can find their passions via community to the ends of the service or internships, and you don’t have to go to the ends earth to do them.” of the earth to do them,” Lubic said. “As long as they are committing themselves and doing things that matter to them, these are the best ways teens can spend their summer breaks.” Lubic’s student advisees have volunteered for Metro Teen AIDS, the Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, and various arts organizations. They have pursued internships at Walter Reed and taught physics and other subjects to inner city students. “Of course, paid work is great, but if you can’t find a paid job in this economy, or one that will keep a student’s interest, the student will be better served by doing something meaningful that really touches him or her,” she said. “Colleges are looking for that passion. They don’t want to see parents spending thousands of dollars to send their kids to China or Latin America to see poor people. They want that passion that really can be found in their own backyard.” n

Spend the Summer in the City! Camps for ages 6-18 Academics • Athletics • Travel Performing and Visual Arts


the washington post wednesday, may 2, 2012 202-362-8882 x 631

4101 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20008





For ages 5 and older with adult. Drop in to listen to a story about a person who has influenced American history and culture and to create a special piece of art. Today, learn about Chinese American silent film actress Anna May Wong (1905-1961).

Join the celebration as the VA 091st Air Force Junior ROTC cadets perform their final parade of 2012.


For ages 5 and older with adult. Drop in to listen to a story about a person who has influenced American history and culture and to create a special piece of art. Today, learn about Japanese American artist and landscape architect Isamu noguchi (1904-1988). National Portrait Gallery Education Center, Room E151 8th and F Streets NW Washington, D.C. DC YOuTh ORChESTRA PROGRAM May 20 / 4 p.m. Junior philharmonic concert. Eastern HS 1700 East Capitol St. NE Washington, D.C. DC YOuTh ORChESTRA CONCERT May 22 / 6 p.m. Kennedy Center Terrace Theater 2700 F St. NW Washington, D.C.

National Portrait Gallery Education Center, Room E151 8th and F Streets NW Washington, D.C. E.NOPI Of fALLS ChuRCh OPEN hOuSE May 31 enrolling now! Come learn about our program. Free diagnostic testing! 105 N. Virginia Ave. Falls Church, Va.;

June AfTERNOON AVIATORS Starting June 1 / fridays, 2 - 4 p.m. hands-on aviation-themed activities at this weekly series for children ages five and up. College Park Aviation Museum 1985 Cpl. Frank Scott Dr. College Park, Md.

Randolph-Macon Academy 200 Academy Dr. Front Royal, Va. VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION Of MILITARY SChOOLS fAIR June 2 / 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Learn about the five military boarding schools of Virginia. Tysons Corner Marriott 8028 Leesburg Pike Tysons Corner, Va. 32ND ANNuAL WAShINGTON fOLK fESTIVAL June 2-3 / noon-7 p.m. Free festival presents folk music, dance and craft exhibits. Festival supports 450 performers on seven stages, including a storytelling stage, music for family audiences and a participatory dance program in the Spanish Ballroom. Glen Echo Park 7300 MacArthur Blvd. Glen Echo, Md.

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Calendar LIVING CLASSROOMS CHILDREN’S MUSEUM June 2, 3, 9, 10, 16, 17, 23, 24 / 10 a.m. -3 p.m. For children up to age 12. Experiential museum with a focus on science and the environment. June’s focus is exploring different types of animals around the world and meeting “animal ambassadors” who live at the museum.


DINOSAUR pARK pROGRAMS Monthly 1st and 3rd Saturdays, beginning June 16 / noon-4:00 p.m.

Learn about R-MA’s summer programs and academic school year for students in grades 6-12. Arrive at 1:45 to register, as the event begins promptly at 2:00 pm.

Dinosaur Park is a 41-acre park in Laurel, Maryland, featuring a rare deposit of fossils from the Cretaceous Period. On the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month, join paleontologists to interpret fossil deposits.

Randolph-Macon Academy 200 Academy Dr. Front Royal, Va.

Glen Echo Park 7300 MacArthur Blvd. Glen Echo, Md.

GLEN ECHO SUMMER CONCERt SERIES June 14, 28 / 7:30 p.m.


IMAGINE=IMAGE tEEN WORKSHOp June 18-21 / 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

Evening of fabulous music and carousel rides. Military bands, youth bands and other local talent featured. Rain or shine. Ballroom Café open or bring a picnic dinner.

