Mass Non-Registration Achieved
You did it! As the 31st March deadline for registration of the Household Tax passed, over one million of you refused to register and pay this unjust tax. Despite the government’s threats, lies and intimidation the majority stood firm and refused to pay. It represents the greatest act of mass civil disobedience in the history of the State. This represents a greater percentage of the population than was the case for non-payers in Britain at the start of the anti-poll tax campaign. Well done to you all!
Vibrancy The vibrancy of this campaign was witnessed on two memorable occasions. On Saturday 24th March the National Stadium was packed to overflow, when over 3,000 people attended from all parts of Ireland, an electrifying rally against the household and septic tank taxes. The following week over 10,000 assembled
for a lively and colourful march through Dublin city centre to the Fine Gael Ard Fheis.
Organisation The success of these major campaign events came from having well organised, local community campaigns of ordinary people in every county. Thousands have turned out for public meetings, campaigners have distributed hundreds of thousands of leaflets door-to-door, and thousands have signed up as members of the campaign. The people of Ireland found their voice, got organised and are now in open revolt against government policy. While government ministers attempted to bully people into paying the tax, the strength of the campaign ensured that the majority felt confident enough to withstand the intimidation. However, thousands were bullied into paying, and resented doing so. They may have felt isolated and fearful of the possible consequences of not registering. The Campaign must reach into those areas, not organised in the run up to the registration deadline. Those who may have registered, but who still oppose the tax, are welcome to join the campaign.
Experience The experience of the anti-poll tax campaign in Britain showed that even more households refused to pay in the second and subsequent years following its introduction. We have laid solid roots in many communities across the state. But in order to force the government to axe the tax we need even more people to become actively involved.
Join the campaign to Axe the Household Tax! Contact your local campaign through the Northwebsite Meath campaign at: Contact:
SĂŠamus McDonagh or phone: 087 6596876 1890 98 98 00
Post the deadline:
Your Household Tax Questions Answered What percentage of those due to register actually did so? Based on figures from the 2011 census and verified by Prof. Rob Kitchin at the Department of Geography, NUI Maynooth, just over 1.8 million households were due to register. On 3rd April official figures showed that an estimated 876,000 households had registered * . So approx 51% have not registered. Even if this figure slips a little, it’s clear that mass non-registration is a fact. * Department of Environment figures quoted in ‘Irish Times’ 4th April
What are the fees and interest for late payment? There is a 10% late charge for the first 6 months, a 20% late charge for the second 6 months and a 30% late charge after that. There is also 1% interest per month. This means a penalty of €42 in a year.
Can the charge be levied on my property? Yes. This could come into play if you want to sell your house. But remember, if they manage to impose this tax and the property and water taxes due to follow, you could be paying more than €1000 annually by 2014.
Can they find the information to register me from ESB bills etc? The household tax legislation gives them the legal right to consult databases held by utility companies such as the ESB. But the fact that someone is the bill payer doesn’t prove that s/he is the owner.
Can I be taken to court and/or fined?
What support will there be for me if I am taken to court? No one will go to court alone. We are not going to defeat this tax through the courts, but we will use court cases to challenge any aspect of the legislation that we can, with the objective of clogging up the court system. So when the first cases are taken they will be vigorously defended and accompanied by mass protests. A number of solicitors have already volunteered to help the Campaign, and we will welcome any others that wish to do so.
There is a potnetial fine of up to €2,500 for non-registration. But this is not automatic - you would have to be taken to court, and the court would have to find against you. Because there are so many not registered, they can only take a fraction to court.
Any successful legal challenges will make the government re-think their strategy. But they can change the law so we know that any legal victory will only be temporary and it is the power of protest that will force abolition of the tax.
Can the tax or a fine be deducted from my wages or social welfare?
As things develop, if we find that we are making the same legal case in all courts, it may not be necessary to have solicitors at every case. Campaign volunteers will be briefed on the legal points and accompany those summonsed to court.
No, not unless the government changes the law. And even then only if you are taken to court and the court finds against you.
What if local services are cut? If services are cut, it will be a direct result of government cuts to local authorities. Attempts to cut local services will have to be resisted through local campaigns.
Every court case will be accompanied by large protests.
Longer FAQ online Or call our hotline 1890 98 98 00