Learn about the five military boarding schools of Virginia. Bethesda Marriott 5151 Pooks Hill Rd. Bethesda Md.

Glen Echo Park Bumper Car Pavilion 7300 MacArthur Boulevard Glen Echo, Md.

IMAGINAtION BEtHESDA June 4 / 11 a.m.-4 p.m.

fISHING pROGRAM fOR BEGINNERS June 15 / 9 - 11 a.m.

The 17th annual Imagination Bethesda, a street festival celebrating children and the arts, includes musical performances, children’s entertainers, hands-on art and craft activities that will line the streets in downtown Bethesda.

Ages 6 to 12. Park rangers teach about casting, handling fish, fishing ethics, safety and fish biology. Program is recommended for beginners, and includes outdoor lecture and hands-on fishing.

Woodmont Ave. and Elm St. Bethesda, Md.

School House Pond 14100 Governor Oden Bowie Dr. Upper Marlboro, Md.

For ages 13-16. Does your school picture do you justice? Want to say more about who you are? Looking at famous people and portraits, using cameras, smart phones and other digital media you will create a portrait during this four-day workshop. Teens will explore image-making by creating portraits that reflect key aspects of what makes them who they are. National Portrait Gallery Smithsonian Institution Education Department 801 F St. NW Washington, D.C.




ing Ener t a



Join us June 24 - 30!

Interested in attending?, or 304-357-4875

Summer Medicine Programs for High School Students The world of medicine is fast-paced and exciting, and your high school student can experience it firsthand this summer at Georgetown University. Our curriculum, developed and delivered by Georgetown University Medical Center faculty, will allow them to go inside the most current issues in medicine while working alongside Georgetown medical students and professors exploring different medical themes throughout their week on campus. Help them apply now and join us this summer for these medical activities, plus field trips within Washington, DC and activities on campus. They will experience college, before graduating from high school!


Rising high school sophomores, juniors and seniors are invited to join in this week-long college experience, where students work together to solve a real-world problem: creating a sustainable energy company.

Experience college life

the washington post wednesday, may 2, 2012





UC S m

Explore the medical field mobile-learning-institute-nationalportrait-gallery

Continues page 10


Discover your passion

Dinosaur Park 13200 block of Mid-Atlantic Blvd. Laurel, Md.


Start an online application today, visit

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8 EZ

This Summer... Be A Star!


MeMorieS Atlas Performing Arts Center  1333 H Street NE  Washington, DC 20002

& Session 2 July 16 -27, 2012

Photo courtesy of Imagination Stage

Both Mulan Jr. and Tom Sawyer will run each session.

Monday-Friday, 9am- 4pm* Ages 6-12

*Aftercare available for an additional charge

$600 for each of the 2 week sessions

TheaTer caMpS

Register now at For more information call Atlas Box Office 202.399.7993 ext. 2 This program is brought to you by:


For aspiring thespians, acting camps are surprisingly plentiful in the Washington area, such as those at Imagination Stage in Bethesda, Act Two @ Levine at the Strathmore Music Hall in North


Musical Theater Camps & Classes!

100% Concentrated, O rganic Fun! Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Summer 2011

Session 1 July 2 -13, 2012

Traditional summer camps have been a mainstay of children and teen summer memories for years. Nearby Barrie Camp, located on the 45-acre wooded campus of the Barrie School, has served children aged four to 14 since 1932. “In Maryland, it is the closest traditional camp to the nation’s capital,” said camp director Peter Vogdes. Minutes away from Washington, the Silver Spring camp offers on-site horseback riding, swimming, canoeing, acting and more. Campers who are 14 years old participate in Barrie’s CIT program where they spend half of their day in leadership training activities and service as a counselor-intraining. They learn skills while earning community service hours. “With our wide variety of activities and our perfect camp setting, where better to let summer be summer and kids be kids?” See for more information. Other summer camps within a few hours of Washington include CampRimRockandCampAlleghany for girls in West Virginia, and Camp Sea Gull and Camp Seafarer in North Carolina. If parents are overwhelmed by the choices available, services exist to help facilitate the decisionmaking process.


visit us online at

Musical Theater Center


June 25, 2012 - July 6, 2012 Ages 5 - 14 Elementary Music Day Camp String Camp & Band Camp Camp Location: Maury ES DCPS

Beginner & Intermediate Classes

July 16, 2012 - August 3, 2012 Ages 4 ½ to 19 Violin, Viola, Cello, String Bass, Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, Percussion, Guitar, and Recorder

1700 E. Capitol St. NE. Washington DC 20003 Phone: 202-698-0123 • Fax: 202-723-4555 •


the washington post wednesday, may 2, 2012

Michael J. Bobbitt, Producting Artistic Director | Joseph A. Rossi, Managing Director | Diane Hamilton, Artistic Associate

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Drama, Musical Theatre, Dance, and Filmmaking 1, 2, 3, or 4-week Summer Camps for Ages 4–18 Half or Full-Day options with before & after-care. Full-Day Camps for as little as $312 a week! Visit us at, and register today!

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Adventure CAmps For some fortunate teens, summer is for travel. For example, Bold Earth Teen Adventures offers high school students summer camps of adventure travel, learning and leadership. Other well-known adventure travel programs include Overland, The Road Less Traveled, Rustic Pathways and Wilderness Adventures. Most of these combine travel experiences with community service, language immersion, adventure experiences and cultural appreciation.

Express Yourself

Photo courtesy of Camp Horizon

Bethesda, Musical Theater Center in Rockville, Adventure Theatre’s Summer Music Theatre Camp at the Atlas Performing Arts Center in Northeast, Studio Theater in Northwest and Arena Stage in Southwest. Some students, however, pursue opportunities on the other side of “the pond.” Ms. Sherion Cosby, a teacher at Westland Middle School in Bethesda, sparked a love of all things Shakespeare for Amaya Murphy of Chevy Chase when Murphy was a Westland eighth grader. Now a freshman at Savannah College of Art and Design pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts, she spent her high school summer breaks participating in theater programs. One such experience at the British American Drama Academy (BADA) the summer before her senior year “absolutely cemented her decision to pursue a career in acting and broadened her perspective regarding the talent that exists out there,” said her mother Arantza Murphy. Amaya was able to audition here in Washington for the BADA slot, which also gave her valuable experience for college performing arts admissions auditions.

9 EZ


Still having trouble choosing the right course for the summer? Resources that may help parents and students choose camps include, a comprehensive summer camp directory and summer camp guide for kids and teens. Also, Camp Experts and Teen Summers is a free summer camp and teen summer program advisory service. (See In addition, Tips on Trips and Camps offers counseling for parents and students trying to choose summer camps of all sorts. Personal camp advisors are assigned to clients. See tipsontripsandcamps. com for more information. ]

summer programs for grades k thru 12 and adults visit or call (301) 585-1225

be a star this summer! The Studio Theatre

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music | dance | media theateR | visual aRt

musical theateR academy Acting Conservatory

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tRaining company and ‘new’ audition intensive

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Variety: “THE AREA’S PREMIERE PROFESSIONAL TRAINING FACILITY FOR ACTORS AND DIRECTORS.” Spring 2011 Young Actors Intensive Workshops for Young Actors, ages 12–17.

Call 202-232-7267 for more information. 1501 14th Street NW, Washington DC 20005 WWW.STUDIOTHEATRE.ORG

Band: July 22-27 • Strings & Vocal: July 29-Aug. 3


the washington post wednesday, may 2, 2012


A Day Camp for Band, String, and Vocal Musicians entering grades 5-10

Camp Features: • Quality instruction from UMD faculty and outstanding K-12 teachers • Daily rehearsals that introduce and reinforce ensemble performance skills • Small group lessons promoting individual musical growth • Elective classes in composition, jazz, fiddling for strings, technology and more • Culminating performance in the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center

RegistRation closes soon. register today! | 202-600-4064

explore discover create • 301-314-2490

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The Marine Science Consortium



Expo & Show

Featuring "Bump the Runway"

Fashion Show

Calendar Continued

Tia Mo w


ImagInatIon Stage Week-long Dance campS June 18 – 22 Session 1 June 25 – 29 Session 2

Special Book Signing Fashionista & Celebrity Mommy, Star of HIT TV Show "The Game", Reality TV Star from Style Network's "Tia and Tamera" and author of "Oh Baby!" TIA MOWRY Hosted by News Anchor on NBC 4 ANGIE GOFF Saturday, May 19, 2012 • 12pm-4pm Renaissance Arlington Capital View Hotel 2800 South Potomac Avenue, Arlington, Virginia

For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit:

Summer Camps Family Camps College Courses Adult Workshops Angie Goff

Mark Turgeon BaskeTBall CaMp

at The University of Maryland 2012 Dates

Day Camp: June 18th-June 20th Overnight Camp Session I: June 24th-June 27th Team Camp: June 29th-July 1st Overnight Camp Session II: July 5th-July 8th The Mark Turgeon Basketball camp offers young men the opportunity to learn the game of basketball and make new friends in a fun and supportive environment. The campers will play on the home court of the Maryland Terrapins. Camp also offers the campers the invaluable experience of spending time on a college campus.

Call 301-314-7029

for registration information or visit for more information. Camp is open to boys age 8-18.


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dAy CAmpS AlSo AVAilABle University of Maryland College Park, Md. SEE OUR WEBSITE FOR DAY CAMP DATES & DETAILS

reSideNtiAl CAmpS

JuNe 24-27 July 11-14

2011 NCAA Sweet SixteeN

Also offering Performing Arts, Equestrian and Adventure specialty camps!

regiSter oNliNe: www.terpSSoCCerCAmp.Com

For more information: E-Mail - (or) Call - 301-314-0191 or 202-465-1855 • 540-896-7600

2012 SOCCER CAMP • GROUP DISCOUNTS For Complete Details and Schedules Please See Our Website. NEW THIS YEAR – A/C DORMS!! For More MARYLANDSOCCERCAMP.COM Information: 410.707.4424 • 301.314.1035

JULY lIVIng claSSRoomS cHIlDRen’S mUSeUm July 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, 29 / 10 a.m.-3 p.m. For children up to age 12. Experiential museum with a focus on science and the environment. July’s focus is on outdoor adventures—hiking, rockclimbing and playing in the wonderful world of nature. Glen Echo Park 7300 MacArthur Blvd. Glen Echo, Md. RanDolpH-macon acaDemy open HoUSe July 8 / 2 p.m. Learn about R-MA’s day and boarding programs for students in grades 6-12. Arrive at 1:45 to register, as the event begins promptly at 2:00 pm. Randolph-Macon Academy 200 Academy Dr. Front Royal, Va. Dynamo elIte SocceR camp July 9-13; July 16-20 / 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Fairview Elementary 5815 Ox Rd. Fairfax Station, Va. glen ecHo SUmmeR conceRt SeRIeS July 12, 26 / 7:30 p.m. Special Sunday concert, July 22 / 4 - 8 p.m.

Glen Echo Park Bumper Car Pavilion 7300 MacArthur Blvd. Glen Echo, Md. Dynamo elIte SocceR camp July 30 – august 3 / 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Dynamo Elite Soccer Camps Alexandria and Burke Virginia

Armistead Boothe Park 520 Cameron Station Blvd. Alexandria, Va.

U8-U17; Half Day Available; Sibling & Team Discounts Registration & more info

Coming September 5! Space Close August 15. Open houses; adult learning; special needs programs... And more!

Evening of fabulous music and carousel rides. Military bands, youth bands and other local talent featured. Rain or shine. Ballroom Café open or bring a picnic dinner.


Come Learn Fall Edition With Us

American University Campus The Katzen Center 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW Washington, D.C.


the washington post wednesday, may 2, 2012

University of Maryland College Park, Md.

• Visual & Performing Arts • Sports • Aquatics • Horseback • Nature • Outdoor Adventure, and so much more!

One-week camps: $235. High-schoolers enjoy fun, flex week-long camps including, Hip-Hop: Urban Jams; Broadway Jazz: Chicago & A Chorus Line; Dance Michael Jackson; Project Choreography.

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Accredi Acc redited ted by the American American Camp Association Association

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August DC Youth orChestra Program august 3 / 6 p.m. Summer Concert.

Summer Camp 2012 – Fun in the Sun

Eastern HS 1700 East Capitol St. NE Washington, D.C. LIVINg CLassrooms ChILDreN’s museum august 4, 5, 11, 12, 18, 19, 25, 26 / 10 a.m.-3 p.m. For children up to age 12. Experiential museum with a focus on science and the environment. August’s focus is on wonderful water—learning the ways we use water, why things sink and others float, magic tricks and more. Glen Echo Park 7300 MacArthur Blvd. Glen Echo, Md. DYNamo eLIte soCCer CamP august 5 – 9 / 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Armistead Boothe Park 520 Cameron Station Blvd. Alexandria, Va. gLeN eCho summer CoNCert serIes august 9, 23 / 7:30 p.m. Evening of fabulous music and carousel rides. Military bands, youth bands and other local talent featured. Rain or shine. Ballroom Café open or bring a picnic dinner.

Fairfax Collegiate Summer 2012

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iPad is the registered mark of Apple, Inc.; SOPHIA is not associated, affiliated or endorsed by Apple, Inc.

Glen Echo Park Bumper Car Pavilion 7300 MacArthur Blvd. Glen Echo, Md.

Two 2012 Sessions 1: June 24-July 6 2: July 8-July 27 Apply online: roCK ‘N’ roar CoNCerts at the NatIoNaL Zoo august 12, 15, 29 / 7 -9 p.m. Enjoy amazing concert music in a truly unique setting. Rain or shine. National Zoo 3001 Connecticut Ave. NW Washington, D.C. uKeFest 2012 august 15 / 7 p.m.

The Mansion at Strathmore 10701 Rockville Pike North Bethesda, Md. KaYaK LessoNs august 26 / 9 - 11 a.m.

Lake Artemesia. Berwyn Rd. and 55th Ave. Berwyn Heights, Md. Continues next page

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Better Tutors, Better Results 866-789-PREP This summer, teens take on the world at

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YUGA Leadership Camp! July 22-28, 2012 Scholarships available!

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Ages 10 and older. Learn kayaking skills from a certified instructor. Park Rangers will provide kayaks, paddles, and life jackets. Program is recommended f or beginners.



Register Here

the washington post wednesday, may 2, 2012

A free summer concert outdoors featuring the Hula Honeys, Keola, and Moanalani Beamer, Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer. Pulled pork, burgers, hot dogs, drinks, sides and more will be available.

What do you want to learn this summer?

Writing and Reading • Mathematics Science • Public Speaking • Test Preparation Robotics • Programming • Digital Arts Video Filmmaking

George Mason University 2012 Summer Enrichment

Program in Mathematics and Technology for Talented Youth • Non-credit enrichment courses for students entering the 7th - 12th grade. • Classes are held at George Mason University, Fairfax campus. • Courses: Algebra 1 through Calculus; JavaScript. • Term 1, 6/25/12 – 7/6/12; Term 2, 7/9/12 – 7/20/12; Term 3, 7/23/12 -8/3/12 • Contact person: Dr. J. E. Lin at (703) 973-6889 or (703) 993-1459. • Website: • Email:

An Advertising supplement to the WAshington post

12 EZ

Calendar Continued

42nd AnnuAl lAbor dAY Art shoW August 31 / 7-9 p.m.; september 1 -3 / noon-6 p.m. Free event. Features more than 250 artists from the mid-Atlantic. Artists of all ages are invited to display original works of art. Dances held in the Bumper Car Pavilion and carousel rides throughout the show. Glen Echo Park 7300 MacArthur Blvd. Glen Echo, Md.

Ongoing FrEE summEr concErts may 3 – July 19 / 6 – 8 p.m. Free live concerts that rock downtown Bethesda with an array of music. Veterans Park, corner of Norfolk & Woodmont Avenues. outdoor moVIEs And concErts At rockVIllE toWn sQuArE may 4-september 28 Free outdoor entertainment on Fridays throughout the summer, featuring events on the plaza, including a kids’ night, an outdoor movie and a concert each week. Rockville Town Square Rockville, Md.

the studio theatre Acting conservatory

( Actor’s procEss June 18 – August 10 / mondays and Wednesdays 6 – 8 p.m.; tuesdays and thursdays 8 – 10 p.m. Cost: $525. An introduction to core experiences and concepts crucial to the development of the actor’s art. prIncIplEs oF rEAlIsm June 18 – August 10 / mondays and thursdays 3 – 5:30 p.m. and 8 – 10:30 p.m.; tuesdays and thursdays 8 – 10:30 p.m.; Wednesdays 7 – 9:30 p.m.; sundays 4 – 6:30 p.m. Cost: $525. A class that develops realistic acting technique through lecture and rigorous experience with stimulus-response, motivation, characterization, interplay, text, and subtext. grEEk trAgEdY June 18 – August 10 / mondays and thursdays 3:30 – 6 p.m. Cost: $499. An intermediate acting class that furthers the student’s experience building skills through classical acting style. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Shakespeare I.

sIngEr’s procEss June 18 – August 10 mondays 6 – 9 p.m. Cost: $395. A class designed to teach the student the basics of singing. VoIcE I June 18 – August 10 / mondays and Wednesdays 6:30 - 8 p.m. Cost: $350. An intensive class in vocal work designed to provide the actor with a basic technique for vocal preparation and performance. moVEmEnt I June 18 – August 10 / tuesdays and thursdays 6:30 – 8 p.m. Cost: $295. An intensive class designed to identify, relax and warm up parts of the body that hold tension, prevent free movement, and limit expressiveness. AudItIonIng June 19 – August 10 tuesdays and thursdays 6 – 8 p.m. Cost: $450. A class dedicated to preparing the student for the audition. dIAlEcts For thE stAgE June 19 – August 10 / tuesdays and thursdays 8 – 10 p.m. Cost: $395. A class specifically designed to help actors who want to learn British RP; Cockney; and general US Southern dialect. ImproVIsAtIon I June 18 – August 10 / mondays and Wednesdays 8 p.m. – 10 p.m.

Cost: $450. An introductory class designed to heighten the actor’s ability to respond to stimuli with honesty, spontaneity, and creativity. Young Actors EnsEmblE summEr 2012 session 1: June 25 – July 13; session 2: July 16 – August 3 Session 1: $865; Session 2: $925. Since 1986, The Conservatory has offered a program for young actors (ages 12-17) with or without prior experience/training. Address for The Studio Theatre Acting Conservatory listings 1501 14th St. NW Washington, D.C.

Grades 5-8. 4-week sessions: $1,295 (Only $324 a week!). Apply acting, vocal, and dance technique training to a fully-staged musical theatre production overseen by professional directors, designers, and choreographers. Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School (Upper School Campus) 11710 Hunters Lane Rockville, Md. summEr musIcAl shoWcAsE June 18 – 29. session 1: leader of the pack / July 16 – 27. session 2: broadway’s best of the 21st century Grades 6-10. 2-week sessions: $795. This brand-new performance program, has all the fun of our productions in a shorte. 2-week camp – culminating in an evening performance!

Imagination stage

( Arts ExprEss summEr cAmps June 18 – July 13. session 1: Journey to the center of the… cafeteria? / July 16 – August 10. session 2: once upon a time: A rock musical 4-week sessions: $1,245 (Only $312 a week!). Arts Express is Imagination Stage’s popular “Introduction-to-Theatre” camp for children entering grades 2-4 in Fall 2012! Imagination Stage 4908 Auburn Ave. Bethesda, Md. musIcAl thEAtrE productIon cAmps June 18 – July 13. session 1: bye bye birdie / July 16 – August 10. session 2: Fiddler on the roof, Jr.

Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School (Upper School Campus) 11710 Hunters Lane Rockville, Md. dAncE pErFormAncE cAmp June 18 – July 6 Grades 5-8. 3-week camp: $975. Dancers, have the opportunity to work on varying dance styles while developing their technique and knowledge of dance history. American University Campus The Katzen Center 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW Washington, D.C.



EXPERIENCE AN OVERNIGHT CAMP ADVENTURE Join us for an Open House 2-4pm on February 12, March 11, April 1, April 29 or June 3

Resident Camp 2012 Activities include: 2012 Traditional Day Camps for ages 6-14 , and specialty camps for 8-14 focused on Horseback Riding, Sailing, Waterskiing, and Paintball!

● Horseback Riding & Trail Rides

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● Waterski and Wakeboarding


● High Ropes Adventure Course

● Paintball

● Appalachian Adventure Trip

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● SwImming Safety Program

● Kayaking & Canoeing

● Making New Friends and Memories ... and so much more!

YMCA CAMP LETTS is located on a 219 acre peninsula just outside of Annapolis Maryland, a short 30 minute drive to Baltimore and Washington DC!


the washington post wednesday, may 2, 2012

NEW this year... one week camps all summer and more free add-on programs! ● 410-919-1410 ● PO Box 208, 4003 Camp Letts Road, Edgewater MD 21037

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